Newspaper Page Text
• _ " '' • New Advertmmmt a, BRERIFF’B SALE, EY virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court tor Baltimore AgmA county. against the goods lands and tenements llltflß *of Charles 11. Thompson aud]**!*|R Sau*uel C. Higby, at the suit of Thomas Alag- KesS, and to me directed, 1 have seized and ta ken in execution, all the estate, right, title, in terest, claim and demand, at law and inequity of the said Charles C. Thompson, and Samuel C. Higby, in and to all that parcel of land con taining about 133 ACRES, on which the said Charles 11. Tnompson now resides, situate in Baltimore county, and near the Old Bel Air Road and the Falls of the Lit tle Gunpowder, it being a part of a tract of i land called “YOUNG’S ESCAPE,” and is the same land which By deed dated the IfiHi day of October. 1856, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in liber H. M. F., No. to, folio 440, <fce., was leased by James Baxter and Emily A. Baxter, as admin istrators of Joshua Bwnn. deceased, to the said Charles H. Thompson and Samuel C. Higby, for the term of ninety-nine years, renewable forever. subject to an annual rent of thirty-one dollars and'seventy five cents, together with the improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging. And I herebv give notice, that I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Towsontown, On Tuesday, the 14 th day of November, 1865, at 12 o’clock M., all the right, title, claim* interest and estate at law and in equity ol the above mentioned Charles 11. Thompson and Samuel C. Higby, in and to the above described lot of ground with the improvements and appurtenances as afore said, to the highest bidder for cash. JAMES THOMPSON, Oct. 21.—ts. Sheriff of Baltimore county. NOTICE E TO ADMINISTRATORS AND GUARDIANS. ALL persons interested are respectfully re ferred to the following copy of an order of the Ondians Übbrt fpr Baltimore county. John. rniLPOT, Register ol Wills. ( Copy.) In the Matter'of Delinquent Administra tors and Guardians. In the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore County, ) October 18th, 1865. ) Ordered that the Register of this Court issue citations for all EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRA . TORS and GUARDIAN'S who have not passed their accounts within the time prescribed by law, to come forward and settle their said ae. counts: And he is further ordered togive notice by. publication, that upon their jailing to <Lo so, this Court will a t once revoke their letters, ap point new Administrators or Guardians, as the case may l>e, and will direct that their official B'jiui be'put in suit, or such other proceedings had as will secure a settlement of their trusts. STEPHEN W. FALLS, ) JOS. MERRY.MAN, wjfandiford, ) joimu “ 'ffue^copv—Test: i —j ' JOHN PIIILroT, Register of Wills q>r Baltimore County. Oet/21.--3tl h ■ i • i UH j i* , 4 i - ■ fc—ilßll I lil ■■■■!■! I !!■ II ■ i HI ■— ■■■■■—— ice Miscellaneous. ~ EliECTloiv MOim NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT an Election will be held in Baltimore I county, On the Ist Tuesday in November Next, it being the 7th day of said month, in the sev eral Election-Districts of seid county, for the purpose' of electing the following officers, to wit:—One person for Member of Congress for the 2d Congressional District, which comprises the sth, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th dis tricts,, ol Baltimore.county. ,g* -c r n ' n One- {>eiso!a for Judge of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. .5 One perstras for of Baltimore county. One person for Treasurer of Baltimore co. Three persons for Commissioners of Balti more county. One person for Surveyor of Balto. county The Bolls will be opened at 9 o’clock A. 21., and closed at 6 o'clock B. M. The Returning Judges are requested to make their return on the second day following the election-, to the Clerk of Circuit Court for Bal more county. For the information of all persons concerned, the following Act of the late Legislature is pub lished,—passed March 24th, 1865, and entitled AN Act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or fermented the several counties of the State on the day of Electipns. Section l. Be it enacted by the General As sembly of Maryland, That it shall not be L law ful for the keeper of any hotel, tavern, store, ■drinking establishment, or any other glace where liquors are sold, Or for 1 any person or persons, directly or indirectly, to sell, barter, or give, or dispose of any spirituous or fer mented liquors, ale or beer, or intoxicating <lpuiw-oLauy kind, on the day of any election * hgeeaftcr'to bo held in the several counties of “Sbc/ 2 And be it enacted, That any person violating the provisions of this act shall bo li able to indicuneikt bv the Grand Jury of the county where: the -offence is committed, and shall upon conviction before any Judge of any of the Circuit Courts of this State, be fined a sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offence, one half ot the fine shall be paid the informer, the other half to the County Commissioners for the use of public roads. JAMES THOMPSON, Sheriff of Baltimore county. Oct. 14.—taj | * imyr j,g fig § T ELECTION PROCLAMATION.' Cl TATE OF MARYLAND, O ‘ r* ss EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. * WHEREAS, The Hon. Edwin H. Webster h&ffited in tMis Department the resignation of Iris seat in the 39th Congress of the United States, as Member elect from the Second Congres sional District of this State ; New therefore, I Augustus W. Bradford,Gov ernor of Maryland, do by this my Proclama tion, designate and appoint - Tuesday, the Ith day of November Next, for an ELECTION bcßl t in JtARPORD COUNTY, _ Hi THE STH, f.Tir. 7TH\ 7BIT, 10TH, 11TH and 12TH DISTRICTS OF BALTI MORE COUNTY, - . and the Ist, 2d, 3rd, 4th, sth, 6th an d 7th I Wards of Baltimore City, constituting said 2d Congressional District, for a Member of gress to fill the vacancy so created. (■/—>—-,4 Given under my hand and the -| seal. > Great Seal of the State at the City L'—v —rof Annapolis, this 4th day of Octo ber, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty five. A. W. BRADFORD. Bv the Governor, rSfy. B. Hint, Seeretar/-ol S|ase. • fj T ofer*rf.SiT r atlt Ivj JBJ P U I A. M. MATTHEWS & BRO., manufacturers and dealers in Agricultural Implements MACHINES AND SEEDS, * Shovels, Spades, Forks. ALSO, ' , . BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN m g?. WARE, :m XI No.l. gTh H ili on jsr?, ( B2L Alll MARK KT, j BALTIMORE, Mn. IMPLEMENTS repaired at short notice. Plow Castings by the Piece or Toni If Oct. 14, 1865. ly. " ** , AUCTIONEERING. THE undersigned still continues the bub ness of Auctioneering Real or Personal Property of every description. When not a liis Fesidhice in'Tawiumtbwn, inquiry may be made at the office either of the Union or the Journal, Persons desiring his services should make application as ravly as possible, so as Jo arrange the day of sale. Thankful for past &- yors he respcctfully asks a continuance of the Bame . BAMH G. WILSON, Towsontown, Baltimore Co. Aug. 2;-i865. tf. ESTRAY. CAME to the Farm of Mrs. mC Smith, miles on the PiiulU co Road. aU)u 1.1 h<y ,I&t oC Augu^t, . dark redVearlftirirEf EEft:" TlrtfowfnU is re quested to come prove property, pay charges and take herejymy. JOSEPH SMITn, Jb. Oct. 14.—3t* VKtSnOk ' “ forT SAL|i, r f;.t . 4~ AjXGGER WAGON for one or two seats, in perfect order. Apply to -f V HENRY HUGHES, Oct. L—>lmsU *flWi Tcftr4fa#>wn. l foiT saijg. ~ 777 T FOUR VALUABLE WORK tfOR ~5lW_ BES. Inquircof-H. w. HISER.ap3B near Rider’s Switch, N. C. R. R-, or of Wesley Periue. Macellanems. r s. tr r~ry g -jewsq=^ PUBLIC BAL*3 Of a Stock of Qoodß, Household and Kitohen Furniture, & Store Stand fn Middletown, Baltimore 00.. fJOHE undersigned. Administrator of the e- X tale of John Michael, deceased, will offer at Public sale, on the premises, in Middletown Baltimore Co., on Friday and Saturday, the 3d and Ath days of No vember next, beginning at 10 o’clock .4, M. t the I‘ollowiug valuables property : A LARGE LOT OF STORE GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots A Shoes, Hats k Caps, Hardware, Drugs. Gro ceries, and such othor goods asare usually kept in a well conducted country store. HOUSEHOLD AAH KITCHEN FURNITURE ; such as Beds & Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Settee, Bureaus, Ten-Plate, Parlor and Cook Stoves, Carpets, Wash-stands, Tubs, Buckets and a general variety of such articles unnecessary to enumerate, together with a good carriage, one horse wagon and sleigh. ALSO, The valuable Store Stand, lately occupied by the deceased. This ha 3 been a nourishing place of business for forty years, and is one of the most desirable stands for acouutry Store in Baltimore County. It is offered at Private jßale until the above days, when, if not sold, it will be offered at Public Sale. TERMS made known on day of Sale. THOMAS E. WANTLAND, Administrator. JACOB B. WILHELM, Auctioneer. Oct. 14.—ts r ; -• ! PUBLIC SALE. WILL bc,:Sold at the residence of the sub scriber near Monkton, Baltimore county, on Wednesday. November 9 th, 1865, '. AT I O’CLOCK, P. M., jf fair, if not the next fair day, the following property to wit: TWO HEAD OF HORSES, one Colt two years old, pair of Young Mules four years old, Four excellent COWS, Thirty Head of Fat Sheep, Fourteen Head of Fat Hogs, a lot of Chicken*, Corn by the barrel, Oats, lot of Potatoes, A LOT OF GOOD HAY, and many other articles too tedious to mention. &®„TERMB—made known on day of sale. ELI MATTHEWS. SAMUEL G. WILBON, Auctioneer. Oct 14.—ts OIIAS. B. CONSTABLE. ' WM. FAIKCHILn.^ CONSTABLE & FAIRCHILD, 1 MERCHANT TAILORS, AXD CLOTHIERS, No. 1G North St.,—Opposite Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore, Hid. HAVING formed an association for the pur- I pose of conducting the abovo business, the undersigned would respectfully invite their friends and the public generally, to give them a call at the above place. j Having just received a large and general as- j sortment of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimers A Vestings, They are determined to sell at the very lowest prices, which they are enabled to do from hav ing purchased tbeir Goods at the lowest whole sale prices for Cash. OUR Mr. FAIRCHILD Having the experienco of twenty years as a Salesman and Cutter and having the best work men employed, we are enabled to offer our friends greai inducements both in materials and workmanship. Please give us a call before purchasing else where; —we shall use our best endeavors to please. Respectfully, CHARLES B. CONSTABLE. WILLIAM FAIRCHILD. Oct. 14.—6m* W. F. DAILY, No. If Light street, 2 Doors below Fountain Mote > Baltimorc. MANUFACTURE A DEALER IN SURGICAL Instruments of every description, Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes, Ear j Trumpets, and every variety of Btruments for the Deaf. Galvanic Magneto Electric Batteries, Micro- o scopes, Stereoscopes, Thermometers, Barometers Spectacles, Reading Glasses, Magnifying Glass es, Field and Opera Glasses, Spy Glasses; Agent ! for the Craig M icroscopes, Beautiiul Microscope I Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Truss for all sizes, i 'Wholesale and Retail. i DAILY’S VENTILATED TRUSS, FOR THE CURE OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE, Has probably done more good than any inven tion of the age. It will cure if cure is possible. I have applied it to about five thousand persons, most of whom have been relieved. When its i merits become known it will be the only Truss I worn in the world. The Trass will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine the article. 1 W. F. DAILY, 11 Light St., 2 doors below Fountain Hotel. Aug. 26.—3 m , f ,c EBTB.AY NOTICE. D ALTIMORE COUNTY, TO WIT I bere- JD by certify, that Richard J. Matthews of Baltimore county, to wit, brought before me the subscri- li Afrb her, oue of the justices of the peace in and lor the said county, this 9th day of October A. D. 1865, as astray, trespassing upon bis enclosures, SEVEN HOGS. One of them is a large, black and white sow, marked, with a crop of the left ear and split in the right one ; four large, white ones, marked with a crop in each ear; one large, white sow, marked with a split in the left car and crop of the right," and one small spotted sow, not marked. Given under my hand. CHAB. R. MACE, J. P. The Owner or owners of the above described hogs, are hereby requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take them away. RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, Oale’s Mills, 12th District. Oct 14-—3t* THE AMERICAN HAY ANI) COTTON PRESS. THIS celebrated Press will turn out .from twelve to fifteen tons baled, bay per. day of ten hours condensed to 20 lbs. per cubic foot. With the labor of three men and one horse,cot ton can be pressed to twenty-five or thirty lbs. per cubic foot. County or State rights or rights for single Presses, with full information, can be had of CHARLES L. OUDESLUYS, Acent, No. 57 South Gay street. The Press can be seen on the lot adjoining the Concordia Club House on Eutaw street, and a Mo'lel Press is on exhibition at the Mary land Institute Fair. Obt. 14.—1 m —4 —— - A. Storck’s STEAM TURNING AMD SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor, Balt., WnERE he is prepared to executeall kinds of SAWING and TURNING, such as Bench Screws, Hand Screws, Bed Posts, Car riage Hubs, Cart Hubs, Cedar Posts, Stair Ban isters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs,Columns,Table Legs, TEN PIN BALLS, etc. Also, all kinds of straight and fancy Scroll Sawing. July 6. 18 61.—1 y f NOTICE. ~ To Farmers of Baltimore County. rpHE subscriber having established an Agen- I cy for the purpose of supplying Farmer* with labor, is prepared to fill all orders for WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. Those in want of hand* can be aupplied imme diately by applying to OLIVER WOOD, General Agency, 61 Second street, Baltimore. Aug ID.—Uan.l. KEOR&ErOIIIPM A V, manufacture* and wholesale dealer in Brooms, Painted Buckets, Cedar and Willow Ware, BRUSHES, TWINES, WICKS, MATCHES, BLACKING, *o. A N. E. Corner Calvert and Lombard Sts., Balto. July 15.—flm* GEORGE C. McCOULL, ; ' UNDERTAKER, No. 131 Saratoga street, 1 door west of Howard XS prepared to furnish COFFINS at 26 per I cent, less than the usual price, and of fine finish, for cash, Jail 28, 1865, —ly Property Sales. V BY virtue of a writ of fieri faoiaso.n pondenq, nation, issued out of the AgjjiiL ■XHF- court for Baltimore county atlffjSljjjr jSaptho suit of Joseph H. Mcisel IlfaHL McHenry Grafton, ngaiustJffHHl the lauds anil leuements, goods, cinuues and credits ol Fraiff is H.Jenks, to nio directed, I will expose at Public sale, all the right, title, claim, interest in Law and in Equity ofthesf id Francis 11. Jetikt, in and to * All that tract, piece of parcel of land, situate and lying in Baltimore county, beginning for the same at a stake on tho north side.of a pub lic road at the South-East corner of two acres of laud, sold by John P. McCormick, to Aiuou Cox, and running thence, bounding on said Public road, south 724 degrees, east 174 perch es, then north .‘lf degrees, west 38 and nine tenth perches to a white oak tree ; then north Isf degrees, west 28 perches, to a point in tho middle of a road (which it was agreed should belaidoqt by suid Jenks and McCormick, six teen feet wide.) each purty to give feet, Ac.,) then up the middie of said road, five cour ses, to wit:—north 3 degrees, west 4 porches, north 35 degrees, east 3 perches, north 06J de grees, east 10 porches, north 34 degrees, east 5.35 perches, north 15j degrees, east 4.1 perch es, then north 3f degrees, west 78.8 perches to a stake, then 89J degreees west, 22.5 perches then south 854 degrees, west 5f perches, to a corner of a fence, theh with said fence, north 8 degrees, west 44.6 perches to a lane, then with said lane oh the east side thereof, south 134 de grees, east 129.40 perches, to a stone at the north west corner of the aforesaid two acres lot, and with the same north 89f degrees, east 19 perch es to a stone, and south 74 degrees, cast 26.35 perches to the beginning ; containing 33 acres and 33 square perches o? land, more or less.— Being the same land mentioned in a lease from John P. McCormick to Francis 11. Jenks, bear ing date 29th day of April 1853, and recorded in Liber 11, M. F. No. 5, folio 105 Ac., one of the Land focords of Baltimore county. And I hereby give notice, that I will oiler for sale at the Court House door in Towsontown, on Wednesday, the Bth day of November, 1865, AT 12 O'CLOCK, M., all the right, title, claim, interest and estate at la w and in equity of Francis H. Jenks, to and in the above described lot of ground with the improvements and appurtenances asaloresaid, to the highest bidder for cash. JAMES THOMPSON, Sheriff of Baltimore county. Oct. 14.—ts TRUSTEE’S SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM Vi BALTO. COUNTY. THE undersigned as Trustee, will sell at Public Auction, at Farkton, on N. C. R. R. about 30 £|2pfrom Baltimore on ]MB*||j|L Monday, October 30 th, 1565, AT 3 O’CLOCK, P. M. All those two parts of tracts of land called part of “STANDIFORD’S RANGE” and part of ‘•LONESOME HOLLOW,” situated in Baltimore county, near the North ern Central Railway, three miles from Park ton and on the York Turnpike, being the Farm on which William Plowman late ol Baltimore 1 county, deceased, resided, and on which his i widow no- .coiues, ,r.,nta:: i.-j | 128 ACRES , MORE OR LESS, more particularly described in a deed from Clement Standiford and wile, to said William Plowman, and duly recorded among the land , records of Baltimore county, in Liber 11. M. F., j No. 75, Folio 177, £c. This property adjoins j the lands of John Standiford, John Freeland ' and others, and is improved hy a good j FRAME 1) WELLING HO USE, Barn, and other necessary Out-buildings in good order. The most of the Farm is in a high state of cultivation ; has on it. some valuable 1 Wood Land, and a young and thriving Orchard I of Choice Fruit. TERMS OF SALE—One-third Cash on the day of sale and the balance in two equal instal ments of six and twelve months from the day of sale, the credit payments to bear interest and to be secured to the satisfaction of the Trustee. JOHN T. ENSOR, Trustee. JACOB WILHELM, Auctioneer, Oct. 7. —ta. TRUSTEE’S SALE. UNDER the authority of a Decree of the Circuit Court of Baltimore eoun tv in Equity, the undersigned | 23gB*Tru8tee, will Public gsHh at the premises hereinaf-JfJlilM ter mentioned, on Monday, the 30 th day of October 1865, AT TWO O’CLOCK P. M. The Real Estate of the late William Ilissey de ceased, situate in Baltimore county on the North Point Road, about six miles from the ci ty of Baltimore, consisting of: No. I.—A Farm of Ninety-five Acres. with the improvements thereon, consisting ofa good TWO-STORY and attic frame dwelling, having Ten rooms, FRAME BARN, Stable and Corn-house, Brick Spring-house Ac., good wa ter and sufficient wood. This place binds on the road and is near the Meeting House, and prettily situated. No. 2.—A Wood Lot containing FORTY-FIVE ACRES of good Timber and fine Wood : —lt adjoins No. 1 1, and binds on the road. TERMS are one-fourth cash, and the balance I in six, twelve and eighteen months with inter est and security Tit’e indisputable, and pos session given immediately. T. PARKIN SCOTT, Trustee. B. 11. GOVER, Auctioneer. Oct, 7,—ts. Constable’s Sale OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING SEV ENTY-ONE ACRES. BY virtue of four writs of Fieri Facias, issu ed by Matthew Murray, Esq., one Nfff of the Justices of the Peace in and f<>rjjS3g* Baltimore county, to me directed, against the goods and chatties, lands and tenements ol James Dcvereux, at the suit of Gralton Gro ver, Jesse Garrett and Edward Bell, Adminis trators of James Demmit, T. M. Quinn and Da vid Lee, Executors of Ralph Lee, I have seized and taken a tract of Land lying and being in Baltimorc county, near the old Joppa Road about sixteen miles from the city of Baltimore, containing SEVENTY-ONE ACRES, more or less, adjoining the lands of George Dil worth and John Holland, and being the same land conveyed to the said Janies Devereux by Ishraael Day and wife, some years since. AND I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON Saturday, the 11 th Day of November, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M., on the premises, I will offer for sale, all the right, title, claim, interest and estate of said James Devereux, as well in Equity as in Law, to the highest bidder for cash, the said tract of land, when and where a more particular de scription of the property will be given. WM. 11. KNIGHT, Coustablc. Oct. 14.—ts VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, In Baltimore County, Eleven Miles from, the eity, four from Towson town and three-fourths of a Mile from the Dulaney’s Valiev Turnpike. THE FAItM CONTAINS ABOUT EIGHTY-ONE ACRES OF GOOD LAND. The improvements are a Large Stone LgsA Dwelling, stables, Outbuildings, The Farm has recently been limed l(*il||L and is in a high state of cultivation.£2Alij§sl There is Lime Stone on the place, and a MARBLE QUARRY, which has been worked and may bo so again with profit to the owners. If not sold by Wednesday, November Ist, it will then be offered at Public Sale, on the premises at 10 O'clock A. M. JtiuTERMS MADE EASY. For particulars apply to tho undersigned at. No. 203 North St. Baltimore. JAMES 11. BOSLEY. S. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Oct. 14. ts VALUABLE FARM / IN J ' ■ I*L Baltimore county, at Public Sale. THE subscriber will sell at Public auction, on the premises, on Saturday, Oe- Jatoa* ttober 28 th, his Farm, lying Dover, 6 miles from Reisters- ictiHL town and 18 from- BaUimore.iiMißß nlng about 130 acres. Thirty acres are in good Timber, the balance in good oaltivatiort. The Buildings, Fencing Ac., are in first-rate order. The location is heultliy, and there is running water iu every field. H. KEMP. 14 mile House, Reisterstown Road, i E. BERRYMAN, Auctioneer. .7 =, Sep. 30.—ts. Real Estate Rvulcera. ■ REA I. ESTATE BROKERS, Auctioneers, Advertising As Collecting | Agents, tost ff ; No. id south; street, | BALTIMORE, MD. REAL Estate,at Private Sale. Real Estate alPuolic Sale. Property of every des -1 cription auctioneered. J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of years, will examine-Tities, pre-. 1 pare Conveyances, and prom • fly Collect Ciain|s entrusted to our care. II EKE 11 TO—C, C. Cox, M. D., Lieut. Gov ernor for the State of Maryland; John F. Mc- Jilton, Surveyor Port of Baltimore; A. M. White, Esq., Baltimore city, Mu. 1 July 22.—3 in. CONVEYANCE!* REAL ESTATE AGENT. ffIHE undersigned has for sale a House and A Lot, 3 miles from Baltimore, near the Falls road, also, 15 Farms in various sec- A*—* tions of Baltimore county, from 350 acres. Price from $1460 to $24,000. Three houses and lots in Towsontown ]*£|i§la building lots for sale or lease, ground rents for sale. CONVEYANCING, examination of titles, deeds, leases, mortgages, bills of sale, Ac., pre pared with accuracy' and dispatch, charges moderate. B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite Court House. Aug. 26 —tf. J. DAUKKU MOORES. F. w. H E S S. Late B. S. A. MOORES & HESS, COLLECT ORS AXD REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 8 Law Ruildings, St. Paul St., BALTIMORE. Soldiers and Sailors’ C r. a i m s promptly adjusted. Pkssioxs secured to Sol diers and Widows. liefer by Bermission to : Johns Hopkins, ksq. uiioTHEUssi’kim, Bankers iiobt. oarrbtt a sons, thoiias A co., Bankers. Oct. 14, 1865.—1 y. REAL ESTAT eT Bi;UNITE, MARSHALL &CO, REAL ESTA TE A GENG Y, No 12 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. REAL ESTATE in city andcountry, bought, sold, rented or exchanged. Those em ploying our Agency in the sale of their proper ty, may be assured of its being thoroughly ad vtjrtiiied* t A Re&isW will be issued in, October, con tabling 1 a description ot eaeh property re ceived up to that time. Farm blanks and all information required willingly sent. Sept. 16.—3 m. Heft! Estate Agency. GEORGE B. MILLIGAN, Attorney at Law, is associated with the undersigned from this date. HENRY W. ROGERS Jt CO., Real Estate Brokers and Agents for the pur chase and safe of Turin:, Lunds and Houses in Maryland. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Ground' Rents bought and sold. Office on the corner of Fayette and Charles Sts., (UB STAIRS,) Pepi. 30.—1-71. Miscellaneous. fhsfi SPLENDID STOCK OF LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS WINTER UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, &C. T) IBBED, PLAIN, TV TWILLED, FANCY, *• GREY, WHITE, In fact the greatest variety to be found in the city, Call and examine our extra heavy Wool and Merino RIBBED^HIRTS; Splendid goods for Winter Wear. Aso, the Plain Merino, an excellent article . and warranted not to shrink, of every variety and size. Boston Ribbed, Shaker, Country Knit and plain wooiTsocks. Also, Cotton and Merino, Silk, K>d, Wool,doth and Buckskin CtLOyES for Ladies, Gents and "Childrens wear in eyory variety of size and color. Yarns, Kniijing Cqtjon, NOTIONS OF'EVERY bESCRIPTION. E. SEIBERT, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., Baltimore, Md. . September 2.—tf. FARM FOR RENT. fTMIE undersigned will Rent for the ensuing J. year, from March Ist, t'SGG, his fFarm situated 3 miles east Reisterstown, Baltimore eoun ty, and adjoining the Jands nfl*jl*M It. Cockey, WAshiugton Gofe, Daniel Klinefelter and others. It contains about 80 ACRES of arable Land including two Orchards of 14 Acres, tjje sale ot fruit of which has rang ed for several years from S3OO to SSOO per an num. The land is in a highly improved condition, the water good, and the situation very pleas ant. The farm can and particulars learned by applying to MR. SHIPLEY - , on tho premises, or the undersigned by letterat Hamp ton, Virginia. DANIEL CUMMING. Oct. 7.—tf —4 ■ i. r ■“ To All Whom it may Concern: Notice is Hereby Given, THAT application hasbeen mqdeto the Go vernor for n Pardon in the Base of the State vs. SEBASTIAN HINES, cofivicted in the Cir cuit Court for Baltimore county, at June TermJ ISf.O, of Larceny, and sentenced to the Peai4 tentiary for 8 years. The Governor will take up the said cas<j for fmAi decision, oh or after the 31s< day of Octo ber, until which time protests against the said application will be heard, and the petition in the case be open to inspection, at the discretion of the Governor. Bv order of the Governor, 1 WM. B: 11ILL, Secretary of State. Otft. 14.—31. GILMOUIt’S HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 121 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. I J.D. GILMOUR, Proprietor. A LARGE variety of Meats and Vegetables, including all the delicacies of the season, served up in the best style. Particular pains taken to keep WINES AND ■ LIQUORS of the choicest quality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Dining Rooms for Private Parties. *• Nov. 18.—ly. TO FAlOsErtS. ;i0 iM yyr, SUPERIOR FISH PHOSPHATES ANB GUANOS. ’ For sale by F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. •Aug72fi,:tp*s.-iy! I ! WfIHTOJ > \ Wanted to Bent or Manage, A LARGE GOOD FARM, hy a man who > /\ thoroughly understand* the business* Apf j ply at either tho office of th 9 “Baltimore Coun ty Union,” or the “Maryland Journal," qr to LaBRAHAMSHERTZER, on tho Furnace Farm of Hampton, near Towsohtown. Sept. 9.—tf, MiacettaMou*. ? -01 Dll. SWEET’S Unimeht, The Great Bxteraal Remedy. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT. NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINB, BRUISER, CUTS AND WOUNDS. PILES. HEADACHE, AND ALU RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS. DISORDERS. Ur. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is known all over th*> United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of “Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Lini ment.” Dr. Sweet’s Infailible Liniment CurcS Rheumatism aud never fails. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’B Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and • Bruises. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom tails to cure. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment i Is truly “a friend in need,” and every family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is for sule by all Druggists. Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “ Stephen Sweet’s Infallible Lin iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with out which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, No. 13, W. Baltimore 6t., Baltimore. Sept. 9.—3 m. AGENTS WANTED FOR ‘TIIO Secret Service, The Field, The j Dungeon, and The Escape, ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, NEW YORK TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT. rpHE moat Interesting and exciting Book cv- ; I er published, embracing Mr. Richardson’s unparalleled experience for four years; travel ing through the South in the secret service of the “Tribune” at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, du ring the first two years of the Rebellionhis thrilling culture; his confinement for twenty mouths in seven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and romance of the war than any oth er work published. Houace Greeley says: “A great many books will yet be written con cerning this War, in addition to the many al ready in print; but not one of them will give within a similarcompass, aclearer,fuller,more readable account, entirely from personal obser vation, of the nature, animus, purposes, ten dencies and instrumentalities of the Slavehol ders’ Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson.” Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and especially returned and disabled officers and , soldiers, in wantof profitable employment, will ; find it peculiarly adapted to their condition.— j We have agents clearing $175 per month, which ! we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS. A CO., N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Sts., Sept. 23.—2tn* Philadelphia. Pa. BONEr L O U R, UNADULTERATED, - MANUFA CTURED B Y TEE BOSTON Milling and Mining Company. f pHE value of unburnt, unadulterated Bone X is well known. When reduced to the con dition of Flour, it is as active as if dissolved with acid, and is far better, because it retains all its Phosphates. Its superiority over the common Bose Dust is two-fold or more. It is a consummation sought for in vain for the last half century, and is destined to give new val ue to Bose as a fertilizer, and work a revolution in its use. The BONE FLOUR is made only by the above Company, aud is branded with their trade mark, which is the guarantee of its genuineness. JOHN S. REESE & CO., 71 South St., Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, Delaware, and the Southern States. July B.—4m. • BUCKSKIN Gr Xj O V E3 S GAUNTLETS OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE. THESE ARTICLES So much in demand last fall, can now be had at E. SEI BE PIT’S, 35 West Baltimore St., one door below Frederick, Baltimore, Md. Sept. 2.—tf. The Cheapest Place to Buy •g| STOYE&, || IS AT TOISTEV Sc BROTHER’S Nos. 156 & 158 N. Gay St., Baltimore. , PARLOR, OFFICE AND COOK STOVES, [ r\[i' VARIOUS STYLES and warranted to give satisfaction. Plumbing in all its branched. Water fixtures put up at short no tice. t . people will find it to their ad vantage to call. _ . _ Oct. 7.—3 m. AUC TIONEER’S card. rpilE undersigned respectfully informs th 1 citizens of Baltimore county, that he con tinues the business of an AUCTIONEER, and is prepared to sell real and personal prop erty of every description, on good terms. 7 . William duncan, Shawan P. 0., Baltimore county. ' -Sept. 2.—tf.- ■ $5 REWARD. STRAYED from the premises of the snbscri ber residing about Si mifes on ihe Old Harford Road, a Red an d**TsjWi4re9 White Spotted COW with short legs and long horns. Had on a bell when she left. The above reward will be given for her return to the undersigned, or for any information so that he can get her. HENRY LAU BAC. Oct. ?■—3t* Runaway Notice. LEFT the service of the subscriber, without provocation, JOHN BRITTON,- alias Sk JOHN THOMPSON (colored,) an inden-/sW tured boy, 18 years of age- I hereby warn all persons from harboring or employing the above-named boy, under penalty of the Law. WM, C. CAHOON, Oct. 7. —3t 17 miles York Road. ESTRAY COW. A RED Buffalo cow. dark head, with whit# spot on forehead, 4 white feet, two whitffj Hpots on back, and White belly. The owner w-| requested to come forward, pay charges aud expenses aud take her away, or she will be sold • therefor. GEORGE BTEINECKER, j 2 miles out from Long Bridge, Annapolis road. t Qct. 14.—2t* * • - ■ '-'VrtfMpmt: MORTGAGE SALE OF A FARM Oil COUNTRY SEAT, CONTA TNiF Tweuly-s ix A ere# o4* J.n n il, On the Old Frederick Road, about Four Miles from Baltimore City. BY virtue and in pursuance of u power cun tailed in a Mortgage from \yjl- / P. White and Julia Haatt White his wire, and James and Margaret White hii- Itjja wife, to me, bearing date the 2sih day oi duty 1862 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore Crtunty. in Liber G. If. C. No. Hi fol. 542 Ac., and in con form ity wi th the moyisim. of’Artiele 64 of Aejlodb rtf.d’uAUe G'litra. Laws of the State ■of-MiirVla-fid, f ’ SiAjhA ilt 5 Contee, will set up and offer at public auction, on the premises, on Monday, October 2 2d, 1565, at 4 o’clock P/M., All that parcel of land, sit uate in Baltimore County, in the Staled Alar/ land, being part of a Tract called “COSTLY:” Beginning for the same on the Northeast side of a Road two porches wide, laid oiit through the lands conveyed by Atkinson and Auld to Warfield in Trust Ac , H. M F. No. , iolfo 47 Ac., and running from the Old Frederick Road towards Franklin Town, known as *‘Alkiiisoii*s Nt*w and which place ol beginning is -North 4'Ji. de grees, East 2 perches from .a stone Jipretufor* planted at the end of the South 47 ‘degrees West 37 perches line of the whole ground so conveyed by Atkinson and Auld to Wai field in Trust Ao., and running theni e,'; oeyi.rnjug the lines of said ground, the two following courses, namely :—North 4‘Ji degrees, East 35 and two tenths perches to a stone : North -LH degrees West 72 perches to a stone :-then. south uU do grees, West 39 and six-tenth perches to a stony now planted on the Northeast sidfeof said’ twd perch Road ; then running and: bounding on said Road the two following courses, namely : south 43J degrees, east 39 perches to a Cedar Tree marked with Twelve notches ; thWTjBOUth 43J degrees, east 34 perches to the beginning : containing 17 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS : And also, All that tract of land sit Hate on oi near the Old Frederick Road in Baltimore Co. and described as follows, namely: Beginning for the same at a stone planted in the 'given line ot • , “Morning CBioice,” and running thence with said given line South 40J degrees, east 38 perches to a stake : thenc. south t>4 degrees, east 16 and four-tenth's es to the Old Frederick Road; thence with said Road, south 824 degrees, west 29 and three tenths perches to the easternmost side of At kinson’a ue-.v Road ; thence running with and binding on said last mentioned Road, North 43J degrees, west 26 and lour tenths perches, to the beginning of the hind conveyed by At kinson and wife to the said James White: tbenco North 49-i degrees, epst. houu.Lng on said land 85 and Fwo-leSlt perefies to the place of beginning ; containing 9 acres and It square perches of land, more or less ; being the same two parcels of land which are particular ly described in a Deed from said James White and wife to said William P. White, bearing date the I9th day of March 1862 and recorded among the Land Records aforesaid in Liber G. IL C. No. 34 fol. 141 Ac. The Improvements consist of a. c.omjprLJJe FRAME DWELLING HQ USE and a BATIN' and STABLE. ; TERMS OF SALE: —One-th ird of.thc pftf chase money cash on day of sale, one-third in. six months and one-third in twelve mouths from day of sale ; the credit payments to bear interest and to be secured by the. bonds or notes ! of the purchaser, with a surety or Sureties to be approved by the undersigned, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. BENJAMIN CONTEE. 8. 11. GOVER, Auctioneer. HINKLEY A MORRIS, Attornies for Mortgagee, 43 North Charles Street, Baltimore. Sep. 30.—ts. VALUABLE PROPERTIES*’ - FOR SALE. JOFIN o. zoacic LANDAUENT, New Oxford Adams Go., Pa., Has for sale a number of desirable Properties to which he asks the attention of those wishing to purchase. A FARM of 160 Acres', in Mouhtpleasant Township, with good S T ONE JL . t t\ >*32-11 OUSE, good, B#:aa,. Wagon |r. 2<|aff®Shed, Corn Crib, Wash' ilouso,!iM*ji|gL ' ""Orchard. Ac. 14.000 bueholß ofitiUggl • lfmeon the farm, and under tiq.e- cultivation— j is within two miles of New Oxford, h quartet j of a mile from the Gettysburg Railroad, and a 1 quarter of a mile from the Gettysburg Turn pike. A TAVERN STAND in New Oxford, at the Railroad Station. It is two-story, roomy and convenient, and is a good place for business. FORTY ACRES OF LAND, two miles from New Oxford, in MountpleasantTownship, with a new two-story HO.BiSE, Bank .Ram. \V'ag<in Shed, Corn Crib, (all new,) ttvo Orchard's, plen ty of good water, Ac. A FARM of 195 Acres, near Hunterstowu. with good House, Barn, and other out-build ngs. Land in fine cultivation. FARM of 175 Acres, 3 miles from New Ox ford, 2 miles from Hampton, i of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, near the Conewago Creek, in a high state of cultivation. Good House, Barn and other out buildings. Will be sold cheap. FARM of 105 Acres on the Hanover Turn &ike, under good cultivation,? Brick. [ouse, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib. Car riage House and other out-bnHdings, all new. LARGE FLOURING MILL with four pairs ol Burrs, in a good grain country, with the best water power in the cqii#ty. ,-ffhja Mil Us of the Large Conewago Creek, near the Hanover Turn pike, and has 23 Acrestof LSnll attached to it Also, SIX HOUSES ANDLQTS for .sale in New Oxford, near the Turnpike and Railroad Station. Persons who wish to buy Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a call, at his Sjtore in Now Ox ford. Address, **y nYTA ft jtfifVfDrftfiUK. t n Now Oxford/Adam* Co . n ■ y, Pa. Sept. 23.—2m.‘ ’ Public Sale • ■ OF TEN ACRES OF WOODLAND. rpHE undersigned, bv vfr'tue* of‘an order. X ot the Orphans’ Court lor Baltimore County, will sell at Public sale ftt Kings ton in said county, at the ci-osSing of the Joppa and Bel-Air Roads, oh' Saturday, October ; 28*/t, 1865, At One O’clock, ft*. M., All that part of a tract of Laa,dud wbicii Sam uel To veil, late of Baltimore Wufnty aie'l seized, the same part ol the said Tract which Josiah Ho.’huur, Albert A. Miller and Henry Seitz purchased ol Uhaeli*3 li. Chew and and which the said ciuiii.neEpurchased, of , former parties. The sui't ish lis Well 'limbered loitfl Chestnut, Oak, Poplar and Eiokfry. It lies about a hall'rail# fi.e h.-hAin ivuad and 12 mile# from tiiet JcUy, ot-'lUUim A plat of the same will he exhibited on tUo day. of or it may be seen before the day ni kale by any one calling on the undersigned at his residence. ' , . A TERMS of sale fire Cash, and th* deed to be excuted to the purchaser or purchas ers on the ratification of the sale by the Court. REUBEN TOVELL, Administrator of Samuel Toveli, deceased. S. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Sep. 30.-—ts. ' : - : ' Valuable Western Bun MIIjIj P K O P Ii RT. Y OFFERED AT PRIVATE QLVLE. I OFFER AT PRIVATE S'ALE the FARM on whjch I now. ni-*-.;,-,,U W side, containing about 97 AftßES^^ t <Rg.a of Limestone Land, with c'outitry MILL and all necessary out-buildings. JOHN SCOTT, Butler P. 0., Ba)to. county, Md. August 12.—3iq. FOR SALK, A HOUSE and LOT in Towson'.own, directly on the Turnpike and Railway.— The lot is about 100 by 159 feet. ’I i improvements are a Frame DiveLmg containing 8 rooms, with good (now used as a Hotel,) and non '> o f 5 horses. There is also a Ten ;l 'R Louse on the rear of the lot which would rent fqr $3 per month. Possession given at any timib (Apply . ' BENJ. N. PA\NE. ! y- tf - ■: -a KHQV -I ’ W u Wo. 76 Hillen Street, wear Bpl-Air Marker, ' ESPBCTFULLY informs hisfiiMgfc XX county friends that he is pig'pSfd •ad sell all kinds of “ AmhaJ COUNTRY PRODUCE, if Keeps constantly on. ; hai\d, CLO'vfK Tf'-F?- 1 1 THY, FLAX and other SEEDS ji) eynne'etion ' ’with ALL FIFOS OPgllAlW slid b-'pes. by a strict attohtfon .to bb&ificisto merita>hafe pf public patronage. Sept. 9.—Cm. * w< im i.iwa I hi iiiiSMtf jiMaaetf :\r:\nr%-egul MtteW.'"" ’ ir-fsaagga—M— rpms is TO GIVE NOTICE, that th# #ub. A scriber has obtained from the Orphans* Court/for Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of— WILLIAM Bf WALSH, late of said county deoeased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are h reby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before ihe oVth day of April, 1866 ; they may .otherwise by law be excluded Iron, all benefit of said estate. Those indebted U the estate will please pay thesame to WHEEL ER & KEECII, Attorneys at Law, Towsontown Md. Given under rny hand this 27th uav ol September, 1865. t MARGARET WAI.BH Sept„3o.—lt* Executi ix 'PHIS la TO GIVE NOTICE, that the m. X stffiber has ob-ained Ironi the Orphtu i. mi it of Baltimore county, letters <d admin tration on the estate of JUIIN MICHAELS. late of said county, deceased. All person- n. mg claims against the said 'estate are hen warned to exhibit the same with the vouehi thereof, to the subscriber. On or before the 3 th day of April, 1.“66 . they may otherwise by law be excluded Iron, -ill benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. THOS. E. WANTLAND, Sept. 30.—4t* Administrator. ' I ’HIS IS To Gi VE NOTICE, that the sub J scriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of admin istration on the estate of WILLIAM HAWKINS, late of said county, deceased. All persons ha•- ing claims againsi the said estate, are here), warned to exhibit the same with the voucher thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 3<HA day of April. 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. JOHN W. ONION, Sept. 30.—4t* Administrator. '’IMIIS 13 TcToiVE NOTICE, That the sub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of EDWARD D. LYON, late of said county, deceased. All persona hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the o. th day of April, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. SAMUEL H. LYON Sept. 30.—4t* Executor. 'iMI lf3 IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub _L scriber, has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of A LIE UNDERWOOD, lateof said county,deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 141A day of Mry, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under iny hand this 10th day of October, 1865. WALTER T. ALLENDER, Oct. 14.—4 t. Administrator. rjMIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court.of Baltimore county, letters ol adminis tration on the estate ol JAMES GODWIN, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof to the subscriber, On. or before the 141 h day of May. 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day of October, 1865. THOMAS GODWIN, Oct. 14.—it Administrator. rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X scribers have obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of LOUISA R. PARRY, late of said county, deceased. All personr hav ing claims against the said estate are h irebj warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers. On or before the 151/i day of May, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded Iron, all benefit of said estate. Those indebted i< said estate are requested to make imniedial payment. Given underour hands this lOtb da;- of October, 1865 EDWARD A. MERCERON, VICTOR J. MERCERON, Oct. 14.*—4t ;s Executors. i/OWEN & OTHERS V#. BONSAL & OTH ) ERS, In ihe Circuit Court for Baltimore toiinty/—ln Equity. ORDPiRED, That the sale made and reported by Henry L. Bowen, Trustee for the sale of the real estate mentioned in this cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary therrofbe shown, on or before the Is! day of November next , provided a copy of this order be Inserted in some newspaper or newspapers printed and published in Towsontown, once in each of three successive weeks before the said Ist day of November next. The report states the amount of sale to be $4,850.00. JOHN n. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Oct. 14.—3 t. Insolvent Notice. IVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the cred • IX itors of WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, an applicant for the benefit of the “48th Article of the Code of Public General Laws.” relative to insolvents', that the la! Monday of December next, has been fixed for his appearance, to an swer interrogatories, and lor a final hearing ot his case before the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Ifated the 10th day of August, 1865. Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER,CIerk. Aug. 12.— 2m* To All Whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rglllAT lie undersigned Examiners, appoint | efi by the County Commissioners 01 Balti more county, on tlie petition of Jaiue6 Mahool, Hugh -Simms and others, for the opening of two Roads leading from a ford on the Little Gunpowder Kails near Whitaker's Forge, through the lands of F. Whittaker and Hugh Simms, to the road passing through P'ranklin- Ville to Jerricho. Also, the present old road Ironi Franklinville to the Little Gunpowder Falls where the Bridge is proposed to be built between Jericho and Jerusalem Mills, having taken the oath required by law. will proceed on the 18!A of October, 1865, on the premises, (if fair, if not, the next fair dav.) to execute the trust reposed in them, and the requirements of the Acts of Assembly, in such cases made and provided. J. B. RUMSEY. ) EDWARD J BELL, J- Examiner*. STEPHEN W. FALLS, j Sept. 23. st. ROAD NOTICE. To all Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the county commissioners of Balto. county, at the meeting of said commissioners to be held at Towsontown, 011 the first Tuesday of October, inst.. for laying outand openinga Pub lic Road in the 6th election Districtol said coun ty to commence at a county road leading from tiie Old York Road to the York Turnpike aud rulining through the lands of Lemuel Morris, Geo. Taylor, dec’d.. Jas. Taylor, dec’d., Joseph Walker, Fisher A O Corner, Walter C. Walker, and Edward Matthews dee'd., and intersecting a eountv road leading from the Freeland Road, nast Joseph Walker's Mill, t-o the York Turn {)ike * FISIIER A O’CONNER, 1 ' ’ LEMUEL MORRIS, A. L. KNIGHT, y E. H. MORRIS, and others. ■gbjjm—st. koad notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that thirty days IX fiom the day of the date hereof, applica tion will be made to the County Commission ers of Baltimore county, for the opening of a | county road from Wilkes Bt. or Eastern aven j ue in Baltimore city, to the Trappe Road, pass ing through lands ownod by the Canton Com ! panv, city of BaUimore and Morrow Lowry, I and lveing nu extension of the Road known aa ! Shaw's Lane Oct. 14.—5 t - I I, TWW KIH4U. rpilE undersigned would give notice to the fiddle, that he has opened a shoe shop at Warrefi Baltimore county, and would Reapect- I fully ask a call from nil who wnnt work done. ' I wirt r.'fldy to do all kinds of Ladies A Gents f wwrk: either eourse or fine, with nric.e* to suit, the times. GEO. F. DONAL'. SON. Oct. 14.—2