Newspaper Page Text
s'?ScEE|psr^itD r TBISIf The Largest Wha Best Xfesdrtment of crytkto&JP the Grocery, I4j^ f | ’snjtlMi at the Lowest Prices ia ,e I '•***'’ to te fcmnd at Ji *a C. LEWIS ZDTTJSriL.A.IP’S, We9t Baltimore Street. WHITE SUGARS EVERY GftAD-fr-- 810, LAGUAYRA A JAVA COFFEES. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, froin the lowest to the,very fipestin mar- , p ket. Also, JAPANESE TEAS uow ' " so extensively used. io’ SPICES 6 lb, Japanned caqs, hinged, all variAtlba.’' Matches & Blaclting manufacturer’a prices. ~ ~’ Cofffeeßssence, Succory Barley, Bxr4 aiau Shoe, aps, * Fancy Soaps, &c. acl,rl . Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent j v PALMER’S DANDELION COFFEE,;. ) gc —r-BNi-u „i “=.;!■• ••••.: tin Boston Crackers and Milk Biscuit. ' Fox’s Farina Crackers. i; ; . li* s .14 -• * 4 s * Sweet's Infallible Liniment. ’ • ' Extract ROofe fat MAkihg Beer. Oriental Co’s., Japan and Wheat Coffee. f , New England coffee. London Club coffee. Maiinfacturers’ Prices, " ' Bacon’s Excelsior Coffee- ~;i ..i n,*v i • #ii' L ‘' ■-*)"' i , k TO ffO uro'fl b’4B*BwayV®*mil|)r Coffee- vsm v 1 uj bs'ds 1; n; -. . i ■** -*m - 1■ ■ Breadbenfc’s. French Coffee* sisua hi : Tb ri" - . aadtwn ■/ .ut-inv ;. In fact can supply you with everything, xneu* ! line, riffeti - 'Call'Snit convince yourselves. .noieiJeiai <J; LEWIS DUNLAP, J , 7 No r W BaHimoro .Street, . ' Between Instituteanß.Bridge, Baltimore,. 1665.—-ly .VJ.;; ; ,-..|11i .fall hi ItuT STARR’S RgiffiG FOUR-SHOOTER. •; t - Safeat Pocket Pistol Made. -^SYpr uiajqed .I'tlo';;?.. 11 ••T” rp HE ad wantages of this arm are: ■ '■ j “■ L 1. It is the only Pistol that can. bo /placed in - position to receive "the; Cartridge with-dao l -land. ’ 2. Jjfecac be loaded in.the dark, quicker than any ..ther Pistol, and with no danger, hv-jii 3. It carries A heavier Cartridge t han any oth- the same size. - wv>; *o' <: y‘ 4. Ji is the safest Pistol to ioad,-shoot or carry, at a premature discharge 5. ft has lean parts thanany other Pistol, and is less liable to get out of ordei. 'i<r. 6. It shouts the ordinary metal Cartridge that can to© purchased anywhere. TO BB FOCSD AT THE PRINCIPAL GCX AND UAB.D-| WARE DEALERS. <./ T I MERILL PATENT FIRE ARMS’CO.,' * Sept. 9,1865.—1 y. Baltimore, Md. OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. I'tHE undersigned having thoroughly . r mowed his stock, and laid in a com-Tw andpi in histipe, respectfully so.-] licits .he attention of country purchasers, and a call ftagkjM 4fSNOS?IO'i(OJ . Havmg peffected his arrangements,-both lP" the qitie?, with re gard topurchases, he is enabled to sell *9 low vs to aatiefy-bis customers, that while the artj des *in htfif ,ilne are judiciously selected, liis PRICES: ferC’UHEARER thaw the cheapest. Te requests a call from everyone who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they wijl be !atiiddV ’.lh itfildition' t<J the usual stock co‘4 : linect In 1 keep on hand a thor- of * •J, ••-patentMEDICTNES. P. Physicians’ orders promptly filled zrithjcare. N. BC Oil of Vitriol at the lowest eash price., ™ ; FRANKLIN METZGER, Cor. t?a/and Exeter streets, Old Town.- Feb, 2, igfil—iy eriJßTjic .ir,.o JAA-.Y3.T07. •! II .‘ ft." MER- O CHANTS, < And Citizen* bf Baltimore Cot * J T O B A. CC6~S NTJ F F AND S EGARB, WH ole S A L Ei A NJ) r e.t A li*.. A Large Assortment, all of best brands and at the very k> weet prices, forsale' l "* “ * at my Warehouse, ; , ; * hin^ South Calvert Street, Near Water St. Next door to Mr. G. D. Clark’s Jewelry Storeu . PLEASE OBSERVE THE No. 31. until S O'VjOCKATpTp&T, t Jf Hie accomodation of my friends. P. C. OASPABI, Tobacco Merchant. .ruiß.29.—3m. . ; i i ui —...,rr-v Bull’s Head Hotel, , Gay, street, Baltimore, Md. y-'- t*it a ; .feblidhed hotel 1 , 90 ably >!AGtfalfy' i tetoridttCted-forfjSSHjjr **-* ' liTidfi months, ‘bv Thotnas|!llfHL oa.n! Vfjl*Be continnea by hit]2£|£pH ; haling take* with her liitd ' t fie s,'i!is*s, Robert D. Stansbury, of Dayisvtlle' . .;ui iNstrim, Baltimore younty.‘ The firm will,' be khoWh as TRACEY A' d The old patron.’ li3hmeiit,~SS' l welba9 the-frieiids of f hohew prg pr. -tor, may rest assured thpt nothing in their p* -er will be left undone, to merit a full share of the patronage of the ' a . HENRIETTA |TRAuEY. v \ ;;; rokert d. 3tansbuhy./ May —tf , , E. J. C HURCH, ..U MrS?- "DSALES, ' \'i . P ! ;V -*-1 Gay and Monu- ‘uen- S Baltimore, lo -kb'oH.a* land aib varieties of.LUM* Bt wJt-.ih hr - H i ,ij;w * • inty who intend -*ya< . aev ted-to <wyr . . : '-5 ' -.1 ‘ -THE CA R UJ AD sAT CITY PRICES % -4 IfIhQGD FtiET five-fotrth. YeK . i it’l yiriug, well seasoned, for xalie,cheap. : y;4. —fm- [SBWtql t\d]?|;a,T. srgrCG... I. Wco SISCO BROTHERS, ? ‘ JTo. 95 Baltimore dtreet, Baltimore, rOi.te9ALE J iLND RETAIL jfAtTPACTCRERg OF i l Pa Hows’ and Masons’ Regalia ;3&N#ERS,;EtiQS, feTGNAIiS, ,v ”tu ■ Uv.r'*antl 9o *,jj.-iiimlfi “- ‘M’ANWAfITURERS GP ?ravoling Trunks, ValteW anA Ladies Bonnet Boxes, fro. i WEST BAT,TIMOBF. STllstfTj BALTi\iORE. • it,T /uoD TM mfsKMM* E VO pRfiEJi Jrfck • Jan. 14, 1865.—1 y. t -of .h WIDUiM. HtJTCBUIS .-gintoVMi nsnaiff ’ Daa lePdti and Grocery avftl High sti., ' COP a oheicejmd - ,Afl. WINE^.'GRGGER IAdr*'.’-'** <*[*:* 3tbi*M<y l .%e whidWthey et i'lv i- t. t.b • Atteutiori ef pntdkkbeti. X -v., I.V-if ' v HdVI.TC . . ,to9ilehooosa l.t ,x'inaA ir .I.tiaW—l-i FOR THE FARMERS! T jflßytfs, Look at the Great Advau i , l i, yuTi'.i''.-mi yo.'fl-td, J I tageimThireahing Grain with o QEISER’S PATENT, ‘ aimuj.itdi .1 ,laafC>K i" sdaiSadj’loi ; > SELF-RKGUiUATING GRAIN' SEPARAtu" j TOR, LEANER. AND BAGGER. ki if attnid" like the) prfesebt, * labor Is 1 7V tbat FVrhvers, who are interested, sHtWila'pfeyktteritidn'te the above whijcK cbAflideVably reduces the .exueijaepJ Jhrcshipjj GlSUAidfer auy machine [ ’now in uisp. • It,i^.peculiarly adapted to its work antTcgn be to either belt or iron rod ( Powers. It cleans the grain thqroughly by one oboration, W ll 4ch is not generolly done by any other machine.;. Grain cleaned by thi machine, . Which.opntaija* mnohylighL filthyitter r is WortJi one W two cents than if yjieaJhed in the Coitim'on way. The machinc is flopyonjently arranged for hajufing. beipg fixed on two wheels,. ; f CANFIELD BROS. &CCT, sfts, ..peAfciCtitforb st., Hi . CH’ARLES, ; '! Tf AVE V fiM Slick of— n ; S TV N Gold;Chatd®YC9tVa|id Guard Chains. . : ‘Diamond Earrings. Pins, JlraCtdets Eipgs- I Rich suits of Jejvelryof new “#!•,.*. i, - Bracetets, Necklaces, Earrings and Pins of gfeatymfe^r.gft agfiw iitfAJ . ° iP©afL‘CarbJHpr, Seal and other Riijgs.,, , . jS^er.Spooiis^FprTffl,,Ladles, Biittej:. J^uives, i pxfor PiUdiefS, /ituWcts, Cups, Salta, Ac. , jFancf Silver Goods’of hew styles. , ferfSfipwfi? l ?!: . :w plated St 1 Alab&ta Por'ks ahd Spoons of best <iJalW. :; I.™ Tabhfarid Pdcket Chfclery, Scissors k Razors. ;i : WaWbds liafefiiliy repaired. ■ !■ FaH3 v 6tye¥* Glasses' Portmonaiee; beautiful ahff Pdrtdlalh Vases;j beautiful Par -16 CVd Rv^iVer^yud'OthCf articles-; Prout’s ‘Hirf’ itdd TbOth Brushes; Fine Marble uii.d Bronzed Paris'’Clocks'; Bronzed Figures and OrhddieAtji. ’ ‘ . MwTAUy GOODS. L kwhtdfr and Belts for Artny and Navy, Sash eb, fibdrtr Buttons; Dace', Cord, Navy Lac*, G&pSvSkarsAnkkfiirtbroideriCs, Army Embrm deries>bf alt-kifidvChevrenß-, Bindings, Cloth;, ftc. Field 13lasses. Pistols and Cartridges. n> ,f>ilftfi&Hfc, I m- o’‘-ti ': • , ■■ | ~■ f..n t.v. h. . • '■' i •■il t - Geo. EEi €arhini Joshua M. Bosley. LAND AQEItCY, “NT't’iygELL'AN D PURCffABE• tin ‘comhlis ' 'YY sion, REAL, ESTATE ml eyery db,s,crip “fldn.UtfJ mtftiW Blltteore: the' Cbunties. ol : MaArland'kiid^other' fetates;—BOßßOW AND Y ON •MORTGAGE, I—and 1 —and attend toCl’ireetibifs Vf : akiuU9 promptly. 10UR OFFICE is’ centrally and conveniently ocated I’With 1 ’With afll the hpplianceß'for a thorough and use aUpfpWEkuff available *meAnß to present to the pdrcbaking public and capi talists, such property asMy be in Opr hands -Jbr sale. . _ , IF you wanTfo Sell a House ?r Ground .Rqnt, inform ilßiltfthie facii aiiu'|iui iit on our Books. * * 'j o MORTGAGES exatiue?uxJßooks ,bpfore you ■ipffliods itiotir’ line, are fet-1 pectfallt gireUS a call, or commu J" OflM||4ifcPk‘rJoll Rati (up stairs.) S. E. “"COrahr of Balupidre apd Calvert Sts.-,—* |, peb, RAW-BONE: PHOSPHATL, Tire In Fine,lkrsn Powder, Expressly 11 Tied fer ; Producing Large >G lasuiaeaa viia -v.-mi ,Hn ' ! -usT ft Olr. .;,d WHEAT AND GRASS. O Phosphate has at tamed‘4s stiuidard of excel i as 3,,FeiulJzer f fit; has Lecome the mosl < |oppl%Efßwttjji,jn;kV Its ac i th>h ott thb.p ra .P!’. oniie and its -'benefits to ine soil are permanent. i Tt would Farmed to.aeud in their ! orders'qarljphtiify# kutisciiber or to any of bis Aganta‘fro.ip>,hpm 4f,culalfl gl partic- i: .-. jv Price in Haltitiiore; s6‘2 per 2,000 '1 7 awHiijiatl !.llfcC*hwoi h. ! JJ ' to Dealers, in BfrHWE DIIttDALE, .lillW JitUl 30 WVW3'! VTlllll ; Pl r!>. ;1 i -S.. n ; JBOLEvAGENT,.[ -u..i 'N liter hart, If ! BALTIMORE. \ f Jbly *.-a^rtI v: T ” nil-, rmri. u; CLOTHIH,} JflpSE. • ■ -YYiGYS’ Jackets, Bovs’ Goats, Boys’ Pants n Men.’s, fcJNE CjU>TH COATS, Men’s ikcfi 'Ooßtl, iiV Walking Coats r i 1 fow^Cft%tßjrMefr’/l: pat' - ; 1111 I ;i J9UHHNOOYERCOATB; -• Mplf dF*afMr: hftin’s Fa'ncy Pants. f -j- We • ad Boy’j clothing iil’Vhepfty. Together With ' a,SUPEßldftbTGOK^rv’dor A\ / : L,„. 8 ‘ for p ustdfU'Vi^rk,/d/f ab.<Am iOvid rates. At; '\F SMITH BROS. A CO., 1 Ti ;MAR^E , HOUSE, ’ 1 hi.;: 17. i. W etreet,,;.—tf ei hnul i-i -*.ll it•:■>, PHOTOGRAPHS 1 AVrn \> V VAND’ AMBROTYPES. CELEBRATED GALLERY, 331 liflHo. 9t., €or. (’ltarlesj ! Trxir* f,i iuIPAJfFJ MO R M-J :i : , ... ; Li Y ipeans pf Jat#,ipiprovepie.ntMuthe prep- Jj aj-Mipn pf in the a>ri*nge- ;: ■ unsnjt'of a SkwigiVL vtbffi Pipjturea of Children >M in a single .. ; secohd of time. The imjpjqvsd ue Ui Wt-th is gallery enables us to take picture!. as well in cloudy as in dear weather. t. L. lpfecial wU^lj® ). ;£Ud bietures of aHkinds copied, enlarged and , .Uiadjß'^ioT r 4lt)pkktiHl fctfail UieVarigibal.. I i 1 June I— jfeua Al.’.-n.LA -1A 1 ... .seiH^ugtiou’e; , . ; m,,!’.,* ssfHlMSKure D i/idl, n tto TTOD3 Rlttrtr Urt ■ : as mmmm •*™ii .i^V n • -it • it consmered a certaih Aure for the i WSai Tl* t** tr - *“ ’Mi;(fiy street I s 'U? ZU>y.U*—°Sl .U— d-i'tl- K!. !.. ) / 1 .. . *d SjO®FN Di HAMMOND, ~. ‘*i Attire, 8 , AN£ # oGl#i&i* ,^AMAIFAQTD'RI2R, :-|-R i WHOLESALE <k RETAIL, 'i' J " ■ 'NB. 348'Baltimore sti, MjjjjjXffii {£sss& gXI 3 d -a below Eutaw Tjjg iTfpLit • > tL/UANtUPAdEDJbEf and keeps ennstnntlybn J iiiwi hamd-#s#ry;;diesoripfion bf SADDLES, V A LIFER, CARPET r> RAGS,;DGLLAjI;B, -nffd i every other ■ article in rl' *rfl aaders:enuted with neatness and 'dispatch/* l JJ Ailßtfc+-lT 1 '• 1 nlmb in'ienoD feoaifiinKlv gA i . - lt: t,r j i ue above, machines are fully warranted. — Puce of the machine, from 4 to 6 horses, all a complete $2lO. For further information and Q particulars address, LINTON A LAMOTT, ..mi 5 i , 161 N. High street, Baltimore. Q ALSO, % Braley & Pitt’s | Threshers and ivith double pinion Horse-Power. i' Straw and Fodder. Cutters, ] ■ A for hand or horse-power. ■■j] CORN SHELL ER S, all sizes and kinds, t GRAIN DRILLS, ] with Seed and Guano Attachments. £ HOMINY MILLS, j PLOWS, all sizes and kinds. j Guanos and Other Fertilizers. i LINTON & LAMOTT, 131 North High greet, Baltimore, Md. May 6.— tf ... ■■ ' ; FAMILY GROCERY. i THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET, i M Jobn C. Litt, (Late of Calvert and Pleasant stroets,) ‘ TTAVING taken that new and commodious il store, at the head of Richmond Market, cor- • ner of Biddle and Garden atretts, Baltimore, in forurs his old friends aud customers,-’and the public in.general, that he has constantly on ■ hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe- rior sugar-cured HAMS ; the choicest brands bf FAMILY FLOUR j Imperial, Gunpowder/ j :;Yipung Hyson, and Black Teas ;• Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee; loaf,crushed,pulverized,clari fied and brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rioe Flour, Sago, YcaSt Powders, Sardines,Sauces, Pickles, Extracts, Salad Oil, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sips, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers,- Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial and Lard Oil, Tobacco and Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, Shot, Gun Caps, fco.> for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those vißiting the city, who will find it t 6 their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. June 21,1865.—tf JOHN C. PITT. R. SINCLAIR & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MAHINERY, oT GROWERS iMVOTERS GF i TOl Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, AC., No. 68, 60 & 62 Light St., Baltimore. \TFE are Manufacturingour Improved Stone yV Lime and Oyster Shell LIME MEABEI§ S Made of the Best Material and fifty per cent, better than any Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to give Satisfaction. | Agents for the sale of the Celebrated r “MONITOR” MOWING & REAPING MSCHIME. L THE “IRON HARVESTER” ..SELF RAKE REAPSJt, considered now the best Self-Rake Machine in use, and is warrant ed to give satisfaction. We also Manufacture the ‘ F/orse Corn Planter ’ch Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and is. one of the best in use. \rse Powers, il] j Threshers, Wheat Fans, Grist Mills, Com and Coh Crushers, ' Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow & Machine Castings, &c. for a Circular. Ft. SINCLAIR Sc CO. April 15, 1865.—tf. WHEELER AND WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM?! t i ■■ , r BEWII N © R -k ©KII) H! K Lock Stitch made by this Machine JL cannot be ravelled, and presents the same appearance upon each side of the seam, a sin gle line of thread extending from stitch to sti ;h. It is formed with two threads, one up ion > ach side of the fabric, and interlocked in the centre of it. The beauty and regularity of the stitch will be observed, also the firm ness of the seam, in which respects it excels hand sewing. TJhe Machine is recommended for the follow ing qualities : 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch upon each side of the fabric sewed. . V > 2j, Strength, firmness, and durability of feam that will not rip nor ravel, and made with I 3, Economy of thread. 4, Its attachments ajid rang*.of application to. purposes and materials!' 5; Compactness and elegance of modfe] and ‘finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construc tion. ■ 7. Speed, ease of operation and manage- I mept, and quietness of movement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, V ! i ' BALTIMORE, Ml>. • FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS!! FRUIT JAKS!!! 1 A AAA GDAfeA BRtHT-JARS, SELF* IU,UUUSEALING. 10,000 Glas6 Fruit Jars with CorksA ‘ ■ 10,000 Stone “ “ ■“ “ Together with a general assortment of Glass, Stone and Earthen Ware, whieh we will sell at factory prices. We keep , . j constantly on han£ our best, ij. < 7 white coal oil., warranted non-explosive and free from odor, at the lowest market prices. . Merchants and others would do well to give us a call before pufehasipg else where. IIAMILL A CO., No 131 N. Gay Street, corner High, Aug. 12.—3 m. Baltimore, Md. ~ E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Wines & Liquors. No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, thanks to his friends for their for ’ “I mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, Will en-^-j--. ; JqhVor to merit a continuance of theirf+sj; favor. The public are respectfully in-JguHL . vited to examine our stock ,of CHOICE TEAS s AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Our imported ’ and domestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in! the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may mrnisn tneir bars with choice liquors. ill of which will be sold at the lowest CASH cs. July 14, 1860. ly I I Thomas Mullin, Jr., CO ACM MA HUE A CTURER, • • 1 East side of Holliday st., Adjoining Shipley’r Livery Second door South of Pleasant st., Baltimore. [ nnHOMAS MULLIN, Jn., keeps JFlitj;. I lon hand, and manufactures i ordar, CARRIAGES OF EVERY.xK_I—W- I, DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good r workmen, and of the best materials. S' .il N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no • tiee, and on reasonable terms. July 28, IR#.—ly A f*M7 m J .f , * . i • .> '#.* t 4 ' •' ' SOUIBtB PACiFICi GUANO, h JOHN S. REESE & CO., | Wholesale aud Retail Agents 1 j * j C iU* FOB THB .I : ’* I PftDtFIC GUANO COMP&NY, ! TI SOUTH ST., BAL'IIMOHE. i! i j 1 TiiE Soluble fauific guano, resem- •, Guahii in appearance, odor, and Composition. Th 6 value of all Guaiios and Super'PhoSjihtttes of lithe, of whatever nqme, depends, as iAwell'JhioWli/upoh the per oqnt. of AMibhia','Soiu'blQ Phosphate, and 2km,e PAm phate pf'Lfidi thdy:,feotitain. This Guano dif fers tV6m Pei'UVlan only ,in the fact that it con- ( i tains less Ain'ijwnia, but tnis difference in Am,- mtmia is' more than m'aae up Dy the fact that i|t contains almost double as much. Serf fibre, and Bone Phosphate of. Limq. This difference makes it a durable fertilizer', with all tlie activ-. iity of Pcrtiviah Guanfi. Although the price of tjlils Guaiio is only one-half the price of Peru vian, and Is not'higher* than, the. Super Phos-, pliates of Liiiife', yet'it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo - ; nia, "soluble and Bone Phosphate, .than is found in the best of .them. Hence its economy and | intrinsic value lriust'render itanobjectof groat interest to farmers generally. " . . we wmvi fA^MEias ESP t€ IA I. NOTICE, That the.conditions upon which we have the agency of this Guaudaro that eVery cargo iff regularly jnSpected and analysed by Dn. Lm qiq, whose authority in such matters is para mount. ' This arrangement aficWds us and consumers .al protection not had in the purchase of fertiliz J ers generally. It must also be noticed that the pliosphates of this Guano, are net mineral, but ekrthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. .‘,Y A ! The following is a summary of analysis of las^Cgrgo: . : / M0i5ture...;,.,,...;..... lOperct. Organic Combustible Matter... 39.71 “ - Earthy Matter ; afi.2B • u YieUrug Ammonia.. i.a 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Piiospllate of Lime... 17.07 “ Bone Phosphate of Lime 24.32 u ;For sale by Dcalei'S throughout the States, and by jomf S. REESE & CO., P. G.-Company’s Agents, Baltimore. Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers. June 17, 1565.—1 y. Farmers* Weather Indicator, mr) i OR rp 7 AQ WOOftRCFF’B Portable B arometer. THIS instrument should be in the bands of ev ery .Agriculturistas it unerringly yoiats out any Chahge' in the weather and thus directs the farmer how to shape his work and save crops that, without a Barometer, might be caught out t in a storm and seriously injured, if not destroy-, ed. livqry J'armer sljoiiid have one, as it is a perfect tr weather teller.” It is simple jn construction, cheap in price, not liable to get out of order, and the only prfect portable Barometer in use. Being a Mercurial Barometer,.it is accurate and reliable for. Scientific, purposes, being used by the 1 U, S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In stitute : besides being recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the country, ns well as by a -lmsfjcjf; fjVfessors flind Scientific Journals. . j We name but a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others: —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Boston Jour nal, Petersou’s Ragaziue, Grange Judd, Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, llackley, Holmes, Carr, Hnnnewell, Williams, Douglas, &c. The cost of the instrument is within the reach of all,, ranging in‘price from $7 to S2B. We hdve five differeut styles, from a plain maple case toj the finest emw§|’ ts*#roo(l. Most of these ■styles have a Tliermometer attached. A sample of thiainstrument may be seen at this office. Orders promptly filled.. For descriptive circu lar and prices, apply personally or bv letter to UKISTEB A GRIFFITH, 4!) N?!*aea ouf jßaltimore, Md. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, MANUFACTURERS k DEALFRS IN AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark k Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, : • ■ and sugar machinery in general. 1 RUNDIiLL’S -HORSE 1 PITCH FORK, or Hay Eleyator, the best in use and a great la bor savin’gJmplement. Eureka Horse Rower, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented and manufactured by PELTON. Best Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. Jan. 21, ,LBds.d-Ly-. RUSS' ST. DOMINGO I PREPARATIONS. RUSS' ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, General Debility, Etc. Especially recommended to weak and debili tated women and children. * Recommenced and Used by the med ical Faculty, 1 HSl ‘‘ RTSS’ ST. DMIMO wihe. i jn?) . For the Social.circles. ■ ■ '>*’ ,ri I oo ST. DOIIIYiiO I'IMH. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. ,•; €. LEWIS DUNLAP, WHOLESALE AGENT, - i No. 1$ W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. sale by Grocers and Druggists. March 4, 1865. — __ GREEN fc YOE, ~ F A M I L'Y 4 ''G RS, , i AND DEALERS IS IPURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin k Valette’s old stand, • 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, SAVE constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, | consisting in part of FRES H 1 TEAS, (green and black,) of •rioiis prices and flavors; Coffecs-JgSHJ Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf; Granulated; C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Macearoni ami Vermacelli; Cooper’s A Gox’s Refined Gelatine ; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils) Cheese—-English Dairy; Pine Apple and Sap Sago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives { English and American Pickles—Gorkins, fnikod, Chow-Chow. Piccailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts aftd Onions ; Sauces —John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom aiid Worcestershire: BRANDIESf-rJas. H6jmesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co. 1846, Native Catawba, Bor deau, Rochelle and other brands; Fine Old WINES —London Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, SweetMpsello and Champagne ; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old and fine; Pure HollUnd Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ae. Ac.; Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of whieh they will sell ;(t reasonable prices, and rospeet fully solicit a call, June 23, 1860.—1 y ; f BU&tAS <& SLOAIV. LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Light St., Baltimore, TT AVE on hand a large assortment of LUM - LI BER, SHINGLES, FRAMES, LATHS, ! DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for sale at the lowest Market rates, for CASH. *•>*■ ol clothiwgTclotoiwg !! v J. G. PETER, Merchant Tailor. . jfo.. 7, South Gay street, Baltimore. i TT'EEPS always on hand a fine assortment XV of the best goods, which he is prepared to - make to order at short notice. . Also, Goods mqde W that are bought elsewhere. 1 ' Ag. , , i jg._ ,05 .)>-,s M H ■/ f'l'd "•■SSffi®* h ?3KiS!Sll!2£ aurn preventive of LtfD*t remedy &r alt Dikeaawmclfietati tbdheHor&y ’ each as Gian*, r A'< M)H ’I Si i*'* •iilMLj|kjdk- M ’l poor, loir-spirited turimals, It has -the j most beneficial; effect. ; oi . , . ./ k \ , The use of them improve* the wind, strength- f •os the Appetite, and giro* todhe Homo -*->u } fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improth j ing the appearance, rigor and spirit of this ’ I noble animal, ,: ! ,\t. 'to eh.-ud o- i<i f 1 j FOR MILCH COWS. ' 1 I ■i <■ - n Ir, ) --.A- i -jli-'iin ■’<*!• fSSSjEBBSSt I in w hi i• • - it an importance and Trine which shcrali place it in the hands of tyerf person kecpint /() . a Oow; By actual experiment Hhas proven that it will increase, the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty pdf Cent:, and,make the Butter firm and sweet. Ifi ftlterring Cattle;’ them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. : m '' j HOGS. ,boT. I.)iflna rented. By using these Pewderp ftfaa Hog Chplera can be prevented. , ■ y / Prion 29otA.per v * '* rknxixo *t, S. A- POUTZ & BRO., at ram 1 , i | I WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEOICINt DJPOY, [ No. 110 Franklin St, Baltimore, For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper# throughout the United Staten. FOIITZ’S MIXTURE, The Best Liniment for Man & Beast Now in Use. IS a safe and reliable Remedy for the euref.bF Rheumatism, Painful Nervous ■ Affeetiolts, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, and all Diseases re quiring an application on Man;- ' 1 On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises,- Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes, Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an InfaHiWe! ' Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its effi cacy. dim alo l\aui i'- ;,i55 ' 83 RHEUMATISM. ' ’ Persons afflicted with this Disease, no matter of how longstanding, can be promptly and -ef fectually cured by using this Mixture; There is nothing in the world so sure and so good.' to take away bad Corns and cure Frost Bites; ’,as this Preparation. Try it Mid satisfy yiriir-/ selves. Price 35 and 75 Cfcs. a bottle. shriner’s BALSAMIC COUGH SYR UP, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, .• •, . Ac., Ac, . i.J ■it x This Syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does iiiury.L but, owing #o its purifying <#> good under any circumstances. jits effect is truly wonderful—soothing, calming and allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at the root pf< Disease, and driving it from the system. CROUP. . • i 1 ' No ehild need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at hand. For Coughs after Measels, this Syrup IS most excellent. Experience has proven jt is equalled by no other Preparation. jBW-Priee 60 Cents per Bottle. , r i All the above preparations for sale by • " Mas. M. A. SHEALEY, AND RICHARD WILLIB, Druggist, June 34, 1865,—1y. Towsontown, Md. * Dr. Sappington’g .. I /, ' }.- u-M i! COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, ir 1 COLDS, HOARSENESS Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen years. Jt is now considered a certain cure for the fibove named diseases by all who have used it. * * Prepared by DR. R. S. BAPPINGTON, s : , Between a&Sfi&enlk Nev. 12. Baltimore,; Md. ; t A ; i, COL ' , , , ; i J John W. Richardson tc Co., ™ 1* N. Gay .treat. Adjoining Christ Cbureh. |, CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ' IN THE BEST STYLE i| Major ROBERT HALL, Cutter. CALL AND SEE. AUg* I.—lf PLOUGH CASTINGS 1 PLOUGH CASTINGS!! THE attention of Formers and Merchants if invited to my full and eoippfete stock, em bracing all the varioususes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood,; Minor A Morion. Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold lew by the single piece or ton. : Also, a good assortment of Plough*,*s. [less than regular prieee, at No, .143 N,. Gay street, Baltimore. WliqOX, Feb. A.—tf j i ■ , JACOB HOFFMAN, i fit I J-i 'Hi O, >_ •* 1 SADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR HAN UFACTUREA Ko. 17 North Gay Street, Baltimore. „ ■m TANUFACTERES and keeps consUntly on IVI hand all hNi#9 ** Har- Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ae. Old promptly executed. ' P ,Fob 4;-Wa. fobale. rpHE thorough-bred Alderny Bull X "COM AS," imported by; John Ridgely of Hampton, from the IslandMbadpL of Jersey, England. j JOHN. STAYLOR, Ja^ r 151 Aye. near WHITMAN S COmWIN. ; e. tmtmqia p .YAW I lAjfcr*SfcTuiisjl#4sti ’HOKf 11 Agricultural Implements, f Seeds, Fertilizers. _J ,W.I ... 1 i” 'ill i ff\:ffdrticullural Tools , j iod does . ... , AGRICULTUUj'' LARDWAItE bilJjDiW ■lanoth '■; ii ' ■ 11 ) .a .J n^GENEBALLY, lliw BWfiTHOBWnT i : Nos. 22 and 24 South Calvert street, 15. V I.TIMUIIF., Md. ; THE will be per sonally^i|pqjsnyiitifd ItJ tf| s|yi4| partner, I vhose long experience in this line of business las rendered him familiar with all its various jranches. Our stock will ba one of the largest in-WiiJ lity, and in consideration of our experienced ncl advantages in manufacturing, we are pre ared to furnish all the latest and most impro yed kinds of Farm Implements on the most fa jorable terms. HitKifis&S'?6ufebfhtlidPwme" ans Cider Mill and Press. Im proved for 1806. ‘ l 1 5 WITH THIS MACHINE V ihiw holiiiuid si non ;ii ’ - i,: ' Two to Four Barrels of Cidef, or from lOnc Hundred to One Hundred Fifty Gallons of k cm bishddt iit otic icy * f o*lol£ii I hfMe mane* 1 , f!i!J- i C “!Pric.e —Complete, with Balance Wheel—^23.6o. This Mill will eqable th? owner to produce SWEET CIDER at any time, and thus to save all the apples, grimes, and other perishable fruit, that And Wine thu3 produced will be Clean, Clear and Pure„ai>d when rafde faom sound frvi\ it will for a lOng time. • , The Press*ls convenient for pressing Lard, Cheese, 1 Herbs,'Ac. , ’ l ' • ' It Strong and Durable, and is also 3ejpest Mill in use. We also hare vmxt'-HIGKOICS- Celebrated Cider Mill, NEW STYLE with, Two Tubs—Price $40.00 mJj .‘J?nr>li ,HVYAM -il ;; JL *> • y ■ i>o, HAY, STRAW AND FODDER <H CUTTER. Ve have constantly on band a large variety of Hay, Straw and Fodder 1 L Gutters Bf our own manufacture, of various sixes and prices to suit the times. Hide ‘Roller Cutters from $lO to S2O. Fodder from S3O to SSO. (The latter kind for either hand or horse power.) * i!l '| . moorroO y*&--■i •> • •*; ; r-.l i. ; f V.U VI Y.H .l d .ii 1 -j " ’ : ‘ ‘ ‘ . Premium i\ew Sub-soil Plow. . fThis Plow has been tried by the United States Agficultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first premium. It has a reversable steel edge, is simple in its uonstrurtioti, eaey in *draflt and management, and adaptetL.ta a common team. Simplteiiy, strength arid feWnotriy are ‘ hfere moft happily combined. The Plow being an important implement in Agriculture, we have • reoeritly given much at tention to Us manufacture,,and at a cost have wOcnretr flrri b6st and most perfect set of maqpjfgrfMt iW,irid Are noW prepared to fill all orders for Plows of any description, on as favorable terms as can he had in the Uni ted States, quality ami workmanship consider ed. We wish to call the attention of dealers to g>sr manufacture of Plows, which we think, (c|nnot b# surpassed in this country.. j&l* -P .;i/.ina;i/iriTi i# Side Hill or Swivel Plows. ■ The above Plows are so constructed that tbe mould board is ekrily *nd ii*stanily hhanged turning all the furrow great accu raey downward. -! • ? > ‘ 1 - THERMOMETER churn. .Xjgß H j . ; MMjture without ACher sub •tankes> and the temperature certainly and defirilteiyHito-nrined, which jivdtes inValu&bß it'thi art of making butter; d 4 - ;5 u cA <}-*?! ‘ i w "* w y^gfHrSlS , | febbt 'Syrup Compound, FOR the f>y entery, Summer Complaint, and for all af tectioris of the Bowels. . . . . . “Heifjing in \ts in its OoinDosition.” Uf th% Taste,” “Certain *ni* ns* whereve*!known,"-t'Deetitied to bßtfJpbwV' “ImmediaAe togive fielielV'* •■" djß l h' _A This Remedy is eo' very agteriable and 'bOitS rihlethal we would conscientiously rscornympi especially those sufferingjnuL affections of thd Bowels, meldent to the season. . ahodypes setringestt, itlk mg like a charm in all formß qf %A|ntqrjnfJv factions, and does not heat and*R-rifatptuV^Mff cous mhnrfri-alnduf tho' i iutristifc4A\ IrivsSdkble for use when change ef water-or diet is neces- For Olilfdrch*^ It very/hingj being pleasant, agi-eealjleiiTi'd StrengthenJrig. be -givemlb thtf triokt dOireate'irifant, as Si * to a grown persbn, with siftetf of It should be Constantly m the’^briSfeJaWd'Win a part of thebntfit on the and the triuy,^ Soldiers, from tbe sqrLof : fporf 'served;’ffn CHip* special SUlfcrevS ’from Diatrhoe's- '-arid' ’■•infired disease*. In,the worst form of Ohroi; ir nffeo tipns they will find this Remedy iefii tst and > rapid in its-cure; i, i,, u- PRICE FIFTY,,CENTS PER BO' ULE; Mailed on receipt o£>7s cents. to> any )dfe. *t "WILLIAM 11. READ has constantly in Btolre a full and nelpcm" Stodk portea and domestic Fancy Goqds, Cosm e twa|r' Perfumcs, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, J-nd fine Tpi let Articles generally, at No. 147 BALTIMORE ST., one door east froin Calvert street. READ’S MINERAL ‘° Still supports its well-deservedi!t, Crowds of patrons (attest the excellence of Um,: drink, drawn jfrQnp Fountains lined with pore*-M lain; qua Qf the carefully prepared llaroe,i from the ripe fruits. ~ ,: -mT July B.—;tf. (I i' ,-r-— —-“ t-TT-W b JAN. M. BAKRy > , 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, vtv \Cp|ner SR Mary street, be found at all times a supplyrif MWA " guanos, feidlwteß PHOSPHATE OP LIME, -Jk~ GROUND BONE, POUDRETT, lal CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR,* CEMENT, Ac:., 1 ' And dorienr in FLOtIR, CORN MEAL, BUCK 1 .- WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL pERD, ? HAY, STRAW, CLOVER, TIMOTHY aND'* GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. ' . T -' pa- WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIf, and kH kinds of Country Pjbdqcje^tak*'feiinpd'ehange, for which we are paying the highestcash prieea. i dAS. m. baker; Yvf, Next door to W. Stansbury’s Bee Hive Hotel," 'j wlieTe Farmers will find excellent accommo dations. Jan. 7, tSCS.'—tf. ■ : i t :. ~H NS > W l-.-vc ' mi* ■ ‘1 *dJ HOUSE FURNISHING STORE N0. 4 1il N. feay RICHARD ARMIOFR*! Va Wholesale and Retail dealer in Vo'AY HOUSE FURNISHING > ALSO, WOODENWARE & HARDWARE. THE public are respectfully iqvited to call and examine my stock pf ,/ -i/ :: U 8 TUBS, BUCKETS. CHURNS, BRUSHES; At BROOMS, BRITANNIA, JAPANNED AND TIN WARE,. KNWBEMDEFORKS, ALBATA SPOONS, a • ~.T r, CHINA AND GLASS WAR|!, . ‘ lv! A And every other description of Goods and Woodenware, at tbri very lowesl-n --pricea. RICHARD' ARMIGpR, /, L u . IJS N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore, j>T> Feb. 27, 1865.-1 v _________ GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE, win. n- m ATTORNEY- AT .Jj A.W, T . 70 W. Fayette Baltimore. iq kJL SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, i PENSION, BACK PAY, . MU PRIZE MONEY, FORSSEAMEN^-1* 1 LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTJL" '' , For White and Colored, Vqlu^fetrs, AND COMPENSATION FOR'pWNKRSXF SLAVISj-proiUptly cbllwAdfi bf ii * ill! - Larieil aT 70 W. Fayette street, gOK .; Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. >.l March 28.—tf ' ; . R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimbiiajiltd.}^' DF.ALEII 111 (j li,-- ' nit FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring Summer supply of goods, , listing in partof Ivnivesand Forks,■ißHßß Pocket Knives, Table and, Tea Spoons; BoKovn * 1 Wire, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Fori . Pieks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trac iialtarj f and Cow Chains, Counter Seales, Sal y Fuse, Gun Caps, * WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also; Stewart'i wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and , , retail at his usual low prices. 1 July I—4f: 1 lnl*Tlfl - I ' BUFKSKUV ) \Gr Xj ov e & , HD 1 ‘ ANI> G-ATUNTXjETS M • OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE;” > THESE ARTICLS So mttch in demand list 'frill,* -i. can now be had ,'". 1 at E- SBI BERT J Sj ■ -id 35 West Baltimore St., one door below Frederick*™ > Baltimore, Md. . s Sept.2.—tf. ■ ->iii 1-- - 1 A' - : THOMAS S. WILCOX, a BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, d No. 134 North Gay'street; Baltimore,'' * 1 e ‘ SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOpT, I' .a “ rrEEPS onbaniiland mriks' tindd* " |V of GENTLEMKNS’and LADIES’WORK. of the best style of workmanship, and, on re*-... : son'able terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, 4? both coarse and fihe, and work Suitable fof set-t. J rants’ wear. Country friends, please give m -a call. Jam 8,1864.—1 y T. W. ” TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS.' i ’ /TIHE undersigned are now dealing extensive- j 1 ly in the sale of FARMS and LANDS in all parts of Maryland,4SpeciaUj* in Baltimore county. Those desiring to sell at good prieee, T will send us a full description. ~ ,1 hue No Sale no Charge. * Sr*All Legal Claims of soldiers prosecuted. ‘‘‘ ‘ Address, EATON & CO., ’ J , '" “ Baltimore. Office—No. 202 Baltimore Street, (up stairs.) . Feb. 4, 1865.—tf. V~ll an MH' ■ ■' 1“^ C. w. Slagle St Co., xau a COMMISSION A PItpDUCE ME^CpANTS, 5 No. 118 and 133 North streef, Baltimore. { TTTRseI! arid buy oricommrrtidri * I VV GRAIN. CLOVER SEED, FLOUR, COR • MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. t |We have for sale GUATNO, SALT; PLASTER ‘' r: MSH and SEEDS of.all kindl, ,T 'J ; j ■ _—. D f -iGMITJAg Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 N. GAY STREET, CQR. OF HIGH. *> ALL the late styles of Gents, YouttW OEE3S and Children’s Hats and Caps jr alwayson hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at the manufrirituHts" ' * drices. and Summer Hats of all price* ' _ iqualities. • • fiP County people, give us a Call! i‘y.m,. ~.ii iod Beatty. ,e Gxoxdb R. Ski llmax | JAMES St CO.y SHIP BiscylT ( , ,C{t|C4E£, ± ' . ... AND CAKE BAKERS, R tal lVl | N6S. 92,94 and 90 Dugan’s Whkrf, 1: 1 . ," > Near Pratt street, Balt. ' March 18,1865.—1 y. S’ 5 ' 13 AllPersonslndtbleF L i- f|>o the,late Baltimore County Advocate, either* d JL td E. F, Church, or Church A HavjerjCiqk, ‘N e aTS respectfilly requested to call ‘ o< ji Wl8 ’ Sh G ;;Vh T’ ’