Newspaper Page Text
STAVES! BTOVESI STOVES! it. M IV: 4J|;-,'K TOUJL , M.iTiUfc ■, m . •ni, tit*.,:... (..1 CgßßXxti sToEe ' house;:: Kos. 7V and 81 Korth Gay Strict, • ' . corner Jlarrkon. I WOULD 1 respectfully inform my friends in the ebuhty that I ahi still prepared to ftir nish them with the best and most 1 approved patterns of COOKING A HEATING STOVES in thfe riiarket. ' , *‘ . My Stock will be found to coutain.a largeand superior variety of Stoves, all of which have , been fully tested, £ml an of 15 years rt> trite business has e<mviii‘eed'' mo that they are not surpassed by any to be’ fouird in' the city for durability, eqouonucal operation' and satisfactory perfoririarice, Affiorig lhe number may be'enumerated the celebrated “Wifi Periri,“ ‘ Old Dominion,'" “Niagara,” , . '/‘Royal Cook,” “Noble .Cook,” , “Lehigh,” “Excelsior,” “Iron Witch,” “Southern Star,’* 'T - ‘ ‘ “ProßiiuniCook,;., " ‘ " “Cohiplefo Cook,” . ‘ and a large yariety of PA It LOR AND HEAT ING STOVES which have been selected .froth, the best manufactories in the country and will be warranted cornptete jh. their operation. I baye afsp oil hand a lirgo.dnd well’ assort ed srtoct of 1 '•* ‘ ,T/I:N: W A RE, suitablefee±he COUNTRY TRADE. ' Ptrrfcha sers will find it to their advantage to give me a call. Don’t forget the place,’ CRN TRAL S T&V& H OUSE, Gay Street, adjoining the bridge, 1 v.:. : Grates, Bricks and Repairs constant . , on hand. •, ... • . WILLIAM GLUCK, Baltimore, Md. • ot 1 •. STOVES&Tm WARE! THE subscriber csills tbe attention of Conn try People, to liis new establishment ;ON THE CORNER OF HILLEN AND CHEST NUT STS., BALTIMORE, where he keeps for sale, ut.thelewest priee?, a-full assortment of STOVES ANTh TIN WARE, of cvry -descrif>ti<>n. All kinds, p.C fyhiiTy TjTN WAKE .constantly on hand. .Repairing promptly attended to CHAR LE S FISHE R, . i‘ ; KAaCEiCTUnER-fe.BKALE* Hr.- ..•> V* . . STOVES, TIN WARE, iUrt iu j Atfip*’:/” ■' . ./f HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, No- 02 North Gay Street. MD, • ,‘j v. a large Stock' at reduced prices. ; Please call before purchasing elsewhere. .done,.Pump? and Bath Fix tures constantly on. hand. : .Repairing prompt*' Nov. JB—6wi The. Cheapest Place to Buy • • £ STOY ES, £| AsTr’l vv cevio mm sc BiEtp'pgEiEm’s 2Toß..‘fib'ltr.'l%4 Baltimore.,, parlor, "Office and cook stoves, £ branches. Water ifl ptrt-up o :> tice.,-jEioq is ,Mr: :r r.r.-t ,J**n>ii 'd t:v • - j A ;i peopled will End'if to 1 their, ad vantage 1 • si* .. so &. : .r: -dJA Oct. •jjfsM u; starr’s 'VSafest Pdcket Pistol Made. ; toil} nt HE ad van tages of this arm are L .‘6orr:> \<V\3avm l 1. It js.thaonly.Pistol that can be placed in pbsTfibn lb rseyrys one hand. 2. It can be loaded in the dirk, quicker than a*Sfottpr jfisttSil, aIT4 tfStKSoKaISSr.T A 3. ItlilrffS er Pistol * A*-.-x A Itdajtho;Bafeet, load, shoot or carry, as a pre*iature;difl<Jharg©.is impossible, i'! 5. It has less parts tbkn any-other Pistol, and is less littbloto igefoui ofiorder.; .!!•//*; (. Itai>o|B the ordinary metal Caa-trulge. that' campo purAbased anywhere.: - TO BE FOUND AT THE CCS AND HAHD ■j, , n G/. Ail 'lO ."> A MKRIXi*.PATKNT FIREARMS CO. . ; t Sept. : 9f, Vy§ -m ;Baltimore,- Md. - ' v "■■■*/-? ib- r+rr yui': ju„d£ :-dT • COMPOUNDS I fItUP OF: FLAXSEED, ' f m sno ,r so Wifi cure-; :i ; M'R .edinom svio'ffj-m- fciidJ-ouo iuTi. x* v tu COUGRSad if.'tt Jsaiotai -woo; e;.-:or.:v!.q Jibe: COLDS, ,09:b'j:T ,”o*i •■. HOARSENESS, Ac. This ,jg eol-,r..i0 co .?.£ Superior Cough Syrup, --•! ■’< has been befwa the public MaAl'gßKdiiilAK 2JS A5112L: It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases, by alXwhp haye uaed it. Prepared btt Aair. .iA l ... • K. S. SAPPINGTON*;O:y; j r &A 432;,N.(Uj afreet, , Between High atid Front afreetf, Nor.JM*.—tt i'. ■;n . Battimore. Md. : ~ Head Hotel, Front, near Qay street, THIS rid.^6tablishad. hotel, so and so successfully couduetwl the lasteighteen bydEhomlas miU C. Tracer, wiiL-ba-ebhtinued by hisi*li*|S taken with her into- the business, Robert D. Staasbury/ of Dawisvilla,.' sth District* Baltimore therefore, hWltarftei be draUwA! ad :TKAcEY A STANSBJJJBrYir:cTfaeToId patrons of thb'estkb. ■ lishment, as well as th£'friends aLfhe new pro prietor, may rest assiMwd*tildvn#iltWiffcin their power be;leltraißd/>net.P>iitteriC a full afcara of the paAra*geqf- the.pvtbUe.i o>.':-u-:i.*T •: MAJENRIETTA TRACEY, iu l ROBERT.JX STAN6BUBY. . r,, lelieo hooy H’iw .•->. r--ji::i Ashlaitd 1 Cbrtier Gay and Monu merit'streets, Baltimore, _ • j STlLMbaof^w BER, ACk^Uth|®oW| owest prices. r -- Citizens ,ofr-Bj*ltimore /county, who intend . LUMBER BY THE CAR LOAD.AT RIVER f diuez cl .orl About 10,Q<)0JfEeT firp-feurUi . Yel low eeaf one d, for sale cheap. CHARLES ifi SISCO .EDWARD SISCO - SISCO BROTHERS, v / No. 95 Baltimore street, BelUmo>e/ \ F ‘,* ,oy f. ,, Odd FelldWa* and Masons’ Regalia, GOLD AND SILVER EKINGES, (&IAIPS, . ? Ajc;,... r.rut,! <*,.! Store and Factory, No. 9a Baltimore street, Opposite;Holliday.street.. ■:. .1 Dc. 28, Jjß6 l.—ly .... y .\ -,-‘X i- k ~i stofek’s,' v ‘; ■; ■ "/.Via ‘".'•v u’ > .!,• Aira-.n ••• ’ ■,.•,!/ 801# a 152 East at., befweQn H*yeja wnd. J?nßfi BaHrj.. lITHEK&te4 proparea toexechteallkinda- VV and TURNING, such ai Bench Screws, riage Hubs, Cyf Hubs,Cedw.? otfl >i S ffi i '? a 9r‘ Legs, TEN FiN BALLB, etfe. Also, all kinds of straight-And-fiuacyScroll Sawing. .(I _ldfilmsV'/ bun t .I' -'l I CAlfilOJr TO TRESPASSERS. i A 2x. i f dbuhTt/eSpasjsj qg., pu .iAy, l"an a% ;l tfeu d. te ' i>j (T ■ 9L umijß'mi LMniTiii'iiinmrr" mrTTrr ——— >W* wwwrtßrwnsrTTiT' —i~a r ii mi—ayßriiiiiii * i 1 ~ Parmerg, !Look at the Great Advan tage in Threshing Grain with GEISER’S PATENT, , SELF-REGULATING; GRXiN’ SEPARA- ' TOlt, GLEANER AND BAGGER.. / AIM T a time, like the prc.deqt. when labor is scarce, it is important that Farmers, who at e interested, should pay attention to lbe,above impruybment, which eopsidera-bly reduces the; . expense of Threshing Grain, over any machine now in use. I t is peculiarly adapted to its. work and eau be attached fo either belt or iron rod Powers. It cleaijß t|ie grain thoroughly Ly one, operation,, which 1$ not generally done by. any othef tnaciilne. Grain cleaned .by this iijachin'e, which contains niudi light, filthy matter, is, wortli one or two cents, per bushel more than if ' clemied intlie cqnimon. way. : The niachine ifi conveniently arranged for hauling, beingpennaueufcly fixed on .two wheels. —-. \, ■ { ——r lr r? —•.!Ti | Farmers’ Weather Indicator, ... , . (OB (j : ~ .. r WOQPRUW Portable E arometer. THIS instrument hoiild' tos ill the hands of ev ery Agriculturist, ns it unerringly poifats out any etiange in the weather and thus directs the farmer how tit shape-his ivork- and save cro|>fe Umf, without a B.iioim-ter, might be cliilght out in a storm and Seriously injured, it not dost rov ed. Every fariner slipjrid have line, as it is furfect'“weather telltf.”-' 'lt is simple’in corisfiQetion, elie.ipin price, riot ([able to get oat Of order, arid .the- only juried : portable Barometer in use. Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate and reliable for Scientific purposes, beiu£ used by tin U, S. Coast‘SiiHe.vv : bjpd iit 1 ih Kmitltfiomati Ant stitute: liesidts beino, lyr the most distinguished Agrictmtirifts- oPttiVcfeuntry, as Well as by a\ hosj of-IVbfessOrS hn'd: SoienUfii We nHmcdjtU a'fAw'that y Ira vp‘ eiulofsed Barometer a superior to dll' others Amerk-au, American Agrindturist. Country -Gentleman, Philadelphia ledger, Boston Jour nal, Peterson’s Magazine, Orange Judd, Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, lOokley, Holmes, Carr. Hunncweil, Williams, Douglas, &c. r j -The cost of the instrument is within the reach all, ranging in price from §7 to S2B. Vie have five different stylfs, from a plain maple da se to the finest carved rosewood. Most of these styles have a Thermometer attached. A sample of this instrufuent limy Be, seen at. this office. fhders promptly, filled/ For descriptive circu lar and prices, apply.personally or b,v letter to BRKBTEB& GKIFIITH, ..... N. Piicii iSt., Baltimore, Mil, VVliolcsale ft.nd retail Agents for Mary land. TrAAs supplied on liberal, tjenns. Also* k DEALFRS IN AORI-! CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. ,- Exclusive-agents for,-Clark & Hedges, Cane Mill; ' ti . ! ■ . Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, ’ and sugar maGhitiery in general. <- •‘ • : . 7 rj - RUNDELL’S ifOTtSly PITeH FORK, ,’ Jr Hak Eliratpr, in Us,e’and.iVsreat ,la : hor sfiviug ihVpVehieut: Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and •; ■ ■■' •’ "Cleaner, -; : ;i ' Patented and mamifacturc-d by PELTON. llesl Power, Thresher ahA’fclfeiititr putl ''oSr'\ supply of pule. jOiiiriean and African . Cane Seed ahvovS .oh Hand• Jan. 13G3.—1y, _7_‘:i "V .- .' ~ ROSS' =-- ; SI. DOAONGO v - PREPARftTIONS. RUSS’ - ST.: DOMINGO z BITTERS,, - An ! p{_ Ai>pentdf Especially' recommended!!?!) ’tckjj; and debili- women and children.'' ifeoommended and. Used by the Med-. ■ .9 ical- Faculty. ( I ii- i: ST. DOMINO ' ‘. V'", i ■ For the-socTal circles. , ' t T/ I.'/.- ■ • ' !.d : 8T oMimiO A-: DELIGItftJS, BEVERAGE. ;'c Wjb challenge the.AyorlA tp.produce as genuine; articles as we aboyq enumerate. = ~: v TRY THEM r. u:nts Di'siitP. No., ip AY- Baltimore Street, - sale by.Gfoiiers ahd'Druggists. March-4,lffiS-r^ly./;•• \-V a CANFIELD BROS. & CO., 229 ST,, ;r „ CORNER OK'ciA:RLES/ ' - STAVE a fine Stock'd"— . >i • -:•••! i , L] icnodi Jo .c- sd bln- 7/ noies9 old Watches for Ladies and Gen! letneji. ; j ] -Silver Hun,ting;(Xs.e iWiChihes.of (ull kinds. - -Gold Cbatel ui ; Y ept and Gua rd: Gbai-nl). T. * -' Diamond Earrings. Pins, Bracelets * Rtngs. *’ ftich suito f Jeiv^lry,of, pew.fltyloe.; • great q* .vf-n-t./n ; Pefirl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. .- I:i '.‘ Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives, Ac.; &c. aavoE'iMi yjhoiii r ‘ : Silver Pitchers, Goblets, Cup/*, Salts, Ac. ‘ ; ?.Fancy Silver GoiiiLj<> r ßVydt‘S. - T - r . •riatea Tea huA-Chlree-Sets hf di-tefpattersis. - „Castors, Baskets, Ice Pitchers and Cups, ’lf’.Plated or quality.. , , , ■.'// /'rv; Tahiti arid' fotspt ; *' .Riizors.' fH ". rpans; Glasses.. PoTtnipiniies ;' beautiful • •Paris (ffUatnf PbiceTai'i'i Viisb'sl beautiful I’d r -;‘ r ''todJfiriPKWMStvi'rs ami 'Other articles; Prbut v a. ' •Hftir a lid'.Toqtli "Fjiie ( Marble; and Bronzed' 'PdHs Clocks; Bronzed .Figures and OrnftmoAtri r ** . ,' HIMTAKV GOODS. Swordfi apd,Belts tor Afniy and. Navy, Sash ea, Spurs,. BitttoßS;, L'aee.v Corrli i Navy Lace, fops Stars pniliEmbroidenes, Army Embrioi jderles of aH kj'ndp, Cltqyrpns,.Bindings, Cloth, ■Ac. Field Glasses, Pistole and .Cartridges;.; -m March-18< 1865.r->ly> louv.'.i-.dT •>;, Ifli i: m o v At.: JULIUS RUDIGER. g vr TO Ail riber a.\o shok makjek, .... V TawspNTpwNj . : : HEREBY 1 iilfqrnis fhc 1 public thiat lie has mo'Ved htS'’e'stablfshment into his new house, ip the /ear,of the POST DFFIGEi • / Hfe Cqhtinde t : 4 fhauufacture N'E \^. - W GR KjAf .tfee b.Oet .material and workman eKfp, as kS atterid; to ail .kind's of REPAIR ING. Thdnkfitl fpr i)a?t favors, Be respectful ly asks a continuance of the >*• > i Oct. ’6s.—Tyi . \ ~..i No. T 6 Hillen Street, near Bel*Air : i. ;V. 71 Market, FLiIH c 2ELIIAT# RESPECTFULLY inforpis bis Baltimore county friends that bflidkfßfikiared to buy sell all kinds of ; * THY, FLAX amlothef.SEEDS in connection with .ALL KlppßV)f GRAIW twid bv a strict t(r bu^i^- m PG■kat’O; .qtrpublic patforiagg.^f ;- 9.—6pi. , ; House* Sigh, uad Fancy Paintmgi; Z HENRY''LVEbWEH • .;y‘ T^Syrepared to Xifuch as. __ ; mt:, jGL azing o □ 'All of diri^l;p , rii'p^,' J rind.,'iii m ftVftaif >i o' ‘ m 11 ."' ■' 777717771 T• i - */; Tlie above, machiues' are.fully warranjl^l.-^.- Price of the machine, frotn 1; to 0 horses, all complete $2lO. For further information and particulars address, LINTON A LAMOTT, B )•'••:- .he. 7 13l f N> High ¥triHti Haitiwoifi. I ‘ '7 : . , ALSO,..’, mI : •■•.!:■: ’ijl!V. i i j Braley & Pitt’s : :i ’• 1 ThiTbliersand Winnowers,/ 1 with doublo pinion - 7 Straw and Fodder Cutters, ’ for hand or liorse-power. CO UN Sll £ L JB R,S,.all.sizes. apilkipils. GtlAlX DKII.LS, with Soed and Guano Attachments. hominy mxLijls, i' PLy'WS, ali sizes arid kinds. .t Guanos and Other Fertilizers.. < LInTON" a LAMbif, y 'A '! 131 North High- Sreetiyißal ti more, Md. May 6.—if . . •; FAMILY GROCERY; AT THE HEAD OF RirnMOND MARKET (Late of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING faken that new und doiriihodlouk 1 ato(4£af i iki tidM Qf i< i&mitul HuiMtf.Mt i'i no 0/ Biddle and Garden ■'itreets, Baltimore, in , dorms' his old friends and the public in general, that he -has constantly on hand WIN£3 AX.I>.,IiIQTrO'Ri, ui r'y/.pd glass,To#%ibd Wn* r ® ,j'.ifpdWs *sfftfife : - ribr sugar-cured lIAMS; the choicest brands (if FAMILY FLOUR; Innierial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, r €tldßlack leas'4 tfavii,'Laguira arid RiuCodTee i loaf, e.rusliqiL lied aiid bl own Bugar.; B'ropiiij Cocoa*.- Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast Powders;? Sardines, 'Sauces. Pickles. Extracts, Sajaij Oil.* ' Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure Sjugcs..Figs,.Raj-, sin?,' Al'iriopds, Pecan Nuts, Craoipjis,-' Cjieoie, fine arid coarse Salt, Table.rind Dairy do;,. Syr ups, New Orleans ami Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etdierial and Lard f Qil, Tobacco.and Segars, Canister. .PowdeG t^iotfGßfi’ r GJ l ps/ and would respeotfully solicit a call by those visiting the cRy, who will*, find it to their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities andp.rices; All articles purchased delivered .free? at Cal vert Station, or to any other place iu the city, .jf required. ■ -ui: ■* June 21, 1865.r—tf ; JOHN Ci PITT. R. ki.\<;i.AiK a MAXUFACTUKEnS OF . ' Agricultural Implements AND MAHINERY, GROWERS AND OF ' Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS % nr£oX , / No. 58, 60 & 62 St,, Baltimore. WE are Man 11 facturirigour Improved Stoue Lime and'Oyster .Shell H--A MMIOTIMiIS, Made of the Best ftf|-y,. pef cent. Better than any Litife l rirarde' in this ' Country. Warranted to give-Satisfaction. Agents for.--the sale-atj’tho-Celebrated■/ ••flosiwr MOWING S REAPING MACHINE.' fmtiCA i'lii ‘IRON HARVESTEa” SELF RAKE REAPER, (considered now the best S'elf-R&ke Macliine in use, and is warranty edlto ' j rpy - , / ,r\ v ♦ u:%i -7;- r '7Uc af/so pßxnnm(ftiffr r tffe?' ** t r “Horse Cor nl*la n ic r,” .Which Seeds, Gorejs anil.Rolls, anii is ioqe of the bcatffu jus.e, . ; , Horse Powers, s sT|reMteojiaa .a U-; .’v,’.-. =: -Wlneat Fitm, i Gris# ills, -W Com and Cob Crushers, , i '■££s&%** <fi*deu BoJlei% Plows dflrn * 1 ka ' Harrow-s, Cultivators, . Plow & Machine Castings, kc. - , Send : for a Circular. fi. s-^,-IST'O .4V ; seL: ; OQ., : April 15, IS6s,—ttV,-, ■,-.: ,2d ,qu : TwHEELFH ANB. WILaOTL™. inGmmmwm& .m •;Hri|lE Lock Stitch made', by this Machine *'A- cannot be rlrVelled, and presents the Bsime appearance.upqn eaeh wdo-Df the seam, a sin gle line of thread' extending Irom- Stitch to stiteh;'"lO’is fornied wlth two threftdr,t)rie Up bn eaeh'feidbof t-hefabrici arid interlocked in' '• ithe centre of it!' The beauty and ; tegrilaVity’ 6t fche'stiieh-Will be- observed; alai 4hei firm-, ness of tbfe seam, in which respects lib excels hand sewing.- ■’ •E The MkchHie i# recoinriiohded for ihe folloiv ::ing.qualities rl-7 j : ~m> . ‘• c ‘ 1. 1 Beauty and excellence of stitch upon' each side of the fabric sewed.' * 1 * f 2. Strength, firmness, and- -dfffability' of seam thatwill ilot rip nofravelyandmade with 3. Economy of thvetfd. < r 4. fin-il rangc^fapplfcation. •' to' imt'tei ials. /’6. : Compactness and elegance rif model riiid'' 6. airtfplieityirindthornugh'uces 6fborifetrue* ; tion. ' ">■ nv.r.i' !o - . >: : tru.ry 7. Speedy ease'oT oiieratidh 1 hml 'inrinageV mrnt, mdvemriiitv offiGE Tiu 'West Baltimore;.6TßE.ET, ,BALTI4IDRE,-.MH. : '.n-V? ' Apri! -T, .l|g?r:|yt’iiZ.'[ H "OLD’TOWN STORE. ■ ■~ u fTIHE undersigned having thoroughly iiis_atock, and laid in a com- XW- Tye ‘mStfSpto HQgoa s HUKixflb -Si 191 ,: ,u ' ■ 'TFITf FMKRV, and.everytbing else in his Ime,"respectfully so licits the attention of country phrcjy^sor s, and-a, eail'froin all dealers, . . " v ' Hfaving perfected his both in ' Baltjmbre arid in the 'northern‘cities,, tvHb gard to : purphasss, he i@- en.aWed to, sell so low aS to satisfy his customers, that whTle the arti '. cl'es' iir-h (s * Krie' fcre jridiirHViisly'selected, his ;PRICEB are : CHEAPER than the cheapest.'. He requests a call from every one who-'crimes* to town to phrehasef assuring them they ivill be satpfied. In addition to the listial stock con- Jtafjpd in a. Drug Storey ;I keep on hand a thor-i ough assortment of i : . . 1 PATENT MEDICINES, ill P. S. Physicians! ■ orders promptly filled care;. ! N. B. Oil of Vitriol at thelowestcafih prioe. FRANKLIN METZGER, .1; CoivGav and ExetCr'itreeta, Old Town. • J Feb. 2; :■ . toifi A ; E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE ASPiDB'gALL Groceries, Teas, Wines & Liquors, No. N.-filay street,,-BaltinfUJre// / . TENDERS thanks to. his friends foy their for- liberal patronage, and by prorn’pt-' ness to business,, will en deavor to Aicflt a Continuance of theirfcfHa favor. The public are' respectfully In’-jjggfjjQ vited to examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY; GRQQKRIEfii. rf ad-domestic. LIQUORS are selected with the jppptftcst possible -care-. Families may confide ; lntho PURITY of an article ordered for medjr ; cinal purposes; and proprietor#.of Hotels may ■ furnish their bars with choiq* liquors- tiUß'' J °f whiqhi yrill besold atihe lowest CASH j j,if , f; .July U> 1860,—1y -i aiirRKD IJAXS. A^rnZV-HVXVfa^ .^ea .Cornej? t High‘ a#s,p Mugr. b 3 1, T7"EEP constantly on hajid_a choice and ex- IVtensive stock of GROCER- isiops Whi<?h tbeyes-- ,jj.fF®*** t ‘eZ .uhu .dtao xol -> iIAMJI Dr. Bratfskaw’s luvigoratiug fair*. tlhtS. : ." !<1 •' • Dr. Bradsliaw's lutigorating Cpr -- • fc j’A-A.;.- dial. : •'* -i" ; Dr. lit igorating Cor ‘ , ~ dia I. .. - // . The Crrent Invigorant. . TUE SNUEMQINIIEj •“J - Cures, ( Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, AKU all arising ifihd t dver e’xertioii ri'hether physieitldr hrentriV ; To persons of feeble muscular frame,; or de ficient in vital power, it is,recommended only means of comiiiuuicatirig thatT epergy_, which is necessary to tbe enjoy merit.of aft thi“‘ natural ajipietites, as well as tht?higher mental attributes, fts benefic.iar.eirccti afe, con fined to either Sex or any age., The feeble girt, the ailing wiie,'the, listless, eneyyalt d youth, ; the overworn inan of busirCs's, the yiet'iiri of' wCrvous depression, the individual !s ti tig f frig ; from genera! debility, or froin weakness, Will find immcdyito.;and.perinaiiont j-ojie t£W hv use of this incomparable renoyalor. ( A SpMVLANT rnAT rpAJLS yojir-\ ACT I OK, ■ Tl, Its force, is no.vcr ekjiended', as is'the case with opium or alchoK’olic preparations, and all oth er excitants; The ellCct of these, is brief, and it may well be 6aid of him wbd takeß theiii,; “the last state of titan is worße thawtho ftrt*t;“ But tho Elixir is an cxhilarant with out -a si.iir " ■ -rie drawback —safe ip .its .operation, perjietual in its happy influence iipoii the nerves, Ijic mind, and the entire organization. In cakes' of neuruJgia, hßndaclm,'fr>ss Vt(irrvinf>i/}’r;|cJ l ,]f : >i ’ cliondfiusis* dyspepsia* gein BaCpiatiktu>iil irk jritabifity, nervousneeS) inability to sleep, liveil ’ ■ s§?niplaint, and ali diseases incident toftsiiflliis, hysterics, mpnosipanU. vagne terrors, palpita-r tion of the heart, barrenness, constipations;" Ac., Ac., from whatever cause arising; it; Is*-if! tfiorc is any reljapce to be .plaqcdson-^Jiuman testimony, absolutely irila'lffble.” “ ' It is the only infallible remedy', : yet-diseqV- :: 5 died for Nervods head rind Mind Complaints.- It is the nietaphysic long sought for, and never before found, the on ly notural a-geiit that Cn n “administer to a mind diseased.” ’ In cases off' neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain in flic. 1 nerves-of tferi fkce, ‘ find the various 'train l of nervous alfections,.it will pruduco ii cure in an a*tonishing.sbor ; t ih.wpih* also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, Sleeplessness, dislike of society, incapacity for ibiwinorife, .loss -of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood; -to;the; head,, melancJioiy mental dqbjility* vvretchedness, Ac. 11 wUI increase aud restore Rie appetite, strengthen,the emaciated, gpnpw, the heal tit; of, those who hayaßcstrqycihit, in r . duee continual cheerfulness[anid equaniinity of, spirits, and prolong lifp. ... j . , ...... nil \- .. Price per .UqtOe, or tvyoßotUes for $5 ( ; six ‘bottles for sl2. For sale by Si g. HANCE. 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Aid. N. B.—rersoil(s out of the city ehelpsing a remittance will have packed seep re_l yin a box and its receipt: * “• * J -Jvri.-28, : .e.:-nA -2' .7< /r; , B L O D PILLS; Ilance's Sarsaparilla Pills. •' x — 1 . • ' ! h io •' nancifs Sarsapfiirrtla or Bloekl Pi-llsi : -. oini hr:a Jutalv i Nance’s Sarsaparilla pr Blood Pills. Ilance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. .tofiluiwiftaj uAjißl ) -i; Jlance’s:Sa(riapririllalbK Bldod!Pillfe7' •• /-a 11 Jroia Hance'aßarsaparilla, . ■ “Vegetable or Blood IMUs,' ' rr~ ! '“For Priy.if\ / rng the'"Blood; [ Q f.f - . ■ • I ri ln . ; ; . . ... vri isi H-Jl’t ft) S I ,i;j Bai,timork, June 20, 1860, i -, r|lHiS is to.certify, that I was afflicted with X a violent pniip inthe breast and rightarm which,,il.supp(/fio, proqeeded;fWft thft iimpure , state of .my blood, I was rpooimneuded to,take; Ilance’s Sarsaparilla or’Blood'Pillsi and utter- , ;taking, ftne be* the phin Phtirely ireiwoyed from py breast apd 'arm-! I fuuqd -then); ex !-:.tremely gentle in their operations, and would ! recoil)mjpid every, person in want of a . #H(d HriTgUtWR.-.; <i /. iOhi.l 111 JBOVtil 1(1 .I*ll ; r )i '- E * .... c-.: - Ratric* Rcktie-,/-)!:; No. 25 Conway Street, , . a3 - a-,; )< i; between lie,wa^d,and,Rniavy--: purchasing, tfie?e Pills let me; rid.chilu'. Tf OYE WORD OF ( AITIOX. • vi-Xlway’^ikiLSfirticPnqr- , ; cjiase of none'but'those ad .'tgerits';’ : arid if.cqrivenieht, tjall arid sec the propinetor , Juwsidfr: For;sale by : ; ?r U—:'i: - ™ : s, B. h ancß; .V. i Off? iß^tih*riq4l reot '> ,v . . corner of Chariqs-und RratVStreets. . —v ‘ '■ ' r r r 1 T fITkS! FITS! * FITSS“ 4, Zi H3JAaul 121 / JiCAM Hance 7 s Epileptic Fills. the cure' of' I '/ Fits, S|H*sms, Ci'anps,aiMl all kinds of Canstilutioual Diseasev 9 - PERSONS who are ‘laboring undej tliis dis: trerssing nikfady willfinadtANCß'S EPj : LEPTIU PlLLS;to;bp!..the 'orily, remo'dy .pvex ' dikoovered ftirciilirig ' ' '■. Epilepsy or Fits. ' "These Pil a,apcclLi tjre, 3 hervoari’eyktAiPpaiSd Sithdiigli -%hey firer- jiYe- 1 * pered especially for;, the purpose -of curing Fits, they of beyojfit.rfbr ,-all persons afflicted with Wcak ncrVef/drwtiosfe nervoHS system: has teen proStrfiftod (rir sliatter ed from any causo -whatever. 1 - Ih cliron'ic 6orii plain to,: or diseases :of. long standing, suwrifln-' I'■ 1 '■ duced byi’iuirifoudneesi' arid 1 ■ hepefieial. Sent by mtiill free- 11 '’' 11 ' f- ■ Ewtrflct EpiidfiHcTillri/ f !S3 per. box, or two-boxes .-tor-$5; twelve “'bfiXes • s2f. All orilfits-tnust be addressed, post-paid, : /p .bmil SSTtt^S^HANGE?' Baltimore Street, Baltimore/Md;- : t . J Jan._2B, 1864—1 y. r T F^ molt-*>aihible riieaieirrer -iri 'true TWfw ll -*■- for oarßig dyspepriift, ttetuileuee, vosWvV-i : ness, headache, uervo r u§neas,. (tq. Rersons of full habit, who are subject bb uteadache, giddi fifes, Drowsiness and singitig'in tliO ears, aids ing from too great ai flaw of blood to tlie heiidp i should never. them,n*.rdf B .r gerous ,sy.nip£oms,\YiTl oe strictly carriea oft by ( . their immediate For Safe by moot: ~ . •’ s. s. HANCE, ~ . V //. ■; 108 Baltimore Street. ’ : These PiUs can be 'shut by jriri'i’t,- ritijf where $1 - free of postage: '- A ‘ ’ ' Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y.. When You Bs|^fur' Head'of flair , Uli j' Don’t You do it t 1 j’,'. err : I.t is possible to have ,i v . RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, ‘ l!i >f yqwj^ih£sg(^]BftJSrjus|jD, flance’s Chemical Hair Restorative, Price $J per. bot.Uo. For sale by -j * : i ; l6B Baltimore Street. Nt for Ilance’s Chemical Hair Res-’' torative. Jari.-2Sf,' 1865t^4yS n 1 . ■■ti f r *7 ' 1/ T: uy<i:r/o'i‘fKi hi JELEBRATED TETTER WASH, KoR the speedy find positive chre rif tetter, all Cutaneous and skip 'DfsekseS. .. A single bottld of this inestimable compound has cured many of the taoatl cases ot the above diseases after’the patient had given up all hope of ever being. abd had ex." ; pended thousands, pf dollars,for difiefent reiti'- edios. Price $1 per Bottle! ‘For salle, by " ' ’ ■ ' ' 8. 8; HANCE, bii 168 Tlfiltiirimv Street; Baltimore. ’ Jan.'26; iMs.—ly. ; : " _L| UNIVERSAL PILLS. —^OITCH WRIGHT’S. INDIAN VEGETABLE; PILibS.; M .oZ Hance’S; Sarsaparilla Pills, id. Imp bio f | AYER'B CATHARTIC' : FILLS. ‘ 1 S>tbpr wltb.ajU tRe Pdpular ,Pill 9 of life m mw> n ?'^;hance, 28, 1865;—1y. 108 Baltimore j f '•"saw* • ami AKfctlfoujfe. S9J3E ‘ I ihev are a ziagtmtm&tidb&t ' ' iCjliiis'.the A m.>-t benefu-ml effect'. ■ The use orthemimtyrovis"'the wind,.stfepg.tih-. : ens jaqd ,gives to the Horan/a,., improv-., 'ing tlic; appearance,V vigor and .spirit, of ;tbva •noble,Actual,. .. .... FGa MILCH cows. ~r r n^ : pTdpertj i ''fhfs i '] , d\cder ; possesses itritt* i creasing the ipiantity of Milk in Cow 4, give! I .ft irft' impormiyie'-Vii'd taftpe; wiijch; shoitlj plaeb'it in the kknil3 of every'person keeping a Gpw. By actual .experindent, it has proven ‘ Jhaf it'trill MCi-ease'thc quantity 6f Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and- sweet ' ;In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosehs tlreir hide and makes them thrive' much- faster. '■ In all Diseases. of. •. ; . . aboyljr Diseases cAp/ t yenWr By using 4 thfid iWdew the Hog 11 tpholera can be/prtKWfted.G t<3 /A.Tif Prioa^&t)t3.;p9rPaojyr.prsPp6ra;fqr^li !•■-.' mspAttsu ,... fm §. V A. EOXJgZ * 880, AnV . • , AT Tnm^, i- -- WHOLESALE DRI/&’ANO^NIwHHW D£POT, ’ No. 116 Frftuklm St <r -!i 1 Foj... Sple ’By/. Druggists “ahd Storekeeperu throughout the United States. .•■ !■;■:•! J>’ ' ••i The Best Liniment for Man & Beast , |€J •• •' in Use. ” {S a safe and reliable Rc-fnedy for frie cure of Rheumatism, XMintuj, Eer'ypna,, Afifqetions, rains, Burns, Swefßiigs/andiafl 'Ofse&fifes re quiring an application on Man. On Horsea it Will nevifr fail tocure.'Pbll-Eyil, ‘Vistula, Old Running Sorosr or Sweeney, if /ifthperljb; applried- ■ :-Fr.: .Sprains; !;Bfmsos,o Scratches, Crooked Hoofs—Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, Outlier Wounds, it 4s arc: Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its effi cacy. . b lu'sit v fwn;v vwn-.-a 00 nialo bRHEi'JIITHM. r- ,! f{ fl o i Persons pfc-how longstanding, can he. promptly and ef /fifctually cured hy.-uping .tliis^Afixlury.,,'i’hei;c .is nothing in the'world so sure and so good to ;iake away. t>.a.(jrjCin[ns and cure. Frost Bites, ,s.> /mis Preparation. Trv it And satisfy your ■nh s - ' >ri< - e 35 l SHRISER’S . BA LSAMIJ CO. UGH SYli UP, . IFo r Cough*,' floods, 'Croiip'j, Whooping Cough, •'t_‘ Asthma, Sflittfag,- Blobfl, '., '• Pain, and Weakness-of the t7iolw loofl 2 .n * ! <(’C., li'C. • , ( -‘;jPhis Sytuiptilwh-p’drelyt Vegetable COittphnivdJ If jfs pleasant to take, and never does injury ; J)uT, owing to its purifying- qtlalfriei, must do igood under any circumstances. • Tts -effect : is truly wonderful—“Soothing,-calming apd allay ing ' Ui|fi|ij<js^2 v i^it' and facilitating the Lungs,.thus strutlng at Tiie root,9f, i^Tsease-/and driving-it frerni’ t-no Systein. i; ° : if.r-.nn j:7.'u.tu r ~.*No properly used and jii Uipe.,; hay-, ing croMpyqh.i!iireii should >y,ai,cj(i, tlie.fir,s), pfyow. -p^he'llis / ea3e !\ya-ya keep this sejpesy,; ‘jfyjrm '¥ . excellcspti; has prpy.en thqt it is,. Veqjialled'hy lid other Preparation. * .js#*Price 50 Cents per .Bottle.. [ f U. . TLfcilA'liD WILCIS, Druggist, l( ) U,*W-Ftto* n - - CIRIIJSi LOTI 1 ' T gfLiTB2HHTm JJA OT SOIT XTo. 213 M. Gay St., i*sr>f*t j ~,£ l[ .. H h venom i n -ro r wetntyd diy^TkbJpasd’MstDi un d,Coll -,m DV I .i@u)st:bc:Wld tst^ef*day. -I ic id HFijy 1 FOHi ! S^ile*itt^'y'R‘L * A .TIDJI'JTn /'I ,H ■ FuAs altered and repaired with pro>rqilna>i? : ( 353 is oontra^edivith TtrStop the‘carsTor every passenger at the door - Have a tree right, and will be furnished with a ticket to return to tlvClr ; rtjb < p<iotiye tieridences. - D FURS A DE.VhKR I>yjAW _ jl,do not carry: orCtWsto < t-WLf3-f©lti more St., tthe Mineral Water SQlponA ,timre- . fore custiidtdiSlf’ttHiiiar.tiiCli- .j)d/cldvsdsl2lS) K,,Gay St., Bel Air Market Circus Lpt, where -they can buy 50 per cmkUwssl 1 -B-'Mich Store 'at Washington, D. C., 430 Pennsylvaitia- AVe-- . jytie, between-4t and GUt Streets. Oct 23.-3.ny IT rgOIS Q<> / L Dr. Sappin^oa’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF PIiixSEED, • ,i v >'r ji/j tin—r;/. jfA V. JI/.11 ,3--' ! ■ l/ ‘ *“ Will-cure ./.-■}•} COUGHS, .... ■ •'•'• . . CORDS, . ~. :... .\j J.:/ : :=ls vvJid im! HOARSENESS,Aw 1 This ,-o '.'- 1 . iridYf .■ U ijß H• - • - " 1 Superior. Cpugh Syrup, • ;.- has been. helpV-the,iutbl;p.. t: v ; : Jp:; [ ‘bn: . ~ * Eighteen years. t-n-Vf* viiij. Vwjj j 8 n ow considered a certain cure fpr the. ahdVe named diseases by all who have used it. I r * 1 ’ 1 Gay street, Between High kadjFfonjl streets, A'frpv. 12.—tf \ .=lfigKiiriore. Md. PLOUaH CASTINGS ! -- U “ > / PLOUGH CASTINGS I f t THE invited tmy l !f*UsPWl Btockp.em-. bracing a<ll the .various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor A Horton, 'Z%A m> Iso, a good assortmenLn|Jlmmhs, at less tlian regular prices, at :3S!s>Eyf4riSMt a y street, Baltimore. jfy-ffqb. 6. —tf it il .iifcr-j n jFOB 9ALE,.,., ~ 7 Aii 'prubdbt^wofwq^ipl n , () vOct| r.-tf.‘ 1 ' J "/ Tl I>ifi *7 Inri.lhLhTfnittifht. W*^l6F#iPl - 1 :• Dir. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, ‘"f^Ma-'Wa^t^oooa Dr.*Stephen of' I Copnecticut, Qs known all over thßir^tad^s. Dr. Stephen S|)|&Ehft|hnecticut, is the .antlior of.“ Dr. Sweel's’'Tnfi) 1 l.ible Lini l in.'. I.Til I"it yin v • I ‘il J Dr. Swat’s Ififailiblti Liniment iu . j.**. / v/d l-i -tu't -Jlr in f .vip. |.' r. ‘ hr. yii-i'Ct's lnltn.!tf Linimenl . Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. > Dr. SweeblnCalliihla'Liniuieiit Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. ’ " ir\ ibmut-.n ruliu.') ■, !'"l I! i. Id .‘Win:: i i *u Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment fk;the best kiiowif relnedy !or Sprains and •. Bruises. . , ", ~ :!■ sii'iun! 7.111 ?-i;jfrl T .-■luAiy.-r. Dr. Sweet’s Infa)^iblp ( Lmiment ,Cfures Headache immediately and was neveL , , known to / | I H J 1/ • sin . : Affords immediate reliei‘for PH-esi and seldom tails to cure. Dr. Sweet’s Tnfallilbie Liniment Cures tfd&hafclldlib'ohd miiriite. U/'A .-; .Ip A ; 1 Dr. Sweet’s Infallible l Liniment Ciii es,Cu.t^ci n d and leaves : ;,;nd Dr. f I Lii^iipcnt., , Hajs been used bv more than a million-- peoplE, • J-iand airprawciit., 11*0 1 ledi . Dr. Sweei’s_lnf4li^ '(hin.iment Taken- Voterna- - ! 1 ykuriek’-CdUoj Cholera Morbus and Cholera. •'! ■** '..Dr. SivccJJsgUj-aUibyi Jjigrrftnt -la truly “a friend m need.” and every family : .risi,^i <!3 r c j aC -&T A. fK Df- Sweet’s Infallible Liniment ' Is for sale by _ T> ,, 7 , , Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature ; H3i iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with “bfit which none are genuine. fjf 1 RIO HA RDF ON A CO. Sole Ct. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, ~1 No. 13, W. Baltimore st., Baltimore. Sept. 9.—3 m. FAMILY G R -O-C E R S , AMI) DEALERS IX f J PURE ODD WINES AND LIQUORS, y I At Martin A Valette’s old stand, * && Baltimore Hd-lliday, Baltimore, HAVE constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, .I jUl-ssA consisting in part of F R E S ll_— prices and flavors; Cofl'ees-SHjLk Mocha, JavavliigtiaijFanil jKxktiihof’anid Jiio ; SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Grsp.d&t£ih&y/£felLwT£n&Qla&iHed ; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermacelli; Cooper’s A Cox'afteflnEtPGketatiJiß'vilPrashvfilalld and Olive Oils; Cheese—English Dairy; Pine Aj>ple and Sap Sago; Sardines French 'and_ ives ;-Enlglfah AnW AWeriflMr Pieltlb^—Gferirmir, mixed, Chow-Chew,-P4cfcai4lf; HahKnower, Wal ■ huts and Onions ; Sauces—jJqftn But), Harvey, Reading, Shhd, r Mirth room and" Worcestershire; BRANDI ES—Jds. irennOsy A 1 Ccr.v Vin'tsfge 1 &40-, Otard, Dujfu'y A Co. liS46. NatfveCd'taVba', Boi-:- deau. awd ot-her- brand's 1 ; Find Old WlNES—London;DodkiPorfe; Sherryv Madeira, Lfibon, Sweet Moselle and-Champagne ; WHIS KIES—Scotch, .QW: .R^i-iCalbftuJn,:old Rapp and Bomev-yery ;old> and’fine; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac.; Imported and Domestic Segfars anfl , o r f yvhjch they will sell at’T|ftS>h*s&‘®VrAM,'tih'd- reSpect'- s fullyseWwtPir&ftß ' IIE(i .Tuiie 'iY. 1860.—1 y FRAM L MORLISU, d 0 b’y- FLORIST, SEEOSJi Aii AHD Store A To. 2 A r . Eutaw Street, Baltimore, N u Adjolu s y- lag Druid HHF-Fark, WOULD invite 'ki fth E obuh Bv,' fo hls 8 tbfek SEEDS, JSSbM^ - Z3Sf Kl 4) .W-Bft- EEDfe ' Mi FRUIT, TREES) id', j UITpE VINES, and al 1-8-MALL FRUITS. t jtClornamenta^Si^^^R^Ss 1 14;, 4 ; , ;rj y Green Hrrnsd, Hbt/dltArso hnd Hardy. PJahlte, 1 Shrubs. " ' * ” I wilThe ev • my J f| U U A. M MATTHEWS & BRO., * -dt"j%uOMfheUiri£pilßk'd dealers-jCri'i Mi _“}>■'} Agricultural Implements ’ V Shovels, Spades, Porks. !ud : also, No. 13 3 Hilien St., *>.<)? (NEAR BEL AIR MARKET.) .am h Md. yt©~OLD IMPLEMENTS repaired at short ice. Plow Castings byttnrPicee or Ton. v>ct.J4, 1865.—1y._ , , _ bo .;,:o, v.-r LEATHEK*," #w *’ ;^V ; ' - HIDES, &c. AT .hi* ..oJiiH ~s;g vaihudhiu: • ; orJ .n>J / i (i i42 South Calvert Street, Baltimora,.Md,< ! .7 'Hflf AATE arwajia a full n sbortjnejvUof LEATH-, M rib oPaßrinds, atldwesttares. Callaha' aee before purchasing. ■ i ; - LlWpini: .be paid*i4-‘ fli in o’.Hi- ;Jf; -- ■ - k . /fyjßuwfchCrivart-Rtneet, Baltimore. 1 ? i:;<a'l ndl.n 3i tuoi'i: 1 ' - ! j. Thomas;; Jr.,.^l:i -. n't COACH MAN UFA CTtlftßfy a rx*7 £Ho>'f 4fof^ay L a[ |J L \ Adjoining SLji^yercy• B>tJes, , Secoinu doorßouth of Hleusant s,t., uqalumoTe' 1 DESCRIPTION, al short nprioey made by good worknien, Julrm hb qe->i{-‘ id hwed i:> /. SCIIUCHMANN '• ' r; ' MANUFACTURERS OF Trunk?, j 1 TR UNA if dl J1 DM "WfcffiFßlM Jan.;iUiM6is.vdijr.iv:n. ovu; , JRHoiEAPLo&dSQ.b;oiloir T STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK No. 2 2 WAt Gr- Street, .*'!>• ban 9 j Jl jjtiiMii lt ay-1! I '- 1 4)ook Binding and Maehine Ruling ft j etllff ain ail tWvarieties. > Kmim •- ; 1 Sent. <Uiwi .*n-ni'ba -i!. L ,;U.KI X XOTTARTa T 4-4^¥^Ul f ■/, ,bM iWOIP-ICE. -ml—. To X H O ? SlMlui 1 fjjth labor, <BT)flrraml*TOmlßill JfdwPfdf' T ’ Ir * dT^ose aiately£bj[ f Pfllyipg.)/ UtLjli .11: Hi L-/A u f 19 “— tJafin - ,vI-.,,c;H1 ,!! J % I4t B’ltTiMfmE StitFET, I4ji ,44 STREET, I j (one DOOR BELOV,^ALVERT.) lunwin ./.*<?> >.’i c~ COSMETICS. ciotljfi r, XaksliyjS ElAAvdt ‘pisisF IH V. CANES, , LARGE ASSORTMENT, j ... |N POCKET-KNIVES, .7 T POCKET-BOOKS AND WALLETS,." . LADIES’ AND GENTS' VALISES.-i I EA2?Cr~G(jQI>S, Best assortment in the city, "LUPIN’S ENTRACfeTaIj oiWsO .., " ;• '. ;• FRENCH PERFUmES,..(aII make?,) .-i } ’• : . 4 ’soajps, ■ French, English a'nii Domestic. f ; a?’-A.3srs 3 r. "Very fine, : suitable for-presents. Colognes', Tooth find Nail Brush'-'?!, Pomades, Hair aiid Brtrshe’^ Bay Rum, Bather and Shoo 'Brushes. f 'COMBS, DRESSING I CA?ES, -" , ; V, * Sozodont for the Teeth. Night Bloohii: ; .g CcreUS. ‘ . . SCOTCH WOOD GOODS, Eve-rV; Pattern. AgencV for 'HUMPHREY’S IIOM'EPATIIY, Agency for " • ' ‘ ALL TIIE PATENT MEDICINES ' . id demand.. READ’S is the place for FINE GOODS, and for a good assortment'. Remember the number —147 Balto. street, one door from Cal vert. .. Oet.2l.—tf. ; ; Jr'AS. ’"IW. BAKICR, ’f ! GUANO DEPOT, .et c Pennsylvania Avenue, Uorner St. Mary 'streeLßaltimore, Where can he found at all times a supply of ■■ t : GUANOS. 'i - -f i • r ' SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, ‘ : GROUND BONE. POUDRE9 T, -m f CALCINED PLASTER, LIME. HAIR, V CEMENT, *c.i '■ • '• o- -‘ : - And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, RUCK-"’ WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS. MILL PEED, I * , HAY, STRAW, CLOVER. -TIMOTHY AND "• GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. . / : *! fjjWOOL, FURS, DRIED' FRUIT, and all kinds of Cohirtvy Prbdu'cw in exchange, for which we are paying the lVlglvest<*i*‘bbprices. JAS. M. BAKER,' dations. Jgn. 7, 1865.— tf. £ 1- ( 1 y-vHEW . 'lf r l ' HOUSE fURHISHING STORE V, , No,-135 N. : Gay street* .Baltimore; . f } RICHARD ARI7EIGER. ' Wholesale and Retail ib-aior in i HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ‘ ALBO, WOODEN WARE'HARD^AfeEV : .' THE public are respectfully invited Aq plii/, / and examine mv sUw:k of >;" r y. • j;- i TUBS. BUCKET'SiyCHURNp. BTiUSiIES, > BROOMS BRITAN,ifIAV'JAPANNED AND TIN’WARE, KNIVES ANI) FORKS, ’ ' ALBATA SPOONS. k CHINA. AND glass ware. , r , n s .And every bthef ■ descrifAron df l Hoods and WoodettWare, at the werv lowest *- r jyices. RICHARD ARMIGER, ’> r I ISSiNi Gav - LJ -Feb. 27, 1865.— 1 - 1--- - l-> I GOVERNMENT CLAIW OFFICE. Mil. It. 911 LI/. ' AT,T,ORNEJT ATL A W, _ 70 W. Fayette sti. Baltimore. >- SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, , - 1 ■ : ; TENSION, BACK FAY, .! rf.H PRIZE MONEY,,F.OR SEAMEN, L6CAL AND STATE BOUNTY, --• :r.H For White and Colored-Volunteers, AND FOR t^WNEH§ r 6? T 1 SLAVES, promptly ctfltected by t*M - WM.' B. IIILL, LT," £J- 70 Wi F^yettijptreeit,'.. t - vv.: Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. ’ March 28wgjf jid f£. 'j,* Y' ‘ 9oia Successor to ffebM Gbrsrfch, Corner of Gay and.FFQnMjta., ; r*sll . rr-r-., BBAVkR IN , ; 11 foreign and Domestic, hardware, HA? received his Sprjng Sflmhier Supply of goods', eoiir sisting fn part of Km ves and Forks,flHSSßß 'Pocket K lll ves, Tabjeji.k'iins','Tl oHo w 7 .'Ware, WagonHioXefct, 41 Shbos/aud Nails, !;• Nail Rods, Carpenters’ -Tool'S/ Axes| Locks, Htnges, Sorews, Bt>ltß> Shovels; Forki, Pieks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace,-' Halter £ and Cow Chains, Counter Seales, Safety Fuse, GI WOODCOCK i 4 'A^NDFAS^T'ft^S; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war , ;raihted,:tril oj offers I jlily - !6 taoQ%ana SAODT.E, tlißliSS, TIH .W, Xtii CELLAR *M AN V FACTUHEft,... . J iWIIQLESAFE A. RETAIL, . r ; /. X 1 No. 3488 a I doors below Eutaw rHJI House, Baltimoiv, Manufactures and keeps constantly**! hand )evervi description of; BADDLES. HARNESS; TRUNKS. VALfSHS,- CAIUPBT BAGS, COLLARS, and every other a'lUclfl itt ;hls line. AU orders executed withneatness r and dispatch.' ;o m< .luly-S.'-18<>5.—-Gy • ' - • ; :•' • ’ : V-.-V. FALL STYLES OF HATS, 1865. WE arqhow prepared to fur- _ gglSfli msh our friends apd the4Esgjßg|2i ; public with the Fall Style- BS&Sjj&j. OF HATS; for Gehtlemenfa.wear, - lyhicli will compare favorably wUli any sold, ' In the eify-of BaltimoVe. .' " ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, - patterns, for Gentlemen, You(lis . and • Children, some very beautiful'. ,[ ' .],■> .... ~q ■ ryr S. IIINDES it SON,- ........ . • May 20.— tf ' No. lliq’Oay .stfq 6 . l :-. ;! T~ TSOMAS 8. WILCOX, BOOT V\l SIIOH lIAKGB, ; No. 134 North Gay street-, Baltimore, • SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT KEEPS on hand and mats to order, all kinds of GENTLXMENK r wi.ti tAiDKEtf WORA, ,#i the beststyle of wprkinanriiip, and on: vea~ aopable terms, I also kegp Y;tNKEE \VO-iU*, '• --• coarse and finp, and .work suitable, for sq r : r : ■ vants’wear,' Country friends, jileape give m, a call. , Jau- 8, 'l^6l.—ly , .T..S..W' : , iC.;W. Slagle & Co., COMMISSION X PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. lIS and 133 North street,.Baltjimure, WE sell knd buy on cOinmissioniali kind* -.'l GRAIN. CLOVER SEED, FLOUR.COR ■ : MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. : \We have ft>r sate GUANO. SALT, PLABTKS.! “ FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. : Auly 14, 1860— lv GEORCrIB OHIPITBiVIVV- 'v l AV 1 JiANUFACTITUER AND WnOLESAUE PE.ALKH IN , ;i! ,|l Brooms, Fainted Buckets, Cedar and Willow Ware, 1 , ! TWINES, WICKS/ MATCHES,/ ...t/ BLACKING, Ao./ A. E. Corner Calvert and Lombard Sts., Balto, ■ 11 July 15. — 6iu* '•' bO - - w ■ •/; ,h Y ■ I.! J;'.-* <1 Ti t ..I • A Jil/.n 1 ■ •'•• • •!(■>, V.'-, - V JAMKS.BaATTT. George R. SxiuunAN ,! - JAMES BEATTY & CO., .-r SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, - m i " , ''|U3- ,il 2. andi RAKE -mrsnsr, ;t:> j a Nop. 92,94 and 1)6 Dpgan’s Wharf, r ,i i M . > _ WAfllti®? 'X-oxj Ai FARM to manage prtq work bn the fes.- jXL by a pian who thoroughly unaerrianas jfi’-r 0 y s j,pf;