Newspaper Page Text
C'-- ■ * - : * STOREKEEPERS READ THIS! The largest and Bast Assortment of Everything in the Grocery Line And at the Lowest Prices is to be found at O. LEWIS 13 IVest Baltimore Street. BROWN A WHITE SUGARS EVERY GRADE. Jilt), LAGUAYRA k JAVA COFFEES. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the lowest grade to the very finest in mar ket. Also, JAVANESE TEAS now so extensively used. SPICES G lb. Japanned cans, hinged, all varieties. Matches & 13lacking at manufacturer's prices. Coffee Essence, Succory Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot, aps , Fancy Soaps, &e. Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent for PALMER'S DANDELION COFFEE, . HEDGE’S Boston Crackers and Milk Biscuit. Fox's Farina Crackers. Sweet's Infallible Liniment. Extract Roots for Making Beer. Oriental Co's., Japan and Wheat Coffee. New England coffee. London LI ub coffee. Also, at Manufacturers’ Trices, Bacon's Excelsior Coffee. Ridgwny’s Family Coffee. Broadbcnt’s French Coffee. In fact can supply you with everything in our line, right. Call and convince yourselves. * C. LEWIS DUNLAP, No. 13 West Baltimoro Street, Between Institute and Bridge, Baltimore. March 4, 1863. Iy. STARR’S REPEATING FOUR-SHOOTER. Safest Pocket Pistol Made. advantages of this arm arc : 1. It is the only Pistol that can be placed in position to receive the Cartridge with one hand. 2. It can be loaded in the dark, quicker than any other Pistol, and with no danger. 3. It carries aheavierCartridge than any oth er Pistol of the same size. 4. the safest Pistol to load, shoot or carry, as a premature’discharge i.s impossible. 5. It has less parts than any other Pistol, and is less liable to get out of order. 6. It shoots the ordinary mctjWhtrtridge that can be purchased- rrffywlTere. TO BE FOIIXU Al THE fniSCII‘AI. Gl’X AXI> HARll wari: ar.Ai.Kitß. MERILL PATENT FIREARMS CO:, Sept. 9. 1865.—1 y. Baltimore, Md. OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. THE undersigned having thoroughly renewed his stock, and laid in a corn-Wff pletc assortment of IN • DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectfully so licits the attention of country purchasers, and a •all from all dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchase®, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his li’ri • tin- judiciously selected, his PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from everyone who comes to tow ll to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. P. S. Physicians’ orders promptly filled with care. N. B. Oil of Vitriol at tlielowesteash price. FRANKLIN METZGER, Cor. Gav and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2,1861.—1 v PI IS Lit ilOTlcir i. • • -TO STRANGERS, COUNTRY MER CHANTS, And Citizens of Baltimore Co. TOBACCO, SNUPT AND SEGARS, W II 0 L E S A L E A N D EETAI L. A -Large Assortment, all of best brands and at the very lowest prices, for sale at mv Warehouse, South Calvert Stroet, Near Water St. Next door to Mr. G. I). Clark's Jewelry Store. ‘ PLEASE OBSERVE THE No. 31. Store open until S O'CLOCK AT WIGHT, for the accomodation of my friends. P. CASPAR I, Tobacco Merchant. July 29.- t -Sm. Bull’s Head Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. THIS old-established hotel, so ably and so successfully conducted the last eighteen months, by Thomas I!! C. T-rac.ev, wiJJ be continued by •widow,, she buying taken with her intp the busindsx, Robert D. Stansbury, of Davisville, sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter bo known as TRACEY A 6TANSBURY. The old patrons of the estab lishment, as well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rest assured that nothing in their pawer will be left undone, to merit a full share of tbe patronage of the public. HENRIETTA TRACEY, ROBERT D. STANSBURY. May 9.—tf E. J. CHURCH, LUMBER DEALER, Ashland Square, Corner Gay and Monu ment Streets, Baltimore, STILL keeps on hand all varieties of LUM BER, SHINGLES, LATHS, AC., at the old established stand, which he sells at the very owe*t prices. Citizeils of Baltimore county who intend building, are iuvited to call. LUMBER BY THE CAR LOAD AT RIVER PPI/IFB low Pine Flooring, well seasoned, for sale cheap. Julv I.—3m. CHARLES T. SISCO. J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 street, Baltimore, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL MAUFACTURBRB Of Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, SIGNALS, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, Ac. Store and Factory, No. 95 Baltimore street, Opposite nollidavstreet. Dec. 28, TBfil.—ly SCHUCHMANN & HEIM,.” * Jill MANUFACTURERS OF Traveling Trunks, Valises and Ladles Bonnet Boxes, NO. 6 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. TRUNKS MADE TO ORDER ."IB* Jan. 14i, 1865.—1 y. ALFRED MAMS. , , JAMES ALFRED HUTCHINS IJams & Hutchins, Tea Dealers and. G-rocers?, Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore. "IT EEP constantly on hand a choice and ex intensive stoek of TEAS, WINES, GROCER IES and Provisions generally, to which they es pectfally invite the attention of purchasers. Teb. 13.—tf HERE IS THE MACHINE FOR THE FARMERS! Farmers, Look at the Great Advan-; i; tage in Threshing Grain with | < GEISER’S PATENT,; SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARA- J TOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. AT a time like the present, when labor is scarce, it is important that Farmers, who are interested, should pay attention to the above improvement, which considerably reduces the expense of Threshing Grain, over any machine now in use. It is peculiarly adapted to its work aud cau be attached to either belt or iron rod Powers. It cleans the grain thoroughly by one operation, which is not generally done by any other machine. Grain cleaued by this maeh.ine, which contains much light, filthy matter, is worth one or two cents per bushel more than if cleaned in the common way. The machine is conveniently arranged for hauling, being permanently fixed on two wheels. CANFIELDBROSrA C0 V 22 9 BALTIMORE ST., , CORNER OF CHARLES, JJAVE a fine Stock of— Gold Watches for Ladies amlGentlemcn. Silver Hunting Case Watches of all kinds. Gold Chatelain Vest and Guard Chains. Diamond Earrings, Pins, Bracelets * Rings. Rich suits of Jewelry of new styles. Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings and Pins of ’ great variety. , Pearl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. ( Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives, Ac., Ac. , Silver Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Spits, Ac. ( Fancy Silver Goods of new styles. Flatcd Tea and Coffee acts of late patterns. < Castors, Baskets, Ice Pitchers and Cups, J Plated or Alabata Forks and Spoons of best f 1 Tabfe and Tucket Cutlery, Scissors t Razors, j Watches carefully repaired. Faus, Opera Glasses. Port moil a ica ; beautiful , Paris Gilt and Porcelain Vases; beautiful Par ] is Card Receivers amt other articles; Prout’s ’ Hair and Tooth Brushes; Fine. Marble ami Bronzed Paris Clocks; Bronzed Figures and ( Ornament'. MILITARY GOODS. Swords and Belts for Army and Navy, Sash- 1 es, Spurs, Buttons, Lace, Cord, Navy Lacc, Caps, Stars and Embroideries, Army Embroi deries of all kihds, Chevrons, Bindings, Cloth. Ac. Field Glasses, Tistols and Cartridges. March 18, 1865. — ly. Geo. H. Carman. Joshua M. Bosley. . MARYLAND LAND AGENCY. WE SELL AND PURCHASE on com mis sien, REAL ESTATE of every descrip tion, in the city of Baltimore, the Conn ties ol i Marvland ami other Slates, —BORROW AND LOAN MONEY ON MORTGAGE,—and attend to Collections of all kinds promptly. OUR OFFICE js centrally aud convenient!v located, with all the appliances for a thorough and energetic dispatch of business; and we propose to use all proper and available means to present to the purchasing public and capi talists, such property as may be in our hands for sale. IF roll want to B**ll a Farm, House or Ground Rent," inform us of the fact, and put it on our Books. IF vou want to Purchase REAL ESTATE of any kind, or Invest in GROUND RENTS OR MORTGAGES examine our Books before you do so. Persons having business in our line, are res pectfully solicited to give us a call, or conTlhu nieale with iis by letter or other wise. CABMAN & BOSLEY, Office No. 5 Carroll Hall (up stairs.) S. E. Corner of Baltimore aud Calvert Sts.. Feb. 18.—tf. Baltimore, Md. BAUGH’S RAW-BONE PHOSPHATE, The Great Fertilizer. In Fine, Dry Powder, Expressly Prepared for Drilling, & Adapt ed for Producing Large Crops of WHEAT AND GRASS. SINCE Baugh’s Ilaw-Bonc Phosphate has at tained its present high standard ol excel lence as a Fertilizer, it has become the most popular ni&uure now in the market. Its ac tion on the crops is perceptible at once and its benefits to the soil are permanent. It would be well for Farmers to scud in their orders early to the subscriber or to any of his agents from whom circulars giving full pa d ie tiTsrs can be obtained. Price in Baltimore, s6l per 1,000 lbs. Cash. A Liberal Discount to Dealers. GEORGE DUGDALE, SOLE AGENT, No. 105 Smith’s Wliarl, J BALTIMORE. ! July B.—3m. ( THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE. i BOYS’ Jackets, Bovs’ Coats, Bovs’ Pants, Men’s FINE CLOTH COATS, Men’s < Sack Coats; Men’s English Walking Coats; Men’s French Sack Coats; Men’s ■ SPRING OVERCOATS; Men’s Black Pants; Men’s Fancy Pants. ( We have the best and finest stock of men’s and Boy** clothing in the city. Together with j a SUPERIOR STOCK of PIECE GOODS for Custom work, all at less than Gold rates. At , SMITH BEOS. & CO., i MARBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 10 West Baltimore street. May 6—tf PHOTOGBAPHS AND AMBEOTYPES. YOUNG’S CELEBRATED GALLERY, 331 Balto. at., Cor. Charles, BALTIMORE. BY means of late improvements in the prep aration of Chemicals aud in the arrange ment of a Skylight, the Pictures of Children and Elderly Persons can be taken in a single second of time. The improved process in use at this gallery enables us to take pictures equally as weil in cloudy as in clear weather. Special attention paid tp making copies.— Old pictures of all kinds copied, enlarged and made more beautiful than the original. June I.—3ni. 11/]’ Dr. Sappington's COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXBEED, Will cure < COUGHS, COLDS, . HOARSENESS, Ac. This . , Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen Years. * • 1 It is now considered a certain euro for the J above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by ' DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, ( Nov. 19.—tf Baltimore, Md. JOHN D. HAMMOND, 1 SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, ’ ’ * No. 348 Baltimore st., J® ÜBSff 0H 3 doors below Eutaw l [ House, Baltimore, Manufactures and keeps onstntiyo < hand every description of SADDLES, NESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in bis line. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch.. July 9,1865.— ly The above machines arc fully warranted.— Price of the machine, from 4 to 6 horses, all | complete 8210. For further information and particulars address, LINTON A LAMOTT, 151 N. High street, Baltimore. ALSO, Braley & Pitt’s Thresher* and Winnowers, with double pinion Horse-Power. Straw and Fodder Cutters, for hand or horse-power. CORN S II K L L E R S, all sizes and kinds. GUAIN DRILLS, with Seed and Guano Attachments. H OMINY MIL LS, I’LOWS, all sizes and kinds. Guanos aud Other Fertilizers. LINTON A LAMOTT, 131 North High Srcet. Baltimore, Md. May tf FAMILY GBOCEBY. AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. ipnn tioim c. Pitt, (Late of Calvert and Tleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the head of Richmond Market,-cor ner of Biddle and Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood'and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured 11A MS ; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Black Teas; Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee; loaf,crushed, pulverized,clari fied and brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast Powders, Sardines, Sauces, Pickles, Extracts, Salad Oil, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sins, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do.. Syr ups, New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial and Lard Oil. Tobacco and Sogars, Dupont's Superior Canister Powder, Shot, Gun Caps, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. June 21,1865.—tf JOHN C. PITT. R. 51ACL AIR A C 0., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MAHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, &CL, No. 58, 60 & 62 St., Baltimore. WE are Manufacturingour Improved Stone Lime and Oyster Shell lime nuns, Made of the Best Material and fifty per cent, better than any Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to give Satisfaction. Agents for the sale of the Celebrated “MONITOR” MOWING & REAPING MACHINE. TIIE ‘IRON HARVESTER” SELF RAKE REAPER, considered now the best Self-Rake Machine in use, and is warrant ed to give satisfaction. We also Manufacture the “110 rse Corn P lan tc r,” Which Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and is one of the best in use. Horse Powers, Threshers, Wheat Fans, Grist Hills, Corn aud €ob Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow & Machine Castings, Ac. _#S&-Send for a Circular. FL. Sc CO. -April 15, 1865.—tf. WHEELEB AND WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM rpHE Lock Stitch made by this Machine J. cannot be ravelled, and presents the same appearance upon each side of the seam, a sin gle line of thread extending from stitch to stitch. It is formed with two threads, one up on each side of the fabrio, and interlocked m the centre of it. The beauty and regularity of the stitch will be observed, also the firm ness of the seam, in which respects it excels hand sewing. The Machine is recommended for the follow ing qualities: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch upon each side of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmness, and durability of soam thatwill not rip npr ravel, and made with S: Economy iof thread. 4, Its attachments and range ofapplication to purposes atrd matciials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. / 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construc ts on. 7. Speed, ease of operation and manage ment, and quietness of movement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. April I, 1865.—1 y. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS!! FRUIT JARS!!! 1 A AAA GLASS FRUIT JARS, SELF -1 U,UUUsEALING. 10,000 Glass Fruit Jars with Corks. 10,000 Stone “ “ “ “ with a general assortment of Glass, Stone and Earthen Ware, which we will sell at factory prices. We keep constantly on hand our best WHITE COAL OIL, warrantedAioii-explosive and free from odor, at the lowest market prices. Merchants and others would do well to give us a call before purchasing else where. IIAMILL k CO., No 131 N. Gay Street, corner High, Aug. 12.—3 m. * Baltimore, Md. " B G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wines & Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, TENDERS thanks to his friends for their for mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, will en ' l( cy=f=y, deavor to merit a continuance of favor. The public are respectfully in-SHM vited to examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Onr imported and domestic LIQUORS arc selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may furnisn their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. July 14, 1860.—1 y Thomas Mullin, Jr., COACH MANUFACTURER, East side of Holliday st., Adjoining Shipley’s Livery Stables, Second door Sonth of Pleasant st., Baltimore. rpiIOMAS MULLIN, Jr., JT** I, on hand, and manufactures order, CARRIAGES OF EVERYAE-T-JfiL DBBGRIPTION, at short notioe, made by good workmen, and of the best materials. N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice, and on reasonable terms. Jnly 28, 1860.—1 y ■■PHHHHnHMHHHPBMHPHHMnHBaHHMIi SOMIJILE PACIFIC GUANO. JOHN S. BEESE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents KOR TH K PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, :t SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE* rpHE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resem , Ables Peruvian Guano in appearance, odor, and composition. The vulue of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as is well known, upon the per cent, of Ammonia, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that it con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, and Bone Phosphate of Lime. This difference makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price of this Guano is onl}’ one-half the price of Peru vian, and is not higher than the Super Phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, soluble and Bone Phosphate, than is found in the best of them. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render it an object of great interest to farmers generally. WtE WO®HI IFAKMH® ;®-T0 TAKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That the conditions ujion which we have the agency of this Guano are that every cargo is regularly inspected and analysed by Dk. Lki big, whose authority in such matters is para mount. This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection not had in the purchase of fertiliz ers generally. It must also be noticed that the phosphates of this Guano, are not mineral, but earthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. The following is a summary of analysis o* last Cargo: Moisture 10 per ct. Organic Combustible Matter... 30.71 “ Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammotia 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17.07 u Bone Phosphate of Lime 24.32 *‘ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and bv JOHN S. REESE & CO., P. G. Company’s Agents, Baltimore. Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers. June 17, 1865.—1 y. Farmers’ Weather Indicator, OR WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. mHIS instrument should be in the hands of er cry Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out any change in the weather and thus directs the farmer bow to sha|>c bis work and save crops that, without a Barometer, might be caught out in a storm and seriously injured, if not destroy ed. Every farmer should have one, as it is a perfect “weather teller.” It is simple in construction, cheap in price, not liable to get out of order, and the o ,iiy perfect portable Barometer in use. Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate and 1 reliable for Scientific purposes, being used by the U. S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In stitute: besides beiug recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the country, as well as by a host of Professors and Scientific journals. We name but a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others : —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Boston Jour nal, Peterson's Magazine, Orange Judd. Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, Hackler, Holmes, Carr, Huunewell, Williams, Douglas, &c. The cost of the instrument is within the reach of all, ranging in price from $7 to S2B. We have five different styles, from a plain maple case to the finest carved rosewood. Most of these styles have a Thermometer attached. A sample of this instrument may be seen at this office. Orders promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar and prices, applv personally or bv letter to BRUSTER & GRIFFITH, 49 N. Paca St., Baltimore, Md. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, r MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark A Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, > and sugar machinery in geLual. RUNDELL’S HORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay Elevator, the best in use and a great la bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented and manufactured by PELTON. Best Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. A supply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always on hand. Jan. 21, 1865. —ly. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PREPARATIONS. ROSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, General Debility, Etc. Especially recommended to weak and debili tated women and children. Becommendedand Used by tho Med ical Faculty. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO WINE. For tho social circles. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. €. LEWIS DUNLAP, WHOLESALE AGENT, No. 13 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. ISS®.For sale by Grocers and Druggists. March 4,1865. —1 y. GBEEN&YOE, FAMILY GROCERS, XNn DKAI.EHH IN PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin k Valette’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, HAVE constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, a consisting in part of F R E S II _ rr[[ TEAS, (green and black,) of Vft-fpjpfq rious prices and flavors; Cofl’ees-SjHSi Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Grliiiulated, C- Yellow and Clarified; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermaeelli; Cooper's k Cox’s Refined Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils; Cheese —English Dairy ; Pine Apple and Sap Sago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives; English and American Pickles—Gorkins, mixed, Qhow-Chow, Plcoailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onions ; Sauces—John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES —Jas. Honnesv A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co. 1848, Native Catawba, Bor deau, Rochelle and other brands; Fine Old WINES —London Dock Tort, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, Sweet Moselle and Champagne; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old and fine; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac.; Imported snd Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of which they will sell at reasonable prices, and respect fully solicit a call. June 23, 1860.—1 y BURNS Jk SLOAN. ~ LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Light St., Baltimore, HAVE on hand a large assortment of LUM BER, SHINGLES, FRAMES, LATHS, DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for sale at the lowest Market rates, for CASH. Feb. 11, 1885.—1 y. ____ CLOTHING ! CLOTHING • • J, G. PETER. Merchant Tailor. No, 7, South Gay street, Baltimore. I T2 r EEPS alwqys on hand a fine assortment K of the best goods, which he is prepared to . make to order at short notioe. Also, Goods made up that are bought elsewherei ' Ang. I.—Jy. mmmmmmmmmmmmam* win jipjimmibmhwmw FOUTZ’B CELEBRATED gowtf and Baltic §tatrfr& They' are Bure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, gy, 4c. " In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin —thus improv ing the appearance, Tigor and spirit of this noble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. The property this Powder possesses in in* creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give! it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of everj person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it give* them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. above Diseases can be. cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog i Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 cts. per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl. . PREPARE) BT S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT TKEItt WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Hd- For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. ' FOUTZ'S mixture:, The Beat Liniment for Man & Beast Now in Use. IS a safe and reliable Remedy fur the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections, , Sprains, Burns, Swellings, nnd all Diseases re . quiring an application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney, if Sroperly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, cratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its effi ‘ cacy. RHEUMATISM. Tersons afflicted with this Disease, no matter 1 of bow long standing, can he promptly and ef fectually cured by using this Mixture. There • is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away bad Corns and cure Frost Bites, as this Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Price 35 and 75 Cts. a bottle. shrlner’s BALSAMIC CO UGH SYR UP, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, d’C., d'C. This Syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury ; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful—soothing, calming and allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at the root of Disease, and driving it from the system." croTi p. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at hand. For Coughs after Measels, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience lias proven that it is equalled by no other Preparation. jojrYr\e.c 50 Cents per Bottle. All the above preparations for sale by Mas. M. A. SIIEALEY, AND RICHARD WILLIS, Druggist, June 24, 1865.—1 y. Towsontown, Md. Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen years. It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. 8. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street. Between High and Front streets, Nov. 12.—tf Baltimore, Md. 4 John W. Richardson & Co., No. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE Major ROBERT HALL, Cutter. CALL AND SEE. 1 { Aug- I.—tf , PLOUGH CASTINGS I PLOUGH CASTINGS !! THE attention of Farmers and Merchants is invited to my full and complete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor A Horton, Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, Baltimore. HENRY WILCOX. Feb. tf JACOB HOFFMAN, SADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR MAN UFACTURER. No. 176 North Gay Street, Baltimore. MANUFACTERES and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of light and heavy Har ness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ae. Old Harness taken in exchange. Country work of all kinds punctnally attended to. Repairing promptly executed. JL Feb. 4. —9 m. i FOB SALE. THE thorough bred Alderny Bull “CO M AS,” imported by Johnjrrjfw Ridgely of Hampton, from the Island of Jersey, England. JOHN STAYLOR, Jr., No. 151 Greenmount Ave. near Eager St., June 3.—tf. ; Baltimore. WHITMAN'S COLUMN. E. WHITMAN & SONS. UAXUFAC'T I7KERBOP Agricultural Implement*, AMD MACHINERY, A N O DBA I.KKS lit Seeds, Fertilizers, Horticultural Tools, AND AGRICULTURAL HARDWARE GENERALLY , Nos. 22 and 24 South street, Baltimore, Md. TIIE manufaeturing;Department will be per sonally superintended by the senior partner, whose long experience in this line of business has rendered him familiar with all its various branches. Our stock will be one of the largest in this city, and in consideration of onr experience and advantages in manufacturing, we are pre pared to furnish ali the latest and most impro ved kinds of Farm Implements on the most fa vorable terms. Hitchinson’s Celebrated Wine and Cider Mill and Press. Im proved for 1865. j ‘7*" . 7SU: | WITH THIS MACHINE FROM Two to Four Barrels o£ Cider, or from One Handred to'One Hundred Fifty Gallons of Wine ran be made in one day by one man. TV4ee—Complete, with Balance Wheel—s23.s6. This mill-wHi enable the owner to produce SWEET CIDER at any time, and thus to save all the apples, grapes, and other perishable fruit, that would otnerwisebe lost. The Cider and Wine thus produced will be Clean, Clear and Pure, and when made faom sound fruit it will remain sweet for a long time. The Press is convenient for pressing Lard, Cheese, Herbs, Ac. It is Compact, Strong and Durable, and is also the Cheapest Mill in use. We also have ffICKOK’S Celebrated Cider Mill, NEW STYLE with Two Tubs—Frice $40.00 IIAY, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER. - We have constantly on hand a large variety of Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutter* Of our own manufacture, of-various sizes and prices to suit the times. Hide Roller Cutters from $lO to S2O. Fodder Cutters from S3O to SSO. (The latter kind for either hand or horse power.) Premium flew Snfo-soilPlow. This Plow has been tried by the United States Agricultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first premium. It has a reversable steel edge, is simple in its construction, easy in draft and management, and adapted to a common team. Simplicity, strength and economy are here most happily combined. The Plow being an important implement in Agriculture, we have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavy cost have procured the best and most perfect set of machinery in Use, and aretioW prepared to fill all orders'for Plows of any description, on as favorable terms as can be had in the Uni ted States, quality and workmanship consider ed. We wish to call the attention of dealers to our manufacture of Plows, which we think, cannot be surpassed in this country. Side Hill or Swivel Plow s. The nhbve Flows are so constructed that the mould board is easily afid instantly changed from one sijle to the other, which enables the operator to perform thd work upon side hills turning all the furrow slices with great accu racy downward. thermometer churn. I r This Churn it so j£>n#iructptl that the cream or milk is readily Drought to the desired tem perature without mixing water or other sub stances, and the temperature certainly and definitely determine!, which' proves invaluable n the art of making butter. ■ ■ May 20, 1865.—1 y WK. H. READ’S, ’ I4T BALTIMORE STREET, 147 BALTIMORE STREET, (ORE DOOR BELOW CALVERT.) PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, COSMETICS. CENTRA L A GENCYfor EM AIL de PA RIS. CANES, LARGE ASSORTMENT, POCKET-KNIVES, POCKET-BOOKB AND WALLETS, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ VALISES. FANCY GOODS, Best assortment in the city. LUBIN’B EXTRACTS.,faII odors.) FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes.) SOAPS. French, English and Domestic. . F-A-TsTS, Very fine, suitable for presents. Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Pomades, Hair and Flesh Brushes, Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes. COMBS, DRESBING CASES, Sozodont for the Teeth. Night Blooming Cereus. SCOTCH WOOD GOODS, Every Pattern. Agency for HUMPHREY’S IIOMCEPATHY, Agency for ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES in demand. READ'B is the place for FINE GOODS, and for a good assortment. Remember the number —147 Balto. street, one door from Calvert. Oct. 21.—tf. JAS. m7 BAKER, GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Where can be found at all times a supply of GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE, POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, Ae., And dealers in FLOUR. CORN MEAL. BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED, HAY, STRAW, CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDB. WOOL, FURB, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, for which we are paying the highest cash prices. JAB. M. BAKER, Next door to W. Sts nsbury’s Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmers will find excellent accommo dations. Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 135 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD ARMIGER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, WOODENWARE A, HARDWARE. THE public, are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of TUBB, BUCKETS. CHURNS, BRUSHEB, BROOMS, BRITANNIA, JAPANNED AND TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, ALBATA SPOONS, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Woodenware, at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER, 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27, 1865.—1 y GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. WIU. B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS' OF SLAVEB, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md., DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring and Summer supply of goods, sistingin part of Knives and Forks,HflH Pocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Axes, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, ShoVels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel,. Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; . Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. July 16.—tf TAKE NOTICE. SPRING STYLES OF HATS, 186*. WE are now prepared to fur nish our triends and the^SfflqM Sublic with the Spring Styles , F HATS, for Gentlemen's wear, MEHHS which will compare favorably with any sold in the city of Baltimore. ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Children, some very beautiful. S. HINDES A SON, May 20.—tf No. 100 Gay street. THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, ft SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kind* of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’WORK, of the best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8,1864.—1 y T. S. W. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. THE undersigned are now dealing extensive ly iu the sale of FARMS and LANDS im all parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimore' county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, will send us a full description. No Sale no Charge. Legal Claims of soldiers prosecuted’. Address, EATON & CO., . Baltimore. Office—No. 202 Baltimore Btreet, (up stairs.)! COMMISSION A PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. 118 and 133 North street, Baltimore. WE sell and buy on commission all kinds GRAIN, CLOVER SEED, FLOUR, COR MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. We have for sale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July 14, 1860.—1 y Old Town Union Hal Company, No. 140 N. GA Y STREET, COR. OF HIGH. ALL the late styles of Gents, Youths f&Spk and Children’s Hats and Caps alwayson hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at the manufacturers* drices. Straw and Summer Hats of all prices and qualities. County people, give us a call! Jan. 14, 1865.—1 y. James Beatty. George R. Skillmah JAMES BEATTY & CO., SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, St AND CAKE BAKERS , Nos. 92, #4 and 96 Dugan's Wharf, Near Pratt street, Balt. March 18, 1865.—1 y. All Persons Indebted TO the late Baltimore County Advocate, either to E. F. Church, or Church A Haverstick, are respectfully requested to call at the Union office and settle their bills. Feb. 13.—tf