Newspaper Page Text
gUw ©(tons Kqmlfliran. tyinCLAirToLrR NAir^F^I^E^J ^^TED STATES IfFICIAL JOURNAL OF NEW KKW ORLEANS, NABCH US, 1874. ORLEANS - The safest, most expeditious and most com fortable route for travelers to St. Louis Chicago, Louisville and to the North and East, is by the Great Jackson route. Attention is called to the sale by George Pearson, auctioneer, of household furniture, piano, carpets, paintings and engravings fine china ware, charter oak stove, etc., at the residence No. 8 'J Prytania Street at halt past ten o'clock to-day. The Sheriff' of the jiarish of Orleans sells at auction this day at 11 o'clock A.M- in tlio yard of the N. O. At. Mobile R. R. Coni]> aDy at the foot of Calliope street First District of this city a lot of timber, consist, ing of spars, logs, mast, sticks. Valuable improved and v tate at auction by the Sheriff'. Particular attention is called to the sales at auction to be made this day at noon at the merchants 'and auctioneer's Exchange Royal street by the Sheriff of the parish of Orleans, of improved and vacant real estate situated in the First und Second, Third and Sixth Districts of this city. For lull particulars and terms see adver- tisements. The Massachusetts legislature balloted three times yesterday for United States Sen ator, Dawes being ahead in the Senate and Ifoar in the lloul'e. Neither approached a majority. The total vote of the Seuate is 37, of the House 'Si5. A ballot will be taken every day till a choice is made. AMUSEMENTS. St. Charles Theatre. Mr. Francis Bangs, a young actor of fair ability, is nightly appearing at this theatre as Jean LeCroix, in a drama depicting some of the dark sides of the revolution in Paris in 1793, called " La Marseillaise." Before company, tlie drama might prove effective. It abounds in street lights, mobs, powder and red lire, and is very badly acted. It will be continued until lurtber notice. On Friday evening Mr. Bangs will take a ben efit. _ TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. an appreciative audience, aud with a good I ti.« dran.a w, 4 „i,t t,™™ ......... I Gen. Clarke, postmaster of Galveston, has I resigned. , « , . mw . . , jl French Garden, at Memphis, was burned Sunday night. I A compromise finance bill passed the Sen ate Monday. It was supported by Southern I and Western senators. Four days' mail reached Washington on Monday from New Orleans. Haif a million dollars' worth of property ■wrs destroyed by fire in indianapolis on Monday. The Supreme Court has decided the case of Burke vs. Gregre et als, sustaining the authority ol the Provisional Court estab- I • iished in Now Brleans during the war. Cutlery works burned in Hartford. Loss $800,000. Five hundred bauds are thrown out of employment. A large lire ocourretl in Elgin, 111. A break has occurred in the levee bill in the Senate appropriating $50,000 for the removal of the Bailey dam near Alex deficiency of $ 00,000 for the work on the A break has occurred in the levee at Bol. ivar. E. L. Davenport, the actor, is dying. Senator West on Monday introduced andria on Red river. He also called up the bill appropriating a mouth of the Mississippi, bat under the pressure of the finance question the bill went over. He presented a memorial of the Louisiana Grangers, yesterday, asking an increase of duty on sugar. Gov. Hebert was a pall-bearer at Judge Dent's funeral. The remains were taken to 8 t. Louis. Dr. Sharpe, Col. Casey and Fred Grant accompanied them. The Senate Committee on Finance will I report favorably on the claim of citizens of New Orleans to have duties on sugar ma chinery refunded. The towboat Crescent City, from New Orleans, blew to atoms Montezuma Island yesterday, and six barges burned. Captain James Lawson, Henry Geslor, John Ostran der and wife, Wm. Mundy, and the cabin boy were lost. Threo firemen. George Van. bouton, Patrick Bacon, Dunn, (cook) and Peter Hall, wounded, were cared for on board the Phil. Allen, bound for Memphis. The engine and baggage ear of the pas senge.r train lrom Jefferson to Marshall Texas, were thrown off the track by the trestle work being weakened hy high water. The engineer, Tony Botts, is injur ed. and the fireman killed. The water below Napoleon is higher than ever known. Twenty-five miles of the Chioot and Pine Bluff railroad has been swept away. Upper Bed river is uuueally •high at Shreveport. All railroads from Mobile have been re paired and are running on schedule time. The Selma, Rome and Dalton railroad was ordered to bo sold by Chancellor Tur ner in the suit of the trustees of the first mortgage bonds. The road is 23C miles long, and the property includes - 100 , 000 acres of public lands. Governor Woodson, of. Missouri, asks the Legislature tu pass a law to enable him to punish nu organized gang of outlaws who now murder and rob with impunity. By Cable'. The movement of Serrano's troops on Bil boa was a failure, and lias been abandoned Serrano lost fifty men by an explosion of ammunitioc. Archbishop Manning will be made a car. dinal. The If. T- Herald't special from Madrid says the government contemplates the pro motion of General Burriel to field marshal, tor his eminent services in Cuba. The Highlanders from Ashantee landed at |Portsmouth Monday, and the Queen re viewed them at Hyde Park yesterday, The remains of Dr. Livingston have ar rived at Calcutta. The Care Santa Cruz has been placed across the Spanish border by the French. Gambetta, Kollin, Lacour, Peyratee and Bordet presented a protest to the Assembly demanding its dissolution. It will adjourn March 28 till May 2d. King Victor Emannel was congratulated by 3000 people on the 25th anniversary of his accession. rr a °*' v of tre THE NEW8PAPEB BLOCKADE When the daily papers were arrested by the non-agreement of the printers and pro- prietors, it seemed to ns that the wheels of I society l-d stopned. We we re >m,pri»d to see the banks open, drays running, and all the thoughtless multitude rushing about as if unconscious of that imminent and im pending calamity—an eclipse of the daily light of the daily press. It led to some reflections upon the value of the daily press, aud the immense obli gations which society owes to that institu tion. Commerce awakes to find every morning the price of gold, and of all other marketable commodities ; the shipping on the ocean or river is announced ; the poli ticians learn the state of national legisla tion aud of party intrigues ; the miscella neous reader is rejoiced with tfie latest fires, suicides, or calico raids on the bar rooms and barrel-houses. Besides, it may be modestly added, that every journal con tains an editorial homily with the political admonitions, whereby the reader may walk aright during the day. It is not probable that society realizes It is not probable that society realizes the full value of an institution which, at so little cost to each, provides so much in formation. It is when obliged to wear a bandage over our eyes for a day or two that we return appropriate thanks to Providence for the blessing of good sight. Society should, then, appreciate the value . of a daily press,and remember that it can not be sustained without liberal patronage. It is particularly to be regretted that an - , , , . . , i find reduced rates remunerative, it does not follow that the proprietor can pay | more for a journal is at least as much a I joint stock as the ship and her sailors— each is essential to the other. If the ship apparent conflict of interest has occurred between the proprietors and compositors, each of whom must at last depend on the patronage and profit of the journals. Compositors are, we are aware, subjected to much expense, but the same causes op erates to diminish the profits of the pro prietor. While the compositor may not I the sailors mast naffer fhrmrrV. I I , the sailors must suffer, though we admit they mav take to the long-boat. Wel a ve.opuu,«tomak..nj.r 8 »me Bt on this question of relative right in the pending issue, certainly not to impugn the .. . . J F B motives of an indispensable friend—the compositor. It is, however, an occasion to remind tire public Urn, pr,«„„ . great and serviceable agent it is necessary to recognize the momey, talent, and labor . .. . , , J requisite to conduct and continue it. Let ns hope, then,that, whatever be the issue of this conference between vested I capital and intelligent labor, the public will remember the chief cause to be a question in what proportion these two co operative elements shall bear and divide the loss of running a daily paper in the city of New Orleans. STRIKE OF THE PRINTERS The unfortudate difficulty between the I city papers and the printers which re- I '"'>'«<* determination „ lte pr0 . prietors to reduce the price paid for com position, still remains unadjusted. This • . , , j , . is deplorable, as both parties suffer by it. Each is essential to the other. N a wspa pern cannot be published withontpiinters, and very few printers can afford to go long at a time without work I v ... „ None ot the New Orleans papers have I been self-sustaining during the past vear. The Times has fallen into the of 1 anes uas iauen into tne lianas of its paper merchant, who does not think he lias drawn a prize. The Picayune after • • experiencing adversity, finally was sold by > * ------ . . -. I the sheriff for one-fifth of what it cost a year before. The Bee, also has been pub lished at the expense of the owners. The a ^' though the latter establishment had, to,.of the tea kept I open by the gains of the job office, which have been entirely absorbed in the ex- J n- u- .. , I peuse of publishing the daily. Since the strike of the printers the " d " ot *»«**«• »> as we learn, a number of men at work li-,..., i last nioht, with some prospect of getting I out a diminished sheet. The ricayune, so far, has not been able to turn a wheel, I tnough we hope it will get in motion te day. The Republican has not achieved an, brilliant results in the ,b„nc. ot i„ skillful and nimble fingeVed compositors. a, The Bee, however, has succeeded in get- I c ling a full complement of hands, and is able to go on as usual. 0UB MAGNANIMITY. We shall magnanimously forbear to as sail our pugnacious antagonist the Pic " , „ , ' wliile it is down and unable for the mo unable for the mo ment to resist. When, however, like its great original, it shall have got its wind again, we will fight " an hour by Shrews bury clock. Till then we repress our martial ardor, but heartily hope our frac tious contemporary may soon be in fight ing trim again. b b Appointments by the Governor. The following appointments were made yesterday : A. B. Miller. Judge of the Fourth Mnnici pal Police Court; Charles H. Depasseau, chief clerk ; Isidore McCormick, first assist ant clerk ; R. B. Baouie second assistant clerk ■ I w v i 1 1 a8S18tant cent, J. B. fc. Laiche, third assistant clerk; James Milton, messinger. Albeit G. Brice, Judge of the Fifth Muni cipal Police Court: William P. Green, chief clerk , F. Deible, hrst assistant clerk ; P. A. Foncher, second assistant clerk; H. A Miller, third assistant clerk. William Kern, Assessor of the Seventh | o* 1 1 * | District. rr .X I To annex the City of Carrollton to the City of New Orleans; to provide for the trans certain transcripts trom the office of the B.ecorder; the transfer of books, I napers, documents and property of the City of Carrollton, and als# the publio schools of the City of Carrollton to the City of New Orleans; to provide for the | debt of Carrollton; creatiDg the Seventh District of the City of New Orleans, and a Municipal Court; a Sanitary District, and repealing the act incorporating the City of Carrollton. Section i. Be it enacted by the Senate a ? t House of Bepresentatives of the State °*' Louisiana in General Assembly oon v ? n ^f that portion of the parish of Jefferson being end lying below the een tre of Upperline street of the city of Car rollton,^commencing at the Mississippi river ana extending northwardly along the oen If*" tarnfinun Li thence along the Cen tre o? the fine «rf the Hew Or Gttnllton Railroad te Lake | KTf 0,1.™^^ | Mayor and Administrators of the city of Pontohartrain, shall be and Constitute the upper boundary line of the parish of Or- leans and the ofty of New Orleans, and all that portion ot the city of Carrollton thus detached from the parish of Jefferson and added to the city of New Orleans and par- New Orleans in accordance with existing laws, except so far as not inconsistent with this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the territory of the parish of Jefferson an nexed by this act to the city of New Or leans shall be and remain and constitute a part of the Second Judicial District ot the State, and that the terms of court for the parish of Jefferson shall lie holden at such plaoe in the parish of Jefferson as may be designated by the police jury, right bank, who are hereoy authorized to establish the parish seat of said parish of Jefferson. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, etc., That immediately after the passage of this act it shall be the duty of the Recorder of the pa rish of Jefferson to make out and deliver within the shortest possible time, in good auil substantial books or registers, with separate index to each : First—For and unto the Recorder of Mort gages for the parish of Orleans, true and correct transcripts of all mortgages, dona tions, marriage contracts, privileges, or other incumbrances, that have been inscrib ed and not erased upon the records of mort gages of sjtid parish of Jefferson since the creation of said records of mortgages, con cerning or in anywise affecting any and all real property situated within the limits of that portion of the parish of Jefferson which is annexed by this act to the parish of Or leans. Second—For Second—For and unto the Register of Conveyance of the parish of Orleans, true and correct transcripts of all conveyances or alienations of any property lying or be ing within the aforesaid limits, annexed to the parish of Orleans as aforesaid, that have been registered or inscribed upon the I fereonsi^cT^ | rish Recorder or Register of Conveyances. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the several transcripts, when so made and delivered and certified to be true aD| I correct by said Parish Recorder, shall have the same validity, force and effect as original inscriptions on the records of the parish of Jefferson, aud shall form a part of the records of the respective offices of the Recorder and Reg ister of the parish to which the same is transferred; and the charges and expenses i attendant upon the performance of said work shall be paid by the city of New Or | l ® an8 for which the same is done as was al I to the Recorder of the parish of Jefferson for such transcripts when that portion now known as the sixth district was annexed to the city of New Orleans. I iwe ' further enacted, eto , That all the nghts, titles and interest of the citv ot Carrollton a 3 now existing in and to ali stalls, levees and landing places, buildings " n 4 otller property ot whatever description and wherever situated, and of and with all goods, chattels, money, effects, dues, de P ande > bonds, obligations, judgments and they are hereby vested in the city of New v hat a11 e , stat< ? 8 ' income, funds or property of every description now I held in trust by said city of Carroll ten or which shall have been specially pledged or beheld by the city of New OrLanJVnder I act upon and for the same usee, trusts, limits, limitations, charities aud conditions as the same are now held: and the debt and all other indebtedness or liabilities of the city ot Carrollton, including the funding and improvement bonds and the bonds is sued to the Jefferson City Gas Light Com pany, and known as the Gas Bonds, and notes, interest coupons, wages, salary due or to become due, warrants or other species of obligations whatsoever, shall be assumed and paid by the city of New Orleans, and . „______ __ _______ ____^ 8aitl cit Y is hereby declared iiabie therefor, at ent constituted to discharge the duties of i heir re8 ! ,ect [ ve offices until this act of in corporation bo completed by nutting into possession of the proper officers of the city j* ^ ew (Cleans the books, papers, records, fog t^tbeo^'of'carrltiUimf'and'no^onKt.f; an . rt alter which time all the powers, rights, I P r * v 'J e 8 e8 an| l immunities possessed anden J°y e « by the mayor and council of the citv ot Carrollton shall cease and terminate; a . ud P ro . vide 't< further, that the claims or '" 8ted r ' sllts ot au .V person or persons or company or corporation of said citv of Car rollt °n that have been granted, acquired or *T ceiv .®d from or against smd corporation of tne Clt -V 01 Carrollton or otherwise, shall not bo interfered with, divested or impaired I lm —. v-—/-.i,---- by this act, nor by the city ot .Vew Orleans, without adequate compensation. Sec. 6 . Be it further enacted, etc.. That that portioa of the territory of the parish of I S.ToVZ,',^ district of said city of New Orleans, and for J ' 1 *'* 1 seventh district there shall be estab I bshed an additional municipal police court, called the Fifth Municipal Police Court! an<1 which shall have jurisdiction over ali other officers of said court shall exercise all the rights, powers, and perform the duties i in the manner and form, and receive the n»v I and emoluments as ---- 1 - -—- - * ' now determined and pro vided by law for the several judges, clerks, etc., of the existing municipal courts for the city of New Orleans and the Governor shall': immediately after the passage of this act, " nd commission, for the term spec £* % S&f&S&fiZlZ: a, 'd the present mayor, in his capacity as c " mlI " l ;V n K magistrate _ a n<l recorder for said city of Carrollton, shall turn over and trans fer without delay, all books, records, etc. belonging to said mayor s court to the fifth municipal court created by this act. municipal court created by this act. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the State tax-collector of the parish of Jeff erson shall, for the year eighteen hundred I an< i.f evC u ty j con . tinue lor the said year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to ool I lect all State taxes in that portion of the ter ritory detached from the parish of Jeflerson and annexed to the city ot Now Orleans, the same as if no change had been made in the boundary, and no territory had been de tached from said parish of Jefferson. Sec. 8 . Be it further enacted, etc., That I the act entitled " an act to incorporate* the of Carrollton," approved March 17, 18-J9, and all acts amendatory thereof he * and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That I there shall be appointeu for said seventh di8trict created by this act one sanitary in speotor in the same manner now provided and^erterm theVmrduries^d rCfv" the same salary as the sanitary inspectors in ? n,i cit - v ot New Orleans, it lurtber enacted, etc.. That the control of the public schools of the city of Carrollton shall be transferred to and be under and subject to the control of the Board of the city ot New Orleans, to the city of New Orleans for the govern ment ot tlle Public schools as exercised by th £ m in * hfi D cit y ° f Orleans. | the Seventh District^hairbe^dividedTnto two wards and shall be known as the Six teenth and Seventeenth wards. The Six | teenth ward shall extend from Lowerline I Street to Carrollton avenue, and from the Mississippi river to the rear boundary of the present city of Carrollton. The Seven teenth ward shall be composed of all the territory annexed from the parish of Jeffer son from Carrollton avenue to Cpperline ftreet, oity of Carrollton, and between said Carrollton avenue and the parish of Jeffer son. Sec. 12 . Be it further enacted etc., That all laws and parts of laws in conflict here with be and the same are hereby repealed. aDd this act shall take effect from and after its passage. (Signed) CHARLES W. LOWELL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signed) C. C. ANTOINE, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 23 , 1874 . (Signed) WILUAM P. KELLOGG. . Governor of the State of i^imm. A true copy: P. G. Dcslonds, Secretary of State. INSUR ANCE. gDN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Paid Up Capital, 8500,000. BIGHIESJfTH ANNUAL 8TATKMENT— FOR THE TEAR 1373. Amount of premium, for the year.......$239,637 53 Less untenniaated risks, and return premiums.............................. 61,859 89 Net earned premiums..... Discount and interest.... . $227,767 64 . 44,087 22 Total...............................$271,854 86 Losses paid, reinsurance and unadjusted losses..........$153 159 77 Geueralexpensesaudtaxes.. 32,173 21 Reserve fund and dividend • oa stock................... 58,814 70—244,174 63 G. M. Bayly, Net profit...................... $27,707 18 Assets oi the company, estimated at their mar ket value: Bonds, stocks, loans and bil's receivable. $334,736 84 Cash on band and premiums in course of collection......................... 55,565 Total assets........................$590,352 72 The Board of Directors, at a meeting held on the twenty-fiist day of January, 1874, after setting aside $10,000 to the reserve fund from the net earnings of the year and paying ten per cent divi deud to the stockholders, resolved t6 pay a cash dividend ot TEN PER CENT on the net earned partici pating premiums for the year ending December 31, bus. JAMES I. DAY, President. Horace Carpenter, Secretary. Directors for 1874. John G. Gaines, E. J. Halt, Henry Renshaw, Hugli Wilsou, B. Biscoe, I. N. Marks, James I. Day, George Jonas, Emory Clapp, Janies Byrnes, J. L. Harris, C. Macready, W. E. Seymour, Bii-haid Flower, J. Weis, E. W. Taylor, J. C. Morris, Liouel C. Levy, W. B, Schmidt, L. Alcus, R. T. Torian, Scott McGehee, Isaac L. Haas. This old and reliable company is issuing policies on Fire, River and Marine Risks on the most favor able terms. All losses adjusted and settled upon the most liberal terms, and promptly paid at tlieir office, No. 61 Camp 6treel, corner of Commereia alley. jn25 j^OUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. NINETEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with the Requirements of that. charter, the Company publish the following state raent: Total premiums far the year ending February 28, 1873................... $402,713 (4 Viz: Fire premiums........$185,721 59 Marine premiums..... 188,500 53 Elver premiums....... 29,491 47— 403,713 ( Less unearned and returned premiums, reinsurance and rebate on pre "inms............................... 95,202 1* ............................ I Marine losses............. 152 136 13 River losses................ wjes 77 --■ I *> Expenses, profit and loss, Net premiums....................... $308,511 45 Fire losses................... $74,822 98 leas discount account... 27,662 19— 275,040 (7 Profit*.................................$33,470 51 The company has the following assets, estimated at the lowest market value: Citv and other bonds................... Bank and other stocks................ Stock and scrip of insurance companies $53,500 00 16,047 0 65,838 60,800 49,644 34,551 77 61,347 37 105,324 44 Bills receivable ou mortgages.......... Bills receivable......................... Premiums m course of collection...... Cash oa band and in Europe............ Total............................... The above statement is a true and correct tran script from the books of the company. CHARLES BRIGGS, President J. P. Roux, Secretary. Stats op Louisiana, ] Parish of Orleans, city of New Orleans. J Sworn to and subscribed before me this twenty fifth day of March, 1873. . P. CHARLES CUVELLIBB, Notary Public, No. 140 Gravier street The Board of Trustees have resolved to pay 812 PER CENT interest on the outstanding certificates of scrip on and after Monday, May 12, 1873 , said seriD to be scrip to be then converted into capital stock, i per amended charter of the company. CHARLES BRIGGS. President ANT. CARRIERE, Vice President ANT. CARRIERE, Vice President J. P. Rocx. Secretary. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Elocted February 17, 1873. Charles Briggs, Ant. Carriers, George A. Fosdlck, R. Bragier, P. Anderson, A- Frenchs, George W. Dunbar, E. F. Stockme;er, Henry J. Vose, B. Marqneze, Charles Weishaar, A. Leconrt, Frank Williams, CharleB Lafitte, Rudolph Sieg, W. C. Black. George W. Hvuson. Thomas H. Hunt, Chn. Honold, D. Jamison, A. S. Howard, Felix Larue, Aug. Bohn Edward Toby. Wash. Morton, WilUam Knox, W. 8. Bailey, J. B. Livaudats, Atwood Violett, A. K. Miller, Edward Morphy, J. A. Lum, Silas Weeks, J. ARMBRUSTEB, ADAM GAISSER, JACOB HASSINGER, HENRY OERTLtNO, ______________ THOMAS SCHORR, J. J. weckerling, THOEM4HLEN ' Q.ERMN1A INSURANCE COMPANY. Office No. 124 Common street. ESTABLISHED IN 1366. Paid up Capital......................9100,000 FIRE, RIVER AND MARINE INSURANCE. Losses promptly adjusted on most liberal terms. pRED. DEL BONDIO, President. H. ZDBERBIER, Vice President. EMIL MAIER, First Secretary. H. E. MARBURG, Second Secretary. F. BERGER, Inspector. Dfrecters. J. KOLM, LOUIS GRUNEWALD, H. F KLUMPP, H. SCHULZ, R. F. THUERER, FRED. DEL BONDIO, J. VOELKEL, GEORGE BINDER, firm of LeSassier A. Binder, G. H. BRAUGHN, firm of Brauglm, Buck &l Dink elspiel; P. W. DIELMANN, firm of Miller & Dielmann; R. GRIESINGER, firm of Claaon A Co.; WILLIAM GOLDKNBOW, firm of Goldenbow A Kelly; G. L. L. MAYER, firm of Mayer Brothers; L. REDER, firm of L. Reder A Co.; FRANK VATTKR, firm of Yaiter A Blank; H. ZUBERBIER, firm of Schneider ic Zufcerbier; F. M. ZIEGLER, firm ot Schmidt k Ziegler. mh7 lm WOOD—COAL. B. D. WOOD. JOHN A. WOOD. J. H. WOOD, jg D. WOOD A BROTHERS, COAL. MERCHANTS, 106............Common street............10$ Opposite the City Hotel Tugboat Charlie Wood. noM g m JJ Ac C. TYLER, COAL DEALERS. STEAMERS AMD FAMILIES SUPPLIED. Office Ho. 9 Carondelet street; yard foot of First and Levee streets, Hew Orleans. Coal delivered to any part of the city. v NOTARIES. ^ HERO, >K„ motaky public amb oonmraoHEB op i "" Bln. Iff C proc ur ed with uRmtoaU. ip«< INSURANCE. JIJEW ORLEANS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Corner ol Canal and t'amp Streets. FOURTEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with their charter, the company publish the following statement: Premiums during the year ending December 31, 1873— On fire risks.............................$414,633 55 On marine risks.......................... 101,180 83 On river risks............................ 42,874 56 Total premiums....................$553,658 94 Less reserve for untermin ated risks, December 31, 1873.......................$125,605 93 Less return premiums....... 11,776 58—137,332 61 Net earned premiums.................... 421,276 43 Reinsurances................. $42,923 92 Losses Oil Are.....$133,070 t.7 Dosses on marine. 67,172 06 Losses on river.... 9,774 91—260,017 04 Expenses, taxes, etc., less in terest account........... Commissions on agency busi ness....................... Rebate paid to the assured.. Semi annual interest on cap ital Stock Five per cent paid August, 1873.. Five per cent pay able in Febru ary, 1874...... 17,401 45 7.798 37 39,773 40 15,000 00 25,906 00— 50,000 00 -417,914 68 Reserved for unsettled claims....... $3,361 75 The company has the following assets: Bills receivable fur premiums........... 15,077 16 Bonds, city and others.................. 135,000 00 Stocks, Gas Company aud others........ 67,514 50 Pledge and mortgage notes.............. 275,736 69 Premiums in course of collection....... 106,270 62 Suspense account........................ 3 590 79 Agency prem.umB for December........ 11,013 20 Warrant account........................ 6 799 69 Branch office............................. 4 524 21 Louisiana Cotton Factory................ 1,970 93 Property corner Canal and Camp streets 70,662 77 Other leal estate......................... 28 532 29 Due by insurance companies............ 7 405 76 Tota! ......................................... 77 Depreciation......................... 97,560 94 Cash market value...................$676,944 83 $40,407 16 I 1 Cash market value...................$676,944 83 LIABILITIES. Capital stock............................$300,000 00 Determinated risks...................... 125,605 93 Interest on capital stock, due in Febru ary................................... 25,000 00 Interest aud dividends uncollected...... 11,115 13 Bills payable............................. 1,716 00 Claima unsettled......................... 3,36175 Reserve, two and a half per cent on lo38ea ............. 10,145 97 Total .................................$676,944 83 The above statement is a true and correct trau cript from the books of the company, J. TUYK8, President J w. Hincks, Secretary. Sworn to aud subscribed before me, this ninth day of January, A. D. 1874. V. CHARLES CUVELLIER, Notary Public, No. 140 Gravier street, New Orleans. The semi-annual interest dividend of five per cent, due first MONDAY in February, will be paid to the stockholders on and after that date. Directors. GEORGE URQUHART, M. PATRO, H. GALLY, GEORGE W. BABCOCK, T. BAILEY BLANCHARD, A. SCHREIBER, CHARLES LAFITTK, PLACIDE FORSTALL, AUGUST REICHARD, E. MILTKSBKRGER, W. B. SCHMIDT, J. TUYKS, jal7 ly fJIEUTONIA INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW ORLEANS, Office No. HI Gravier Street. INSURE FIRE, MARINE AND RIVER RISKS AT LOWEST RATES. Aeeete.............................$798,434 61 A. EIMKR BADER, President. CH. ENGSTFKLD, Vice President. GEORGE STROM KYF.R, Secretary. Board of Trustees: Henry Abrams, N. A. Baumgarden, Cb. Kngstfeld, H. R. Gokreve, Sigmund Statz, J. Keiifer, Tht-o. Lillientbal, F. Rickert, Louis Schneider, B. Seig, Louis Schwartz, J. <R. Wildermann, Oc25 lv A. Eimer Bader, E. F. Del Bondio M. Frank, Hy. Haller, J. H. Keller, Louis Leonhard, C. H. Miller, Frank Rod-r, W. B. Schmidt Isaac Seherck, J. M. Schwartz. X. Weissenbach I I T tlie d,, Oc25 lv MERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW ORLEANS. Office No. 104 Canal street. NINETEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirement* of theli charter the company publish the following STATEMENT. Premiums reoeived during the year ending May 31, 1873, including unearned premiums of the previous year— On fire risks........................... $731,895 30 On marine risks........................ 92 630 18 On river risks.......................... 182^563 44 Total premiums....................$1,007,088 92 Less unearned premiums.......... 202 675 00 Net earned premiums May 31, 1873.... Losses paid— dre risks................$432 708 38 On marine risks............ 48,149 47 On river risks.............. 63,541 24 Taxes....................... 23,802 92 Reinsurances and return premiums.............. 61,064 63 $804,413 93 Total....................$629,266 64 Deduct interest, less ex penses.................. 17,775 31—$611,491 33 Pf 0 ® 1 .............................. $192,922 59 The company has the following assets Real estate............................. $128,371 15 CHy bonds.............................. 307,050 00 Bank and railroad stocks.............. 21 188 00 Notes secured by mortgage............ 404 292 30 Notes secured by pledge............... 153 408 72 Bills receivable................. Premium in course of collection....... State bonds........................... Insurance stocks................. Stock of Vallette Dry Dock Company. Stock of Levee Steam Cotton Press 8tock of Marine Dry Dock and Ship Yard Company..................... Harbor Protection Company........... St. Louis Hotel Asseciation............ Mortgage bonds Turner's Association. Mortgage bonds Odd Fellows' Hall.... Judgment on mortgage notes.......... Cash on hand........................... 171,417 14 New Orleans, Florida and Havana Steamship Company............... 3,400 00 Total...... 46,673 79 101,908 36 1.500 00 1,800 00 19.800 00 2,300 00 4.000 00 1.500 00 5.000 00 2.000 00 5.000 00 6.000 00 ...............I The ,b... .tatement I* ■ !«. transcript from the books of the company. | yj PAUL FOURCHY, President I G. W. Hott, Secretary. of June, 1873. B-._ovTj.rn.,.-. » I Parish of Orleans, city^iTNew (hSu!?*'} Sworn to and subscribed before me the ninth da* I >,---■_ - ----- 1 I of P. CHARLEB CUVELLIER, Notary Public. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held 0a the ninth day of June, 1873, it was resolved to de clare a CASH DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN FEB CERT on the net earned participating pre mium, for year ending May 31.1873, payable on third »t— in July next. Also to pay to the stockholders, on doa tereot at tha rate at tea. per cent per annum their stock. _ w _ DIRECTORS: fsygss 4 P. awiita, D. A. Chaflkmix, ieaiy iSSr* SEW ORLEANS PUBCHASDftt BUREAU. 96...............Canal Street................{ SHOPPING Of every description for Ladies and Dealers on or ders from Louisiana and the Southern Stares. Constant familiarity with the market and best bouses insures a great saving to customers. CIRCULARS and SAMPLES SENT FREE. MRS. H. MOGKIDGE. ap2ly2p NOTICE = TO TAX AND L1CKN8E PAYERS. We will pay old State and City Taxes and City Licenses at a libera! discount. JOHN KLEIN & CO.. OI^CIALN OTICES;^ PROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION OF A MARKET HOUSE AT THE JUNC. TION OK WASHINGTON AVENUE AND ti OODCIIII.DRKN STREET. DkPAHTarRXT op Watprworksahp ) Public Buildings > Now Orleans, March 7, 1874. ) S EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY I the undersigned until MONDAY, April « I at twelve o'clock M., for the erection of a market heuse and reservoir on the neutral ground of Washington avenue, at its junction with St. Claude street, Third District. Bids for this work are invited on similar terms as expressed in ordiuance printed in Council pro m3 lin * 8 ° f date the tWf ' Rt .v third of December, The plans and specifications to be furnished by I the City Surveyor, and be ready for Inspection ten 1 days from tins date. All parties making proposals for this contract are required to deposit with the Administrator of Finance, as evidence of their intention to abide bv t i! e .. a 'i! U r' Ci ? t ! 0 V hfi e,lm of $000 in cash, wnich shall be forfeited to the city in case of failure to sign the contract. No bid will he entertained unless accompanied by the certificate of dep >8it. r J L'usueuessful bidders shall h%ve their deposits returned to them on the day adjudication is made, bids ° ltV n ' 8 * !rves the to «ject any aud all P.oposals to be indorsed "Proposals for building market house mb 8 td CHARLES FITZEKREITER, Administrator. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Ofmcs Stats Tax Collrctor, ) „ Third District. > New Orleans, March 5,1874. J T axpayers of the third district are hereby notified that all taxes for 1R73 and all licenses for 1374 are now due. and by prompt atten tion to the same, trouble and costs hiav be avoided C. J. ADOLPHE, mb. 30t State Tax Collector, Third District IMPORTANT NOTICE. Ofpicb Statk Tax Coi.lsctoh, ) Third District, > New Orleans, March 5, 1874.) I nterested parties ark requested to come forward on or before the fifteenth instant and settle their licenses aud capital tar lor the current, year, as alter that date delinquents will most positively be dealt with In accordance with C. J. ADOLPHE, ml16 lm _ Collector. uiruitiA.M AuriUE. Officb Statk Tax Coi.lkctor, ) Fourth District, > New Orleans, March 3, 1874.) I NTERESTED PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO come forward on or before the fifteenth instant and settle their licenses and capital tax for the current year, as after that date delinquanta will niost positively be dealt with in accordance with law : , J. W. FAIRFAX, Ulhl law : , J. W. FAIRFAX, Ulhl ____ Collector. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Office State Tax Collector, Second District > New Orleans, March 3, 1874. ' S I NTERESTED PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO come forward, on or betore the fifteenth in stant. and settle their license and capital tax for the current year, as after that date delinquents will most positively be dealt with in accordance with aw. H. h. HARRIS, mh4 lni ___ Collector, IMPORTANT NOTICE, Offick State Tax Collrctor, ) First District, > New Orleans. March 3, 1874. ) I NTERESTED PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO come forward on or before the fifteenth in etant aud settle tlieir licenses and capital tax for the current year, as alter that date delinquents will most positively be dealt with in aecordauce W1,t > »*• N. C. FOLOER, 1 m _______ Collector. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. OpyicB State Tax Collector, Second District, \ Vovr Orleans, February 21, 1874. ' J T axpayers of the second district are hereby notified that ah taxes for 1873 and alt licenses for 18<4 are now due, and by prompt atten avoided ^ 8ame » trou W© aud costs may be f< ~ 22 _H. H. HARRIS, Collector. NOTICK TO TAXPAYERS. Offick Statk Tax Coi.lkctor, Sixth District ) T New Orleans, February 27, 1874. 1 AXPAYERS OF THE SIXTH DISTRICT ARK respectfully informed that the State taxes for tlie year 1873 and -tate licenses for 1874 are now d,, Sv 1 i? ,1 J: ro "P t P a J'* u 8 °f 'he same will avoid costs an.ltrhuhle. JonN GARhTKAMP, fen ln ' Coll ector. fen ln ' Coll ector. LEGAL NOTICES. THE STATE OP LOUISIANA. FOURTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS. SOPHIE EMILIE TIBLIER, WIFE OK FRANCOIS Queydan, vs. Her Husband—No. 42,796. T . HER f CERTIF 'I | ' THAT ON THE SIXTH t~ ,, iiv of February, 1874, judgment was rendered in tins court In the following entitled suit in tlie werdfi and figures following, to wit — Sophie Emelie Tiblier, wife of Francois Gueydan. vs. her husband, No. 42,796. In this case, submitted to the court for adjudica tion, lor reasons this dav orally assigned, and con sidering that all the facts and allegations contained m plaintiff's petition have been fully substantiated by evidence on file, and that the same, as well as the law, are in favor of plaintiff, it is ordered ad ludged aud decreed that there he judgment in favor of plaintiff, Sophie Emelie Tiblier, wife of EransoisGueydan, and against defendant, Francois Gueydan, her husband, dissolving the community of property which existed between tiiem, and giv ing to said plaintiff the full and entire control and administration of her property, and decreeing a separation of property between said plaintiff and (lefeudant; and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that plaintiff', Sophie Emelie Tiblier, wife ot Francois Guejdau, do have judgment against and recover of detendant, Francois Gueydan, her husband, the sum of $1759 38, amount of her paraphernal property, with legal interest frimi the twenty sixth day of January. 1874, until paid, and costs of suit, with special privilege, lieu and mort K a B« granted by law to married women for the protection and recovery of their rights and claim. Judgment rendered February 6, 1874. Judgment signed February II, 1874. B. L. LYNCH, Judge. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tlie seal of the said court at the city »f New Orleans, ou thistwenty-seventli dav of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-fonr, aud the nieetv eighth year of the independence of the United States. E. F. PALMS mh3 18 ap3* Deputy Clerk. THB STATE OP LOUISIANA. FOURTH DI STRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS. MARIE IDA POIRIER, WIFE, VS. MICHEL BEG ary—No. 42,811. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THE NINTH (lay of March, judgment was render*•(! in I this court, in the following entitled suit, in the I words and figures following to wit: ^Marte Ida Poirier, wife, vs. Michel Begary. No. rea f onB tbl* day orally assigned by the court , aud considering that all the facts and al . te A « teSf KJSil if ISi'Sl yj er JJ ■>© judgment in favor of plaintiff, Marie 2.^ c _ he l?_ e| L ary .' an ? against de Ida Poirier, wife of Michel Begary. and agai iendant, Michel Begary. her husband, dissolving I , ac .')]i e8t ^ "d Rains existing I «• the * ai d parties; and it is further ordered adluA—H and decreed that plaintiff, Marie Ida Poirier wife of Michel Begary, do have judgment agato, t - Tnd recover of defendant. Michel Begary, be? husband the sum of $150, and a set of bedroom " and bedding, clothes and linen, amounting t^the sum of $500, being her dotal prX; tT and -1 m the sum of $625 amount of her pareohe'rnal erty.wlth privilege granted bv itw m ,™ h P cT£ madeand^rovded, and $hat defendLrpV^ Jugdment rendered March 9,1874 J au gm e nt signed March 13 ,1874. B. L. LYNCH, Judge. LHr* heraan bo set my S^ch*lift.ib&Zfr 2*5 hsad^affsSlgg. 1 ^^.*"^ year of thetnAe^e^'^ U^tSdS2^1f fi 1 -kUHtpU* ______________ I Public Accounts, I ....i NOTICE. State and city taxes now la the hands of Sheriff for collection can be'settled at a liberal discount by BARNETT Jt CAMMACK, 25mhl w No. 12 Carondelet street. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned haring retired from the jew elry business, respectfully requests his friends and the nuhlic in general, having any repairings, either in watches orjewellry, at his establishment, to call for the same at once. All parties being un able to attend to the same Immediately, can get their articles by calling at the watchmaking establishment of Mr. F. T. Ople, No. 66 Bienville street. M. ST1FFT, 184 Poydras street. THE FUNDING BILL. Stats op Lopistaxa, ) Executive Department, f New Orleans, March 21, 1874. J To all Tax Collectors: The United States Circuit Court having dis solved the restraining order heretotore issued and refused the injunctions prayed for in the case of Macaulay and others, aud Stern Brothers, prohib iting the collection of tares under act No. 5, known as the funding bill, you are hereby directed to proceed with the collection ot tlio taxes in con formity with t he provisions of said act, and the recently published instructions of the Auditor of mh22 2p WILLIAM P. KELLOGG. Governor. ___B 00KS-—B00KS. ^UBSCKIBG FOR AND ADVERTISE IN 8 OARD 8 ' (1874) NEW ORLEANS CITY DIRECTORY, Containing a STREET OUIDB from official surveys, with all the late changes adopted by Counci Sep tember 30; also, all the new streets, giving tne cross streets aud numbers at corners to each street making it very valuable as a reference, and worth the price at the Directory alone. The above publication will be ready for delivery by JANUARY 1. 1874. Usnpleieseu and Reliability Guaranteed. °e ,f U. SOARDS A CO., Publishers. _____ RAILROADS. ]yEW ORLEANS, MOBILE TEXAS RAILROAD. Passenger Depot Foot .f Canal Street. follows 0 * 1 after March 2S .. 18T *. trains will ran as Leave New Orleans dally at 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Trains arrive at 4 P. M and 11 P. M This is the shortest and must reliable route to New York and all Nortliestern points. It is the °"i y ''''Vanning Pullman Palace Cara to Louis ville, St. Lonls aud Charleston without change. TAKE THE MOBILE LINE. For tickets and information apply at office cor ner Camp and Common streets, opposite City Ho tel, or at the depot. B. P. SHUTE, General Ticket Agent . „ „ 8. H. SCRANTON. _;_ General Wnperintendent. Q.KBAT JACKSON ROUTE. Trains depart and arrive as follows from depot foot of Calliope street: OBFART. ress.....7:00 A. M. -5:35 P. M. _ AHRIVB. Express....11:45 P. M. ....... 11:00 A. M. ILIdNOIS TEALNS EDN THROUGH TO CAIRO. r/"! 11 ?."? Palace Sleeping Cars run throngh to St. Louis, Chicago and Louisville, without change. Only OHe change to Eastern cities. t information given at No. 22 Only one change to Eastern cities, l ickets i»r sale and information g Cauip street, corner of Common. A. D. SHELDON. Agent. K. D. FROST, Ger.eral Manager. ja!2 ly Manager. CONSTABLES^ALES. ^'\^^t 0n . 0v,l ," v * - George Lawrence-Sec 4229 JuStlce ^ ourt for fk* pariah of Orleans, No. YYY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO J?f7i Ct *?> bT the Ho "- W L. Evans, Second JustiLeot the Peace m and for tlie parish of Or leans in the above stated shit, I will proceed to sell at public austion, on MONDAY, March 3d, 1874. at twelve o clock M.. at F. Johnson's stable, Maga zine street, corner St. Joseph— out it U l : u Be * zo< ^ 111 above numbered and Terms—Cash on the spot, mill9 26 29 JoHN McCORMICK. Constable. S. Dolttn vs. D. Gillen-First Justice Court, Parish of Orleans, No. 1810, B Y VIRTUE OP A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the Hon. W. T. Houston o.4e» Ju ? , c n° f the p f* c ® in and for the parish of on wSniJv7niv r; v Wi i « "'o' 1 at Public auction. M„ at ^anglefl F^ii^'^^abV^^Vir^ie mK^cn^^Cty^n^ 8tm " s ' th « ONE MULK. Seized in the above entitled suit. Terms-Caah on the spot. mhl3 19 25 _ JOhN HURLEY, Constable. Fr, ^Ini l " E i.*' ire ri Jn " u ranee Company vs. a-, "btsa—Second Justice Court for the B Parish of Orleans, No. 5406 T VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me directed by the Hon. W. L. Evans, Secon.l justice of the Peace in and for the perish or Or leans in the above stated suit, I wilfjroceed to ffl 1 . at , P a bhc auction, ou WEDNESDAY March 25 ioi4, at twelve o'clock M._ CONTENTS OF GROCERY STORE at No. streets* tUr street ' between Ureulineti and Hospital Seized in the above numbered and entitled suit. Terms—Cash on the snot. mh!4 19 25 JOHN McCO RMICK, Constable. A. Hnis vs. C. Nick—Second Justice Court for the pariah ot Orleans-No/5472 B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me directed by the Hffii. W. L. Evans second justice of the peacei in and for the parish of Orleans. ( will proceed to sell at public auction, at my ware , h u °J, 18e ' Eo ' (42 Girod street, on THURSDAY Apr* 2 1874, at twelve o'clock M., to wit— P ' ONE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE T^™'i! n r.i h K 8bo '.£ numbered aud entitled suit, renc™ ° * °" thB Bpot *" Un lted States curj mb? 2 _• JOHN McCORMICK. Constable. as of _• JOHN McCORMICK. Constable. CAUTION. rpilE UNDERSIGNED CAUTION ANY and all persons from using, buving and selling the bottles used by them, and manufactured expressly for their use, for Mineral Waters and Ginger Ale, and having the names of the undersigned im pressed thereon, as PABLO 4t CO., Mineral Water and Ginger Ale Manufactory. Nos. 270 and 272 Royal street. All persons using the same, or buying and selling the same, without the consent of the un dersigned, in writing, will be prosecuted according to the law, and held responsible for all damages. PABLO k CO., Mineral Water and Ginger Ale Manufacturers, mh4 lm _ Ncs. 270 and 272 Royal street. HOTELS AND BESTAUBANTS $2 yK "»AT::r:':rr^-rPEHDAY. CARONDELET HOUSE, No. 88 Carondelet street, Corner Poydras, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. BANKS AND BANKING. (^ IT| ZEN!S» SAVINGS BANK, I A I Organized under State Charter, GRUNEWALD HALL, Nn. 3S| Bnronne Street. Allows six per cent interest on savings deposits. Allows four per cent interest on current deposits. Ail deposits payable on demand. M. BBNMKR, J. L. OCBERNATOR, Cashier. President •I RECTORS. mhl ly J. L. GUBKRNATOB M. BENNER. I »irrctors. JOHNSON ARMSTRONG, THOMAS HASAM I «• W. BURBANK. AND _ 8UtoE ^t o'clock, 1 *■ — f£<HE FREKD.YIEN'8 (SAVING'S TRUST COMPANY, A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK Chartered by the United State* March, 1865. NEW ORLEANS BRANCH, No. 183 Canal Street, corner ofDryades, Bask hours from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Open Saturday NlghU to receive deposits from C. 6. 1 TURT1VANT, Cashier, EBERT «iM^ AseUtent "nklr