Newspaper Page Text
Miscellaneous. ENLARGED STORE AND NEW G-OODS! "VjrEW RAISINS, whole, half and quarter box- JLI ; Cqrrauta. Citron, Figs, Prunes, Spices, Ac. ;'CranWries, Buckwheat, Charleston Grists, Ciucinnatti Sugar Cured Hums. Farina, Edin burg. Boston, Milk, Arrow Root, Fancy, Soda . and Water Crackers* Egg Biscuit, Ginger and Sugar Novelty-Calces, English and Au erican Pickles and Sauces, Soft and Hard Shelled AL.MOND:L FILBERTS, BUTTER NUTS. PALM NUTS, AC., AC. OLD ‘•baker’-' RYE WHISKEY, best in the country; ALSO, RYE A BOURBON WHISKIES of lower grades. i Cooking Wines and Brandies. Madeira, Port and Sherry Wines. Perfect Love, Rose and Noyeau Cordial*. London Brown Stout. Scotch Ale. Massey, Collins A Co‘s. XX Philadelphia Ale and Porter. THEN FOB SUBSTANTIALS. Brown and White Sugars all styles and grades; Java Laguayra and Rio Coffees, roasted and green; Green, Black and Japahese Teas finest chops; Coffee Essence, Matches & Blacking, Rice, Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot and Caps. DRAKE'S PLANTATION AND , RUSS’ 6T. DOMINGO BITTERS, And thousands of *ar.icles too numerous to mention, all put up in good style, and deliver ed to anv Railroad or Hotel free of charge. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, No. 13 West Baltimore Street, Between Institute and Bridge. Baltimore. Nov. 18, IS6s.—tf. MEXICO! MEXICO!! $30,000,000 LOAN OP THE REPUBLICJF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon Bonds In Sums of SSO *SIOO, SSOO and SIOOO. Interest Seven Per Cent.. Payable iu the City of Xew York. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN 4iO l,l>. $1<tooo;ooo to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS on tbe DOLLAR, in U. 8. Currency, thus yielding an interest of Twelve percent, in Gold,or Seventeen per cent in currency, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR’S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The most Desirable Investment ever Offered. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AG RICULTURAL LANDS: SIXTY PER CENT, of PORT DUES. IMPOSTS and TAXES, in the States of TAMAULIPAB and SAN LUIS PO TOSI; and the PLIGHTED FAITH of the said States and the General Government are all PLEDGED for the redemption ol these Bonds and payment of interest. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE. (33 in U. S. Currency wttl boy a 7 perct. Gold Bd.- of SBO #6O *• •* “1 • SlOt s3oo “ .* ssOl SrtOO “ ' “ “ “ “ SI,OOO | Let every Lover or Republican Institutions BUY AT LEAST ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions rec’d by JOHN W. CORLIES A Co., and J. N. tTFFT. Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico. 57 Broadway,-N. Y. • Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. DESIRABLE MARKET FARM * AT PRIVATE SALE. THIS PROPERTY consists of 30 ACRES of well-improved land, lying in tMbr timore county, adjoining tin jlSpetine estate of Ross Wiuans.Esq.JvguHL others. A small portion in Woodland. The improvements are a com fortable DWELLING, two Tenant Houses and all the necessary out-buildings, with a variety of choice Fruit. It has been successfully cul tivated as a market garden for many years, raising all kinds of Fruit and Vegetables, and otters a rare opportunity to any person desirous of engaging in such business. For further particulars inquire of JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Not. 11.—tf. Towsontown. G. XV. TRABAND, 167. FORREST ST., 167 BALTIMORE, TTAS -A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEN, II Women and Childrens’ cheap BOOTS -A. IST ID SHOfiS, Which he wfilild call the attention of purcha serf to examine, before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies’ Fine Morocco Boots, $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00. Ladies’ Fine Calf Skin Boots, $2.00 $2.20 $2.50. Ladies’ Fine Balmoral Boots, i $2.00 $2.50 $3.00. j2®~ALSO, a large assortment of Misses and Childrens Shoes at prices to suit everybody! G. W. TRABAND, wv 167 Forrest St., D -§* Between Hillen and French. FOR SALE, A SNUG LITTLE FARM, in BaltwMvTfe ed., containing 54 ACRESvf# s’ good W, city, near Sweet ■ lIiHR .‘fr*Air. The improvements con j**A*Rß tufa good tWo-story DWELLING, a tiue RN nearly new, Ac.; there is also on this yopertv a choice collection of FRUIT TREES. The land is kind and can be brought to a high In of cultivation. here is ale > connected with the Farm,afine iER POWER, with circular saws, and i ing lathes in good order. A tine body of le TIM BER can be had at a low rate with? **ery ahoTt distance of the Mill. The Vit'}- urnpike will-run through this property. *arly application is made it will be sold at it bargain. Apply to * n il*-- ‘ MOORES A HESS, fo. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul St., Balto. 16.—tf. SAHEL HIIIYT, MANUFACTURER OF IDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, (See. 202 BALTIMORE STREET, Between Charles and St. Paul. Baltimore, Md. ALSO ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HORSE COVERS, BUFFALO ROBES, Dec. 9.—6 m. County Surveyor. tPHE undersigned having, been elected and A Commissioned as County Surveyor, offers his services to the people of Baltimore county, as a Surveyor and Conveyancer, and will be happy to atmnd. calls. q! all.kimlsin 3U| line ; will also pafr Strict attention to the ’searching of title#. His office for the present will best the Ctfuft House, Towsontown. where in his ab sence, John M. Wheeler, Es<j., at the Clerk’s office, will attend to all business punctually an 1 with despatch. Address. * HENRY SHEW. Union Meeting House, or Parkton, Baltimore county. Dec. 2. —6m 3STOTIGB. at \9 o'clock A: M.. tbe W a President, fir# - .JSaurer to manage the, Ajgira scAjffr, Miscellaneous. f PACIFIC GUANO. Wholesale and Betail Agents i i rOK THU 1 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, T1 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. f fpHE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resom- X bles Peruvian Quano in appearance, odor, and composition. The value of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as’is well Snown, upon the per cent, of Ammonia. Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that it con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, and Bone Phosphate of Lime. This difference makes it a durable fertiliser, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price of thi3 Guano is only one-half the price of Peru vian, and is not higher than the Super Phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo j nia, soluble and Bone Phosphate, than is found in the best of them. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render itaaobiectoi great interest to farmers generally. WE W3SIH IFASSMK © /US- TO T-AKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That the conditions upon which we have the agency of this Guano are that every carg is regularly inspected a<pd analysed by Dr. Lei bio, whose authority in such matters is para mount. This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection net had in the purchase of fertiliz ers generally. It must also be noticed that the * phosphates of this Guano, are not mineral, but earthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. The following is a summary of-analysis of last Cargo: Moisture lOperct. UrganicOombustible Matter... 39.71 “ Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia v - 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17.07 “ Bone Phosphate of Dime 24.32 “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by JOHN 8. REESE & CO.,' P. G. Company’s Agent?, Baltimore. Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers. June 17, 1865.—1 y. iQQ~Q©O SHELTEiEr^NTS. 10,000 WALL AND OTHER LARGE TENTS, j 10,000 PIECEB NEW AND OLD CLOTHING. NEW AND OLD BLANKETS. * NEW BLANKETS. ETTA VY, $5 PER PAIR. NEW SHIRTS AND DRAWERS,' HEAVY SOCKS . AND BROGANS. Also, New Pants at $3 per Pair. ! 1— Men and Boys* Jackets $2 Each. i • - f *) OLD BLANKETS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, PANTS, COATS AND OVERCOATS. ■ - \ ' JS. Xu so, j 100,000 SHELTER TENTS, suitable for shoe- i makers, mechanics and housekeepers for differ- j ent purposes. These Tents are in excellent or dor, being nearly new. The Wall or larger Tents are also in excel lent order,_suitable for Wagon-Covers, Awn ings, Window Cloths and many other purpo ses. All persons wishing to purchase any of the-, above articles are requested to call and examine them. * , j FOR SALE LOW, WAOLESALE AM) RETAIL. JOSHUA HORNER Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts., Balto., Md. Dec. 9, *6s.—tf. SOLID A. Y PRESENTS!! BUTLER, PERmGO & WAY, DEALERS IN WORKSOFART, MANUFACTURERS of GILT FRAMES, MIRRORS, PASSE-PARTOUTS, AC. A LARGE STOCK OF PICTURES, ENGRAVINGS, FRAMES, CARVED WOOD AND *AOT<J&EB, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Corner Charles and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. Dec. 9,—tJl. [ /) YOUNG MEN DESIROUS of PROCURING A Practical Business Education, should go to -• . BRYANT, STRATTON ft SADLER’S BUSINESS COLLEGE AND TELEGKAPK ■ r TC INSTITUTE, BALTIMORE, MU. Ist College Building corner Lexington and fit. Paul Streets. , 2d College Building near corner Fayette and Charles Streets. For specimens of Penmanship, Bank Bills and College Journal, address, (with stamp,) BRYANT, STRATTON A SADLER, Oct. 21.—3 m. ___ Baltimore, Md. $ ! Portable Steam Engines. rpHE undersigned has been appointed agent i 1 for the sale of WOOD A MANN’S CELEBRATED Portable - -Steam Engines, \ ! Fretn f or to thirty five horse-power eaeht Those Engines are well adapted to out door ; ; work, such as threshing, sawing wood, driving “4 mills and piles, pumping oil and other wells, f and for all MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Full particulars as to their efficiency, etc.. may be had on application at No. 57 8. GAY STREET, where a six-horse power engine can be seen. .j. mi s t CH AS. la OUDESLUYS. ifroV. Jsa—3m. . 5?055857- ffiHE Baltimore County Bible Society will | hold its regular Quarterly Meeting at Hie BIBLE HOUSE, Baltimore,.on Ij - Thursday. 28 1\ inst., at 11 o'clock 4. M. I L The Clergy Of all Denominations and those *in chargeof the District Deppsitorie# are res- Property Sales. - ‘ ".-T- T V •WSiftJßnfC SALE OF Very Valuable Real Estate, ON THE *. -'w a . FALLS HOAD, ] - is BALT IMQ B B GO r I 'HE undersigned, by virttie df the p>w%4* X conferred in the last will and tea- lament of Nathaniel Purßons,(f§TjSggif., and the act of the SlsimL Assembly of Maryland;J2illßH passc'd January Session, IB6o,chapter will, as Adiflfnißtrator dc bonis \ion, with the will an ncxeoTof said deceased, offer at public sale, on the premises, On Thursday , December 1865, at fo o’clock A. M„ .The following Real Estate of said deceased: No. I.—A LOT OF GROUND in Hampden Village, on the Falls Road, about 18 leet front' with a depth of about 126 feet. Improved by a two-story and-attic FRAME DWELLING, about IS by 30 feet, used by deceased as a dwel ling in his-lifetime and subsequently his widow, Harriot Parsons. • No. 2.—A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining No. lon the south side, and same size. Improved by a two-story FRAME STORE HOUSE, nearly new, about 18 by 32 feet. If desirable, Nos. I and 2 will be soUF together. No. 3.—AN UNIMPROVED LOT, adjoining No. 2, ab ut 30 by 126 fed. No. 4. —A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining No. 1 on the north, about 17 by 126 feet. Improved by a two-story '•Wr** FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, about 14 by 26 feet. This House is divided from the dwelling on Lot No." 1 by an alley 2 feet 6 inches wide, belonging to this House. No, 5.—A LOT OF GROUND, unimproved, of about | of an acre, lying at the S. W. corner of the intersection of the Falls Turnpike and Union Avenue leading to Woodberiw. No. 6-— AN UNIMPROVED LOT, lying on the northwestern corner of the intersection ot i the Falls Road and Union Avenue, of nearly j of 8Q 3CT6. No. 7—A LOT ON UNION AVENUE.about 30 by 126 leet. Improved by a two-storv FRAME DWELLING ,* about 15 by 28 feet. No. B.— A GROUND RENT of S3O per an ffum,;arising out of a lot of grouud on the S. W. corner of the Falls Road and ( ) Ave nue 30 by about 150 feet. Improved by a well built two-3tory ' FRAME D WELLING, about 14 by 28 feet. , ALSO, on the same day, by virtue of an or der of the Honorable, the Orphans’ Court for -Baltimore;County. 1 will sell the LEASEHOLD ESTATE of said Nathaniel Pardons, deceased, consisting qf— No. 9.vrA LOT OF GROUND or. the. Falls Turnpike, near the Toll Gate, fronting about 15 feet aud running back about 150 feet. Improv ed by a two-story STONE DWELLING. No. 10.—A LOT OF GROUND,adjoiningthe above and of same size, and improved in like manner. Nos. 9 and 10 have an alley between them which is used by both houses. TERMS: One-third cash on the day of sale; the bal ance in two equal payments of three and six months, bearing interest from the day of sale —or all casli at the option of the purchaser:— And upon the payment of the whole of the purchase money, with interest on deferred pay ments, a deed will be executed, conveying title of said Parsons, deceased, to the purchaser;— aud tbe title is believed to be indisputable. THESE HOUSES & LOTS ! Are in a very rapidly improving neighborhood, are eligibly situated aud well worthy the atten tion of capitalists. I For further information apply to or address ! the undersigned. ISAAC CROWTHER, Sr., Administrator D. B. N., C. T. A., of N. Parsons, deceased. SAM’L G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Dec. 9.—ts. PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE j PIECE OF WOODLAND , IN THE 2D DISTRICT, BALTIMORE CO. i f I HIE undersigned, Administrators of Lemuel * X Ott'ut , deceased, will, by order of the Or ’ phans’ Court for Baltimore county, offer at pub | lie sale, on Saturday December 23 rd, 1865, at 2 o’clock P. M., on the premises,-on the Liberty Turnpike Road, about 12 miles from Baltimore, That Very Valuable Piece of Land of winch Lemuel Offutt died seiz ff-slffSPod and possessed, which is paftic-J&P v dcscribed'in a deed from Lloyd Worthington to Lemuel Offutt, dated , September 13th,<1856, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore county, in Liber i H. M. F., No. 17, folio 293, Ac., and laid out to contain 47 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, and subject to a ground rent of one cent per annum. This land is very eligi bly situated, adjoins the lands of Wra. Chap man, Mrs Maria W. Offutt, and Mr Doubleday, borders on the Baltimore and Liberty Turnpike Road, and is improved bv a small LOG DWELLING, Ac., pit is well watered and is mostly in TIMBER. Convenient to Churches, Stores, Schools, Mills, Ac. TERMS : One half Cash on the day of sale; the bal ance iir four months, the deferred payment to bear interest, and to be secured to the satisfac tion of the the Administrators—or all cash at the option of the pattferttaer. F'vt further information address or apply to either of the undersigned JAMES W. OFFUTT, WM. M. ISAAC, Administrators of L. Offutt, dec’d. Dec. 9.—ts. FOR SALE, A A VERY DEbIRABLE FARM OF 400 Acres of Meadow*Land, in.a high state of cultivation, on *My Lady’s Manor,” 18 miles from Baltimore, 5 miles from Monk ton Station, N. C. R. K. A fine SaPpike leading to Baltimore pass liimHL jJFyes through this property divid IHJLUBB iug u, about equally. The land is of a v-ei„* u psrior quality and will compare favorably with the best laud in the btate. It has an abun dance of Wood, and is well Watered, having streams in every held. The improvements consist of a good, substan tial DWELLING 40x2*1 feet, fine Barh. out houses, Ac. There is a fine Lime StonoQuarry on the adjoining farm. This property iji locat ed in the midst of a thickly settled and healthy neghborhood, convenient to churches, schools, stores, Ac., and wilt be sold low. $6,000 worth of produce was sold off the past year. Forpar- ticulars apply to MOORES A HESS, No. 8 Law Buildings, fit. Paul fit. We have also for sale, 200 Acres of fine mead ow Grass Land on Deer Creek, Harford county, near Darlington and Tide Water Canal. A fine Dwelling Honse 64x33, with all necessary out , houses, plenty of Fruit. Ac. Also, a SPLENDID FARM in Montgomery county, 16 miles from Ellicott’s Mills. The Land is of first quality of red clay soil, in a high state of cultivation, will-average at least 10 barrels of corn per acre, 40 acres of meadow that will cut from 2£ to 3 tons of grasp p-raere. The improvements consist of a very fine MAN SION, large Barn and outhousesall nearly new. The buildings would eost nearly as much as is now asked for this property. . Also, 40 ACRES OF LAND most beautifully located on Swann Lake, containing several building sites. Also, Lots on Swann Lake, cottages in order. Also. THREE FINE FARMB in a very high t atato of cultivation near Catonsville, on the s Frederick Road, with great varieties of the * choicest kinds of Fruits. Buildings in fine Farms for 6ale on the Eastern Shore of Md all eizes and prices. Farms for sale in all ■ the counties of Md. and Va. Fine Timber Tracts for sale, easy of access. Also for sale or lease, the rich Bottom Lands of the Mississippi Valley. Splendid cotton lands in the most desirable location* for cotton culture. MOOREB A HESS, No- 8 Law Buildings, St. Faul St-, Balto. H Dec. 9.—tf. i ' “ FARM WANTED, i A FIRST-CLASS FARMER is desiisus of . Renting a good FARM.of not less than IfiO Beat Estate Brokers. REAL EfrfATfl AGENT. rMHE undersigned has for sale a House and X Lot, 3 miles from Baltimore, near the Falls road, also, 15 Farms in various tiops of Baltiipore county, from 10 350 acres. Price from SI4OO. to $24,000. Three houses and lorn in' l Towdcniown.s**A2Eß building tote for late or lease, ground rents for sale. ; H ■, CONVEYANCING, examination of titles, - deeds, leases, mortgages, bills of sale, Ac., pre pared with accuracy and dispatch, charges moderate. B. N. PAYNE, fi medley Row, opposite Court House. Aug. 26 if;.', . * REiVL ESTATE. . - £ •' - >' J ■ • • BVBNITE, MABBDAU A CO , ( REAL ESTATE AGENCY, * . No 12 S. Gay St.,'Baltimore, Md. Y> EAL ESTATE in city an Jcountry, bought, / IV, aold, rented or exchanged. Those em ptoyiug our Agency in the sale of their proper ty, may be assured of its being thoroughly ad vertised. A Register will be issued in October, containingn, description ot each property re ceived up to that time. Farm blanks and all information required willingly sent. Sept. 16.—3 m. Real Estate Agency. GEORGE B. MILLIGAN, Attorney at Law, is associated with the undersigned from this date. HENRY W. ROGERS A CO., Real Estate Brokers and Agents for the pur chase and sale of Farms, Lands and Houses in Maryland. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Ground Rents bought and sold. Office on the corner of Fayette and Charles Sts., (UP STAIRS,) Pept. 30.—tJI. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. THE undersigned are nowdealingextensive ly In the sale of FARMS and LANDB in all parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimore county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, .will send us a full description. No Sale no Charge. £3?*All Legal Claims of soldierß prosecuted. ~ Address, BATON & CO., - Baltimore. Office—No. 202 Baltimore Street, (up stairs.) Feb. 4, 1865.—tf. • ___ R. W Tkupleman. Chasl J. Pennington Wh. H. Shipley. * Agents for sale of Maryland Lands, Office (up stairs) No. 48 Lexington at., Baltimore. R. W. Templeman, & Co., OFFER their services to the public for the Sale of Fat -ns, and Real Estate generally. They have, as Surveyors, a general knowledge of the lands of parts of the State, and unusual facilities otherwise for the transaction of such business. Plats and descriptions of all prop erties they may have for sale, will be kept in book form. Parties wishing to sell or purchase will please communicate by letter as above. Oct. 31.—1 y M’JILTON ft CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, No. 19 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. —:o: REAL Estate at Public Sale. Real Estate at Frivate Bale. Goods of every descrip tion auctioneered. Advertising Agents for Many Journals. l&SuAll Property given us for Sale Advertis ed Gratis in our Trade Journal. . J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of years, will attend to Conveyan cing and other business entrusted to our care. Nov. 25, ’6s.—tf. Geo. H. Carman. Joshua M. Bosley. MARYLAND LAND AGENCY. WE BELL AND PURCHASE on commis sion, REAL ESTATE of every descrip tion, in the city of Baltimore, the Counties of Maryland and other States, —BORROW AND LOAN MONEY ON MORTGAGE,—and attend to Collections of all kinds promptly. OUR OFFICE is centrally and conveniently located, with all the appliances for a thorough and energetic dispatch of business; and we propose to use all proper and available means to present to the purchasing public and capi talists, such property as may be in our hands for sale. IF you want to Sell a Farm, House or Ground Rent, inform us of the fact, and put it on our Books. IF you want to Purchase REAL ESTATE of any kind, or Invest in GROUND RENTS OR MORTGAGES examine our Books before you do so. - Persons having business in our line, are res pectfully solicited to give us a call, or commu nicate with us by letter or otherwise. CARMAN & BOSLEY, Office No. s.Carroll Hall (up stairs.) 8. E. Corner of Baltimore and Calvert Sts., Nov. 18.—tf. Baltimore, Md. BXRNSIDE A GISTIA UNITED BTATEB Claim, insurance nub Ctu’l 2gts., No. 15 South Gay Street, Opposite First Nat. Bank, / BALTIMORE,'MD. WIDOWS, Mothers and Orphans’ Bounty and Back Pay Promptly Collected. Soldiers’ State of Maryland Bounty obtained. Pensions Procured. Prize Money collected, and all business care fully and promptly transacted before the De partments of the General, State and Local Governments. CASH ADVANCED TO CLIENTS k VOUCH ERS CA6H ED. J. O. P. BURNSIDE, Late Captain and C. 8. U. S. Yds. R. P. GUSTIN, ' late Auditor Q. M. Office, Balto. Wc Refer, by Especial Permission, to— Hon. Thomas Bwann, Governor elect of Md., and President let National Bank, Baltimore; Hon. C. C. Cox, Lieut. Gov. elect of Md.; Hon. hn Lee Chapman, Mayor of Baltimore; Col. Wm, 11. Browne, Asst. Pro. Mar. Gen. Md. and Del. Communications promptly attended to. En close Stamp. Miscellaneous. THE AMERICAN HAY AND COTTON PRESS. r celebrated Tress will turn out from 1 twelve to fifteen tons baled hay per day of ten hours condensed to 20 lbs. per cubic foot. With the labor of three men and one horse, cot ton can be pressed to twenty-five or thirty lbs. per cubic foot. County or State rights or rights for single Presses, with full information, can be had of CHARLES L. OUDESLUYS, Aorxt, No. 67 South Gay street. The Press can be seen on the lot adjoining the Concordia Club House on Eutaw street, and a Model Press is on exhibition at the Agent’s Office. Oct. 14.---4 m NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED. rp HERE are yqt some few bills due me for L subscription and advertising as proprietor of the Baltimore County Advocate. I wish them all settled, and those not paid by Jauuary Ist, 1866, will be placed in the hands of a magis trate. Persons who have collected money for me, will please account for the same at once. Mr. of tho Union office will receipt for all money due mo. x Those indebted to Church L Haverstick for the year 1864, are also earnestly requested to settle their bills, as it is desirable that the ac counts of the firm should be closed. E. F. CHURCH. Nov. 11. —tJI. -- ~ R SCHUMACHER ft SONS, CANDY MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALFRS IN Foreign Fruits, Nuts, SEGARS, ■ No. 179 W. Pratt Street, BALTIMORE. . ' Kov. 18.-**3ni t BURNS S SLOAN. LUMBER DEALERS, 18a Light BW Baltimore, Tf AVE on Land a large assortment of LUMc i XA BER. BHINGLEB, FRAMES, LATHB, Clothing & Furnishing Goode . rpsri, NPUJSDIO STOCK OF LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS WINTER , UNDERSHIRT®, DRAWERSL HOSIER Y, HI Ribbed, -plain, 1 * Z ■ TWILLED, FANCY, r, GREY, WHITE, la fivct the greatest variety to be found in the city. ~ Call and examine our extra heavy C Wool and Merino • „ RIBBEDBHIRTS; M Splendid goods for Winter Wear. 'Aso, the Plaiu Merino, an excellent article and warranted not to shrink, of every variety and size. Boston Ribbed, Shaker, Country Knit and plain WOOL SOCKS. Also, Cotton and Merino, Silk, Kid, Wool, Cloth and Buckskin - GLOVES for Ladies, Gents and Childrens wear in every variety of size and color. Yarns, Knitting Cotton, NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. E. SEIBEBT, ‘ x 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., Baltimore, Md. September 2. —tf. ~re¥o'ValT CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I! i THE undersigned begs to return his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and informs them that te has Re moved from No. 73 W. Baltimore Street, to No. 43 N. Eutaw St., Where has opened a new and splendid as sortment of FRENCH, ENGLISH" k DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Which he offers to make to order, in a Style not to be surpassed by any House in the city. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, cut and made to fit equal to custom work. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IN VARIETY, WITH ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. jffiir* Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and I wifi endeavor to gi’-e satisfac tion in every possible way, to all who may deal with me. BENJAMIN STINE, No. 43 N. Eutaw St., Between Lexington 4 Saratoga. JO3IAH W. REEVES is Cutter for the above House, and extends to his former friends and customers his thanks for their past i patronage, and solicits a confinuance of the j same. Nov. 11, 1865.—tf. CHAS. B. CONSTABLE. - WM. FAIRCHILD. CONSTABLE A FAIRCHILD, MERCHANT TAILOR*, AND CLOTHIERS, No. 16 North St.,—Opposite Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore, Md. HAVING formed an association for the pur pose of conducting the above business, the undersigned would respectfully invite their friends and the public generally, to give them a call at the above plac*. Having just received a large, and general as sortment of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimers A Vestings, They are determined to sell at the very lowest prices, which they are enabled to do from hav ing purchased their Goods at the lowest whole sale pricca for Cash. OUR Mr. FAIRCHILD Having the experience oi twenty years as a Salesman and Cutter and having the beat work men employed, we are enabled to offer our friends great inducements both in materials and workmanship. Please give us a call before purchasing else where ; —we shall use our best endeavor* to please. Respectfully, CHARLES B. CONSTABLE. WILLIAM FAIRCHILD. oct.'l4.—6m* |jo w to save noneV. BV THE BARD OP MARBLE HALL. The times are hard; you’d like to know How you may save your dollars; The way to do it I will show, II you will read what follows : A man who lived nofciar from here, Who worked hard at his trade, But had a household to support That squandered all he made. I met him once, says he, ‘ My friend, I look threadbare and rough; I've tried to get myself a suit, But can’t save up enough.” Says I, “My friend, how much have you? I’ll tell you where to go To get a suit that’s sound and cheap— At SMITH, BROS, k CO,” He took what little he had saved, And went to Smith A Brothers, And there he got a handsome suit, For half he paid to others. Now he is home, he looks'so well, And the respect is such, That when they take their daily meals They don’t eat half so much. . And now ho finds on Saturday night. With all their wants supplied. That he has money left to spend And some to lay aside. Hie good success, with cheerful smile,\ He gladly tells to all: “If you’d save money,go and buy Your clothes at MARBLE HAi>L.” Where the cheapest, finest and best clothing and gents’ furnishing goods can be had to suit every trade and in every style, at 38 and 40 WEBT BALTIMORE STREET. Nov. 25.—tf , ■ 1 John W. Richardson ft Co., No. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church, CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE tefr- Major ROBERT HALL. Cutter. CALL AND SEE. Aug* I.—tf STANTON & BUTLER, PHOTOGRAPHERS, No 70 W. FAYETTE STREET, KBIT TO BUTLER, PERRIGO A WAY, PICTURES TAKEN IN T£E BEST STYLES AND ON GOOD TERMS. 3? O R T R AITS JN OIL, INK, WATER COLORS, *C. V Specimens mw OH WWH(Wi * r ..Trr-r 1 rr~. ■ *■"■> ■—- T • Property Sates. MOORES ft HESS,” No. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul St., BALTIMORE, OFFER their services to the public for the purchase and sale of FARMand the 1 negotiating of LOANS, Ac., and all business pertaining-to -REAL .&BT ATE BKOK.KB.AGiL Parties-wishing to Buy or Sell, Borrow, or Loan money on mortgage will please give us a tall. * FOBSALE. TWO VALIJABLE FARMS situated at fe head of Dulauey’s Valley, Baltimore county, 15 miles from Baltimore city. ' AegA Theso Farms contain 312ffT*M 2a“Acre3; the Valley.JtH-npike rjowlMiijgjL ~*r~"about being completed, dividetl2£l!Hi the land about, equally. The improvement , consist of two DWELLINGS, a new BARN 4t x 45 with a 20 foot shed, fine Stabling under, Corn House at the side, Ac., with other out buildings. Two Young Apple Orchards,one in bearing. The whole tract is under good culti vation and fencing, well watered, springs and streams iu every held. j The Frame Dwelling at the intersection ol Yue pike and Old Manor Road, is one of the best locations for a store in the county. These Farms are in the' midst of a thijslflj settled anl healthy neighborhood, convenient to five or six churches of different denomina tions. Each of these Tracts have a superabun dance^ - fine Timber that tlwaya commaudson the p™ a high price. On'this property is a fine Lime Kiln with about 1,500 bushels of ctone with the wood all, ready, to burn. Lime Stone can be had on thi adjoining farm, one mile to haul over the pike, every facility is at hand for improving* and bringing this land to a high state of cultiva tfon.' These farms will be sold at a bargain.— Terms made very easy. j- s $ We have also ibr sale an adjoining'' Farm ol about 30 Acres, good Dwelling, with -outhouses- Ac., with a large, fine Apple Orchard, all un der good fencing Ac. For further particulars, apply to MOORES A HESS, No. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul St., Balto. Maryland and "Virginia Farms for eale.— Great bargains. Located in various section, of the different, counties. Prices range frpo.. $5 to SSOO per acre, also a number of country seats and building lots in and around Balti more city and Swann Lake. Money to Loan oi Mortgage, from $1,500 upwards. Apply ti MOORES A IIESS) No. 8 Law Buildings St Paul St. Balto. Oct. 28.—tf. pRIVATE SAI E " OF THAT .. BEAUTIFUL FARM ON which I now reside, 23 miles from, Bal timore, 2 miles from Freeland N. 0. R. K., £ mile Market, and binding on BiisfegL Baltimore and York turn pi.e £mile. N At the village of New .Maine there is a post office, two churches, store, twi hotels, smith and wheelwright 3hops, and three resident physicians. There are good school: within £ mile and mills within one mile- The tafm contains - -120 ACRES, about 20 of which are in good timber. The land is level and clear of |tone. 1400 bushels of linn have been put on it within the past two years The farm is well fenced and laid off into eighi fields, and ha 3 two springs of excellent watei on it. It has also a Poach and Apple orchard of 100 trees each, besides an abundanceof pears and other fruit. The improvements are a splendid, * - NEW MANSION, 26x46 feet, with a wide porch on three sides an excellent cellar unddr the'wjjole, a largt hall through the centre, four rooms on the firsi floor and six on the second with an excellent garrett. One good log Barn, 30x60 feet, a ten-' ant House, Dairy, meat and hen Houses, with a well of first-class water at the door of the mansion. It is unnecessary to say more of this farm at persons who wish to purchase can see for them selves. If immediate application be made, ii 3 will be sold at a bargain. JACOB SHOCK, j Maryland Line P. 0., Baltimore county, Md. • REFERENCES: James B. Standiford, Judge Orphans’ Court. Raymond A Burton, 168 W. Balto. St., Balto. Col. John Horne. New Freedom, Pa. C. W. Bentley, Esq., Bee Tree, Balto. Co., Md Ex-Sheriff J. Walker, Parktoh, do do James Rampley, Esq., do do do E. 8. Everhart, Esq., Md. Line do do Editors “ Union,” Towsontown, do do s Dee. 2.—tf. TRUSTEES' SALE OF ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. undersigned, Trustees, offer at Private J. Sale, the following property, BE jggto ING PART OF A TRACT OFffsSvs| SaPLAND ealled *-Bacon Hall _3£jiarged,” and part of a oi land called “Eisey’s Grove,” and part <n a tract of land called “Nicholas Merry man’t Piney Ridge,” and part of atractof land called “Mount Pleasant,” and part of a tract of land called “Cold Bottom,” aIL of which is lying contiguous to each other, containing 427 ACRES OF LAND , more or les3. Also, one other piece or parcel of land contiguous thereto, containing 49 Acres. 3 Roods and 24 Perches, making in all 476 ACRES, 3 ROODS and 24 PERCHES, more oi less. This property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less than three miles from Monkton Station on the Northern Central Railway, adjoining the finely improved estate of Nicholas R. Mcrryman.— About two hundred acres are wooded, and the balance arable land Of a kind quality, not less than 150 acres of which are level and very pro ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it, and a kiln convenient. The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 by 25 feet, with commodious wing 3. It is hand eomely situated in a healthful and beautiful valley, and can readily be made one of the most desirable and productive estates in the'eounty. There is a good BARN on the property, and oth er necessary outbuildings and is well watered. - Terms of sale : —One-third of the purchase, money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the balance in equal instalments, in one and two years from the day of sale, with interest, and security to be approved by the Trustees. * JOHN PHI LPOT, l T JNO. T. ENSOR, j lrusMes * Apply to John Philpot at Fhoaoix, or toJno.- T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co., Md. Dec. 16.—tf. SHERIFF’S SALE. BY virtne of a writ of fori facias issued out of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, against thegoods,chattels, tends and tenements of William G. Krebs, at the Buit of Mary Emory, and to me directed, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the es’- tate, interest, right and title, at law and in equity of the said William G. Krebs, in and to ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND situate and Iving in Baltimore cqunly, adjoining the southern limits of the city of Baltimore, being part of a tract of Land called “Krebs & Warner’s Terra Firma or by whatsoever name the same or any part j thereof may be called, and being the same par- ! cel of land which was leased lor ninety-nine f years, renewable forever, by Eliza Lindenbcr- ; ger to the said William G. Krebs, by indenture I dated the 16th day ot June, 1865, and recorded j among the land records of Baltimore county-in | Liber H. M. F., No. 12, folio 237, Ac., and iB | the secondly described parcel of land deserib- i ed in a deed from Michael Warner to Wm. ■ Krebs, dated the 30th day of December, 1862. ! and recorded among the land records of said county in liber W. G., No. 186, folio 539, Ac., in i which deed the said parcel of land is particn- j larly described by courses and distances, and as containing 132 ACRES , more or less, subject to the payment of a year ly ground rent of $240 in £ yearly instalments. And I hereby give notice that on Tuesday, the 9th day of January, 1866, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House door, in Towsontown, in said county, I wilt sell by public auction all j the estate, interest, right and title at law and I in equity of the said William G. Krebsmu qnd j to the above described property so takdh fn ex- }• ecution, lo th. Sheriff of Baltimore county. , Dec. 16.—ts ■ FARM FOB SALE. THE subscriber will sell a very desirable farm at Private Sale, containing AmA 123 ACRES, improved with aIRS XHpfino large FRAME HOUSE, ■■((■L Dairy, Stable, Ac., , fflHßung Apple, and alargehumbeTof Teach trees and other fruit, all iust commenced bear ing. Situated one and a half -miles from White Hall, os the Northern Central Railroad* Fer-. sons wishing to view the farm will caU upon ’me one mile from White Httll, or on my son Jatqee B. MeComas, residing on the premises, when terms will be made known. J. MARCH McCOMAS, mb dUtrict, Baltipjor® county. w H V . / 1 JL ' Legal Notices. rnHlsfm TOGIVEN<j>TICe7 that the eub- JL scrittert*nas obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of -a. g. brother^, late of said oounty, deceased. All persons bav irfg claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the Toucher* thereof ku-Mie subscriber, On or before the 7 fh day of Aug., 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to ' said estate ar6 requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this sth day ' of December, I8C5; VACHEL W. BABEMAN, * Dec. ‘J,—4t* Administrator. f¥l IUB 18 TO GIVE NOTICE, That the *ub- X amber has obtained from the Orphan'* Court of Baltimore county, letters of admiais tratfdn (fh the‘estate of JOHN DIVEN, late of saicj county, deceased. All personahav ingclaims against the said estate, are hereby warned to. oxbibit the same, with the voucher* thereof, to the subscribers, On or before the'ilst day of July, 1866, they may otherwise bjj,law be excluded from all benefit-of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are* requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 29th day of November, 1865. JACOB BHAMBERGER, Dec. 2.—lt* Administrator. r pHIB 18 TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X ecriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of NATHANIEL PARSONS, late of said cdunty, deceased. All persons hav ing claimdanmsagaiust the said estate are bireby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, On or before the 31st day of July, 1866 ; Jhev may otherwise by law be excluded from "ill benefit of said estate. Those indebted te said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23th day of November, 1865 ' - * ISAAC CROWTHER, Sr., Dec. 2.—4t* Execntor. 'PHIS ;a TO.GIVE NOTICE, that the eu{>- x scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters testamen tary on the estate of— DANIEL STABLER, late of said county, deceased. All persons bav-' mg claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the & Ist day of July, 1866; they may otherwise by law be excluded from ill benefit of said estate. Those indebted to laid estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 29th day ff November, 1865. ADAM J. STABLER, Dee.2.—4t* Executor. PARKHURBT VS. FRISBY, In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county — in Equity. ORDERED, That the sale made and report ed by Horatio L. Whitridge and George L.Dob oin, Trustees for the sale of real estate in this * jase mentioned, be ratified and confirmed, un less cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before tfie Bth day of January, 1866, provi led a copy of this order be inserted in some paper printed in Baltimore county, once in each ot three successive weeks before the said Bth day of January, 1866. The report states the amount of sales to b* SI,OOO. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: - JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. ! Dec. 16.—3 t. ROAD NOTICE. | To All Whom it May Concern: NOTICE is hereby given, that applicat on will be made to the Commissioners of Baltimore county, at their next meeting, for the j laying out and opening of a county road,lead i ing from Oakland Station on the N. C. R. W., ■ to a county road leading from the York turn pike to Freeland’s station on the N. C. R. W •i passing through the lands of James Gessford, George Baker, John McConley, John Larkins, :.J. 8. Purkev and L. Sampson. WM. H. HOFFMAN, MARTIN HEATHCOTE, | _ HOSE A ROZIER, J _Nov. 25.—5 t \ and others. NOTICE. . To it May Concern: XPTIjHiQEREBY GIVEN, That ap- X x pliclMPlll be made to the County Com missioners ofcaltimore county at their next meeting, for the laying out and opening of a 1 New Road, leading from the County Road run ning from Freeland's to Middletown, to the Road leading from Oakland to the County Road running to the Pennsylvania Line; said Road to pass along the line between lands of Nicho las Hoshall and Edward Amos: through lands of Daniel Stabler, John Bcblenbaker, John and Conrad Shuppert; along the line between lands of Jeremiah Bailey and Barnhart and Stinefelt, and through lands of Edward Walsh ; intersecting thes&id road leading from Oakland to the county road running to the Pennsylvania i Line. SAMUEL KRAMER, j - ' NICHOLAS HOSHALL, PETER F, WILHELM, Nov. 25.—5‘t and others. To All Whom it may Concern. Notice is Hereby Given: THAT the undersigned Examiners appointed by the County Commissioners of Baltimore county, on the Petition of Fisher k O'Conner, L. Morris and others, lor the opening of a road m the 6th election district of said county, to commence at a county road leading from the old York road to the York turnpike, and run ning through the lands of Lemuel Morriß,George Tavlor, deceased, James Taylor, dec’d, Joseph Walker, Fisher k O'Connor, Walter C. Walker and Edward Matthews, dec’d, and intersecting a county road leading from the Freeland roaa past Joseph Walker’s Mills to the York turn pike, Having taken the oath required by law, will proceed on Monday the 9th day of January, 1886, on the premises, to execute the trust reposed in them, pursuant to ihe commission addressed to them, and the requirements of the Acts of As sembly. in such case made and provided. JAMES A. STANDIFORD, WM. McCULLOCGH. THOB. E. WANTLAND, , Dec. 2.--5 t Examiners. ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: -yfOTICE IS HEREBY-GIVEN, That appli- cation will be made to the Commissioner* of Baltimore county, for the laying out and opening of a County Road, beginning near John Mast's, in the 11th District: running thence on the bed of an old road on the line of the lands of Mrs. Julia Giitings and others, to a Road leading to the Harford Turnpike near Joshua L. Wright’s Hotel, 15 miles from Balti more city, to the bed of the old Road leading to Charlesborough: and also for the closing of the remainder of the old road. JESSE GARRETT, ,JAB. H. ONION, HENRY GUYTON, Dec. IC.—st. and others. | ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ap plication will be made to the County I com*issioners of Baltimore county, at their ; next meeting, for the laying out and opening J of a County Road in the 6th flection District, > commencing at a point on the Hereford road, , running thence ihrough lands of Thomas H. j Matthews and Henry Storm; thence on tba ] lino between tends of Daniel Wilhelm and John Zouek until it intersects an old road run ! ning to the Falls Road near the Black Rock Post Office, and connecting with the road lead ‘ ine to the Black Rock road, Zoucksville, Ac. 8 ' DANIEL WILHELM. THOB..H. MATTHEWB, ROBERT M. MILLER, D ec . g._st others. BOAD NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ap plication will be made to the County Com rmissioners of Baltimore county, at their next meeting, for the laying out and opening of a’ County Road leading from a point on tne Black Rock Road to the Falls Road, running through the lands of John Zouck and John Morfoot;— thence along the division line of John Peregoy and Michael M. Armacost: thence along the division line of Daniel Wilhqjra and John Zouck until, it intersects the Falls Road. JOHN PEREGOY, * JOHN MORFOOT, ** RICHARD C. TRACY, Deo. and other*. I—ikir* i .mimi .t ■■ ■ ROAD JTOTIOB. Notice is herby given, That cation will be made to th* County Com missioner* at their January meeting, for the changing of tb* prmpt btd of Ka4 in Tow#eptew*