Newspaper Page Text
mmmmmsmm*mmrnmmamu • m • - JViiiD Advertisements. PUBLIC SALE ' VALUABLE HORSES, MULES, IMPLEMENTS, CORN, OATS, HAY, POTATOES, &C. THE undersigned being about to relinquish farming, will sell at his residence, on the W. M. R. R., i mile from Finkaburg station, and 4 miles from Reisterstown, on Wednesday, November 29tA, 1865, at 9 o'clock, A. M., All the valuable stock on hia farm, consisting ot three valuable young driving and saddle horses,-6 head of young Mules, good size and well broke, three of them good leaders, 1 yoke of large Oxen, well broke and quick, 6 head of young Milch Cows, nearly all fresh, 1 fat Cow, 9 Hogs, 1 Chester Boar, 1 Brood Sow with pigs, 200 BARRELS OF CORN. 50 bushel of Potatoes, sO bushel OATS, 20 tons of HAY , lot of com Fodder, Husks, Ac. ; One Buckeye Reaper A Mower complete, 1 patent Drill for grain or Fertilisers, 1 patent hay and grain Rake, 2 patent cutting Boxes for horse or hand power, 2 large broad-tread Wagons for 4 or 6 horses, 1 narrow wheel Wagon, 1 spring market Wagon for 2 Horses, 2 Ox Carts with Yokes, 1 stone Bed, 1 hay Carriage with side Boards, 1 wood Bed. 1 top Buggy-wagon, (near ly new,) 1 no-top Buggy, [nearly new,] l Sleigh and Bells, 2 large Harrows, 2 large Cultivators. 3 three-horse Plows, 3 two-horse Plows, 3 dou ble shovel Plows. 1 hill-side Plow, 3 Go-devils, Grain Cradles, Mowing and Briar Scythes, hay and oat Forks, Rakes, Grain Bags, 2 sets of heavy Breechbands, (5 sets of lead Harness, 2 Bets ©f Harness, several sets of Plow Harness, 4 log Chains, 2 fifth Chains and Stretchers, 4 Spreaders, several single, double and treble trees, Shovels. Picks, Mattocks, stone Hammers, Grind Stone, Wheelbarrow, Crow Bar, Post dig ger, Chest of Carpenters Tools for farmers use, 6 Grain or Meat liogheads, 6 barrels of pure cider Vinegar, 1 Vise and Bench, Barrels, Meas ures, Lot of Chickens, Ac., Ac. Also, the valuable FURNITURE in the Dwel ling, consisting of 6 Beds and Bedsteads, all complete, large lot of Parlor and Chambef Car peting,] Side-board, Bureaus, Wasbstauds, Sofa, Parlor and Dining room Tables, Parlor and common Chairs, 1 eight-day Clock, Parlor and Dining room Stoves, window Blinds, lot of APPLE BUTTER, PRESERVES, PICKELS, and Sauer Kraut. A complete set of Kitchen Furniture, 1 set of Sexton’s celebrated Cook Stove and Fixtures, Glass and Stoneware, milk Pots and Jars, Churn, patent Sausage stuffer, iron Pots. Kettles, Tubs, Buckets, Ac., in fact, every article usually found on a well conducted farm. Sale continued from day to day—Sale Pi sitive. TERMS CASH. DANIEL VONDERSMITH. EPHRAIM BERRYMAN, Auctioneer. Nov. 18.—ts ENLARGED STORE AND NEW aOO DS ! NEW RAISINS, whole, half and quarter box es ; Currants, Citron, Figs, Prunes, Spices, Ac.; Cranberries, Backwheat, Charleston Grists, ( incinnatti Sugar Cured Hams, Farina, Edin burg, Boston, Milk, Arrow Root, Fancy, Soda and Water Crackers, Egg Biscuit, Ginger and Sugar Novelty Cakes, English and American Pickles and Sauces, Soft and Hard Shelled ALMONDS, rr FILBERTS. BUTTER NUTS. PALM NUTS, AC, AC. OLD ‘-'BAKER” RYE WniSIIEY, best in the country. ALSO, RYE A BOURBON WHISKIES of lower grades. Cooking Wines and Brandies. Madeira, Port and Sherry Wines. Perfect Love, Rose and Noyeau Cordials. London Brown Stout. Scotch Ale. Massey, Collins A Co’s. XX Philadelphia Ale and Porter. THEN FOR SUBSTANTIALS. Brown and White Sugars allistyles and grades; Java Laguayra and Rio Coffees, roasted and green; Green, Black and Japanese Teas finest chops; Coffee Essence, Matches & Blacking, Rice, Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot and Caps. DRAKE’S PLANTATION AND RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS, And thousands of articles too numerous to mention, all put up in good style, and deliver ed to any Railroad or Hotel free of charge. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, ’No. 13 West Baltimoro Street, Between Institute and Bridge, Baltimore. Nov. 18, 1865.—tf. HOUR MILLS FOR SALE DR RENT. TIIE undersigned, wishing to retire from the Milling business,offers for sale his Mill called “T IIORNTO N ALTT‘ ■ MIL L,” situated on the York Turnpike, fourteen miles from Ba 1- timore ar.d one mile from the Northern Central Railroad at Cockeysville. It is in good repair, has four pairs of Burrs, and has a capacity of 150 bbls. per day. The machinery is driven by two Turbine Water Wheels recently put in. It is in the central portion of one of the best grain-producing districts of Baltimore county ; has a large custom, and it is believed is not surpassed in advantages of location by any Mill in Baltimore county. Anyone applying to rent it should have sufficient capital lor a business ef 100,000 bushels per year. If sold the terms will be made easy. He also offers for rent the “WILLOW MILL.” This has also four pairs ofJßurrs, withacapac ity of 100 bbls. per day. There has recently been attached to it a good Saw Mill, at which a large amount of work offers. It is believed that an industrious energetic man, who is a good miller with a moderate capital, would do a profitable business. It would be reuted ei ther for a fixed grnount or on shares. This Mill is three miles from Cockeysville. Ninety thousand bushels of grain have been ground here in one year. Possession would be given of either of them at short notice. THOMAS 11. MATTHEWS. Cockeysvile, Baltimore CoVmty, Md. P. S.—l will continue to purchase Grain as heretofore, until other disposition is made of the property. T. 11. M. Nov. 13 3t. BONE DUST. I WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS WITH THAT SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED 1 BONES I3XJST Manufactured by me. The Fall Season being past, I will allow fif teen per cent, off my late prices, until the end of the two first Winter months. Send Forward Your Orders. JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts., Balto., Md. Nov. 18, ’6s.—ly. CHEAP SHoe Store, 167 FORREST ST.y 167 BETWEEN HILLEN AND FRENCH, .' BALTIMORE. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORT rnent of Ladies, Misses and Children's Gaiters, Boots and Balmorals. ALSO, GENTLEMEN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of 4 J Baltimore, Philadelphia and Eastern Manu facture, at prices to suit everybody. , Quick Sales and Smatt Promts. .. G. W. TRABAND. Not. 18.—lm. ■■ll unss iTf; "if -V New Advertisements. To all Whom it May Concern: Notice Is Hereby Given, THAT the undersigned, examiners, appoint ed by the County Commissioners 01 Haiti* j more county, on the petition of Joliu N. MeJil- I ton, President, and others, for the opeuing of a Road leading from Remington avenue, through the lands of Messrs. White, Glocker, Rogers, Remington and the heirs of James Bay, to the first avenue of the Hampden Association, as laid down on their Plat on Record iu the case or MeJilton and others, against Markin, wife, Ac., in the Circuit court for Baltimore county, having taken the oath required by law, will proceed on the 19<A day 6/ December, 18t 5, on the premises, (if fair, if not. the next fair day. to execute the trust reposed in them, and the requirements of the Acts of Assembly in such cases, made and provided. ROBERT POOLE, CHARLES REESE, IIIRAM WOODS. Nov. 18.—td CIIAUXCEY BROOKS, AND MARGARET CARTER vs. LIDIE H. CARTER, Ac:— Bill pending in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—ln Equity. ORDERED by the Court, this eleventh day of November, 1865, that the sale made and report ed by Chauncey Brooks, Trustee, for the sale of the Real Estate of James 11. Carter, deceased, he and the same is hereby ratified and confirm ed, unless cause to the contrary thereof he shown on, or before the 4th day of December, 1865; pro vided a copy of this order he inserted in some newspaper printed at Towsontown in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 4th day of December, 1865. The report states the amount of sales to be $27,362 50. , r JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Nov. 18.—St THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber, has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of SAMUEL SHAUL, late of said county, deceased. All persons ha v ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 18(A day of June, 1566 ; they may otherwise by law he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those iudebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymqnt. Given under my hand this 14th day of November, 1865. URITII SHAUL. Nov. 18.—4t* Administratrix. rpiIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of BLENDER P. B. BURKE, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers , thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 18<A day of June, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under niv hand this 14thday of November, 1865. . W. F. KIMBALL, | Nov. 18.—41* Executor. riIHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- I scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore county/letters testamenta ry on the estate of WILLIAM SLATER, late of said county deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby! warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, I On or before the 18(A day of June, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from ; all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate , payment. Given under my hand this 14th ! day of November, 1865. I JAMES DOLAN, Nov. 18.—4t* Executor. ~ CHARLES FISHER, XAXCFACTUSEE A HEALER IX STOVES, TIN WARE, AND HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, No. 02 North Gay Street. (Near the Bridge,) BALTIMORE, MD. a largo Stock at reduced prices. Please call before purchasing elsewhere. | done, Pumps and Bath Fix tures constantly on bund. Repairing prompts | ly attended to. Nov. 18.—6 w. | CORN HUSK i W A NT ED! I WILL BUY AND RECEIVE , I ‘.‘ :• • 4 DRV UNUACKI.ED DISK. AND PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, And more than any one else for the same during the year, in any quantity, BOUGHT AT THE OLD STAND OF U. A. POLLACK, No. 90 N. Howard St., Between Mulberry a Saratoga. Nov. 11.—3 m. HANCE’S CHEMICAL IIAIR RE STORATIVE. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. , Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair from falling out. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Causes it to grow on bald heads. Hance's Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair turning gray. Hance's Chemical Ilair Restorative. Pemancutly removes Dandruff - . Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Givi hair lustre nud beauty. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Renders harsh hair soft and glossy, Hance’s Chemical Ilair Restorative. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. • The best hair dressing for children. Prepared only by SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore gtreet. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by SETH 8. HANCE. Jan. 21, )865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. , Trees! Trees!! Trees!!! at Tnn Maryland Nurseries. THE undersigned offers for sale at the “Ma ryland Nurseries,” situated on the FALLS f ROAD, about 13 miles from Balti more city,and 4 miles from Brook - SOf* landville, 011 the W. M. R. R., A *l"** :e STOCK OF IF IS WI V TREE®, Consisting of PEACH, APPLE. PEAR, APRI COT, PLUM, and in fact FRUIT of every de scription. The subscriber being experienced in fruit-growing can recommend his Trees to all who may favor him with a call. ALSO, A CHOICE SELECTION OF Grape Vines & Strawberry Plants Always on hand as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. guaranteed. Address, JAMEB WARDEN, Brooklandville P. 0., Balto. Coy Md. Nov. 11.—tf. . - HTO* BURNS Sc $ LOAN. LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Light St., Baltimore, HAVE on hand a large assortment of LUM BER, BHINGLEB, FRAMES, LATHS, DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for sale at the lowest Market rat 3, for CASH. - Feb. 11, 1865.—1 y. . ... , _ Miscellaneous. K SOLUBLE PACIEICGUANO. Wholesale and Retail Ageuts FOR THE ’ ; . PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, 11 SOUTH ST., RALTIMORB. M'HE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resem _L hies Peruvian Guano iu appearance, odor, and composition. The value of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as is well known, upon the per cent, of Ammonia, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruviun only in the fact that it con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, and Bone Phosphate of Lime. This difference makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price of this Guano is only one-half the price of Peru vian, and is not higher than the Super Phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, soluble and Bone Phosphate, than is found in the best of them. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render itanobjectof great interest to farmers geuerully. WE WISH FARMER® _*S-TO TAKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That the conditions upon which we have the agency of this Guauo are that every cargo is regularly inspected and analysed by Dr. Lbi big, whose authority in such matters is para mount. This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection not had in the purchase of fertiliz ers generally. It must also be noticed that the phosphates of this Guano, are not mineral, hut earthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. The following is a summary of analysis of last Cargo: Moisture 10 per ct. OrganicCombustihle Matter... 39.71 “ Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17.07 “ . Bone Phosphate of Lime 24.32 “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by JOHNS. REESE & CO., P. G. Company’s Agents, Baltimore. Price S6O per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers. June 17, 1865.—1 y. Dyspepsia Cured by Hamil ton’s fir eat Virginia Remedy. READ theYollowing certificates from a well known citizen : Bm.timokk, Md.,Neb. 18, 1863. Du. J. L. Hamilton : I Dear Sik :—I have used your Great Virginia Remedy with entire success. I was for years seriously affected with Dyspepsia, in its worst form 1 I was jiersuaded to try Hamilton's Great Virginia Remedy; by its use I was entirely re lieved of Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Nauseated Stomach, great Nervous Debility of the Systeni, Depression of Spirits loss of Appe tite, Ac. ! Yours very Respectfully, Jos. 0. Rkilky, No. 11 South street. I Price $1,25 cents per bottle, or six tor $6,50. I For sale by SETH S. HANCE. Jan. 21. 1865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. CHANGE OF TIME. YORK ROAD RAILWAY. ON and after Monday next. Nov. 13th, 1865, cars will leave the CITY IIALL, Balti more, at. each hour from 7 A. M., to 6 P. M., ex cept 12 M. I Will leave TOWSONTOWN at each hour, from 7A. M.. to 7P. M., except 12 M. Con nection will be made at North Avenue with the Charles St.. Line of the City Passenger R. It. I fc-fu NIGHT CAR for TOWSONTOWN will leave the City Hall at 11 P. M. | A. D. BANKS, Agent. I Nov. ll.—tf. I NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED? f I NHERE are yet some few bills due me for ! X subscription and advertising as proprietor of the Baltimore County Advocate. I wish them all settled, and those not paid by Jauuary Ist, | 1866, will he placed in the hands of a magis trate. Persons who have collected money for me, will please account for the same at once. Mr. Ilaverstickof the Union office will receipt j for all money due me. * Those indebted to Church A Ilavcrstick for the year 1361, are also earnestly requested to settle their bills, as it is desirable that the ac counts of the firm should he closed. E. F. CHURCH. Nov. 11.—til. JACOB HOFFMAN, SADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR MAN UFACTURER. No. 176 North Gay Street, Baltimore. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of light and heavy Har ness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac. Old Harness taken in exchange. Country work of all kinds punctually attended to. Repairing promptly executed. Feb. 4, ’6s.—ly. STEAMED OYSTERS. qp THE cheapest and best meal now can he had at SHAW’S NEW STEAMED OYSTER A LOON, No. II N. HIGH St., one street east of the shot tower, where vou can get a half peck of the best salt-river OYSTERS, steamed, with BREAD, BUTTER,and avarietyof PICK ELS, all for 25 cents.'?' Country people are invited to call. Nov. 11.—tf. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! Mackerel, HERRING, CODFISH, AND OTHER FISH CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING on hand and for sale by F. F. POPE. 85 South St., below Pratt. Aug. 26, 1865.—1 y STRAY STEER. CJTRAYED away from the undersigned on the night of the Hist October, 1865, AsgjgapffiD FAT STEER, of a bright brown col-' p Ypi!i®H or; no particular marks recol 1 ected. and will weigh alive about nine hundred lbs. A liberal reward will be given for such infor mation as will lead to his recovery. JOSEPH GORSUCII, , Q, Nov. 11.— 2 t. Towsontown. * GEORGE C. McCOULL, UNDERTAKER, No. 131 Saratoga street, 1 door west of Howard IS prepared to furnish COFFINS at 25 per cent, less than the usual price, and of fins finish, for cash. Jan. 28, 1865.—1y* NOTICE. THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Meredith’s Ford and Jarrettsville Turnpike Company, are requested to pay four ($4.00.) pr. share of their subscription to said road on or before the ibth of November, 1865. By order of the hoard, JOSHUA H. SCARFF, Sec. Nov. 4.-—4 t PERSONS having SALES, and desiring the services of CLERK, will nlease address the subscriber, Towsontown P. O. _ • LEW 18 VOGLE. Refers to —Haverstick A Longneckers, Win. H. Ruby. Esq., J. W. Owings, Esq., Samuel G. Wilson,'Esq., Williom Duncan, Esq. * Nov. 4.—3 t. CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. 1 LL PERSONS arc hereby forewarned that if found trespassing on my Farm after {his date they will he prosecuted according to law. "Aigburth Vale,” near Towsontown. Nor. 11.—2 t. — 1 .-.'—l A 1 11 ■ ll . Real Estate Brokers. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Auctioneers, Advertising & Collecting • > * ii*siiwljnC • I< * No. 19 SOUTH STIiHKT* BALTIMORE MD. REAL Private SqJe. Real Estate atPiiolic Sale. Property of every des cription auctioneered. J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of yjeqre, will examine Titles, pre pa re Conveyances, and promptly Collect Ctaims entrusted to our care. HEFBK TO—C. C. Cox. M. D.. Lieut. Gov ernor for the State of Maryland; John F. Me- Jilton, Surveyor Port of Baltimore ; A. M. White, Esq., Baltimore city, Md. July 22.—3 tn. CONVEYANCER T REAL ESTATE AH ENT. rpHE undersigned has for sale a House and X Lot, 3 miles from Baltimore, near the Falls road, also, 15 Farms in various AhA tious of Baltimore county, from 15 350 acies. Price from $1460 to s2l,ooo.'ssitgL Three houses and lots in Towsontown J**l*Ww building lots for sale or lease, grouuil rents for sale. CONVEYANCING, examination of titles, deeds, leases, mortgages, hills of sale, Ac , pre pared with accuracy aud dispatch, charge’s moderate. B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite Court House. Aug. 26 —tf. REAL ESTATE. BURNITE, MARSHALL & CO , REAL ESTA TE A GENCY, No 12 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. REAL ESTATE in city and country, bought, sold, rented or exchanged. Those em ploying our Agency in the sale of their proper ty, may bc.assured of its being thoroughly ad vertised. A Register will be issued in October, containing a description of each property re ceived up to that time. Farm blanks aud all information required willingly sent. Sept. 16.—3 m. Real Estate Agency. GEORGB B. MILLIGAN, Attorney at Law, is associated with the undersigned from this date. HENRY W. ROGERS A CO., Real Estate Brokers and Agents for the pur chase and sale of Farms, Lunds and Houses in Maryland. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Ground Rents bought and sold. OJice on the corner of Fayette and Charles Sts., (UP STAIRS,) Pcpt. 30.—U1. TO REftL ESTATE OWNERS. THE undersigned are now dealing extensive ly in the sale of FARMS and LANDS in all parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimore county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, will send ns a full description. No Sale no Charge. figr- All Legal Claims of soldiers prosecuted. Address, EATON & CO., Baltimore. Office —No. 202 Baltimore Street, (up stairs.) Feb. 4, 1865.—tf. Miscellaneous. CIRCUS LOT f GO TO C 1 R c U S LOT, No. 213 N. Gay St., Near the Bel Air Market, and get your FTJRS! Twenty-five Thousand Muff's and Collars must be sold before the Ist of Jan. FURS FOR THE MILLIONS I I Furs altered and repaired with promptness ! It is contracted with the City Rail Road Co., to stop the cars for every passenger at the door for those that want to purchase Furs, and eve ry one wno makes a purchase in the place will have a free right.’and will be furnished with a ticket to return to their respective residences. : A. KLEINEIBST, MANUFACTURER OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS A DEALER IN RAW SKINS. I do not carry on the store No. 99 W, Balti more St., (the Mineral Water Saloon,) there fore customers will make their purchases 213 N. Gay St., Bel Air Market Circus Lot, where thev can buy 50 per cent. less. Branch Store at Washington, D. C., 430 Pennsylvania Ave nue, between 44 and Qth Streets. Oct. 28. —3m. W. F. DAILY, A T o. 11 Light street, 2 Doors below Fountain Hote, Baltimohe. MANUFACTURE A DEALER IN SURGICAL Instruinen ts of every deseri ption, Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes, Ear Trumpets, and every variety of struments for the Deaf. Galvanic Magneto Electric Batteries, Micro- (•> scopes, Stereoscopes, Thermometers. Barometers Spectacles, Reading Glasses, Magnifying Glass es, Field and Opehi Glasses, Spy Glasses; Agent for the Craig M icroscopes, Beautilul Microscope Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Truss for all sizes, Wholesale and Retail. DAILY’S VENTILATES TRUSS, FOK TIIE CURE OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE, Has probably done more good than any inven tion of the age. It will cure if cure is possible. I have applied jt to about five thousand persons, most of whom have been relieved. When its merits become knoiVn it will be the only Truss worn in the world. The Truss will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine the article. W. F. DAILY, 11 Light St., 2 doors below Fountain Hotel. Aug. 26.—Gin BUCKSKIN GLOVES AND M GAUNTLETS 0F THE BEST MANUFACTURE. THESE ARTICLES So much in*demand last fall, can now be had at E. SEIBERT’S, 35 West Baltimore St., one door below Frederick, Baltimore, Md. Sept. 2. —tf. GILMOUR’S HOTEL. O X THE EUROPEAN PI, A N, No. 124 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. J. D. GILMOUR, Proprietor. A LARGE variety of Meats and Vegetables, including, alj the dejfacies pf the season, served up in tne best style. Particular pains taken to keep WINES AND LIQUORS of the choicest quality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY TIIE DAY OR WEEK. ,-Eir Dining Rooms for Private Parties. \ NcTv. 18.—ly. Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 N. GAY STREET, COR. OF HIGH. ALL the late styles of Gents, Youths and Children’s Hats and Caps alwayson hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags. Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at the manufacturers drices. jpaß-Ladies’ and Geplttomcn'f F U R S, all styles and qualities. County peopte, give us a call! Jan. 14, 1865.—1 y. TO FARMERS. 100 TON SO F SUPERIOR FISH PHOSPHATES AND GrTJ JSIIS[ OS. For sale by , F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. Aug. 26, 1865.—1 y S3O J S2O Sewing Machines! ki .iJ . Sewing Machines !! The improved new England fam ily SEWING MACHINE, Simple, Du rable, Compact ami Cheap. No family should be without one. Call and examine. .. R. WILLIS* Agent, Oct, 23. lm. Towsontown, Md. A OARD TO THE PUBLIC. Z HAVING resigned my business to my son, I herewith return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage given ipe during tbe many years of my business life iii Towsontown, and respectfully solicit for him a continuance of the same. MARY A. SHEALEY. NEW GOODS Ml GOODS! ia HAVING taken charge of the business for merly conducted by my mother, I am uow ottering to the public, a ftne assortment of Goods, just purchased in the City of New York, comprising FRENCH, ENGLISH A COBURG MERINOS; a fine aisortmentof Black Alpacas and AlpauaXustres ; all woolMouslinDolainee, Calicos, Ac. MANCHESTER GINGHAMS. ' Opera Flannels, Flannels, Canton Flannel, Linen Diaper Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Shirting Linons and u fine Stock of musjli-ns. Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cloakings, Full Lin seys, Crape, Gloves, Hosiery, Yarns, Ac. A fine assortment of ALBATA WARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, AC., , -".■*?-* at low prices. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockeryware, and Stoneware, Always on hand, GROCERIES of the best quality, Teas. Ac. Believing that I can give as good bargains as can be gotten in the city. I respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. WILLIAM *B. SHEALEY. Oct. 28, ’6s.—tf. hem oyaif CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! i THE undersigned begs to return his thanks to the public for tlieir liberal patronage heretofore, and informs them that le has Re moved from No. 73 W. Baltimore Street, to No. 43 N. Euta,w St., Where he has opened a new and splendid as sortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH A DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Which he oilers to make to order, in a Style not to be surpassed by’ any House in the city. ALSO, ,-- n ■" A LARGE STOCK OF FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, cut and made to fit equal to custom work. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, IN VARIETY, WITH ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and I will endeavor to give satisfac tion in every ppssible way, to all who may deal with me. BENJAMIN STIN V , No. 43 N. Eutaw St., Between Lexington a Saratoga. JOSIAH W. REEVES is Cutter for the above House, and extends to his former friends and customers his thanks for their past patronage, and solicits a continuance of the same. Nov. 11, 1885.—tf. CIIAS. B. CONSTABLE. WX. FAIRCHILD. CONSTABLE & FAIRCHILD, 1 MERCHANT TAILORS, AND CLOTHIERS, No. 1 North St.,—Opposite Chesapeake Hank, Baltimore, Aid. HAVING formed an association for the pur pose of conducting the above business, the undersigned would respectfully invite their friends and the public generally, to give them a call at the above place. Having just received a large and general as sortment of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimers Sc Vestings, They are determined to sell at the very lowest prices, which they are enabled to do from hav ing purchased their Goods at the lowest whole sale prices for Cash. OUR Mu. FAIRCHILD Having tbe experience of twenty years as a Salesman and Cutter and having the best work men employed, we are enabled to offer pur friends great inducements both in materials and workmanship. Please give us a call before purcha-ing else where ; —vve shall use our best endeavors to please. Respectfully, CHARLES B. CONSTABLE. WILLIAM FAIRCHILD. Oct. 14—Cm* DR. BRADSHAW’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cord'al, FOR NERVOUS DISEASES. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, FOR PAINS IN THE BACK. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, CURES DEBILITATED SUFFERERS. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, for gen eral Debility, loss of muscular energy, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, weakness, obstructions, female complaints, and all other diseases aris ing from excess and imprudence in life, and removing all improper discharges from the bladder, kidneys or other organs, from whatev er cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of how long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It cures nervous aud debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found indisposition to exertion, loss ot power, loss hi' memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, liorrorofdisease, weak nerves trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of vis ion, languor, universal lassitude of the muscu lar system, often enormous appetite with dys- Eeptic symptoms, hot hands, flushing of the ody, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruption' of the lace, pain in the -back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying before tne eyes, with temporary suffusion and loss of sight, want of attention, great mo bility, restlessness, with horror of society— , Nothingis more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of earn estness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. Effects upon both mind and body can be rectified, and the nervous system healthfully invigorated, where the qualifications of manhood have been ira * ft prico $3 per bottle ; two bottles for $5 ; four bottles forllO: six bottles sl2 ; teu bottless2o; twelve bottles $24. For sale by S. S. IIANCE, 108 Baltimore st. Jan. 21, 1865—1 y. PHARNUM’S COUGH CANDY. “He that Hath an Far to Hear Let Ilim Hear.” • Baltimore, Nov. 13, 1856. The duties of my business have exposed me to coughs, colds and asthma and pulmonary af ! fections. I have been deprived of the power of attending to the duties of my profession, and should have been, had it not been for the be nign effect ot your MEDICATED CANDY— I tried it but q few hours before 1 began to reap the advantages of its effects, MV COLOH AND HOARSENESS LEFT ME —MY LUNGS ARE HEALED, • , i And my appetite,greatly impKftved. I there fore have no hesitation in aiming my. testimo ny to that of the many who have experienced the b due fits of jour valuable Cough Candy. . William Mhuger. Price 35 cents per package, or three packages f °®ir-Sold bv SETBjLHANCE, 108 Balti more street, and Co 3i corner Charles and Pratt sts. Jftu. 21,1565-ly. 4 i> iu.... Property Saks, MOORES* HESS, No. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul St., BALTIMORE, OFFER their service* to the public for the purcitpse and sale of.FARMS, and the negotiating of LOANS, Ac., and all business pertaining to REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE. Parties wishiug to Buy or Bell, Borrow, or Loan money on mortgage will please give us a call. for"sale* TWO VALUABLE FARMS situated at tbe head of Dulaney’s Valley, Baltimore county, 15 miles from Baltimore city. Jjgg. These Farms contain 11 1 ffTTHI Sag* A ere 8; tbe Valley Turnpike now llllßjL T ""about being completed, dividei-i*£XJB the land about equally. The improvements consist of two DWELLINGS, a new BARN 40 x 45 with a 20 foot shed, flue Stabling under. Corn House at the side, Ac., with other out buildings Two Young Apple Orchards,one in bearing. The whole tract is under good culti vation and fencing, well watered, springs and streams iu every field. The Frame Dwelling at the intersection of the pike and Old Manor Road, is one of the best locations for a store in the county. These Farms are in the midst of a thickly settled and healthy neighborhood, convenient to ft ve or six churches of different deiiomina tinns. Each of these Tracts have a superabun dance of tine Timber that always commands on the spot a high price. On this property is a fine Lime Kiln with about 1,500 bushels of stone with the wood all ready to burn. Liine Stone can be had on the adjoining farm, one mile to haul over the pike, every facility ia at hand for improving and bringing this land to a high state of cultiva tion. These farms will be sold at a bargain.— Terms made very easy. We have also for sale an adjoining Farm ot about 30 Acrea, good Dwelling, with outhouses Ac., with a large, fine Apple Orchard, all un der good fencing Ac. For further particulars, apply to MOORES A HESS, No. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul St., Balto. Maryland aud Virginia Farms for sale.— Great bargains. Located in various section* of the different counties. Prices range from $5 to SSOO per acre, also a number of country seats and building lots in and around Balti more city and Swann Lake. Money to Loan on Mortgage, from $1,500 upwards. Apply U MOORES A HESS, No. 8 Law Buildings St Paul St. Balto. Oct. 28—tf. VALUABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. JOHN C. ZOUCK, LAND New Oxford Adana Co., Pa., Has for salt a number of desirable Properties to which he asks the attention of those wishing to purchase. A FARM of 160 Acres, in Mountpleasant Township, with good 8 T 0 N E jvgu U OUSE, good Barn, WagonfinrrSßl ■ffiSlPShcd. Corn Crib, Wash House, Ac 14.000 bushels lfmeon the farm, and under fine cultivation— is within two miles of New Oxford, a quartei of a mile from the Gettysburg Railroad, and a quarter of a mile from the Gettysburg Turn pike. A TAVERN STAND in New Oxford, at th* Railroad Station. It is two-story, roomy and convenient, and is a good place for business. / FORTY ACRES OF LAND, two miles from V/ New Oxford, in Mountpleasant Township, with a new two story HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, (all new,) two Orchards, plen ty of good water, Ac. A FARM of 125 Acres, near Hunterstown, with good House, Barn, and other out-build ngE Land in fine cultivation. FARM of 175 Acres, 3 milas from New Ox ford, 2 miles from Hampton, J of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, near the Conewagi Creek, in a high state of cultivation. Good House, Barn and other out-buildings. Will be sold cheap. FARM of 105 Acres on the Hanover Turn Eike, under good cultivation. Large Brick [ouse, Bank Barn. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Car riage House and other out-buildings, all new. LARGE FLOURING MILL with lour pair* of Burrs, in a good grain country, with the besi water power in the county. This Mill is oirthc Large Oonewago Creek, near the Hanover Turn pike, and has 25 Acres of Land attached to it Also. SIX HOUSES AND LOTS for sale in New Oxford, near the Turnpike and Railroad Station. Persons who wish to buy Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a call, at his Store in New Ox ford. Address, JOHN C. ZOUCK, New Oxford, Adams County, Pa. Sept. 23.—2 m. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF A PAPER MILL and 481 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, In the Sixth District, Baltimore 00. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, sitting in ec ! n .'- jaRR. tr. passed in a cause in £jg|rcourt, between William j'£jand Joshua G. Wilhelm andilliUß Elizabeth Wilhelm his wife, the undersigned will offer at public sale on tbe premises, on the Gunpowder Falls, about two miles westofMid diet >wn, and on the public road leading from Middletown to Hampstead, on Monday, November 20 th, 1865, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., ALL that TRACT or PARCEL of LAND containing about 48 ACRES known as the “McCullough mill prop erty” being the same land and premises which was conveyed by Thomas T. Hutchins, Trustee,and Henry Hoffman, to Joshua G. Wilhelm, by deed dated the 10th day of December, A. D., 1860, particularly described therein, and recor ded among the land records of Baltimore co., in liber G. H. C., No. 31, folio 419, Ac. The improvements on said property consist of a new TWO-STORY, LOG DWELLING, with a stone basement, out-buildings, and a stone PAPER MILL containing TWO EN GINES and all other neceasarv machinery for the purpose of inauufacturing paper. This ma chinery has been standing for about one year and wants repairing, but with little expense can be put in good order. The soil of said land is kind and easily im proved. Churches, mills and schools are con venient. TERMS of sale as prescribed by the decree, are :—One hall cash and the balance in six months, the credit payment to be secured by the note of the purchaser, bearing interest from the day of sale, with security satisfactory to the trustees ; or the purchaser may pay all cash, at hia option. • JOHN T. ENSOR, LEWIS H. WHEELER, Trustees. JACOB WILHELM, Auctioneer. Oct. 28—ts. SALE OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, rpbe undersigned will hold at private sale .L until the 21st day of November next, and if not sold he will then offer for *,at public auction, at the ••change Sales Rooms, Balto. WIIA k at 1 o’clock P. M., on iSfISIB kSDAY, the said 21st November next, THAT VALUABLE FARM, aituated in Balti more county, on the Reisterstown turnpike, about 14 milea from the city of Baltimore, and two miloa from Reisterstown, containing 212 ACRES, more or lesa. The Jahd contains valuable chrome ore, and adjoins the chrome lands of Mr. Tyson ; is well watered, and the eutire tract is enclosed with good fencing. A portion of this land binds di rectly on the Reisterstown turnpike. About 75 ACRES is under cultivation, and the balance is in fine wood. Mr. Herod Choate lives adjoining this prop erty, and will point out tho same to any one desiring to purchase. Terms of sale cash. Apply to THOMAS P. FULLERTON, 201 Baltimore street. Nov. 4—ts VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, AT PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale, on Thurs day, 7th day of December, 1865, at2o clock P THAT VALUABLE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, in Baltimore county, containing 26i ACRES, situated on the county road lead ing from Black Rock to Dover, in Western Run Valiev, 20 miles from Baltimore city. TERMS OF BALE—One-half cash on the dav of sale, balance in 12 months. 3 THOMAS WHEELER. Nov-11—Is* __ ’ Co-Partnership Notice. SAMUEL If. B. MERRYMAN ia a partner in our firm from the first day of July. 0. p. MEKRYMAN * CO., * Oet. 21.--Ot* Baltimore Md. ..mmui—. l !'i""BU4- u.i j Legal Notices. rrHIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the ab- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters of admin* istratiou on the estate of JOHN KIDD, late of said dbunty, deceased. All personshav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to th** subscriber, JJ On or before the 26th day of May, 1866 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 24th day of October, 1865. WILLIAM KIDD, Oct. 28.—4t* Administrator. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of OWEN DONEVAN, Sn., late of said county, deceased. All personshav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 28/h day of May, 18C6 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Givn under my band this 25th dav of October, 1865. OWEN DONEVAN, Jr., Oct. 36.—4t* Administrator. 'TIHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that thesub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans* Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate ol GEORGE F. WOLTERB, late of said county,deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 1 l/A day of June, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of November, 1865. DORCAS L. WOLTERB, Nov. 11.—4t* Administratrix. ROAD NOTICE” NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That ap plication will be made to the County Com missioners of Baltimore county at their next meetiug, for the laying out and opening of a County Road leading from Mt. Washington to the Hookstown Road, running on the line be tween lands of Caleb Hoopes and Wm. Bland, and passing through landsof Robert Wylie and others. Oct. 21— st. Property Sales. TRUSTER’S SALE • OF VALUABLE LAND IN BALTO. COUNTY. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, sitting in equity, the undersigned Trustee.WyjSnf S3pwill offer for sale at the Court •T, House Door in Towsontown, orlUlljß SATURDAY, the 25th day of November next, at 12 o’clock, M., A TRACT OF LAND in said county, lying about four miles west of the city of Baltimore, and half a mile south of the Frederick turnpike, adjoining the lauds of Messrs. Herbert, See* muller and Thompson, and containing about FIFTY ACREB, and improved by a frame DWELLINGHOUBE. For further iu/ormatjon apply to the Trustee. TERMS OF SALE:—One-third cash, one third in six and one-third in twelve months, the credit payments to bear interest and be se cured. 11. EDGAR JOHNSON, Trustee, No. 35 N. Charles St. Nov. 4.—ts DESIRABLE MARKET FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. THIS PROPERTY consists of 30 ACRES of well-improved land, lying in ttimore county, adjoining fine estate of Ross Winans, Esq., and others. A small portion isASISH idlnnd. The improvements are a com fortable DWELLING, two Tenant Houses and all the necessary out-buildings, with a variety of choice Fruit. It has been successfully cul tivated as a market garden for many years, raising all kinds of Fruit and Vegetables, and offers a rare opportunity to any person desirous of engaging in such business. For further particulars enquire of JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Nov. 11.—tf. Towsontown. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT in Towsontown, directly on the Turnpike and Railway.— The lot is about 100 by 150 feet. improvements are a Frame Dwelling containing 8 rooms, with good cellar.JSS&Slß 'now used as a Hotel,) and stabling for 6 or 7 horses. There is also a Tenant House en the rear of the lot which would rent for $5 per month. Possession given at any time. Apply to BENJ. N. PAYNE. aJaafiaiMHssMwsMSSMMWMSMMwaMMaMM 35 -BALTIMORE ST. 35 SPLENDID STOCK. OF LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS WINTER UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, . HOSIERY, d’C. RIBBED, PLAIN, TWILLED, FANCY, GREY, WHITE, In fact the greatest variety to be found iu the city. Call and examine our extra heavy Wool and Merino RIBBED~SHIRTS; Splendid goods for Winter Wear. Aso, khe Plain Merino, an excellent article and warranted not to shrink, of every variety and size. Boston Ribbed, Shaker, Country Knit and plain wool~socks. Also, Cotton and Merino, Silk, Kid, Wool, Cloth and Buckskin GLOVES for Ladies, Gents and Childrens wear in every variety of size and color. Yarns, Knitting Cotton, NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. E. SEIBERT, 35 Baltimore Bt., 1 door below Frederick St., Baltimore, Md. September 2.—tf. BURNSIDE & GUBTIM UNITED STATES Claim, Snsurantt auk ©m’l Ugts., No. 15 South Gay Street, Opposite First Nat. Bank, BALTIMORE, MD. WIDOWS, Mothers and Orphans’ Bounty and Back Pay Promptly Collected. Soldiers’ State of Maryland Bounty obtained. Pensions Procured. . Prize Money collected, and all business care fully and promptly transacted before the De partments of the General, State and Local Governments. CASH ADVANCED TO CLIENTS A VOUCH ERS CASHED. J. o. P. BURNSIDJ2, Late Captain and C. 8. U. S. Vols. R. P. (JUSTIN, Late Auditor Q. M. Office, Balto. We Refer, by Especial Permission, to—Hon. Thomas Swann, Governor elect of Md., and President Ist National Bank, Baltimore; Hon. C. C. Cox, Lieut. Gov. elect of Md.; Hon. John Leo Chapman, Mayor of Baltimore; Col. Wiu H. Browne. Asst. Pro. Mar. Gen. Md. and Dal. Communications promptly attended to. En close Qet. 28, —6m. REMOVAL. DR. O. A. Burton, Dentist, has removed from No. 94 West Fayette street to No. 10 8. HOW A D street, near German, where he is prepared to perform MHHL all operations on the TEETH in f ur the most faithful manner. Nov. 4—3 m