Newspaper Page Text
NEW SERIES—V()II ! l! NO. 47. A .Professional .Cards* •; • ■.< .u j BN. PAYNE, , | REAL ESTATE AGEN'T'" & CONVEYANCER. OFFICE— Court | House, Towson'tdw'n.' April 29. ly John T. Ensor, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SpLIOITOR IN j CHANCERY, Towsont Vnj tM d. Will attend promptly and perseveringly to all b usiness entrusted to - his care. Jan. I, 1365. —tf. B. W* DOUGHERTY, ATTQBii TAT. L AM,. ■ot April I.—6m. ' _ ” 7*8.0j !>'*' '° j Residence opposite the late Df. Tidings office. Office hours from 7 A. M., to 9 o'clock A. M. Frona Irft'citdte J*. :Mo to 3 o ol k P. Muf and 6 o’clock Pi M. Jan. 1, 1865. IS66V" : '- ,! - ~- i: -'" I' ; “/.'TA';: 7 ISAAC McCURLEY, ATT ORNE YAT LA W, 38 ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE. May 6.—ljr • • ~•'■’ "■ ■■ •' ~ : ' , 'V | B. M. PRICE* * ■ ; **J ATTORN E Y AT. LA W . Office.—No. I Smedley Row’,iTo.wsoptwn. WILL give prompt attention.' to alfjaw. -anq chancery business entrusted to .hi? care. _Sep. 17,1864.— Jy“ ‘ 'lt: A:'. .I’.T: V.'< 'A c. DOHA SM^ILIIFF, attorney at law, jVo. 3T IF. LEXINGTON STREET, (Basement,) Baltimore > Jtd. i ,; April 15, 18t>5.—Iy. ■ Vi Musselman, . ATTORNEY. Office No.. 21. Lexington st., Baltimore city. PRACTICES ri the Courts of Baltimore. county. • • July 9,1864.—1 y ''" ' '• ' " WIIiDIAM M. BUSEY, A T T © K, INI E Y At LAW d No. 71 Fayette Street, Near Charles, :\ilv -‘i Baltimore) Md. •' ‘ .' April Tv i&BS--iy. " 1 ; ; Theodora -Glockervffi id/-* p: ATTORNEY AT L A‘W • • SOLICITOR I?U6i£hNUERY, i-w iSiTTfITTLAR attention given to Chanpery PS?S?(SS? C Sort MiiW, i a.- Courts Baltimore city and county. All communications^:busm^saleft with Mr. JOHN R. D. Vown, will be promptly attended to. March 12, 1864.. —tt. ~, „ . . ._■■* f| O. % W*rftel4 ATTUNEYA7;LAW*B .0/1 TOWSONTQWN. . ; j y <.. ;■ T)REpAEEBr applications for BODNTYr- : ' _ . T ; back pay .^, ensions . Feb. 20.—tf ' _____ - —7 ...... , Jos. P. Merryman* ATTOR N E Y. AT LAW 71 West Fayette street, 'halt-/ V: ‘ : . f Jan. 9,1864. —ly DR, ISAAC McCURLEY, 0 j; tL ~ SiS 8. W. COR. LIBERt4Aid J LBNtNOTON, Sts. BALTIMORE. MERRYMAN & BEECH, ‘i DENTISTS, No. 50.’ North March 26,1664.— ly ;7< r-i - ; r REIHOVAL. DR; o.X lßurton,j)ehtist,i&as reffiqved froffi No. 94 West Fayette street to No. IV b. HU WAW? iBSSSAi i '-perfonn * all operations on the TEETH in. the m<i.faithful manner..- k* v:‘. ; • so s .... • NoTtA —3m: ■ j; x 'lAd mJ. H. JARRETT, (Formerly Surgeon 7th Md u VpLSy) HAVING i]£*,.iafce yeeidence of Dr. E. R, yidipgSj.respectfully. oßers. bis, ProlessioirAf Services ifr'the- -“pcrtjtier . HdFffig" had an-jitperi®neeA)F ten yeareih p-rivate prao j tice and two years and a-half in the "army, he hopes-tO' be able to give satisfaction to all'those who raay fhvbr him with a edit. -• ! ‘ June 47, JOHN R KENLY, AvT © IS HlitYeNSfit -: : M. OJiiie, H Fioor Bible Bdildimg: Eapeite At. Near Charles Street. : rn o - .ij S-s^xiTlMOlil:. . Will practice in The' several Cpurts ‘ b'f. tLe City of BaltTnibre and. State bf- Maryland' ;.' fjsip. Claimsi Against thei ;G6'vei;4‘ffiehf pf! the .Hhifed States;'dha all hrfslhess eonriected with " the Public Offices at Washington, utiU he carefully Attended to. ,{ 7 , j7" j •• \ ■ ■[ u s- t y Oet. 7th 1365:—6m. VT, : i , ;J ." I r ; R. R. Boaxman, A T TUB "N E YTATkEA W ' ! : 'SKRrintO f:it ASTB- bn:;*’*!*. >.r;l ■■ -eSOLIGITOR -IN: CHANCERY. -LJ s- Smedley Row, opposite Court HbuSC, “ r TOWfoStOWN. xttrr.f. promptly attend to all"business en |Y trusted tp his care. Janflß.: —tf < r -. (.IWIB H. WHEELER. WILLIAM S. KEECI Wheeler & Keech, jI: attorneys A T :L A W V J>ss ■•! : • Ajfp SOLICITORS IN ,CHANCERY, Office No. 1 and a-Sta’fedibyFow; Towsontowb iryAVINO formed a PARTNERSHIP for th< ll.practice of Law, wlll giVe IpVompt atten iou to'the Collection of claims and husiaess ii general .in.the Orphans’Court and CircuitOour r or Baltimore county. Aug. 27, 1859—tf .'ii-' i/i i .7 CHI.VA fcTORE. 777 WM. S. WOHDEBLY & CO., tt AVE on hand * complete stock of _ par - CHINA, GLASS, ' ■:. a*> ti 1 iXmUM Iff QUEENSWARE, -tllffiSHft Fine ahd odmmbn, at the Warehouse^ 75 Baltimoreetreeti i doors west of Gatfstreet-. COAL 01L, of, the very besf quality,, by th, barrel or gallon, and a .complete. assortment o LAMPS a,nd WICK.for burning jt. ._• . . The manufacture of STONE apd.EARTHED WARE still continued., n- /4 .Yd V. .\U All good* for fha ohuntiry packed in* spten tific manner, and will be; sold wholesale am retail, at very low prices, to suit the times. N otTs,' 1864.—tf " • •: ;: i o I AUCTIONEER IX 44. T HI'undersigned-still continues the biisi ness Auctioneering Real dl*" Perrsbria PropertVbf evirV deicfiptibfl: V When" not ji his residence in Towsontown, made at the offibe either -cT the Uniim pr tlij Journal. .>Pwsonadesit4ng his services Shodit make application as early a jsH>le, so as t< arrange the day of. salq. Thankful lon * t*d ii‘w 5 Towsontown, 6ailtilftbreFd7. fdtu. (LDiutln Union. j ■(A Consolidation of the American and Advochte.V IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY : HAVERSTICK 8 LOHGSECKERS. (L. M. HAVEIISTICK, U. c. k J. B. LOSGXBCKEB,) AT $2.00 PER ANNUM, In Advance. No paper discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the Pub lishers. A failure to notify its discontinuance will he considered a reuewal of subscription. RATES OF ADVERTISING ! One square, (qf 6 lines, or less,) one insertion, 3p and for every subsequent insertion, ,25 cents per square. i‘mos, ‘ 6 mos. 12 mos. tne square.S’oo $ 5 00 ...... § liree squares...... 500 ...... - 700 ...... I Six sqdarcs... 6 00 10 00 15 00 Quarter column... 700 12 00 18 00 Half column.. 10 00 16 00 JO 00 One column .'. 16 00 ...... 30 00 ...... 5500 advertisement.inserted for less than One Dollar,. and Deaths inserted free of charge, except wheji accompanied by quotations or remarks, for which the jusual price .of adver tising.will be charged. :!l *:; Bv consolidating the two Baltimore county :papers, the UNION has the largest circulation oi any county paper in the State, and thus offers sujierior advantages to advertisers. JOB WORK: Our office, besides one of Hoe's best Power Presses, is furnished with a good Job Press and ; : ali thprneeesearv materials fin- executing-plain and fancy J;ob ITilitipg ffitU" licatncss; aiuf d)s : : f-patch.-- HANDBILLS 'Of all sizes and styles printed at short notice and on good terms. :i" Magistrate’s and Collector's Blanks, Deeds,, and all kinds of Public Papers always on hand aUffi^diice^^^^^MM■ mat^mmaaism * County Advertisements. WARREYSTOKK) In the Thriving Little Village of WA^iREISr. v/great reduction of prices in all KINDS OF GOODS. THE proprietors of the‘' Warren Store” are otl’ering great inducements to the citizens ■ of this neighborhood, that is worthy of their attention. We offer to the public the best se lection of goods that can be found in any store - - --m tfoe- eoowtry’, and wili guarantee to seit-fhßTfi '-m less tha'n city rctoril f All gflbds sold here warranted aS- rept-eßeWtetl er- the money refunded. Our stoek Consists in part of DRY GOODS. •„ ; GROCERIES, • "• •" HARDWARE, . CHINA W'ARE, CROCKERYWARE, - | if: EARTHENWARE, . H -' STONEWARE, Glassware, .-u . - ■ BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, OAFS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, OIL AND PAINTS, 7 MEDICINES, GLASS, PUTTY,’WHITE LEAD, LINSEED A NEATS FOOT" -'J„ "OIL, OIL, KFR-' OSENE OIL* -MACHINE OIL, M AC K E RrE h, HERRINGS, BA ' ' 1 CON, HAMB, BREAST PIECES; SHOULDERS, G. A. SALT, , Fine Salt, Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Horn- ; oiry Buck Wheat, : - u,/1 ’ * TIN AND WOODEN WARES, \ ' | Rfiioms, Ropes, Plow Lines, Shoe' Findings, ' WroVNails, Cut Nails, Spikes, Rivets, and eve .ry article that may be found in a wel)_tegulatv ed comrtrv mm COUNTRYiUBODUCE 'CpFall kinds, taken in exchange for goods .at 1 "ciw prices. j 1 . H. P. THOMAS, i f|Y For Warren Manufacturipg Company. I Feb. 18.—ly. . : . • ■ • ■ REMOVAL. 7 • GEORGE STEIBER, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, ffOWSONTOWN, MD., P As. HEREBY informs the of Towson •tdWii and vicuiityj that he has removed ‘Kins: bout and Shoe, establishment (torn lire re cent place of business, to the building adjoin jpgjffie post office arid storAof Mr. Nelson Coop er, where he wilHn the future be pleased to see “ all his friends and custqqmrs., ; , r I keep constantly on-hand k r - varied assort- C r ihent of B<xt9, Shoes, Gaiters, , Ac.,: for either forties, Gentlemen or Children. ALL OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE, vrr r which,found as : durat-te, and cheaper than can be procured in the city of Baltimore; I return my thinks for the very lrbbral . pa tronage I have heretofore received, and. I will endeavor, by attention .to busiueß,.and moder ate charges, to merit,a cpntiuuanceof the.same, , george steiber. <, ; : . April I.—6m. 1 .'j History, .of the Rebellion. -- v< UEADI EY's History of the war. f i undersignerf tTroCTiTb(t iirp p cy fin; this ::tli])uahtri Work for A-pertma-oP c.Battimore and Harford counties will iri a very e . short time visit! the people of. .the 'county ! sdliof P iting subscriptions therefor, ic will .beia true and faithful history qf evenjts as they have trans pired since April 1861, until nearly-to tlie pr,es ; lent time. ; ,- ! -•••-: -rittf or I r M w 'llbe published in two v.ols. at $3.50 each flic first of which wiD soon be delivered, and i tne second immediately after-the close of the war. Eacß volume will contain many pages Of illustrations of Battleßceues, and over forty por traits of officers. jprpmirien."t itt .the war, both North and South. :XO.i /„?>: { ,l Volunifl- I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents _ after finishing thcOJkhvgißslri.'their.seyeral lo ;H cajities. Volume n.wjjl ,fe issued.. asjsoou ap . practiehMaaCteri-flid.olise.of-th-\<Eaf)! Mid l -l'Hl contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to'complete the History. 7 ’ 'The undersigned’ aLV Las""for Stile the : | o FURSE AND SPYJ’ n-.[ -, Tl-ili / 11W# iN- ie June 3,1865. —ty. . ~w „ . ~ . n \ ; T COACHMkkING •t ’ . r •% *ll/" Tt >'<•’" • I AND ' ■ ! ■ A ‘ ■ tnSTOBItT AKITSTGt, ■ rpllE subscriber, respectfully ..informs his fi-lo # friends; arid the generally, that he execute ;it hi- shop Towgotiffiwn, at the inlersec -6f fhfe Y : or'kTufripike andJop paltoad,every desefiptioh of 'f AVheelwrighting, Coachmaking, &c. _ He will manufacfcirre-’te bfder, Ca’rfiiigis,- Bug f giejs, Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac, Old Carriages 9 repaired and painted nptice. , t . /Also, keeptf cbristdntly onffiaftff;‘Xjfnrd fnqde j C to order at the.fchersteift style and description of-r . --***■ *> COFFINS, SSSs ■ arid having provided, hunoself with a ~he is preparedto attend funerals at all times; i All work warrfnted to give satisfaction. -U‘ ~ , - - GEO. H. HUGHfiu April 15, 1864.—th ,/ / . . . 7 7-V- ' •' -T' .i:c,/' , moY l fls-dl ' jr . TOWaOl|T^^^v M thiit of Mr. Ah x. l’arlcU, would to ! most rdspeetfully Inform the public that M a.i pMar6d to dkecute all work ln . hfft Ifho as its cheap as it can bo dope • ci ir mj , , j 7 f.yv ;t f;vci.ujj .AJirf'fV - -.7 •• :t • ’ , I()WSONfOWNj>IIX, SATVIiDAY. NOVEMI!KR.2S t .I:BCSv"‘ Rail Road-Directory.- • ‘ 7--r-7“r-7- \orlhmi Central Railroad. WINTER SHEDULE. ’ " . On and after MONDAY, Npy.,'?i'th; 1863,; Trains Northward I.eve Baltimore as 7( : ■ 7: Follows": ; ff, ' ! _ /! > -- | : York Accomodation; No. 1..,. 7-?0 A. M. Mail '''.... .77;;... .7'..-.'i vM ■ FastL'me':::::.: •' Parkton Accom iiiodationr Nb. 112.3 J “ York -. Nd. 3...7.;;136' Parkton : • 1 ■ 4<: •" • No." 3'.’..v.'. 'i4o • u Pittsburg and' Erie Express,...-..:;.: M: Pittsburg and Elmira Express...,'....ld.oo' * w Trains SouthWtfrtT Arrive. Fittshurg and Aird ?-Q(J A. M. Parkton Accbiiiuibdttti'on Nq. 2....,,,. .8,?,p , .. Turk - „-NO;2-...;.10.15 “ Fast Line.........f. M. Parkton Accoqi. No. 4, at 801t0n.....".4.30., 4 ‘Mai1.;....;77 ...7..... .’7,.. Y’ork Accommodatiim, No. 4.......'....: 9.45 Mailj Fast Line, and PiftSburg and Elmira Express w.ll -no# ! sidp between Baltiivore-and- Parkton. *' ' "' . Fast Line, Mail and Accommodation Trains leave daily, except Sundays- Pittsburg aiul.Eiie.Express leaves -px ■cept Saturdays."' . . ~ Pittsburg and Elmira Express leaves daily. Mail and Accommodation.; Trainis alrrive dai-; ly except on Sundays, r !: --• ••' !i ;,s - Elmira-Express urriv-es rlaily exceptdn-Monet days. ' Fast Line arrives daily. .... ;> i. 7" <q J. N. DIIDARRY,:GencraI Supt., ; -c/ i . ED. S-; YOUNG,, tm; i General Freight and Passenger Agept; . Philn, WII. and Bailo> El; ft. .. . . •. ,-t —TT —rti •' ••! ••• c: .< ly Trains.feaye President Stj-eet (Depot as :fob lows, yiz: u -• •> *!••.• i.vl*; hi Way Mail Trains.-for Philadelphiaarid- Wriy Stations at 8.2 q A M.*.:-: :,.t . i Express'Train for ; .New York.; .9.20 Express Train for Philadelphia and N. Y"ork at 1.10 P. M. ' . \ ! Way Train for Philadelphia flnd.. Way, Sta tions it 4.i0 -p. m; ■ - .. ‘ ; Express Train for Philadelphia and N-. Yq'rk at 6.35 P. M. ' i../ '[ , :i Express Train for Philadelphia ahd N. York at 9.20 P. M. . ‘ The übove Trairis leave daTljrbxcept'.Sunddy. "; --,7: ; 7. ON' BUNDAYS; ! 4‘- For NeW York at" 7.50 P.- AL/for :Phiradel phia at 9.25 P. M. . o.C" ... . • For Salisbury and intermediate' points-oh Delaware Railroad take 9.25 P. Mu-train;' arid for Dover, Delaware, .take the. 1/10 P; M. train.! *■' . WM. CRAWFORD,:Agent. .. ... - . ,-—-4-, : ...... Balltniore and Ohio ! R. R ■ -* ... - •" : Trains run as folloWs : 5 - :;i r ’ .v Mail Train wili leuva Baltimore daily ,cept Sunday) itt-8.15. A. M.- Cinclntlati ; 'Exp'reftß Train will Itavefdaily (inoludirig Sunday) at'fi' P. M„ arid the SU Louis Express daily (exisept Satuaday) at 8..41),P/.M. :7 i M-’- ! c k AU these trains connect at Belair and Ear-7 kersburg for all, points West,; Southwest and. Northwest. Frederick Apcommp<iatiqß Train leaves Bal-. timore at 4.3 ; 0.Pt AJ.;. v }, c ;. East—Lea ves' Fyedenqk at 7.15 -daily (Simdays.?xcepte>i,) , t.„.. ~v „ i •- ft : The Ellicott’s Mills; Train leayes Baltimore, at- 6.29, and 10 A, M.,; aiiff ii.gO TP.; M v . arid Eh., "licott’S Millsat 7.40 71. m. v aml \ I.?Q A, jp,. apd . "5.26 P.jf.v ! "" 7‘ “ W ’ .7.-,, ..7.7 , ■;;; -• • :; ■" for- 1 Leaves Baltimore at:4.3ft,^7.05,.. 8-4i and 9.40 A. m. ; and 2.30 and fi r. m. On. Sundays a.t 43Q and 8.45 l. m"., and. 4.20" i>, m. Leave . Washing-, ton at 6'29, affd'i,l,is‘A, m.7 arid I-la, -3 ajjd 4.49 r; ri. On Sundays at 8720 a. M„.'nri'd r;is and 3.30 p. m. The"9.4o a. m., and the 2.30, ! i>. m. ; trarns - duly from Baltimore,Arid'.tb6 6'.20 A. m. and 4.4(V p. si. trains from ‘ Washington at way points. The 7.05 and 8.45 A. n. .at 4 ,a 420 p; M; trains fro-m Baltimore, -arid • ihie 0.20 apd 8.20 a. m- and 4.49- p. sr. trains from Wash-' drigton.connect with -trains -On ;! the Anhipolis Road. < -sr 1 J ’-. ;}: :!i "- 1 -i,; I-,; i .i; ■.! W; P.-SMITH^-;'! Master of Transj>ortati<wi. •’ 1 L. M7. COLEy.General Ticket Agent; ,i--t *r; 1 I- f.i.;; HJQ Hi ,l:l :dl H<cJJ r ■ Western Hlaryland R :Ri ; • 1 TWO TR A INS EA CM MAY DA.IL Y. Trains will'nin-as *“• Leave Uniqn Bridge at 6 00 and SJ.OO A. v,, ar riving in Baltimore at B.oo* a. m., and 12.30 p. m. Leave Baltimore at 8.90 a; Mi'arid -3i30 >. ,I M-. arriving at Unjop ; ajtDWffaud? :tw ' a Stage connection daily- with rind Hrimpstead, kt GTeri Mdrris Station,'on "ar-7 rival-of -900 a. Mo Truift from Baltififiore*, arid ;for Uu{ontq.wn,i l S'riU^ytfll v :ri 8n4l;-Ejau.ittfibM#g on the arrival pf- ihe same -Train, a( i L ‘ }> P. N, IRWIN," S.upt.,' ' ciiAMiE OF TW&]' e7n,wwfl YO RK R O AT) EAWW AY. after M<mday ; riext, : filth, cars will leave fhe eITY $f Balf-iv . more, at eafeh hour from 7 A. capt 12 M. . 7 .’ Will leave TOWSONTOWN at ea'rih" from 7 A. M.7to 7 P7 M., ■ except 12 5 M'. ‘ "Comb section will be made at Nriiith AVentfe with the Charles Sfcu-Line.of-thd GltyPftdsehgee'R.- R. :K >S5t-NIGH.T-GAR for .TOWSONTOWN -WiH-’ : teave thelCily HaUiit ll Pi J#ui>icui h> noil-r : .. !f ; ,hi,, : A-.-iDicSANKSpiAgenbi! v /Nov. 1 l.j—tiv ;i :;!X-Q- • .Q ■*‘so* " CataiisV ille ■ Vimm Fall and Arrangeaieibfe* ■7- V,, j'’ 7 _-. '■> !!] ion llmia ilvidw ON arid ; after cars will fun HOURLY' -' :J L J t t -FROM- iTi A.'M.- 42 Me, anldifr<ifhl2 : P.‘ , M-.'d)'7 P. M.. dailv, BCNDAYS inctnftet. )i PASSENGERS TO AND' FROM!-BLIICOTT*S MlLLSiwill leave daily. Sundays"hiklwded,-at 6 and 1.1 A. M.,! and H, 4 and -ft Pi M.’. 71 . Office west end ef- Baltimore ateeeE>‘o'>i '-tJ 1 ...7; , WM, W.DftNDOißFEi!Secretary. • ■ ssov, .. ht: l-r.r. uhii-rim i>ni.Tg i;i vie County '^ysrti&7ms,tkC-C , MIDIICIII JVTTAILUttUMii .min • Or. •• iiif A .v.iiaajiintoo udi i t ow o^i'To-vVNr:. IIMIE -subscriber respectfully:tenders bis ae- Jt kuowjedgmeuts to the-citizen seif Tewrioni town and vicinity, fQfcttwnveriy generous arip-. ' port he has iri,Lift huaimeßS, i and would inform hip fr.iends. arid ,usten>erii i that he considerably vhifl-^tKjck, ►/. and vylll constantly ;kaejt qtn band ;Si.: ,%e)J ! i4b>- ■ tested e.toc''..'7, on scf n-J Clplhs,. C’aijsimerea ad Ve*tlngk, i which-he is prepared to make’ltttft garmehtenf the latest style*, and at prices that 1 Will be!aSit isfactoar.y to all. M vqip H .1 oot fc) > I ask an -7 I ,n ,V J.. ,ii-m ,1 AUGUST -LOOSE,c.'! a >7 I'-March .4,. j865.-r-itf; •%•: (bitlw i-jI iljo , CfSStMßlts OK; Abb if 7: u ,SIL(K MARSEJ-LiLES.; mull J-.l .AndiflUikiirdb f> Yoat-'PEtteWik, ; Scarfs, and Collars^ 1i: r ’, Bh % L ! ta wiio B ®r^ Tl 4T ff '^ !oil • v -J! prices,) White ml)Shns and r.. - J! ? “ Wholesale; and •' ‘ |to snoiaiiMffiplftiNEiS OF' - &iU m ynmitiM-s:. I Tqgdthqr wiHiTBhIADYr.MAD*: i. As cheap ns can be procured "Ottyl. ul T v, Si;( i y ; .. t iaUeflTt-iOOOh win. f I ,niw almbbMcdahaatffiriilnrfeuiii , roX I. OftppsiAe, AdyiaisrtwMi.K-. Feb, 26.—tf* ) : tail .Ml! rii ■ '■* I'"' _'•'•* '• >< T7 : ~!!.BHAnoiws.T ) l '’uZC. ; J Wffcii tiiytfilMrfen are flushed in (he nursery^ • - Anri twe-sWalWwyierpsdrithe'ctivsk.- ’’ And the ni|?lit wind is seonktS o v t ■.gWft t4tie listeaiqg "leaves>/, --, ; „| ,M. n icpep, chambqr , .., wKS'cIo-jed ftnln uu; (Ins); of ds.y, ' And.gefltly tindrnw tM cnVthiti ' 1 !-■•■• \)i r tM|ie viy In,best tin-asures lay, In i 5 .r , ii- , ~, Sweet'spirlis thnt may no't aVyinabpr Cool shadows from l.ights.nii.w’go'iiej ’. ’ ' ' , Andtlue echo Sf voices - > ! m All. sut)di|ig for me alone.!, : Arid, qtefiffiog.amoug the.^Uepsi,, v . , , *i,,- Oheedh'ols.spfttr yet ; One shadow is cooler, deeper. Ant) my dimming yes grow wt, : n • - II: i nmu) ■ 'jJ> .' i’*c L*l2 y n 1 ,v.: Forttie ipiage,lgaje.oi) .. ( • Is tti-CjnjaxC'lhiit bjesseil .uiy youth ; " Tlie antfel that lit rti.v journey " ‘ 1 With her lamp of love and truth. ; u, We Wfp’p Avay ..tOKether n.v o ", (.. . " A ii'tUe.whiie p.i<le; f . ■ , , r Andwhen'l grew' faiiit ahd weary, • TKat-iighit wasMxstrength-am)-'guide.' great —how dearer ! , . i . ,-ff Tim watched ft wane and fade; , And my angel said as we parted-* attiatteivt, iw not afriid. ‘ t; , • And when I aip nd weary With the heat arid the dust.of, How the sense of Iq-r words, comes o’er me— , . Hel words erC‘she kent away. •• • ' ' And I ask for tl,ypatiejit Wisdom, As I journey the way alone, T.ill I, trend on the.goldi;ii tlii-esbold ■ , Of ttie heaven uvtiere she is gone; ’■ Wlren.the children arc liustlwi in tlic nursefy yn A,nd)heaiyaJh>w;s)!Eieps in tbe ejfves, And. the ijiglj.t .wipd;s murmuring secrets Apitrt td the listeiiihg leaves. pistfUancouG. t i.ll-gna j t:i .-.a xaffi-.n lor'i . •/. THE ROYAL WAGER. ‘ 5 .Itii.'i .r.y.. ; \ ■■ "An -lcideut ill tftri I7ife of Napnierin I, ;o. •y.irn:.i ■- -■* h-S.uA - ‘“Tiie 'lrifirrdr vespers had; just rung. anß, tlie Empress will pass around the corriffrirs ih the course of ten miHtes. She will be attended liytbe prin-cess Hortense and two litdies -ih waltfngipbut you will‘readily rec ognise her-, fin* slie is taller thari the oiheis, and Will "walk'u little in advaric^”,'" Thus spoke’the talt hhitj fierce .looking godd-natured Took of. eonccrn' •upontheßliglitfarniathisside,.\vhose.youth. ful face gleaffied put jtiji nnd pale from the shadows .that, were .thickly gathering, and whose" singular 'berinty was "rendered still iporeconspicuous Ly- a ; pair of dark,-lust reus eyes, Wblch hud-a 1 Bad, bfcseetdring expres sion more eloquent than words; The paje lips’moved, as if to express; her thanks," t>gt, they gave, forth no audible . sound. j #A9iIS. coming.!."’j exclaimed the guard, as his.qnick ear caught the sound of approaching footsteps. “ Courage my child,” he added, as the yourig girl'leaned up against the corner of the corridor, treffibling in every limb, *• the good Empress is like a mother to her peo ple . As he said this, he hastily resumed his post, and when the Empress made her ap peara-n.eeiWHß- pacing backwards and for wards with/hiA-monotonoua t read, a stolid lppk open his : countenouce,: as though he was the mere machine, that the discipline to which he was f subjected was intended to; make him. “JJ*! 1 * ; Jdsepturi.e, ’then in the zenith of her charins, in her usual elegance, Gin a jobe of black' whose very fold? swept, -theiflooir{. rubies gleamed upon her bosom and. in the heavy braids of dusky hair, a; custom hrbich well - accorded with ■.her rich'.tropical beauty, arid sh'e moved* #lth ? that graceful, undulating motion peculiar to the Ffrinch creole. As she reached the spot opposite to where. - the girl she stepped . out from the shadow, apd. siii.kjng down upon one knee, laid her-;hapd ,QP:;,jonephine’a robe, as if to ‘arrest her progress. : -- Poor Marie ! during her long and lonely walk she had said over and over again the little Speech by which she had hoped to win the Bind heart of the Empress; to pity rind aid her, .but ris ; she kneltthere, every word of it yrihished ‘ froni her iri|ud. But, white, quivering lips, the imploring impres sion in those lifted eyes spoke volumes, arid Jiosephiue. looked t down- upon them, ass she Uftderatood all slie wonld say. SigniTrg the-other ladies to proceed, she kook ‘lhe rOllof priperfrohr her hand. But as'her-eye glaridedriver it, hercouritenance fell. -’V/fVCt C. -'--' ■ ’ "' ‘ :■.■■■ ’ “ t feel ihsit l ean do nothing for you, my griod girl/’,sh‘q sftid,, 'itirpiing to the suppli ' .ant j ;. 1 ; tfeseriioM is .an .offenße ihrit the Bui* peror never pardons. ’ : QiJ Say-nptiso, -royal lady !” exclai-med the yonwg;-girl >iitiploringly. “The good v 'Emperor’s heart is ever.frpen to you 1 It was * to- see'l)iS ' and tiftrir other ‘ -meanshad failed.” - Stiif ; th'e" 'E'm'presß shook her heap.. “ It; ; ; js a bard caße”.slaQ said';-' “ but it wjU be useless for- atiteutpi to obtain his par-n i4w'.”v! . If ' ; ; As.Joßephitjeißaid this a stifled moan es icaped froni ihle poor girfs lips, the eofavub :serve upOir ; hfer , ; ; rribe i relaxed,' and slie '••lay still feet. “ v ---i •• ‘i - ; ; Alarmed, the Empress beckoned the' ■' nepdarme to approach.' ** , .-, “ She hka.' fainted,” he sriid, as lie bent over her. . “ And no wonder ; site has walked from. ,n;lto villageeight .leagues, .aiinc!a;tie’-.break.of day.”,, b 41 Do you know;her?'- t i-i-jvri Ylsu Madaine pShe is ;Marie Duval, the bAtrothed oP Hcuri : Fia4 : erve; ; who i^o be & i'Sbbt d , seftTriri; ,k; t '','hfpoor child !" said cont pas?ionately: Be her away, good Jen : ' pai” sIM-^ddiejdV ! *h- IfHe J ‘. girl• Began • ; tb:show u iflignsi'df'cdhsciritieffriss, *’ and 1 seri! that sue It -has rqkf ri'h^ f apildf. she be Sfif , •1 - herin -lipur- hepce "<)• •t6'my^i^''4pgirMi^n|l*V r .'>i-;. m 3 The Empress, passed hut tlia kind* ! " hehrted soldier noticed, with ril ferillngdf ! satisfaction, that she heltHdte little roll of her courrleriiatvce'hA'd "a t'hriught •.Tui aspect.' U ,i-.ijs T aprileriti at.lhri' tii.ble c6v r . hi eued papers apd ; ,iti;aps. A courier hath i,, jwst WfVP was eyiidently t,he ; V(ea|-qr *- of gop(),7news, : : for Ids . qptint.en.auce ..had |de.asedf}mqstie*altant i.-.u-. - n.i c> ■} ;:->;ll'he door opened, and Josephine entered, oi She paqsed a piomenTffprifflhe threshhold, if- fuftife look, whose ,j, ne*ei to read,, ii liis't** VPetcome, my'gfiod ; Jqsephine, : 7sft;d the r, ; : outrhis hand iq her; -o: -... * ‘;',,4 osepbine '-saw'^hah’tbis 1 : ri propitious ,7; thoyrn 4, - knee, she kissed his hand, and presented ;i i him the roll of paper shekaJreae) veil from s 1 w; * was for-any iother offepce,itMiould . , be.grtoted p but aa it ie, it;i>imprilisiblev ,fi i t9|ii>iwr(^uk w pMde|jpsepihip'e ' : fetk>w ‘had' just received news that his Ynotn -5 V.t s [,,‘iri j./jTbat wris.i uo.excn&aii:.The soldier.has v l-uo ffidthei! teyu 4dty i srttoAeHlffnffil 1* oilq Joet ’tn-jaiyw fld.T .n >i • 7 All Qfjiy.N.d sire, 1 your b&%)s would.relent. tu'Mfi on fqpA tbfi r YiUgg s of . .j %rzr-- plririd forhric.lAtvr ii AmlA.jMpwh tbutnieha^dL iys rjupt:survive it!” .‘;-jq Joiifiai nolotl .in The Emperor shrugged bis shoulders. —■if ”We must try I*6 corisrite lier,” he said, dryly; -ctronloV 1 grririVhet'kn; pllieit'hnaband.”-. J.o;f--i *> .(*•>!>>!l >* 7 ‘‘Bfee wpnJd neyrr accsept.anb UYid Jo-, seibipe, with . indW:9iW.t- *|>bajs-/.. th ßhai Would sooner, die wjth • . Napoleon aguifi shrugged shpuld'ers and took a pfncty' 1 . \ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ My- dear! -frtcnfd/' iturihi things ’ mkyibe’ ’lbund iii tonfriitcee, bil V- Bdt’rh‘r^ri‘l' 1 ifc. til >yager most anything you like-tkiit-allH wbril-d Inuch prefer living wj;th #ome young, good. hmkiug ami. wlueh kshpiidd sod Mttle dilhculty irijierspading her I,o,dft” t I Jokejrhfne whispered a few wprds ip her royal Irusbnnd'S ear.” J t ‘ *“' “ Let it, -be’eo,*” life said smiling. Add" now -suffer your yourig ported to- 1 he : sunr- 4 moned. ami I. wiH sood put the-truth o-l my assertion to the prpp|.” : , .j ~!j ’.7; 'l'be Emj'erpr listened a(.J.en.tivqly_ to the tbucli|iig plea,. broken by tears aud sqba. , that Marie fiiViiYeij but* at Fits feef. ...Then bidding lier’rise, ly. for be wa-"-touched by tile-artless beauty of the aappUant/mi' less thutv• by hWr tfin leiglMifl •’ 1 am soi;i,y.,|ny daughter, that I .canuot grant-yqur petitioju-’; Jigt J.will |prqyid,e you with.Tanptlier (ove.piid bestow upon-you a bridal dowly besides; which wit 17Jo just as well,if not-better.’/ ‘”’ 1 " -• ... : “Sur/Iy yoa jeWt, <dre-; W! sriid thb- yriffrig' girl, casting iupori him u ’glu'nce ofenprow il'ul surprise. “No one cab lAfce ; JtGnriV place in mg heart.. Fututlie love, of mercy 'spare.his life.'”.,-i , .j t.- 'f-' ’■ ‘‘ lie has. committed an bn prirdonable of* fense,”. was tho v which is death. : lie iniifef dte 1 'inlbss, iti deed/’7he aflde , d, : Triffp/f I ,koine .substitute be found to sutler in his stead.”, r Marie, caught. eagerly -at. vfeyrid t>y these last wjorus...'Again she threw, 'herself u-jtori libf knrios; bathjrlg the Bfnper pr’s'hand ’ ivith tear's. 1 '•" ' " '' / ’ “Would your majesty indeed Accept a substitute V* lie exclaimed; • “ Let breffake li ; is place; then, amlsuSer for hfruit*’ i! - ‘•Whip. ! >y-ouldyou,4ake.bis {daeetoi-mor-: row a,-,d be.shot )n ; i#iis-stfiad?” iuquiited, NaßolepD, looltjng stgadily ii>tb heril'ace.i,.,: “lf there is no other,way 1° will fhgly, gladly, sire Y was the fervent -re-, • t * V •'** - li] "il\ S .3.ft 7 A li! t i 'H *• •■• • ‘ * : sponse: '-'/’TheEmpet-ot'BStern;impairVe face'griYn " no token of feeling that filled his heart, sis be looked upoin the countenance of the speaker;‘every feat ore .of which l was dist inct with t he fervor of her herriic' sottlt/' v/,“ If yotr desiW it,* certaiitlv,’?’he o'aijd:, af : ter a mo me off. pause; “ Bpt reuVember that lam not trifling will)'you f „;one of you must die I. You wilhbavn anvpleitinie between now and the dawn to decide which It shall be/’ ’ !1 ■" ! - 6 ‘"* Kr' . •*.! *- '■'• CBATTRR if.- ■ K !' ! ’ ! u: “ The next morhing rose 'clriaV, riffd/driud less. At the first ‘streaks rif dawn;" the' large square-in^-front of. the palh-Ce Was alive with soldiers; i-while natside of thri prilihg, and in every available place were-trowdsurif spectators, eager to view-Aakatis so dear to every Frenchman’s.•_hsfti)| l *tJkß'. pomp and circunfcstajp ( ge of a lpilitary executipa 4, and,.i in this* instance, rumors .tha).had -reac.hed ; the peo jile, th at i t was riof the real offender •tliat Was‘ to :; : bri#xricc(ted-,' hot hiS affiaiiced wif'e r who- by hrir own free -rilioice' was to Jake his > place Y made -the ;crowd- unusitaßy large. iV.tiod-Jtfo ia h-'iev- 1 . Circmnstaoces indicated that jpwris-tiQ be. the scepe of more than uspal displa)*- Etnperor himself was present, Attended by, his staff His tried and faithful body guard ' were drawff rip itr long array, trigetbfer with the whole regiment te ! which -the culprit -belonged.-.- o’. I*;— !w aC- h--.-;- • *“!• At the, appointed- feour,i Mans made.bOr. atteadpd ,by ;; .jt,# B x! ported by a guard o.f sjtx_99)uie^8 r ;< mur of mihgled pity arid admiration ran through 1 the dfo‘wdlhriy'n'o'ted her extreme youth -and beauty;' J Every ’ey’d sympathy, excepting', indeed,-the platoon of soldiers detailed to firiet- the fatal vrilfey-;' they.alone .regarded: the scene with, an air of illdiffer e nCffi * ivdi. i-.iU L-vi.r. ; ' Marie’s beantiful countenance wss pale but com posed, .and she „waiked to the fatal spot with a ligblti hw s.tftp,: lY:a.t,.as.her eyje fell upqu thq so thaf 'it would receive jtfC®H• a visible; shiuliteHcoriyulsed it quickly passed away, and’hfef cririh'tribrince regafried-its- Tormrif 'eXptessroii holy sw renit-y. 7 .e.-i;.v ---it! ';•> * a ‘ n **• imot-rid * tno-f ment i.,vqipy:lpss..prriyarjj then sbriiaiguifed that she was. ready. .... . L* ;;.o ..!j J us*, t hen oud of the aids urn arid beckoned to tlie! pijlest, saitf a fe w •wdrifeio-hiim • Father Qodefrey-immediately'returned' to li is. patient, ■:: “-lXrogh ter/‘lie Bawl j’" our .good Epipe.rrir.sends if.Ahy; courage, fail ..thpe,, th e fri W: §YSO.fI to, redraft.” - • ; .,(j • etdj^itiuioasia.tJ-u; v .t* Te|l" 'the. Emperor thatj f tnap.khjßj,, father,” reffarneU Marie,,calmly *“ but. that; i- easferTor me To flie -frir;' riiY b'ritrri'thed' than-ib-LvO Whlibht hrrn-/’ ; C* ‘ T lO7 ' 1 }J: bl e But bethink thee, daughter.” persisted -the good priest; fete.— Life ie sweet,'etepe‘eiaHy t 6: The " Eniperoi’ -jempowers me i '‘ i tO i olft)r i tC( rifcy'kti*' ceptaace .another: peet;,t Q[theto.ue-,tbon wiltilo.4e,' aud , ‘dowry. Rosihpot;, trpjp, aQ prospset. ,fp so cruel a -death/’ 01 .,.[ .i;-,i ;,nY/ :>[Cj Is* Urge tne uo .more, tJvp; firm fepW’;7‘fmy resolution /3,imfj)py:ab|e, Nieithbr dfMfjibt With Va(n‘‘arid' worldjy ithoughts the Sodf, 1 that;" is fix’rid steadfastly upon’ ttia t con tit ry ‘ i't ; is so ; s oriiri'; io‘ b'ft tCT? 11 " -The priest- drew britek.'and'bne 6f;i4-sof “ tlTrirs approached to -batidagfe 'He*"yeiß‘;“ f At--ffrst Marip I demurred,but bn being t’old that it was indispensable, quietly sub--- mil ted. 7* j' During.LiveSG 'proeeedirig*tv-prefound M iepced reiguedt-hreughori t-that :d-sei crowd ' • 6f• pe-oplffi;and;,l)u the; wg-ualbto -ftr®: wUs : given., evgiy,. heart -Stpqfl .Stilktiepefl. -thft - nsogh.,.stern soldier?., , aqqu§.)pjpe4 l ti? v ‘ftW: '''-death in it's iiiost. cruel fprms'jbvplPo-j-ft. r iy. ' turned tlieir .eyes;away.; fyoinV thp.JP.Sjpfe!. • . 7-. . -C,ta iUFff lujot a b .} There wus a sharp report.,of ,njri§Jfetp.i 7, and when 1 thri ' away' it .was discovered thd£TVluftk ; -liatf fttllgU wff.affl 0p..., l-*r Tne*. * ' r:; The Fmperor, who hMr brien a passive ‘feu i atte pt iv e is Uy spuiTrid-his h’orseto IheSßof , “ jl/oTt JDi'etr7' ,tJ h'ri ; eA I daiWed I flS‘ i riVi‘btew" '-himself hurfiedlyffrriM^^hd 7 be th at.) liose itupjffifaJtott'a 6 avri bfrirideted?’ 1 I dri She hasionfy .fainted, eiife,”-)aid.-Fathier Godefroy, bepd|ng u,iheß AnTrlaying-biS i- hand Vponjier wrigMf suffi isv ! - 'SeC ‘with blank cartridges,,.sp J Jaakf ,o^, .-&-;k i i(r # PA i .her some minuies Ma •rte -layas'-eflfl arid ‘defl‘thiy 7 ds’ thoagt‘'Tife L had indeed departed. jkoMfete 1 n rid'her eyes site leQb^_up ik^ft ? tj V. xfloii a'.-tanue.) vnnu'o \d bed - jj[vq-r I'd-Thei Wki%iilt U lave. -cHesiHs*’ FatfheF niGridefroy is even now waiting to make ui n fl ; BtfdVfe'.MtfYf I fi i r .this hhpj?f Sol 38 ,uo3sniqqa-lU vil finsq-n.; 1) aiuiAs MVWllateotie/vprkat ippowtihceffiortie ii jicnplliction, the EatperiWiripplMlhtehridlifem. 1 Overcome with gratitude and joy, they OLD SERIES*-VOL. Ifi/Nd.NNi. a -,ln !M i„-, ul :o,iiiii l iiio,-i.:-0.1/ | !: -J i,-,;-; -ffiT ! ■ ri >!T.-..i:iVAtl AIL .J would have knelt at his feet, but he prevant edth’erii: "” r * i! ' " “1W thank's are dde tne,” he said, addferis* irig Hikvfi 'b-Yori ewe your'life neither to 7 youir own-deserts,he added, his-eyes j.rpstinsr kindly.-on Marie's happy face, to niy ~cle)nepcy, bqt fhe heroic courage and devoijqu t'f her. you have just called wife- Tpndea.vbr in, all your feture coudact,/ to ( 'joursetf worthy of her ! I give you si in out h’s furloughiri which tri enjoy' your / hoireyaioori to which' 'the Empress adds j -five thousand francs as a dowry to your | bridq,;,,jAt the.expiration of that time, re* - turn to the service of your coMii)ry : and , remember .hereafter,, that the brave soldier ,i never leaves his post of duty.” • The meaning of this scene was. not long in parsing from lip to lip through the excit ed ihrong of people; and as Napoleon ceased speaking, the air rang with shouts - .pf "Vißt’l.-J&mpereur l" ■. i. -.i .-7- : But quickly; withdrew to the iit tie alcove, where secure from observation ■'Josephine Witnessed the triumph of her 'pntegdf" 1 1 " /'' ''' l -<r“You have won," he said smiling, “Bat how is he added; ‘-‘that yon read the 1 simple maiden so much better than 1 ?-” - 1 • “l by tuy own heart, sir.-r-This lovely peasant girl has dona, notb.iug that I would not gladly do (or thlee !” “My7griod josejffiine !'' said the Emperor, pressing affectionately her hand iu his, “1 ■believe It!” A few years heneb wlven upon a lonely island, forsaken by all. his sum live r friends, she, w-kprii he had rejected from his heart: and throne, wrote to him for permission M>. shared his exile, did Napoleon receive anpth or proof of t hat self-sacrificing love which is seldom ‘found save in ihe heart of wo ; man-.-’-'- v!i 1 - *' 1 ." , , l , i-. —I. - i — ——' -l; 1 *• ‘ Gent... Grant During the Battle of the /, Wilderness. j Gen; Grant’s heaiftiuarters were located • in a fleld betweeo the plank road and a small rgadleading to a.little hamlet kuown as Parker’s store. Purjng the,fight, how ever, he was principally with General 'Meade, 1 whose headquarters were on a , P>- riey knrill In' the rear Of Warren’S corps.— had seen Grant at Vicksburg and iii Te n. nesßeey and-h-ia appearance was familiar ; hat as lhrough the group of offi cers reclining under the trees at headquar ters, 1 looked for-him some .time in vain, such was his insignificant, unpretending,as pect and conduct, while the, battle was rag ing in all fury. A stranger to the insigria of military rank Would have little dreamed that the plain, quiet man who sat with his back against a tree, apparently heedless apd unmoved, was the one upon whom the fortunes pf-the day, if not of the age and were hanging. It was only when some atff'or orderly rode op t in hot haste with a CommnnTcatloti frrirti some portion of the battle-field that his eyes-upturned to' seek in those of the messenger the pur* ’pdrt of the message. 'Phe consultation wjtb General or the,direct suggestion or command, all took place with that same imperturbability 1 fof countenance for w,iich he lias always been remarkable. No "ihoverr\ent of the enemy -Beemwd to priTile dr diefcdtrcert him. Fertile -in resourced, t he 1 petition tor rein-' fpreement was speedily answered. And while ajj this, transpired ; he stood, calmly 1 ; in' the group, at times, smoking his favorite - eigar—a more vigorous or a >nor.e frequent puffing only indicating the inward working qf the Wind. If something transpired which he deemed needed his personal at tention-, away be darted on horseback to the immediate scene, th one or two-of him> - aids and an orderly exerting their .utmost. ; To keep up with him. Arrived on the spot, he caltnly considered the matter requiring , ,ihis atteh'tiori, wjth ready judgment commri . micated the necessary orders, and then gal loped away to another part of the field, or to his seat beneath the pise tree, there to enter on the order book some record of the I brittlffs progress. . u ; - • It was amusing at times to see hitn-Tr •the Cbmmander-in-cbief—whittliug away With his kniffe on the bark of a tree, paus ing now and then to throw in a word of > sentence in theconversation of those group ed about, and then going to work again .with renewed vigor upon the incision of thp pie. .The cpntempjatioiv ;of this by tbpse who were.with him at Vicksburg will recall an incident of a similar character ,in "that memoraß.le siege., Wlipn the coluoi-, ‘ triads were riiourited in front ol 7 LrigattV line, Gen. Grant was desirous of superhi :intendinglhei.-operations. During the pre- j liiuinary work .of cutting the. embrasures he moupted the .epaulemeul, and, while, the rebel bullets struck all around him, deliber- ; ately whittled a rail until the guus were 7pi&oed ip II Confession df a Drunkard. Jr .1 •>:; *■-. > ■■■■ - ya-na.,J ... - ‘ 7 Some time since there was. ,* published in England, entitled the “C.on.-. fessions fi Urujikard.” The staiemepts “triade in it arri aßßfefted ori : good authority • ’Id 1 be authentic, and what' does the writer • say ?>U I’i-U o>i.q -••* ■■A)—.' :i. - .v.t-ii ; “Of my condition there is no hope that • >lt should ever change : but out of the blacki i: depths, cpuld Übe heard, : l would;.cry Oftt t. -to alf .those who bave.but set a foot in. the ,-;-perilous flood. , u the yriuth to whom the flavor of 7, ihift first wine is delicious as the opening scenes of life or the entering upon some iipwly discovered paradise, look into my —desolation and be made to understand " ’What a. dreary thing it is when a man shall i 'feel himself going dowo a precipice with I ’open eyes and:passive will ; to eee his de- P 'Stroctjiou ami have no power to escape, it; -• arid yet to feel it all the way entanatfr^ from himself; to perceive all goodness emp ;i ifted dtlt bf Mm audyet not able to forget I* a time when it was otherwisp ; to bear tt about tbe t-he ptteous spectacle of his own i, ;self rtliri ; conbl he see iny fevered eye, fe f; ye red Aiitb last night’s debauch arid fever /‘ish looking for thia night’s repetition of | the folly.i cnuld he feel the body of death KJ oat of which I cry hourly, with feeble -andi u friebjer outcry to be deiiaered, it were {‘• make him dash the-,sparkling to the carth io all. the pride pf ■ itS mamlirig temptalion/’ —London Review* ii laoxi , '■ ". '. ..... , * ,Br . y , .. -0i1:..'. J good stpry is now going abogt. : that old GereraT X-—, has been in hi t-pe habit riTgetting extremely intoxicated L’ fwiittany years; but as'he is always taken s barge of by an old soldier servnrit l he is kept eat of the sigh! of the femilY; so to . speak, o harm is done. A Httle time ago however, the General came =home “much ag . 1 ustfal/’.aml.friririd.hift -ervant-rery fer:gon. I" ‘fridfcedj; and t iu fact, they tuinbM-dft.W :: s%irs together. .“This wi|J neyer ( dp, ,gui<J ' ithri; master t I canupt keep a eoWMthJflft, it Kfels Trunk‘lbe'sariVq day that 1 dp. , not rtffiWjmttot* ..Mith 'ybdf.:arrange-., b' Anen tsf Air, , ' repfredthri servasft* “bat' I thfnk I /weffihd better prifi, fW I know I getdruhk •! ißOipetimes and you do every day/'- “ T*”**- ' Ih- 3VF.aTßisa roa O'KB-^Sberidas r VW once S' Ibgat the house of an elderly maiden in the country, more of onpAny Utan b& waa wilbag—to., giro.j s .Mropqsiftg pfte.iday Jp,.tke: with., li Tm* Up.fXplweff.liißiwlXjpaawounii; 1 ? eiemem!iy pf the weatjher, Bjiprtlv [ il wahds. kh6 fftel htni sneaking out alone.-r l *9* Sherid'rib/’ i;o said ’ 1 v *•£ (leared ap^ i; ‘>Jirtt'a7;Htth9 ; Ma.riffiw r enough for ooe but not enough for two.” !-ji-- ■ L iu Marriage of Cousins. TiibTl’DTTonn?“ tjon with the subject.©* itHUlriages of con sanguiuity have just been put qij .record by. a French statist icjap,, Jfe carried ; qn.. bi& ihvestigiiiions in the town of.Bjaft,. in fhfl i Frehch'dep'artrtiferif of the lowa Tnferieure. IJaving'seFeCfed foMy-Srx cases of iriprisiih-' .guiweous marriage#;'be examined -the “htre barulfV-wtves.and.childroiv-both in regard* 5 to thpir,{diywn<d and inteliectual •* .Auseldf v.n inent, and made (iiwjuiries concerning- tbe;>!. famih'es e’xam,ined. and their anceftqrsii throughthe'assistahcepfihe mayor, pastor, and' oldest ‘‘‘(jpmb’innig tae statistics thus collected. he has fbtindthbt intermarriages do* not'briug aboot idiocy, or malformation. However, oft.-la impotent to mark that those result a asd; i < at t ribufed by the writer, the, favorable .. -climate of the locality, and to the ~ : hhbtta; hygiehe';; andmorality of llie inhab itants, SaweD as to the absence of all he reditary dise&Se. The town of Batz is sit uated upon a peninsula!/ bounded int tmfe side .by jhft rocks of the seashore, and on the qtber by salt marshes. The air is pare, and the most frequent, winds gre .frpip. i-: •the north,, northeast and uprthweeL The.; number of in habitants is about 3,300. 'l r hey have little comriidnitalion with other phrta of thu country; alkl their occupation is al most, con fined tP the preparation They. are ; ygry ;iotejlUgaotj nluioSt. all tho adults being able tq rad t; , The: morality It of the highest stamp, prostitution being unknown. Theft and murdef have not oc curred within ihe refedlleclidii of the oWest I inhabitant;* ''Mothers nurse-'the if' children till they are fifteen months old, and the 1 ' general, food of the population- is of thw vegetable cla/ss. jXlipre are; at presents in - Bjat z forty-six consanguineous pairs, of first, .. COusins, five unlpns between second cous ins, thirty-ohe marriages of third cou&iiis, and ten ofeousinS in the fourth degree.— .From five'unions'pP second' coositrS' thhrh' have beeri twenty-three children, none of whom,hare presented any eongonital de formity. ; Thp ..thirty-one marriages third cousins Jjave produced .qne . hundred -.i. - and twenty children, ajl healthy ;. pod -tjift ; ,. marriagesof fourth cbusins have given rise to CbildrCb, all' of whom, with* the exception of those who died of agtie, were strong and healthy at the'- period Of examination. The writer contends that •' such facts as ; the. fpregqing prove.that ,con* Ji sanguineous marriages by np ippansJeAd to ; the degeneration of the.racp, ..... . The Chinch Bug—How to Ex ter mi-, ... .j. iiv)-u'\--Vyt>n vrti -o, hate the Best of the Wheat, , Dr. H. Sherman has made a discovery v regarding the breeding of the, chinch bug,., which, we beleiye, yrill make it an easy matter .to totally eradicate this corse of ,wheat:growers.: He writes-ae follows i f The' chinch bug having destroyed my ' wheat crop for a number of years, I was " ' anxious to get rid of him, and I belive I have tracked him home, and can destroy o’ him, root and branch. I belive that next if the will follow'tny- advice, 'they may raise a . Igood-ctop of wbesty'and riWlose a busbet'“" ’ from the. ravages; of the bug.-' This' is J the -'*'' important secret..,; My -investigation led l-'-- me tp,helsivq that the wheat orkernel >ii •' was used as a sort of ‘’foster mother”. b;f< or tlib bug ;.and I flod by inspection through, -a microscope that lit all wheat grown upon ... land whert thete art'bugs, is deposited id" 1 the blow, or-fuzzy end of the kernel, a largo - ' " quantity’of eggs, which produce the bugs :j> next season. -hak* '.V. Mr.. Sherman says ; he. willgqnvipeje. any -\ farmer of the truth of this, if they will bripg ~ , him a sauiple !oF wheat grown where there ~I U were plertiy of hugs. 1 Tt'fblidws, that lf tlie kernel of seed wheat is the gefleral deposi tory of the eggs-ot the- ehinch-bug, that " onr fanners.have feeen sowing the pest each - v ; year as regularly a B -.they. J).avu_ their, wheats ... and itfaiiows, that, if such ~the of. thq bug will be easily ac- ; compliWhcd—either by sowing no wheat that has been id h'onTact' wtth the bug; or ;by steeping the-seed in some solution''be* fore sawing,, which Will -destroy ' tl>e l&rvm' j: ' J ''' i.j Western Eloquoneie. A suspicious looking dog had bee'H seen .ip one{tqwßS Of; illinoia-T-sotnebody.-ii qried mad-dog,. -and.. everybody,: became >; ai: alarmed, , A phhlic meetjug., waa aqd a‘'.^Ts'tfnguißhed;*fßHgaaiei ! ” was w - 4 . pbiuted tthairtuati;' the ob-_ ’•feet of iheineeting in‘a not very p&Tliatfted-"" " tary manner, instead 1 of taking hts Seat’anii‘ i4O allowing others to ;mako eoggestioDS, hO ‘’ oL launched.forth ieto ft speech of Soma- half •lii - hour’s following buret; ib qf forensic splendor is a sample : r —*FeUec CUijteaf time has coruft.. When the overcharged feelin’s of aggrawa-. !lno s> ted human natux are no stpwL.o'l Their"shrieking yelp and fowy track can ha a .seen ahd heortd <fh hdV ner'aines : Death foljers in theirWnhe yshaffWomt hert Ittte * ' cowhards, while oar liteej - and otrr height J ‘ T hors Uxes.are 4heiF (drtWdi w ' ,fl fuL oreshus. didfofabwe nCfluiDely.l.N^-ii^'* •fid,4, H’pu, AulMllt aaioi. with cQp'fl icf ff djiP’s of wrfttjf api:, wq.%- a a io ti t* wlttiid' tn 1 © T houses and ealtle, have sheep and piK s have a wife and Chit drun, and' g higher-fts the• itft portwace- i;a ©f the auh)ectdeepeaedJn his estimotioap j have .money puift i d*ugftr -v— --of bein.’ hjt by;.t h ese ipfernaj mas dpgs n '‘friend , full ’returned from •Yorktall9‘h^ ; ftpTei(y‘gdd|l stdry of ahfm-^ notsiati whd'Wiw ieU One-SuiKby,*4dr’4es*eiMV matf.r.boktg desiroue; oif >. hearing, severaL the mow- uaa : famous pulpit ~g.fatofa.;Pf. Ut9 iuwtrftpolia,?%oi> went ih.tbefltftMihg/to but heard preach from the ; tofUiuh - -But Wife’s' mother lay sjch of aW- - -ver." fn‘ihe^aftei i fiohri : h i e‘ ; Wcfi t .'to^^Bfee'ch'-' ' er's hPaVd*the saima t discourse, fr.o-j.tho;sumat.proacher. Going '- ' f rt'the even ip g- tO.Qsgua(l ’s.churoh„he fpand . W ' thfe aLqdj. the saiq? ihPfflUEAf&Jiga “Simou’s wife's, 'Motherfay;sigh P.l The next 'day,* #• thrice told d/s<iPtff66 t6 Brook- Ivn in a ferry j hoftf, n when the hlattU bdll in" '. the Park agitated ahO; aiv-with- ft#-great - • shocks-of sound/andia mon bellind him i quired was tolliog. . booking, m-i. up, he saw ( ’the. ftp)? mi.; of (be! preacher, and -was, prompt to reply.:, „ . : . thmk Simon’s''wife’s mother must be . > dead ; s T y hhard three fimfes y.ekterday that r ' ‘ she Was sick . i ion ■ . - ; , uTOur* The I tirt t wd - Prtsi-i ;dents ;;of- dßtateft, 'W-ashiagtow-1 and Adams,; were Fedtesalisth tCdeflfetsonv-^’iqn Jt t; .fMncyrMwfc ia^c Juckson 'and van DUreft, Democrats IW," Whig ; itttd - Buchatrairf ! I>emh. TO/ * "c?kts;;- i 4iiacolnt''llepbhlieiitfi d-l>emoer4tti‘ 5 aI ’ hive the'Preaidential olftce for tweUot-; \r. A -tohflns, and the tfrtwi }i ‘j fi i (i " r tiyAwedStor aud-bis-wde. were, walking - iT at , uipon,.; h.oW bright,, calrtyand. . bgahuruilr :: ‘rttrrrned the edltht, u ‘f6V anylhigfeß8 J thkt " ,lw tefttblWr* dH77 - twelve linee.”