Newspaper Page Text
S*u. ®o. 4tm<in. TOWgqiMTOWM, THE SHIP UNION. _ ~~ The good ship Union's voyage is o’er, At anchor safe she swings, And loud and clear with cner on cheer Her joyous welcome rings: Hurrah ! Hurrah I it shakes the ware, It thunders on the shore, — One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, • One Nation evermore! SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1866. L M. HAVERSTICK,) H. C. LONGNECKER, } Editors. J. B- LONGNECKER,) UNION NOMINATIONS FOR CONGRESS, SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, JOHN L. THOMAS, Jr. COUNTY TICKET. JUDGE, Hon. D. C. H. EMORY. * SHERIFF, JOHN K. HARVEY. TREASURER, WILLIAM FOSTER. • COMMISSIONERS, JOSHUA F. COCKEY. daniel j. McCauley, JAMES BUTTON. SUR VETOR, HENRY SHEW. Election, Tuesday, November 7th. We hot* our Re* delß will bears wilb us tt,is week yet in the small amount of reading matter which we present them. The Law requires that the voters list shall be published, and we cannot avoid the pressure on our columns. We hope shortly to enlarge the Union and will then en deavor to make amends to our Readers. . m t ■- Another Ticket. We are told that a Convention was held in this place on Monday last for the purpose of nomina tingan independent County Ticket. Their pro ceedings seem to have been involved in considera ble mvstery and uncertainty. It is said they nomi nated Nelson Cooper, for Treas ; F. C. Fossett, for Sheriff; D. J. McCauley, Stephen Miller and John Zimmerman, for County Commissioners. Inde pendent Tickets have always fared badly in this County and we predict the above will share the common fate. Personally the Regular nominee., are good men, of known ability and integiitv, and as such the union meu will give them a hearty support. Important Decision. A few weeks ago, we received a letter from Mr. J. W. Webster of Harford Co. asking us to make inquiry whether he could distill some Sorghum molasses as an experiment and not for sale, with*, out paying a Revenue Tax. Through Mr. E. F. Church, Rev. Inspector, this letter was referred to the head of the Bureau •t Washington, who replies as follows : “A Distiller’s license must be required to be taken by every jierson running a still, without any other exception than is provided by the ex press letter of the Law. Druggists and chemists only, may use a still for the recovery of Alcohol used in scientific processes, without being licens ed as Distillers. Mr. Webster will therefore be required to take out a license lor the prosecu tion of his “experiment.” SWfairs. following Property, advertised in this paper, will be sold as stated below : AT PRIVATE SALE. Valuable Farm of 97 acres, with good country Mill, and out-buildings, on Western Run. Jno. Scott. Valuable House and Lot in the centre of Tow sontown, on the R. Road and Turnpike, suitable for public business. B. N. Payne, Agt. A number of valuable properties iu Adams Co. Pa. for sale by John C Zouck, Agt. AT PUBLIC SALE. Monday, Oct. 16th on the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore, an excellent Farm ol 71 acres, with good improvements, also, a quan tity of stock, farming utensils Ac. Joseph Par sons. Saturday, Oct. 2tst, eighteen acres of Land with good improvements, on the Falls Road, 14 mi. from Balto. Wm Gent.. Jr. Trustee. Farm or Country Seat of 26 acres on the Old Frederick Road, 4 miles front the city, with Frame Dwelling, barn and stable, on Monday Oct 23d. Benjamin Con tee. Ten acres of Woodland at the crossing of the Bel-air and Joppa Roads, ot> Sat., Oct. 28th. — Reuben Tovel, Admin. Farm of 130 acres, 5 mi. from Reisterstown, 18 from Balto., 30 acres in good timber, well watered and fenced, good buildings &c., on Sat. moniug, Oct. 28th. H. Kemp. Monday, Oct. 30th, on the North Point Road 6 mi. trom Baltimore, a farm of 95 acres with good improvements and a Wood lot of 45 acres; adjoining. T. Parkin Scott, Trustee. Monday, Oct. 30th, Farm oM2B acres, near Parktou on the N. C. R. R. with dwelling, barn, out-ouildings, orchard, wood-land &c., the prop erty of the late Wm. Plowman. J. T. Ensor, Trustee. Thursday and Friday. 2d and 3d days of Nov. Store Stand of the late John Michaels, in Middle town, with Stock of goods, Household furniture, Ac. T. E. Want land, Administrator. Wednesday, Nov. Bth, Sheriff s sale of 33 acres of land at the Court House door iu Towson town. Wednesday, No". Bth, near Monkton, Horses, Mulea, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, &o. Eli Matthews. Saturday, Nov. llth, ou the premises, new the old Joppa Road, 71 ucres of laud. Wm. H. Knight, Constable. Farm of 81 acres in Dnlaney’s Valley, 4 miles from Towsontown, with good improvements.— Jus. H. Bosley. Property Balrs.— Jas. W". Uwiners, Auction eer, soid ou Wednesday last, for Win. S. Keech. Committee o Ellen Grover, (lunatic,) situated in Long Green Valley, near Sommei field, a tract ol 41 acres with three small in erior dwellings, to Jas. Curtin, Esq., of the 9ilt district for $63 per acre. The Bowen property in Towsontown, contain ing over 15 acres of land with a good Stone Dwelling, was sold o.n Tuesday last, to Mr. Jas Boyce for $4 850. F. W. Bennett & Co. Awes. .Monday Oct. 9ih, S G. Wilson Auctr., sold two stone houses on the Falls K >ad near the lower Toll Gate, the property of Mrs. Parsons dec., Mrs. U’Niel bought one for $480; Mrs. Vogieson the other, tor $385. Mr. S. H. Gover, oo Monday last at Towson town, sold the farm known as “Risteau’s Garri son,” containing 146 J acres and lying in the Green Spring Valley ai Stevenson's Lane Station of the W. M. R. R. ft wa3 purchased by Mr. N. H Walsh for s7l per acre. Important Arrest.— Uur readers will recollect the destructive fire that occurred to Mr. Nmil Kirk's mid li u’sin th? 12tlr Dist., several weeks agff. John S. Pontier an 1 Jas. Mitchell, hide pen lent policemen of Balto. have been on tit* alert for the incendiary, and on Stturday last arrested a colored man named R *>t. Thomas aliu Robt. Brookins, on the BMair Road, who is charged with the crime. He was taken before Squire M tee o r the 12th Dist., who after an exam ination, committed him to J til at Towsontown The prisoner h is lately been discharged from th' army. At the time of enlisting he was confined in the County Jail, on the ch irge of attempting to poison the family of Mr. Sh tnklin, his former master, who lives near Mr. Kirk's Fine Corn.—-A sp auuieii of Corn, raised or the Farm of John Piaskitt in Limekiltn Bottom has been left at our office, which we thiuk it “bard to beat.” It is both 6f the white and Yellow species, and indicates a good strong soi where it grew. Oie of the ears has between 80< mod 900 well formed grains on it. Mr. Flask it offers bU 600 f*m for Sale. ■WHIP . j ...iipmii iiiiii t, ,iiii.iiiiii J—l | The ftttapntan A<Vt.oa—So little h-.s lately j 1 leen said of tula Institution that nttnv persons have almost forgotten its origin and design.— ' For the tienefit of such and of any others who 1 may feel interested, we will give a short account of it. Moses Shepperd, a wealthy and charita ble menilier of the Society of Friends, on htg de cease* few years ago. denoted half a million Dollars for the purpose of establishing a first class Asylum for the Insane. In accordance with the will, a Board of Trustees was appointed with J. Sam in Norris Esq., as President, who pur chased about 400 acres of land adjoining Tow sontown, between the York Turnpike and Chits. St. Avenue, for the purpose named in Mr. Shep- I*erd’s will. On a fine elevation near the centre of the property, the Asylum building is to tie ereeted, according to a design by Mr. Vaux of New York. When completed it will consist of two main wings, each 400 ft. in length, with a space of 112 ft. between intended for a Chapel. The foundation for one wing is laid and a small portion is under roof. The building will be of brick with heavy stone foundations, slate roof, fire proof, and when finished, will be one of the largest, most substantial and ornamental build ings of the kind in the world. The Institution is designed to be strictly curative in its character, and every possible care is taken to secure the health, comfort and safety of the inmates: Water will be supplied to the building from a spring on the premises. During the past summer an elegant stone man sion in the Gothic style of architecture has been put up for the residence of Mr. B. Vanhorn, manager of the Farm, and various other inprove ments.have been made and are in progress on the Farm. Everything is being done iu the most durable and artistic style and the institu tion promises some day to be the pride and boast of our county and State. Serious Accident.—On Friday morning of last week, a man named Patrick McKenna had, his foot badly crushed in Mr. Abram Shertzer’s threshing machine. Dr. Piper was immediately summoned who found it necessary to amputate two of the toes on the foot. Mr. McKenna was driving the horses in the machine at the time and accidentally had his foot caught in the cog wheels. Farmers should be careful to have their horse power well covered with hoards while in use. It may save many a crushed limb. The unfortunate man is doing well under the treat ment of Dr. Piper. The Philadelphia Central R. Road —The route for this new line from Balto. to Philadel phia, has been surveyed and will be permanent ly located in a short time. The new Road will leave the Phila.. Wil. and Balto. line at Stem mer’s Run thence passing through the 12th and 11th Dists. it will CIO6B the Belair Road at Mr. Brooks’ and the Gunpowder River at Mr. John Fox’s Saw mill. It will prove of immense ad vantage to that section of our county in devel oping the fine water power found there, and li ning the streams with Mills and Factories. The American Hat and Cotton Press.—We would chII the special attention of Farmers to the above Press, advertised in our columns to-day. This press will pack hay at least twice as compact as any other press in use, thus saving a large part of the present cost of transportation by Rail Road or Steamboat. It has been successfully tri ed and its power proved. Those who have large quantities of hay to ship will find it greatly to their advantage to examine this Press. The Season.—The sharp frosts of the Inst few weeks admonish us to prepare in time for the cold weather approaching. Our readers will find in to-day’s paper the Card of Constable and Fairchild, who have opened a clothing establish ment at No. 16 North St. Balto., We are assu red that these gentlemen thoroughly understand their business and that they have a fine stock of goods. The Public would do well to call on them. Resumed Practice.—Maj. Gen. Jno R. Kenlv, so well-know as the brave Commander of the Ist, Md. Inf. at Front Royal aud other bloody en- has resumed the practice of Law in Balt, in the Bible House building on Fayette St. Appointment.—Jas. W. Thompson, has bepn appointed Post Master, at Phoenix, vice M. Slothower, resigned. ov. Bradford has appointed W. T. Blackiston. Magistrate in the 1 lib district, aud Nathan Warfield in the Ist. THE MARKETS" Baltimobe, Oct. 13. FLOUR—Howard Street Super $9.37.@59.60 “ “ Retailing Extra $1 .50 “ “ Family SI2 00@512.50 “ City Mills Super $8.5 @53.75 “ Baltimore Family $15.00 Ohio Super $9.20@£9.50 “ .Extra ‘.;....50.00@)5l 0.00 “ Family $0.00@513.00 CORN MEAL per barrel s.oo@suoo GRAlN—White Wheat 220@300cts. Red Wheat 200@255 cts. White Corn 95@96 cts. Yellow Com.. 94@95 cts. Oats, (weight,)..;. 48@50 cts. Rye 00@95cts. PROVISIONS—Bacon Shouldcra..2oi@22* cts. “ Sides 20i@23cts. Hams, cured 3.. @3B cts. SALT—Ordinary brands, fine, $4.10@50.00 Ground Alum $2.50@50.00 Turks Island, per bushel, 60@$000 WHISKEY—(Ohioj. $2.30@50.00 MARRIED. On the 3d instaut, in Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hobart, Alexander Bliss. U. S. A., and Eleanor T., daughter of Wm. J. Albert Esq. On Tuesday, October 3d. by Rev. Joseph Williams, Geo. Gelbach, Jr., of Balto. city, to Julia A. Smith, of ttils cofinty. On the sth Oct. by Rev. Ja. Bullock, C. H. Clarke, to Maroaret E. Ritter, second daughter of Wilson Ritter, all of this Co. At Wa<hingtou, D. C.,on the 28th ult., by Rev. Mr. I.eech. Wm. Strickland to Miss Kate Stahl, both of this Co. On the 4th inst., by the Rev. William T. D. Clemm, Wm. J. Read to Miss Medora M. 51. Shipley, both of this Co. On the morning of the 3d, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Mr. Brown, H. S. Zimmerman, of Harford Co., to 51. Emma Zimmerman ofthis Co. On the sth inst., at the residence of the bride’s Fath er, by the Rev. Mr. Schenck, John T. Ensok. Esq., of Towsontown, Balto Co., to Miss Carrie Stokes, of Philadelphia, On the llth instant. In Frederick, by the Rev. Geo. Denle, C. Ridgely Ware, of Towsontown, to sliss Ma rt Brake, of the former place. DIED. In Long Green Valley, on the 15th July last. Daniel Webster, aged eight years, five months and five days, son of Cyrus K. and Elizabeth Mumma. In Long Green Valley, on the 13th August last, of Diptheria, David, son of Isaac and Mary iiertzler, aged four years, ten months and 13 days. On the 6lh inst.. in the 10th district, Balto. Co., of typhoid fever, George Chapman, only and beloved son of Geo. 11. and Ann M. Matthews, aged 4 years, 8 mo and 2 days. - On Saturday, 7th instant, at Middletown Balto. Co. Lida Mat. daughter of Thos. E. andLydiaC. Wantland, aged 1 year, 5 month and 8 days. On the 7th Inst., in the sth District, of scrofula. John F. Wilhelm a highly respeotable oillzen, aged about 36 years, leaving a wife aud four small children to mourn their irreparable loss. At Cub Hill, Baltimore county, on the 9th instant, John 51. Kketzer, in the 53d year of his age. On the sth instant at Willow Cottage Farm. Balto. Co., Michael K. Wartman, in the 66th year of his age FOB SALE. I7OUR VALUABLE WORK HOR-Bfer : SES. Inquire of 11. W. 14ISER, JgQjh near Rider's Switch, N. C. xt. R., or of H/l Wfcsley Peri no. Oct. 14.—2 t. Independent Candidate for Sheriff. I HEREBY announce n yself an Indepen dent Candidate for Sheriff of Baltimore Co. DANIEL B WILHELM, of the 6th Dist., the Soldiers Friend. Oct. 14.—te. ESTRAY. CAME to the Farm of Mrs. Rebec ca Smith, 3J miles on the Pimli-*qji<iid3fcjy co Road, about the Ist of August. dark red yearling HEIFER. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take here away. JOSEPH SMITH, Jr. Oct. 14.—3t* ELECTION PROCLAMATION. STATE OF MARYLAND, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, The Hon. Edwin H. Webster has filed iu this Department the resignation of his seat in the 39tn Congress of the United States, as Member elect from the Second Congres sional District of this State ; Now therefore, I Augustus W. Bradford, Gov ernor of Maryland, do by this my Proclama tion, designate and appoint Tuesday, the 7th day of November Next, for an ELECTION to be held in HARFORD COUNTY, IN THE STH, 6TH. 7TH, 9TH. 10TH, 11TH and 12TU DISTRICTS OF BALTI MORE COUNTY, and the Ist, 2d, 3rd, 4th, sth, 6th and 7th Wards of Baltimore City, constituting said 2d lougressional District, for a Member of Con gress to fill the vacancy so created. s ) Given under my hand and the seal. V Great Beal of the State at the City - •J of Annapolis, this 4th day of Octo >er, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty five. A. W. BRADFORD. By the Governor, Wm. B. Hill, Secretary of State. Oct. 14—te. —fcgaßßi j QUALIFIED VOTERS OF i BALTIMORE COUNTY. 'l'liE REGISTERS of the following Districts JL of Baltimore county, having completed the Registration of Voters In their several Dis tricts. according to law, hereby announce the names of those entered iu the list of qualified Voters as designated below, aud do “notify all persons interested td appear before them at the places, and during the hours of Registration on the TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y next S receding the Tuesday following the first Mon ay in November next, (which will be the 31st j of October and the Ist of November.) to show | any omtsstoMs or otAer errors in said lists, at which time the list of qualified voters shall be corrected and fiually closed." Fjrst Election District. A. Albert William J Armstrong Henry S Allen John Axe John Arnold Henry Armitage John Arnold John T Atkinson John Arnold Alexander B. Buckingham Grcenb’ryßonldin Louis Brinkley Joseph B * Birely Charlaa Barnes Samuel If Beakle Elias Beaumont John A Bower Peter Broutigan John Bennix Henry Bowen David Baker Jacob Brickman John Brass James H Briscoe John A Brunsman Gerhart H Briggs Thomas Brautigan Adam Brown Peter Bailey John D Birely James Bear Thomas 8 Bouldin John F Bradford William c Cornthwait John Curran Matthew Crosby Samuel K Cole Moses M Clements William E Connelly Michael Chenoweth Richard Carney George E Chroapfer Charles Clark William H Childs John P Carrigan William J Childs William J Chase James II Christ Frank Crosby Alexander L Cavey Noah Crosby Wm C Carr Francis P Canby Thomas Y Clinton William Coale William E Jr Curtis Joseph Crosby Joseph Cavey Reason Cook Henry D Dee John George Dykes Josephus Davis Benjamin ■ Dabbs John Dittey Alexander Dell Michael Diffey Victor Dodd John Dicus Jacob Drezler John Duncan Alexander Disney Charles H Disney John T E. Edler John Edmunston Robert A Ege John Ernest Samuel T Evans Alexander Emerit Wm II H Edmunston Tilghman Esler Alexander Edmunston Alex D Eberliug George W Edmunston Thos B P. Freund Jacob Fountain Wm H Fusting Joseph P Fishor Matthew Ford Georgo A Fuller Thomas Fell Charles B Fieil John Henry Feathers Jacob J Feathers George W Fischer Henry Fauth Frederick Fort Edward 8 Forrest Jonathan 6 Gibson John Green Daniel Grimes Greenberry Garver Lafayette Gibbons Wm II Ginavan John Griihos Jerome Gartside Henry Grine Henry Grimes William Gibson James Gattang George Gardiner Isaac Galvin Rodger Gilpin John Gibson William Ginavan Thomas Gelston Hugh H Holland John C Hudson William Herrman Christopher SHood Alfred Hutson SamuelT Hogan Stephen G Holland John M Harvey Charles W Heacock Israel R Ileddrick George T Hartley Charles L Hurley Michael Hand Emanuel K J House David J Hand Thomas R Hipsley Caleb Hines Joshua II Hirrold John Holland Samuel Howell Darius C Helwig Jacob Herrold John G Harvey Joshua Haworth John Humphry Enos Hotchkiss Sherman Hilton Joßhua Hooker Win B Hayworth George R Hooker William H Hobbs Lyod J Jones Arthur Jackson Vincent T Jones Nicholas Jones Johnsey Jackson George V Jones Amos Sr Jones Amos Jr Ja. kson Ralph Johnston James N Jones Abraham Jones Wm H Jones Reuben Jones George W Jones George W of D Jones James M Johnson Reverdy K Kimble William F King John King Charles Kelley George Klein John W Kelly Charles 0 Kaisor H Henry Kelly Wm J Kcrkhoff John H Kirkwood John F Keechler John King Frederick Kindell Eli Kennedy Anthony Keyes Wm H Kennedy John P Keith George W Koter Frances X Keith Andrew J Kueplipg Herrman F L Leib John Lowman Pilip Lilly William Lilly John Lilly James Love Andrew Jr* Lyon Thomas Lowe Joseph Lilly John Love Andrew Sr Lipps Christoph Landwher Gerhart Lomis George T Lilly Adam Lewis Edmund R Lilly Amos Lishear James R Lee Charles Loomis Chauncey Lee James Lenk Peter Lenman Ludwig Lehman John Lee Jarrett Leatherwood Thomas Livezey Elias Vfl Meushaw James 8 McKenzie Jesse Sr Mellor Joshua McKenzie Jesse Jr Mercer James W M Miller Hartman McCauley John W Myers John Jr Mulnix Joshua Myers Jonathan D Moore Philip McKensie Israel McCauley Daniel J Marriott William Miller Henry Misel Frederick Merkle Joseph Merryman John 8 Miller Jesse McCleere John Mellor Eli G Milliman Geogge L McCauley Wm T Mainster Samuel Moelhe Henry Myers John Sr Mesmeriuger'John B Monmonicr Lewis A Moore Win C Mercer Wm M Marriot Wm II Mabbe William 8 McKenzie Joseph Monmonier Francis McKenzie Caleb H Myers Augustus Miuker David N Needham Asa Nagle Anthony o Owens Samuel W P Pierce Ephraim Pierce Joseph Pierpoint Wm T Pyle Ebenezer Pierce Levi White Pfieffer John F Platt John Partridge Wm E Price William Phelan John W Piquett Daniel Perry Allston A Procto Henry Perry George L Parish Edward Peregoy Jehu Pindie Adolphus Pierp >int Joseph C Pierce Emanuel Peddicord Isaac H Porter John Patterson William R a Quinn James E * Ruff Jacob Reynolds Jesse A Robinson Samuel J Renna Frederick Reese John Emanuel Ruff Emanuel F Reynolds Robert W Rush Peter Read Charles W Reynolds Charles T Read Wm E Resch Michael Rirmney Michael G Rigbv George Read James R Robinson Samuel of T Read Elias J Roussey William Reid Wm J Redman Wm Read Elias A Ritter Johnsey I Reed Win E Ritter Sylvester Reed Robert Robinson John S Rigby Henry s . Smith Jacob B Sud lery James Smith John K Snyder Henry Sweeuey Bimon Stevens Ferdinand Smith Joshua Sunderland James Sharswood William Sbiveley William Smith Josiah K Severs George P Stiefel Edward W Schmidt Frederick Shaw George W Smith Albert Smith Eliu Swain Co:more A Stullz Frank 6mith Nimrod Spiutzer Lewis Smith George SauterJulius Sord William Schotta Charles Scott Eli Schroopter Gottfried Stinchcomb John C Selhan John Stebbins Wallace Streekfus George J Shipley Thomas B T Thompson James R Tasker James W Thomas- C iarles Tice John Taylor Joseph E Townsend David Thourston Israel R Thomas Wm Sr Taylor Robert B Treadwell William S Taylor Joseph 8r Taylor Robert Townsend John Tice Bartholomew Tice Wm H Thompson Robert B .... 1 - 11 mm -ww W- ■ - v. Unger John D V Van pelt Charles Van Bokkelin Libertus Vogle Philip R I w Webb John W Warner Charles J Whitternore Geo H Watts Wm A Wootqn Win T Waters Wm H Watson James Weaver Paul Weaver George Williams Win A Ware James Warfield Oliver C Winters Benjamin Webb Thomas Weber John Wilson Henry Wilson John 8 Wallis John V Wilson David Wilson Absalom Ware William H Wallis Michael Warfield Nathan Walles Basil Weise Wm G Wilson Samuel Webb William Y Young Joahua % Zehun John Total 379. JOHN K. BMITH, ) I. R. HEACOCK, \ Registers. JOHN GIBSON, j Sixth Election District. * A. Albon Zachariah Jr Albon Ueo E Albon Jehue S Albon Joseph Albon Wm A Allison James W Albon Samuel S B. Burkhart Jacob Bosley Levi Bally Frederick Bull Gea I! Burkhart John Bui! Thos X ofC Burkhart Frederick Baker Henry Brutscbwert John Baublitz John Baker Henry H Baub'.itz Christian Bull Christopher of A Baubnts Daniel B Bull Christopher of C Bailey Jeremiah Bally Nathaniel Bush Henry Bull Nicholas H Bosley Win Baker William Belt Kinsey Baker Henry F Baublit* Chas F. Burke Charles Baublitz Sami F Bull John E Bollinger Jefferson * c. Culling* Nelson Cooper John Jr Cooper John Sr Cross-Amos Cross Thoz J Cooper 51icajah Cross Valentine Carr Peter Cooper John W Cnlp Henry Cooper Joseph. Cooper W m W Cooper Joseph of John CullinßS Jas W Cooper Benj T Coltrider Jacob Cross John Coltrider Chas D. Davis Wm Dorr Wm Davis Miles Daugherty Wm Daugherty James E. Ensor Charles Eharhart Geo Eareckson Robert Ebaugh Ephraim F. Fultz Geo M Freeland Thomas Fisher Wm Free Isaac fit. Gain Philip H Gore Christian Gosnell Geo W Goodwin Benjamin Gorman John Gemmill James L Gosnell Wm II Gerteer Jacob K Gosnell Jacob M H. Hoshal David Hilkert Henry Hoffman Geo W S Hamilton Wm Hoffman Wm K Hilkert John H Hunt Joshua Hoffman Henry Hasler Jacob Hare Wm B Hare Joseph Hoffman Wm II Hoffman Henry C Henry Geo M Heck John C Hunt John W Heck Andrew Hoffman Peter B Hoffman Wm DSen Hampshire Geo D Hoffman Peter B Jr Hare John I Henry Peter Hilkert Daniel IJ Henry Jacob Hampshire John Heathcoat Martin Hoffacker Henry II Hoffman Jacob Hampshire John D Hampshire Geo B Heck John A Hill Wm M Hoover Wm Hampshire Geo T Hoshal Nicholas Hunn John I. Ingham John J. Jones Reuben E Jacobs Zacarlah Jones John S K. Kite Daniel W Kramer Samuel Keller Geo W Kirk Robert Keisel Frederick Keas Wilson Kidd Wm Keas John Kite Henry C Kerschner Conrad J Kibler John F Kroh Daniel Keeney Joseph Y Kroh Philip Kite John H Keel Andrew Kidd Lloyd* N Kidd David I*. I.ockman Levt List Lewis Lohr Abraham ns. Masemore Geo II Marsh Wm slcAbee Wm Marsh Joshua Markey Jacob slorris Lemuel sfatthews Jarrett Ma.-emore Theodore May Thomas • Marshall Grafton E McCleary Moses W sfays Jehue Matthew's Wm W Morris Abraham sfasemore Qeo H of D Matthews Geo W Morris Ephraim D slasemore Thos R slorrow John Morris Nicholas S Michael John McCullough Jas II McCullough Wm SftCleary Benj Michael John 0 slackey Richard G Makey Geo sfcClary Wm Marsh Thos 0 McKenzy Collin N. Nafe Lenard o. Ott Henry Oelegrath William P. Parrish Stephen Parson Wm P Parrish John Palmer John W Parrish Peter Palmer Geo II Parson Joseph Palmer John F Palmer Nelson J Parson Wm \V Palmer Joseph Pepler Philip Price Valentine W R. Reed James Rhule Henry Rogers Nelson J Ruhling Julias C Rogers James A itoemka Ernest Rogers Benj F Kigney Joint Rane Isaac Rice Lewis s. Shaffer Jacob Sater Thos J Stiffler Peter Sater Henry W Shauck John H Shultz Geo Smith Joseph Shultz Nathan Spicer John Shauck Wm Sherman Wm Shaniberger Jacob Stabler Jacob Slyder Fred W Swam Wm Swam Caleb Shue Jas M Srigman Jacob Sweeney Daniel Sauble Eli 3 Shue John Shue Jacob Skipper Micajah Slembaker John II Sparwasser Andrew Smith Daniel Spicer Nathaniel Smith David Shue Henry Shuffer Abraham Shaffer Enoch T. Tracey Curtis Tracey James Tracey Michael Thompson Thos Jr Tarman John J Taylor Geo W Tracey Jacob Thompson Thos Sr IJ. Ulrich William w. Walker Wesley Wilhelm Peter B Wert* John G Wilhelm Geo W Wilhelm Henry Wisner John Walker Joseph Walker Walter C Weller Peter Wilhelm Jacob Wirley Chas C Wertz David , White Janies C Wilhelm Peter F Walker Geo Wilhelm Jeremiah Williams Luther M -Wilhelm Daniel F Williams Denard 3 Wilson DanieLS Walker Henry Wilhelm Wm Warehatn Henry S Wells Wm T Wilhelm Jacob B Williams David S H Wantland Thomas E Wilhelm Daniel B Werner Nicholas Walfmau Conrad Wilhelm Samutl Y. Young William Young Joseph Young Samuel z. Zankerd John S Zimmermon Jarrett N Zimmermon John Zimmermon IleDry Total 271 william Mcculi.ough, ) CHARLES BURKE. { Registers JACOB B. WILHELM, J Seventh Election District. A Alder John R Armacost Melchor Sr Armacoet Melchor Jr Almony John Allison John T Anderson James H Anderson Andrew T Anderson John W Armacost Nicholas Albright Milton Allen Anthony J B Bull William Bull Samuel W Bull Eli T Burns Benj F Bull John of A Bull Jacob Bull Emanuel Bull Jno A Burton Matthew Burns John T Bull Qeo A Bernondy Augustus drown Francis M Bond Ross Bond Thomas Beatty Wm Bond Benjamin Briggs Daniel Bull Nicboin# H Bull John C Bull Wm W Butler Geo J Bailey Adam Bull Wm of A Burns Benjamin Burns John W Bull Joehua L Bar ten John W inrns John • Beatty Geo Bull Nicholas Bentley Chas W load Shadrach Barrett Geo turn* Wm B Burns Janies T Burns Richard N Bond Elisha Bell Joba Bond James wmmammmammmasrnsamsm C > Cornelius Samuel Collett Moses Jr Curr.v Win H Collett Modes Sr Curry Kean Curry Alfred W Conn Henry S ' Cushing Joseph Cooper Alired S Curfmaft' Daniel Coney Win Collett John G Cooper Tlios Cole Thos B Conn WmT Caldwell Jas Crook Francis A Jr Cooper James Cooper WmT Cox Thos Cole Samuel H Collett Thos Ohilcoate Francis A Collett Nicholas Catneron Daniel W Carroll John Chi locate Abraham E Coggins Harry Cooper Tego Cox Marcellos Collett Ephraim Cross John T Collett Bensou S Coney Oeo H D Devin WraH Daily Isaiah Dykes Alexander E Ebersold Josiah Everhart Edmond S Ensor Geo D Enaor Geo G Ensor Isaac Eaton Samuel Eaton Wm Ensor Nathan G Ensor Thos E Ebau Henry H Elliott Abraham J F Frederick Morris Fitzpatrick John Frederick Geo Kile John Fitzgerald John Foster John B Fugat Wm T Freeland Stephen Foster Wm Frederick Nelson Freelaud Edward B Freeland John Freelaud Joliu of E Fre land Alfred Frederick Hosea . Freelaud James S Freeland Edward G French James Freeland Wm D Foster Geo E G Gorsnch Stephen Gorsuch Thomas Garrett John C Garrett Benj H George Jas C Gemraill John S Gaine James Gorsuch Nicholas Gettle Jacob Gorsuch Wm Garrett Benj Sr Garrett Lemuel II Gairett Jehu R Gilbert Thos L Green Elisha Geuimill John Jr Gleason Thomas Galleon Richard S H Harman Jno C Harkness Thomas Hoffauker Martin L Holleuberger John J Hollingshead David Huuter John W Howard Isaac Hershner Wm II Hoffacker Henry M Hollingshead Robert Hildebrand Tbos J Hays John B Hotfacker Geo Howe Wm Hysore Alphenus V Hendricks John Hunter John Hunt Oliver K Hicks Abrah'am C Utudricks John W Uisse Jno F J Jones Joseph Johnson Wm M Jones James Jones Wm T Johnson W m of J Jones Robert W Johnson Alfred T K Kirkwood Robert Knight Ignatius Kirkwood Wm Sr Keys Alexander Kirkwood Benj F _ Kerr James Sr Kirkwood Wm jr Kerr Jas jr Kauffman Thos Kidd Eli Kelly Edward Sr Krout Adam II Kelly Edward jr Keller John F Kirkwood Joseph Kidd Daniel Kirkwood Geo 0 Kline George King Michael L Lloyd Geo W Litzinprer Geo Little Geo Lease Geo L Little John C Little Wm II M Marsh Andrew G Mitchell Frederick D Miller Hezekiah B McDonald Aquilla Miller John Sr Matthews Dauiel Miller Stephen A Merryman Wm H Miller John R Meckulske John C Mays John C Moore Jas T Mays Geo II McCubbin Peter B Mays Thos G Mays Juo T Miller Stephen Mays Nicholas F Miller Wm H McCubbin Wm E Matthews Ezekiel McAllister Henry C Mays John P Mcßride James Matthews Eli McCullough Reuben Merryman Thomas McCullough Benjamin Meredith Whitfield S McCullough Thomas Meredith Micajah McCubbin Chas C Matthews Win P McCleary Isaac N Mecaslin W m H II . McDonald Abraham Meredith Samuel McDonald Jacob M Mumina Win McGirr John S Martin Chas J Mcilvain Jeremiah Miller John ' McNeal Joseph W Manifold Wm 11 N Naylor Samuel Nelson Jarrett Norris Daniel Norris Esrotn Norris Benj P Nelson Joseph Navlor James Nelson John P Parker James Parrish Nctrris B Pitts Joshua B . Payne John Pearce James S Postom Daniel T Palmer Win C Pearce David Palmer Elijah Purky Oliver Palmer Emanuel Plowman Henry B Palmer Andrew J Peregoy Joseph A Palmer John Peregoy Michael A Palmer Johnsey Pearce Josiah S R Reilley Luther Rosier Dennis Rosier John liuhl Win Rosier Win lioys'on Caleb W Reilley John Rowe Joseph E Demur Richard A Rowe John Rosier Lewis Rutledge Joshua Rankin Robt G Rutledge Nathan s Shekell James W Sampson David Seitz Joseph Sampson Isaac Sparks Elijah B Standiford Adolphus M Smith Lycias Stabler Daniel Shock Jarrett M Sykes Wm Sparks Alfred Stroh Philip Slade Abram Spindler John R Shock Jacob Standiford James A Shewn Arthur Stirling James Stifflt-rJohn Stirling Robert. Scott James Slade Madison Stabler John Slade Silas Sampson Sami D Stiffler Wm H Shultz Amos Standiford Vincent Sampson Emanuel J Stewart Jug! Seitz Wm N Slade Christopher Shelly John Siiffler Jacob Stabler A lam J Stiltz Nicholas Stabler Henry Stiliz Atnos Stiltz James P Stirling John T Tracy Micajah Tracy Salem Traeev John Tracy Elias Talbot Wm Torrington John E Tracey Wm S Tracy Isaiah Torrington James Tracy James Taylor Henry Treadway Daniel Tracy Warner Treadway John N Tombaugh Wm Turnbaugh Conrad Turiibaiigh John Turnbaugh James A Thomas Levi Toft Thomas Trump Volney V Tracy Jesse T Tracy Owen Thompson John T V Vance Jacob Vance Howard IV Welch Solomon Walker Joseph Wilson Henry VV Welch Janies II Whitcraft Lewis Wilson Cornelius Whitcraft Wilfred H Wilhelm John M Wilson Thomas C Wilson John T Wittig ChasC Wright Henry S Wilson Eli Williams Barney r Wise John Woodruff Albert P Wise Wm Y Young George W Total 359 KEAN CURRY, 1 HENRY S CONN, \ Registers. A. S. COOPER, J Ninth Eleotion District. A Ady Edward H Akehurst William Allison Joseph Apple William Allison Joseph A Appleby William H Akehurst Charles Anderson John J * Aull Jacob 1 B Bowen Henry L Blucher John M i Boyd James II Bishop William Jr I Breckinridge Wm D Boublits Henry I Baker Francis Belt William Burns Benjamin Bows Patrick I Bowen Benjamin Boon John Baker Charles H Bordley William C Bayne John T Bowen Geran Baddara William Bowen Israel E 1 Borman Francis B Brown Jamas ' ’■os*CHi"' ' ' 'Tfii')] ft ~ man Samuel J B-.wen Sylvester mw%a Ferdinand©# Baker Jaoob Butler Samuel F Blucher Albert Buckley Barauel Bedford John D Buckley James Blakeley Richard Brodie John Brown Pierce Brodie Alexander Butler John H Burns Thomas Bayne John Bayne William Sr Bayne Thomas . lliam Jr Burner Angustus Bell William H Bell Jesse W Blum John G Buckman Charles H Bowen Wm Buckman George R Bowen Joseph S Buckman Wm T Bryson William J Bradford Hon A W Brown Andrew Bonsell Robert F Burns Thomas Boon Gideon Baynes James Barber Joseph Burl age Gerhard Barnsmith George Blotenberger Philip Boyce James Bowen Wtlliam c. Cox Charles E Cox Benjamin W ■ Conner Charles A Cross Joshua Church Eleazar F Conniff John Carter Uriah 8r Cole Samuel W Carter Uriah Jr Cole Charles H Corbin Joshua W Cole William Coale John W Cornelius John E Clancy Matthew Collens John H Chambers John Coogler John Constantine John W Cornelius George Curley James W Carroll Wm H Corbin William Cronnan John £ U !£ e fi m T , Crowther Isaac 8r Cathell Joseph Canapp Lewis Corbin William Chenowith Thomas Cummings Thomas Carroll David Cauoles Charles A Crowther Isaac 8 Canoles James H Cooper Thomas oo“ S. Dunphy Richard G Donnelly Christian Dorod Michael Duvall Marshall Dobaugh Philip Duvall Jesse Daugherty Robert W Dicus James Debaugh Henry Denmead William Dewees Garrett Davis Richard Dugdalo George Doyle Dennis Darling Isaac Jr Dunning John Darling Isaac 8r Davis Archibald E Ensor John T Ensor George R Ewing Kirkpatrick Eppich Peter Eardman John Jr Ergood Gabriel Emgc Peter Edmonson Joseph A Ellis John W r r Frederick John Ford David Frederick James P K Fuller Isaac Fisher Leonard Fisher Jesse Fannan Owen Fisher James I Fort Thomas Frederick Shadrach Frederick Thomas Fisher Christian Fisher Andrew Frances Augustus Ford William Fields John Flayhart Edward Fisher Albert Frances Isaac Flayharty Philip Ford Isaac Frances Charles Foxcraft Nicholas Fisher William G. German Thomas R E Gladfelter Reuben Gallagher Patrick Gorsuch Jacob Green Elisha Gorsuch Joseph Grason Richard George John Goodrich Hiram H Griswell John H Green Samuel H German Joseph Gambrill Horatio Glasgow James R Gatnbrill Wm B German John German Henry Graham George R Gondz William Garrett John H. Herbert Gideon Henze Augustus Heinecke John TA C Heaney John Haubert Daniel Hollingsworth Thos Hughes George H Hooper James E Haverstick’ Levi M Hinton Theodore Hyle Isaiah Heavy Andrew Houck Lloyd Hare Ephraim Hamilton George Hinton Albert^ Hayden Horace WSr Holland Isaac Hines Daniel Hamilton Charles Hines Kern Hodge 3 Samuel Hunt Wiley Houser Nicholas Hargest Thomas Hile Thomas Hartman John Hinson James H Hynes David S Hahn Peter Harper John Hayden John Hook Richard E Halinaker August Houser John J Hiser Frederick Hamilton William Harrison Joseph Ilalpin John Hayden Horace W Jr Hughes Richard Haughay Arthur z Irwin John W J. Jeffreys William Jones James J Jones Philip R Johnson Alexander T Jeukins Robert Jackson F.lisha M Jenkins J Edward Jones Wiliiam XL Kone Henry Kennedy William Krout Adam H Knight Perry R Ke ly Thomas L Knight John G Roller William H Knapp Lewis R Keller John Kenny David King William T Kelly Cornelius A Knocke Frederick A Keller John Krout William B Kidd Lewis Knight Joseph R Kelly William H Knight Benjamin F Kilchenstine John A Keller Samuel P Karr Elisha Xi. Leakin Sheppard C Labarron Charles Lee Daniel Lynch Dixon Lynch William Lamlev Jacob F Longnecker John H Laughback John Leight Lewis Laughback John Lovell William Longnecker John B Lovell William Lee John W Lovett William A Longnecker David Longnecker H Clay Lovell Thomas TSL Merryman Oliver P Morton Dudly T Matthews Amos Moore Charles D Myers Edward 8 McDonald Patrick Merryman Joseph Morran William R Milligan George B Miller Frederick Miller Augustus Martenet Simon J Miller John -H McOanly James A Miller Henry Mitchel Edward McGinn Robert C McCormick Samuel McLain Robert McMann Patrick Malamber John L McCanly George Moses George W McLaughlin James Moses James Murray Thomas Marsh John Mason John W McGran John McCann James J McCauley John Y Mann John Martin Joshua McCaul Peter Millstead Andrew J Mott Abraham G Morton Alfred B N. Nizar Samuel H Nighthire Joseph Norris John P Nicolai William F Nicolai Charles H Naylor Samuel T o O’Conner Thomas Oram John P. Pennington James Pilson George W Plaskitt John Parker Llewellyn L Plaskitt Joshua Patterson Joseph Perine Richard M Poole Robert Parker Edwin L Porter John E Plaskitt James B Parks Joshua Parlett Joshua A Poole Thomas Peregoy Robert Parks Samuel Perine Wiliiam Philips William C R. Roberts Lewis J Reuter Frederick Rider Abraham Reed William E Rider Edward Reed John G Robinson John C Reynolds James Reese George 8 Ridgely John of Hamp Riddle Elisha Reddin John Robinson Thomas II Reynolds Perry Roberts Isaac G Reese Gerard H Reising Andrew Ritter Eli Richard George T Reese Charles Roach Patrick J Ramsey James 0 Roach Wm Reese Samuel J Ritter George W Russell Philip Ritter George H Roberts William Rigdcn Caleb Reese Henry s. St John George Stevenson Washington Badtler Christopher C Stevenson Edward Sheriden James Schroder John E Sloan John Stevenson John Sindall David Smith Wm O Sweeny Edward N Sheiblcin John Sweeny Augustus W Shealey Daniel Jr Skipper Eli Shealey Daniel Sr Smith Thomas A Stockman Charles Bindall John T Sadtler Charles II Sparks Levi Bmith Henry Schofield Tilghman . fyke's David Bnyder Peter Bmith Jacob D Stran James H Sheitzer Abraham Smith James H Simms Samuel Shaqklin John W Stagmire George Schroder Henry Standerford Wm Bchueler John Shealey George W Stran George W Sheesley Daniel Straysinger Christian Soper W Ilorace Shirk Henry Spoerl John C Bchroeder Herman D Shrivcr Alfred Schwerdm&nn HT E Stine George D Schwartz Henry W C Bmith William Simms John Smallwood Joseph Simms Thomas S Smallwood Wm B Stansberry William E T, Treadway John W Thornton Wm H Taylor Caleb S Taylor Wilkeraon Timaaus John T Taylor Joseph Taylor Thornes It Talbert Samuel L Thompson Georg# W Thompson Johh T Tomlinson David B Traband Henry Thompson James Talbert Alien A Tipton John W Tebbetts Lewis B Tilghtuan Nathaniel C Towson Obedtah G V 1* Underwood Joseph A v Vogleson William H Vawpelt Abraham Vanhorn Benjamin Vandergrift John M Vanhorn John W w Whittle Samuel N Webb Samuel Ward Dr Robert J Wisner John N Ward Edward V Watts James H Woods Richard G Watkins John M Whittle Charles N Wheeler William * Woods William C Walters Andrew S Wilson James H Ward James H Woollen Richard II Wh_\te Wm P Wheeler George F Ware Evander T Wisner Jacob Williams William F Webb Henry M Weatherly James W Williams William J Winter John Williams John W Wilson William Williams Thomas E Wright Stephen Wilson Salnuel G Wilnelm Jacob Wann Charles Wilson Joshua Wheeler Lewis H Winderoth John White James IT Yellott George Young Samuel Yeager Joseph Young Sylvester z. Total 483. Zink John W EDWIN L. PARKER.’) S. C. LEAKIN, !• Registers. J. ROBT. WARD, j A PEACTICAL QUESTION. IS IT CONSTITUTIONAL TO TAX BEAL ESTATE AND TUB mortgage on it? has been the custom of the County Commissioners to tax both, which I think is both unjust and unconstitutional. The fif teenth Alt. of the Declaration of Rights says, ‘ Every person in the State (except paupers) or person holding property therein, ought te con tribute his proportion ot public taxes to the sup port of the Government, according to bis actual worth in real or personal property.” The County Commissioners, in laying the tax es, ought to act in accordance with said Article, which they have sworn to support, I have been trying to be relieved from paying two taxes, find ing it hard enough to pay one of them. Four years ago I called on Mr. Quinlan to ask him to bring it before the Legislature, but that Legislature suddenly adjourned Sine Die.— I then wrote. to our member R. Johnson, hut received no answer. 1 wrote to anoth er member who replied that it looked favorable and that was the end of it. I see the old B dird of Commissioners is offered for re-election". That implies pay double taxes. Now 1 contend that it is the duty of the Commissioners when they are making the Levy to proceed thus: A’s property is assessed at §3OOO. In look ing over the Records they find that B has a mortgage of S2OOO, against him, which makes A’s “actual worth” just SIOOO, for which be should be assessed and no more. Again A tells B, 1 will buy fifty acres of yoor old field, for which I will pay you S4O per acre. B says you can have it if you give me a mort gage and pay whatever taxes may be on it. A agrees to the terms. Now I think the county rate on such lands is about three-fifths of its ac tual value, which would make the rate of A’s property §24 per acre—say s3o,—that is SI2OO. Valuation Si2oo at 65 cts. on ihe bund, is $7,80 Mortgage S2OOO “ “ “ “ “ $13,00 $20.80 If I have made this correct, it is easy to see what Mortgage property pays into the Treasury. If it is objected that A oughJ not to pay the tax es on the mortgage we reply, that borrowers are compelled to submit to just such terms. And very justly too when we see the large amount of seven-thirties offered to the public, and our Leg islature in passing a Bounty Loan, took care to exempt it from taxation. You will also find that Ground Rents are exempted, so that capitalists have great inducements for investing their fonde in non-tax paying investments. By exempting one species of property from taxation you make it heavier on another. If a person invests his money in any of the above exempted property, he does not even pay for schooling his children, provided he send* them to the Public Schools. No matter what the amount he holds, he does not even pay as much as the widow with seven children would pay on a mortgage of SIOOO unless she bad made an agreement with the mortgager. 1 stated above that the Legislature exempted the Bounty Loan from taxation. Now you see their wisdom. They tell tbiir constituents, You must pay taxes on the amount you borrow, bnt the State must not. Or in other words, the Mortgager must pay. If the State or County cre ates a loan and the authorities levy a tax o f one dollar to the hundred, they would be compelled to pay a premium of from sl7 to S2O on the hundred to obtain it else capitalists wouldn’t in vest in it. To conclude, J see by the last County paper, that the old Board of Commissioners was re-nom inated. Four other names were before the Con vention among which was mine. I did not per mit it to be offered expecting to succeed. But if the citizens of the County are willing to give the foregoing a trial I should like those favorable, to select a new Ticket and test the matter. lam opposed to the practice of the present Board. I called on this board several years ago with refer ence to the matter, but received no further satis faction than— Pay your taxes on your mortgage. I therefore call upon all those favorable to ihe movement to assemble at the Court House ia Towsoutown, on Wednesday , October 18 th, at 2 o'clock , P. M. t to take into consideration the best remedy to be applied. JOHN FOX, Eleventh District. Oct. 14—It. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, In Baltimore County, Eleven Miles from the city, four from Towson towu and three fourths of a Mile from the Dulanev’s Valley Turnpike. THE FAR'M CONTAINS ABOUT EIGHTY-ONE ACRES OF GOOD LAND. The improvements are a Large Stone AbbA Dwelling, stables, Outbuildings, The Farm has recently been limed and is in a high state ot cultivation., There is Lime Stone on the piace, and a MARBLE QUARRY, which has been worked and may be 60 again with profit to the owners. • If not sold by Wednesday, November Ist, it will then be offered at Public Sale, on the premises at 10 O’clock A. M. W-TERMS MADE EASY. For particulars apply to the undersigned at No. 203 North Bt. Baltimore. JAMES H. BOSLEY*. S. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Oct. 14.—ts ESTRAY NOTICE. Baltimore county, to wit i here by certify. that Richard J . . Matthews of Baltimore county, wit, brought before me the subscri ber, one of the justices of the peace iu ami lor the said county, this 9th day ot October A. D. 1865, as astray, trespassing upon his enclosures, SEVEN HOGS. One of them is a large, black and white sow, marked with a crop of the left ear and split in the right one ; four large, whit* ones, marked with a crop in each ear; one large, white sow, marked with a split in the left ear and crop of tho right, and one small' spotted sow, not marked. Given under my hand. CHAS. R. MACE, J. P. The Owner or owners of the above described hogs, are hereby requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away. RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, Oale’s Mills, 12th District. Oct. 14.—3t.* THEAMERICAN HAY AND COTTON PRESS. T |UIIS celebrated Press will turn out from J. twelve to fifteen tons baled hay per day of ten hours condensed to 20 lbs. per cubic foot. With the labor of three men and one horse,cot ton can be pressed to twenty-five or thirty lbs. per cubic foot County or State rights or right# for single Presses, with full information, can be had of CHARLES L. OUDESLtJYS, Agent, * No- 57 South Gay street. The Press can be seen on the lot adjoining the Concordia Club House on Eutaw street, and a Model Press is on exhibition at the Mary land Institute Fair. ' Oct. 14. lm ROAD NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that thirty day# from the day of the date hereof, appljca T turn will be made to the County Commissioh qrs of Baltimore county, for tho opening of county road from Wilkes St. or Eastern aven ue in Baltimore city, te th# Trappe Road . pass - ing through lands owned by the Canton Com pay, city of Baltimore and Morrow Lowry, and being an extension of th? Jtoad kno*u u Shaw Lane. Oct 14.-^*t