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Stoves, Tin Ware, die. Z STOVES4TIN WIRE! & THE subscriber ©alls the attention of trv People, to his new establishment ON THE CORNER OF JIILLEN AND CHEST NUT STS., BALTIMORE, where he keeps for BaJy at the lowest prices, a full assortment of STOVES AND TIN WARS, "*■ J of £ very.description. All kinds of family TIN WARE constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to. Nov. 13.—3 m. P. GILL. "oHaTI ES ?IBHKR, kiscrACirasa * maiee ix 9 STOVES, TIN WARS, AND HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, No. 92 North Gay -Street. (Near the Bridge,) x&tj. iSSLOfferB a large Stock at reduced prices. Please call before purchasing elsewhere. ..Plumbing done, Pumps and Bsth Fix tures constantly on hand. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Nov. 18.—Sw. The Cheapest Place to Buy g STOVES, g IS AT LOISTE"2T Sc BROTHER’S i Xos. 166 & 15S N. Gay St., Baltimore. I PARLOR, OFFICE AND COOK STOVES, OF VARIOUS STYLES and warranted to give satisfaction. Plumbing in all it# branches. Water fixture# put up at short no* tiee. - people will find it to their ad vantage to call. fe Oct. T—3m. CHEAPGOODS! 500 BLANKETS from 2 Pol! * r8 - 500 BIIEEIS f:cVi 1 to 2 X 500 moy BEI)STEAI>S from^l to 500 BEiyriCKS from 60 to 75 rnn lbs. English twine from ct#. OAHJ to $1.50 per lb. 100 W ° 01) STOVES from 2to 6 Dollars, 30-CALDRONS, 10 to SO gals. 10 to 30 Dollars. . 3 YD. FIECES MUSLIN from 50 cts. to 1 Del imiter piece 2,000 LBS. STOVE TIPE. 3,000 GRAIN BAGS. 2 HAY PRESSES. COFFEE, DUST PANS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, AC., AC.,' FOR SALE AT 7*5 ISTOH-TPI ST., BALTO. Nov. 25.—lm* T" STARR’S REPEATING FOUR-SHOOTER. Safest Pocket Pistol Made, rjIHE advantages of this arm arer ■ 1. ft is the only Pistol that can be placed in position to receive the .Cartridge with one nand. 2. It: can be loaded in the dark, quicker than any other Pistol, and with no danger. 3. It carries a heavier Cartridge than any oth er Pistol of the same size. 4. It is the safest Pistol to load, shoot or carry, an a premature discharge is impossible. 5. It ha 3 less parts than any other Pistol, am! , ialess liable to get out of order. 6. It shoots tb.e ordinary metal Cartridge that ' can b. purchased anywhere. TO SB FOBSB AT. THI! PKIKCIPAT, OCtT AX UAHV wabb DSAtees. ME RILL PATENT FIREARMB CO., Sept. 9. TffffV—fy. Baltimore, Md. -. rrs —; r*7 —*■* Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHfe. COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. Thi# Superior Cough Syrup, has boon before the public Eighteen Years. It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. 8. BAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nov. Id.—tf Baltimore, Md. Bull’s Hoad Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. THIS old-established hotel, so and so successfully conducted the laSl eighteen months, by Thomas C. Tracey, will he continued by hisj£*|2flß widow, she having taken with her into the business, Robert D. Stansbury, pf Davisyille,- ~ sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY <& STANSBURY. The old patrons of the estab* lishment, as well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rest assured that nothing in their pevfer will be left-undone, to merit a full share of the patronage of the public. HENRIETTA TRACEY, ROBERT D. STANSBURY. May 9.—tf __ e7 jrCIIURCH, Ashland Square, Corner Gay aud Monu ment Streets, Baltimore, STILL keeps on hand.all varieties of LUM BEP., SHINGLES. LATHS, AC., at the old established stand, which he sells at the very owest prices. . > • i Citizens of Baltimore county who intend building, are invited to call. LUMBER BY THE CAR LOAD AT RIVER PftICEB. SSK-About 10,0(10 FEET five-fourth Tel low Fine Flooring, well seasoned.for sale cheap. Jiilv _ CHARLES T. SISCO. J. EDWARD BIBCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, WHOLESAI.K AXD KKTAtIi HAPFACTt?BRBS Of Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, BIGNALB, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, Ac. Store and Factory, No. 95 Baltimore street, Opoosite Hollidav street. Dec. 28,- lfifiL—ly A. Btorck*s STEAM TURNING AXD SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor, Balt., WHERE he is prepared to execute all kinds of SAWING and TURNING, such a? Bench Screws. Hand Screws, Bed Posts, Car riage Hubs, Cart Hubs, Cedar Posts, Stair Ban isters, Stair Newels, PianoLegs,Columns,Table PIN BALLB, etc. kinds straight and fancy Scroll Sawing. July 6, 19 61.—1 y 6SW6B CHIPniV, n.MUwtouK wnuaiu Broo m s, Fainted Biiokifi, it and . ~ wai*C BRUSHES, WnTfmri*msL MATCHED v:BLACKING,- 'Ac.:. Hi* eq'.ip f N. B. &rnur Qiktrt and Lombard Bto., 3alt. •/, ■ r, "->f\ ' -UK,. ,-r awj[&\ Farmers, Look at the Great Advan taf ein Threshing Grain with 1 GEISER’S PATENT, < BELF RBOULATINO GRAIN SEPARA- , J TOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. A T a time like the pres<*ut, when labor is J\_ scarce, it is important that Farmers, who are interested, should pay attention to the above' improvement, which considerably reduces the expense of Thronhing Grain,over any machine new in use. It is neculisrly adapted to its work and can be attached to either belt or iron rod Powers. It cleans the grain thoroughly by one operation, which is not generally done by any other machine. Grain cleaned by this machine, which contains much light, filthy tnatfcp-, is worth one or two cen's per bushel more than iJ cleaned in the comtaon way. The machine i conveniently arranged for hauling, being permanently fixen on two wheels. j Farmers’ Weather Indicator, OR WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. THIS instrument should be in the hands of ev ery Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out Anv change in the weather aud thus directs th farmer bow to shape his work and save crops that, without a Barometer, might be caught out in a storm and seriously injured, if not destroy ed. Every farmer should have one, as it is a perfect "weather teller.” It in simple in construction, cheap in price, not liable to get out of order, aud the only perfect portable Bciroineter in use. Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate and reliable for Scientific purposes, being used by the (’. S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In stitute; besides being recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the coutftrjt; fta well as bv a host of Professors auif Sweßfip? journals. ‘S We uame hut a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others :—Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Boston Jour nal. Peterson's Magazine. Orange Judd, Marshal! P. Wilder,' Prnfa. Henry, Hackley, Holmes, Carr, Hunnewell, Williams, Douglas, Ac. The cost of the instrument is within the reach f all, ranging in price from $7 to S2B. We have five different styles, from a plain maple case to the finest carved rosewood. Most of these styles have a Thernlometer attached. ’A sample of this instrument may be seen at this office. ' , Ordere promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar and prices, personally or bv letter to BRUNT I) It A GRIFFITH, 49 N. Paca St., Baltimore,:Md. -fca. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, MANUFACTURERS k DEALFRS IN AGRI - IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark k Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery id general. RUNDELL S HORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay Elevator, the best iu use and a great la bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented and manufactured by PELTON. Beet Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. /s#“Aßupply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always cti hand. Jan. 21, 1868.—1 y. ■ ‘ DIICC’ ST. DOMINGO iTi PREPARATIONS. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. ' An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia, Lass of Appetite, Indigestion. Generpl Debility, Etc.. Especially recommended-to weak and debili tated women and children. Recommended and Used by the Med ical Faculty. RUSS’ ST. DOJIIIYGO WINE. Fw the social circles. RUSS’ st. Dommcio PUNCH. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as wo above enumerate. TRY THEM. C. LEWIS DUiILAP, WHOLESALE AGENT, No. 1.1 Vf. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. 'st®_For sale by Grocers and Druggists., March 4, 1865/—ly. CANFIELD BROS. & CO., 229 BALTIMORE ST., CORNER OF CHARLES, H AVE a tine Stockot— Gold Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen. Silver Hunting Case Watches of all kinds. Gold Chatelain Vest and Guard Chains. Diamond Earrings. Pins, Bracelets i Rings. Rich suits of Jewelry of new styles. Bracelet! l , Necklaces, Earrings and Pins of great variety. Pearl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Kpives, Ac., Ac. Silver Pitchers, Goblete, Cups, Salts, Ac. Fancy Silver Goods of new styles. Plate'd Tea and CotTe# sets of late patterns. Castors, Baskets. lee Pitchers and Cups, Flated or Alabama porks and Spoons of best quality. y Table and Pocket Cutlery, Peiss-rs a Razors. Watches carefully repaired. Fans, Opera Glasses. Portmonaies; beautiful Paris Gilt and Porcelain Vases : beautiful Par is Card Receivers and other articles: Prout’s Hair and Tooth Brushes; Fine Marble and Bronzed Paris Clocks; Bronzed Figures and Ornatnent-. MILITARY GOODS. Swords and Belts for Armv and Navt, Sash es, Spurs, Buttons. tlord, Navy Caps, Stars and Embroideries, Army Embroi deries of all kinds, Chevrons, Bindings, Cloth, Ac. Field Glasses, Pistols and Cartridges. March 18. 1865.—1 y. tTem x7T~ JULIUS RUDIGER, BOOT AXD SHOE MAKER, towsontoWn, MEREBY informs the publie that he has moved his establishment into his / new e, in the rear of the POBT OFFICE. He will continue to manufacture NEW W 0 R K, of the best material and workman ship, as well a| attend to all kinds of REPAIR ING. Thankful for past favors, he respectful ly asks a continuance of the same. ' Oct. 28, ’6s.—ly. W C TUCKEK, No. T 6 Hillen Street, near Bel-Air Market, ¥N ESPECTFULLY informs his Baltimore XV unty friends that he is prepared to buy and sell aH kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Keeps constantly on hand CLOVER, THY, FLAX and other SEEDS in connection with ALL KINDS OF Gif A IN, and hopes, by a strict attention to business to merit a shape of public patronage. Sept. 9.—6nt. House, Bign, and Fancy Fainting. HENRY L. BOWEH -Jj' V. / TOWSOXTOWX, IS prepared to exeeate all work la hie Use such as * xfiidriw sn OLAZING, GRAINING, GILDINGv Imitation or wood and marble, *c m All of which will be done promptiy,;and ob the most reeeouable terns. - Apfll ft ÜB.-lf ; ~~ J M. The maubiiH-s are (ully warranted.— Xi’ic# of the machine.’fK>m 4 to 6 horses, all particuisra address,. LIN FON A LAMuTf, 151 N. High street, BaVtiwore. ALSO, - Braley At Pitt’s ’ Tbrekhm mill Winnowerti, with double pinion Hors* Power. • Straw and Foddar Cuttera, for lisml or horse power. CO U N s If K L L K R 8, all sizes and kinds. GRAIN 9FULLS, with Seed and Guano Attachments. HO MI N Y M ILLS, FLOWS, all size’s and kinds. Guanoa and Other Fertilizers. IT’S TON A LA MOTT, 131 North High Srcet. Baltimore, M L May .—tf "“family groceryT AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. Johfi C. Pitt, (Late of Calyert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the keai of Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and Garden-streets, Bat timer c, in forms hii old friepdfc and customers, and the public in general, that he has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured HA MS ; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Riftck Teas ; Java. Laguira and Rio Coffee; loaf,crushed, pulverized,clari fied and brown Sugar j -Broma, Cocoa, t’hoco iate, Kftrink, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast Powders, Sardinbs; SauCes; Pickle:!, Extracts, Salad Oil, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure *?|m£** Fjpj*. Rnir sins, Aimonds, Pecan Nuts, 'itraiikefa; fin* *ud and Dairy do., Syr up?, New OrJearuf and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial and Lard Oil, Tobacco and ftegars, Dupont's Super/dr Canister Powder, , Shot. Gun Caps. Ac., forjjale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call bv those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad vantage. as to convenience qualities aud. prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in.the city, if required. June.2l, 1865.—tf JOHN C. PUTT. R. Sim AIR 4k CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MAHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, AC., No. 58, 60 & 62 Light Bt, Baltimore. VTUE are Maimfacturingou.r Improved Stone -fV Lime and Ovster Shell uwei paw Made of th Best Materia! and fifty per cent, better than wy Linift Kpreador made in this country. Warranted to gin Satisfaction. Agents for the sale\f the Celebrated “HOIMTOR” MOWING & REAPING MACHINE. THE ‘IRON HARVESTER” SELF JIAKF. r.E.rER. >w lh.- beet Self-Rake Machine in use, and is warrant ed to give satisfaction. Il’< aho Manufacture the “Horse Corn Planter,’* Which Secdu, Covers and Rolls, and is one of the best in use. Horse Powers, T Threshers, Wheal Fans, Grist Wills, Cora and Cob Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow & fachint* Castings, Ac. ,ffiff'Send for a Circular. It. SINCLAIR Sc CO- April 15, 1865.—tf. WHEELER AND WILSON IfIGHKST TREMIUM tfffe y<hß wfej <gaSKljagi|lig!.ttg || WCM o INI. tpHE Lock Stitch made by this Machine X cannot be ravelled, and presents the same appearance upon each Bid* of the seam, a sin. gle line of thread extending from stitch to stitch. It ia formed with two threads, one up on each side of the fabric, and interlocked in ae centre of it. The beauty and regularity of the stitch will be observed, also the firm ness of the seam, in which respects it excels hand sewing. The Machine is recommended for the follow ing qualities: . 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch upon each side of" the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmh< , Bs, and durability of seam that will not rip nor ravel, and made with 3. Econbmy of thread. „ 4. Its attachments sd range of application to purposes and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of Construc tion. 7. Speed, case of operation and manage ment, and quietness of movement. OFFICE 214 WERT BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. April 1, 1865.- ly. OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. r lIHE undersigned having thoroughly A renewed his stock, aud laid in a cum-yif plete assortment ot , tmL DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectfully so licits the attention of country purchasers, and a call from dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low a# to satisfy hi# customers, that while the arti cles in .his line are judiciously selected, his PRICER are CHEAPER than" the cheapest. He requests a call from every one who coioes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICI NEB. P. 8. Physicians’ orders promptly filled with care. N. B. t Oil of Vitriol at the lowest cash price. FRANKLIN METZGER, Cor. Gay and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2, 186}.— ly E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Teas, Wines A Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, fWIENDERS thanks to his friends-for their for- A ™er very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business,-will cn- dcavor to merit a continuance of thtir&ffl favor, public are respectfully .m-jjjjpD vited to examine ppf. stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Our imported and domestip f LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible dart. Families mayfsotifide in the.JPURIJX of an article ordered for fnedi : cinahpurpoees j and proprietors of Hotels may t furnish their bars with choice liquors. All of which will the lowest CASH ‘prices. vA . Jply 14,,1860.—dy ,TT ALraaa ;iajis. £i*n jWW siHMUIf a Ijams tk Hutchins, * - - Tea Dealei?* and Ck^ticere, ’lVtensive stock of TEAS. WINES, GROCER-' IES apd Brovfstws Orally’ to which they *,. ’ f JWM -.**£ Dr. Br|lhaM- lii*i*oralint C*r-} dial. j Dr. BradthawN Invigorating Cor- Jl'a ' dial. Dr. Brad6haw’ Invigorating c:or dial. p The Ureal Intigoraut. T:HS ORE ATT WiWUMS* Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, jje ,U$ ■ If TITf if f* T IS A ND all direai-ei arising from excesses sud i J\ over -exes t hAvw laethor pb ys fcal\jr-m *n ta'l. do persons of feeble muscular frame, or de ficient in Vital H i* recommended ss the vnly means of commutiicating that euergji which is necessary t<* the enjoyment of all InJ natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. lt beneficial effects are not con fined to either sex or any age. The feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of buairess, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness, will find immediate permanent relief .from the use of thr* incbnlparabief'renoVaton .4 STIMULANT TJIA T KNTA TLS NO RK A CTION, li3 fo:ce is never expended, as is the esse with opium or alchoholic preparations, and all oth er txcitants. The effectthese is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, "the fast state of man is worse than the first.” But‘the Elixir is an exbilarant without a sin gle drawback —safe in its operation, perpetual in its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind, and the entire organizationj In cases of neqralgia, headache, losaxM' memory, hi po chendnAis, dyspepsia, general prostration, ir ritability,"’’nervousness, inability to sleep, liver complaint, and all diseases incident to-females, hysterics, monomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, constipation*, Ac.. Ac., from whatever cause arising, it is, Tf there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. - H is the only infallible remedy, yet discov ered ior..Norvjuia head and Mind Complaints. It is the metaphysic long sought for, and never found,- the only natural agent that e.ftn “administer to a mind diseased-” In ceases of j neuralgia, headache, vertigo, psin in the ; nerves ef the taco, and the various train ot . nervous affections, it will produce a cure in au sstonitthing short period of time; and it wii) also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of society, incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, i-outusion. giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy mental debility, indecision,’ wretchedne-s, Ac. It will increase aud restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew j the health of those who have destroyed it, in duce continual cheer fulness and equanimity 1 spirits, and prolong life. Price s:i per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottles, for sl3. For sale by S. S. IIANCE. 198 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. N. B.—Pcrsotwi out of.the <dtv enclosing a rami trance will have packed jtcqurely in a and forwarded tddhlir address irnmediafoly on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1b66.—1y. HA'mCK’jT SARSAPARILLA OR 3 LQ X> PILLS. Dance’s Sarsaparilla or_Blood Pille. . glance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Fills. He nee’s Sarsaparilla or Blood rills. Hance'w Sarsaparilla or Rlo*d Pills. Dance's Sarsa'psrjlla or Pills. Hauce’s Sarsansri!’.* or Blood Pille. Hance’s Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood Pills, For Purifyiug th Blood. Bautimorb, June 29, 1869. riiniS i* to certify, that I was afflicted with I a violent pain in the breastand right arm which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state of mr blood. I wa6 recommended to take Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Jllood Pills, and after flaking the pain was entirely -removed from my breast and arm, I found them ex tremely gentle In their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. Patrice Hocus, No. 25 Conway Street, between Howard and FmtaTv. purchasing these Pillt let me ad-l ONE WORD OF CAUTION. A1 way’s ask for IFANGE’-fl PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by 8. S. HANCE, •V !08 Baltimore Street, "and BWEETZER A CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets, Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. FITS! FITS! FITS! Hance ? s Epileptic Fills. For thie cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and all kinds of Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS who are laboring under this dis tressing malady will find HANCE’S EPI LEPTIC FILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous and although they &rt pre pared especially ior the purpose of coring Fits they will be found of especial- beueftt for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated'or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com plaints, or diseases of long standing, superin duced by nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Sent by mail free of postage. 1 PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, $3 per box. or two boxes for $5 ; twelve boxes $24. ATf orders must be addressed;’poet-paid, SETH 8. HANCE, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Jap. 28, 186L.—1.V. HANCE’S Sarsaparilla Fills. most valuable medicine in the world A for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, costiva ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Persons ef full habit, who are subject to headache, giddi ness, Drowsiness and singing in the cars, aris ing from ton great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dan gerous symptoms will be strictly carried otfhy their immediate use. For sale "bv S. S."HANCE, 198 Baltimore Street. These Pills cuiv be sent by mail, and where $1 worth is ordered, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. When You Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, Why Don’t You do it T ft is possible to hare RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, if you will use (and only usa) Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by 8. 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Btreet. N. B.—Ask for Hance’s Chemical Hair Res torative. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. Hance’s CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, T7 or thi#speedy and positive cure ef tetter, X *R rheum, ring wot-m, barbery itch, I all Cutaneous and skin Diseases. , A single bottle of this inestimable compound i has cured many of the most stubborn cases of : the *&bve diseases after,the patient had given i up all hope of ever being cured, anti had ex s pended thousands of dollars for different rem • edies. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by - .- . 8. 8. HANCE, 1 Off Baltimore Street, Bel thnore. ’ Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y, -r , TYRHBRANDRETH'B 1 JJ UNIVERSAL PILLS. . INNIAN tLGETABLU PlLU d^t?^ 11 th * p T I k,gJJf4t i * *** JLI xfa'l rouTZ’B 'celebrated - §iottf an 4, satfft spttdtw. stir a preventive of Long Frver, and a certaiu j.i ii Ij >i, „ igiula! lu i.t Li .” ? *{a poor. low-spirited animals, it he* the most beneficial effect. '> The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, ernoith and glossy skin—thus improv ing the abearance, vigor and spirit or this noble animal. FOB MILCH COWB. The property this’ Powder posses** in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, giv< it aa importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow- By actual experiment it has prove* that it will increase the quantity, of Milk and Cream twenty per eent., end make the Butter, firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them aa appetite, loosens their hid® *d makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. above Diseases can rxs vented. By using these Powders the Hog | Cholera can be prevented. Prioe 95 ota. par Paper, or 5 Papon for tl* rawpAwm av S. A. FOUM & BRO, - XT TRftlß WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, JTo. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, MX For Hale by. Druggists amf Storekeepers throughout the. Unit*) States. FOI TZ’S MIXTI RE, The Best Liniment for Man Ac Beast 1 Now in Use. IS a safe and reliable Remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections. Sprains, Burns. Swellings, and aU Diseases re quiring an application on M&u. On Horses it will never fail to euro Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Crdoked Hoot's. Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds’, it is an Intallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its effi cacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no matter of how long standing, can be promptly and ef fectually cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away bad Corns and cure Frost Bites, as this Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Pries 35 and 75 Cta. a bottle. siirTxer’s BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP, For Cough*, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Jilood, Pam and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty gf Breathing, d'C., <£c. This Syrup ia a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury ; bnt, owing to its purifying qualities, must >do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful—soothing, calming and allay ing the mast violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves : aiding and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at the root of Disease, aui driving it from the system. CROIIP. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing eroupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and al ways keep this Remedy at Kami. For Coughs after Measela, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other Preparation, par-Price 50 Cents per Bottle. All the above preparations for sale by Mas. M. A. 6IIE A LEY, AND RICHARD WILLIS. Druggist, June 24, 1565.—1 y. Towsontown, Md. ORCis LOT! GO TO c;i K CLUS LOT, No. 213 N. Gay St., Near the Bel Air Market, and get your FUKS! Twenty-five Thousand Muffs and Collar* must be sold before the Ist of Jan. FUHS FOR THE MILLIONS!! * Purs altered ami repaired with promptness ! It is contracted with the City Rail Road Co.,' to stop the cars for every passenger at the door for those that want to purchase Furs, and eve ry one wno makes a purchase in the place will have a free right, and will be furnished icith a ticket to return to their respective residences. A. KLEINEIBST, MANUFACTURER Or LADIES’ FANCY FURS A DEALER IN RAW SKINS. ✓ I do not carry on the store No. 99 W, Balti more St., (the Mineral Water Saloon,) there fore customers will make their purchases 213 N. Gay St.. Bel Air Market Circus Lot. where they can buy 5b per cent. less. B/anch Store at Washington, D. C., 430 Pennsylvania Ave nue, between 4J end 6th Streets. Oct 28.—3 tn. H. GOB.SUC3H, ** Successor to Jehu Gorsueh, Corner of Gsy and F>ont sfs., Baltimore, Md., B-KU.KK IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS reefived his Spring and Summer supply of goods, con si sung in partof Knives and Forks, ■■OHM Tocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods. Carpenters’ Tools, Axes,. Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace. Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’* AXES, war ranted, all ef whießne offers wholesale and retail at hia usual low prices. July 16.— if Dr. Sappington’B COMPOUND SYRUP OF-FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COJ/DB, • > HOARSENESS Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, h.aebeea before the public Eighteen yjars. It ia now-considered a -certain cure fox the. above named diseases by all who have used it. ? V P W £*. SAPPINGTON, ? 132 N.-Gay street, l4 Jroat eUeetJ, •. : 'xx>vj, M4t 1 Jihm-Jtl .o*s Jv-oS) *4l WEtAG ,•£* L ([ drv i\Hi( Krj;D mmu, AND PAY THE mm jmh mm HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, ! . _ .:*u, 1 - ■ 1. Aiul more thin any one else for the same during the year, in any quantity, BOUGHT AT THE OLD STAND OF U. A. POLT.ACR, No. 96 N. Howard St., • ; i Between Mulberry a Saratoga. Nov. 11.—2 m. GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERS, 'and I) kale ft s is PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin A Valette’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, ! I TAVE c>mi*ftitlv on hand a large and well I it selected :stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, j dfEjjA consisting in part of F R E 8 II f TEAS, (green and black,) cf vs-fLUf) j ®B®Drious pricrts dud flavors; Coffees-jDpB I Mocha. Java, Ldguayra, and' Rio; SUGAAB--New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maccsron? and Verinr.eelli; Cooper’s A Os’s Refined Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils: Cheese—English Dairy ; Pine Apple and Sap Ssgo; ’Sardines ; French and Spanish Ol ives: English -and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow Chow, Piccailii, Cauliflower, Wal nuts aud Onion*; Sauces—John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES—Jaa. Heniwsv A Co„vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A o<*. I'4A, Ns tive Catawba, Bor deau, Rochelle and other brands: Fine Old WINESr-I.ondwi Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira-, Lisbon,-BweetMoselle and Chump ague; WHIS KIES— Scotch, Old Rye. Celhcun, Old Rapp -and Bourbon, some very old ami fine; Pure 1 Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac.; Imported j and Domestic. Segar-s andTohaced, all of which j they will sell at reasonubie prices, and respect j t'lfly solicit chC. .''U;e. 23, IbfiTJ.—ly j ~ W. P. DAILY, ] ,Y>. 11 Light stnet, 2 Boors below Frunigiiv Mote, Baltimork. I “ * MANUFACTURE A DEALER IN I OURGJCAL Inatruments of every description, 1 kj Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes, Ear I Trumpet*,' and every variety of | struments for tko Deaf. Galvanic Dd\grj| ' Magnet*) Electric Batteries, Micro- I acopes, Stereoscopes, Thermometers, Barometers i Spectacles, Reading-<lases, Magnifying G-las s es, Field and Opera Glasses, Spy Glasses; Agent for the Craig Mleroacupen, Beautiful Microscope Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Tiuss for all sixes, Wholesale and Retail. DAILY’S VENTILATED TRUSS,! FOX TLIKK OF . j HERNIA OR RUPTURE, • Has probably done more good than any inven tion of the age. will cure if cur* is possible. I have applied it fo aboutdi ve thousand persons, moat of whom have been relieved. When its merits become known it will be the only Truss worn in the world. • The Truss will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine the article. - ; W. V. DAILY, II Light St., 2 doors below Fountain Hotel. Aug. 26.—Sni * FRANK L. MORLLX4, FLORIST, SKKI>SYB \.\ A.\D IVIJRSFRYiRAIV, Store JVo. 2X. Eutau- Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on the Hook,tow n Road Adjoin ing Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the atfention of thecitiaen* of the countv, to his Stock of YjAteAt*. eg*- GARDEN fifeEDS. -- r FLOWER FRUIT TREES. IJRAPE VINES, and all SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN ASJ> ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, ‘ ' Roses and Flowering’Shrubs. I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev en vthing in my line of trade. Juue 3,1865. —1 y. A. M. MATTHEWS & BRO., i manufacturers and dealers in Agricultural Implements MACHINES AND SEEDS, f Shovels, Spades,. Forks. ALSO, BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODED WARE, &C., o. 1 3 3 HtHen S t., (XEAK BEL AIR MARKET,) BALTIMORE. Md. IMPLEMENTS repaired at short otice. Plow Castings by the Piece or Ton. Oct. 14,1865.—1 y. BRUG STORE IN T O W S O N T O \V N T '. rpHE Subscriber respectfully informs —1 X the residents of Baltimore county, TW that he haf opened aDRUG ANDAPOTH- Em ECARY STOKE in Towsontown. where he in tends keeping a carefully selected Stoik of Pure & Genuine Drugs, Medicines, and all articles usually kept in a well regulat ed DRUG STORE. citv prices. Alsn.^ Paints, Oils, VACnish, BruSilrf- Wind op: < Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, and Fit ions of every Inscription. RICHARD WILLIS. Juue 17.—3 m. Towsontown, Md. JACOB lU)FF.nA.\, ii SADDLE, HARNESS' 1 AND COLLAR MAN UFACTURER. .Vo. 176 North. Gay Street. Baltimore. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of light and heavy Har ness, Collars. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac. Old Harness taken in exchange. Country work of all kinds punctually attended to. Repairing promptly executed. Feb.-yfis.Lrl>. Thomas Mullin, Jr., COACH MANUFACTURE#, Eaut side of Holliday st., Adjoining Shipley's Livery Stables, ficpond door ftouth of rloaf-aui ht., Baltimore. rpiIOMAS MULLIN’, J. t ke, Tsoj|C3^R X'* hand, ihd manufactures order, CARRIAGES OF EVERY-W *- DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good workmen, and of the best materials. N. B. REPAIRING done at the sborteet no tice. and On reasonable terms. Jul v 28, Ih6o. 1 v - Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 .V. GAFSTREET, COR. OF HIGH ALL thclatestyleeofGcnts, Youths figdegl and Children’s Hats and Caps always on hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valiaee, Umbrallas, Ac., at tne ru<iiufa<*tnr*rß dries*. jjySrLadies’ and Gentlemen’s F U R S, all styles and qualities. . * County people j give us a call J Jan. 14^185.-r-ty. To Farmers of Baltimore County. friHE subscriber bkvingestablished an Agen- I cy for the purpose of supplying Farmers with labor, is prepared to fill all orders for WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. Those in want ot hands can bo supplied imme diately by applying to OLIVER WOOD, General Agency, 61 Second street, Baltimore. Aug I(L—tJan.l. fmhTfishli Fiwm c .' m . AND OTHER FISH CONSTANTLY RE- ' CEIVrNt? on baud and fqr sale fo §3 Booth st r ; MW Tnlt* 1 mm m ■ > \ .S Itt BA LTIMORE STREET, rr nr +** EsUeTIMOSE STREET, **' (oVa fioOk sfei.ow csLVRin'.T * PERFUMERY, Tcf C toilet Articles, css^eTigb. CENTRAL A GENCYfor EM AIL de PARIS. CANES, met assoith yr, POCKET KNIVES. POCKET-BOOKS AND WALLETS, LADLES’ AND GENTS’ VALISES. FANCY GOOES, Best asßortruent in the city. • LUBIN’ft EXTRACTS, (all odors.) FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes.) SOAPS, French, English aud Domestic. . FA.ISTS, Very fine, suitable for presents. Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, | Pomades, Hair and Flesh Brushes, ! Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes. COMBS, DRESSING CASES, Sozodont for the Teeth. - Night Blooming Ceraus. SCOTCH WOOD GOODS, Every Pattern. Agency for HUMPHREY'S HOMCEPATHY, Agency for ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES in demand. READ’S is the place for FINE GOODS, and 7 for a good assortment. Remember the number —147 Balto. street, one door from Calvert. Oct. 21.—tf. jaV n. bakilr, GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avepue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Where can be found at all times a supply of GUANOS, f SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE, POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, dr., . And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED, HAY, STRAW, CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. ,55*- WOOL, FURS. DRIED FRUIT, and All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, for which we are paving the highest cash prices. JAS. M. BAKER, Next door to ,W. Stansbury’s Bee Hive Hotel, where F lir n iCrß will find excellent accomTno dation*. Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE * " No. 135'N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD AUIfIIGER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, j ALSO, WOODEN WARE A HARDWARE, j rpHE public are respectfully invited to call X and examine tny tdoek of i TUBS. BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, BRITANNIA, JAPANNED AND TIN WARE. KNIVES AND FORKS, ' ALBATA SPOONS. CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Woodenware', at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER. 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27,1865^ 1v GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. ; W*. B. HILL, AT TOR N E Y A T LAW, 79 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK TAT, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 2S.— tf PLOUGH 'CASTINGS I PLOUGH CASTINGS! t THE attention of Farmerg and Merchants is invited to my full and,complete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, S Woodcock, Smith. Atwood, Minor A Horton, Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, Baltimore. HENRY WILCOX. Feb. 6.—tf JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK., AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE d RETAIL. No. 348 Baltimore §t. f £1 HA ftSESsJ 3 < * oorß below Eutaw Mjf Jt House, Baltimoa*), MANUFACTURES and keeps constantlyon hand every description of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS. VALISES, CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in his lino. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. July 9,1865. —1 y ~TA3LE NOTICE. FALL STYLES OF HATS, 1866. WE are now prepared to nish our friends and : public with the Fall Styles ■MdytMw | OF HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, ÜBB9 ; wKien c.qpfnyo favorably with any Mold in the city ot ALSO, SOFT Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Children, some very beautiful. 8. HINDEB A SON, May 20.—tf No. 160 Gay street. THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AMD SHOE MAKER, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, y|| SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’ WORK, of the best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. 1 also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse aud fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8, 1864. ly T. 8. W. HETgBttggSBCM|JH C. W. Slagle fife Co., COMMISSION A PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. 118 and 133 North street, Baltimore. WEaell and bnv on commission all kinds GRAIN. CLOVER SEED. FLOUR, COR MEAL, an,T COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. Wo have for sale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July 14, 1866. — 1 y Jakks Rbattv. George R. Skim-maii JAMES BEATTY & CO., N SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, 3L A Nl> CAkWbA KERB, Nos. 92, 94 and 96 Dugan's Wharf," Near Pratt street, Calt. -March If, 1865.-iy. AUCTIONEER’S CARD. THE undersigned respectfully inform* tk /, citizeasof Baltimore county, that be con? tinilfes the business of an AXTCTIOISTEEIR,, and is prepared to sell real and personal pr**.- erty of evary description, on good terms. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Bbawan P. Baltimore county. Sept. 2.—tf. GEOBGE C. MoCOULL^ ] ’ . undertaker, j: f!o. 11l Saratoga street,! d Pay west of Hows;