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Wk Baltimore Cmmlg Tinian, XK'V SKI.'IKS—VOL. 4. NO.*.- (Tbf olnion tfa’tnbir. to 1003. limii! iiiHiif Im • t * A to % * •• >s w l? ’* •* *■ t* im w a* r ti i * %je •* WW* M * * * . M * * ftH its* • * ? % # M : )Mi> ,ii >*'%!**. if ;i ik >ik •• i, i •** \t ? *i i. n !•' ~ * . > . ** k.. . ' * j to ... j i *. hum; ' % 1 II If I* HI h ♦ ;i*te> r*t !*#' .*'?* ri* ir.*•*h* i * ' * * ♦- H * %*' ?♦*; if | ik i • * i* ) ’• k # * * 1 11 wm?*#*: .* .iuMr \ * *> * k ■to t > s v •• 4 • •<: •*!• k • t *. * • 11 *i .* ir fc a if i> •• it * r k: • i*!** t. i . ehM-< . Jtw i . to- I i)b*s * i * r • s* • . .i ki •% itf t§rt* u .• **■•;• * vt. u u ► r .*• 3 5 r #* ** * U. M. I'AYNE. RK A L Kr A fE A lit NT A ITIXVKV ANl'KIt. OFFI*R ftt *w. tk C' 1*; ll>* use. T r**fcton A| r.l Ji.-'t John T. Euaor, *TT'RSEY AY LAW AND S'AUCtTOR IN lUANVEKV, T *>•> lo n. LI d. A'.U m<* >.| b<l pr*rrf*i 'if If to ail min* s rmrau** \ iu <•. *W I. t H W. DOUGHERTY, AYYOaW£Y AY LAW, V'Wy.XTiiWS.MtV Apr.: t .•Jim. DR. J. PIPER Ha:dßCr npp..ii< lha Ul I'r. Tt*’ii.s'* utß'r. iff. r frm . LM .Id-VWk A.M. K *'io . o :.**k |*. V . l*> A a V. M., aa l * *.V|g-k IV M Jaa I, t*3>—lmM ISAAC McCURLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW , *• .*T. 11. HTXKKT. LALTIMOIiL. , Ma .-Iy R. M. PRICE, a::o rs r v at ut Ojko- NV. | Uf}* U ' . ttf ILI c %t* ;• <i/'f t.’fi .u* a! Itotof ton<l jltl eliAto *ry ruiu m a auuitrJ i* lii ran*. ?pj. IT. lM*4.-.|y c. 9U\ m,niii,i n\ ATTO&NBY AT IaAW. a',, si tv. i.t:xi\‘ur>>\ xTurxi. t fM Sl* of, I *•*. Apr;* Ij Ainoit F. Mimw lmmu ATrOK.N’kaV. Olt-t No 21 ksißjt.ib at.. UtlttHWsr**- ity Pturnrrs ir. the rum C Bllitnurr July '.. I 44 -It WILUAM M UUBEV. A Y Y o;a*&'i AV LA W # Ru. Wl r *fr**(. N. arCuarUr, S.'l ii'r- M l Ij ThacjJoro Glocker, ATTUK sg y AT '.aw ai> B<H.;nTua !>• rWAWOGRT *f„, 11 it I*ol.l .in-ft, lialtnagt* - . M attention <tvn t * !i:..-f 0~. t d'aluiH'l'nuii biiamati, in U** Cmrl* Ilaltfi.-r* :■ isdawmli A> ’. 'tiriiuiianiUttoiw Hi. loiiv u l>. |tlV , RD.i , o*oyo'.'*r, Joor it,, will t> !>r*.m|illv auarj l.'d to. Mr,*h IS. I**l. -if. O. C Warfield, ATTOttSKV AT LAW, JJKLPAKbI *| plicaltoue for BOCK7V, UAi'K PAY inJ rEXS'rtNV ran. .o —if Jo*. P. Morryman. ATTOM n AT LAW, ?t W**i Kivvtit I. Unit I*44.—ljr DR. ISAAC u< r | WiVY. iiixntr. * W. fiOR t.WKRfY net s tv NALTIMUIIK. May -tf a. eaaaveae. * r tuca. • a * BERRYMAN A KERCH, I'KSTIhT* Hn. AO ,U..rtH Cel earl street. Ualtimur*. March 20, IM, —ly MEMO* fit. , Dll. O. A.UvU)u,hieiua*. aaattmrTrrt t.-ce t }to VI Wa(i Ti H ti> * li"WA t> lr.-l. mar <• rmin. a... ~ • • > MOIL a)1 '|M*rv*i. in* the TKCftl In lAUAT tin in *it 'aithful inanuer. Hu*. t " 111 UR J. H. JARRETT. iP'i*uai.v Ai rubuh Tto Ain-. II AVIXIi ini roll Air'll ll.r lato raatdrnra ul Xj Dr B R. Ti>iiegi. reepe'ifitlly c-ifera h,- Pi .|i iii’.l Ho'ri'Ki *n thr |i u•!■•*. Ilavin* ba.| an e,p..rlen,;nf lanyaaretn pHeatuprim- ' Ui anil lira yra an 4 ahalf In the army, hr h>,prt in 'in aula I * giv. aaliofioliar. In all their i *!ni may fatnr him with a nail. Julia If, IU). -ly. JOHN R. ICMMLY. ATTOiiNKYAYL W. Ojlirt, tJ Pur L.lil.ri.’j| / .>'< il. Naar Cba'iaa aiml, nai'r.'.Moaa. Will practice In tbo acrerel Courta af Aha tiny of (Ul*iin ir Kil l H'ale uf *fnr^irtli’l i alai), ] Oti in 'ha <1 ivariiiiii'l • I tin- I'niled , Wlm-u.. ail I all (ildtia.a aaaa'al with the , PuMla iI.A ot m War'amgte'i, w,l! <ia rurri.uly | alio mil'll ui, On fih IMA- 'tor ft. ft. Boormut), A TT <) K K K Y AT U* ana „ fcOUCITOK IS CItASCKRT. Aioedtay Now. appeaiae Court ilouaa, rsweorrow v tITILL pramrily attend w all buaiaaaa as- IT trailed to tala tore. Jam. l.—f •** *. wiaataa *iu.iaa a. “saee WutUr • ICocb, ATTOMIYA t'f'lA* fiOUOITOM * S* CdtenT, IJfiti Me. I and • •a-idle* Kw. Viaranamwa J fjf AYlfid for mad a t aKT* IMRIF tor He I ll|.raaMeanf aaw. will la p.eanpl atton law to aba aa|laaltoa al eUnm and baalaan ta to a ara.l u iW* Opheei’O'erieod OtoeuHOoun I 'vtausr- i b.Vtl'o. (Louutn (Inion. I % r actoO* latlao of ih AntarK • a4 MtMMt,' !* n RLIAItEP WErKLY RV HAVERS 'ICK S LOKGNEUCERS. ’i 1 %• ot r i < i m i .•! am AT rtoo vm t ANNUM, tn AdvtfHw. •toh* N * I*. Af m.L j* ! jr.t.i %H tr*nf |M'I wttk IAI t TijW I A t liar* ta iU !.■•• titottfb.w to’ll Ik **.•• rr?4 I r*-fsl of tub t* %TI UK MIVI S '•* t.|wßr vtto Ittofs, vr Ivas. i*n itori .Vtoisttis # k* **l.**% •. ir.wrti-.n, ?.* |nr q*!*r J t." f 4i. i; s '•a* Tlfkf T **f I* Htf . * H If |j " O rt‘. 'l*t ns Tfv .. IJh |*4 lul? % i>l*nt |4 .if A* ‘'.Hil. !. k> a I :cAf*'i :*c ‘.I.Ar. ••n* U *Ur. Tf* r#s anH lv*tSs mcMH • *<. * ‘**| RIiRR Vfdn.MO’r.ll I lU l*‘i !• • * rvma-ks..f ). ,*|, t, r | f *i.r •it *:ii U I* ••r.s*|i !!• ttof Ph •*. thf t iV/o V ,i cV hryn a?. i* t -*A. t nf i i|wr u ••■.# Suit, at.ii tK.UA |tt.or iiv uti|ti R a;triift JOB WOXUS: •*ar fil t. Itoti'lf* •* II *• , u*t PfMSI. It I# S*hh| S!h S IVX * t Pit |lk .! A*l thf t:%r UAltrialll'irsiiTUlißl |*la’|. ki; t uiuy **• with .. i • I'si^h. BANDBZLLS '<■' all i.iua -I >'>',< prinud t tbort r..u-r ar.*l on giw t rittt,. Mxian.l* . nnd I'.'liaotor'f d'aoka, I* i. aii*l oil tin! o'. L*ib‘:c ri|ari 'v.,*. r. har- 1 it •:!■ > ( 'ohm if A ifrertiH■ 'itimt*. ITJKHi:% hIUMi; In *U T inving Litll** Villk of V'AHRKN. i*ItEAT KE tf.'TK'S f*F P.t!. Ea IN ALL KI.M^OKuOu THE •tiir'inic ;re*( ii4m *m*m • * *h- i Jl /rht'Oti. tliAt is ef ih.-ir slituß’A. V,* wl!r WU* U) imi. it i IffttOfi Ai p !• ihM i'au !k t "ui o tin • *r in the Kouiilr *. .n l .ll t -.At st !a* ih*n tf nttil pri.ft Ail ms4i *■ '.*i If • *k I All* •A# l | v'• ~>• 1 . 1.0 la. , fil'in-ltn. * *r ivk’s O'lit’iu .u j’s.M of l*!iY ■•• I '-H.’ERiKi*. Uakpware. ■ MIXA WAR CkTKITRYW *RV earthenware, ATOt oW ARE . Gf.SRW \K •:. BOOTS ANB SHOBS. fiats. o\i*s. PRt'fJH. Hi t STIFKS. Nil. *st taints Mil'll i: i:. i,I.ASS. f ITT* W IIUE LEAP. I.ISNEEM NEATH l"i.T '.'l!.. -Ai: .I ICNE til!.. KE K ONK mil HINK • > I. M A > K •- R: l II ETRINi.s. ItA * <'<N. HAMS. RHFtST n . EH. Sllol'i |>ERS,<. A *l.r Eina S*!i. El nr, i'*na Met.l, M*tl Irol. Uwn* I'll Pjrl, W’ at. TIN AST WOOpiS WAREA, ilroian, |t -f, !i|„w ... on.. E. 1 I *%- • Nail*. * ut Nv!, Sp .... Rlv.ta, an i ■ a ( tv art. ■!* Ih t may Ir lutni • * ■!' rrpu'a* 1 ,* 1 -ountry • COUNTRYiroduce of k'l Lindt ak*' in rfhanp** toi f ..I# • r.ta t.rjcct. If T TIIOVAA. Fo*W *rro MaS'l a :u‘ .r ; • M.r* E.b. I*. -1 r. RGSOIU. GtOROE SIRIB2R, BOOT l SHOE MAKER, T >WS*INT<WS, Ml*. Ul TbEfn in fur tu t*w Hum rf T t wn •. 4 virimij, that h# ’ tii* ilu't R'.iai h<>* f*|ft| iifhoifiil frvm It • r* <*Yl)l ]-!*••*• i f tiUPlßt'**. •- lli bu Mm g ftatjwlQ • Hic the )*ufit < * i.nU t**rv”f Mr SUvn vup *r. w lirr. ha* will in ih lulure L- , iMrr ftll hi* trr|it • nt <*ufcf.rßr*. 1 kwwiifian untlvon Ui. I % vri4 t*%-*rt nia-iit f B*to. . HliOM, 1 (tilfra, if , for f Ibr* *i* n* r*nwn r a’h Hitt, Alil.or MV OW> M \ NIK A* Tf RF %h* *h w i| I. • f.iuivi r * •lur**'V l nn*| rhrß|.*r ttiu c*r\ rorurr.i w tb* my <*s b*.llll*l r I return lit / thunk* f*r ih* vwry I'Uri' y '* .11 <* bvrwta- ir* *nj I hi it •>Ma*tr r. b uttwntf*** h*io'iww*. •.•< imsirr l** I'butßci, a m*r.t i rwiit nuAn r • t thr *••* ik ik -ir.k. Aj‘/U I. —# .11. Hiitiry of the Rebclliuu. •iiiaiii.h* •win**rom oo tni: ta i*. 'ltllE uniln .irnr.l ... bj j*i.K trr.l an v‘B- X cjffofll •* VilttiU* •v* l r • of | **ai Ilia* >T9 *1 1 11 irf f J A tollt" * W 11 *ft A %••*} • liori titaio % ill thu p -ylt • i ih< roubljr * tir£ •tiboorf *tiua4 tbr*i! v:!l bw • r*ia RH*lfaitMuH iotorv • fintialkvi htvtirun* f>ir*i<t I’fil lt , *o|, wultlnvtrj/ to Ur yr* • lit tlNir. { It will C* | ultlirK liili*4f.ftt|3KT.'ili f ih* t***; uf w nich *ill *wn b* •iltr**4. m. ilir MMful | nut'll tolv ofior t i r|**#clf Ih w*r. liarli. dlkfNe *lll O'dtb t. Mttii I I iHtlrfitiolia 4 fWlt t I ■* 9ft fi.?| |M*r (mu of "I*l in ;* nuni*rit it. th wtr. Uih y**rth r* a H .uth Vlunitf 1 -'HU n r,j j** f*<♦#. i* Rlr** I* I .♦l‘iri-1 BU | Will br alwliVcro-4 tv ll.r \f#i‘W •ft* r Cu.*Uu i tli* rifum in thrir fnt i U <*ftll|ir. Vo lillir . 1 W ll w** ••'!* *4 ft* •-•! fta ;>r<*tlotbla ftrr tH *•!• uf !!• if, f<i will • • >iat a it* ftliut t ?0 *r il tr' ruirv t<>r .milrt* h || *trjr rh- vi 4 r*tfioi !*•• It** fvr Min thr *rM; a *Dh'\ " tt)WARDS TIKKU L Jai. J, 111 ). ly. KIOACBMABIRO UNE'EKTAK ING, r Jt|lr; .uha-ril.r ra.p''.fully Inl rma hta frirnda and Hi*'(nihlir yanrall*, |H.* hr a |'tr|'rd I. tnrau a i hi. l,n|. .n lowarni.iwn. *1 Ihr 4t um ”f lb. I ■ ra Tniai'tk. and J"p y .UtrriplU'B 'f ttbrrlw iKhilBK. I'Airtaatiiif, aar. i lla will mai ufa ;ura !* c tar. I'arr .(a*. U ( i gira. finoha. •• y , Tarryaila. A- "i M'arfugr. I .epal'rrd am ; ..lad at ah.wt Bmi<~ ' Alan. ka#| .as. Il an haul, aid ntatla . buiaaal m.iica.i.*.:} il.lrand doaunpoou I COFFINS, and ha'i'ig >r*idad biaaaalf will aUKAM t. ha la pr|M >d la aiund Ivnartla .1 all liana. All work rarraalcd togiva aal.f tor linn o*o. I MfOH* Apr'l 111 '*l,-.vf. iICTIMMIIIb. HE mdudfoad Hill hoVitoi tba bwai* J oaaa ail .arttooaarlog Raid or Farvana Fro party af ararj daocripitno *to am • bla raaitoM i isTo*aaatoara. It may to mad "at Ha < alahrr af iba Etoian or Ho K rnn fteMYißfl kUft dfotflif iktoM talk) opnkh ohm oa aarly aa pramkla, to oo to orrongaHa torofaoto. Ttwalkal tor poo* to rowsuxrowN. mil Saturday. January . istni. DR. W Kl.r InDilliblr Llnlmmi. The Oroal Ernt tmol Rcmrdv. r>'l Itllk.f MATMM •••>TT. NKl'KtUm .LTMlili.u. MIM M 't; AMi 'i'lNT*. sTHtIN*. BHl'l*C*. fTTi* *NT W • M*>. 11l E*. llr.Al'Ai 111. ANt'ALt '!(" • M aril AN|i NLRViif n ii|.*l.lifi> I*r Avj'Wn, ni 4'<>iin*vti<*nt. iLfiifti Nv-i-al It i.tbs.r lr Sti*|*llrll Stn a*t, Ilf ('oniH-Cti.'Ut. 1 o lra 'll ..r Iho L'nitH Stai.a Itr. S| |iht ti Hwrtfl, of I'<innis'ti’'iit. . a K •atk ii f 'tv |nt\ >fall:Mr Liu. • kit: ** lr Sn—*f a frtftiliMi* l.iuifiir-nt • n*<* It - ' v .*•*. i t S’li. I*i'. lulnllililtf I Is % f- f > irt..’ I'r Swift * ImlMlliLltr Lfiiim*-ut • ir• Itufi t. i *: 4* ..nv; !r. Sw tt*!- lufiiliiiK* Liniment I* t'*'* si %•. v . r*:..i t- f w -ra.n* ai* l K‘ .'•% Mr kSncft a InfitliiMo Liniment 't:r*w It• tfa H# ******* . strU ali4 *j AAOD t. tj I*4i. Ir. Smvt'n lufulliliL* l.iniuii-ut Al?'*Ms .mm* t:rrlik f f p >s. *. i irliltni •All# urr. Ir. Sta.a t - Infwllilili- I .iiiinpiit • a• T vl'..*K .n :.. *ii.* I'r. Sotri , ltiiiil|ii*L* I.iniii)**nt I O.rrt'VttaJ A aa.if .im .. .|i>ly n • Ir.i. . no t .- !>t Si* fa lufitlir. J.- I.iiiiiiipnt If.U i*9* I. i.f Ur 1 . *1,.;. .* . .1,, n, ... uS . Vi*| at! ttf a.- v | fir Nwiy I * lti!:tiliiilr l.itiiliiefit T* <**r u!*fni '* *j-ta i .. .?.f!o*r .N t • *S*t • ft |#-a hr Si" i s IntuliiMe Liniment .Atruls •i f- >l4 ort*,. at. 4 to%ffv •t•H hA .* t • ft*- ♦ Iff Kwctfl'r Libiiut-nt l* *-'T isl> t; a" ta < siUlion. *® •! 4 *'' a * '■'ltoH-fSt* tut ••-*•* *r ! Iflkcte* of |f S>pi#f. .Mt-r* v:. -t A tktto! If'l |.liv "Me it , fur , )|)ia. ,l k UlPlit •• n ’ttl.r/.Mi* 1 -S *H U* ~ *.r w •• -JO4 toAU'k laitif *rr at ; lit *ii* It A ht*o*s i • V •I* u|.f *tv -4. -Sa ~l *. • :.y *. l| r*LAI A I . *:. • ! j !*|*t. v us. I.KATIIKK. l-KATIIKIt HIDFX. AC. P. H ORUPY * CO., : A ’Ulh t ,ltr* f* rr.Ry’.t.m .If. M.l . HV.EaU.r a fil.a.*. *tm* t. f I.EATIf , I'R of alii fry t*l 1 *. I. - .. milks a TII.ME TAN PARK W aM**l. (*■• ■', hlh .nl.ldr I . * J*r • a* paid. 1 II illtl TVdOi , *“ > a S Calyrr* Sir.. •. r. A|.' * I*. II M.I. lip TlHI'.. Y C R K ROAD RAILWAY. OR **••< II •: . ..1 . • a*, v . ' . I• • . ftf* 1 ••■*. Hi * IV HALL Ba.t. ni .. .tn H h ,r . \ Af . . ~ |*. t . i IV '' l.a- T"WviVt''il*'S ,t hh" :r fr'Ui :A M • ;r M. a.wp! 12 M. id I • ta .Ir at Av.n.r tor l Sarlra M . I. 1. f thr 1 • |''u.>.i - p K. a*a.M'illT ' ARfr Tii*'w>N'l4* S wii! I.a.r tli- ‘ ' Ha!! a! It I' M A t> BANK* A-.n. N.. 11 tt. aaiaaaaaatllr Mullatuy. Pall and Winter Arrangement. ON and afurTl.ur. iAt. N .. mlrr 11. IS*J. wll run !!••!'!!f.* Riitl ;A M. 't> Is M„ aa l ii- 11* Mu T I’ M .1, ly. UMIAiS IB 'I 1.1r.l I'ArfafSi.Kltr* 7" Mi k'ltli.M I'i iTT h Mtl.|.a will : ~r .1 ilv. Knn In . - 111 -ludrd. At ' an.l II A M and ?. •at-I * l‘ \l •*lh-'r Ar,l ,i .| i,f Itailiiii.'rr ttr.rt * W OK.VtniKt f. Sr. *.itrr. Nuv l tf ('inntty Atlrrrtint t/n ufu. Troen ! Treeo!! Treea • t! At tWR Maryland Nurseries. *|MI K uti'lr r#tfr p | crtffft for Mt'i . t th *-M * I Nurfta*ripft. M •.tuaia*.' nth**KAl.i> fK**Al*. ftbcj* I • in !o*a irjrn Italt t *i*.,*r.l i m*io* if.,ni ii, . l ir.ifv iU. ou lb*. VI M Is r.. A k HT*h*K **f * * - J /I Ja at ?- • >.!.*r..1,4 *k! |*| \* f AITI.F. I*FAH. AfKI **• ’r. n.i m. •iki iik tft • k'i‘ **; t . ? ja* *i|t uif. Tli' 1 #ul‘nfi*Bf !■•**>ft*c f^l 1 * ■*•• ••“I n r*|l f. *a! • ft. fi*i •' t a a To* fit Mh ‘tiift> favor imn with i. . ft!l. \l*' *. A t'Hfti'K AA7.#:T/fM Orapo Vine* * Rtrawborry Ptontai Alwaya nft hand u ■ h.i|' ai '.n 1* |'jr*ra -U .luaivir. awr ■ i :Arantr.| A ldr.'i .. ,'AMKP WAHLKN. |t '-Via - d ,',i;r F. 11. . g*. Xcr II t! MEM* imr TAII OHIM. 11l TOWHON TOWN. •••wi'fttxf r*ft|M>a*tfi|f|y tpi)(|p h hi* a* J biifivMriii* tt* t** fti** ritli*o* f T >w<hiv* t*‘WTl iti't t •*• V I *** f • ff, ;y a| p. I' jrt III* kt* htrr* 'f'-ri prf i * *| IB IlifhiliiniM. n••! iufufut liin pi.‘l% iiuft • uftnntfPn thftt hr hit •**•*iii rtlTly • Tul H ill •'••tlfttftfttly k* pj* “T. httlil a Wll M •*rt'l #t ‘V *f flwUift. t'lftftlmrri • and t>*tlng. which hr it |r *|*o••*! t#% (fifth** *i*i* ( ir*i,rfitft '*f •hr Ifttrftt •*>!*•, ftTiU ftVftru vt t 1 *al wit! be #ftt ißfnctory to nil. I Mh in •iminituMi *f m*h.-cV. At'ill’hT MHU*K, Tow* nti.ML, <y.|w .itp A-ly’ft M*f.-h 4, IMi.—tf. FRENCH OLOTHO, CABHIJIEBB OF ALL KINDS, •ILK MARftMLLKd. And all kiada „f Vaal I'allarna. •oarfb, MaoktlM and Collara. Bandkarehlah. Travalllugohirt, Lm.o tonai ablru, Lioas Baaama. tall nvaliiiA. aed prtaaa.l Wblla Mwalioa and Lioaca Far iklrtlog, A.. tor aala Whftlwlc and Metall. all xiPit or TAILOHH. TKIMMINOR. Togalkar with READY MADE CLOTKIRO, Aa okaap to caa to f rorwrtd io iba elly. AUuL'aT LOOM, Marokaat Tailor. *FJJd* kdf*o Ratal, linwm, jMfrt TMi: %iuHT CHMiHTn tr Tt •• pAlaVis .-ft ?,Xr JVYfftl. *’i • • N cli* 'it t'Siutmik,’' (s mat a I:*.:! • ’ !*• *t.M hut is *n* th** w. r.*** :\.r ’ t;st. in ?• trmtiff.l ••a? 1 1ta*..tti■ IS T** a * ?!#•• t uCirr <"in*;mii, urH-'n &.! ttf Ik t! wV, Min f i:| j- A III* *4*'' fu* I-| i*.** M, |..i. !v N’l H .tar* t p R' r ’ • •*! • a!! iknt u• %••,).* *r • iL- *t.*r!:• iia4 iu'? l#**trft ••ickc , l .u t? ' •*.* |t, W.tti v-py !:: fit ft*r*Ns *Lti ].*.u -ft 1 Kf# ts. . 1 T w 'Hr < \wtw in my r," c >vrn • %y, \r I S. v t vw . rsf..*r •** *y.n* :r a c*n. V,..* ... T . t|,. ti ~r .<rv .• s r. ! *ytfMf tr***.i my sl***f> crv.n,; •* %b?.' t** m tt** r I ?:••* t . t S* }, Iwthfrir Rfi!* J ilt in f * | •• , K* ’irtsit.•..* thr * *ft th-**li*tb*. ' ’■ X],t ali'tkl •! tbs lAfk-f Awrv**i C.AAfiv * it.'iSr lb'* fltr#i*a% •fjh* **f ft..**•■ * to#ct- : ► * *hf* •••tt,. |tft i **y #h'*? i.i jij itP.-ir M *V* litij- | air farv *.t r-, *h ,i k 1i!tl- .(par I -r s?rl. |**f (last L **l '*r*micr i .*nta;j' • k ' t ] n • kfi'* ii. iiv m tr ■• t**l* .a*.J i S *•< j Th. ' 111-.a ir.r. r.j. I, ll.r r th* ram* , w ' I' ll'-.r rti tiijfl.a rj*,*ti*i| I'l: iu.n*. n bv lIAIIIP N.* t*j-k*y, n-sr aiultln*. f'!utu t t ‘••"lts**. \n*f ■ j'tAMi, it t TfaHf?i, ir.*| *’rat)Vrri !t t*.p*- "atrarpil nAt iri*#) - w-nX •.*th** wall - Y* • .••!!* t-*f*. *1 p*l **Ji!*•, .tfi.i,# r ar.-l a!! . ' ! *f I*, i ]+lh *V, ♦, ur**h:n f rrn *tf. •* . V* J i'v. 1 nititf.i. . s;. i i *i,b*. yam y*lly %n p.*. T*H *v*h •! • i**i w.i i.ri*k*ti*. in*tu*. vu-w. T th* Hsrn *.i Mi nina ikU.l Sr;i* i lsil* V . I ti.*n** itr iiit *.li** :^h v , :■ tity t>a**ir a.fn Mp*|itt* l back. \i;*l >*ri* iht *H u v**: nmrk- t TuU 2-***v. , ... • • • • •• . *♦. . W* . ♦ **r. I*- •: ! v j th.iik v h.v*i iKtln-, i .\** J r U.f |t. ~• * . Tu’o. *. i V*v nr* •ly bn**!. ifiiir :i:> r t *f, Wt.okti i h*r-{ 'i,~ • It*:. ! .i * li* • ’ W*f ‘ 1 ' t fin-'.t p-y. • ’ IhaUJ.Ai Jlv tur*.*J *r‘j u*l. vvl **ii '• •: • • v.r • ,:.l • r v •• . - v. s *PPJ!I i. 11. WA .v*r i * t!. n;vi !>*■!. i ai * V tf- i. \r* t •*.• h* ti%<f * l t*h* V-, r v* ry In t Ilr : • i l.Ar iiv fitur *.. put fia* *? ln .* *. Amt t-r !:U * | *:4tAfJ hslt vih ta k. ||ts -y ! ..% 1 *.• y tßiiik>*i hai th ,*• t *f.-r* H • *• • 'i a* • if* a- • i hr ttr. >III •• i1 n* • • *ry . II ti.ft*n? #. 11; *tß\t**l : a t*rtii)fht r At i • *• in •:.! ..ti i.i, chits wl. t* . .*,i 'A |:*.t I*l ’,*••. t I , u . I .ft-. „. Av t* * :* Au-I t-.k* .**; ht w*i*!. i ft. i.. %^i-* ti* r.i * th. II ?• !'. i.i • M i*t !•*■• r*l htr- h*- UucL i r • ;*t of I f ••* !• ' ' Subhy |*!ui ip, •k:•. !. . ;*. Aftl gr . <i • bfn h- sai*l .• ‘i|t• • : 11 ' •* ••* hts ppi, •!.* * ... t,\\ .. krti tur K r**-1. Samn R'V M*. kf*"W th..* !1.. \ ft ilhiCff tt . lit Hi't'm i****f*.-it*-. but —•!.*. •**iv"! ‘.why I' - W 'ftc. !•!• - 4 i.i! th £ - •••.* h: *.- *w —r*Rjrrk. A* •! il l r.i* *iir-rti**r.. \ h*'- it’, a ••-••••*. ~*. Ilr h'i*‘ t* .I h: t mat f-..t, b*- • Uir ft- nr*-i*. rh-n iuiuJK'l ift h C.i'u'iD' i.'l.'uiiM ul. i l! •. * T •'.*.!• 1 *tiN*l ttjf .k *,, k**| With 1.l Hut *ui* I*f*.t*r ''ii'!.tifiiP<l, -- • h‘* v** ? -Vbl 1* ' ' ’ 1 !..■ a.-■,-■({•♦ 1 u <i.t f. 4 H- r, 'H Unrvluud Doloßation iu CoDKrcHs. *i:% roi(>*. RKvrittiv j^iintoOY Hon. Ilrv-rdv .fnhr.aon born in A ■ nap-Mil , \ix\ 21. ITUd ; was oiiurali'd i >! .lullliV I,'nllrg,,, Aiinapidia ; Hindi*") law wtlh hi. tulhir mid havinß heon ml in ,ll "il !.. ihi tmr. h. prai't'.veil liih prnfm • uni ilh,ml to Ihn prosi'ti! Il,nr ll,a lirrl appoiniiiii'iit as that ul >UI" a All,,rury ; in lull |, k rnmnvrtl to ll.illitlniri*. all, r,' hr Pav rim*a rrriilril . tit t‘■'•’ii 1..- BaAAppoinixlrhirri'onimi. mnrr nf In-iilvriii lit biiir*, huMinjj tb* oflii-ronr I ),, Ill'll hr UH rlrotrd If. thr Stain S'Bal<', Hriving lwii \mir. ;aa r.i'lni'tid ; liul rr.igiii'd mi llm ari'onil war nf that irrn, , I *•!.*, h vvtiß , 1,.,1,'A a M'lialnr in ■ 1 'nngrr.H Iron, Marylund. nhnrr Im ri inutrr l ,n,lil |n|'.i. wbrn Im r. ignnd I'nrllm p,.j I,„h of \llorn,'V l,.i|,< ral of Iho I'l.ifml dial** undo! Prwrldeal Tyler. * a,, r. Iraviiigllm I'uhilirt hr turned hia h, !• ol Infill,'O lii his pr„frvicn. (irai'licinc ,'hivlt) n ihn 'Qpmnm I uortofti.n I' t , t. I Main,, tin also t0,,1t ui, active part in iba j rrpa- , rulion of .nvrn mlmn. a ,it "UepnrtH nf tin. <■> nun it. ihn Atiirylainl t ourlof ApjN'a!.-" tin Av a dnlngotn In *hn |•••al'll Tn'tgresH "• Ir'l! . and in IviiT va >'lrcte,l hy Ihn t'njmi par') a mt'inlmr uftbeStale Senatn. ami a' that aeaaiuil was a Setiutnr iu I nn >frns for Ihe tnrni rmiini; m Isti'd. aerving „n lh" I'ominiltni-A mi ihn l.ibrary, the Ju diciary and f'orci|ri, llnlolmui,. J. • j. • *r>wr- •. lion. John A .1. < tuAWnll wat born ip 1 l*ort Itopo • Maryland To vnmbnr ll*. l"'.’n ; graduoleil al M;. l< r,A'll I’olingn, I'nnilHVlVania, in Jn|n ; MUlli.'ti 'ow. and couii to lb* bur t.f Mur ,!.i,.| m l"*it.i. lln biih . mrnilier of ihn Maryland House of Ih'lr/atr. in lnlil and 1 'n'J . lioui Aug i'l. In,,'.’, lo April, Iniill. hi Bar A.HiKiunt Adjutant 'ienwal lur Mary land, and b. rleclrii a Itnpreaeniativr Iron, ih.l Slate lo lh. Thirty eighth Too gri-AA, .erring on thu I'omiuittott on Tom 'Unite aiu| Tenaiona. lie >, also a dele gale lo the lUliimero lionwniiun of I'iht 111 Muri b. 1 Hti.'i. Im bba chosen a Senator by the I nion majority in l.'ongreat for thu Uiiexp.r'd term of flov. 'l*. 11. Ilicka, Jo. ceaaed. H il*H T.B l.b r A IIV AM. rm r iiihti.i, r. lion. Ilimu, Mci'ulloogh. who repre. aepiA the firai I'.atrict, w burn in I'ecil county. MuryUml. Svploniher 20, lhl3 j nduciitn,) *' the Klktoti Academy; mad I;IB and ** admitted to thu bar in leiio , waa el.'clnil to the MaryUnd Senate in I l*4N, mid re elected in I Mil, aerving an ucl, am il the adoption of the l.'onatitotion of l“M : in lha winter of Iha J '.VI he war Appointed by the l.egirlatuni one of the codifier, of the law. of Muryl-ind and aided , in compiling the preaent To,la of that Siaie ; lit alio held earioua otficea of troat aud reaponaibilily cor.nectad with lbeonrla and the lown and rounly of bia rnatritneo; and ha waa elected by the Itomocrala a Repr, reniaiiea from Maryland to tba Thir ty uißtb Cotigroaa. aacono Mkrairr. Tlon. Jobs L. Tbomaa. Jr„ of tba Broond Oiatriet, waa boro la Cumberland. May 30. 163 b ; mrtiead bla adocation at tbo AM*, gbany coanty Academy ; atndied low and came to tba bar in Ifibfi ; in IMI bo tana appointed Solicitor for tbo city of Haiti more, bolding tbo oMca two yoora ; io Ifififi ba wm elect ad State's Attorney for Horylood i to (Hi fit wo> o fiftagiito to tfto .Sikto C'lnMileliuHl l.’nnvaMion. ar.d in '65 i h. ora. rlrci. il by ih*. Union party a lt.*p r.**enl.i!iv.* fin*:! Man land to lha Thirty. | nltiihl'.uijfivtt. to fill the Taoanry cauavJ 1 by th* rvtignotion uf K. II H\briar. * Tiitßn ntatnntT. "*fl b f'har V |*|*. at in lioii toll. Vrrrm.i;*, May ! ' s.Ei , K-iroynd with h a parr :'* 1.. IVnnayLai.ia ju 143 n, anti t** Mai\m 1 nil #rrfA*ltj4At%*2 ttt I'rsuc#* t*.t. • •!!••}• in inil. t" iiir.l ft ir and' iji:.** I. til.. Maryland bar in ln:s , admit, lad I'* T ' ‘ ' "i i|.9 I'nilrd S'attiP tin- ’ pir*,,.'i .ii-t in > ,'• )n Infill bn *a a 1 m n.iwr of ih- fify i',mril of Hnltimor*. I . ISM h- w,. cniiiniiv.jonad a Mabir of th. Marylnd l.uir'l, ah **la p iat ht*r.tign. i"' I” ISC2 b- •■#* ma<f I.ioQtanant Co! I,r 'hr ,*b Marrftnd Vii! in'rrn. wa. pro. ! rt ttf.l l tb. *'. 1 .n**|r\ ; i*apturi.| by lha ' 11. I*-... t..a. |{ vhi.Ktn.i; aft-raar-la rtcap- ' turad dnm if .m* of >n t .ilan'a rn.dr. ai.d ' 'lir-n h .mirably ibfcliargn | o*. arn.mnt yf a* i I* 'n |*i,| and a*u* .o*n i,ft**rwarda ••Vrlud by th Union pj-ty a K**pr.'aa;itn. tn. from Maryland to iho Th.rtv nintt. Uongr,. f e.i r.Tff frsTßfcr. Hon Fran* :sThimAA. of *h* Fotirth (in* 1 • ricr. wuA tor* •! Kn ilfnclt county. Mur*- Isijit. 2 ~|iru.;r, J 4 I**4j : wti rdactottod it' S John • ui:**i<.* in lli: ; Atmlini anil wa jdiinttcii to *h* bar ;n l.**’JO ; nr.m a iuli* r of ?h* of Iti*li*^to!rt ii 1 mol I**'2‘.. und was % Jtr|i* in • oitjfrcsA from Murylan'l frntn * *•;!•♦> l-4i. Jbirinj* on** ?crrn he w%a • hmrivari of tt;< tfudti’inry 4 or.m:t*rt. uni! .k r**jv• r' nit itr !*y h:ti !•• *1 t* th** •**ttl* inrnt •! th** b ittidury ffiouftira between Ohio! uri'i M i From 1-1 i lo Ito 14 hr waa • •overt, ir uf MryUml ; was elected fur ‘ tb- Ajftl. t*rni : K. pr** otfttivc to the I vent!i I n;'>s4, and re-el**cted to 1 th*i I hirty*eighth • •i!iyr** , %. v'rviof on the tl*jd nary • ofninittoe : Alyn r* elected to • it*** I l*.*!y eighth 4* 'ti/reff' l*y the Union* | ;**. of hi i distort. nrrif msthii't. If 'M He*, iiriri ilw • ir* Harris wnA brn m* at I.* oiift-dtowu. sl M ary*# coarHy. Mil.’ |iec*'tuber lit 1 *•••♦*. Aft**r receiving *c ui*M'i**tii■ "aI *ducatio:s at Murlotte Hall, ♦ h. pj" .it k f*v% ntortf su* >t. M.kfvV •’ ! nti'J •'*'’ * *• V-ile •*gl!' jj.'.froir. nhirb lie wsi dksif.i 1 with r..* hundred and t**rf v other* ii l-'.*'.*. n a . u*it f thetr , ***•<•• 1 rj. t>**u l uiiin .ns lla'l ; and al* th a Mi ! w o }i,t*j tlrAt tlley *a*• • t'.i not r. titrf* 'inlea, *b* :r u*i*heH w*'** r*• *••<*• •■,! u' -i* di*l r-ftjfn *•! htinirh : , r.* .th**r, •. He Aut *• ; i;**ati. -priit feurten. iftf.ntha at the • irri* lire Iha S*hfu! ai.d then Mb j tl*- I:*h• ?. itiV. . ji*ty a* a lawyer. Ir. . t- Mm* W.IA *•!. , ?-,! t,. ha Hows** '•* I***!**. • tf it** "t M.u * in*!. .uml r- l*i.'t** l in i**:h. i*u i- .* m.d l-.v. in !•♦;:< h** IV V vlvtfti l.v th* • I l-llLiaTii* ft Itf-prc ***T|tstiv*i ffjtii Viryli'ul t i the Thirty eighth 4 .ntfreis * r vi::tf .u th * • onifiiitt** *•!. M muf.ictur-n He ats a dleg.i*.e tr. j tl • ■ el* ’ it the I. rtjr t mth • ooifr .s 1 My .I *■ Id arr-st* *1 and tried t\ • *ur! i*r.a! 1 *>r .Ut •/ tl..* ffty.sixtb Art.cle i*l War, •i• *l. Hlib*u.*4 Jpf.'lari'd Tr**n*" t.• .* .* k accoutit of \ iifd* r**l tb* s*-iit*.‘H.*e o! 'it* .*■ cr’ t 1 mitt* d;i f slf. \ tan: .! i 1" hn a H**pr*'ienti t v#* from l**ntii lvu*;ia. wati horn in Ha* per*to*ti. M i .Jfiim || Farquhar. to itep* • i; iu liid.ftitu, w is hurts in Fred* j •r:A >• >K.ty Md If |\ ff Hr* in -veil, a j It* jr# .*••: ut;v# *r *it Il!in#i*, w.w hern ir? lUit r.. . i.i 4 , ; 11. u stl a It-prcT-nt* t veil '1 , w, •.f inany year- a re*:dei;t’t’Haiti• • What Wu Owe to Amh. -•■mu.iv.- in grow irom Maryland rmtn ‘ ■ "•*! t® 1 *ti. During on.* t**rtn he was • ha rn v!i of ti.® Judiciary I mnmitt*®. ant .1 r*JVM r’ ma lt- !.y ti;m !• ,| to th® e**ttlew*nt -i! th-,Jury if du'ellj®s h-tw®.-R Ohio! ujfi Mi i gen Kr.uti l-Ji in lhi-J hr ws* • ioveri, r u f Mary Uni ; wa elected for* th*- Si.fti. t-r*i a l{. pr®*. otutiv® to Ih* I birtr.ter.-nth i n;>r®iv, an.) re-®lect®d to ' tli! 1 hirty-..:.;hth f serving on the .In.) iiary < nmmiti®® : itm r-> elected to ff... I ii.’ly eight'. f -lu'ros- by '.h® Cnion- j ofiii. litr-ct. tirttf PtSTKKT. H'"f Hr', iirin tin -in Harris Ilf burn •> ai I - - . Mary - ■ jtviv. Mil. ' 1 *®c*inber 111 1 -•••' Aftrr r*ceivin gsc aca j -tt.i-.jl education t 4 lurltte Mill. I !i- r|..*.it . few months a' ,-t. MarvV i\,| !>'Xe. lin-i V lie t'ol!- g.-. fr.- :. which 111-a I. it.vll.t 1 *:th ,r... hundred and f.-rty othrr - m 1 oil a ,-unt of thr’r, I i’ll lr--.ii tomm-na Mail; r..l al ** entered tot< that they would tm' retort. Itnlei-, tbeir v.,h.--i a.-T.-rr. aM*fr.t. ft 1 ! ? til-lit did return rf hitnirli -.- , r... ..tlj.-r. r. Heorgian ll.’ sub® --li.-nli. -prut fourtori, uo-nthti at thr < ,im* !„•■- lam S.-hoo! ai.d th.."ii sat- ’ tlr-l in hi* native a- a lawyer. In, ' -t" hr a-.- rl- , t-,| f.. fha lious.- of |<rlr. 1 gat*’ --t M.ii in-1, irol r* |—-ted 1 amt i-.'t'- i*u> i- j at.-i l-.v. tr. hr ■. .-Ir- f-.-i l.y th- 1 Democrat-. „ Itrpru ••■iitativ.i from ' t, the thirty, eighth S'.ogre** * 'ving ,-n th- . iinitmtt* •-U M uilif.ict.jres ll* *as a delegate to; tl - 1 ag ■ foir-- lion .ii !■•<; i. and a rl* t I 1 :hr I rty. I .Util •~n .T-S,~ I M• I r h. • arr-sted :.nd trir.J by . -url : art.a! lor . lat tl.r fifty-sixth Article ..I War. ai-.1, allb-u_*i d-.:lari-d guilty. I'r- i !.-■ t .1 ..-* accoml of ■ orl. ri.fl th. sentence : fit. ■•- nr' ! I— -emitted .1 fill. ' tain - til- - lirrr:.i*r a Represents • v-lioin l*.>nti<i Ivsr.ia was horn in Ha genleaii. M-i .Ji.lm II harqubar. a itep r—r.-'it.' -I; in I mi.aim, ai lion* in rr-J. J -ri’.'k - iMf.ty M-i .II IV tl Hr. inarll, a ’ Ri-pr-arn- ativi from Illinois, wa* born . I'ait - r- , 1 .1 ,ii II- -ai a 11-preri.uta tvr li 'I i -•. •-r tuany v-arr * resident of Haiti'. i Whnt We Owe t Aaia. If the Ar.rr a or I. ir.prar, ai.h'S to I know h. w much be to th Asiatic, hr ha* only t’ cist a gl illvr at at: licnr *>t h-s d:'y 'J- 11 -n!•' V ii (.qrimont hint from I-> tool i tl,.- a, .rii'i.g, wastl.i. n,vrn 11*.ii "f'*.-- I {-* -is all,. Wit.* ctrpavdra* ' aril .oi■ I pr'.ycr for i.o daily t-rvad. tl at he 1 a said from hit infancy ; I*r-l rose from th- snlr rf a Syrian ir.nyn ' tain. Th Ilium and -c.tti re with whirl- Ii- .’loth* - l.ip. -If though thry may l.r v.-ry tin- aro inf. r.-ir to tl o'-r that t.avr b— ti >ti i I ’rum Mm. intntrni trial in the looms ol I-id a I'h- . ,1k was stab-r by som- missior ir'.-r tor h a U nrht from I'h, na. II- v--lid buy I' tur reel than with which hr ;h '• hlirself ir the old f"y of I lallti-- ouv tab- I- It wav firs* iusrnt. . -d. Ih- col!,-- In- i-Xj "ts a', breaitfart, ai first groan by tin- '-ahiaiiii, usd the . liativ-s v-l I |.|i.-r India prepared the sugar with svl,l1■ It l•• sv.i-rteiis it A scltool boy • an f-ll th- meaning ol the 'sr.scnt words, ••saiitl ira l and i " il bis tartes are light and In' pn t-r- t* i file virtues of that ex* cellonl leaf win- first pointed out by the ilidu-ti ioii l lnn-v. Th-valso taught him In a t i make a- d •• - the cup and saucer :n a Inch to verve ,t. II.• breakfast tray wa* la- ipu-red in Japan. Tberw i a tradition b-avi-ned oread wa - first unde .n the waters ot tin- tiaugei. Tbevgg be . hreak iny wu* la <1 bv a fowl wl.u.e ancestors * wen* fir*' iloiiH-sticated by the Malaccans. I uni- - eh-- may bam liven—though that | will n ’ aiicr the imwi—a inodern -Shang hai. Il th ru t.r- pr-servi i utol fru.’.s on J his board, let him r-member wsn thank ] fulness that I'ersiattr-l gave him thecliarry, • the peach and the plum. If in any of throw pleasant preparations hr delects the tlasor of alcohol, let .t remind bun that that snb stance e. ,s tii-i distilled by the Arabians, wli.i has • se> lion the piiiisv-worthy exam pi-, which -t will lie f.-r his benefit to fob ) low, of atistWiint.g I rum its use. "’hen he i talk i about cntjeii atnl alcohol, b- is naing ; Ar,.ln- ■ irds. -V thousand years before | i; bad on urreii to him to enact lama of ru- ( strict ton in the nee i f intoxicating drinks. J th-Prophet of Mecca did th® same thing.; and, "list is morn to tbepurpoaa, haa com- i p lied to this day. eii Asia utol Africa to obey them. uratify onr fwttr for per , soiiwl ur:.w*'o-iit ,ti tin- w.iy the tt.irntala ‘ hate taught us—with pearls, mines asp- ; pbiTes, diamonds. In public amurcmenU it is the name. *1 ur most magnificent Sra- || works ure still to ><e seen in India aud ' hi ' na : ninl, ns regards the pastimes of private j l.fe. hiarope has produced nc InvatMinnr | cun rival the game of chns. We have no hjiiraul’C- const ructions aa great as ! the t 'biiiuse r, no fortifications us n 1 tcn-lw us flu* Chiticle "'all ; w have nr*j Attrsian " ells that cau nt all approach in depth simt-.of their-. We have not re sort, d to the practice of obtaining coal gas from the interior of the earth; they) have borings for that purpose morn than three deep •f- Josh Hillings, being doly sworn, depo ses a* fid lows ; That some men bad rntber daw a smart thing than tew dew a good on*. That backsliding is • big thing, oapeth ullr on tba Ice. Thera U 3 things in this life for which wo sr* neeer fully prepared, and that la twins. That Ignoranoo la b-laa—lgsoraeco of tawing wood for Instuna. That men will foil tow bo tseod, simply been* they hain't got onthlng to H*s. That a fumail woman ban t heap 0 secret nor let nobody else keep I. That o.lllll* laming its dangerous thing; that is trn as It air common. That il it batter tow fata In o nobl# an. torpHto than tow yncbaood la • arts wm. Faoi on n Battle Field. Tho I'rlt'brM.'i! report uf Dr. t.'hcna on Iho mortality r .ine l by war conlams some intureatin* informalinr. cun'.erninjf the up. prrwotfil hv Aome who lie a vi* ■ of**tt detoth on tho H**l! *t' batth*. On* enrifeoti §art that, ean*l**r nj; over th* l>at tle ■♦*!•! **f the Alma, on the third duv af ter tl* fftfht, be i*hserv**c w in aJMnmh 1 rn**:r % namber nf |{ -hvi rorfAe;*, s lioii ; attitude and **xpr**k:'n i f imut tenance wer* precisely those if 1 •- Son*'' did nr* . ttoinly prA*fi* an *j • wb* ‘ #bow d **ia* the? had aaverely j i#t prevl ,n to •li**dutioa. bn! tlist# w-ie '#•• in hvhilht **oupftrv! mth t Loi? who raaijfned elprenn on. a*, thoufb they baJ ptoJ'-d away rn the act vf jra\ r j tithara hod a emit* >n tl.- r *•••*•*, r.nd , looked af if they in v* f tpetak 1 inir : one in particular at*nct *d hi# special * t!ertion ; be waa partly i** | > i*fe hte knee# were be* : under him hit i rn.dr were claaped c *;d p #i?it * g apwarda Ui head we* thrown hac*. #t.d bn v?at an parenily Btill praying Kvidefltlv • . •u the tet of lo when death laid h:* oar.d upon him. Another n* run rn* f late# that aftarthe battle of the* ' UCi'i of many of the deadit:!l A'nile while other* still hau.s threatennijr l•xprA• Mon. Koino Uy ‘*r tch* d on backs a it* friendly band* had prepared th* ni for burial * Some were at:!! res'inr on one l-sn, their , Hands grasping their muskets. In some in. ‘ stances the cartridge remained between the ' teeth, or the musket was h-ld in one hand, and the other wa* uplifted as thnngh to ward rf a blew, or appealing to lleuven. ' The faces of a!t w-re pale, as though cut in marble. As the wind swept acruis the battlefield i'. waved the hair mid gave the bodies ao-h at- appearat,cn ot life that a spectator could hardly help thinkinp they were about to rise to continue the fight. Another surgeon, dewrr bing lb appear. an;e of the corpses on th- field . • ta. says that they furnish t -luKt,. ,t. ; roof . tha* man may cease to • > . t n safer idg the least pa: Thn-e truck re. the f head generally lay w.tb their face* en the ground, the lirnln retaining th position i 'bey were in at the in.-taut they were sir tc and most of those .-till I-Id' their rifies. showing that when a t.-aii et.ter*d th- b , i it catiaea such a indJe'i, • muscles that thet. . > *.| •>... i a t ,j to bis-* its bold of the w.-ap'-n before .J-ath. Another perultari'y obv, rv-.| *h.s ease o! th -i-i wh ■ wer- w. .M-i- ! the brain was . the suddenness vit ,wh -h t!- v di-d, even when auapeeted tc ba of da I'uring the battle . I iferinn. a rifi. ,m, was wounded ir. the head by a ball b ch parsed tlir igb the -k-ill j id buried .t.elf I in the bran.. Ills wound aar. dre.. i, - J .... stretched on s(ri, b .i . i resting ! on hiv knapsava I’k- • i w,iun-:- -l cumradea II- retained tt.e f ill use of . faetdt-es. a d ebait-d abo i' hn Wou-.d, uln-st w 'h in-lifTerence s he till-.i h.* pipe arid lay ' amok in* ;t. Xeverth-1 - before finished it. death came ipun hitn, ott-l he was f, lying in the same a:: lude, with h.. pipe at.llbetwe. il his teeth, lie tool never altered a cry, or given at.y sign that he wa.. suffering pat:: In casei where the b ill hud eiiV-rnl th. , heart, nearly the xarre app* wrwnei s w-e*. presented as m th r J those wjisj t.u.) been struck in the brain death ’-vas hit w term instantaneous but .1 was n • .jui*. in awift as in the tor 111-r UI, . tlo-r* was generally time for a ninveuieiit in the art r-f -lying I'iiare wai a Zouavv wbo bad be>. stru-k full ii. the breast: ii- was I . -.g hi* ritl-, tiie bayonet was f veil, and on- * mg to such away is showed >ba! he .t, 1 th- act of charging when -truck. Hi. bead t-ss uplifte-l. an 1 bis cc-unte nance still bre a threat-' g ’.pr-nance st if be had merely stumbled an i all. n. and was m tha act of nsme ega.n (■ by him lay an Austrian fo -t soldier, with clasped hands ai-d Qptarred -ves who t.u * iied in the act of praying. Another foot ' soldier had fallen .lead s i e wh, i, the act of figh'.iug ; hit fists w-re e’ jed on- an , . in the art of warding off tv blow, nrd ‘.he other was drawn back th- act ft' striking. On i.nother battle-fiebl. Several ’r-rcb •■dii.ore lay in alum with th-.r b ..oi.-ti _ pointing in th- dir—t: ii ' f tb- l w-re ad'arc-ig againf. when a storm of grape mowed them down. On the left bat U of the near Te.ia, sev.-ul Anstiian ..fii cars lay dead. Some of then- were remark. • able for the noble expre'.ton ot the sfu , ces, the extreme nestuesi, of tlicir liieas, , and the cleanliness of their p-raent.. Most of them bad fair hands, and tbeir ruuntenanees bore the stamp ol culm re ■guation. The best opportunity of seeing ; ti, as|act of the who died on the held w-ws when they lay stretched bor'd® th- treicae* wbicb wer. -le- iieU to le. their fine! rest.iig place, no lar were their laces from presen'.iug the l.v.<| app.-urui- e slid the expression of dpa r winch pain ters ar iu the hwb.t of producing in pic ture, ot the battle-fields, that a *iw>?tatnr . could hardly help calling to the ‘burtriiig ! parties to wait alittlu beforecovering them -up The; wer.- so life like. 1 anu iener.e.ii ..i miiisni*. Krei.i. at • ' the suit ..f Maty Km -it, sou •me ilire.-i.--i, 1 < hsvesei/el iib-l taker, in .a- l'll all rlo- r* ; tale, interest, rich, and t.rle. ... law atnl in | e.| ef the ...ei William *l. iirebv. its mol I Abb THAT l - AIU'HI. <>K LANI* .iiuot and lying m lljlliuiorv s-untt. a * .mine 11*, s-olh.-ra limit* of the eity -f it.- |.--.i are. |rt ~f a Irs.-t-f I.snd cltlle-l “Krrbit <!• Il'antS* T>rra Firmri," ,tp bv Mlnlvjf v>r niiir llic vr hhv |** r i . Ui#rV.| fn*r h* **il* *l. anl Wf Ike •••• }•• r • .-#1 of Ulnl whiftlt wm fr liinrty ifittr | yfiVN, rfiftfittfiUr tt'ffvrr. l#T Klua fitil> r ■ i* Ihi* nit Willmro <*., lr iiislnitiir* | Ih** 1 ••iK *lrv ot Itn 'fc tli** In 4 onlmf ru:itv lit Lilh i 11. M. K.. N". li. folio r 17. A*.. hn*i • th i-t**ril****l |mr a *l **f l.n*l l**>rril i I ifi k Kr*l*fi, •l*t#*t lh* *iny of Ipfviuli-r. I*t.\ •n l r inioiit th* J*t*l irc.'r U .i •i| * fAimty in lirf W. t# . No. folio ,t... in firlm*h ilfol Ihfi •m 4 pairrl of l.m*l u i!• rly t*w< riU-| by iMnirti* un*i li>twti* ••* mpi • •• cotta in ina i. 1112 M'llh’fi, (more or less, lubiret to Iho payment of a yoor ly cretin,l rsnt of *llO in ) yearly ihstsluieht*. And I hereby give noor* that -n T.,. i SeOet Se. * r . Atniuc, Mi sets.--"’hat steam has done j for common labor, machinery is doing for agricaltore It i performing a! 1 th hard ; work, and largely Increasing pit,fits. Not only is better service and more of it per formed by machinery upon ferine, but it i saves a vast amount uf waste, by pi-rloim. 1 ing it at the right time Men released from i the drndgery of hard labor to gat a living merely, can clear farms fur themselves and , become independent agncaltnriete. adding to the amount of asrplua woalth. and bene ! fitting awry consumer. Il tasaid that Kng. land can belter spare the Irish emigrant since oil kinds or agricultures! implements are amploved upon Knglish farms, and It Is believed that tbs oat of machinery will graally compensate tha Sonth for tbo'abeb itioo of slavery- Machines do not oat. do i ootgetaiek, and aro no ebatgs upon tbeir 1 owacrn whan they are 100 old to work. ■pThe Bebtisi CSrmiel c say* at an ex aminatlon of girl, for tha rite of confirma tion in tka Episcopal Charcb, In snivecr to the a neat ion, “Wbnt la tba outward and visible nlf u and form in baptism? ' tba reply of a bright little tkcolof lag was, "tku ba- If.lH- 1 OUsr.|{|KS-Yf>l„'Hi. N 0 .832. Matrimony. \V* never rom.-mber to bavn seen the -•Id canvassed from the point.if view hern ciiaavn. It i. preventud for the considers tion a! luir rt-Mtivrn : N’t* ou will piftfid that there ere no conunitt# !ky married ojoij. Fectn wt.iif*! lt*A H'*t hun iH*eft oct of counte* r-v -. II may be said with truth that •h-r® see very f.-iv crimes co-ntniteH by mtr ried m-n i-t.inpared with the number com mitted by ti.-.-- who are unmarried. 'VhuU over faults V dfuire may have had he cer 'a.nly * homed l.imsslfa man of seme when i-v mid The more married men you faavt, the fewer crimes there will be. Marriage f -i.ier, a man i.iore virtuous and moro wise " A n unmarried man it but half of a perfect awl it require* the other half to muk" thing* right ; and i* cannot b*expect -d that i. imperfect sfa'e he can keep the str.i.ght path of rvctitnde arty morn than a b ,- with one oar. or a bird with or.w a.r.g. keep a itraight course, lu rinti vat-vs out of ten. where married men be •tott-c dn-kerde. or when they commit ■r against tbo peace of th* community, •! f.iordatinn of these acts waa laid wbiiw ir, a -ing:- atste. or where '.he wife is, oa la some tin.®* tb* case, an unsuitable match. Marriage change* the whole current of a man i feeling*, and givea him a centre for hi* thoughts. b'V affections and bn acts.— Here is a home for the entire mao. and '.lie counsel, the affection, the example, and 'lie interest of h:■ "better half keep him >om the erratic conr*e*. and from falling into a thousand temptations to which h would otherwise be i-xpored. Therefor*, th® frie® 1 to -narrisg.. is th- friend to ao uiely st.ii t<* ilia conntry. And we have no doubt but that a > ittnlar effect it produced '•y inarr.uge on the women ; though from tl.® diff®:,-no- in their labors and the great er exposure to temptation on the part of th* '•'•n. we have no doubt but that man reap* t greater advantage from the restraining t.fiuence of n.arrugu thitr. woman does. Something About Rending. " - -.any do not rend at all in tbes* tint**, ih re ar® those who read too muck, particularly the yourg A mederate •m ’ ' v-1 r-adir-g and pl.-ntv of observ*. "hat will dw.d .-p b® yonthful mind. I: -o - ar- ■ upon the "Physicians ••> 1 S-irg--ti- . t a l.y gone reneration," n t"r. -70 • urnal -r.bes Aoernethy con veriog thus with a certain patient: •• I -.nine, sava h>\ "ht more than half yoor lliu-ss ar.-s from too much reading." On answering that my read-ng wa chiefly hia lory, which amused win!- it instracted hn -• ;>. i. ’that is ;. untwer to my objection. '• • - in... uf Ife a young fid low’ should *nd*uv..r to strengthen bin consfituttob. . -c\ of health. Reside*, too mtf 1 . r-ad • g never mad* sr. able man. It ■ n ' o ni-tel. the evt-nt and amonnt of *ha- -i r. ~-l t! at serves <ll. s what w* ns -m:!'-■ and inuke uur own. "U is that, to -' t il!u*t-*tion borrowed from my pro ' -s -i that constitute th- chyle of tho :nd 1 he®-- always found thut really io di-luiit men, met. of what I would call flab u.t i.vci- are great readers. It is far ...-.-r t-- r , i than to th-nk, to refleft or '- T< . and these fellows, not having lea-ned to th-nk, -am themselves with tb -I- a- <.* r-l of other* This they call study, bit it is tint so. lu my own p'rofes - on 1 h-a.-e observed that the greatest men wee® not lii® liter® readers, but the :n*n ohs-rved, who reflected, who fairly ’’ Ig' 1 out j l-e. To learn to reflect -' ®i•> :s a grand <l® d-ratum for w i'-r-oar John 1! inter owed to bis pow. i- iib—rvali m that lino discrirnoation. • Slot keen .ti igiii.-iit.thet intuitiveneaswhich he t .-d in a greater degree than any n'.uv. si.rgevt n. it,* ti.®*," Amticn? Cuntomti. Tl ' d-- rot change in the P,ast ; as \hrah--.-n pitched It* ten';n Kefbel. so •'-■sir Ar,'. sheik now *t up his camp ; n liav.,l butit h s palace on Mount Zion. *,. would n Turkish pasha arrange bis : ... ®’.ery street may b* seen the hn-.rv children o: H*n, squatting on the groenti devo ::in' a ni-* ol lentils like that for which tit® rough hunter sold his birthright; il -.-g every ruvi th® sons of Itecbah. alio bav.- >wor. t- drink uo win*, plant nn •.-e- .■ r within no door, nt every khan young men surround a pan of parched corn. i p;- tig th-.r morse! ujo the dish . Job's p!--w is used, and the rd trodden in to ttie ground by assvs and kin® ; olive* ar® -haketi from '.h* boughs a.* directed by Isatiih and the grafting of trees is un-hang ••! sine- th* days of Paul Among other tin’ g left unchanged is th# Syrian bona*, still, ns turwwriy, only a stone tent as a tempi - wa, but a marfil® tent, " bat it seen i.oar in Ratbeny may li* taken oa no exact !ik*t fsa cftfie house of Kaiarua wl,®** Mary i.stalled nod Martha toiled, or as th* house of S.mon the Lp*r, wher* th- precious box of ointment was broken, whence Judas set out to betray bis master. Tni "'ai H>:UmHts Damns A *©!• die; walked ot -a saioon in t'mcmnati, a- I. att.-r carelessly looking aronnd fora tew min" c, began to stagger, and fell vio ler tl; to tl— floor. He kicked up his heel* and twisted his body in every imaginabla contortion, us if struggling in a violent spasm The human* bar keeper adminis tered several drinks of brandy tv the unfor tunate, who seemed to be suffering intense ng--ny. After drinking us much at ii * want.-,! the soldier got up and thanked ti:- !. ir.k.-eprr for his k ndnass, telling h m, .it th® mitt t in* , that ho was not th* only on® who had beau victmnxuii by the "Jrink Jo'iyt." fi g Old Joshua Swnilow, a veteran min it- r. iva* the otl or day at t'bo preaching ng.i.nst th-- "spiritual call" to th® ministry ami ,eli*.| *n un-cdot* of faleb Jones, who gave his experteoc* in this wise 1 "I wu- mi* day plowing, and was called tp pteach by a voice saying, ‘Caleb 1 Caleb!' \Vb could have called me thus ?" A boy . tha back port of the c ingragation, say* Mr pwallow. exclaimed : "Maybo it waa a bull frog, Mr. Jotiat." l'ovnotv.—■ Molt voung man cnsidor it m.sfortune to be boro poor, or oot 1o ha\® capital enough to establish them -li.. n'. tl r. life in a good and comfor'.xhlu lusitiets. This is a miataken notion. Ho far from it bviug a misfortane, if w* judge front what w.- may every dny be hold, it 1 v really a blessing . the ckanc* is turn- than ten to on* sgitinit him who starts with a fortune.>—Tho most agreeable of all companions i a simpl®, frank man, with out any high pretention* to an oppressive greatness ; who lores life and understands the use of it; obliging silk* nt all hoar* ; shorn ail of a golden temper, nod steadfast ae an anchor. Korsooh a on* w* gladly exchange tb* greatest genius, tb* most brilliant wit, tb* profound thinker •Tit sums that a lawyer la aomotklag of a carpenter ;h* o*o iio o bill, split o nair. make an entry, got op o oasa, from on iodictmont. amponal o jury pot them in n box. nail a wit nuts, hammer a bore a court, and other like thing*. •pit Is a bod habit to carry your pioa ef your ratifies in year moatb.