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.I . .r S EMI-WEEKLY , -_ N(). 1;." I HE VEP )BT, I!.,_TUES I)AY A U(: dS'T,, -VLVI -,( ..V J N r) 1 VL. V !:IT)1(b1 A ND 1i 'I;ct}i n1:i i TIHE: %IMI-wIr:EKI tirn 1 S * .·~ 'Iii 1!'-~. 7L'ix - eurs 'I .1rrry 'I" ,l " Elatý I of %zs s'"' s ip' s 'ass I' :ý. I".."}- t ".·. ! ( l: tt =. . . ".- i 1:,.. 'fu,.,",!, ,r t.' ;` , ' I t' . i'.,: ., t, " ·· : \ " r. I .:I - I. It··· nf: f·,, t. p I·; ! : i~ :~.·. *i!'- :t1 hut It I]g~ I *: ·,' '~s1, xts'ss·z I· 4) c I' PPOF E:.SOt\AS.. AttoL n :'y-zt-Law, .1. ·· * . CEO. \IV. Li 'kLL,, 31J iN4- :F b a°i II. C 1 y . e r !. SHREV E PWr. - 1,L.= t~l t!.1"A 11:;1 a \ 11 .i! r I' 1.1 !J \. A~ttor d"; Ua : . - --.-: . L. !i~'O . A i Z'F', I)(T 1 '' I. 5 : i . '. r. r.v. % .h * -I~~ ~ *I. '. * .* Competition Defied. SHREVEPORT NEWS I'IOOI AN I) J011 P '4t Trt..14I ·r()U(·. tEut ýrf~tOlF2 I", I, I N (AR /·~ .....:I ....... .ti ^ r ýY'i' 3 11 1 J!LT.S OF L&DAl'.U' "4'. r" ! A NA I I': L! I N4 i. CA~fC) ·!S' ·I f-..I DiU tliiliiIII't:\1 I' DRO, $T 1:1 11 Al. J. DALY, , c_' c) c) I is i OICE ICE. ICE. 12 i & iii s (~ COPI'IILryEll asnll . Notice... dli III l-·l · I) !~ .!, J~ rt : t'ý" I 1 I. i'11F.1.t' ' ý;P.1lt'l'SE 'sllII P. ic, · I T'' i. nrTnI*' Ný ~ l ir".r . r IT !'r ,tA '..j, r,, I' ~"i MISCELLANEOUS, )I ,Y # . I- ."F. .. L.. "rilih S ACOBS, .J -: lip r ' I ,, a . , ,r i!e hi . -, "./', 1 . !! .. . . !' , ' . I. ! . -t i. ,, ý : , t · ! .. ·., . : " :', . I I. ; , 1LI. • iur'- 'I :,' ml'im' ' i t t x " , il!· t . . 1 11 · .(, MISCELLANEOIEou, To Planters! --u-i 54)0 (50 1o Ropie a&nd ("ý . A w l t ( ) I .r,( ; It' -r, !t jrII ' t t o ,:r' rr r 11'tl ,i '" t " l Business N2otice. \. 1tv tl.1 .1 i: " L." L: .(! .:'IiI ~ :'· liiii~ lit itt I , ~ ' I,( r I!', r i "'1\. I ."!r. ,-; IIS ' !- -, r .\. Vim. IR"fh envv & Co_, MRS. PARK'S OLD STAND, I 111,1· I." .:r ! ,... .',tart::.,:,·, Ii i-. 7.1I 1' anci t ittt! ;: i I .", i ' r.I ft.u :' *, !d' 't:I V ,r., 99 i utI..9·1-··i~. 1 ', ::1 . ii. - - (Jtli 4 I , \Ii`. 1tiitiII A .t M YISCELLANEOUS. New Goods! New Goods ! pi !.ij that ' T Lnha--4 u-t re 1'it1 1 T -S * cciut d :L uC1 .PI, Ilc.Lr T aru·;IYLI ill I,:u t 1i'""' r ° arti1' La ( ItLrei~Ga.u . and I ' Ski;t 4 i Itibbun, 1:,i ,r, et ec. 11 l, u n in,- u..irurln icll of t iie.' f enltljiieus and Chiidren'i. [ xar·d to , t 1 re 'It 1 ffrec Wells- old Stand, ,, :J1. t : i:R b o trhe Phelps & Elstner, \1.OL1SAE ,-L RETML 1 RIEllSI ),r _h. 4)UhElftIijia YtrhnytiE .1 1 M D -t.0 '' 1i_-.ii:(iii t )n . ". L' II' Fi R S. ?. Grifn & Co. (0l . [IOX i.' JI i , I_%. 1, f i. t 1'u."... ...! ,d~ by Dry· Gc~ds, Groceries. Ha~ts, S% - l;_i I 'P SJJ(4 it flS, i( F1 J;r" "l . !1 IN .C i~r. iif. eei, aaU, l'l71vs. RarrPII.^. Jii'' it I V'!':.T IN. E. S(' , COMMISSION NV1ERCt A i'T;11, %1i IN i 1'i'-ttii i. New Orleans. .IitiEcrige for ( o~ to2Il .uot.i or Aide`,' h It cc el ,OEYUS E OSN CO. O ( ·' ' 'I it '1- i I 1 \31di, IA1 .h x~ ~. FJREYF US, LE ROSEN &. CO.. CO~ 4 'ii -n .~~ itia I.. itjiic- .ai-.tji iiin tt i MISCELLANEOUS. Is It. Ga. WE, General Collting Agent, (irunse 00lcic at lte Siurdtea of llk ellqt& Buckner, that 011 fhelEAete. S'er'vejort, Ia., re- ~TILL give jIrrexial attrI)tian to the nuu xirull.'iiou tn and iii irajiouunruf vuttu Linir and otLnd ctirri i, and where ziaei.,-scly Lice iS. beet le'ga. ct vi a will bte vu'yaplocy ! wizig Walits & Iui e . I'bu+ 11, Jllv ri , Esit anil. 'h p .i 1laetiir, It )11 ll- nicttt l' Lewi. }.sq., 'ivl~f1 & M I i:L iitaii i'4u Ueeatii II. POI'K7IUIJOIit(i7:'C . ?n'tc Coaire, /o Texas acid Leree .S/rer/,i V'e ( ,la a. mvd, by lat i. arriciav J leII ch uic, let ,f 'Tcl DRIY GOODh, tb,.t Ctl%1J to, JII !'lH II ý,~ il'i71 11'\ Ii] hl'U l'. lt E , a-'- 1 '.1 1']1, I:\ 1iLu1'I Ae , rtlrr tier ,. . r," (`I~~t I( L 1.'1' 01' 11(11' OIl'S. this Cia nprUj ,( 2'eitrin \Vhi ky. Foaurthi ' Ir" oi l anIl dy. al:.n:.y .ini Port ltine,1c'la:·c · and I h-hiipn~n".' rIr }1I':1I)1" : t'J1 UY:rl.Bs lIChLiZS, dr., Sc.. Sc., It iii illy it U,!I ll It restr ,n atble rates, IIS cut, * lr sea . I ir,.! Dr THOMPSON, t hi L." itol' r~a,, taint " '° Lc r-c- mieiV etcý' elinare 'uirg'iiti.a 1 1 'tr)1' t1 In 111- tl" ";:i1' S rvepoirt._La. J. I. Carter, VI- 1IlO[ESAI EIGROCER, lid srl : 4'OMiJ1ISS,'I ME"! 31'HL I,'1'1 j8 and 10 Tehoupitoulas and R and 10 New Levee streets, ,. ' LA B NCH HOUSE, Corner Commerce and Milani I he ·-a.',pPt , P. 1 W. H. ELSTNER. Agt 'r ar: uo I'Ls "( aiotriec, rat 'II 1'ii'! tl.'. Ir Chryrstie. Slack & Co., li (UL .,n en- ar, _ §R11 I0Ur,.. -.IIEI.IES Ise p :iii Ii ; I t.ti oe i Ne w * 'ý; t r -. h,, e s:ts ' 1' CL\ unio s.~tfe and- Retai IN ii Xi'lia v LIP 1-~la TiIN I ft _itiiteLi !BE Whoie'.all c and Retail .111 i"'l I 1,·rr :rll. I, 1'I:1,!L II ' ICOTTON. OR OTHER PRODUCE,I~~ LV.. T , c' (; Btt C -, r*.In. In, -T.I it N I' i... 1.1P1'\-1.-:}: .: i llc t tI lJ\, II- I t 'ril, Tai, I S I ed ) ". 1,. ,r h , - -'''Ii "t i-ni'I I,-, II ir.' I tt . iii' II iit i r- a:I t . I. ANTI. Ir .1cul 1EiV 'uiI Al t'ritd'tU. CO RIA'' 1' ()M 0IL ~'E 1?ll; hi-!tt't nhatki't price ptIcrl frir We' It W.a Exr .ss Forwarder was. iii ln~es ct Itiivli··rra an it,- Lci-~. Rni ly I:- it Shri.:.,pcin., La. "! ,. P , NOTELS, ETC. '. Corner Ilam and Spring eta e I now openr for "the accomealdon df i the travelinj pnublic. Tatble suppled wiga the subsatantlaL- aid delicacies to be had in the market. jun24tf PHHcENIX FEf'B HOUSE tend Restairtantt, Texas street near Mlarket, +P. JTARIUARoNA, .. Propretor. The best of Liquors can be had at the tiar, and the best the market affords at the Rtataitratat. jun24-6n Ocru. HO USE. • 'lIOPt JETOI S, WESLEY. COURSEY&JACK WALPOLE. .No. 31 Teusa ,recL, ,/.reeport, La. SfIIiArnG bLtted up the above Shousese in the best style, we in i tend to keep our table supplied with thle BEST the country affords. tlariug No. I Cooks, entlemen will do well to gvde us a call. "rice, as reason alle as -sy other similar establishment in town. jy156im _4A. W JELNSTOCK,. . TOI.I) re-pecttulty atnjunec to his Setc' old riunds t.ld customare, that he has jiir eceived. from tue North, a large and a. Id well e-ssort.d stock of rtLa.i DRY COODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, J and all kinds of '1" FANCY MERCHANDISE ! and In purchising his stock. he selected fcr S ithe ben: of the Ladies a fine assertment of ,e s, Edgink, Trimmings, In.,r ing-s- and Iiaucy and t lait I riugai. &c.. *c. Ala a s lis pricea aill be very moderate, iLan he r',u':1stlv calls on his lady friends to pay hi u a visit before purchasing else No. 5, Texas Street, Between Spring and Commerce Streets, I > reveport. La. jyli3 J. B. LEWIS, JR.1 waill stB 0 0T S ANI,) CAPS, 'AT WIlLESAE AND RE'IULJi rlt I E auder :ned would respectfully call j the i'teziitin i.I tue u I'UhIc, t theo ad di'iou he h.Li made to his stu;k of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS I norw hiave the LARIGE.-ST and Best Assorted Stock t~I - T, be,.tid - W \hi,'h I oftr at prices w!ucih ail Der E I i)ij i t i .JOHN MACK, " ? (,Late of \Vi"lshu.r.) S . just ol entI in thti. city a finely III t.L..l I) % I-( , n p stairs in the bri h idi ; --li rae -ar of I 'lexsu and Spring :rocut. '°.e Ti Tble. re nIew and with betunail \I.AtIlLo toP'S a thing unknow heret.ftire in this zits'. lsanltieuen wishing t, bi.,n'1 their leisure Iniuiilit'l ill ill agre-tbland t pl llutt rm l, .. c it I..... at this gSaloon. Im jy29 S Hiwell & Buckner, , COMISSION ANI D FORWARDING TA VE taken the stre -h use on the Levee IL formerly occupied by t Wet r \'e have also a wariehouse where we are prepared to r ward freight. . Rrtwiness will be conducted by ua as it a. was dune before the war. jalyltI