Newspaper Page Text
ffeplmtotc tfotmlß K NEW SERIES —VOL. 1. NO. 41. Professional Cards . B. N. PAYNE, REAL ESTATE AGENT & CONVEYANCER. OFFlCE—Smedley Row, opposite the Court House, Towsontown. . April 29. 1y John T. Ensor, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Towsontown, Md. Will attend ‘promptly and persevcringly to all business entrusted to hia care. Jan. 1, 1865—tfi R. W. DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWSONTOWN, MD. April I.—6m. r DR. J. PIPER, Residence opposite the late Dr. Tiding’s ofSce. Office hours from 7 A. M., to 9 o’clock A. M. From 1 o’clock F. M., to 3 o’cl’k P. M., and 6 o’clock P. M. Jan. 1, 1865.-1806. _ ISAAC McCURLEY, attorney at law, 38 ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE. May 4—ly * | '' ~~ R. M. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office—No. 1 Smedley Row, Towsontown. WILL givo prompt attention to all law and chancery business entrusted to his care. Sep. 17, 1864.—1 y _ C. BOHN SLWftLUFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 3T W. LEXINGTON STREET, (Basement,) Baltimore, ild. April 15, 18tfo.—ly. Amos F. Musselman, ATTORNEY. Office No. 21 Lexington st., Baltimore city. PRACTICES in the Court* of Baltimore county. July 9,1864.—1 y WILLIAM M. BUSEY, AYYO&iNEYAY LAW, No. 71 Fayette Street, Near Charles, Baltimore, Md. April 1,1866.—1 y. . Theodore Glocker, attorney at law ANB SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, No. 44 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. PARTICULAR attention given to Chancery and Orphans’ Court business, in the Courts Baltimore city and county. All communications or business left with Mr. JOHN R. D. BEDFORD, Conveyancer,Towson town, will be promptly attended to. March 12, 1864.—tf. o. C. Warfield, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j Towsontown. "PREPARES applications for X BOUNTY, _ , - | BACK PAY and PENSIONS. Feb. 20.—tf Jos. P. Merryman. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 71 West Fayette street, Balt. Jan. 9,1864—1 y DR. ISAAC McCURLEY, DENTIST, 8. W. COR. LIBERTY and LEXINGTON, Sts. BALTIMORE. May 6.—tf O. HERBTMAX. *• SEECH, D. T>. 8 43^ MERRYMAN & KEECH, DENTISTS, No. 50 North Calvert street, Baltimore. March 26, 1864.—1 y DR. J. H. JARRETT, (Fobmbrlt Bcboeon 7th Md., V 015.,) TTAVING purchased the late residence of |~i Dr. E. R. Tidings, respectfully offers bis Professional Services to the. public. Having had an experience of ten years fn private prac tice and two years and a-haif in the army, he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call. June 17, 1865.—1 y. R. R. Boarman, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Smedley Row, opposite Court House, TOWSONTOWN. WILL promptly attend to all business en trusted to his care. Jan. 18.—tf (.SWIS H. WHEELBB. WILLIAM S. KEECH Wheeler A Keech, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Office No. 1 and 2 Smedley Row, Towsontown- HAVING formed a PARTNERSHIP for the practice of Law, will give piompt atten tion te the collection of claims and business in general in the Orphans’Court and Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Aug. 27,1859 —tf R. W. Templemak. Chas.J. Pennington Wm. H. Bhiplet. Agents for sale of Maryland Lands, • OJfee (up stairs) No. 48 Lexington sL, Baltimore. R. W. Templeman, A Co., /AFFER their services to the public for the V/dale of Fai.ns, and Real Estate generally. They have, as Surveyors, a general knowledge of the lands of parte of the State, and unusual facilities otherwise for the transaction of such business. Plats and descriptions of all prop erties they may have for sale, will be kept in book form. Parties wishing to sell or purchase will please communicate by letter as above. Oct. 31—ly CHINA STORED WM. S. WONDERLY A CO., THTAVE on hand a complete stock of & • amrawat* "MLj Jg QUEENBWARE, Fine and common, at the Warehouse, Baltimore street, 8 doora west of Gay street. GOAL OIL, of the very best quality, by tho barrel or gallon, and a complete assortment of LAMPS and WICK for burning it. ; The manufacture of STONE and EARTHEN WARE still continued. All goods for the country packed in a scien tifle manner, and will be sold wholesale and retail, at very low prices, to suit the times. Nov. 5.1864.—tf TAKE NOTICE. SPRING STYLES OF HATS, 1865. WE are now prepared to fur niah our friends and thcagg public with the Spring Styles OF HATS, for Gentlemen's wear, whiob will compare favorably with any sold in the city of Baltimore. ALSO, SOFT FELT HATB, * Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and CkiUrM. Min. b “ h'/kDES * 80S, May 2d.—if No. 106 Gay street. ■ For Sale. a very valuable driving HORSE, about 6 \ years old, (color, Brown.) For further par- I CLOTH IN Gi!i§: 55 B. STINE, Ss © No. 73 TV. Balto. St., West of Oay St., g Balttiporc, Md., j| iinvites the attention of gentlemen of taste to hiß Stock of fine READY MADE CLOTHING, ? Cut by the best artists, made and trim- Li med equal to custom work, at much J lower rates. Also, a well selected stock cs of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMER- 33 ICAN MANUFACTURED GOODS, in the piece, which will be Made up to Order, <© >ji § and a perfect fit and satisfaction guar- anteed to all. S g* A Great Variety of Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, qp including all the latest novelties. O Sept. 2,1565.—tf. SL MARYLAND COMPANY’S POUDRETTE. TO FARMERS A PLANTERS. WE call your attention to the above highly recommeaded and superior article, man ufactured under the personal supervision of the proprietors. It has been used in different parts of the State with the most beneficial results— All we ask is a trial. Use from 300 to 600 lbs. to the Acre, according to thequalityof the soil. For sale by . LEBTER t CO., No. 140 N. Howard St., cor. Franklin, Balto. Also the following Fertilisers for sale at man ufacturers’prices : Peruvian Guano, - A. A. Mexican Guano, Reese’s Phosphate, Zell's Raw Bone, Moro Phillips’ do Ground Bone, Wilson’s do Turner’s Excelsior, Rhodes’ do Fish Guano, Whitolock’s do Ground Plaster, Zell’s do • Ac., Ac. ALSO. LIME, CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, BRICKS AND HAIR. Sept. 2.—2 m. LEATHER, LEATHER, HIDES, &C. wm F. H. GRUPY & CO., • 42%outh Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., HAVE always a full assortment of LEATH ER of all kinds, at lowest rates. Callaud see before purchasing. HIDES A PRIME TAN BARK Wanted, for which the outside Cash Price will be paid. F. H- GRUPY A CO., 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore. April a —6m. County Advertisements . REMOVAL. GEORGE STEIBEB, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, TOWSONTOWN, MD., HEREBY informs the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, that he has removed his Boot and Shoe establishment from his re cent place of business, to the building adjoin ing the pokt office and store of Mr. Nelson Coop er, where he will in the future be pleased to see all his friends and customers. I keep constantly on hand a varied assort ment of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., for either Ladieß, Gentlemen or Children, ALL OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE, which will be found as durable, and cheaper than can bo procured in the city of Baltimore. I return my thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have heretofore received, and I will endeavor, by attention to business, and moder ate charges, to merit a continuance of the same. GEORGE STEIBEIt. April I.— 6m. History of tho Rebellion. HEADLEY’S HISTORY OF THE WAR. THE undersigned having procured an agen cy for this valuable work for a portion o< Baltimore and Harford counties will In a very short time visit the people of the county solic iting subscriptions therefor. It will be a true and faithful history of events as they have trans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in two vols. at $3.50 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and tho second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages oi illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agonts after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will be issued as soon at practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete the History. The undersigned also has for sale the “ NURSE AND SPY.” EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1845.—1 y. FRANK. L. MORLING, FLORIST, SEEDSMAN AND NURSERYMAN, Store No. 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Nurseries ou the Hookstowu Road Adjoin ing Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite tho attention of tho citizens of the countv, to his Stock of A * GARDEN SEEDS, ~ FLOWER SEEDBAKZaStt FRUIT TREES, PE VINES, and all SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN AND ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, Hot' House and Hardy Plants, Roses and Flowering Shrubs. I will bo prepared at all times to furnish cv anything in my line of trade. June 3,1865.—1 y. I RUUD STORE IN | TOWSONTOWN. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the resident* of Baltimore county, tw that he has opened a DRUG ANDAFOTH ECARY STORE in Towsontown, where ho in tends keeping a carefully selected Stock of Pure & Genuine Drugs, Medicines, j and all articles usually kept in a wcll-regul&t !cd DRUG STORE, at city prices. Also, Pam la, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Window Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, and Notions of every Description. RICHARD WILLIS, June 17.—3 m. Towsontown, Md. House, Sign, and Fancy Painting. HENRY L. BOWEN TOWSONTOWN, X 6 prepared to execute all work iujiis line X 8U GLAZING, GRAINING, GILDING, IMITATION OF WOOD AND MARBLE, Ac.j All of which will be done promptly, and on the most reasonable terms* April 7, IB6o.—tf " AUCTIONEERS’NOTICE. THE undersigned having obtained a license, offers his services to the people of Balti. more county as Auctioneer. Will attend prompt' ly to all business entrusted to bis care and guar auto.. give armacoß t, Black Rock, P. % Baltimore county, Md. Avg. s.—3m*: * 4 % * * TOWSONTOWN, MD., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1865. County Advertisements. WARR EFsTOKEr In tbe Thriving Little Village of WARREN. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES IN ALL KINDS,OF GOODS. THE proprietors of the “Warren Store” are otforing great inducements to the citizens of this neighborhood, that is worthy of their attention. We offer to the public the best *e lection of goods that can be found in any store in the country, and will guarantee to sell them at less than city retail prices. All goods sold here warranted as represented or the money refunded. Our stock consists in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, „ CHINA WARE, CROCKERYWARE, EARTHENWARE, STONEWARE, GLABSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, OIL AND PAINTS, MEDICINES, GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED & NEATS FOOT OIL. PARAPHINE OIL, KER OSENE OIL, MACHINE OIL, MACKEREL, HERRINGS, BA CON, HAMS, BREAST PIECES, SHOULDERS, G. A. SALT, Fine Salt. Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Ilom ouy Buck Wheat, TIN AND WOODEN WARES, Brooms, Ropes, Plow Lines, Shoe Findings, Wrot Nails, Cut Nails, Spikes, Rivets, and eve ry article that may be found in a well regulat ed country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at price- H.r. THOMAS, For Warren Manufacturing Company. Feb. 18—ly. SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HOTEL AT TOWSONTOWN, MD. f PHIS large and popular Hotel, having pass- JL ed into new hands, has received various repairs and improvements and is now open for the entertainment of guests. It is the deter mination of the Proprietors to maintain its past reputation as a SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE, as well as a House for the accommo dation of all transient patronage. The rooms are large, and well furnished, with bath rooms convenient; the Table and Bar are well sup plied ; good Stabling is provided, and the sur rounding grounds are beautiful. Mr. Shaw is well known for years pastas the proprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon" on High Street, Baltimore. May 20. —3m. Trees! Trees!! Trees!!! AT THE MARYLAND NURSERIES. THE undersigned offers for sale at the “Ma ryland Nuseries,” situated on the Falls Road about 13 miles from Balti- SaPmort city and four miles f rom J|p|? ou the W. M. R. stock of FRUIT TREES, consisting of Peach, Apple, Pear, Apricot, Plum, and in fact fruit of every description— The subscriber being experienced in fruit grow ing can recommend his Trees to all who may favor him with a call- Also, a choice selection of Grape Vines and Strawberry Plants always on hand as cheap as can bo purchased elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, JAMES WARDEN, Brooklandville P. 0., Balto. County, Md. July B. —3m. Catonsville Railway. Spring and Summer Arrangement. ON and after Monday, May let, 1865, ear 6 will run HOURLY ?ROM 7 A. M. TO 7 PM., and at 9 P. M. daily SUNDAY’S excepted. On Sunday’s HOURLY FROM 7 A. M.,.t0 9 P. M. PABSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S MILLB will leave daily, Sundays included, at 7, 9 and 11 A. M., and 2, 4 and 6 P. M. Office west end of Baltimore street. WM. W. ORNPORFF, Secretary. April 29—tf MERCHANT TAILORING in TOWSONTOWN. 1 13 HE subscriber respectfully tenders his ac- J. knowledgments to the citizens of Towson 1 town and vicinity, for the very generous sup port he has heretofore received in his business, 1 and would* inform his friends and customers that he has considerably enlarged his stock and will constantly keep ou hand a well se lected stock of Clothß, Cassimeres and Vcstiugs, I which he is prepared to make into garment* of > the latest styles, and at prices that will be sat isfactory to all. . I ask an examination of my stock. AUGUST LOOSE, Towsontown, Opposite Ady’s Hotel. March 4, 1865—tf. "COACHMAKING ) AND UNDERTAKING, THE subscriber respectfully informs his frionds, and the public generally, that ho , jgpom mis prepared to execute at his shop Qcßr~BjHK*in Towsontown, at the intersec t,ou of the York Turnpike sud Jop- p&Road, overy description of Wlieelwriglitiug, CoacUmaklng, Ac* Ho will manufacture to order, Carriages, Bug * gies, Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac. • Old Carriages repaired and painted at short notice. Also, keeps constantly on hand, (and made to order at the shortest notice,) overy stylo and description of COFFINS, . and havyig provided himself with a HEARSE, he is prepared to attend funerals at all times. All work warranted to givo satisfaction. GEO. 11. IIUGII3. April 15, 1864—tf. “french cloths, . CAKSIMERS OF ALL KINDS, ' SILK MARSEILLES. 1 And all kinds of Vest Patterns, Scarfs, Neckties and Collars, Handkerchiefs, Travelling Shirts, Linen Bosom Shirts, Linen Bosoms, (all qualities and prices.) White Muslins and Linens For Shirting, Ac., for sale Wholesale and Retail. ALL KINDS OF TAILORS, TRIMMINGS, Together with READY-MADE CLOTHING, As cheap as can be procured in the city. AUGUST LOOSE, • Merchant Tailor, e Opposite A*dy’s Hotel, Towsontown. Feb. 25—tf- ~ WHEELWBIGHTING n ' IN TOWSONTOWN. e# T4S* “fit SSL >, 4ggsjpS gfc ing taken the \ay~ i. shop adjoining that of Mr. Alex. Farlett, would j. most respectfully inform the public that he is •- prepared to execute all work in his line as cheap as it can be done elsewhere. tsaLspecial attention given to repairing of all kind*. PHILIP EDLEB. MaylWtf. QUALIFIED VOTERS f BALTIMORE COUNTY. 1 IIIE REGISTERS of the following Districts JL of Baltimore county, having completed the Registration of Voters in their aoveral.Dla tricte, according to lkw, hereby announce the names of those entered in thedist of qualified Voters as designated below, and do “notify all persons interested to appear before them at the places, and during the hours of Registration on tho TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y next . preceding the Tuesday following the first Mon- . day in November next, (which will be tie 31st , of October and the Ist of November,) to show any omissions or other errors in said lists, at which time tho list of qualified voters shall bo ] corrected and finally closed.” Second Election Distriot. A Allon Joseph M Aler George W B Bircly Peter Bowen Lewis F Belt Osborn Baker James C Bailey G Washington Bremker William ( Belt Charles Barlor Thomas K < Burdell 0;ho W Bott John B Baker Richard Baker Frederick W ( Bellesion John H Brown James Burnham George Boring Theodore Berry James Bolden George W Burnham GGW Bolden George 1 Barnes Samuel Burk Jacob Brown Mason * Burk Joshua Baseman 8 Wesley Burk John Baker William M Beckley John M 1 Burnham James N Bedinger Levi 1 Bollac.k William Baker Isaac R 1 Bower George W Bailey Urias Berry Urias Barnes Michael D Bailey George W /nr Xf Crooks Israel O Carr James Choate Richard Cornthwait Thos J G Crooks Joshua Constantine Edward Choate Edward Cross Richard J Choate L Pearce Conrey Henry 8 Constantine Samuel Clark Herod Constantine C J . | Constantine Wm A Conrey John F Chapman William Carr Jesse D Dell Jesse W Dorshall George Dell Nimrod Dettmer Columbus Dell David B Davis George A Dorsey B John E Edelen Amos Emmart Caleb Ehlers J Henry Eaton Alvin Ely Joseph Ettinger Adam F Frantz Henry Fryfogle Thomas Fite William Fross George Fite William E Francis Wm W Frantz Henry B Fish paw Robert C Fisher Jeremiah Forsythe Joseph A v Fite Jacob A Forwood Samuel E Fogle Eli Francis Henry Florey Thomas E Forney Wm M Fryfogle Henry Frantz J Milton G Gosnell Charles Gill Joshua Griffin William George John T George Joseph F George John S Gosnell William M Griffin James Gosnell George W Gosnell Herod Green John N Griffin William Jr H Haight Nicholas Hartley Elias T Hiescv John M Hitchcock James C Holt Joseph ii * Haviland Richard Holt Aaron Hahn Adam Hanes Manley ft Harvey C Thomas Holbrook Ezra L Hamilton Joseph A Hamilton James 3 Hamilton John T Harvey John II Hartley Phineas Harvey John K Hamilton Jabez Harvey Audrew Hamilton George Hopper George W Hartley Samuel E Hilberg John C IleideJustis Hartley Thomas K . Jean William P Jean David Jean George B Jones Charles Jones Alfred J Jean Martin L Jamison Thomas W Jones Thomas R Jean Henry S Johnson Urias K Key6or William L Knauff George 0 Kelley Barney F Kelley Joseph Kirk Frederick L Lynch George Lilley John Longley George W Longley Benjamin Latchford Georgo Lynch William W Longley Samuel Lookingland John . Longley Georgo M Mallonee JohnT Miller Theodore G Mansfield William A Marriot Joseph Mansfield Alfred McCoy John H Matthews Joseph D McCulley John H Mekins Joshua Mackin Joshua A Mills William P Morningstar Geo W Mansfield John Mansfield John A Miller DavidS Miller John 8 N Norris James 8 Niles Edmund 0 Oursler Basil J O’Dell John D Oursler Charles H Owinge Israel E Oursler John Oursler William O’Dell William C Owings Oliver O’Dell George E Owings Jeromo r O’Dell Edward C Owings John Owings Jesse Owings Charles Owings C Howard Orem Smallwood P Parsons Jonathan Parsons Charles E Peddicord Caleb Peddicord Evan Popper John Phillips Vaehael Parker A Franklin . Parsons Michael C Pick Edward R 1 Randall Lloyd Robaust'John P 1 Richardson John W RobaustHenry 1 Itoign Andrew P Kehine Michael Rice Eber Robinson William Rosleb Christian Rimmey Martin Hitter Howard T Roderick Lewis ■s 0 Rtinehcomb David II Sibley Eli Hpieer James Btangle John Rauter Christian Schwab John Htinehcomb Wesley M Stevens George W Shipley Samuel T Specimen Courad Htansficld George W ftuboek John Small John L Blothowor Geo Sprinkle John W Scaffcr Andrew 1 Sprinkle Thomas Blothower Wm T Smith Nicholas Blothower George E Smith Georgo Sullivan Charles W Btansfield James Smith Nicholas Jr Shatrow Wm Jr Suback Simon Smith Daniel Btansfield Thomas B Schmitt Valentino Stinchcomb Victor B Shipley Joshua Btansfield John 1 Sauter'William Sullivan David Bautcr Charles Sumwalt Joebua B Bander Henry T Timanus Luther Troxcl Philip N Thompson Enoch G Tipton Wm H Timanus Israel Tomplc Frederick Timanus Ethan Timanus Edwin W Tuttle John G Temple Andrew J u Upton Wm Upton Joshua M Upton John W V Vaughn John F Vaughn John Vecder Simon w Wright Joseph II Wright Albert White Ephraim Worthington J C T Walters Jas A G Ward Samuel Widerman George Wilmott G Howard Wright George W Wallace John ■ Ware Charles Watts Gassawar I Woidemeyer Adolph Worthington Thos C Widerman Robert Watts Georgo E M Worthington Noah of TWeider Henry r Y Younger Wm R Youttg-John H Young Caleb Younger Lemuel ■ ■ Z Zimmerman John Ziatmerman Alexander Total 258. JOSEPH It. W RIGHT, I D. H. BTINUHOOMB, }• Registers. NICH. N. HAIGHT, j Third Election District. A. Arnold William Andrew# Robt C Appleby Lemuel Appleby Horace G AyW William H Arthur McNair Aruiacost James B. Brooks William Bowen John Burnham Johnscy Bowerßox John II Bu k William H Bitzer Samuel Brooks Chauncey Burk William Brooks Henry P Broom Henry _ Breen Michael Barnhart William A Belt Thomas Bond Thomas J Bowen Isaac Berry John 8 Buckler William c. Cole Cornelius H Cocbey Thomas B Corbett Jacob B Coombs Thomas Carr George W Chenoweth Arthur Cole Lewis P Comley Jackson Carey James Cheston Gal loway Cole James Carey Clay James Chamberlain William Cox Abraham Councilman James B ' Cross David W Carmichael William Constantine Richard CorreH'Georgo W Conn George Coombs Peter Crowther James Clark John G Cole William J H Clay William II Cicilbcrger James Chinoweth John D. Hitch John Doxzen Daniel M Disney Snowden Dillow William Doengea Conrad Davis Alexander Disney Josiah R Dearing George A Doxon George W Davis George W Disney Aaron Didenhover William Disney Allred J Didenhover Charles JB. * Ebaugh Jacob F Ebaugh William H Ebaugh Andrew C Eachms Edwin , F. Ford Elias Fisher Dr John Ford George M Fisher Dr William Faul August Fahnestock Derick Funk Jacob Fraver Henry Forwood John W Finn Thomas Funk Andrew M Freeland Emanuel . Gise Levi Goodwin Joshua Greasley Charles Greaslcy Jacob K Go3s William R Gosnell Elias J Gosnell John T Greacen Thomas F Gosnell Mordecai Guineman Samuel Gallion Stansbury Gill Josiah H. Hoopes Edwin D . Haugh John A Hoopes Caleb Hooper James Hooper Joseph MSr Holmes Samuel Hooper Joseph MJr Hartzell Jacob Hook Rudolph Hook Thomas D Hambright Samuel M Hinds James Hutton John W Hook Thomas Hook Thoma 3 F Hook Sabritt W Hurst John Hartzell Leonard L Hughes Jonathan Hooper Thomas B Hiser Nicholas J. Jean Nicholas Jones Elisha Jackson Charles M K. Kelly Thomas Keyworth Charles B Karsctt Thomas Kirpatrick John E Kidd Nelson Keklen Philip Kendig Francis Kelly George L Lonax Joseph Lutes John Lantz William 8 Lentz Henry Lewin Thomas Lamb James A Leaf Charles G Lester James M Leaf Henry G Lilly Zachariah Lisbaie Richard H Lewin John H n. Moore James C Mathias Josephus Mephan Andrew 0 Mittnacht George H Morling Frank L Murray Patrick Mclntyre Philip Mittnacht Geo A McComas John W Marburg William A McCullough George Marburg Charles L Messersmith William Myers Andrew J McCaully Horace Mixten Columbus McKelvy Wtn More Thomas F Merceron Charles A Martin Lawson L Murdock Alexander Monroe James 8 IV. Norwood Ebenezer Nevin Thadeus S Numsen John W Nowman Littleton P D °. Oler George Grice Owings Barney Orem John M Owings John F Oler Richard Owings Israel P. Parsons Joshua Pfoutz 8 Miller Proudfit James Parrish Aquilla Phillips James Pole H Charles Phillips William A Peach John R Phillips Wes ey Tfeiffer Casper Parlett Joshua' Pfeiffer Jacob Patterson William R Purnell William II Phillips David Pearce Thomas PeifferJacobG Pleitt Max Peacock John Prastlay John Peregoy Charles <*• Quick John W Quick John H QuictHenry J R. / Roe Samuel II Ryan Michael Rennolds Dr Henry S Ridgely Jas LJr Roe Thomas Ridgely Nicholas Rutter Thomas H Riminey Adam Rennolds Wm D s. Slack John Smith Joseph Smith John L H Shipley Charles G Stocks John C Stockett Charles Wm Slack Jasper N Smith Wm II Stansbury John 8 Bayer Win II Shotron William Shirley William Smith William E Shirley Henry Clay Sullivan Robert A Small John F Skipper Elijah Slack John W Shcrridan James L Snyder Joseph F Stine John H Banker Philip A Sanderson Thomas Stevens Alpha Such John Skipper Dorsey E Stewart William Smith-John Such Daniel Seitz Henry G Shirk* Christian Simpson Wm L T. Townsend Richd B Tucker Emory Tyler Guidon K Todd Stephen Tyler George G Thomas John C Tucker Aaron II Towson Jehu Turner Lewis Tucker Eli Tidings Richard E Townsend Samuel No 1 Turner John L Townsend Samuel No 2 w. Wink George Waldron Rev E Q S Whitnov George T Wright Joseph Wylie Robt Walker Noah Weaver Wm J Watts Asbury White Charles L Wright Robert Wright Thos C West Henry Whitelock William Wright Thos R Woolston Benjamin Wright Thomas Winterode Levi Wright John Winterode John L Watts John Winterode Jacob F White Francis Wright Oliver * Total 280. JASPER N. SLACK,) F. L. MORLING, / Registers. JOgN DITCH, J Fourth Election District. A. • Andersou Franklin Ambrose Charles Allen William Allen John E Algier Jacob Austin Ferdinand Ambrose Joshua B. Bowen Wm. Brown Samnel N Bams Joshua , Boring David J Brown Bejainin Burke Geo W Belt John D Belt Joshua Berryman Nehemiab Belt Christiau Burke Andrew Belt Benj T Berrvman James H Belt Alfred Berkley Jacob Burke Andrew H Belt Nathaniel . Baker Wm Beck Gyrus Bauseman Lawrence H Brown TbosC Bauseman Geo OLD SERIES—VOL. 15. NO. f-2,0. Bowen Janies Brown Emanuel Berry naan Ephraim Baxter Joh a T Barr Martin Bond Edwin R < Blizzard Johnsy Baublitz Ephraim Baseman Theodore W Bloom David Byerly Wm Bycrly Thos Beck ley John BaubJi z Jeremiah Bail v Sami V Beck Day id Baily Henry Brown Henry Baily Allred Baker Joshua Bulinger Ephraim Beck Emanuel c. Clegg John Cook Wm J Cross Robert t Chenoweth Wm Choate Herod Clark Lester Chalk Joseph A Coakley Thos ' Cbappen Joseph Callahan Thos ■■■* D. Daniels John Dean John P. Daniels John H Dickson Isaac N Dkubernian Jacob Davis Henry Davis Wm H Davis John A Ducker Jeremiah T Davis Charles Delaney Patrick Dauce John Disney Snowden J 22. Eckmnn Jacob A Emich Daniel Ebaugh Wm H Eekart John Emich Henry F. Eaton Alexander J Emich Nicholas J Edell John W Everhart Jacob Edell Josiah r. Ford Walter J Forney Jacob S Fisher Geo W Frytbgle David Fowble Frederick Falk John G Frizzle Lewis Frank Henry K Fuller John Fowble Frederick Jr Fox Geo Fowble Samuel Fee Henry Fiinger Heury L Forward Reuben T. G. Gill Edward Grimes Grafton Gies John Sen Glaum Henry Gore Johnsy Geitier William P Gore McHenry W Groff Benjamin F Gingrich Geo B Glaum Peter Gore John F Gardner Nicholas Groff John Gill Edward C Gore Andrew W Gambrill Frederick E Gatnbrill Howard W Given James J Gambrill Wm Given John S Gingrich Christian Gies Christian Groff Francis B Griffin Joshua Gill Theodore Gettinger James J H. n Hanna James P Helms nenry Hager Richard M Higee William Harman John H Hagey Jacob Houston Alexander B Hundredmark Wm H Heukle Eli Helms John G Hunt Tbos J J. Johnson John G W Johnson Geo B K. Klinefelter David Kendig Benj Kephart Geo Kendig Marlin Koehler Win F Kemp John Klinefelter Cbas H Kailbaugh John Kemp Hosea Kailbaugh John T Kemp Jacob McK Kailbaugh Ephraim Kerney John L. Larsh Silas Long Wm Lentzner Christian Lloyd John L Lloyd Nimrod Lutz Wra Larsh Edward L Logue Jesse Longnecker David S Louue James T Long Samuel J Long John Leef John H Long UeDry M. McLean John Marsh Alexander Martin Samuel F Mussel man Christ Morrow Joseph Mallonee Geo Marley James Morrow John Jr Mai ley John Merryman Harvey Mallonee Josias Murray Alexander Martin Eli S Mundorff John Martin Micajah' Miller Geo > Marshall John T Morrow John Sen Mussel man Jacob Mars W in McComas Aquilla Myers John McComas Amos Myers Philip Marsh Geo Moran John N. Neel Hugh Neel John A Nolte Henry N.vler Amos Neel Samuel Nelson Henry n o Owings Philip R Philpot Ewd P Pfeffer William Parkison Christopher Painter Charles , Pfeffer George Polglaise Joseph Philips John T R. Ryland Wm T Richard Daniel W Reese John R Reigler Frederick Russell Reieter Rotheu Geo Richards Thomas Rhinebart Francis s. Sprinkle Elias Shugars Daniel Shipley Geo L Scott Richard Shugars W m Stocksdale Silas II Stone George R Schaeffer Michael Spencer George W Shriver PhUip L Schnavely Isaac Schaumloeffel Nicholas Schaeffer - Francis Schunman Sebastian Shear A ttornan Schartze Henry Shear Lawrence Shroyer George Stone William G Scott George Ti Trainor Joseph Sr Tase John Trainor Joseph Jr Turopangh Peter Taney David Tracy John T. Tritte Larris Trainor Robert M G Toft Janies 2T. Uhler Jacob Vansant Nicholson ‘Vondersmith Peter w Weller Joseph J Wilson Jacob Warren James Wilson Robert Wbiteford John Weller Robert M Walter Nicholas Worrell Charles Weller William F Walters Alexanderß Wheeler Henry S Walter Jacob • Warren Asa Watts-Thomas Wilson Henry Warren John IT Yingling Nimrod Yingling Samuel B Yingling Jesse R Yingling John W Yingling William D z. Zaizer Louis Total 266. JOHN H. HARMAN, ) D. S LONGNECKER, > Registers. WM. GAMBRILL, J Eleventh Election District. A AHender James E Allen James Andrews Samuel A Allen Philip Akehurst Charles Akehurst Henry Amos Aquila Appel Conrad Armour George F B Byer Charles A Bierly Geo S Beane Jacob Blackston Wm D Burton James Sen Boothe Walter F Burton James Jr Blackston Herbert II Burton John W Bierly John Burton Thos gf Jas Boothe John G Burton Horatio Blacklock Isaiah Burton Owen B Bridge Ratcliff Burton John T Blnciburu Jabe* T Burton Samuel Uurgan David Burton Benj Billiiigslea Wm C .Blacklock Jas Billiiigslea Sand W Sen Brendle John G Billingslca Sam! W Jr Bleakely Richard Sen Burner Simon W Bleukcly Richard R C Bateman Thos B Dleakely Joshua 0 Bott Anthony Bleukcly Lewis Bevaos Wm L Devil Henry Braman John Barnhart David Barber Thus C Uiirrier John A Brown Peter Billingslca Cbas B Bond Wm R Bower Joseph llevard Charles Bell Edward J Bevnrd John Blacklock David Blair Oliver Baxter Jno W Bell Richard H Branson Nathaniel B Bawill Daniel Barner Wm J Bennett Columbus M Beans Jonathan Be van Andrew Bevnrd Jas Barpes John R Badders Andrew J Baker Isaiah o Crossmore Alfred Coe Wtn Cadden Jos 11 Corbin Nathan T Canoles Wm T Cassidy Edward T Corbin Wm T Cassidy Wm Sen Crossmore Wm Connolly Dixon Carrol Hugh Chenoweth Asbiijr’V Comes Jas Chenowftn Jolin B Carrol John W Collins Charles 11 Comes Joseph - Carlisle Nicholas Comes Zac hariah Llaef John . Clayton Jno W Sen Callahan Patrick.. Clayton John M T Carter Thos 11 Carman Caleb C Cranston Wm A Coe Lambert Campbell-Nelson B Coe James Sen Crorter Bartholomew Coe James Jr Carter V\ m y ■■ ■ ■ SSO F HQL Donovan Owen Jr Donovan Owen Sen Disney Joshua P Dasbields Julius M Dilworth John T Piinb X>^hnjir~) Dangblin John II T uvall Caleb P Dilworth Anthony Deitz Geo. Demoss John Demoss David 0 Dampman Albert Daugherty Jas Sr Dampmau Wm Drayer Gradus 22 Evans James Ogdon J Edwards Geo L Eilief Henry Eichholtz Justice r Forsythe Thos F Falls Stephen W Francis Richard C Fox John Fox Geo Fowler Jumps Forde Robert Fuller Wm H Forde S>lvester Foster Wm F Francis Charles Forde Win Forde Benj of Robt Fastie George Forde Benj F Fastie Theodore Fogle Jno I Francis Tbo? Fosler John C Frarcis Wm H Francis James W Francis Alexander Fox Win Fumkees Geo Fox Ilenry FreyerJobn * *r G Gittings David S Sen Grover Wm T Greenfield Caleb Gorsuch Joseph H Gursuch Thos D Gorsuch Wm Guyton Benj A Griffith Wm A Graw John Gorsuch Win of Chat German Howell P Gray Jonathan Garretson Geo H Gorsucli Benj W Garret Jesse Guyton Norvel W Guyton Henry Gray Daniel C Green John N Guyton Samuel Greenfield Philip C Gregg John T Gorsuch Thos B Gregg Mabkaa German Isaac H Holland Geo M Hickey John Herron Levin D llarlan John L Henry John W Hale Cbas T Heigfe Geo Hale John W Hopkins Wm F Bowser Frederick Heury Janies Hawkins James Hartzler Isaac Hammond Joshua Hratzler Jacob H igan John Hale Chas D Hi Igardner Henry Hale Thos Haikins James W H irizler Christian Holland Henry F Hunt Geo R Higle Samuel Howard Wm W Hawkins James M llaley Peter B J Johnson John Sen JessopKdvyin Jessup Joshua Johnson Wm H Jessop.-Chas M Johnson James Jessup Cbas K Kavanaugh James Kennard John n Knight Wm U Kennard Henry King Rufus Knight 1 homes King Geo Konig Theodore Kennel John Kerney Pat lick Kune Jes ee D Kliue Henry King David Dr Kelley Amos 0 Keener John Kirkengdoll Amos Knaur John G Kale Valentina L Laughkain John Sr Lucke Peter Laugbkain John Jr DC Murray Matthew Maecubbin L’oyd R Mu in iii a Enos Maecubbin John H Meyers Baldwin Maecubbin Nicholas McCluskey John Maecubbin Cbas T Mast Henry Mast John Miller Albert J McNully Hugh Jr Meyers John C II Mitchell John Mast Daniel K MilchellLloyd Maecubbin Wm Moore John Mumma Cyrus K Moore Peter F Mumma Henry D Moores Samuel L Maecubbin Wm F Miller Joseph Munroe Richmond L Mohr Henry Mai pie Benjamin Marple Joseph G Maecubbin A M Millitzer Earnest Moseman Jacob Meyers Henry R Myers Henrick R F Miller George Miller Moses Miller Sebastian ! Milchling Philip Maser Charles E McNulty Hugh Sen N Norwood Jqmes L Neihauser Christian Norwood Stephen Neibauser Stephen .. Norwood Edward B o Overbeck Charles P Peters Mordecai N. Pilhofer John Parker Wm S Phillips Wm M Price Skelton R Patteison Samuel S Pinkerton Samuel Pearce Geo K Pearce John C Price Reuben Pearce Joseph Perine Henry Pearce Greenbury A Pearce Francis G Pearce George Proctor Joshua -* Parlet John Pearce Thos _ * Proctor Robt S Price Mordecai Patterson Robt Q Quinlan Leonard G R Riddle Charles J lteckcord Henry Roberts Edward H Rnmsy John B Roter Geo Raine Chas H Rennington James Riddle Conrad Rice Michael Rain Nicholas Rankin S M Reed Adam Roberts Lambert s Stover John W Spilker Henry Sims Andrew Shoemaker Edwin B F Snyder Frederick I Sweiizer Christian Snyder Benjamin Shaffer James W Smith Seih Sherman Wash ngton Sayers Charles Schroeder Augustus R Shubert Dr Jno N Stimnetz John Smith Joseph P Seitz Leonliardt. Shereden John Smith Jacob Sadler Wm A Smith George Schniucker Christian Smith Conrad Sr Schroeder Johann J Smith Conrad Jr Seiiz John Simmers Elijah J Sidle Jacob F Snyder Joseph Seitz William Standi'ord Charles Stauber Nicholas Seidel Francis Stauffer Henry Seidel Simon Slade James D Schutz John Sparks Edward R Tucker John R Tarbert John Temple Amos H Turner Henry M Thompson Charles H Tovel Reuben Talbert Andrew Tritmer Leonhardt Temple Benjamin F Temple Isaac D Tarbert William V Vogts John M w W ilson Charles . Walter Henry Wann Benjamin Walter John • Wilson Robert E Watkins John Wciheral Janies 0 Watkins Isaiah S Wells Laban A Wolf James Waltz Jacob Wusing August Warlrl David Wick let Joseph Wright John T Wenkler John Wilhelm George Wells ThoniHS I Walter John A Watkins Oliver 1 * White John IT Yoder Noah R Yoder Moses Yoder Eli Yoder John Yoder Solomon Yoder Jouab z Zeigculidt'D Casper Zeigenhden John Total 386. THOMAS F. FORSYTH,) DaIVD BLACKLOCK, > Register*. EDWARD J. BELL, J •