Newspaper Page Text
WWIB I ISIUV JBBT“ BTUffff A A •snftd •,' : itf at the ;! i Wu dMtßAL < STOVE HOUSE, •r { ,Nos. T 9 and, Gay Street, X i)s! v.i ■*•,( earner Hato'ison. •" , \ I WOULD respectfully inform royt friends in thapounty that I am still prepaced to t’-ur niabitAeftn with the best ami most approved patterns of COOKING & HEATING STOVES in.the market. My Stock will be found,tocontain a large and superior variety of Stoves, all of .which .have 1 been .tally tested-, and an experience of IS yeajs in tne business has convinced me that they are not surpassed by any to be found in durability, eoonorpioal %feq satisfactory Among tljfc number nvay be enumerated, the celebrated “Wm Pehri,” • Old Dominion,^ “Niagara,” ‘-‘Rtiral Cook,” “Noble Cook,” . “Lehigh,” ... i “ExciUkfor,*-. . v . “i'roQ.yVTtebj”, ‘ ¥ S6btbern Star," ‘Tre/nimnCftok.,! Complete Cook,” .. and a large variety pf PARLOR AND HEAT ING STOVES which have,been .selected from tse .best manufactories in the country .and will Warranted complete in Uicir oneratiou. JCtfa<*A also on na.iid a large apu well assert ed Stock of . i . . TIN WARE, suitable for the COUNTRY TRADE. Purcha sers, will find it to their advantage to give me, a Call. Don’t forget the place. CSX ER A l STO TE HOVSE, Gay Street, adjoin in* the'bridge. Orates,-Bricks and Bepairs constant /d ly on hand. GLUCK, Baltimore,Md. • Oct. —gin.ljl w *.n7 - V ■■ ol ' , ? v/f STARR’& ,7 ' Safest Pocket Pistol Made. - mol) vJiitioO'*dl ■; yj. A V* ’ ‘ * pp • ngM iMbfegM of tli i arm are : 1. It w tkdPniy 'Pistol that can be placed ii 2. It can beYoAfreifin JpiKker than any other Pistol, and wifh no danger. .It carrieiy^q6Lßb’4rkrkl§<llJj^ - any oth er Pistol oftne same size. 4. It is the safest Pistol to load, shoot or carrv. tt a VC I^ 1 u r A ,3 tWP 'A Y &. Tt pUiAi' Pjsfol, and is lesylTfrtifo r ‘\ 6. Jt shoots the ordinary metal Cartridge ttifctl purchased anywherv. .nlrb r Cl TO AT THR PRIXOIPAfi Gl*K **&)-■ JIIH VAHR nRAUF-KS. fafrttrtr.T. patent firearms c0.,->! Sept. y-180i.'—4y.- Baltimore, “Md.’-- T OLD TOWN DRUG ST QBE. :t ! * rpHE' 'undersigned having timrutiglily r refcAtved his stock, and liidiri a fiifht-VW plete"as4&rfrtw*ht<?f " ‘ ‘ sl ’ SA DWFSTUFFED'' *V" •‘.'.d' 1 ' 1 ?, 1 !r * ‘ DRUGS/ 1 ’ - 1 . .alollD'f UldffEMFo|tLS','V ' . ■ ,-uuiT yl.p;. •?>-. rgtymttSßK anAhverything elae iht Ids un4‘Tespdefftniyiba-. liolts-tlte attention of cmrit/typuftmamrSt and’ a ealWrtfof-ltFlttftaTers. . * ; Having perfected, RU. arrangement? both Hr h\ t'foi TmrtHbrndities; with re gard-tQ ptirchfaief, h*s i.-renabled to sell^solnr as to satisfy his customers, that whu.rfHV&iru clen in liis line are iudiciouslv selecfedTlii PRIQBJEA'ff He requests a call fromcgwery one who comes to town to purchase, assurip j thorn ( Uicy will be • satisfied. In an.LtJorf' to ‘Gid tfßuhl'stoek con tained btra. Drug (Store, I keep OH ban A nfllofl ough*assjirt.ment.(>f .i ; ..vnni-i: wJ. MEDICINES. • Py S. tJhysiiana’ orders prourptly wita care. N. BT Gil of Vitriol a4 the lotvestcashtpruM*.. !;>u . ,]: FRANKLIN METZGER,. *"i< • Cop. Qay ai)d.Exoteratreet*,Vold Town. / Feb. 2-1861.—1 y . yy: i H. Carman. Joshua Bt.^dsley-. MARYLAND LAND AGENCY. ; WTE SELL AND PURCHASE on tiotniqisf YV siou, R^ALKSTATE/f:every descrip tion, in the city of Baltimore, tne Countries, of Maryland and other States, —BORROW ANI) LOAN MONEY Gf attend to Collections of*&n Rinds ptoniptfy. OUR.OFFICE is centrally'khn 'cogVeniehtld all the appltances'for a thovoug* dispatch ‘of bdAinfess: alid W u-kH‘proper and 'avWlHbiw 'ftiVatiS 1 to the purchaaPag public talfsts, such property as may beUiVi enr hands forlle^: IF-yort want to Sell a Farrh.ll.Ouse Of Ground Rent, inform us Oft he ffoel, and pot' it on bur Bookxt <4 f A‘l .K .i. V. t '■, IF you want to Purchase RE A L -ESTSI’Kof *nf rfmr "AT w MORTGAGES fifini&tkjUi' Books lflfore vou, dojd 0 ,Tq lH :Ul< ill ilv. U Persons havhig brnnn^s_iii cmLare res pectfully soli<fwOTt‘l (ff’nornmu nicate with u$ by letter or otherwisoj t<! /.j to CARMAN & BOSLEY, Office No. 5 Carroll Hall S. E. > Feb. Is.— if. ' Baltimore, Ml. Bunas' HfeaS icaie)^ Front, nearly street, .BilUraore, Md. j hotel, so ana so successfully conducted the last C. Tracey, will be coutinued by hisi!*i*Bß widow, she having takun.,wiH*-her into the business, Robert IX Stausbury, of Davisville, sth District,,Baltimore county, The firm Will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY A STANBBURY. The. ;aW the estab lishment, as well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rqpt thfait ptk|j}#jjn their pewer will be'left uhdbhe, to merit a full share of the patronage of the public. , 3 • IR, 7P HENRIETTA TRACEY,'^ ROBERT D. SXANSBURY. . tt*" 1 ’” 1:; !T41 . : " 11!, ‘'- " ><> B, J, CHURCH. JD£A(.n, Ashland Square, Corner Gay and Monu werit ! Btiieettr, Baltltnoru,*' - 1 r : STILL keeps on hand alt varieties of LUM BER, the old established stand, which he sells at the very ©west prices., -*> K 1 , . a l;. 0 •• f A Citizens of Baltimore county who intend building,.*i-mtfited to dallu . * W,b > T LUMBER BY THE CAR-LOAD AT RIVER About 10, Y'el low Pine Flooring, well Julv l?-2-mn. ‘ l ' ' CHARLES T. aiSCO. J. EDWARD* €IBCO SISCO BROTHERS* No. 95 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, wHoi>*Af£E a-x n qriTA i f.M a yy a ct or *as og'o'd Odd Fellows’ and Regalia, FLAGS,IsiGNALS. M,*&■*■&;* R-Y iQ :Q & Af jUtJi f\ GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TAS6SLB, Store and Factory, No. 95 BaUiinorei*tt*b, AV-Stofck’e v ~at;,E fWPltfPWmmt .mini' 152 East stl, between HiDen and Knsor,'fealt., TTIT'HERE he fSKfcpareittbeieetiWall kinds YV.i’df Rawing :and turning, such as BencK Screws, Hand Screws*;Red Po?t*, Car-i riage Hubs, Cart Hi*ba, Gedqr F©pt#, §(taji:Banf, istersySUi? Newels,<Pijno Legfv, ColumnsyTaßl* Legs, TEN PIN BALLS, etc. Alsq.jaJi kinds and, fanuyScroll Sawing;. ,* . 0 „: j.qiy 6, Ik j. i:u RCHtrcHMANN fe W* n " ? Traveling; Trunks, VsiTlseß.and Ladies Bonnet Bogei,^ ; _'; JVO. U#l WEST BA. PTI it ORE STREET, t . BA^TtMIORE/ ■■’■'JwA ** ro SSf CLOTHITO ! CLOTHI.VG !! J. G. PETER, ileMMfctffllilor. N&. t, • BMXh,' Gny‘ 9freet, Bumbo**’ ’ ■* ( ' on hand a htf, iWtnfoit ; which he is td ; 1 .V.vflV mi | F " ' "'.s.wrfv curmers, Look at the Great Advan } /) I t f ;Itr t i i ft* 1 ' .*. lill O t - ! in Tdu’esliiug Grain with WSER’S PATENT, > ;■.} ?.;p;i.i r i-'/.iJ. 1 ..1 WCI v: t ■ t•- '• SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARA- /. T<jjr;. JjJjjfYjOjlnAQG E.R I AT a time Fike the present, whdii labor is i sercujutfis'iitvjwrt,Mrt that Partners, who* : i iaie interested, should p.iy at totififov'to the abovi jinjurovemenC, wlnch eoiisfilerabtyrudnees the I jexpense of Threshing Grain,bvek Hhy‘,nallinf now in use. It is peexliarly-adaptedto its work land canf b© atttwliert t> either belt or-iron rbo Powers, ft deans the priein thomughlv by out ojierfttioni wliieh i's not generally done by win Other Kiaohii nr. G art tv e 1 eatted by this mac hi ne whieli. contains mudl Iftriit, filthy matter, i. , {worth one or two cents per bushel more (Ivan i fclbaned iiH the.coiiimon way. '• ; | The niaebtue is arranged foi hftblirtg. neritl v fix6d oti two wheblf Farmers’ WeAther Indicator, j ii ’f i i* *' r*:r3t R •'? hut. ‘1 liiiwic WOOOHifF^ U- ofW? nrtiw3an •t •_ Portable Barometer. 1 Hi HIS instrument s’nn-odHii' in the Imnd? of ev [*- cry AgricuJturisi, to- it i y pojnts.out iny change in tlic \*<otber and tliu.s directs the former In;vv to Bjikpe hjs, >t aiid ,sai.e crops jbatj.v, iilipyt, a DfcpO'cttr, iiiiiZ.Lt .out,, in a-siofin WinLserUvuiily,: iujiU'ctl,.R' no} r fd‘, .'jsp-efjtj.faK^qr^touid^kitiva^-yus it,. is-.n -KmilikFlftoNVt'kl'iJ . toK - it is simple l,i cyietnictioni n 'm+p in pti <\ not iiable to get:o#t of enlt r, and the only pir/ed portttUfi id I , Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate nnd teli-ibJc for Hcicntilic purposes, hein* used by the ; U. S. Goastj.Suevoyujmkst tJitj Snuthtouijtn .In stitute; besides hctng i iVa,.atnfoii I mM hv fife* most - distinguished Aj country, ns Well its by, j*. jioV < .yu/ < b\rtjn fyw) t!A{ e&l^rs^thi^f American’. A men can . .\giic^!iurist,, . Gentleman, Phifodcli-liia Ledger, Joar * ini. Petefsoh‘B ! ?Uß&’d&he;' qffhfija; d nil a, Marshall j The bostof the in.-tn;i.i -m is within the reach *Of jSbttfci hST*P. rvV;e .froni t-o §2s. 1 upl.du.uiapl^fft* 1 * iojqp ;i ;Mpst of fITBS" StyUsJiave a Tovruiyiijcler iittacbcd. , ! m.y he aeeo t l ihVnwrin ; Orders promptly filled. For descriptivecirotl lar UTid.pviiwAwG)ti'4 , rs‘fo'dh’Tor Vty:tetfef io IIKIMTI K X tIRIFUTH. , s t 44>'N*Itai'neyjft B.d-iimoire, Md; ■ ' j iMA Wbolesalb iini' wt’dfh Agents fo<- Mary tindv' Trade>n-pilbrt on Ild-enlf -terms. 1 Also, liASFAOTftEIL‘ : A JtEALIFIW IN AGRi ! ©ULTURAL MPf:F.MKNTBTX GENERAL. 1 Exclusive agents for Clark^.A 1 (Jane - - ! J|jjpv > .viauH iesn ,*ir*A v! to !".i/ 1 A Cfobk*s HagaV timjangw^nN)H! ,c Gl?#•;it 1t ../. i I .V b: (jr HHy-lCtevaior,- the ©ucw'Sd'W 'great? la bor suringt iiftplefoeml' l *'• '* 11 A 1 * 1 * " : i * J ‘' l Eureka Horae Bower, Tlii esher and .r: . v.voHiJiOULGaatte®,- . *,OI 1<; M : A ! Patented and maiiofoctiired l-y I'MLTON. Best tfoW*. ClWffefbut. j/tSS^-A c-ltrpply•ufHuW ; : db?t.,AfYicn On'iHWWl'alwrtvS mrhnvid. 1 ' *'* tic a! .fll.KjH|lT_ .UfltfOti Sal Bl tW "I Wtlt j -ni.t'i :©V tuir-Birpr*' It) -■ J i hfi'llwV' ll " l - ' ' bun U:> PREPftBftTIOHS. RUSS’ j "SK liD-MINGO ' .aBITJIBVrah ” : An infallimAreTnfoly tor Dyspepsia,. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Debility, Etc. EsprciaNy '■ecofiynemkat tcr weajk imd/lebili; wown w * ' 1 Recommendedand Vsed by the Med : ieal Faculty. j ot> rilxtS f .dIJ a a st; boiuiAtioJ bu.-^T 5 y ; PVVCtH A OT3LieilTB. BEVERAGE. V TRY THEM. Wlipp^^A E AGENT, 1 pg r <sA3fl¥-^ yXiidkoL © .amni CANFIELD SBdS. &Co^: {3 O • ÜB 'SSY.- ! u. ei ioa <msh§ ..., HAVE a fineStockof— ■’ *a ,;r/.IJJ3VM ;X),I .YfIOTB OY/T <ifol4A¥al(i3ve*t fcw ’LttGieaiHadGwutJcuicn. ; -U ISilVtlr tfViltiiQpo<m)iW*ttdifekMf Alh kUi'ds.'-;t< ,Guhl CbaitelaiwiVest■ftndAjiiaitd <lhins; 'AVI Diamond Earrcngs. Pin*, ;Braeluts vt-Ripga. Riielvaittits <tf Jewstry-ofineW styl-ebf.mi ytvui Bracelets, Nenklakte*, Eafrtngs iid Pins of great variety. vd-i • e • .} ■. > Pearl,•.•Carbuncle. Seal and other Rings. Silver £po<i>syJnirks.-:Lridlos,-Riiller Knives, Ac. ERtrer-PitciuvrK.;GeWjshJisGf Saksy- AH ' f Fancy-SHvepiGdodstof liitflv atxk'Bi .l taiO -ji Plattjd' Tea-amiUhni'ev suts of lait-a patterns. and CAipe, <u - • l’liited ©r Alabata FVjrbs j*b l'.Spoooß<df- b*at quaUky- Bn va-? a itmaiivtu.' -d '.<> . Table and Pocket Culler v, Scitaors e Razors.' ’Watches c.arfeßtH Y. tof-5 i Jtfl: >T Fans.,Opera’Xrlhifcslll’.trliHoiiiics : beautiful Paris.Gi4tra.nd Porcelain Vases : beautiful Par is Gard Receivers Prout's' Hail' and Tooth Brushes; Fine Mrbkrhuld §ps.jwsafiw*ii ffiffit “* BKOsdj es, Cdp jArtuy.) kindsjighevvpn-sjrlUnDngs^^-ytJfer; A<3.®^K*Ba s ifmJiUiU'frjigges. - • i !>!• di . Y A*i- :i 'jh ‘ CLOTHING HOUSE, Tt 0Y 3’ JackWsi Bo VS* Toatfe', Bfeys’’ Pants, PINR CiWrfK M-eii’s' yaelc J Oots-; ! Mfen's English Watking; CAatb 1 ; Men's Frbtibli' Sack Cdhts ; Mbti*s w ‘ I*. • srßeort:R<oiTi; Mcn’a,Blck.Pioß#; jMeiiJs-Fancy Puuf*. We have the best and finest stoqk-of man's and Bay’l cLofbifiK inlbity <; T*!gether >vith it „. i r„ IMI tK> ;;- - for Custom i* M Mafit rales. At SMIIPH (BROS. & CO., MARBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE/ '■’ *' ’ , No. street. xa taiuj* ■ Hn-HappingtQnfa ~;i u W V^A^EE^/ { ,*>:* n.: n■>?!■ t’ ; . *■■ !c ' 5 D MT •v*Ai ' - utT - v l .0 | atuahllaU tsi ,il /A J '•-.I; ted v.iuiev. sh.’^oAHSßWEttl/ - ..IITM#* 1 r ‘- t\;V 111 ,iav-v: - tThTfl s-n;H molts ,rt V’;; y .'. ,! . ■ has Man hefohsi^ 2 J ' ‘ 1 It is ‘ hbrtain cure for the! a>ove named diseases by all who have used it. , : M The above niacfcaKs are fujjy warranted.— tijrriee of the inacllrnlffmin 4 fo <1 horses,' all j cotnnlete $2lO. For further information and particular* address, LINTON A LAMOTT, In . . ~<!■ 151 N. High street., Baltimore. fjj : Y ALSO, Braley & Pitt’s Threshers ml Winnowers, ( .lj with double pinion Ilorsc Power. v Straw and Fodder Cutters, lor hand or horse-power. jcOR N S II E L L E It S, nil sizes and kinds. GRAIN DRILLS, with Seed and Guano Attachments. II 6 MIN Y MILLS, PLOWS, all sizes and kinds. Uiiaiios and Other Fertilizers. LINTON A LAMOIT, ir,l North High Sreet., Baltimoi©, Md. May (s.—tf FAMILY GROCERY AT THE HEAD OF RRTIMOND MARKET. (Ijiite of-Calvert and Pleasant street?,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, ai the head of Richmond Market, cor (,( of Riddle and Garden si reels, Ra/tunore, \n forms his old friends and customers, and the jpubjip in general, that he has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes:. su|ie riorougar-quyed HAMS: the choicest brands pf FAMILY FLOUR: Imperial, Gunpowder, Young llyson, and Black Teas ; Java. Laguira and Rio tiotlep; varired:clari fied avid brow’ll- Sugar; BromA, Cocoa. Choco late, Farina, Rice Flotir, Sago, Yeast Fowders, Sardines. Sauces. Pickles. Salad'tiil, Cy l Vlo*t lv I>nre Spices, I'igH. Rai tina, AfiCoS*” PJrSif Nhts, Crackers, Cheese, line and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Orleans and *%ur House Molasses. Kerosene, Etherial aiirj Lard Oil, Tobacco and ficoav-, .Dupont’s Hiioerioy Canister Powder, I Shot, Triin Cap-!, for sale at moderate ju ice?, ‘ and would respecfftiily solicit a call by those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articHss purchased doliVered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. . June JOHN 0. PITT. R.SIY€LAIII&IS, MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements aWd MAHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, : - ! u r i>EALEHB IN -! L iS , i( FERTILIZERS AC., No. 58, 60 & 62 St., Baltimore. 11 >TE utv Mhiinfacturingour 1 mproved Stope ;YY Liine hnl Oyster SjieH T^' ; ■ M|dc,l the Beat Material and fifty per cent, netfhr than any Lime Spreader made jn this CoTiiitf'y. Warranted to give Satisfaction. Agents fof the sale of-the Celebrated ‘iioYnor [MOWING S REAPING MACHINE. .ii.iih'jhi ; tiie ‘•nMXfaARVBSTBR” SELF RAKE REAPER, considered now the best Self-Rake Machine in use, and iswarrant d\ satis/inaiop. fT- #1 If \Wc ilJo Shnufamun the - : olio rse Corn P la n ter” Which SeedsJ-Coverit.and Rolls, and i?< one ol ■•sM’> the beei in use. Horse JPoti’ei-s, , , Threshers, Wheat Fans, : >! Grist Mills, Corn and Cub Crushers, ' * Field and Garden Rollers, PlofrtiOGH DecriiUon, -J Harrows,Ciillivators, Plow & Rlachine Castings, Ac. ■ j£©”Send for 1 a Circular. LB- SINCLAIR Sc CO. :■ April 15, 1865.—tf. WHEELER AND WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM ; li W 0 MJB-. HAC WKI : (SL 1 Lock stitch made by this Machine X cannot %f riivpned, nitd pfesenfsthe same uj>peiamnec : upon each pide of the soan, a sim gle lpifo iqf thread extending from jstijtiih to sliteti. ; 1 ft.da forhried vHth-ttrn Hrre.lus, niife Opt. ,p£ each side of the,fabric, and interlocked in 'llic,centre.of It.,’ The beauty and regularity 'pf fhcsf.ttcH wMl'be observed, also the firm aijsss of the, seam, in which resjiects it excels rtlind sewing. 'l%©'Machine is wiomnieudcd for the follow . njg qualities: il. Beauty Riid excellence of stitch upon .yacbisides of llhe fabric sewed. ,f ~. Strength, firmness,—and durability of thatwil|not rip nor rave), and made with Economy of thread. .. 4. Its attachments a udxange of application ’ W purposes and materials. 5. Coiiipactuess and elegance of model and finish. '. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness ofeonstruc ticn. 7, , Speed, ease of operation and manage , piient, an 4 quie-lncss of movement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ’ BALTIMORE, MD. 1 April 1. 1865,-^ly. MEN DESIROUS of PROCURING 1 A Practical Business Education, should <jo to .BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLERS jBUHfNESS COLLEGE AND TELEGKAPH- L I IC INSTITUTE, BALTXMOS-E, MX). Ist Cpllcgo Building corner Lexington and St. Paul Streets. , 2d College Building near corner Fayette and 1 Charles Streets. For specimens of Penmanship, Bank Bills and College Journal, address, (with stamp,) V BRY-ANT, STRATTON A SADLER, Qct. 21,,—;im, L Baltimore, Md. • ’ E G. PXPSLEY7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wines A Liquors, i: - No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, TENDERS thanks to his friends for their for mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and'tyttffrtjon to business, will cn deavor to merO a continuance of thcirfT|Xj r favof* wThe public- are respectfully ln r MikAi vitedTo examine bur stook of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES, {fur imported *J!id domestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal fciirposeS; and proprietors of Hotels may fruisn tn’efr bars with choice liquors. All bf which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. 'jTuly 14, 1860.—1 y i ' —' ' 1 " •"■"■' : —■ ■ ■ 1 ' ■ q,. Thomas Mullin, Jr., COACH MANUFACTURER, ’-Hi ’ Kast side of Holliday st., Adjoining Shipley’s Livery Stables, Second door South of Pleasant st., Baltimore. rpHOMAS MULLIN, Jr., keens Jfjb if JL on hind,.and manufactures order, CARRIAGES OF EVERYSE__ffIL DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good worktlieii, and Of the best 'materials. >*N. B, REPAIRING dope at the shortest no tice, arid on reasonable terms. JuTry,'\9&,-4fp' i ~ y. riiW>'. ••! . uttmiy./' tt*'-'-* I hnktiAi£ ’•'hiseS nance s Column. ! HEKVOI S VISKA*VOX *r%SS££ £. T- xUto .. / i iuolfwA 1 Dr. Bradsliaw’n Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Braihhawh Invigorating €(6f dial. Dr. dial. The €iresit Invigeranl. V . •* : ■ TtnllE Q^IEAT Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, AND oil diseases arising from ikclsses and over exertion whether physical orjncntul. To persona of feeble rnuHcular fra me, Hr de ficient in vital power, it is only means of communicating that which is necessary to the enjoyment of all tne natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not con fined to either sex or any age. The feeble girl, the siting wile, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of busiress. the viciim fit nervous depression, the individual suffering from genera] debility, or from weakness, will find immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator. A STJMULA XT THA T EXT A JLS XO RE A CTIOX ; Its force is never expended, as is the case with opium or atchoholje preparations, and all oth er excitants. The effect of thi-se is brief, and it may well be said ot him who takes them, ••tlis fcsl statelwf 4iiaM'ii#'wiH rivet AAh.* But the Elixir is-an cxbilarant without;a viu\ gle dra wback-i-safo in its operation, jWpeftibP in its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind, and the entire organization. , lp, cases of neuralgia, headache, loss of memory,'hj no| chondriasis, dyspepsia, general prostration,lr? ritabliity,.iievvpii?iiPSß, inability to sleep, liver; eomplaiut, and ail diseases ipcidoht to females; hysterics, tnonbiminia, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, constipations. Ac., Ac., from whatever cause arising, it. is, ii (there i’s any reliance to bo placed on .human testimony, absolutely infallible. Jt is the only infallible vet 4 ISCOV " ored for NVrvous head aud JMind "Coiiijuaints. It is (he ifiCta physic long sought for, amlaiever liefore found, the’ only natural agent that “administer to a mind diseased.” In cases of neuralgia, headache, ‘vertigo, pain in the nerves of face, and the various train of nervous affections, it will produce a cure in an astonishing short period of time ; and it will also remove depression, excitement, a tbrn'leticy to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of society, incapacity for study or business, lose of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy mental debility, indecision, wretchedness, tc. It will ihuiSeaifrau&tcsGniQ# the appetitei strengthen i h<remaoirfied, renew the health of those who have destroyed it, iiij duce continual cheerfulness and equanimity (d spirits, and prolong life. Price *3 per bottle, or two bottles for $b ; six bottles for? 12. For sale, bv " S. S. RANGE. 10S Baltimore Rt.,.Baltimore, Md. N. B.—Person? out of the 'city enclosing a remittance will hive packed securely in a box and forwarded to they: address immediately on its receipt. Jail. 23, 1865.—1 y. SARSAPARILLA * ’ 2 ':ij 0 l 1 }TS i B L O O BJP fL L 8. Ilance’a Sarsaparilla or Bl<kd Pills. Hancc’s Sarsajuirilia or Bfood Pills. Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. -H- J r \ Ilance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Tills. Hancc’s Sarsajiarilla or Blood Pills. ’ * • fC-U.urrrtfi }!B ? - l i t Ilane.e’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Ilance’s Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood PTIYs, For Purifying the Blood. Baltijioke, June 29, 1860. lUIIS is to certify, that I wns atHicled with a violent pain in the arm which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure j state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and atter taking one box the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found tremely gentle i their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative, Patrick Rochk, No. 25 Conway Street,, between Howard and Euta\y. purchasing these Pills let me add O.YE WORD OF CAUTION Alway’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the jiroprietor himself. For sale liv S. S. IIANCK, 108 Rall i more Street,. and SWEETZER A DO., 1 ,.,, corner of Charles and Pratt Street?.. ■Tan, 2s, 1865,—1y, " FITS! riTsV’ riT#,! Hance’s Epileptic Pills. For the cui^^of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, mi 4 all x '"'bf Coiisfitlitimial Diseases. PERSONS who ai;e laboring iinder .this, xlis tressing malady will find HANOtt'fj BPI LEPT(C PILLS to be the only remedy oyor discovered for curing • *... ii!.* 1 Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on me nervous' system ;‘ ami although they arc pared esj?c*ually for the purpose of curing Fits, they Will be found of especial benefit for all persons atflicuHl w ith weak nerves,or whose nervous System has been prostrated or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com-’ plaints, or diseases <j>f long stancUng, superin duced by nervonsnass, thay arfc ftcceeuingly beneficiel. Sent by-mail free-nf posfcigex —3. PRlCES.*—Vegetable' Extmef Eprieptie Pitfs, s:t per box, or two boxes for $5 : twelve ?2t. All orders must be addressed, post paid, SETH S.HJAJfjCE, Baltimt*re f>ireel, Baltimore, Md- - j Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. _ 1 a * * ’ HAXtE’S, Sarsaparilla Pills. fI I HE most valuable medicine in the world 1 for curing dys|ie)>flift, fiafulenee, cpstive ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Persons of full iiabit. who are subject to headache, giddi ness, Drowsiness and singing in the ears, aris ing from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be. without them, as many dan gerous will 1 >df Iri<itly?dirritd>>lf by their immediate use. Fqr sal© by "I j .Tsia*r ins'Baßinfo^S^et: #33" These Pills can be Sent by mail, and where $1 .wrtjvif bglspLt free of fa istagf. Jan. 2.8, 1864.—1yl When Yau Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, Why Don’t You do It is possible to have RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT JIAIU, will use (and only use) Hance’s* Chemical Hair Restorative. 1 Price $1 per bottle. For sale by >' S. S. HANCE, J i 103 Baltimore. Streets N. B.—Ask for Hance's Chemical Ifair Res torative. Jan. 28, 1863.—1 y. Haiice’s Jj’l:,. CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, I7IOR the speedy and positive cure of tetter, _ salt rheum, ring urnriu, yarbeoviteh, and all Cutaneous ah 4 sk fti D sfi “*- A single bottle of this inestimable compound has cured many? of thernmst’stiibbotil 6asefe of the above diseases after the patient had given up all hope of ever being Ourdd, and ‘•ba4*'k? pended thousands of dollars for different rem edies. Price, $! pefVojftteT for 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. ■ 7 1 ,f ."i ’ r " : " j : Dr, brandreth’S ■A UNIVERSAL PlLUdl'’ WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills- y.jiij AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. . I Together with all the Popular Pills of the ! day. For sale by S. 8. HANOE, f iW ] Jan. 28,1865.—1 y. 108 Baltimore Street. K X S' T POUTZ’S CELEBRATED §m mt and Caiik §?cudfW. •ilt* Rung Fever, and a certain ImMm a . u— in poor, low-spirited animal?, it has the most beneficial efleet. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth aiid, glossy skin —thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. FOE MILCH COWS. Tbe property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantify of Milk in Cows, girtt it an importance and value which should ,l*<-e it in the hands of every person keeping, a Cow. Hr actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an apjietite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. Hf4le-ffcieases can he' vented.f* ! Cholera can be prevented. Prioe 25 cts.ner Paper, or sPaperßforsl. * PRvpAitnr) bt 3. A. FOUTZ & BRO., at Tnrtn WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, JSTo. 136 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md- For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeperu throughout the United States. FOITZ S MIXTURE, The Best Liniment for Man & Beast Now in Use. •i.>t ii -u* -a—_ ' ' C* IS a safe and reliable lteinedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, Burns. Swellings, and all Diseases re quiring an application on Man. On Horses-it wiU never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney, it propefly - apm Mod. For Sprain?, Bruises, Scratches, (Jr yoked. Iloofs, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gaik Cuts or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy* Try it, and be Convinced of its elli- Cacy. RBlilhlliTlSlll. Persons afflicted with this Diseaß matter of how longstanding, can be promptly and ef fectually .cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away bad Corns and cure Frost Bites, as ,thw • Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Price 116 and 75 Cts. a bottle. NIIRKKa'S • BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP, For Cough-i, Colds. Croup, YYhooping Cough, A*t*\i>ui, Spitting Blood, Pjiii and Wise kites* of' the Breast, Difficulty of IS r cat hi n g, ItfC., dr. This Syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, aiid never d ies injury ; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful—sootjung, calming and allay ing the most violent Coughs.; Purifying, Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem: calming and soothing the nerves ; aiding aiid tVyilhating Expectoration, and healing the -J.Viseused Lungs, thus striking at tiie root of • Lmsease, and driving it from the system. 3*"— No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used used in time. Mothers hav ing proupy children should watch live lirstshow of the Disease,'and al ways keep this Remedy •at hand. For Coughs after Measels,. this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it if equalled by no other Preparation. 9 Price 50 Cents per Bottle. IXII the above preparations for sale by : Mas. M. A. SIIBALEV, AND RICHARD WILLIS, Druggist, ijune 24, 18(55. ly. Tnwsoutown, Md. idr. Sap-pliigtcaiw, COMPOUND FLAXSEED, w mSwW coughs . COLDS, HOARSENESS Ac. This •• . < Superior Cough Syrup, has been the ju blie Eighteen years. It is nqw considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 0! ! ! fil*l T 132 N. Gay street-, ■*”* Between High and Front streets, Nov. 12.—tf ' Baltimore. Md. i John W. Richardson & Co., jifo. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE ROBERT IIALL, Cutter. f CALL AND SEE. _ PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS !! rpjlE attention of Fanners and Morohauts is I irivited to my full and cbin}lete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor <t Ilorton, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also/ 1 ® good assortment of Ploughs, at less' than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, Baltimore. . HEN.RY WILCOX. Feb. o. —tf —v^^^tuOKErT \o. 76 Ilillen Street, near Bel-Air Market, RESPECTFULLY informs his Baltimore county friends that ho is prepared to buy and sell all kinds of IV- j country produce. Keeps constantly on hand CLOVER,-TTMO-( j Til i, FLAX and other SEEDS in connection 1 with ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, and hopes, by a strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. 1- Sept. 9.— 6 m. ALFRED I JAMS. JAMES ALFRED HUTCHINS Ijams & Hutchins, I’ea and Grocer*,) Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore. constahtly on hand a choice aiid eS fV’tehsire stock of TEAS. WINES, GROCERY IES and Provision? generally, to which they es peotfully r invite the attention of. purchasers, fob. 13.—tf r Dkl. $ WELT’S Infallible Liniment, The Great External Remedy. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS* , SPRATS, TiRUISES, CUTS AND ' WOUNDS, PILES. HEADACHE, A £ I) A LL RH E CM ATIC AND Nervous disorders, Dr, Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Rone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, bf Connecticut, is known all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of “ Dr. Sweet’s Infallible. Lini ment.” Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Rhepulatism aud never fails. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Linijuent Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible-Liniment [s the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately aud was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure, i - • Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in on? lningte. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Woundr immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus ami Cholera. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly “a friend in need,” and every family should have it at haii-L Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen; Sweet on every label, and also ” Stepheu'Sweet’fc Infallible Lin iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with out which none are genuine; RICHARDSON & CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Gt. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, No. 14, W. Baltimore at., Baltimore. Sept. 9.—.'im. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Secret Service, The Field, The Dungeon, and The Escape, :! ••'•'■' B<* ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, NEW YORK TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT, ffMIE most interesting ami exciting Book ev j. X er published, embracing Mr. Richardson’s iiu paralleled experience for lour years ; travel ing through the South in the secret service of the ••Tribune” at the the war, with f our armies and fleets, both East and West, du , ring the first two years of the Rebellion: his thrilling'capture; hisohi line rue t for twenty months in seven different rebel prisons; his , escape, and almost miraculous journey by l night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in , stirring events, and contain more of the fact, • incident aud : romance of the war than any oth • er work published. . Iloii.vm:-iritiiAi&v says 4 ■ G ‘ "A great many hooks will yet be written eon ceruing this War, in addition to tjm jtjauy jJ p-a-ly in print,; hut not, one of them will ’give within a similar com pass, a clearer, fuller,more • readable account, entirely from personal obser vation, pf the,nature, purposes, ten > dencies anti instrumentalities of the Slavehol , dors’ Rebellion thaji doCst thy,-Unpretending j narrative of Mr. Richardson.” Teachers, ladies, energetic voting men, and especially returned and disabled olfieers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition.— We have agents clearing $175 per month, which w will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address joMßfl, -aaos. •* 00., N. E. corner arid IffiNOß Sts., I i Sept. 23.—.2m4 U ft Phifadelphia, Pa. ‘ ioc FAMILY GROCERS, AXI> DEALERS IN , t PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin A Valette’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, TJTAVE constantly on hand a large and well |~i selected sU*k of. FAMID Y GROCtERIES, <■ fee'll W.S TEAS, (green and black,) of va ‘flS3jy LririniwWrious prices and flavors; ColFecs-Syfa Mocha, Java, Laguayra, JMaraeajbo and Rio; SUGARS—New Orleans', Oiushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermacelli; Cooper’s A Cox’s Refined,Gelatine; Sajad and Okiye Oils; f l*inc Apple aiid Sap Sago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives; English and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow. Piccailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onions : Sauces—John Bull, llarvey, Reading, Soho. Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES —Jas. Hehiiesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co. 1546, Native Catawba, Bor- j Beau, Rochelle and other brands; Fine Old WINES—-London Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira, | Lisbon, Sweet Moselle and'ChaTupagne ; WTITS-! KlES—Scotch. Old Rye f Calhoun, Old Rapp ‘ and BourbosfJ storfe- very'^cl l and fine : I’ure • Holland Gilt, .JamaioaSpirUs, Ac. Ac..: Imported . and Domestic im of which hey will sell at reasonable prices, and respect fully solicit a call. Jime 23. 1860.—1 y A. M. MATTHEWS & BRO., minufnctui'r.rx and dealer* in Agricultural Implements MACHINES AND SEEDS, Shovels, Spades, Porks. ALSO, • BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, &C., .5 ,N o. 13 3 H illen S t., (Xlv-VR ERL AUt, MARKET.) BALTIMORE, M. - IMPLEMENTS'repaired at short notice. Tlow Castings by the Piece or Ton. Oct. 14. 1865.* ly. a i. .i : The Cheapest Place to Buy A STOVES, IS AT LONEY <Sc BROTHER’S Xos. 150 .{• 158 iV. Grt'/ iit., Baltimore. , TAHLOR. OFFICE AND COOK STOVES, V*\ F VARIOUS STYLES and warranted to give ratisfovlmm .Plumbing all its bmpeUea. ; Water fixtures put uplat abort nu- Mt. i wjUl to their ad vantage to eat}., -■!; ioityttC cr~ : ’* >> n C WM. PAUL & CQ.,* STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. 22 Water Street, BALTIMORE, Book and Machine Ruling in all its varieties. Sept. 23.—6 m. *5 A ACTION EE I AC*. THE undersigned still continues the busit) ness of Aaciioßeering Real or Personal Property of every description. When not a his residence in Towsontowu, inquiry may be made at the office either of. the Union or the Journal. Persons dAirig.b-is services should make awiljeftionw eavly. as. eo -ns To arrange the (lay of sale. Thankful for past fa vors ho respectfully asks a continuance of the Same. SAM’Ii G. WILSON. Towsoatowh, Baltimore Co. Aug. 26,18f)5.—tf. ~ NOTICE. To Farmers,of Baltimore County. SHE subsdViDern^vitig^staSirsbcdan Agen cy fuf the pu#p(is6 of supplying Farmers b labpVii ; piepiwd-t<will aH for WHITE 01) CpfipREDJiABORERS. ~. Those ip,Wknf 6f hands Chn be suppliedimme diately by applying to oyvER WOOD,;'.I r u S tt ' ’ vl WM. H. BEAD’S, ItT BALTIMORE STREET, 14T BALTIMORE STREET, (ONB DOOR BELOW CALVERT.) , a. iU u rjfotwitj 3 IQ AN II V PERFUMERY; . .’ i i JJil M UJ*’ TOILET ARTICLES, J #'4a7 IJ © CENTRAL A GENCYfar EMAIL de PARTS. CANi:s, ft hJP: LARGE ARSORTMF. NT, j POCKET-KNIVES. POCKET-BOOKS ANI) WALLETS, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ VALISES. FANCY GOODS, r :/ Best assortment in the city. LUBIN’S EXTRACTS, (all odors.) FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes’.) SOAPS. French, English aud Bbineßtic. FANS, Very fine, suitable for presents. Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Pomades, Hair and Flesh Brushes,- Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes. COMBS, DRESSING CASES, Sozodont for the Teeth. Night Blooming Cereus. SCOTCH WOOD GOODS, Every Pattern. Agency for HUMPHREY’S HOMtEPATIIY, Agenev for ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES in demand. READ'S is the place for FINE GOODS, and fora good assortment. Remember tbenumber —147 Balto. street, one door from Calvert. Oct. 21.—tf. u . jasT"'mTbTkerT GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Where can be found at all times a supply of GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE, I’OUDRETT. CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT. Pc., And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN. OATS. M ILL J- EED, HAY, STRAW. CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. TSSr WOOL. FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchkhge, forwhich we are paying the liigheatcash prints. ' JAS. M. BAKER, Next door to W. St-nsbury’s. Be Lhe I'.-t where Farmers wiil find excellent dations. * * Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. NEW l [\ / HOUSE FURNISHING STORE' No. 135 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD AKMI6M. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, WOODEN WARE & HARDWARE. THE public are respectfully invited to call and examine mv,stock of' TUBS, BUCKETS. CHURNS, BRUSHES, BROOMS. BRITANNIA. JAPANNED AND TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, ALBATA SPOONS. CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Wooden ware,- at the verv lowest prices. RICHARD AEMIGER. 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27, 1860.—1 v GOVERNMENT CLftllYi OFFICE. WTI. ST. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st v Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK TAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For Wkite and Coloo-etl Y^lAxtop-s , . AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf 1./,[} f H. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md;, DEALEK IX FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring andv—SfJESrt Summer supply of goods.con sisting in part of Knives and Forks. RKSaifial Pocket Knives, Tefr Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Sfioesrond Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Axe?,- Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace, Halter_ and Cow Chains, Counter'Bob left ,fsalAy Gun Cans, IHO liUl OJ J I?TF TTUO-J 1 WOODCOCK’S TLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also. Stewart’s wedgC-pattetn AXES, war- . ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. July 16.—tf JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, KARIVESS, TSUYE, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WJKRESALE P RETAIL. Manufactures and keeps comua-ntiyen hand everv description of SADDLES. HARNESS. TRUNKS, VALISES I , CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in his line. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. July 9,-1865. —ly , TAKIv > PALL STYLES OP HATS, 1565. WE are now prepared to fur- <snr:aw| nish our friends aud public with the Fall Styles '*F HATS. forGentlemen's w.-ar, GuOrSv 1 which will compare favorably with any sold in the citv cf Baltimore. * ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Childreu, some very beautiful., S. HINDIS A SON, • May 20.—if N<>. 1(<0 Ga v street. ~ THOMAS S. WILCOX, ROOT AND §UOi: iVSA&A&K, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ROOT KEETS op hand and njaksjloiNdlj'. 411 kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’WORK, of the best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK,. | both coarse and lino, and work awftabh* for ser- ; vants’wear. Country friends,<plo;te 'give tii* - p call. Jan. 8,1861.—1 y T. S. W. COMMISSION fc PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Nff.TTS auf T 33 N? Hh aifeiE WE sell and huv on commission all kind* GRAIN, CLOVER SEED, FLOUR, COR ~ MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. We have for sale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July 14, IB6o.—]y GEOR^lDiiliMll^ MANUFACTURER AS-n WnOnESALr. HRAI.ER in' Brooms, Painted Buckets, Cedar and Willow Ware, BRUSHES, TWINES, W'ICKS, MATCHES BLACKING, i.e.OT. N. E. Corner Calvert and Lprnbard Bin., Ru.lto. July 15.—6m* x * ■ Javks Beattt. R. Skill*a._ JAMES BEATTY & CO., BHIP BISCUIT, CitAdKElt, & AND CAKE BAKERS . Nob. 92, 94 and 96 Dugan’s Wharf, Near Pratt strteet, Balt. MarcA At, md>uiyt at. Bioofl ,> . .naO WAHTEI). A FARM to manage or to work on tKe shares, bv a man who thoroughly under*-tan id the busim ss. Applv at this office. Nov. 4.—tf