Newspaper Page Text
NEW SERIES—VOL. 1. NO. 42. Professional Cards. B. N. PAYNE, REAL ESTATE AGENT & CONVEYANCER. OFFICE— Smedley Raw, opposite the Court House, Towsontown. April 29. ly | John T. Ensor, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN j CHANCERY, Towsontown, M d. Will attend promptly a)nd penseveringly to all b usiness entrusted to his care. Jan. 1, 1365.—tf. B. W. DOTJGHEKTT, ATTORM'EY AT LAW, TO WSONTO W N, M I>. April I.—6m. M “ DR. J. PIPER, Residence opposite the late Dr. Tidings office. Office hours from 7 A. M., to 9 o’clock A. M. From 1 o'clock P. M., to .‘5 o’cl’k P. M., and 6 o'clock P. M. Jan. 1, 1865.—18(16. . ISAAC MeCURLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 38 ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE. j May 6.—ly . j R. M. PRICE, attorney at law. Office —No. 1 Sniedley Row, Towsontown. WILL give prompt attention to all law and chancery business entrusted to his care. Sep. 17, 1554.—1 y •. c. bou\ suxoaiifi'j ATTORNEY AT E.AW, 2 Vo. 3T TF. LEXINGTON STREET, (Basement,) Baltimore, lid. April 15, 1865.—1 y. . j Amos F. Musselman, ATTORNEY. Office No. 21 Lexington st., Baltimore city. PRACTICES in the Courts of Baltimore county. |f - July 9, 1864. —ly - j WILLIAM M. BUSEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, | No. 71 Fayette Street, Near Charles, Baltimore, Md. April V, 1865.—1 y. Theodore Glocker, attorney at* law AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, No. 44 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. PARTICULAR attention given to Chancery and Orphans’ Court business, in the Courts Baltimore city and county. All communications or business left With .>lr. JOHN R. D. BEDFORD,Conveyancer,Towson- town, will be promptly attended to. March 12, 1864. tf. O. C. Warfield, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tgwsoxtown. J)REPARES applications for BOUNTY, BACK PAY and PENSIONS. Feb. 20.—tf Jos. P. Merryman. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 71 West Fayette street, Balt. Jan. 9,1864.—1 y ~ DR. ISAAC MeCURLEY, DENTIST, 8. W- COR. LIBERTY and LEXINGTON, Sts. BALTIMORE. _MayJs.—tf 1 O. MERRYMAN. p> KEEC3 D ’ 1,1 S MERRYMAN & KEECH, DENTISTS, STo. 50 North Calvert street, Baltimore. March 26, 1804.—1 y DR. J. H. JARRETT, (Formerly Surgeon 7tii £ld., V 015.,) TTAVING purchased the late residence of |~| Dr. E. R. Tidings, respectfully offers his Professional Services to the public. Having had an experience of ten years in private prac tice and two years and a-half in the army, he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all those -who may favor him with a call. June 17, 1865.—1 y. _ _ JOHN R. KENLY, ATT® INI dY AT LAW. Offiice, 2 d Floor Bible Ridding, Fayette st. Near Charles Street, baltxmobs. Will practice in the several Courts of tne City of Baltimore and State ot Maryland also, Claims against the Government of the United States, and all business connected with the Public Offices at Washington, will be carefully .attended to. Oct. 7th 1865.—6 m. R. R. Boarman, lc attorney at law AND A SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, flmedley Row, opposite Court House, TOWSONTOWN. ’ YTTIkk promptly attend to all business en truatedto his care. Jan. I*.—tf LEWIS H. WHEELER. WILLIAM S. KEECH Wheeler & Keech, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, •Office No. 1 and 2 Smedley Row. Towsontown- HAVING formed a PARTNERSHIP for the practice of Law, will give prompt atten tion to the collection of claims and business in general in the Orphans’Courtand Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Aug. 27, 1859—tf B. W Templeman. Pennington Wm. 11. Shipley. Agents for sale of Maryland Lands, Office (up stairs) No. 48 Lexington st:, Baltimore. R. W. Templezaan, & Co., their services to the public for the VFSale of Fa. m 3, and Real Estate generally. Vboy bare, ft* Surveyors, a general knowledge of tne lands of parts of the State, and unusual facilities otherwise for the transaction of such business. Plats and descriptions of all prop erties they may have for sale, will be kept in fbook form. Parties wishing to sell or. purchase will please commiftiieate by letter as above. Oct. 31.—1 y • —rt——i ■—nr i l ' l --1f 1 CIIItTA STORE. WM. S. WONDERLY & CO., "FTAVE on hand a complete stock of CHINA, GLASS, Wf QUEENS WARE, Ud&Sill Fine and common, at the Warehouse, T* Baltimore street, 8 doors west of Gay?treat.' XJOAL OIL, of the very best quality, by the tmrrel or gallon, and a complete assortment 6f LAMPS and WICK for burning it. •the manufacture of STONE and EARTHEN WARE still continued. , AH goods for the cbUhtry packed m a scien tific manner, apd will be sold wholesale and retail, 4t very low prides, to suit the times. ITot. 5, 1864.—tf i For Sale. a T ery valuable driving HORSE, about 0 years old, (eolor, Brown.) For further par ucuiari apply this office .r % j iicutan J Aug. 2C.—tf. fine LOTIIING! ! £ : A i B. STINE, w j- SD _____ i © Nit. 73 TF. Balto■ St., T Vest of Gay St., 5 CV Baltimore, Md., ®5 J? Invites the attention of gentlemen of Kq r oq g* taste to his Stock of fine SL S READY MADE CLOTHING, ? Cut by the best artists, made and trim ined equal to custom work, at much lower rates. Also, a well selected stock O of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMER- —< >- ICAN MANUFACTURED GOODS, in the piece, which will be • CM. Made up to Order, 0 V and a perfect fit and satisfaction guar- anteed to all. A Great Variety of C Gentlemens Furnishing' Goods, Vi "ir; including all the latest novelties. Q Sept. 2, 1365.—tf. S. MARYLAND COMPANY’S POTJDRETTE. . TO FARMERS & PLANTERS. WE call your attention to the above highly recommended and superior article, man ufactured under the personal supervision of the proprietors. It has been used in different parts of the State with the most beneficial results. — All we ask is a trial. Use from 300 to 600 lbs. to the Acre, according to tbequality of the soil, i For sale hy i LESTER A CO., No. 140 N. Howard St., cor. Franklin, Balto. Also the following Fertilizers for sale at nian ; ufacturers’ prices : i Peruvian Guano, A. A. Mexican Guano, 1 '■ Reese’s Phosphate, Zell’s Raw Bone, ' : Moro Phillips’do Ground Bone, ! Wilson’s do Turner's Excelsior, | Rhodes’ do Fish Guano, , Whitelock’s do Ground Plaster, j Zell s do Ac., Ac. ALSO. LIME, CEMENT. CALCINED PLASTER, BRICKS AND HAIR. Sept. 2.—2 m. ■ j LEATHER, LEATHER, HIDES, &C. F. H. GBUPY & CO., 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., HAVE always a full assortment of LEATH ER of all kinds, atlowestrates. Calland sec before purchasing. HIDES A PRIME TAN BARK Wanted, for which the outside Cash Price will be paid. F. H. GRUPY A CO., 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore. April ° —6m. County Advertisements. REMOVAL. GEORGE STEIBER, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, TOWSONTOWN, MD., An HEREBY informs the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, that he has removed his Boot and Shoe establishment from his re cent place of business, to the building adjoin ing the post office and storeof Mr. Nelson Coop er, where he will in the future be pleased to see all his friends and customers. I keep constantly on hand a varied assort ment of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., for either Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, ALL OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE, which will be found as durable, and cheaper than can be procured in the city of Baltimore. I return my thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have heretofore received, and I will endeavor, by attention to business, and moder ate charges, to merit a continuance ofthe same. GEORGE STEIBER. April J.—6m. History of the Rebellion. IIKAULEY’S HISTORY OF THE WAR. THE undersigned having procured an agen cy for this valuable work for a portion of Baltimore and Harford counties will in a very short time visit the people of the county solic iting subscriptions therefor. It will be a true and faithful history of events as they havetrans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in two vols. at $3.50 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will be issued as soon as practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about .700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete the History. The undersigned also has for sale the “ NURSE AND SPY.” EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1865.—1 y. " *°* .. FRANK. L. MORLING, FLORIST, SEEDSMAN AUB IIJRSERYfIIANf, Store No. 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on the Hookstown Road Adjoin ing Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the attention of thecitizens ofthe countv, to his Stock of GARDEN SEEDS, ■ FLOWER SEEDS, , FRUIT TREES, . G'SaPE VINES, and all SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN • AND ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, Roses and Flowering Shrubs. ' I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev .! anything in my line of trade. JuDe 3,1865. —1 y. DRUG STORE Tt ■ IN TOWSONTOWN. > rTI IIE Subscriber respectfully informs [ X the. residents of Baltimore county,Tw i i that he Has opened aDRUG AND APOTH- zA ■ , EC ARY STORE in where he in i tends keeping a carefully selected Stock of Pure & Genuine Drugs, Medicines,, I and all articles usually kept in a well-regulat *l ed DRUG STORE, at city prices. Also, Raint.% Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Window Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, and Notions of every Description. RICHARD WILLIS, June 17.—3 m. Towsontown, Md. H4>nse, Sign, and Fancy Fainting. HENRY L, JIOWEN TOWftdWfowjr, i TS prepared to eteettte all Work in kiftline ! GRAINING, GILDING, f IMITATION OF WOOD AND MARBLE, All of which will be done promptly, and on ' the most reasonable terjns. j: .. ; v- April 7, IB6o.—tf H i | AkTIOYEERS’ notice. THE undersigned having obtained a license, offers tyg services to the people, of Balti more county as Auctioneer. Willattend prompt ly to all business entrusted to his care and guar ! ABMACOST, Black Rock, P, ©., Baltimore county, Md. • Aug. 5. —Sm*; TOWSONTOWN, MD., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1865. 0 County Advertisements. WARREY STORE, In the Thriving Little Village of WARREN. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS. THE proprietors of the “Warren Store” are offering great inducements to the citizens of this neighborhood, that is worthy of their attention. We offer to the public the best se lection of goods that can be found in any store in the country, and will guarantee to sell them t at less than city retail prices. All goods sold i here warranted as represented or the money refunded. Our stock consists in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES.. HARDWARE, CHINA WARE, CROCKERYWARE, EARTHENWARE, BTONEWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. CAPS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, OIL AND PAINTS, MEDICINES, GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED & NEATS FOOT • OIL, PARaPHINE OIL, KER OSENE OIL, MACHINE OIL, MACKEREL, HERRINGS. BA CON. IIAMS. BREAST PIECES. SHOULDERS, G. A. SALT, Fine Salt, Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Hom ony Buck Wheat, TIN AND WOODEN WARES, Brooms, Ropes, Plow Lines, Shoe Findings, Wrot Nails, Cut Nails, Spikes, Rivets, and eve ry article that may be found in a well regulat ed country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at city prices. H. P. THOMAS, For Warren Manufacturing Company. Feb. 18.—ly. SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HOTEL AT . TOWSONTOWN, MO. CHRIS. SHAW, 1 Proprietors. MARION LAXGDOX,} proprietors. UIIHIS large and popular Hotel, having pass- X ed into new hands, has received various repairs and improvements and is now open for the entertainment of guests. It is the deter mination of the Proprietors to maintain its past reputation as a SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE, as well as a House for the accommo dation of all transient patronage. The rooms are’large and well furnished, with bath rooms convenient: the Table and Bar are well sup plied; good Stabling is provided, and the sur rounding grounds are beautiful. Mr. Shaw is well known for years pastas the proprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon” on High Street, Baltimore. May 20.—3 m. Trees ! Trees !! Trees !!! AT THE MARYLAND NURSERIES. THE undersigned offers for sale at the “Ma ryland Nuseries,” situated on the Falls jftjm Road about 13 miles from Balti- S3£more city and four miles from J^ > *"Broooklandville. on the W. M. E. R., achoice stock of FRUIT TREES, consisting of Peach, Apple, Pear, Apricot, Plum, and in fact fruit of every description. — The subscriber being experienced in fruit-grow ing can recommend his Trees to all who may favor him with a call. Also, a choice selection of Grape Vines and Strawberry Plants always on hand as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, JAMES WARDEN, Brooklandville P. 0., Balto. County, Md. July B.—3m. Catonsville Railway. Spring and Summer Arrangement. nmBSBB ON and after Monday, May Ist, 1865, cars will run HOURLY FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 PM., and at 9 P. M. daily SUNDAY’S excepted. On Sunday’s HOURLY FROM 7 A. M., to 9 P. M. PASSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S MILLS will leave daily, Sundays included, at 7, 9 and 11 A. M., and 2, 4 and 6 P. M. Office west end of Baltimore street. WM. W. ORNDORFF, Secretary. April 29.—tf MERCHANT TAILORING , in TOWSONTOWN. t subscriber respectfully tenders his ac 'X knowledgments to the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, for the very generous sup port he has heretofore received in his business, and would inform his friends and customers that he has considerably enlarged his stock, and will constantly keep on hand a well se lected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which he is prepared to ipake into garments of the latest styles, and at pricesd.hat-will be sat isfactory to all. I ask an examination of n*y efoSk. AUGUST- LOOSE, Towsontown, OpphsttCAdy’sTfotel. March 4,1865.—tf. COACHMAKING AND : UNDERTAKING, THE subscriber respectfully informs his, friends, and the public generally, that he V 18 prepared to execute at his shop Towsontown, at the intersec tion of the York Turnpike and Jop pa Road, every description of Wheelwrlghtlikg, Coachmaking, &c. He will manufacture to order, Carriages, Bug gies, Rockaways, Carryalls, <tc. Old Carriages repaired and painted at short notice. Also, keeps constantly on hand, (and made to order at the shortest notice,) every style and description of COI^INS, and having provided -himself y with aHhIARSE, he i*,prepared to attbpAfunerhls at ill .times. f All work warranted "to give .sktisfAcl^n- GEO. 11. HUGHS. Aprim, -ym***tf* m FRENCH CLOTHS,; CASSIMERS OF ALL KINDS, SILK MARSEILLES. And all kimis-of Vest'PaUeriifiAYaH ; Scarfs, Neckties and Collars, Handkerchiefs, Travelling Shirts, Linen Bosom Shirts, Linen Bosoms, (all qualities and prices.) White Muslins and Linens For Shirting, Ac., for sale Wholesale and Retail. ALL KINDS OF tailqbs, trimmings, Together with READY-MADE CLOTHING, As cheap as can be procured in the city, j* P AUGUST LOOSE, V j : ■> Merchant Tailor, \ Opposite Ady’s Hotel, Towsontown. Feb. 25.—tf- ' r . WHEELWBIGHTING r : IN TOWSONTOWN HP H E under- mf.jijfoiffy JBo|r X signed ha v- ing taken theAffi shop adjoining that of Mr. Alex. Parlett, would most respectfully Inform the public that he is ,prepare! to execute all work in his line as jeheap as it can be done elsewhere. atteptipngiven M> repairing of jallAinds. T PHILIP EDLEB. 1 My 20.—tf. QUALIFIED VOTEHS 0 F BALTIMORE] COUNTY. t IAHE REGISTERS ol the following Districts X of Baltimore county, having completed the Registration of. Voters in their several Dis tricts, according to law, hereby announce the names of those entered in the list of qualified Voters as designated below, and do “ notify all persons interested to appear before them at the places, and during the hours of Registration on the TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY next preceding the Tuesday following the first Mon day in November next, (which will be the 31st of October and the Ist of November.) to show any omissions or other errors in said lists, at which time the list of qualified voters shall be corrected and finally closed.” First Election District. A. Albert William J Armstrong Henry S Allen John Axe Johu Arnold Henry Armitage John Arnold John T Atkinson John Arnold Alexander B. Buckingham Greenb’ryßouldin Louis Brinkley Joseph B Birely Charles Barnes Samuel II BeakleElius Beaumont John A Bower Peter Broutigan John Bennix Ilenry Bowen David Baker Jacob Briekman .John Brass James II Briscoe John A Brunsman Gerhart II Briggs Thomas Brautigan Adam Brown Peter Bailey John 1) Birely Janies Bear Thomas S Bouldin John F Bradford William c Cornthwait John Curran MaUhew Crosby Samuel K Cole Moses M Clements William E Connelly Michael Chenoweth Richard Carney George E Chroapl'er Charles Clark William II Childs John I’ Carrigau William J Childs William J Chase James II Christ Frank Crosby Alexander L Cavey Noah Crosby Win C Carr Francis P Canby Thomas Y Clinton William Coale William E Jr Curtis Joseph Crosby Joseph Cavey Reason Cook Henry D Dee John George Dykes Josephus Davis Benjamin Dabbs John Diffey Alexander Dell Michael DilFey Victor Dodd John Dicus Jacob Drezler John Duncan Alexander Disney Charles H Disney John T E. Edler John Edmunston Robert A Ege John Ernest Samuel T Evans Alexander Emertt Wm II H Edmunston Tilghman Esler Alexander Edmunston Alex D Eberling George W Edmunston Thos B r. Freund Jacob Fountain Wm II Fusting Joseph F Fisher Matthew Ford George A Fuller Thomas Fell Charles B Fisil John Henry Feathers Jacob J Feathers George W Fischer Henry Fauth Frederick Fort Edward 8 Forrest Jonathan Gr Gibson John Green Daniel Grimes Greenberry Garver Lafayette Gibbons Wm H Ginavan John Grimes Jerome Gartside Henry GrineHenry Grimes William Gibson James Gattang George Gardiner Isaac Galvin Rodger Gilpin John Gibson William Ginavan Thomas Gelston Hugh K Holland John C Hudson William Ilerrman Christopher Sllood Allred Hutson Samuel T Hogan Stephen G Holland John M Harvey Charles W Ileaeock Israel R Heddriek George T Hartley Charles L Hurley Michael Hand Emanuel K J House David J Hand Thomas It Hipsley Caleb Hines Joshua II Hirrold John Holland Samuel Howell Darius C Helwig Jacob Ilerrold John G Harvey Joshua Haworth John Humphry Enos Hotchkiss Sherman Hilton Joshua Hooker Wm B Hayworth George R Hooker William H Hobb3 Lyod J Jones Arthur Jackson Vincent T Jones Nicholas Jones Johnsey Jackson George V Jones Amos Sr Jones Amos Jr Jackson Ralph Johnston James N Jones Abraham Jones Wm H Jones Reuben Jones George W Jones George W of D Jones James M Johnson Reverdy K Kimble William F King John King Charles Kelley George Klein John W Kelfey Charles 0 Kaisor II Ilenry Kelly Wm J Kerkhoff John II Kirkwood John F Keeehler John King Frederick Kindell Eli Kennedy Anthony Keyes Wm II Kennedy John P Keith George W Koter Frances X Keith Andrew J Kuepling Ilerrman F L Leib John Lowman Pilip Lilly William Lilly John Lilly James Love Andrew Jr Lyon Thomas Lowe Joseph Lilly John Love Andrew Sr Lipps Christoph Lundwher Gerhart Loinis George T Lilly Adam Lewis Edmund R Lilly Amos Lishear James R Lee Charles Loornis Chaimcey Lee James Lenk Peter Lenmau Ludwig Lehman John Lee Jarrett Leatherwood Thomas Livezey Elias m Meusliaw James S McKenzie Jesse Sr j Mellor Joshua McKenzie Jesse Jr ; Mercer James W M Miller Hartman McCauley John W Myers John .Tr Mulnix Joshua Myers Jonathan D Moore Philip McKenzie Israel McCauley Daniel J Marriott William Miller Henry Misel Frederick Merkle Joseph Merryman John S Miller Jesse McCleere John Mellor Eli G Milliman George L McCauley Wm T Mainster Samuel Moelhe Henry Myers John Sr Mestneringer John B Monmonier Lewis A Moore Win C Mercer Wm M Harriot Wm II Mabbe William S McKenzie Joseph Monmonier Francis McKenzie Caleb II Myers Augustus Minker David N Needham Asa Nagle Anthony o Owens Samuel W F Pierce Ephraim Pierce Joseph Pierpoint Win T Pyle Ebenezer Pierce Levi White l’tieffer John F Platt John Partridge Win E Price William Phelan John W Piquett Daniel Perry Allston A Prooto Henry Perry George L Parish Edward Peregoy Jehu Pindle Adolphus Pierpoint Joseph C Pierce Emanuel Feddicord Isaac II Porter Johu Patterson William R Q Quinn James R Ruff Jacob Reynolds Jesse A Robinson Samuel J Retina Frederick Reeso John Emanuel Ruff Emanuel F Reynolds Robert W Rush Peter Read Charles W Reynolds Charles T Read Win E Resell Michael Rimniey Michael G,, Rigby George Read James R Robinson Samuel of T Read Elias ,J Roussey William Reid Wm J Redman Wm Read Elias A Ritter Johnsey ' Reed Wm E * Ritter Sylvester I i Reed, Robert Robinson JohnS I Rigby Henry s f j Smith Jacob B Suddery James Smith JoKn K Snyder Henry i Sweeney Simon Stevens Ferdinand Smith Joshua Sunderland James Sharswood William Shiveley William Smith Josiah K Seycrs George P Stiefel Edward W Schmidt Frederick Shaw George W Smith Albert Smith Eliu Swain Colmore A Stullz Frank Smith Nimrod Splutzer Lewis Smith George Sauter.Julins Sord William Schotta Charles Scott Eli Schroopter Gottfried Stinchcomb John C Selhan John Stebbins Wallace Streekfus George J Shipley Thomas B T Thompson James R Tasker James W Thomas C aides Tice John Taylor Joseph E Townsend David Tliourston Israel R Thomas Win Sr Taylor Robert B Treadwell William S Taylor Joseph Sr Taylor Robert Tswn.-cnd John Tice Bartholomew Tice Wm II Thompson Robert H u. Unger John D V Vanpelt Charles Van Bokkelin Libertus Vogle Philip R w Webb John W Warner Charles J Whittcmore Geo II Watts Wm A Woo ton Wm T Waters Wm II Watson James Weaver Paul Weaver George Williams Win A Ware James Warfield Oliver C Winters Benjamin Webb Thomas Weber John . Wilson Henry Wilson John S Wallis John V Wilson David Wilson Absalom Ware William II Wallis Michael Warfield Nathan Waites Basil Weise Wm G .Wilson Samuel Webb William XT Young Joshua z Zehun John Total 379. JOHN K. SMITH,) I. R. HEACOCK, l Registers. JOHN GIBSON, j Seventh Election District. A Alder John R Armacost Melchor Sr Armacost Melchor Jr Alinony John Allison John T Anderson James II Anderson Andrew T Anderson John W Armacost Nicholas Albright Milton Allen Anthony J B Bull William Bull Samuel W Bull Eli T Burns Benj F Bull John of A Bull Jacob Bull Emanuel Bull Jno A Burton Matthew Burns John T Bull Geo A Bernondy Augustus Brown Francis M Bond Ross Bond Thomas Beatty Wm Bond Benjamin Briggs Daniel Bull Nicholas H Bull John C Bull Wm W Butler Geo J Bailey Adam Bull Wm of A Burns Benjamin Burns John W Bail Joshua L Barton John W Burns John Beatty Geo Bull Nicholas Bentley Chas W Bond Shadrach Barrett Geo Burns Wm B Burns James T Bums Richard N Bond Elisha Bell John Bond James G Cornelius Samuel Collett Moses Jr Curry Win 11 Collett Moses Sr Curry Kean Curry Alfred W Conn Henry S Cushing Joseph Cooper Alfred S Curfman Daniel Coney Wm Collett John G Cooper Titos Cole Thos B Cor.n WtnT Caldwell Jas Crook Francis A Jr Cooper James Cooper Wm T Cox Titos Cole Samuel II Collett Thos Ohilcoate Francis A Collett Nicholas Cameron Daniel W Carroll John Chileoate Abraham E Coggins Harry Cooper Togo Cox Marcellas Collett Ephraim Cros9 John T Collett Benson S Coney Geo H D Devin Wm II Daily Isaiah Dykes Alexander E Ebersohl Josiah Everhart Edmund S Ensor Geo D Ensor Geo G Ensor Isaac Eaton Samuel Eaton Wm Ensor Nathan G Eusor Thos E Ebau Henry H Elliott Abraham J F Frederick Morris Fitzpatrick John Frederick Geo File John Fitzgerald John Foster John B Fugat Wm T Freeland Stephen Foster Wm Frederick Nelson Freeland Edward B Freeland John Freeland John of E Freeland Alfred Frederick Hosea Freeland James S Freeland Edvvard G French James Freeland Win D Foster Geo E G Gorsnch Stephen Gorsuch Thomas Garrett John C Garrett Benj H George Jas C Gemmill John S Gaine James Gorsuch Nicholas Gettle Jacob * Gorsuch Win Garrett Benj Sr Garrett Lemuel H Garrett Jehu R Gilbert Thos L Green Elisha Gemmill John Jr Gleason Thomas Galleon Richard S H Harman Jno C Harkness Thomas Hofi'acker Marlin L Hollenberger John J Hollingshead David Hunter John W Howard Isaac Hershner Wm II Huffacker Henry M Hollingshead Robert Hildebrand Thos J Hays John B Hofi'acker Geo Ilowe Wm Hysore Alpbenus V Hendricks John Hunter John Hunt Oliver K Hicks Abraham C Hendricks John W llisse Jno F J Jones Joseph Johjtpon Wm M Jones Janies Jones Win T Johnson Wm of J Jones Robert W Johnson Allied T K Kirkwood Robert Knight Ignatius Kirkwood Wm Sr Keys Alexander Kirkwood Benj F Kerr James Sr Kirkwood Wm jr Kerr Jas jr Kauffman Thos Kidd Eli Kelly Edward Sr Krout Adam II Kelly Edward jr Keller John F Kirkwood Joseph Kidd Daniel Kirkwppd Geo C Kline George King Michael L Lloyd Geo W Eitzinger Geo Little Gep EeaSb Geo L Little John C Little Wm H M Marsh Andrew G Mitchell Frederick D Miller llezekiah B McDonald Aquilla Miller John Sr Matthews Daniel Miller Stephen A Merryman Wm II Miller John It Meckulske John C Mays John 0 Moore Jas T Mays Geo II McCllhl'in I’eter B Mays Thos G Mays Juo T Miller Stephen Mays Nicholas F Miller Wm II McCubbjn Wm E Matthews Ezekiel McAllister Henry C Mays John P Mcßride James Matthews Eli McCullough Reuben Merrynmn Thomas McCullough Benjamin Meredith Whitfield S McCullough Thomas Meredith MRajah MuOuhbiq Chas C Matthews Win P McCleary Isaac N Mecaslin Wm JI JJ McDonald Abraham Meredith Samuel McDonald Jacob M Momma Win John S Martin Chas J Mcllvain Jeremiah Miller John 1 McNeal Joseph W J Manifold Wm H " N Naylor Samuel Nelson Jarrett Norris Daniel Norris Esrom Norris Benj P Nelson Joseph Naylor James Nelson John P Parker James Parrish Norris B Pitts Joshua B Payne John Pearce James S Postom Daniel T Palmer Wm C Pearce David Palmer Elijah Porky Oliver Palmer Emanuel Plowman Henry 3 Palmer Andrew J Perepoy Joseph A Palmer John Perepoy Michael i Palmer Johnsoy Pearce Josiah S R Reillev Luther Rosier Dennis Rosier John Ruhl Wm Rosier Wm Roys*on Caleb W Reillev John Rowe Joseph E Remar Richard A Rowe John Rosier Lewis Rutledge Joshua Rankin Robt G Rutledge Nathan S Shekeil James W Sampson David Seitz Joseph Sampson Isaac Sparks Elijah B Standiford Adolphus M Smith Lycias Stabler Daniel Shock Jarrett M Sykes Wm Sparks Alfred Stroll Philip Slade’Ahram Spindler John R Shock Jacob . Standiford James A Sheau Arthur Stirling James Stiifler John Stirling Robert Scott James Slade Madison Stabler John Slade Silas Sampson Sami D Siiflier Win II Shultz Amos Standiford Vincent Sampson Emanuel J Stewart Joel Seitz Wm N Slade Christopher Shelly John SiifHer Jacob Stabler Adam J Stiltz Nicholas Stabler Henry Stiltz Amos Stiltz James P Stirling John T Tracy Mica jail Tracy Salem Traeey John . Tracy Elias TalbofWm Torrington John E Tracey Wm S Tracy Isaiah Torrington Jame 9 Tracy James Taylor Henry Treadway Daniel Tracy Warner • Treadway John N Turnhaugh Wm Turnbaugh Conrad Turnbangh John Tombaugh James A Thomas Levi Toft Thomas Trump VolneyV Tracy Jesse T Owen Thompson John T V Vance Jacob Vance Howard w Welch Solomon Walker Joseph Wilson Henry W Welch James H Whitcraft Lewis Wilson Cornelius Whitcraft Wilfred H Wilhelm John M Wilson Thomas C Wilson John T Wiltig Clms C Wright Henry S Wilson Eli Williams Barney Wise John Woodruff Albert P Wise Win Y Young George W Total 359 KEAN CURRY. ) HENRY S CONN, [ Registers. A. S. COOPER, j Ninth Election District. A Ady Edward II Akehurst William Allison Joseph Apple William Allison Joseph A Appleby William H Akehurst Charles Anderson John J Aull Jacob B Bowen Henry L Blucher John M Boyd James II Bishop William Jr Breckinridge Wm D Boublits Henry Baker Francis Belt William Burns Benjamin Bows Patrick Bowen Benjamin Boon John Baker Charles II Bordlcy William C Bayne John T Bowen Geran Badders William Bowen Israel E Borman Francis B Brown James Breigner George Burns John Buck man Samuel J Bowen Sylvester Bowen Ferdinandes Baker Jacob Butler Samuel F Blucher Albert Buckley Samuel Bedford John D Buckley James Blakeley Richard Brodie John Brown Pierce Brodie Alexander Butler John II Burns Thomas Bayne John Bayne William Sr Bayne Thomas Bayne William Jr Burrier Augustus Bell William H Bell Jesse W Blum John G Buckman Charles II Bowen Wm Buckman George R Bowen Joseph S Buckman Wm T Bryson William J Bradford Hon A W Brown Andrew Bonsell Robert F Burns Thomas Boon Gideon Baynes James Barber Joseph Burlage Gerhard -Barnsmith George Blotenberger Philip Boyce James Bowen William c. Cox Charles E Cox Benjamin W Conner Charles A Cross Joshua Church Eleazar F Connitf John Carter Uriah Sr Cole Samuel W Carter Uriah Jr Cole Charles H Corbin Joshua W Cole William Coale John W Cornelius John E Clancy Matthew Collens John II Chambers John Coogler John Constantine John W Cornelius George Curley James W Carroll Wm H Corbin William Cronnan John Culver Wm T Crowther Isaac Sr Cathell Joseph Canapp Lewis Corbin William Chenowith Thomas Cummings Thomas Carroll David Canoles Charles A Crowther Isaac S Canoles James H Cooper Tootnaa Cullen John Cooper Nelson Collins Elijah D. Dunphy Richard G Donnelly Christian Dorod Michael Duvall Marshall Debaugh Philip Duvall Jesse Daugherty Robert W Dious James Debaugh ’Henry Denmead William Dewees Garrett Rayis Richard Dugdale George Doyle. Dennis Darling Isaac Jr Dunning John Darling Isaac Sr Davis Archibald E Ensor John T Ensor George R Ewing Kirkpatrick Eppieli Peter , Eardman John Jr Ergood Gabriel Emge Peter Edmonson Joseph A Ellis John W r Frederick John Ford David Frederick James P K Fuller Isaac Fisher Leonard Fisher Jesse Fannan Owen Fisher James I Fort Thomas Frederick Shadrach Frederick Thomas Fisher Christian Fisher Andrew Frances Augustus Ford William Fields John Flayhart Edward Fisher Albert Frances Isaao Flayharty Philip Ford Isaao Frances Charles Foxcraft Nicholas Fisher William Cr. German Thomas R E Gladfeltor Reuben Gallagher Patrick Gorsuch Jacob Green Elisha Gorsuch Joseph Grason Richard George John Goodrich Iliram II Criswell John li Green Bamuel H German Joseph Gambrill Horatio Glasgow James R Gam brill Wm B German John German Henry Graham George R Gondz William Garrett John H. Herbert Gideon Henza Augustus Heinecke John TA C Heaney John. Ilaubert Daniel Hollingsworth Thos Hughes George II Hooper James E Haverstick Levi M Hinton Theodore Ilyle Isaiah Heavy Andrew Houck Lloyd Hare Ephraitu Hamilton George Hinton Albert Hayden Horace W Sr Holland Isaao Hines Daniel Hamilton Charles Hines Kern Hodges Samuel Hunt Wiley Houser Nicholas LD SERIES-VOL. 15. NO. 82). Hargest Thomas Hile Thomas Hartman John Hinson James H Hynes David S Hahn Peter Ilarper John Hayden John Hook Richard E Hu Ima ker August Houser John J Hiser Frederick Hamilton William Harrison Joseph Ilalpin John Hayden Horace W Jr Hughes Richard Haughay Arthur z Irwin John W J. Jeffreys William Jones James J Jones Philip K Johnson Alexander T Jenkins Robert • Jackson Elisha M Jenkins J Edward Jones William K. Kone Henry Kennedy William Krout Adam II Knight Perry K Ke ly Thomas L Knight John G Roller William H Knapp Lewis R Keller John Kenny David King William T Kelly Cornelius A Knocke Frederick A Keller John Krout William B Kidd Lewis Knight Joseph R Kelly William H Knight Benjamin F Kilcnenstine John A Keller Samuel P Karr Elisha L. Leakin Sheppard C Labarron Charles Lee Daniel Lynch Dixon Lynch William Lamley Jacob F Longnecker John H Laughtack John Leignt Lewis La-.ghback John Lovell Wiliiam Longnecker John B Lovell William Lee John W Lovett William A Longnecker David . Longnecker H Clay Lovell Thomas M. Merryman Oliver P Morton Dudly T Matthews Amos Moore Charles D Myers Edward 8 McDonald Patrick Merryman Joseph Morran William R Milligan George B Miller Frede ick Miller Augustus Martenet Simon J Miller John II MeOanly James A Miller Henry Mitchel Edward McGinn Robert C McCormick Samuel McLain Robert McMann Patrick Malamber John L McCanly George Moses George W McLaughlin James Moses James Murray Thomas Marsh John Mason John W McGran John McCann James J McCauley John Y Mann John Martin Joshua McCanl Peter Millstead Andrew J Mott Abraham G Morton Alfred B * N. Nizar Samuel H Nighthire Joseph Norris John P Nicolai William F Nicolai Charles H Naylor Samuel T o O’Conner Thomas Gram John P. Pennington James Ptlson George W John Parser Llewellyn L Plaskitt Joshua Patterson Joseph Perine Richard M Poole Robert Parker Edwin L Porter John E Plaskitt James B Parks Joshua Parlett Joshua A Poole Thomas Peregoy Robert Parks Samuel Ferine William Philips William C XL Roberts Lewis J Reuter Frederick Rider Abraham Reed William E Rider Edwa;d “Reed John G Robinson John C Reynolds James Reese George S Ridgely John of Hamp Riddle Elisha Keddin John Robinson Thomas H Reynolds Perry Roberts Isaac G Reese Gerard H Reising Andrew Ritter Eli Richard George T Reese Charles Roach Patrick J Ramsey James O ,j_ Roach Wm Rese Samuel J Ritter George W Russell Philip Ritter George H Roberts William Rigdon Caleb Reese Henry s. St John George Stevenson Washington Sadtler Christopher C Stevenson Edward Sheriden James Schroder John E Sloan John Stevenson John Sindall David Smith Win 0 # Sweeny Edward N Sheiblein John Sweeny Augustus W Shealey Daniel Jr Skipper Eli Shealey Daniel Sr Smith Thomas A Stockman Charles Sindall John T Sadtler Charles H Sparks Levi Smith Henry Schofield Tilghman Sykes David Snyder Peter Smith Jacob D Stran James H Sheitzer Abraham Smith James 11 Simms Samuel Shanklin John W Stagmire George Schroder Henry Standerford Wm Schueler John Shealey George W Stran George W Sheesley Daniel Straysinger Christian Soper W Horace Shirk Henry Spoerl John C Schroeder Herman D Bhriver Alfred Schwerdmann HT E Stine George D Schwartz Henry W C Smith William Simms John Smallwood Joseph Simms Thomas S Smallwood Wm B Stansberry William E T. Treadway John W Thornton Wm H Taylor Caleb S Taylor Wilkerson Timanus John T Taylor Joseph Taylor Thomas II Talbert Samuel L Thompson George W Thompson John T Tomlinson David B Traband Henry Thompson James Talbert Allen A Tipton John W Tebbetts Lewis B Tilghman Nathaniel C Towson Gbediah G u Underwood Joseph V Voglesbn William H Vanpelt Abraham Vanhorn Benjamin Vandergrilt John M Vanhorn Johu W w Whittle Samuel N Webb Samuel Ward Dr Robert J Winner John N Ward Edward V Walts Janies H Woods Richard G Watkins John M Whittle Charles N Wheeler William Woods William C Walters Andrew S Wilson James H Ward James H *. Woollen Richard H Whyte Wm P Wheeler George F Ware Evander T Winner Jacob Williams William F Webb Henry M Weatherly James W Williams William J Winter John Williams John W Wilson William Williams Thomas E Wright Stephen Wilson Samuel G Wilhelm Jacob Wann Charles Wilson Joshua Wheeler Lewis II Winderoth John White James Y Yellott George Young Samuel Yeager Joseph Young Sylvester z. Total 483. Zink John W EDWIN L. PARKER.) S. C. LEAKIN. I Register*. J. ROBT. WARD, J CHANGE! OE TIME. YORK ROAD RAILWAY. ON and after Monday, AUGUST 28th, 7865, cars will leave the CITY HALL. Balti more, at 35 Minutes past each hour, from 73& A. M.. to 7.35 P. M., except 12.35 P. M. Will leave TOWBONTOWN at each hour, from 7A. M.. to 7P. M., except 12 M. Con nection will be made at North Avenue withtlm Charles St.. Line of the City Passenger R. B. NIGHT CAR for TOWSON'iOWN will leave the City Hall at 11 P, M. A. D. §ANKS, Agent, August 26.—tf. AUCTIONEERING. THE undersigned still continues the busif ness *of Auctioneering Real or Persona); Property of every description. When not a his residence in Towsontown. inquiry may be made at the office either of the Union or tbei journal. Persons desiring hip services should make application as early as possible, so as to arrange the day of sale. Thankful for past fa vors He respectfully asks a continuance of tho sime. SAM’L G. WILSON, V Towsontown, Baltimore Co, Aug. 26,1865.—tf.