Newspaper Page Text
; -MaitoV W.A , Skives, Tin Ware, dee. i STOVES & TIN WARE ?, n>gg subscriber calls the atlen'ion of Coun I try People. to his new ea dishment ON TtIK OORNbITOF HiLLEN ANDjUIEST KUT STAw HALT IMOKE, where he keeps for sale, t tlio lowest prions, a full assortmeut of STOVES AND TIN WARE, of every description. All kinds of family TIN WAKE constantly on tot ltd. Repairing promptly attended to. Kov. ts—3m., % P. GILL. . The Cheapest Place to Buy STOVES, £ IS AT LONBY Sc BROTHER’® Nos. 151 J .f- ISS N. day St.. Baltimore. PARLOR. OFFICE AND COOK STOVES, OF VARIOUS STYLES and warranted to give satisfaction. Plumbing in all its : , btanches. Water fixtures put up at short no tice. . '£3&o<vintrv people will find it to their ad vantage to call. Oct. 7.—Sm. iwssf— *9 A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. XT A VIXG resigned my business to my son, XX 1 herewith return iny sincere thanks for ■ <ne liberal patronage giveg me during the bnmy years of my business life in Towsontown, fetid respectfully solicit for him a continuance of the same. MARY A. BHEALEY. NEWGOODST NEW GOODS! HAVING taken charge of the business for merly conducted by ipy mother,! am novr ottering *to the public, a tine assortment of Goo*rss jtwfc piA-chased in the City of New York, comprising FRENCH, ENGLISH A COBURG a flue assortmentof Black Alpacas sod Alpaca Lustres; all wool Mouslin Delaines, ■C-tlicos, Ac. MANCHESTER GINGHAMS. .Clpara Flannels, Flannels, Canton Flannel, Linen Diaper Table Cloths, ■ Napkins, Taivels, Shirting Linens ond afirfe Stock of MUSLINS. Also, Cloths. Cassimers, Cloakings, Full Lin gers, Crapfe, Uflovef, Hosiery-,Yarns, Ac. A fine assortment of ALBATA WARE, * <SA*BLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, AO?, j.- . at low prices. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps, Hardware, Queens ware. Crockery ware, and Stoneware. i Always on hand, GROCERIES of the best quality. T*-as Ac B-lieving that I can give as good bargains as -can lie eotten in the city. I respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. WILLIAM S. SIIEALEY. oct. -2f*. ’6s.—tf. STARR’S REPEATING FOUR-SHOOTER. • Safest Pocket Pistol Made* m - ' rjl HE advantages of this arm are : 1. It is the only “Pistol that can be placed in position to receive the Cartridge with one hand. tr-’be loaded in the dark, quicker than any other Pistol. r aud with no danger. 3. Itcirries a heavier Cartridge than any oth er Pietol of the same Jfze. 4. , It is the safest Pistol to load, shoot or carry, as a premature discharge is impossible. 5. It his less parts than any other Pistol, and is less liable to get out of order. 6. It shoots the ordinary metal Cartridge that can be purchased anywhere. TO Bp FOnxn AT THK PRINCIPAL GUM AMD BAKU ~ WA R K O RALPHS. ME RILL PATENT FIREARMS CO.. Sent !l. HR.'i—lv. Baltimore. Md Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, rf! > J Will cure ’ COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This - Superior Cough Syrup, , has been before the public Eighteen Years. It is now considere 1 a certain cur for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. K. S. SAPPINGTON, , 132 N Xfay street, Between High and Front streets, Not. 19.—tf Baltimore. Md. e.StttJ ! • —> Ball’s Head Hotel, Front, dear Gay street, Baltimore, Md. rpiILS old-established hotel, so I and so successfully conducted the last eighteen months, by Thomas C. LYawy, wHl'be MTntinned by wil nv, Ue having taken with her into me * bisiuess. R ibert D. Stausbury. of Davisville. Jith District Biltim >re county. The firm will, , tb ’relore, hereafter be known as TRACEY & S I\VN T tB'J it Y. The old patrons of the estab lish a ;nt. as well as the friends of the new pro prietor. may rest assured that nothing in tneir . fMvyer wdl be left undone, to merit a full share of the patronage of the public. ‘ HENRIETTA TRAoEY, ; ' ROBERT D. STANSBURY. U iv 9.—tf E. J. CHURCH, LPIIO DIALgR, Ashland s juare. Corner Cay and. Ufonu me'iit Streets, Baltimore, S TLL k -eii on hand all varieties of LUM at. .Sill N i LES. LATIIS, AC., at the old eu i ibshY l stiu 1, which he sells at the very ovV *\€ prices. OirizMis <>f Biltimore county who intend b iil Iniare inv ted to call. L IMA.SR BY THE CAR LOAD AT RIVER . . 'PRICES. * > EJEB r five fourth Yel I > *-HSi aAiC i iig/wdlf seatoned, for aalfehheap. di 1 v I.—6in. i'j:z j r sisco. j. edward sisco 31300 BROTHERS, ,oi No. Atf iltfinore street. Baltimore. V<l 11,4* ILK un KKTAIL MAUPACTIIRERS OP Oil Fallows’ aad Masons’ Regalia, It V.NNEKSf FLAGS. SIGNALS. MILITARY GOODS, iOLD AND SILVER FRINGES. GIMPS, * TASSELS. Ac. *t->re ml Factory. No. 95 Baltimore street, Opposite Uollidav street. 0. , >rl(! is. IS6I. —I v f HOTO YA- Storck’s STE.yid TURNING SAW! NG LIS IIM ENT. ’toiiW'ALr bJUvcen. Gil leu an<l .Ensor. Balt.. i#iair™rK Bmi ;h Screws. Hand Screws. Bed Posts, Car riage Hub^-Cedar Posts. Stair Ban isaSrl.fH*ii . - Legs. TEN PIN BALLS, etc. - Also, tfll kind* of straight and fancySftroll r duly it. is 6i._|y efibft k cdipnif, mXI’PAi’TI'RKR AVI WHoI.IiSAT.P, DRAI.KK IH B Painted Backets,Oedar and Willow Ware, BRUSHES. TWJNES- Wl' KB. MATCHES 4 .V R. Rimer Ci/veHanl Lombard. Stn., Balto. r,l v- I till* ' r 1 ‘ CI.OTH 11\ C- r il-OTHIIG !! , , . . . L G PETER. Merchant Tailor. !.rUi Vo, I. Snath Gay street. Baltimore. K;<JhPt slwiys on hand s fine asaortment of Ahadieatfcaodfe which he is prepared to Hi <•* tt oeler at *bort notice. Also, Goods up that are bought elsewhere. e AUXS.-IJ. rrisTur I 11 ■ ” 111 HERE IS THE Farmers, Look at the Great Advan j tage in Threshing Grain with GEISER’S PATENT,! SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SETARA- j TOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. AT a time like the present, when labor is scarce, it is important that Farmers, who j are interested, should pay- attention to the above | improvement, which considerably-reduces the ' expense of Threshing Grain, over any machine i now in use. It is peculiarly adapted to its work and can be attached to either belt or Iron rod Powers. It cleans the grain thoroughly by one, operation, which is not generally done by any other machine. Grain cleaned by this machine, which contains mu h light/filthy matter, is worth one or two c*-nts per bushel more than if cleaned in.the common way. The marine is conveniently arranged for hauling, being permanently fixed on two wheels. Farmers’ Weather Indicator, OR WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. THIS instrument should he in the faand3 of ev ery Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out any change in the weather and thus directs the farmer how to shape his work and save crops that, without a Barometer, might he caught out in a storm and seriously iujured, if not destroy ed. Every farmer should have one, as it is a perfect “weather teller.” It is simple in construction, cheap in price,“hot liable to get out of order, and the only perfect portable liaroineter in use. H e iPS- a Mercurial Bafcmeter, it is accurate and reliable for Scientific purposes, being Used by Lu ll. S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In - stitutej besides being recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the country, as well a by a host of Professors “nnd Scientific journals. - * We name but a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others : —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Boston Jour nal, Peterson’s Magazine, Orange Judd, Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, Uackley, Holmes, Carr. Hunnewell, Williams, Douglas, Ac. -The cost of the instrument is within tile reach ef all, ranging in price frerfn $7 to S2B. V\ e have five different styles, from a plain maple case to the finest carved rosewood. Most of these styles have a Thermometer aitached. A sample of this instrument may he seen at this office. t Orders promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar and prices, personally or hv letter to ■ BRUSTER & GRIFFITH, 49 N. I’aca St., Baltimore, Md. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land, Trade supplied on li'-eral terms. Also, MANUFACTURERS & DEALFRS IN AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery in general. RUN DELL’S HORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay Elevator, the best in use and a great la bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented and manufactured t.y PELTON. Bes' Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. A supply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always on hand. Jan. 21, 1865.— 1 y. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PREPARATIONS. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. . An infallible retfiedy for Dyspepsia. Lors of Appetite, Indigestion. General Debility. Etc. Especially recommended to weak and debili rated women and children. Recommended and Used by the Med ical Faculty. RUSS’ ST. DOJIINRO WINE. For the social circles. IHSS’ ST. IMUniftGO PUNCH. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, WHOLESALE AGENT. No. 13 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. sale by Grocers and Druggists. March 4,1865. —1 y. caTfield BROSXCO7 229 BALTIMORE ST., CORNER OF CHARLES, H AVE a tine Stockof— Gold Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen. Silver Hunting Case Watches of all kinds. Gold Chatelaiu Vest and Guard Chains. Diamond Earrings. Pins. Bracelets & Rings.- Rich suits of Jewelry of new styles. Bracelets. Necklaces, Earrings and Pins ol great variety. Pearl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives. Ac., Ac. Bilver Pitchers. Cups. Salts, Ac. Fancy Silver Goods of new styles. Plated Tea and Coffee sets of late patterns. Castors, Baskets, Ice Pitchers and Cups. Plated or Alabata Forks and Spoons of best quality. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Scissors & Razors Watches carefully repaired. Fans, Opera Glasses Portinonaies : beautiful Paris Gilt and Porcelain Vases: beautiful Pal is Card Receivers and other articles; Prout’s Hair and Tooth Brushes: Fine Marble and tronzed Paris Clocks; Bronzed Figures and Ornament . iviiiJTAuv famov Swords and Belts foj- Army and Navy. Sash es, Spurs. Bu'tons. Lace.' Cord. Navy Lace. Caps. Stars and Embroideries. Army Embroi deries of all kind-* Chevrons. Bindings. Cloth. Ac. Field Glasses. Pistols an l Cartridges. March IS. infi.y ly. REMOVAL! JULrUS RUDIGER, ■ au* BOOT AID KIIOi: BAKER, TOWSONTOWN, HEREBY inform? the public that he ha 3 moved his establishment into his new house, in the rear of the POST OFFICE. He will continue to manufacture NEW W O R K, of the best material and workman ship. as well as attend to all kinds of REPAIR ING. Thankful for past favors, he respectful Iv asks a continuance of the same. , ’ Oct 28,'5.—1y. WrcrTUCK ER, ~ Wo. 76 Hilled Street, near nei-Air Market, RESPECTFULLY ■ informs his Baltimore county fnQrids thut he is prepared io buy and sell all kinds of COUNTRY PUODUCEyy Keens constantly o hand CLOVER, f&lO THY, FLAX and other SEEDS in connection with ALL KINDS OF GRAIN and hopes, by satrict attention, to-business to mei-ita share of public patronage. Sept. 9.—fim House, Sign, and Fancy Fainting. HENRY L. BOWEN TOWSOSTOW*. 18 prepared to execute all work is his line such a* • ,i . elm i GLAZING. GRAINING. GILDING IMITATION OF WOOD MARBLE. Ac.; All of which will be done promptly, end on the most reasonable terms. April 7, IB6o.—tf The above machines are fully warranted.— Price of the machine, from 4 to 6 horsed, all complete fJlti, For further information and particulars address, LINTON ALA MOTT, 151 N. High street, Baltimore. ALSO, Braley & Pitt’s > Threshers anil Winnowers, 1 with double pinion Horse-Power. Straw and Fodder Cutters, for hand or horse-power. CORN S II E L L E R S, all sizes and kinds. GRAIN DRILLS, with Seed and Guano Attachments. H O M I N V M ILL S, PLOWS, all sizes and’ kinds. Guanos and Ollier Fertilizers. LINTON A LAMOTT, 131 North High Sreet, Baltimore, Md. •May tf " • 1 r-- - A-. -j . . family grocery. at THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. John G. Pitt, (Late of Calvert and Flensant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the head of Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has constantly on hand WLNKS AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured HA MS ; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, You<ig Ijysou, and Black Teas; Jaya, Laguira and Kio*Uoifce; losf'f, crhwdied,pulvfeifized,clari lied and brown bugart Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina. Rice Flour, Sago, Yyaat Powders, Sauces, Pie kies.” Ex’traifts, Salad Oil, CaktgfiA, Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sins, Almonds. Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Tattle and Dairy do,, Syr ups, New Orleans and. sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial afta'JLiard Oil, Tobacco and Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, Shot, Gun Cap?, Ac., forsale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad vantage rs to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or tq any other place in the city, if required. June 21.1865.—tf JOHN C. PITT. It. MNCLAIR i UO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MAHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, AC., No. 58, 60 & 62 Light St., Baltimore. IITE are Manul’acturingour Improved Stone 7 f Lme and Ovster Shell 1UIM& §PllA’£l®§, Made of the Best Material and fifty per cent better than any Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to give Satisfaction. Agents for the sale of the Celebrated “JIONITOIt” MOWING & REAPING MACHINE. THE ‘IRON HARVESTER” SELF RAKE REAPER, considered now the best Self-Rake Maelrine-iu use, and is warrant ed to give smisfaqtlrtn. We also Manufacture the “Horse Corn Planter” Which Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and is one of the best in use. Horse Powers, Threshers, Wheat Fans, Grist Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow & Machine Castings, Ac. jEErSend for s Circular. R. SINCLAIR Sc CO. April 15, 1865.—tf. r WHEELER AND WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM f I* HE Lock Stitch made by this Machine JL cannot be ravelled, and presents the same appearance upon each side of the seam, a sin gle line of thread extending from stitch to stitch. It is formed wth two threads, one up "n each side of the fabric, and interlocked in the centre of it. 'The beauty and regularity of the stitch will be observed, also the firm ness of the seam, in which respects it excels tiand sewing. The Mach ine is recommended for the follow ing qualities: l. Beauty and excellence of stitch upon each side of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmn'ss, and durability of seam that will not rip nor ravel, and made with 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments and range of application o purposes and mateiials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construc tion. 7." Speed, ease of operation and manage ment. and quietness of movement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. 4 nril 1. ISfi.V— I v. Ol,i) l'pWN DRUG STORE. I ‘HE undersigned Having thoroughly renewed ins stoua, and laid in a piete assortment Ol Q 'Ye stuffs, DKUGS, C HEMICALS, PERFUMERY, md everything else in his line, respectfully so licits me attention of country purchasers, and a jail from all dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his line are judiciously selected, his ■' PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from every one who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor >ugh assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. F..S. Physicians’ orders promptly filled with care. / . N. B. Oil of Vitriol at thelowestcash price. FRANKLIN METZGER. Cor. Gay and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feh. 2,J861.— ly E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wines A Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, - TENDERS thanks to his friends for their for mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt nesraiid attention to business, will on- TT> dfeayor-to merit a continuance of avor. The public are respectfully pur stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES Cur imported ind domestic LIQUORS are selected with the rreatest possible care. Famijjes may confide in the-PuRITY of an article ordered for.medir cinal purposes: and proprietors of Hotels may 'urnisn their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH [•rices. July 14. 18ft0>—ly ILPRED UAH3. ' J4MKS ILVRED HCTCHIKS ir©n find Clr* oofers, •>jCorn*r Gay and High sts., Baltimore TT REP constantly on hand a choice and ex ,IVtensive stock of TEAS WINES GROCER IM nnd Provisions aeneral y. to which they es peetfullv -invite the attention of purehaeera. Feb. 13.~tf 11 „.j„ Hance's Column . NUKVOUS DtSCON TKOLLED AiVtf CON QUER UD. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. . Dr. Bradahaw’a Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradahaw’a Invigorating Cor dial. The Great Invigorant. (mieay Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESBand WEAKNESS, AND all ditc&eea arising from excesses and over exertion^whether physical or mental, io persons of feeble muscular frame, or de ficient in vital powe’r, it is recommended as the only means of communicating that energy which is necessary to the enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not con fined to either sex or any age. The feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of busiress, the victim'oi nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility,xir from weakness, will find immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator. A STIMULANT THAT ENTAILS NO RE ACTION, Its force ia never expended, as is the case with opium or alcbohblic preparations, and all oth er excitants. The effect of these is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, “the last state of man is worse than the first." But the Elixir i 3 an exhilarant without a sin gle drawback—safe in ita operation, perpetual in its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind; ana the entire organisation. In cases of neuralgia, headache, loss of memory, bj po chondriaeis, dyspepsia, general prostration, ir ritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, liver complaint, and all diseases incident to females, hysterics, monomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, constipations, Ac., Ac., from whatever cause arising, it is, if there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. It is the only infallible remedy, yet discov ered for Nervous head and Mind Complaints. It is the metaphysic long sought for, and never before found, the only natural agent that can “administer to a mind diseased.’’ Incases of neuralgiijc headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves ef the face, and the various train of nervous affections, it will produce a cure in an astonishing short period of time; and it will | also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of society, incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy mental debility, indecision, wretchedness, Ac. It will increase and restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it, in duce continual cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits, and prolong life. Price $3 per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottles for sl2. For sale bv 8. 8. HANCE. 108 Baltimore Bt., Baltimore, Md. N. B.—Yersons out of the city enclosing a remittance will have packed securely in a box and forwarded to their address immediately on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. " MANCI’B SARSAPARILLA OR B LO DPILLB. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’a Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’a Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood Pills, For Purifying the Blood. Baltimorb, June 29, 1860. THIS is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right’arm which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sarsaparillaßlood Pills, and after i taking one box the pain was entirely removed from ray breast and arm. I found them ex tremely gentle in their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a i mild purgative. Patrick Rochk, No. 25 Conway Street, 1 between Howard and Eutaw. 33fcIn purchasing these Pills let me add ONE WORD OF CAUTION. Alway’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, eall and see the proprietor himaelf. For sale by S. 8. HANCE. 108 Baltimore Street, and BWEETZER * CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. FITS! FITS! FITS! Hance’s Epileptic Pills. For the cure of Fils, Spasms, Cramps,and all kinds of Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS who are laboring under this dis tressing malady will find HANCE’S EPI LEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered fur curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system ; and although they are pre pared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com plaints, or diseases of long standing, superin duced by nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Seut by mail free of postage. PRlCEß.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, $3 per box, or two boxes for $5; twelve boxes $24. All orders must be addressed, post-paid, SETH 6 HANCJ-. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Jan. 28, 1884.—1 y. IIANCE’S Sarsaparilla Fills. r I HE most valuable medicine in the world I for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, -costive ness. headache, uervousness. Ac. Persons of full habit, who are subject to headache, giddi ness, Drowsiness and singing in the ears, aris ing from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dan gerous symptoms will be strictly carried off by their immediate use. For sale by 8. 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street. These Pills can be sent by mail, and where $1 worth is ordered, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 29, 1864.—1 y. When You Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, Why Don’t Ton do It f It is possible to have RICH, GLOBSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, if you will uso (and only use) Hance’B Chemical Hair Restorative. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by 8. 8. HANCE. 108 Baltimore Btreet. N. B^— Ask for Hance’s Chemical Hair Res torative. Jan. 28, 1865 ly. Hftnct’s Celebrated tetter wash, FOR the speedy and positive cure of tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, barbers itch, and | all Cutaneous and skin Diseases. ! A single t)ottle of this inestimable compound 1 has cured mauy of the most stubborn cases of the above diseases after the patient had given ' up all hope of ever being cured, and had ex ' pended thousands of dollars for dfifforent rem edies. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by 8. 8. HANCE, 168 Baltimore Btreet, Baltimore. Jan.4B, tßfs.-ly._ . 3 ri; TVR. BRANDBETH’S s-r t § lFr BNIVEBBAL PILLS ivvijtirvtGiTtiiz fills. Hance’s Barsapagilla Pills. : . AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. Together with all tha Popular Pills of the day. For sale by 8. 8. HANCE. Jmu ly. 1M MUaer* Street. FOUTZ’S CELEBRATED fowaml &Mk ThesePoujjjeri The* ■ure preventive of Lung Fever. and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the librae, such as Gian- Vitaf^ner gy. Ac. • - * In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of fhem improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, rigor and spirit of this noble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. The property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gircf it an importance and value which, should place it in the hands of every jierson keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. In all Diseases of Powders* in a bar above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the llog Cholera can be prevented. Frioe 25 ots. per Paper, of 5 Papers for sl. PKICPARKD BT ! S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG m MEDICINE DEPOT, j Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md- For Sale by Druggists' and Storekeeper j throughout the United States. FOUTZ’S UIXXUttK, - \ The Beat Liniment for Man & Beast Now in Use. IS a safe and reliable Remedy for the cure of : Rheumatism. Painful Affections, bprains, Burns, Swellings, and all Diseases re quiring an application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Ruuning Sores, or Sweeney, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Crooked Hoofs. Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an Intullible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its elli cacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this disease, no matter of how longstanding, can be promptly and ef fectually cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away bad Corns and.cure Frost Bites, as this Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Price 35 and 75 Cts. a bottle. .SHRINER’S RALSAMIJ COUGH SYRUP, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, &c., Arc. ■ . This Syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury ; but, owing tolts purifying qualities, must do ' good under any circumstances, its effect is truly wonderful —soothing, calming an 1 allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying. Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves ; aiding and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at the root of Disease, and driving it from the system. CROIJ p.. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the firstshovv of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at hand. , ' For Coughs after Measels, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other Preparation. jbWPrice 50 Cents per Bottle. All the above preparations for sale by Mns. M. A. SIIEALEY, AND RICHARD WILLIS, Druggist, , June 24, 1805. ly. Towsontown. Md. CIRCIJ* LOT! GO TO C 1 H c US L O T, No. 213 N. Gay St., Near the Bel Air Market, and get your FTJKS! Twenty five Thousand Muff's and Collars - must be sold before the Ist of Jan. FURS FOR THK MILLIONS 1 ! ft. Furs altered and repaired with promptness ! It is contrrffcted with the City Rail Road Co . to top the ears for every passeuger at the door for those that want to purchase Furs, and eve ry one wno makes a purchase in the place will have a free right, and will be furnished with a ticket to return to their respective residences. A. KLEINEIBST, " MANUFACTURER OF LADIES’. FANCY FURS A DEALER IN RAW SKINS. Ido not carry ou the store N<>. DU W. Balti more St., (the Mineral Water Saloon.) there for* customers will make their purchases 213 N. Gay St.. Bel Air Market Circus Lot, where ! they can buy 50 ier cent. less. B anch Store at Washington. D. 0., 430 Pennsylvania Ave nue, between 4} and oth Streets. Oi t. 28.—3 in. J SIBJBJiUA R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Frontsts., Baltimore,Md„ DEALER IN POREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE IT AS received his Spring und II Summer supply of goods, aisTTug in partof Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Tabic and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters' Tools, Axes, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks,Castand Blister Steel. Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Beales, Sufety Fuse, Gun Caps, 1 WOObCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. Jui# lf-t ti J Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHB, COLDS, HOARSENESS le. Tb “ * / . ~ f ’Superior Cough Byrup, baa bean before the publie Eighteen yekrtf. It la how eon-idered a certain onre for the above named diseases by all who have used it , Prepared by DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street. Between Rich a&d Front atreete. For. ll.—if Baltimore, Md. CORN HUSK * I’WILL BUY AND RECEIVE /, ' f . ,• ■ .. S f \ DRY IMlllltliKD RUSK, AND PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, And more than any one else for the same during theyeir, in any quantity, BOUGHT AT TIIE OLD STAND OF U. A. POLLACK, 'No. 03 N. Howard St., Bet ween,Mulberry t Saiatoga. Nov. 11. —2m. GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERB, AND DRALKttH IN . PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At‘Martin & Vaiette's old 88 Baltimore street, uear Holliday, Baltimore. HAVE constantly on Hand a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of F R E S H i-tttt, TEAS, (green, and black,) of prices and flavors; Uoffeek-jjjjJJ Ahoeha. JaVit, LnguayFa,' Maracaibo and Rio; \ sUGAAS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermacelli: Cooper's A Cox’s Refined Gelatine : Fresh Salad and Olive Oils; Cheese—English Dairy; Bine Apple-and Sap Sago: Sardine*: French- and Spanish 01- ves ; English and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow, picea|lli. Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Qnions: Sauces—John Bull. Harvey, , Reading; Soho. Mushroom and Worcestershire : BRANDIES—Jas. Ifennesy & Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co. 18F6. Native Catawba, Bor leau. Rochelle and other brands ; Fine Old WlNES—London Dock Port. Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, SweetMoMi* arid Champagne: WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye. ■Oalhoiiit Old Rkpp and Bourbon, some very old and fine: Pure llollaudCdn. Jamaica Spirits. Ac. Ac.: Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of which they wilt sell at reasonable prices, and res pec t f ill v solicit a call. -Tune 23. 1800.— >v W. F. DAILY, -Vo. 11 Light street. 2 Doors below Fountain lfoie, /"l h B'Mi jio is i;. MA> T U FAOTURE A DEALER IN | OURGICAL Instrument'? <\t every description, i Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes. Ear I Trumpets, and *:Very variety of • struments for the Dt-af. Galvanic J Magneto EleHrie Batteries, Micro | scopes,Stereoscopes,Thermometers,Barometers j Spectacles. Reading Glasses. Magnifying Glass | es. Field and Opera Glasses. Spy Glasses; Agent i for the Craig Microscopes, Beautiful Microscope | Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Truss for all sizes, ! Wholesale and Retail. | DAILY’S V EIVT nr* AT KD TRiSS, 3 rov. tiik <si re or HERNIA OR RUPTURE, I Has probably done more good than any inven | lion of the age. It will cure if cuie is possible. 1 have applied it to about five thousand persons, most of whom have been relieved. When its merits become known'it will be the only Truss worn in the world. The Truss will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine the article. W. F. DAILY, 11 Light St. 2 doors below Fountain Hotel. Aug. 20 —6m FRANK L. lUORLLYG, P LORI ST, *i;i>MlA j A AD APRS PRY RAY, Store yb. 2 X. Eutaio Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on the Ilookstown Road Adjoin in" Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the attention of thecitizens of the eountv, to his Slock of * t GARDEN SEEDS. FLOWER SEEDS, PE VINES', and all KM ALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN . ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, IL* House and Hardy- Plants,' Roses and Flowering Shrubs. I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev anything in my line of trade. June 3,1865. —1 y. A. M. MATTHEWS & BRO., manufacturers and dealers in Agricultural Implements MACHINES AND SEEDS, Shovels, Spades, Forks. m ALSO, BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN W iRb, &( i, No. 13 3 Hi 11 e n St., (NEAR UUL am MARKET,) BALTIMORE. Md. ysjJ-OLD IMPLEMENTS repaired at short Plow Castings by the I‘iece or Ton. Oct. 1 L l-'6s.—ly. DRliu STOKE IN TOWSONTOWN. r IMIR Subscriber respectfully informs A the residents of Baltimore county, ygf that he has opened a DRUG ANDAPOTIf- fm ECAKY STORE in Towsontown. where he in ten Is keeping a carefully selected Stock of Pare & Genuine Drug 3, Medicines, and all articles usually kept in a well regulat ed DRUG STORE, at *iry prices. Also, Paints, -Oils. Varnish, Brushes, Window Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, and Notions of every Description. RICHARD WILLIS. June 17.—3 m. Towsontown, Md. JACOB UOITWIAN, SADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR MAN UFACTURER. ■ No. 176 North Gay Street. Baltimore. MANUFACTERES and keeps constantly on; hand all kinds of light and heavy liar-' ness. Collars. Saddles. Bridles. Whips, <te. Old Harness taken" in exchange. Country work of all kinds punctually attended to. Repairing prom fit ly executed. Fob. 4. ’65.-1 y ' Tuoiaas MtilUru Jr.. 1 , ' COACfi hfA Slip A CTURER, - East side of Holliday #U, Adjoining Shi) lev’s Livery Stables, Second door South • f Pleasant st., Baltimore. nniIOMAS MULLIN. Jr., X on hand, aitd ‘manufactures order. CARRIAGES OF EVERY-Vii Mi. DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good workmen. And of the l>est materials. N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice. and on reasonable terms. Julv 28, 186*1 —1 v Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 -V. GAYSfPSET. COB. OF HI Gif ALL thohiteetyjeeofOqnts. Youths^. and Children's Hats and < v aps alwayson hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags. Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., Vt the tminufftcturers drices. - . j2s@*Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s FURS, all styles ami qualities. County people, give US ct'call! Jan. 14. 18451—1 y _ NOTICE. To Farmers of Haltiinore County. fpil£auhseribnrjiavmg an Agon- X Farmers with labor, is prepared t<> fill all orders for WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. Those in want of hands cau be supplied imme diately by applying to j OLIVER WOOD, | General Agency. 61 Secbnd street, Baltimore. Aug TO.—tJan,l. -r * FISH! fisiTu fisluTT \ Mackerel, a HERRING, CODFISH, AND OTHER FISH CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING on hand and for sale hr * "• F. F. POPE. 85 South St., below Pratt. Aug. 36, 1865.-1/ 147 BAD TJfMV&JS BTBEET, I*7 BALTIMORE STREET, (one doob below calvbkt.) . / PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, COSMES ! Ka w CES A G ENCY for EM AIL de PA BIS. GANES, # LAROE ASSORTMENT, rOCKET KNIVES. ~ P -CKET-BOOKS ANI) WALLETS, LADIES’ AND RENTS VALIbES. • - FANCY. GOODS, Best assortment in the city. ! LUBIN’S EXTRACTS, (all odors.) FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes.) i SOAPS. French, and Domestic. ZF\A.3STS, Very fine, suitable for presents Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Pomades, Hair and Floi-h a, Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes. COMBS, DRESSING CASES, ’ Sozodont for the Teeth. ’ Night Blooming Cereus. SCOTCH W<'OD GOODS, Every Pattern. Agencv for . ‘HUMPHREY'S HOMfEPATIiY, Agencv tor ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES in demand. READ’S ia the place for FINE GOODS' and for a good assortment. Remember the number —147 Balto. street, one door from Calvert. Oct. 21.—tf. JAsT HI. BAKER, GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, , Where can be found at all times a supply ol GUANOS. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, /£ GKODN D BON E. PGFDBEIT, CALCINED PLANTER. LIME. HAIR. CEMENT, Ac., And dealers in FLOUR. CORN MEAL. BUCK •j WHEAT MEAL. CORN. OATS. MILL I EED, HAV. STRAW. CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND I GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. Jf% r WOOL. FURS. DRIED FRUIT, and afll kinds of Country Troduce taken in exchange. , j for which we are paying the highest cash prices. JAS. M. BAKER. ! Next door to W. Stansbury’s Bee Ilive Hotel, | where Farmers will find excellent acrntnnio | dationa. Jan. 7. 1865.—tf... NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 135 N. Guy street. Baltimore. RICHARD AKMiCER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, WOtyiENWARE A HARDWARE. (npilE jiublic arc respectfully invited to call 1 and examine my stock of 1 TUBS. BUCKETS. CHURNS. BRUSHES, BROOMS. BRITANNIA, JAPANNED AND I TIN WARE. KNIVES AND FORKS, { * ALBATA SPOONS. J CHINA AND GLASS WARE. > And every other description of Housekeeping I Goods and Wooden ware, at the verv lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER. 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27, 1*65.—1 v GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. Wll. B. HILL, y ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK PAY,, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, \ AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by | WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf | PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS !! : *YIHE attention_ of Farmers and Merchants is | JL invited lo my full and complete stock, em ,•; bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, ) j Woodcock, Smith, Atwood. Minor & Horton, Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No, 1 Gay street, Baltimore. IIENRY WILCOX. Feb. 6.—tf JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, HA IIA ESS, THINK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, Manufactures and keepscom-i.iiiiiyon hand every description of SADDLES, ! hakNESS. TRUNKS. VALISES. CARPET , j BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in ■ hi line. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. July 9. 1806. —Jy TAKKKOTICE. _ FALL STYLES OF HATS, 1605. | \\J E are now prepared to fur- W nish our riends ami public with the Kail Styles OF HATS, for Gentlemen's wear. which will compare lavorsfcjy with-tiny soW in the city of Baltimore. ALSO. SOFT FELT HATS, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Children, some very beautiful. S. II IN DEB <t SON, May 20.—tf No. 1 oil Gay street. THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AID MIOS: iUAKIIU. No. 134 North Gay street,Baltimore, pU. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT KEEPS on hand and males toorder. all kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES WohK, ol "me beat style of workman-hip. and m rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable lor ser vanls'wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8,1664.—1 y T. S W. smmsssmmmm ] C. W. Slagle & Co., ! COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT.' No. 118 and 133 North street. Baltimore WE sell and buy on commission all kind- U-RAINv-CWVJiH SEED FLOUR. COR MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally and remit proceeds promptly. We have for sale GUANO. SALT. PLASTER FISH and SEEDS of all kinds July 14, 1860.—1 y James Beattt. Gkokge R. Skilluas JAMES BEATTY & CO.^ SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, a AND CAKE BAKERS. Noe. 92.94 and 96 Dugan’s Wharf, Near Prstt street, Balt. March 18, 1665.—1 y. AOCfNA WS CAICD. 1 undersigned respectfully informs th I citizenshf BaltiTfiore county, that he con tinues the business of an AUCTIONEER, j npA is prepared to sell real and personal prop erty of every description on good terms. WILLIAM DUNCAN. Shawan P. 0., Baltimore county. Sept. 2.—tf. <* • GEORGE C. McCOULL, t < (*)fii vnoertake;k,ii • No. 131 Saratoga Street, 1 door west of Hpward .TS prepared to furniah COFFINS at 26 per X cent, leas than the usual price, and of fine finish, for cash. / Jen. 38, 1865.—1 y