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EDITED BV DUFF GREEN. TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1840. FOR PRESIDENT. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN TYLER. CARD. 'he undersigned tenders his most grateful thanks to the firemen and citizens of Washington, for their ex e,lions in protecting l.i. properly Iron, on^turjay Baltimore, 14th April, IS4O. HOW STANDS THE QUESTION? From the best consideration of the subject, which we can give, the state ol the Presi dential election, may be set down as follows: For Gen. Harrison, —Vermont 7 Massachusetts 14 R. Island 4 Connecticut 8 New Jersey 8 New York 42 Deleware 3 Maryland 10 Ohio 21 Indiana 0 Kentucky 15 Illinois 5 Michigan 8 making—l 49 For Mr. Van Burcn—Maine 10 N. Hampshire 7 Arkansas 3 Mississippi 5 Georgia 11 Alabama 7 S. Carolina 11 six states giving 54 Doubtful Pennsylvania 30 j Missouri 4 Tennessee 15 Louisiana 5 N. Carolina 15 Virginia 23 92 It will thus be seen that the whole electo ral vote is 295, and that taking all the stales, asumed as certain for Gen. Harrison, he will be elected bv a single vote —that should he lose New York, and carry Pennsylvania and \ ir ginia he will be elected by twelve vote and 3hould be lose Maryland and New York, be must get Tennessee, or North Carolina, on j some other state in addition to Pennsylvania and Virginia, to be elected. We ask our readers to examine this table as sensible men. We ask them to look at the Vir ginia Electoral ticket, and ponder for a moment 1 on the names oft hose who compose it. Wehappen to know the political opinions of thirteen of the j twenty-three, and of that thirteen, eleven were ! original friends of General Jackson, and State \ rights men. When we go into Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, North Carolina, and the South, we will find many who were originally for Jack son and State rights men, who are now among the most active and zealous supporters of Gene- i ral Harrison, and we know that there are many others who, if they can be induced to hear argu- i ment and believe facts, will swell the number, and who are deterred by apprehensions, that Gen. Harrison, if elected, will be under the in fluence of men, whose political opinions and principles they disapprove; whose objections are not to what they know him to be, but to what they fear he may become, under the influences that will surround him. It is important that honest prejudices and pa- J triotic fears should be met and quieted and all that we ask is a calm and dispassionate conside-1 ration of the circumstances under which Gen'l. j Harrison is put in nomination. He is pledged to serve but one term. This is, of itself, a great reform and should go far to quiet honest fears. If he declines serving a se cond term, because he desires to set an example to others who come after him, and declines using the patronage of the Government to promote his own election, that is the strongest guarantee that he could give, that he will not prostitute his high office to elect a successor. Gen. Harrison was selected by the people, in opposition to executive influence, and his election will be a triumph of popular sentiment which he will not disregard. He will come into office free from any and all commitments,—he will be at liberty to select his cabinet from the ablest and best men in the coun- try, and he will do so. This is his strong ground, and those who de-' sire to conciliate his good opinion will best pro mote that end by endeavoring to promote harmo ny and good will,—and especially by discoura ging every thing which tends to excite old party jealousies and resentments. The objection urged 1 against the Whig party is, that it consists of dis cordant materials. This, to some extent, is true; but to that extent it proves that there has been a generous surrender of private preferences, and some concession, even of political opinions, for the good of the country. No man can expect all other men to adopt his opinions in all things there must be concession and compromise, and it is in that spirit alone that we Can triumph.— Then let us invite all into our ranks who lore their country. Let us carefully avoid all contro. versy that may unnecessarily divide us and weak en our energies. He who eomes in at the elev enth hour may turn the scale in our favor, and a (ingle vote may secure our triumph. Let our ri ralry be as to who can do most for the country, relying with confidence on the wisdom and good sense of the people for the future. Let us, while we maintain our own preferences and opinions with firmness, act in that spirit ot kindness and moderation that will convince our neighbors ol our sincerity and fairness. By that means they will listen to us; and while such a course will cultivate good will and harmony among our selves, it will tend greatly to induce all patriotic men to unite with us. "Let us be united for the sake of the Union." We have received an interesting letter front our Washington correspondent on the Seneca Treaty, written as will be seen from its date, in anticipation of the promulgation o( that treaty bv the President. It is unavoidably poatpon" ed. JUDGE HANSON'S ADDRESS.—A large part ol our paper of to-day is taken up by the eloquent address, delivered by Judge Hanson, belbre the State Whig Convepliou. We are sure that of ourselves, we could lurnish noth ing so acceptable to our readers. The pun gent satire and biting sarcasm, called forth re peated acclamations, during its delivery. THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. I We learn from Washington, that the news from Maine, is more pacific. Upon the question of boundary, under the treaties of 83 and 1815, tve are so manifestly right, that any attempt to enforce her claim, on the part ol Great Britian, especialy if she refuses to refer the location of the line, to a third and friendly Power, would be so cl.arly wrong on her part, that the judg j ment of the world would be against her. Not so if war, be provoked hv the.authoritiesor the 1 people of Maine on the question ol occupanny jad interian . This would be, to involve the whole question a colaterial issue, and on which argument, if not the facts, might be against us. Great Britain cannot much longer de.av her final action on the main question, and it is believed that the authorities of Maine, acting under the advice of the goverement at Wash ington, will carefully avoid collision. "Truth is mighty, and it will prevail," When Gen. Harrison was first nominated, it was charged, and great efforts have been made to prove, that he is an abolitionist. It is greatly to the credit of the people ol Baltimore > and we hail it as one of the most auspicious signs of the times that, at a large and respec table meetting of the friends of M. Van Buren, field last week, in Baltimore county, at Govans Town, comprising many Slave Holders of the county, after the meeting wa s organised, Mr. Richard Frisby (one of the In. solvent commissioners for the Uity and county) offered a series of Resolutions asserting, among otherjhiiigs that the Hero of Tippecanoe is an abolitionists; whereupon a pronienent mem ber of their own party, a Mr. Ware, rose and denied that Gen. Harrison is an abolitionists, and in a spirited and eloquent speech, refuted the charge, and sustained and fortified his posi tion with so many facts, that the Resolutions were veted down by themeeting. This is a most strikingand gratifying sign—it is a sign tha t the people are takingjthe election nto their own hands; and we may hope that the time is at hand when the mandate of the Globe, will cease to be the law of public opinion. OHIO—HARRISON AT HOME — GLORIOUS NEWS ! —The Wheeling Times of Saturday morning brings us the following cheering accounts of the recent township elections in Ohio- The hero of North Bend will not be deserted by his friends at home, as we find the case every day with Mr. Van Buren. OHIO ELECTION. St. Clairsville. —Whig all through. Hereto fore loco. Montgomery, Franklin Co. —Harrison majori ty 570 —last Id 11 110. Franklin tp.— Whig majority 50—in '36 the Whig majority was 24. Hamilton tp— Whig vote 4, to 1 Van Buren. Jefferson County, S'eubenville (p.—Van Buren majority 15. Van Buren majority in '36,166. Cross Creek tp. —Whig ticket all elected. Last year loco foco. Wells tp All Whigs elected. Van's majority 48 in 1836. Smith field tp.—Whig majority 100. Harrison's in '36, 45. Wayne tp.—V anttes carried it by 7 votes—in , 1836 by 98 votes. The whole Whig gain as far as heard from in I Jefferson county, is 391. The county is no doubt I redeemed. A change of fifty more votes in the I remaining six or eight townships, will more than do the work. ' Wcllsville, Columbiana Co. elected the whole i hog Whig ticket. In 1836 Van Buren had it. The Whig majority at the late election in I Cincinnati was 1663. Gain since last fall 912. This is sufficient to show something of the re sult of the late township elections in Ohio. We have counted on 15,000 majority in Ohio. This J election warns us to wet it higher. 20,000 at the least. VAN BI REV AT IOME. —The local elections in New York State have thus far resulted most fa vorably for the Whig cause. A gain of 5000 votfs —or a Slate lost to Mr. Van Buren. —One important fact should not be forgotten, in relation to the Connecticut election —namely, that at the Presidential contest of 1836, that State gave her electoral vote for Van Bu ren, by a majority of 500 votes. She is now Whig by a majority of 4500! We here have a change of eight electoral votes—equal to sixteen —and of 5000 popular votes.— Penn. Inquirer. HARRISON* STATE CONVENTION OF MARYLAND. Proceedings of the Harrison State Convention of Maryland, assembled at Baltimore city, on Thursday, April 9th, ISIO. The Convention was called to order by George R. Richardson, upon w hose tnoiion ROBERT W. BOWIE, of Prince George's county, was chfcen to preside as Chairman, with a view to the or ganization of the Convention. Mr. Bowie was then conducted to the chair by the delegation re presenting his county. Upon the motion of the same gentleman, JOSEPH H. NICHOLSON of Anna polis city, was chosen Secretary of the Conven- The Secretary proceeded to call the Delega tions from the several counties ot the State, when the following gentlemen appeared and answered to their names. All the counties were represent ed except Cecil and Alleghany. Anne Arundel county-Thomas Hood, J. S. Williams, Nicholas R Worthington, Charles Waters, Benjamin E. Gantt, Richard Sellman. Annapolis City —Joseph II- Nidi old son. Baltimore county —William S. \N inder, Sam uel Farlcer, George Harry man, John Weihered, Caleb D. Goodwin. T _ _ Baltimore City—John MeKim, Jr., George R. Richardson, John Glass, 1 homas Kelso, Chas. W. Hanson. Calvert county —Benjamin 1 each. Caroline county —Aaron M. Ariel, Ignatus B. Newton, Joseph Mobery. Carroll county— Jacob Mathias, Joshua C. Guest, Nicholas Dorsey. Dorchester county—William T. Goldsborough, Reuben Tall, Noah Dickenson, Aaaron Rich ardson. Frederick county—haze Baugher, William P. Jones, Grafton Hammond, Dr. Thomas Spring er, James L. Davis. Harford county— William B. Bond, Jacob A Preston, Charles H Rate, David G. McCoy. Kent county —Edward Wilkins,Thomas Walk- er, William McLane. Montgomery county —William M. Steuart, George C. Patterson. Richard Holmes, Thomas J. Bowie, Thos. T. Wheeler. Prince George'/: county —William T. Wootten, Robert W. Bowie, Osborn Sprigg, Charles Cal vert. Queen Anne's county —Thomas Ashcom, John Brown, D. C. Hopper Emory. Somerset county— Richard Lemon, Samuel W- Jones, George S. Atkinsou. St. Mary's county— Henry Sewell, Arthur Coad, Jno. Beam, Bennet Taylor, Robert Thom son, WilliamS. Crane, Thomas Loker, Willi am L. Smith. Talbot county —Nicholas Goldsborough, John Harrington, John Bosnian Kerr. Washington county —Otho H. Williams, Wil- William B. Clarke," Alexander Neill, Andrew Hogmire. Worcester county— William H. Wailes, Ed wid Foreman, Geotge M. Upshur, Littleton Dennis, Jr. . A motion was then made that the Chair ap point a Committee to consist of one Delegate from each county to report officers for this Con vention. The motion being adopted, the Chair appointed the foilhwing gentlemen:—Henry Sew ell, Thomas Walker, Thomas Hood, William S Winder, Nicholas Goldsborough, David G. McCoy, Aaron M. Arlett, William M. Sieuari, Jacob Mathias, Richard Lemon, Win. T. Golds borough, William T. Woolton, Thomas Ash com. Wm. H. Wailes, Grafton Hammond, John McKim, Jr., Otho H. Williams. The Committee, after a short absence, report ed the following gentlemen as officers of the Crnvention: President. ROBERT W. BOWIE, of Prince George's co'unty. Vice Presidents, JOHN MCKIM, Jr. of Baltimore city. THOMAS HOOD of Anne Arundel county. NICHOLAS GOLDSBOROUCH of Talbot county. DR. RICHARD LEMON of Somerset counly. Secretaries, JOSEPH H. NICHOLSON of Annapolis city. WILLIAM B. CLARKE of Washington county. On motion it was ordered, That the President of the Convention appoint a Committee to con sist of one Delegate from each county, to report subject matter for the consideration of the Con vention. The President appointed the following gentlemen: Charles W. Hanson, John S. Williams, Reu ben Tall, Edwin Foreman, Alexander Neill, Jo seph H. Nicholson, Arthur Coad, John Bosman Keir, Wm. V. Wootten, Raines L.Davis, Wm. M. Steuart, Ignatius B. Newton, Samuel W. Jones, D. C. Hooper Emory, Wm. B. Bond, Ja cob Mathias, John Wethered. Upon motion of Col. Wm. T. Wootten, the Convention adjourned to meet at 3J o'ciock, P. M. The Convention met at the hour appointed, and was called to order by the Piesident, when the Committee reported the following resolu- Resolved, That a State Central Committee of twenty-one resident in the city of Baltimore, be appointed by the President of this Convention, clothed with full powers to superintend and di rect the political movements of the friends of HARRILON and TYLER in reference to the Presi dential and other elections of the ensuing fall— that -even of the Committee constitute a quorum i —that the chairman of each county committee to be hereafter appointed, be ex-officio a member of such Central Committee. Said committee to I have power to fill any vacancy that may occur. Resolved, That this Convention recommend the appointment in each 6ounty of a committee. Tha' it lie the duly of the officers of the county committees to hold constant correspondence with the State Central Committee. They should meet frequently during the canvass, be careful to visit their Post Onices, and upon receiving pamphlets, papers or oiner communications from the Cen tral C<-nmit'ee, to distribute them with the ut most ii tuatry. They should be empowered to mat. • all county matters in relation to the can vass and to organize committees of vigilance to out the voters at each election, as well as to atu vl the polls and see that the elections are fair! inducted. R'-.'Jred, That the county committees should espe .-hy appoint a District committee for each election district within their respective counties. The-' District committees should be charged part, nitrly with the distribution of all pamph lets, papers, Ac. which may be sent to them from the county committee*; and, with a view to this duty, the District committees should procure co pies of the poll books of their respective districts, and parcel out the names on the same amongst their run members, having reference to local position, so that each member of a Dwtrict coro niittee may be able to distribute publications a monest a convenient number ot voters tn his neighborhood, whereby every man on the poll b 'y^o™rd, b Tha' r the Central committee should publish, to the extent of the means at their dispo sal, pamphlets and tracts, calculated to convey to the public mind the most accurate and useful knowledge of public affairs. They should pro clue as many well conducted as pos sible, and circulate them rmongst the people and should keep up such a wi h the County committees as may enable them b produce the greatest vigor and concert m the ac lion of the party. For the purpose distribu tion, the Central committee should employ si cial messengers when necessary, anil should al low no obstacles to prevent the rapid an w i diffusion of the publications they may tlnnk pro per to circulate. , . The Electoral candidates should all be nomi nated before the first of June; they should visit as many counties as possible, not confining them selves to their own districts. Reunited, That this convention further re-nm mends to the several counties of the State to Hold frequent assemblages of the friends of Harrison and Tyler during the ensuing summer and lall. President presented a communication from the Delegates of Cecil county, which was read; and on motion of Wot. M. Steuart, ordered that it be entered on the journal of the proceed ings, that the absence of the Delegation from Cecil is occasioned by their attendance Vin ihe court now in session in said county. On motion of Win. McLean, ol Kent, the con vention adjourned, to meet on Friday morning, at eleven o'clock. The convention met at 11 o'clock. After be ing called the President announced to the con vention the following named gentlenmen, to con stitute the State Central committee. Samuel Jones, Jr. John S. Ridgely, Nathaniel F- Williams, Abraham G. Cole, James Grieves, Wm. R. Jones, Hugh Birkhead, Geo. R. Richardson, Wm. M. Chesnut, James Frazter, George W. Krebs, Asa Needham James Harwood, Wm. H. Gatchell, Thomas Yates Walsh George M. Gill, Gustav W. Lurman, Samuel McLellan, Charles H. Pitts, Ncilson Poe. John P. Kennedy. , , ~, Mr. McLean, of Kent, submitted the following resolution, which was unanimously adoptedp Resolved, That the members of this convention, delegated from counties which have not, as yel, appointed their Ceutral committees, be instruct to urge upon the citizens ot their respective conn ties the necessity of Mich organization, and forth with, upon such organization, to report them selves to the State Central Committee. The following resolution was offered by Wm. M. Steuart, of Montgomery, and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the members of this convention mutually pledge to each other to use their most zealous and unremitted exertions to earry out to successful issue, the measures which have here been adopted, and until the day of election w ill enter upon a generous rivalry who shall do most in the common cause. Win. B. Bond, of Harford, submitted the fol lowing resolution, which was unanimously a dopted : Resolved, That this convention most heartily concur in the nomination of Gen. H. Harrison and John Tyler, as the Whig candidates for the office of President and Vice President of the United States. —That in Gen. Wm. H. Harri son we recognize the skilful and gallant com mander who has often led the armies of his country to vietoiy and to glory—as the able and faithful statesman, who, having passed through various high and responsible civil offices, has left no one act upon which his bitterest enemies can justly cast a shade of censure—That in John 1 y ler we recognize the able and steady friend of the constitution, the ready advocate of all measures tending to the best interests of our country. Upon the adoption of the above resolutions the convention was severally addressed by Wm. S. Winder, Edwin Foreman, Wm. B. Bond and Wm. B. Clarke, delegates from the counties of Baltimore, Harford, Washington and Worcester, reporting the progress of Harrisonian principles within their limits, each representing the enthu siasm of their citizens in the glorious cause of Harrison and reform. The convention then adjourned to meet at 4 P. M. On reassembling, at that hour, it was ad dressed with great zeal and ability, by the Hon. JOHN P. KENNEDY and the Hon. CHABI.ES. W, HANSON. Mr. Bozman Kerr then submitted the follow ing resolution: Resolution, That the thanks of this convention, be'tendered to the President and other officers, for the able and dignified manner in which they have presided over the deliberations of the Har rison State Convention. The resolution being adopted, a motion was made that the proceedings of the convention be signed by its officers and published in the news papers of the State friendly to the Harrison cause. On motion of WRA. M- Steuart, the convention adiourded sine die. R. W. BOWIE, President. DR. RICHARD LEMON, THOMAS HOOD 1 y jce p res idents. JOHM MCKIM, JT., NICHOLAS GOLDSBOTOUOH, J J- H- NICHOLSON, ) SECRCTARIES . WM. B. CLARKE, J TO THE DELEGATES TO THE NATION AL CONVENTION OF WHIG YOUNG MEN. Gentlemen— The following resolution was adop ted at a late- meeting of the Committee charged by the Whigs of Baltimore. with the duty of pre paring for the receptioa of the National Con vention. , . . , "Resolved , That a Committee of twenty-four gentlemen be now appointed,.who shall be called "The Committee of Reception"—ana whose duty it shall he to give immediate notice throughout the Union, of the nature and purpose of their ap pointment —to request that every member of the Convention, on reaching the city of Baltimore will report his name and Post Office to the Committee of Reception; and to aid such dele gates as may net succeed in procuring accommo dations, by directing them to the public houses, boarding houses, or to the residences of such cit izens as may be willing to ettend to them the hospitalities of their abodes." The undersigned have been appointed the Committee of Reception, under this resolution; which they publish, as the most effectual mode of affording to the Delegates from all parts of the Union the notice which it dirfcls to be given. COMMITTEE OP RECEPTION. Ist Ward—A. Herald, James P. Stafford. |3d •< Nicholas L. Daahiella, B. W. Herring. 3d " A. W. Bradford, Jesse D. Reid 4th " William P. Cole, Thomas Mullen. sth " John Buck, Edward Mitchell. tlth " Wm. Steward Appleton, Elisha 7th " Neilson Poe, Joshua Jones. Bth " Thos. Sheppard,jr., Alex. Gould, jr. •Jth " Oliver Novris, George Cox. 10th " St. Geo. W. Teackle, Jos. C. Manning 11th " Thos. G. Pitts, O. Horsey Jr. Pith " Wm. P. Stewart, Dr. Jno. R. Piper. The committee have taken a parlour at the Eutaw House, corner of Eutaw and Baltimore strets, where they will attend on Friday, the first, Saturday, the second, and Monday, the fourth of May , for the purpose of welcoming: their political brethren who may come to tie cit> on mission of patriotism and public spirit, otherwise carrying out the instructions under which they act. A. W. BRADFORD, Chairman. JOSHUA JONES, Secretary. (X?-AII Whig; papers in the Union are re quested to give a conspicuous place to this no tice. THE STATE CENTAL COMMITTEE. At a meetingof the Baltimore Central Com mittee Room, North Bend, on Monday tb*i 13th April inst. it was Resolved, That this Committee request the members of the state Central Committee to meet in this Room on this evening the 14lh inst. at 5 o'clock. In pursuance of the above resolution the members of the State Central Committee are requested to meet at the Committee Room, North Bend, this evening at 5 o'clock. By order. GEO. W. CRF.BS, Sec'ry of City Gen. Com. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. SAMUEL JONES, Jr. NATHANIEL F. WILLIAMS, JOHN P. KENNEDY, JAMES L. RIDGELY, ABRAHAM G.COLE, JALMES GRIEVES. HUGH BIRCKHEAD, WM. R. JONES. GEORGE W. KREBS. GEORGE R. RICHARDSON, JAMES FHAZIER. JAMES HARWOOD, AS A NEEDHAM, THOS. YATES WALSH, WM. H. GATCHELL, GUSTAV W. LURMAN, CHARLES H. PITTS, GEORGE M. GILL, SAMUEL McCLELLAN, NELSON POE, WM. CHESNUT. Dts**Ata meetingof the COMMTITREev ARRANGEMENTS of the Voting Men's National Convention held on Wednesday ev ening at "North Bend," the following resolu tions were passed and ordered to be published: Resolved, That the several Tippecanoe Clubs of the city be requested to have prepared and painted such standards as th.ey may deem ap propriate, in order that they may be properly designated in the procession of the National Convention. Resolved, That the Whig house holders it the several wards of our city, be requested t® open their houses to the members of the Na tional Convention, so far as their convenience will admit. T YATES WALSH, Chairman. JOHN W. WOODS, 7 RUFUS I>. GALLUP, $ YOUNG MUN'S CONVENTION.—We leant that at a meeting of the young men of Dorchester, two hundred delegates were appointed to the Young Men's Convention to meet in this city on the 4th of May. There was an error in part of tho impression of our paper, the Convention meet here on the FOURTH instead of the fifth of May. TIDE WATER CANAL—We learn with regret, that considerable damage has been doDe the Tide Water Canal by the heavy fall of rain, on Saturday night last. There are four breach es in the embankment, between this place, and the Pennsylvania line, above that point but slight damage has been done. The exact amount of injury done I am not able to say, but it is suffici ent to suspend the transmission of freight on the line for some days. There are now twenty-one boats in the Canal, ladened with wheat, corn, flour, eoal and iron, I believe, principally for your market. Every exertien is being made by those who have charge of the work to put it un der immediate repairs. It is thought if sufficient force can be obtained, that it will be in opperation by the 21st inst. — Pat. A Convention of the Young Men of the West ern States, friendly to General Harrison, will assemble at Fort Meigs in June. LATB FROM MEXlCO. —Captain Kimball, of the Glide, arrived yesterday from Laguna, has fa vored us with late intelligence from Yucatan.— The news confirms that previously received.— Campeachy, with a population of fourteen thous and, still held out. The federalists had collected together a force of three thousand men, and were besieging the city. Laguna was taken possession of by four men, on the Bth of March. It has a population of about twenty-five hundred.—N. T. Herald. FROM SINGAPORE.—Our advices are to the 6th of December. There was some excite men' there respecting the pepper trade. The Dutch evinced a determination to seize and mo nopolize the trade, as they have of late made one of their friendly movements to the Pepper coast of Sumatra; taken Barus, Honkaded, Sinkel and Tapoos, and probably ere this, added them to their conquests in the same island. Whether the natives abandon their homes or not, still the Dutch will keep the whole trade to themselves and pepper will no longer be a lree article ia their hands. We learn that the late Philadelphia Methodist Conference refused, by a nearly an unanimona vote, to petition the General Conference to make a change in the rules regarding slavery, so as to interdict members from holding slaves. The sub ject was brought before that body in acomnoat* cation from the New iktgktad Conference.