Newspaper Page Text
EDITED BY DUFF GREEN. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1810. FOR PRESIDENT. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. FOR VICE-PRESIbENT. JOHN TYLER. WHO ARE THE SPECULATORS ? We yesterday gave extracts from the treaty made at Dancing Rabbit Creek, with the Choctaws, show ing that more than half a million acres, of the choice lands of Mississippi, were given, in the shape of reser c ations, to the Indians, to be sold by them by the con sent of the President. The purpose of the treaty was to extinguish the Indian title, and remove the Indians. No one under stood the Indian character better than General Cass. In his letter to the President, he says truly that : "The Indians arc easily swayed brothers, and like children, if the immediate possession oi a favorite ob ject is not obtained, it loses much of its * aim in tlicir estimation !" Now we beg the reader to bear a few facts in re membrance. The treaty was with these Indians— the object was to remove them. The favorite pur suits of the savage are war and the chasC. Land is to him of but little value. He cannot wait the slow progress of vegetation to gratify his wants. A gun— a horse, a blanket, and powder and ball, are the sources of his enjoyment. For tlies. he sold his land, and the question naturally arises, why did not Major Eaton, knowing that the Indians did not want the land, and did want guns, blankets, horses and ammu nition, prefer to give the Indians those articles? Why did he give them lands, to be exchanged by them?—. Every one must see that it would have been better for the Government as well as for tlje Indians. Why then, was the treaty made so that it cost the govern ment more and gave the Indians less ? Again, as these lands were to be sold by the Indi ans, and as those who made the treaty must haye known that it would open a door for fraud and specu, lation, why did they make such a treaty? We are to judge of men by their acts. Immediate ly after these treaties were made, large companies were organized for the purpose of speculating in the public land. Articles of Association were entered in to, and persons known to have a direct and control ling influence over the President, were admitted as members, and-received stock as a consideration for that influence. These facts explain these treaties.— They were conceived in sin and shapen in iniquity- They were the fruitful source of that ruinous system of measures which has overwhelmed us in ruin. We boldlv charge, that these treaties were mad for the deliberate purpose ot fraud. The treatie s bear fraud upon their face. And the proof is abund ant. We repeat, that we charge a deliberate pur pose of fraud in making the treaties; but if there had been no such purpose, the fact that fraud was the inevitable consequence of the treaties, is but little less censurable than a deliberate purpose on the part of those who made them: and so far as they led to spec ulation, the responsibility of the administration is the same. Under this aspect of the case, we beg the attention of the reader to a few extracts from an official report to Congress, made in answer to a Resolution of the Senate of 21st January, 1836, requesting lite --President to communicate to the Senate any informa tion lie may possess relative to frauds or fraudulent practices committed, or attempted to lie committed, in the safes of public lands or Indian reservations,"' &e. Extr.icts from the Secretary of War, t) Leonard Tenant. FLy. —p. 32. DEPARTMENT or WAR. April 20, 1835. "Herewith you will receive copies of certain papers which have been transmitted to this Department, si-iting the exist ence of cross frauds in the pretended purrnase of their reser vations from the Crick Indians. The frauds appear to ex. t in the personation of one Indian liy another, in the amount and payment of tiie putrliase wont y, and in I'm eorrupt prac tiees of at least one Justice of the peace in the attestation of blank paper-, which Uie parties have it in their power to fill up." Again, after stating particular instances of fraud, he says: -(p. 33.) "If the statements which liave been made to this Depart, ment are correct, a large proportion of the contracts chirk have keen formed since the beginning of Fetruary last, are fraudulent.' 1 Cty-Tlic Secretary admits that the fraud did exist and was known to the Department. Le vis Cass to Eli S. Shorter and others, Columbus. G i.. So vemler'd, 1836. —(page -191.) "That gross frauds have been committed is a fact not dis disputeii, ami a belief of which hud spread through the coun try." Lceis Cass to Col. J. B. Hogan. —(page 04.) DEPARTMENT or WAR, Jan. 10, 1835. "I enclose you a letter from Dr. Mcilenry, in which you will perceive the astonishing fact stated by him, that nineteen cases Out of twenty cert Hied I, i/ him, are fraudulent." 1 cannot conceive the possibility of such an occurrence, if due cau tion bad been exercised by the certifying officer. Extract of a letter from Lidher Blake to the lion. Elbert Her ring at If' tshington —(page 86.) FORT MITCHELL, (Ala.) Sept. 11, 1833. "Permit tne, sir, to inform you on these subjects, (Indian reserves, fine contracts, See.) Many, from motives oi specu lation have bought Indian reserves fraudulently hi ft is wnv take their bonds for titles, pay them ten or twenty dollars in something they do not xvant, and take their receipts for five times the amount. If the land lie of no value, they are not *iouiid to take it; but if it is, they (the Indians; rebound to let them have h. I know some of the reserves that I urn au thorised to give .S9OOO for. Not knowing the value of the lands, the Indians have been persuaded to sell for SSOO, taking their pav in nothing, or in that which is of no value to them." At this time they (intruders and speculators) are racing volun teers to resist our Government troops." Extract of a letter to Leu-is Cms. Secretary of War, from Elisha Ross and J. L. Howard. —fpagi?B9.) CHAMBERS COUNTY, (Ala.)" Dec. 2, 183TJ. "It i* evident, if I understand the full intent and ponntruc tjon of" the treaty between the U. States and the Creek In dians that there are many that will get reservations, who. by the treaty are not entitled to a foot of land: and some of the officers, who, on the part of the United States, are endued with the solemn trust, are. to the knowledge of'myself and others knowing to the perpetration. But, sir, wealth that leadeth many astray, appears to he their sole aiiii.- No sooner do tliey get an appointment to fulhl tin mgu I anil solemn duty of an officer of the United States, than 1 thev are taken with that dreadful disease called speculation, 1 the tendency of which darts its poisoning fangs at t£ose who I are least able to sustain the dreadful shock. 1 mean that 1 rlass of people, who, in honor to their God and Country, fill their burns and store their little huts with delicious lood by the meat of their brow. "I know of young men, who, since the ratification of tlm treaty, have j netended U, take some of the Indian girls as wives, in order to get their lands. Is such a transaction as this to go unnoticed.' Is John H. Broadnan, one of your head speculators, who from his . appointments, annears to be a highly favored man, to rule this people? It is fiftwithout doubt that his brother-in-law, by him, or through his iienev, is appointed locating agent, of Chawhas county, whois deeply concerned in the speculation. Are we, as pub lic lan,lis without a shepherd, to ire down and tamely submit to their wolfish designs." Extract of a teller to the President of the United States from J. H. Howard, Pole Cat Springs, Creek Nation, February 1, 1834—p. 104: '•From my own observations, I am induced to believe that a number of reservations has been paid for at some nominal price, and the principal consideration lias been whiskey and homespun. lam informed, and 1 think from a source enti tled to credit, that since tin* agent commenced certifying to contracts betwecu the whites and the Indians; the whites car ry an Indian before the Agent, and while in the presence of the agent, the Indian receives a valuable consideration in cash; but with a special understanding, that, as soon as the agent has certified, the Indian is to refund the money, with the exception of a few dollars. lam also informed, that pur chasers have frequently applied to Indians to buy, and the Indian refused to sell: the white man then goes to some oth er Indian, over whom he has infiuuiicc, and takes hiui before the Agent, and tells his name to be the owner of the land he wants to purchase; a contract is certified between the white man and the Indian, while the rightful owner has no know ledge of the sale of his land.'* Extract of. letter front a citizen of Columbus, Georgia, to th Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War—p. 10-8. COLUMBUS, (Ga.) February 27, 1834. "A few hundred dollars purchases a large tract of country by the money being paid out and immediately taken back and again used, until the lulls are almost worn threadbare. — Another glaring a<t of villany is, the net of the locating agents making contracts before, and at the time of location, and be coming the purchasers of the choice lands." Extract 0/ c: Idlerfrom J. It'. .1. Sjnfari, CcrtifyinC.lsierU. to Lewis Cass, Secretary of War—p. 110. "It is but very lately that the Indian has been invented with .in individual interest in land, and the great majority of diem appear neither to appreciate its possession, nor to economise the money for which it is sold; the consequence is, that the white man rarely sutlers an opportunity to pass without swindling hitn out of both. Indeed, if one -half of the reports be accredited, a greater mass of fraud and iniquity was never exhibited among any people, or at any other period." From the same to Elbert Herring;, Esq.. Office Indian •Affairs, Washington City —p. 118. COLUMBUS, April 27, 1834. "Rowl.uid'a case is one of most palpable fraud. Rowland himself has since acknowledged this, and that the Indian,, whom he endeavored n palm upon the agent as the true claimant, had recently assumed the name of the rightful owner, no doubt to answer his own sinister purposes, for it appeared, in the course of the invessigation, that although he had paid him, in my presence, $450, and subsequently swore to that amount as the consideration, yet he had received the i whole from this Indian, with the exception of thirty dollars." Let the people of the United States read over these extracts, and ponder on the tale they tell ! Is it matter of surprise that the Treasury has been plun dered —that frauds and peculations have marked the course of the administration, when the favorite offi cers of the government are engaged in frauds and speculations like these? Yet startling as these facts are, they are not the worst; they give but a faint glimmering of the true character of the leading men who have abused the confidence of the American peo ple, and who have broken down our energies, and dritd up the sources of our prosperity. BANKS The prejudice in the public mind against banks and banking is such, that while one party is constant and unscrupulous in their denunciation, the other, aware of the prejudice, says not a word in their de fence. Is it surprising that, under such circumstan ces, prejudice is daily increasing and has become one of the most potent engines of political influence? It is o be regretted that no one has come forward, to place this subject in its proper light before the coun try. and especially to show the practical effects of banks and banking on its business, labor, industry and general prosperity. That banks and banking are liable to great abuses, and that their usefullness depends upon the honesty and ability with which they are administered is ad mitted —and the same is true* of every good. This is one of the fixed laws, by which blessings are dispens ed to man. They are blessings or not as they are- used. The air we breathe—the water which allays our thirst, thefire which warms our breath, and the food which nourishes our bodies, are, each and all, indis pensable to our existence; without them we could not live, vet either of these blessings, so necessary to us, roav be so used as to do us injury. Is that an argument against their user Is that a reason why we should resolve that we would no longer use the the air, the water, fire or food? What would be thought of a parent who, because his beloved child was drowned, refused ever thereafter to drink water 1 Yet, his case would be precisely the same as that of the laboring man, who unites in a political war on the Banks because one of them has been dishonest or unfortunate. We propose to discuss this subject, to reason with the laboring man, and to demonstrate that the iJt stractivek, those who would now enlist all his pas sions and prejudices against the banks, are the au thors and abettors of the greatest abuses that have beer, perpetrated, under the system; and. that the war which they have waged against the banks and banking, is a political scheme to-retain their places; regardless os the effect which their measures may have on your interests or the general prosperity of the country. As the Destructives have leveled their severest maledictions agsinst the bank of the United Stat JS, and as a mass of prejudice against that institution, has accumulated in the public mind, we give them cverv advantage whea we talte that bank to illus trate how unjust is tlie war, and how false are the means by which it has been carried on.. And to do this, we will take up the prominent charges made against that Bank, and answer them by a statement of facts: In the first place, the prominent charge, and that most fruitful of prejudice is that the Bank is a British Bank. Now what are the facts? It appears by a're port made to the legislature of Pennsylvania by the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, that the persons owing stock in this bank, are in number, 4,833 Of whom there are residing in the U. 8. 3133 In Great Britain and Ireland, 1181 This is a conclusive answer to this calumny. It proves that the administration of the bank, is not under the control of foreign stockholders. It proves that so fir from its being a British bank, it is an American Bank. Upon this point, we will have more to say hereafter; we come to another slander. I It is charged that the Bank is owned by the nobil ity of Epglanj^ The same document gives, as above, whole number of stockholders, 4833 The nobility holding stock are Earls 2 MartjuLses. 2 Counts and Countesses, 3 I.ords, 8 Knights Barons and Baronets, 28 making altogether 42 Yes! this is the official report of this Bank! Is f there a single render of tltr Globe who is not aston ! ished at the truth? Is thcr one who docs not see that llu' purpose of the Globe r is to get up a false elamor against the Bank; and we would ask every one for what purpose? No man prefers falsehood to truth, when the truth will best serve him. And the fact that the organ of a party, paid and sustained by them, labors to mislead public opinion bv false information, is, or should be, conclusive against them. Again; an attempt has been made to create an impression that this bank was in the possession of a few British Nobles and their agents in the United States. The same document shows that so far from this being so, the stockholders reside in almost every European and American State. See the following ta bles extracted front the official record. Number of Stockholders in Europe and Elsewhere, excepting U. States. Great Britain and Ireland, - 1 184 France, ----- 36 Spain, - - - - 59 Portugal, ----- 6 German), - - - - *0 Holland Belgium, . - - - 1 Prussia, ----- 1 Denmark. - - - - 2 Switzerland, - - - - 4 West Indies, - - - - 52 East Indies, ... - 1 South America, - - - - 2 Mexico, - - - - 3 Nova Scotia, - - - 2 Number of Stockholders in the United States. Maine, - - - - - 16 N. Hampshire ... 23 Vermont, ----- 4 Massaahusetts, - - - 106 Rhode Island, 40 Connecticut, - - - - - 60 New York, - 230 New Jersey, - - - - 117' Pennsylvania ~ 1481 Delaware, - - - - - 51 Marylnd, - - - - 289 District of Columbia, - 37 Virginia, - - - - - 211 North Caarolina, - - - - 27 • South Carolina, - - - 340 Georgia, ----- 36 Ohio, 22 Kentucky, - - - - - 18 Tennessee, - - - - - 4 Indiana, ------ Illinois, ----- 4 Alabama, - - - - - 1 Missouri, ... - 2 Mississippi, ... - 1 Louisiana, - - - - 11 3133 ' Is there an honest member of the party who can j read these tablts, and reclaim his confidence in the t Globe? Is there one who will not admit his aston- I ishment to find the tacts, so much at variance with j his impressions? | The next false clamor against that Bank, consists in the charge that the stock was held in large sums ' bv a few wealthy persons, and was used by them as a means of oppression. Now the same official docu ment shows that this stock is distributed among SS33 persons, or stockholders, and that a very large mi_ jority of the shares are held in small sums, as will ap. pear by the following extract: Statement of the Stock of the Bank of the United States of Pennsylvania, January 1, 1840. No. of persons holding Stock to the amount of 3 shares and under, 864 do do 10 " " 661 do do 20 " " 732 do do 50 " " 994 do do 100 " " 588 do do 500 " " 814 do do over 500 " " 80 Par value of the Stock, SIOO per share. But the most striking exhibit, and that which most earnestly demands the consideration of every good man is, that part of this document which shows the description of persons owning the stock. The Report gives as the number of shares held by Females, - 29,376 Executors and Guardians* - - 4,256 Trustees, - - 16,248 Benevolent institutions, - - 1,758 We would ask the honest laboring mar, to ponder over these facts—to compare them with the impres sions made upon his mind by the repeated assaults of the Globe, and if he finds tliat he has been led to wrong conclusions, he will be prepared to hear us with less prejudice, and to reason with more fairness on the facts and arguments that are to follow. We I carefully refrain from the use of any expression that ' may wound the self-love or the pr'.de of opinion of ' those who are opposed to us. We are not the advo cates or the apologist of the Bank of the I nited States- We owe that institution nothing, and have nothing to expect from it. We know that it is un popular; that those who were wont to do it reverence have ceased to speak in its favor. It is not our pur pose to speak of its general administration. We would show that the warfare against the banks is part of a deliberate system of misrepresentation, and that the purpose of the party in power has been, by a false clamor against the banks and banking, to divert the public attention from the manner in which they have administered the affairs of government, and that the war against the Bank of the United States is but part of the system, the effect of which has been to reduce the country to its present ruinous condition. By showing that the Globe has raised a false clamo r against the Bank of the United States, we show that the war upon the Banks lias been waged under a false impression, and that the clamor against other banks, and credit generally, comes from a source not entitled : to public confidence. The Editor of the Pilot had the misfortune to lose many of his books and documents by the the late fire in Washington, and is particularly desirous so obtain files of the Globe, since January 1833; and files of the Telegraph and Reformer, from the same date. Should there be any one who has them, and is unwill ing to sell, he would be greatly obliged for the tem porary use of them. VIRGINIA ELECTION. A want of room, and the absence of any thing defi- j nite as to the result of the Virginia election, causes us to suspend the publication of our comparative tables until something more is known. We prefer at this time to state the general result, so far as heard, in stead of venturing into detail. In 84 counties 64 whigs and 44 destructivs,have been elected delegates anil 3 whigs Senators. These results show a Whig gain from last year, of two Delegates and two Sena tors. On the popular vote our gain since 1836 in 40 counties from which full returns have been received, is between 3000 and 4000 votes. The western part of the state will show a greater gain in proportion to representation, than the 40 counties mentioned a" bove. The House of delegates probably stands 74 whigs and 60 destructives; the Senate 15 whigs and 17 destructives. THEATRE, HOLLIDAY STREET. —This evening has been set apart for the beneiit of Mrs. Fitzwilliams, who has been drawing fashionable houses during her engagement. We hope the lovers of chaste and sweet singing will not be among the missing on this occa sion. Mrs. F. appears in three favorite pieces, in which she sustains eight characters. The well known ability of Mr. Wallack will also add much to the evenings entertainment, he sustains one of the lead ing characters- J1 variety of interesting matter and advertise ments omitted to-day toill appear to-moirow. To CORRESPONDENTS.—A Working man will ap pear to-morrow. WANTED. —Several competent persons to act as agents for this paper. None need apply unless they are well recommended. WANTED.—FIFTY BOYS to sell the Tippeca noe Text Book and Pilot. Apply at this office, No. 11, Water street. BALTIMORE COUNTY.—At a meeting of the friends of Gen. Harrison, of the Ninth Election District, Baltimore Co., hcldst Robert Ramsey's, Govanstown.on the 25th inst., .Mr. Lewis Roberts was called to the Chair, and Messrs. Charles A. Buchanan and John Maxwell, where appointed Sucreta taries; when the following gentlemen were appointed dele gates to the convention to nominate a Presidential Elector for the Third Congressional District: Win. Jackson, Thnmns Arinacost, John K. Gwynn, John W. Ward, and W. G. Howard. The meeting then appointed ilie following gen tlemen a Central Committee for the said district; Thomas J. ilillen, John Ridgely of Hampton, John Conolly, Solomon liillen, Sen., William Jackson, Jolm W. Ward, Charles A. Buchanan, William G. Howard, Daniel Jones, W. S. Win der, Win. Tagart, Josias Marsh, B. 11. Stinchcomb, Geo. W. I',lon, Lewis Merryman, Robert Hamilton, David Pollard, James T. Stein, Amos Matthews, and Lewis Roberts. LEWIS ROBERTS, Chairman. C. A. BUCHANAN, I secretaries. JOHN MAXWELL, > The young men then organized by calling Charles A. Bu chanan to the Chair, when the following gentlemen were ap pointed delegates to the Young Men's National Convention: Giles Norwood, Robt. McLanahan, John Armstrong, Joseph Yost, John Brown, Hugh Armstrong, Geo. Pilson, Lewis Merryman, Stephen Hillons, Oliver Merryman. \Ym. Lynch, James Auchiiutuch, John Lyon, John Connolly, Wm. Tagart, John P. MeCoriniek, John Skipper, Edwflrd Gil be, Wm. S. Winder, Francis Koonlz, Bcnj. Brown, James Bryan, Thomas Cole, John Pilson, Robert Gilmer, Jr., Henry Fbunser, Win. Bovven, Jacob Mumina, Samuel Boon, Bral Stinchomb, Sainuel Cole, Duniel Whitney, Lewis Robert?, Jatnes T. Stein, John Maxwell, Joseph Stevenson, Win. G. Howard, Bcnnct Hurst, Samuel Buckley, Walter Dyer, J, Stevenson, of Edwd. Valliant Perrine, Wilkinson Taylor, George Dough, Thos. J. Uilden, Henry Harris, Jacob Taylor, B. G. Adams, Wm. Scharf. Jr., Roberi Hunt, J. H. Soharf, Henry Cry, Thomas Armacoet, James Mctiee, Josiah Marsh, John A. Khurst, Wm. Smith. Edward Eldridge, Ch&s. Scheldt, John Knapp, Wm. Jackson, M. Garvick, Nimrod Shipper, Geo. Sycett, John W. Ward, Edward Sycett, Francis Fishpaw, James McLnugiin, David Dinsmore, Oliver Merryman, John Garvich, Alexander Oler, James Gooding, Thomas Burrows, Amos Matlliews, Samuel Blakely, James Hcigle, Robert Hamilton, Thomas Dumphy, Samuel Buckman, Gassnway Batty, William Lee, James Amos, Evan Purnel, Geo. Lyons, Harmon Jourdan, John Lyons, Thomas Fcrgusson, James Pratt, James Amos, Abraham Pratt, William Crow!, Josiah Baker, James Strand, John 11. Gwynn, Daniel Jones, Henry Turnbul, James McLean. David Pollard, It was then unanimously resolved that Mr. Charles A. Bu chanan be appointed Marshal for the district. FOURTH WARD.—Ata large and respectable meeting of the Whigs of the fourth ward, held at the room of the Acade my, Ensorstrect, adjoining the Independent Engine House, on Tuesday evening, the 28tli inst., to take into considera tion the resolutions adopted al the meeting of the Vail i!lirell parly, in this waid, on the 21st inst. On motion, William Grukb, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and Joseph C. Boyd, Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were offered by Mr. D. S. Sweeny, and adopted unanimously : Whereas, at a meeting of tlte self-styled Democrats of the fourth ward, on the 21st of April, at which Samuel Brady, Esq., presided, and Jeremiah Storm acted as Secretary, J. B. Sehlenstricker presented a series of resolutions, which have since been published in their organ, tlte Republican, the ob ject of which appears to tiave been as a laßt and foriorne hope to prejudice the people, if possible, against the Whig pnrty, and the candidate of their choice, by tlte most abusive epithets lliat a phartseeical demagogue could conceive; and, whereas, the Whigs of the fourth ward feel themselves call ed U|K>n to declare that there is a moral obligation binding on all good citizens to treat political opponents with due deffer ence, however widely they ntay difli'r upon tlte claims of men and measures; but at the same time we feel ourselves hound in the name of tlte great Whig party, and the principles we advocate, to repel lite false calumny thai lias been heaped upon us, or that may be attempted hereafter, come from what source it may: Therefore, Tcsolved, That we, the friends of Harrison and reform, of this ward, do pronounce the Seidensticker resolutions of the 21st inst. to be u tissue of falsehood from beginning to end. Resolved, That the foul and calumnious insinuations in said resolutions against the brave and patriotic veteran, the people's candidate for the Presidency, proves one of two things; that is, that the author is either ignorant of the life and services of Gen. Writ. H. Harrison, oris willing,through his partizan zeal, demagogue-like, to basely falsify hint. , Resolved, That the scurrilous and impudent aspersion against the Whig party and their candidate, comes with a bud grace from one who, if in existence at all, was snuffling at tlte breast, while the gallant hero of Tippecanoe and the Thames, was undergoing the toils and dangers of a frontier war, opposed by a blood-thirsty and savage foe. Resolved, That the man, who for sinister motives would so hnsely slander a public benefactor, deserves this public censure. And wc rail upon nil reflecting and good citizens to judge the tree by its fruits, compare Gen. Harrison's life, public nnd private, Willi that of Martin Van Huren; the Whig party with that of the Van Burcn party,and the prin ciples they advocate, and wc shall rejoice at Ore conclusion thv will arrive at. Resolved, That the above resolutions bo signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and he published. On motion, the meeting adjourned. WILLIAM GRUBB, Chairman. JOSIPII O. BOYD, Secretary. *P CIB EH.- 10 bbli. "TIPPECANOE CIDER,'a euperior article. Receited and for aale by NORRIS * FAIRBAIRN ap!3 4t No. 3 Pratt it. between Oay 8t Kred'k, COMMERCIAL RECORD. Correspondence of the Pilot. NEW YORK, April 28, 1810. Great complaints arc made in our city, and with much jus tice, of the inefficiency of the police department, and never, within my recollection, have so many glaring outrages been committed as at present. Mr. Mayor Varinn is so much ela ted with the success of his re-election, that lie seems to have lost sight of the important fact, that in all large cities, some attention is to he paid to the protection of the persons of its inhabitants, against the outrages of the immense number of rowdies by which such communities are always infested. On last Sunday morning, a party of gentlemen loafers, who inhabit Broadway, in the vicinity of the "Astor House" and the "American Hotel," took occasion to get up a batt'e among themselves, which was accompanied as usual, with a due quantity of oaths and every description of obscene language. Some of the party were so much injured as to be left insensible in the street. And during the fracas, a female who was passing at the time, was outrageously abused. She was seized by one of the party, who threw her clothes over her head, and then beat her severely. And where were the watchmen? where the police? Echo answers, "where?"— They were among the missing, probably reposing in their beds. A few evenings since, a very respectable lady was proceeding from a street In the upper part of the city, to visit an acquaintance in a neighboring street, when she was gross ly insulted and abused; and but for the interference of a servant girl, who was with her, and who put the assailant to flight, she would have been greatly injured. The girl called the "watch," but the wateh was silent, or, at least, did not make his appearance. So miich for good government, under the administration of the Mayor of the destructives. Very little business has been done in the stock market, to day. with the exception of N. American Trust, and that waa rather brisk, and closed at an improvement of 1 per cent. Sale? of Exchange on Philadelphia at 945; on Baltimore, 94$ a 95. SALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE, New York, April 28. $3250 Corporation Bonds, 1839, 100 SIOOO Ohio sixes, 99 00 IT. S. Bank, 74J 435Sh&ies N. A. Trust and Bk'g. Co. cash, 350 " do. do. next week, 44$ 75 " do. do. 30 days, 44$ YOUNG MEN'S NATIONAL PROCESSION, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1840. The following gentlemen have been appointed As sistant Marshals. They are directed to meet on Horseback at "North Bend," on Monday morning next, the 4th of May, at half past seven o'clock pre cisely. The uniform for the Marshals will be black hat, dark dress coat, white pantaloons, white gloves, and blue silk sash, with rosette on the shoulder Joseph J Parrott John G Proud Jr Francis T. McKinley Wm P Stewart A B Chamberlain J B Owens Alexander Owen Andrew E Warner Jr James Williams John N Millington Thomas Bruff R H Coleman John Henderson Joseph C Manning S Bratt A W Bradford i Levi James Jr. James L I) Gill C C Egerton, Jr AC Ludlow Ignatius Abell Thomas li Morris David Montsarrat Samuel J Pentz William Hope James Goll Hu Humphreys Lewis Klockgether Adam L McLean J H O'Donnell, John A Reeves James Jones Charles Mask C H Armistead Will iam Peduzi A Gould Jr G W Krebs Hu Cunningham J M Hall William Callow Benjamin C Buck Robert Weir Thos C Monmonier William Leary Samuel Harris, Jr Phillip Littig, Jr Thorndick Chase Jr. Thomas I) A (lard J G. Boggs Neilson Poe. Alexander Gaddes S G W Teackle Andrew Ray, A J Bouldin James A Henderson Francis Barker George P Kane O Horsey, Jr William Itea John Creamer J G Barnes John Loekerd Joseph Pearson, Jr Charles S Boarman Z Turner, Jr Robert Butler Francis McGinnis Thomas G Pitts Joseph B Thomas James Hooper Joseph Kreager, Jr J Nevitt Steele Thomas W. Jamieson Richard Duvall B Crane Wm M Chesnut Charles Myers, Thomas Mullen, Jr Win. M Petherbridge, George W Brown William N Baker Robert Lawson, Jr Charles Worthington, Jr William Sherlock Elias T Griffin Robert Spedden Gerard J. Hopkins C P Durham T. W. Jay, David Cushing, Frederick Megenhardt. James Murray, Edward Weber. David Steuart, Jr. M. Benzinger, Edward Mitchell, John Ashbaugh, James Hooper, Jr. Otis Spear, Edward G. Dorry. Samuel K George, PROCESSION OF THE YOUNG MEN'S NATIONAL CONVENTION, To be holden on ihe Canlon Grounds May 4th 1840. The CHIEF MARSHAL announces the following as the places where the Delegations to the Con vention will assemble pieparatory to the forma lion of the Procession. The several State Dele gations will be formed by their respective Mar shals, in the order in which they are here stated eight abreast —at 8 o'clock A. M. precisely, at the following places, viz: 1. The New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware Delegations on North Cove street —right resting on Baltimore street. 2. The Maryland, District of Columbia, Vir ginia and North Carolina Delegations on South. Cove street —right resting.on Baltimore street. 3. The South Carolina, Georgia, Vermont, Tcnnesse, and Kentucky Delegations on North Pine Street —right resting on Baltimore street. 4. The Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana and Missis sippi Delegations on North Pearl street —right resting on Baltimore street. 5. The Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, Michigan and Arkansas Delegations on North Greene street—right resting on Baltimore street. G. The Tippecanoe Clubs, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the several German Tippecanoe Clubs, on North Paca street, right resting on Baltimore street. 7. The Tippecanoe Clubs, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. on South Paca street, right resting on Balti more street. 8. The President and Officers of the Baltimore city Delegations—the members of the Sub committee of arrangements—the invited guests —the Plarrison Convention of Baltimore city, and the Central committee on Baltimore street, right resting on Cove street, extending westward iy- 9. Such citizens as wish, to unite in the Pro eession, will join the clubs of their respective wards, and citizens of other States wishing to do so, will unite with their State delegations. 10. It is urged upon all to be punctual in as sembling at 8 o'clock, so as to enable the Proces- Sion to move at the appointed hour. ORDER OF PROCESSION. MUSIC. 1. President and Officers of the Baltimore City Delegation—Sub-committee of arrangements—