OCR Interpretation

Shreveport semi-weekly news. [volume] (Shreveport, La.) 1865-18??, August 22, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016484/1865-08-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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dad. DUiokkkuw, Bdter EPropridor.
Oh'tcu N'O. 27 ?1AB STREPEbT, P-YTAIRA .
dsacuiptionplain orcolored, executed on as
e.asonabletermm as the times will admit.
For Terms of Stc~fription and Ad
ocrtiiing. .c#fjrat page.
Veto Ortesas- D. D. O'Brlen.
Newa Torte-Emerson, Fitch & Co. 37
Pa it Row.
Natchitoches-Jobn W. Taber.
.h. Ltbanon-Rev. A. L. Hla .
Waeo, TIeas--B. F. Harris.
.A` Potmasters or other resporiblte
persons wishing to act an Agents for the
NE WS. willt please eod us their address.
Twenty ver cent. commission is allowed.
Editor and Proprietor.
hhrevepor:, Caddo Parish, La.
Advertismeats to appear in the
Tuesday's paper must be handed in
prior to 12 o'clock. Monday morning,
those for Saturday's edition, bel-fre
12 o'clock, Friday morning. Adver
tisers should bear this ins t.int!. as we
are compelled to go to press early so
as to mail our paper in time to leave
the next morning.
Persons wishing to subscribe for
the News, are referred to our terms.
They can have the Semi- Wieckly or
in the absence of mail tfaeilities,
either paper will be sent, that pub
lished Tuesday, or Saturday. at halt
the rates of the " Semi- Weekly."
Our friends who have paid for the
" Semi-Weekly News," will hence
forth receive it regularlv. Those
who are entitled to the It'eekly. will
have the Tuesday edition mailed to
them. Should they prefer, however,
the Saturday edition, they will ple-ase
notify us of their choice.
Henceforward, we trust, we will
be permittetl to publish the NEWS
nuder more favorable auspices, and
shall exert ourself in publishing a
good paper, regardless of labor ot
the ne. easary heavy expenses attend
in the same.
It is our aim to publish as good.
a paper as can be found in the coun
try, and to this end we solicit, and
shall endeavor to secure, the servier-s
of competent correspondents in the
principal cities of the Union. Ot
friends must back us in our all rts,
and it will not be long before all out
arrangements can be effected satiftac
torilly to all parties.
For the information of advert ter
we would say that our paper is ex.
tettsively circulated in Louitiana,
Texas and Arkansas. As our list of
subseribers is daily increasing, it is
ample proof that we are to be second.
ed in or efforts to furnish our readers
with a good news and family paper
in this section of country. alhich ns
hope will do credit to ,ourtelf and
prove an honor to our vtiug city.
which, with all its superi, r advan.
tages, is destined to be a r, epetatble
Having made addition, to our al
ready large assortment of job tvpe-.
of the very latest styles, we will be
pleased to contract for ev, ry des
eription of Printing and Book Bind
ing. Our lady friends having sheet
music that they would like bound int
fine style, are requtested to give ues
their orders.
Funeral Notice.
'The remains of Dr. W. WV. G;r ori,
will be interred at .3 o'clock n. ct.
His friends andl thous. of hi s trhmily
are invited to attend the tineral from
the residence of 11. J. G. Battle., o,
'Travis street.
'Thanks to the Commercial Ex
press of Now Orleans for late pap-ers.
This company does buiiness with
Our neighbor, Henry 4 Co.. c,n
tinue to do a good business. They
always have choice liquors etc.
Our friend Owen Roper, dealer in
periodicals, etc., has again place us
under obligations. We acknowledge
the receipt of the N. Y. IIerald,
World, National Police Gazette,
Frank Leslie's illustrated paper, and
Harper's Weekly, N. Y. News.
Again we are favored a ith files of
New Orleans papers through the
politness of our friends, the officers
of that trim Red River boat. the
TI'rent. Thanks, gentlemen.
By reference to the advertisement
it will be seen that that old and fa
votite institution, the .Mastilehl FIe
mnale College, will be opened ot the
2toth .September.
l'articular att.-niion is directed to
the notice ot MIr. Clger Lauve. Prsis
id-r-t ,f the Bratnch of thie t itiz.-nts
la:tnk in this place.
Our fri~nlnd Dick Graevy, wh, hold
ferthl at thie lial Plantation, will ac
cept our thanks for a box of peaches.
Capt. Martin of the steamer E. 3.
Bick--ll is eatitled to a -areo of our
acknowledgements, for dleliveringi
the Sanw safe andl sound.
Through navgation to New O)r
leans mtust soon e.nd. if reports of thi
,r:eor oA tithe fall b, c,.rr-c.
'T'his is the age cf crernre. Atnd
such crime, tool so atrocious, so tiend- V
ish, asany of them so utterly devilish, j
that we can hardly imagine their'
perpetrators possessed of the ordina- -
ry attributes of humantity. In a pa- i
per before us, of August 5ith, 1865, t
we find the fullou ing, merely heads
of accounts of crimes:
"Terrible tragedy in Beaver street
-Fata: encounter between city
weighers-One of them shot through!t
the heart-nlutense excitement-Ar- i
rest of the murderers."
On the same page of the saint pa-l
per we have the following:
"A wholesale Peter Funk--llis
golden Speculatiouns-A cheap way
to effect large loans--M agniticent
swindle of a house in Broad S'treet-
A swarm of hapless creditore--''he
beauiti-s of a couvenient brother-in
law--His magical facility in mat u
facturrg notes-Cool imnpudelnce of
a first class bankrupt-One of his
victims staggers into a druirkard's
grayv -Sudd'tn reappearance of anll
old divorce diplomat-A swind!lr',
brother romantically springing from
poverty to afflluincet." Again: f
" Fiendish murder in the nin-l
,tenith ward-A man's h,'ad rnearlyv
severed from his bod.-Arr st of
the allcdged munlerer-3Th" core
tier's in.quet't." And again :
-Robberv on the liudm,.n arivr:
Railroad-.i.5o00 i.:ol.n by thi,'v.'.
--Apprehensiotn of the despe-r:al,."
" Robbery t" a ribb i,.n -r r-
83.000 worth stolcu."
'hen we have ,.uch lit:I. :ttf.tin- .i
a '" batch of robberies. ' the hirl
wavymtn" "operations in V. schel-ter
Icount'r." d.spe'ra.:e "lh.tracters.
'spurioC u man, y atlun'." " l,,re.
thiev, t. "'a cihhapt cr , - reides:.,
attampt to ,hoot all ci'dti i.'" " -l.oo
ing afiray." " itnmprtant arr,t. Mi.
Fiatty W\tlfh in liltbo.'" ":another
fadlse pretence case.' We ; il natne
otly one ttnorl An allr -ity ai. ilut
a nanle-h.orribl ou:r.ige tIy a t'ithir,
on his daughter."
The samt" papiet t eain:i at ii i:
twenty other acconnl:- tit criime., but
what vwe have given a ill do to hl:ow
the reader that we truly live in an
age ;tf crime. The like iuas niever
before known, in this country at
, east. W.- also notice that the Ent:
lislh journals chronicle an unusual
littmber of crimes of late. -emc of
them of th,: most atr)cioun chartact r.
Instead of leaving this countr'y r
Slucat itn sonet, reign cliu :.'. it w. utiii
be w,,I ' r ntuc hanlilc to look art, tiu.
th . m and u - ivGl r th.. v ..'....
umak,, th, n::,.h , c" m"t" ,"a ! 1, :t: tt.
o.'rvy A 0::r th11 to.th " k
ing c,L .- . -e .il, in t ,,-lit v. cai lIe,
t,,ut,d a,,v" helr,". True th, I i-,. di -
aitronsl w:ar lhas ruined t:.:i I. .::Ii
we b l-i.eve there is mnl ,. . i, iglh.: .
will he discovered so : .,,: as tI.ii.g
quiet down it little, to itart anew.
T,.' country', particullrly the -outh.
offer uttnitoll add aintagi-e. Mosit if
our towns at:d cities have siflr."d
more or loes it: inu:ge t I prwol,.urty.
andt in too many instanices V.A hl.,
towns hasue beenti del-tro.ved lit a
progre,,.iv.. ctuntry hkIl . our.. stich a
wrecked -:ate of ai:.ti-, will n,,t b.
permitted to r-uaia llg. 'The heavy
taxation now bleing le-vied on the
people, will natrt ally cati, r.atl es.itt
to chalnge haed , ail seltc a- are tir
tunate, munst. net'et.sarilyv, tak. tlh,e
place olt the unfortiunatie. But il fetw
short year., :wte hiopi, will se.' thing,
na they once were, anl aill ge.tting
along prosperotisly.
Our own little li y. Sihrev.iprt.
stands iurichli il nee. t a tfew a n m
ieci and enterprising eUti l: Sin.me of
the latter we have, hbit very few of
the former, atnd we judge tf'rot ap
pearauces that if udicfieut imprve-,.
me:uts could be put tip he-,. thle pop.
tulatioin and bushinessi of this place.
would be, in a short time, say i v.":tir.
tinot less thau one-third of what it
now is. WV" know otf no point that
millers better induien, ntis. As a
inantfacttring sit-,, its pcanliari- im
ation and advaottagee are Uttis.irp.--id.
which can be provetn by ixpl..rinent.
In the way of dwellitug.-, wc know if
a cotllnnot franme to'." sppioailu;:
eomplh.iitn, which will contain two
untinijshed rum-, and a small kitch
ci: : for thIs, tifty dolliris per niunth
has been oeltiecd by dileretnt p.rsouI-,
and retfused. JTh Itiot o siuchli a
building will b-' within fih'. ,,r .ix
htnidred dollis, thus paying for it
.ti iin ote year. ian mliorn. praol;t
bl, iiveeteint at capit i! b,: tilaud
uituywhere- .? l it, thhe discotetuted,
if there ai', atsi will comunn,,tce to
exert them ei-lve -. by devoting hl.
time to idle cove-rsatiins of hills,.
which are green, ter away, anti con
elude to make up for lost time. Bus
iness makes busiuss, the same as
motey makes money, and unless the
trial is made nothing can be accom
plished. Conmpetition is the lifot o"
trade, this is what we lack.
Thanks to the steam,-r New Fraf.
Negro Labor in the Sowth.
'T'he following is front thbt New!
York Sunday Mercury, a paper very C
1justly opposted to any interference p
between capital and labor. T'llt Met.
cury very pLroperly takes the grond, ! I
that the wag.es propose.d to be given
to thl ner.o is tuormornoe-)iigb-r r
tlialn la;+ euer betbre giveni to in y
Ari,,ro Lab, r '1 e -a the &aCIuh Gre
iftsti.cl.--TheIC noanlller in which tIhIe
men who have Ie l',e xi-t to the south
in~ charge o. c~f trleed1 l lint,- mlx
chtaos atJd disodr iti t hit region art,
C~ultlnntitig Itoutc cr.., is to re ea l:eula11: .
til1 toe &ttiil ut than pJrolmotel. inillo,-
ti-v and social odlier. 'IThat-.. in Lon
1141.l~il. i cetratin 'Mr. tN~aawasy w4ho
runs ecuuc If thew l 'crl ral tlutc hli u+. t
i.- -L. order-; t iling tilt' wilge phut-it
erg tnnillt has t ol -groi.'a. and wthichl
art- Ytirrre tiaiitt-l-ii u'fta~ttrmnei pay11
thi lt-lihn; tltll ti if"tl' n t1 t o IttId
and clotte thIen:i anti all dlepelldllelt
tljfh neo theita fr supjpjort ; l.lilliritng
I that they be e-duicatied. nid ltid- di
I'vitied amtong theta t'or independentt~ u
1-uivition lb.'he palatsl*r art- t;lt ,eIa
to Irio, the i, greet, tt-it-i b ipay
theni rret-ii WiItz..-. to k lej thlleIn lIv
the. C,-:r. Whit-u tb-v utigll t wan14ilt
. Lrtnc,-d to lpa t ht. " il esi-ll r b -thr.- lt,
, C ' ,-t'l itu1,1 Ot it bell tilt'ar ,"r nut, and ,
forced4 tot payhll.IIIli -ii, -v4l btb,r--. te
Ii 11tlihaltS44.1 -r,4.r t hen
!)(' I·rntittcd I II the r.1 10 1 i 1,t "
et cut. hIis t',.~
II11 *et is tro t-iuhl. dIll the 5a I
ui~ ~'·c~~r · I I11 '.?.:--ll: i 11111r !,
lit t o Ia cl:~ t it I , ilIIl .
11 ill I 11111 til;rr l g1Ill-; .1 IllI, Oi I~ Ill
tjP ttltit 1111 -t- 11 n~1- p, illi rIee i,
Log. ilrcrgiiidai- l.11
It e Illoit pa reldlll, lll.4 1 14 WI C 1 1 .1 i1,1.
I raIl-ti Carl-j!·ll I'll 'I I'll..r I:!~ 1
111 t, ICIet t"l . 1 -1t, t 1 1i j I r, 1,1
t 404.11 1t!. 4 II'tt" : I it ~n I"2 k t,.:5
·Iii n- u" t i
1111 rI-i.~ *-t-l~1··f·1·~·:-- ~ ·\ I I
- 1111 - 11 I t.1 it, rte."- pilnny red
jI· ~c'illnt
tj: t it. ' otlI . I- In;- Itll.- 11 : r ".t
tin ltby to Cult.., -t1 "t }~ ," L,"!. , t' tii"
t hare ~catil - II.1d:
at in Ild tend 11 11410
orl~ ~ ~ i Oild it'--~~u~ l -,.;1 -i
to b1ni~a t.-.t j II 4 1 tee- t t~It
r Ital t a n I. lit lijI
- -1t,"p ..}~ . t~er a -ing)
I 111l4carried if.I c0 11 Ia 5 kIl
\ ib- 21, 1 .uh 1111 ja1-t . w. u." t,:":t5
pIctitlito l-r1ihl-l a nd 551 itV.
tutol ~ ~ ~ ~ ,'i tIjjill t. It~lL 't 10' 111
1 an; , f ." 10111-r t i5 L~ t li tl. -i -
i It. 3hLuIiorll
1".o rN."n ... ,i_ .. ;: /ir tan. r tSiLa. ,tn 1 i. c
I horgd. wcrithasonigwth$0
R. ).000 l! 55'-f Gove tdet frelal- ý k:l.:. u'
to ii'd coI m Lolintr v Ioni- 'l-dt
A Gloomy view of Mllrs. re
The following is from thu New '-TI
Orl-eans Picaynno of the lath. It e
presnts a gloomny view of thu state th
of affairs iu lower LouiAi4an. The re,
result in this part of the State. it is ac
:xought by most of our planters, so
far as the labor ot the freed people is
:oltncerned, will be the same
'iThe 'I'ibhd-aux 4entinel, of the at
12th inlrt., bpeiikol of a meeting io th
tce pl"anters of Latiurelte. tinmerous- to
ly attetditd and coniporisd of rla'act- cc
abhit citizieni-. w ho are ditcuIling Ctii- St
igrltitn to Brazil. Lading pliutlers ot
are ait the iead of th, n.lle tatu;Iu'. ihe L
Stnltiil .I1i."akis it tillt anns nativte i
horn I. tltiinniana, l .1-1o have come to tI r
t h e .o n tlu . io n i, nl 't, r e. p e a tl d ribtl ll'ts pi
to lui t:sist thle plnlt ui ilnterests, that i"1
the r lti tivanl~ ll o t i gir cal llll' 1111st bhi p'
abnndon, d iur la 'k ,1 lab rrrr.; that ro
the-re are i "ty nti iil" ch liatucec tot onut It
ngaiuntr l ucc-as il cotton culturei; in
andl a genlral cultiv:! eio n of c ,ln it itn
a latt ret',tlrtce. wuIhl oveTr -stck the ait
irarka t and ruin ilt planter. pi
'1Th. lditior sha s-a, tr-antslate k
frt'eely froln tln- F't m1a": i
" n- r, ii itt i l n , ii- it iti' a ricil- j'
tl lrail flilulr' of I,.ttr 1.uiii-i:1iia ii :tt .l
t. itult we (0 M*'." hut f. i, t .1 t h.
labtor rtvi-tin-t itiopt-i d' r.;- 1" f ,t II
ti:ree t,.al., ,ur :,;i,,ul:rur, is gilg a
to ruiui; tuit it i .i h 1 n .i a:dt tal (
Ih tn e i t the whin. .xi1 ,i, itb.ih a :i
taIiln I,.. r a.'li% * *I t,
it w," i'xltiliil-- ' i- . itivt ii" ib. ia
.t the 11 t, +b1. "br :. ll, t. find thi'nu ,l
--1:,itlhi g a .il 'i i - \ ':ir *.iD, ·
thuigh tin, el-Tii l-u.k . ": , it i- not
at all prtain -t " "h. ,'.n:.r ill I"
r. ." ar 1,h - ,i t,, i h :- , i. , .n -i itu re l.a -
' r- i :.r, i n::i.il i i, .i i li i 0 i i -
Inu.I: t., pay i -, .:ia, r-. 1,uht "
i- i b t--tt_ 1 -: t.t "t in iiig
in ou:r u,1 l-1. '1T1 , 1i1 .,r villag,;
- i-.. i f . i,, t , ll ..a. l.-to leild :
ev l n," 1 11t -,j ni: ' tl. y , c ia t
,h :1k. ,.at : :,t -. " . } ,, ll 01 .1 olt walk
: tr., .. ?.at "...,-ur , , re t
• "- "t 1 . np t ! :. t l ,,i-- amoun r
~nr , ,.! r." 1 1 .. 11 " 11 A whl r `1
. k int :,ý . 1 ,i t: ', h7i, t.- ij.,
: , ": t :, , t: t " 1. l ean : hr. n
!a., 1.Vh; -1,,i, .t 1, o0l tlwli,-"
, t , , i ,g d it th, tt
rli ,.. 11 -,1 ""t 1,ind ,
l ltai "lr ll tt
... w.1 all b u n1d Vj
lJ . ) ,,i, . ",. r: t :" .t; , h fl
"lt . ii t" I I . :i . a m aI " .1 '.- til t
. . , t: t 1 1, "1 .. " . . . l . + " i l i.,- I - . ..
. 1, . t" w .: i :f ." ' *.+ . , n h ,11 11t - .
:i.--. i- ,' . - . .- - - - .; !. .
,111 :', 1. .tl'l1 :i t, " l" , ". " I, ll: " L .;0
I lt t i .' - u," tI' .'. t" 1," , lfitl' .
" i. 1i..11 :. 1:, . ,:, , - .: ', 10a" ! Ill
*, ,. !.. . . tl.r t ' 1 ' tu1 : e r t ,
Iii l t iti aIil : V i- 'a i
1v y r .,,,lt; .t ,l, ,. i p ,. th: r: i:,p
" t " ti " I... " . . r 'hi.t
Sriendl l:uli it h w Iio the
t'ofle' n th -ul * e I% Pre. deur i
11 . " n , i, , i:i, , i t i . l 1i
'1h , i- . ., 1 i- t. 1 r? ii. -? r r I
rih d ti .n, : , ,,' i o, f ti: - ia -
1%ii- i a O 1
-i, 1 -ii -i - I",t Iii i. n. , -tl t.. It
" t..i tr . ." . . ,. :- t, t i, thI It .
',-1. I i" i-,t i- ti1 i : I i,., , t. lilclt f illr n
1, it t1 t -" .-i,,- t- a" i, h.la fta.
i al -, f th . , ta Ata- i ut, . aVi, t.,tt-n
-.: a " I,, .d
..itli ,' lii .- Vi , it -i`. hi ' . ,. llEth ,. ,.I ,tt
tl, j:ti itu * t i hii " ut,. i t- ni tti e n
itt l itl t t .. r, Lt ii , : ,t th, pa rtaio .
, t i.. iN ,ot ,ii i,- a lltig to re r nw
t'ot:he nithit wft- t, - ik, t the i phce
-,t' ma itl*the oi-i-t ittui-, r-iT acy i' alh
gorth friu on|, d w,. ni t e'ist. Iont
congc'r ind ti-r, wo rthrnrt e sho had,
altwcou ld le to te ,ertms anin uil
to the -niotn, but filip, itll- i-tf o thi a
restoration of the Union i- comnplete.
The old doctrines out of w hich sccevs- (
sicu sprang aret heartily rtenotncned'
throughout the SoUtlh ; it is atdmitted
that the war has taade their resur
-rection impesible. The Cnotfufeor- s
acy leavea no traditions, and the T1
º Southern people themselves are most t
solicitous to obliterate its traces.
The Federal Government has a difi
cult task before it. but its difficulties Ti
arise from very different caus- - :hall
the reluctauce of the South to return ,
to the Union. P'resident JohInueon'al
'course of conduct in dealing with the.
South is appriv(d by the great body A
a of people of bothl -actions of the'
Uniont. HIl atitoesty proclaoaion,.
u hicl ha). hri-v, bet-eo s* aLborItv ri-p
re.sented as a whle,.lsal SIentence of
prxescriptiot, in thought, evea by thi 1
'lasses it c t ita rarily exclud, ..fr sA
*power. to by t ither unutair Ir tin
t r.wsonabh.l-. The political atad rocial
l -laders of the rebe.llion nev.-r, for a
m;inoent, suppotsed that upon tthet tail
ure, of their .eneiplis t they .ould at
Slonce bie rtetoraed to tIe sta|tus and
poriil-geis of loyal ci:itenes; they:
,_ knew that a period tunmet. la :,a' duri-ng
A hi,-l tLhir rights munot ,e. in .l.s- T
- plens aiad they t isi, ,.lvs .ixpost.ed
to tih.- jactice of ithe law ; andt thi, is
r w hat is taking jIlact. Mvi like- Gt-n.
L.-e and (;tv. lh-,,wn. of (;,.,m . ia.
t i:- prisoner~ , pan l(e. TI.. t.-w
actuatoil u rtntb r of the Coht.derat, 1'
1 ;,,v, rmans nt etand in a:t1l .r, ut i
It . It al.t r lnly i.tat h.c 't
race-sary t[ hilts; tlh nt t' dial ! 1.,
tr,.-,tn; tint w01 d, ,. i '+ftU upa th.,
u attitude the., th.ui-lv,.., tak,. up. ()f Y
moute of thet it tav .afly be "r,.-'
, ct, ,ed that bw-lori tlong thi, v itill L,.
. s--t at hil,.r- .
Special by T'rl graph to the N. 0.
Ne.e Yirk. Aug. It-- 'l11it- H-'
the IUgr,-e. albout Martnsbug. 'a.,'"
rit countu. ittui g C delp l". h. ti T ,t.a  ,C t ith
tau n i-adilg the ir,'' ,, i ... t a. n:.d n,-
gro trmi op ' Ti.L I,. a .. , t .n- t. , in -
I, ,r 1u p : t il , p : 0.c ,. d u ::g - o o i e a c co u n t
, e Ifth- nii. tarv itre.. an I ta r. l- a I
tho.rity liil G Iverw.r -li rpliit a re
btuch ,x.aria.l :,h to wL..t ."ud. , be
d a 1.a . wilth , i . t g I-, .
k ( - Mar'in ra st that n: ,"a.
"' the ti te f., taking the oath of !,,-t
t iud leavte-s it to thhr i nilry t,,
r""t' ,d.t-r until if l.* +vt g'.v. rn
relit call b,: low, u t.tol .,} rat ,r
P'roupoitints,-r *+lb, put.: li:t'
cipatin of t-[ive:v lMl, b. n,. int:r",
duc d intot-. :: tl . :!: Ik? " at. .
Is with a gooed -n,, r . , - .u >-
S Cin.inlnlati . .1.g. I I - -. t ll :,I
hu e t;, 11 dwn tt,-d ", I-uri in si x
fami.lie in tih ruins.
t ", rk. Aug. t. t - I un - t-;.
art- two amitt " -qutmr-,:
tiv,. hundred b.i,.e-. F"ttv thr, t ....
t ,ttr. l'".: .l ,ilt ,, 1,, u .i t. t .-"
Siry low
.,. ". a d 1. 4.1M .. , -
als, "t 0 bal,.. at 1:; t 11
I ll.'Jty rI o ip n k., . : . -t :.!
(;.,l,: i- b.* ur : 013 ::I . 1. t I:
ur4 lIt , alutn.-t, an d ,. .; I:,; :.
1 ,squ ,.eutlý ,. pr,.,-. .
hippi tllat Ia t,- tli t :i :., t!, .,1 ,
b ll f the u it. .ir.
Pe ..fth were aillowi d iea-. lThi.e. t . -
hady ,acLvai-.-ii to lit,0 I,.t+ .,.;,it
it 1,.d lnot wi'ere , wol it i y .'itu
Ei-ghty olna t .,t.- pr.il-, u it.
T'i,." ',n., nt.t n ,,gang z,-.i t- t It
1 "t Judg, J. 1\.%vl~ tn c. oily' .at- ro
-n b I ilerl h t r- eft:. it citia r.- I-i.-a
L.f th e-r, -i ,, tlw -, c, , ,tYJ.- .' ,
r taty ; 't1. 'M M ibkl i. t,- , :t ,,: t ,
at Au ra , lie W .. ,. 13 , ti... 1 t .,ii
Snthe remsinder if th, . si. i wi- -
" ,nipn iltd it n u alitcitv g - o ,ud,, :n-.ti
t trrantic l" pr.e th lt u ari- , e S i he trantle
I .n't rh i In.t eteberw afr V, t p o aillt e.
-l Mhobwl. Aug. 14 -.ty-or r Sugh
a l. .in t e d tined th in,, -itig i ... ".
dl know %,I, w ill take i,. t, place. 11x.
, . ' .0Mary. .ludge 'Vh1n.: k-'.. A
2calone by the. whites --R,,,¢, row,/,'r
St. Michbael and Lucifer,
Or hune to puutih a ua ww ulJr- " rod
IBY Juhii (G. s:.."'
Saint MicI.hael ,tait Linii fir. nlceing one day
}.-il iLnto all anury d' tpll'.
Though they argiiL'd ithe cane in a" civil a
AR if 'ta',"e It ctl..nc . rp suit.
Tire tna. ·r is jl:e'til i u ,ti'vial gt!le'
'Tie in phtuaible e tnt v at tune'.)
WVu.. wbclho ibt' tw.,u had thi ri'lltll'trtll
lo alady quiite' ltly dl ecase'd
A corin li of FIuaLejioii. a I'. awirfdirng al.ot,
1l bile the tial atiorot..', by balance of
prio f.
Were Ir' Ag I aitoluittle th
Wit : huge pairofri I tlit- tr'ri it bI"' ins.
AIid tatty ulrpp .ii e all tit-- t.,ll, ra nut1 attic
'I hat .'i·r'i a."+ tlioup l'iu.o we'igl t
St. Nlib hal d'litghtle at wtniring thi pr:lt',
I.a.gtad ti.t i thi' nnelio.t any ;
rq JInit lin:k at tli.i huii'li". I plzay
Bi" tu' n.'aRe toan brr i tt lh chla,;'., f.:i Iri
I b.' d ti tle iiitig Irn· tirnl".c1 to -ori
Te~n rump ul.,ll+ gowns. yon UI H1 1 *11lel:
it',"c tunic than her ladJýIii" rh:arl·
Ih't -1 t."r a trn'i".ll bird - ,1 t'.. !..1"t I
I'e~tten.Illl,( o t.'iuirr!:r' c"",:
I \Ii !. 11. Ti';~ 'i·.ii I, · ·1 · i'll ·Ii
~~~~.u . . . . pI,"a.r..
T he h . uf .t tI . , It. " ry . ' N ' it t,:
\N~1 ~ 'd l·a. . ," :. ."nt;' . -tI d. ...."I ; 'i "
r.! r ".i''
I tr I ". t . : . 't:. l .tie's
-t pi. ,· ., h,".,t, t, n: ·.1.
'A !.." ;.:..I t1, .. i:nt I " .. ':::.i' n. ; .
H w -~~~. . . ..ran tn~tr.L...n.
j 1 "tt r·; i .:t . ·r , .I;.1,. . r r ~ "1 ,,,.
iLL i''
\Ct ' ty: -.,. i l tit 0"'rd. ,. rj:i:' ".
hut II
to ti: 1' ."
l,.". .,.
1.:, ... .I .!.'li1,:
}., 11. ti : "' 1,,.,1r. t. .! :.11 " ." 4 ."t : t, t.,
'- ,"Ii - lil :. ^i. r. i , t ti, .
knil o 1. I!., ter ~t i~ HIII I
.i..left - .\', 11:"t-~t II .:,.'I t'.-; i '
1''l ,. .t , ui1 :13. 1;i 41C. -(: u ,"t.. t
n t '. '' . I . lis a " .. b.,., . " :lt. t,
sett , .. . . nI ti,, .. 1 ... ,. .., ," t .iI
tr io. :lit \..., !rr + ..r! r".i. ..,, ;!,
1.'1I," I 1.111 1.-t1, ! I31 ti., ,'I; \r l\',. "
.t tir. , a t. 1'a .'tt.1 I: 1Tal 1tt "1.. d "1
'rto I bnru~'a'i' 1t it 11,11 . ii;!- , iL
tb-ta r iiiiil I t lia i I oCtiiiliiiti
"Lz, Ind }- lia ni thei zlrhir'. unti u't,
InI',: th, Frl . Tl' l.iii: t . had bit
H. .urk Ili ura..i, :,, goilit "-,1 ti," li,' r
by tinguti tai . ri .in ti
Lrhnrrrr I,:- 'iitiud" ntat :i.,"b.ti..'t hak
ph.t.'l htt.l niett htvci It'Bh' 1101 Ctt *
'{irpap t- non full a ct at that kind.
and!z. ynt .t lull0 ~ " itin : , p'tT.e lt .a:
Public Mlctlitz In the Par hb of
St. Tamm;any.
Lit. uru"'" 'G
Thet ('iztiiKK otf ilh. I',rijrh f ' St.
Tautntn II1. 1.a., n-,."tll ; . ! today at
and puttiir'tic Altr.i. I iiii.tar :Sr,
was iIll."I to i ". clhitir. anid James
It. Il'.-mm-r. E:,1 i. 'aia awed n'a
Vi,*i \ I'1pmn tI:. I'r'sid.tnt. in ltil
iamiillll, w.w.. ii, I;Ii.. Iiih tic, itr pm.
11.115 nuir-"" all w'ilyn t.ritll uiai'.. nn
I., r.Ht.I K ! ir ui, t i ii, .-tin t!.
tla. Imw( a~idtllrl . CunkI~titui'u .1'A di·
.tat~1 u. i i f" d : .l, m i.tm .1..6u1
p. pirn iti.n liar 1ii.' CliL, t .' . : ' if
CrarlliN iiij ic d''1ti ': .11 ," 11 iu. 1~'.'1
T he tll l ou Isltk :n 2 %, ill.1t.1. ::., awl 1t
t." t scare~~. till-Ig ,if. it ths nab. Al
itnilt i a. -
i. mu Ii r~
..i.. we w."It it f 1.-tin, ..i 1 c
and J ' ·.' ·.' IIa w i nc. a I t i'
1mm ~· . a: .m it. : ii ~ t
I " %\'.", i'tat ·s'
L?. II'K/·crd, That the ,-n·.i-- n
Ii co i lit, u .-t . ··. , :,·. ·
ti i -'ll u. n-1 n , .: ·:. ,its u'."
a...... ...... -i'ain a a ...1--cu
r . t ''w .u r. t o t,'.,-,"1111( 111 t l n . " i 1
c l , l t h :! :irrlu l i I : . t . 1'
t ·n. o tfu~ ich i n " ! u. " . t !, . ti -
:tl i ct' a nti ·'.,l,; i ". HT· ii 'ii i that t..'C
It! : u i '., . ii'-t i'i...* I~' !.
ii~h ..r i ."1.
-1. T it \ l,,u-'t!,
15 1 ; , t'ii 'it t'.i I i i ', . .
aupri-tiz i. l. ~.imm it;
:, ,, lc. "1. ;!,"i to .., !, ,i ....:,ti .. .
-it?' : I .. l .' t .ttam ia rapil _. ,.t
'!.it i .,u I ''' a i i ',.!".- a , :1 1, 1 . ~id.
r . , It i a ' . -. , , 1lm.. "

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