OCR Interpretation

New Orleans Republican. [volume] (New Orleans, La) 1867-1878, May 12, 1875, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

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§tw ©rbaw |li|nlMww.!sr
■I A 1L k B. J. MONTGOMERY, at 12 o'clock,
at 8t. Charles Anction Exchange, a lot with
bandings on Galvez, between Perdido and
Gravier streets.
BY SHERIFF ^Itoamaw, at 12 o'clock, at Mer
chants and Auctioneers' Exchange, a lot with
buildings on Baronne, between Union and
Perdido streets; a lot with buildings on Cns
tomhouse, between Touti and Rocheblave
streets; six lots corner af Lang and Valmont
streets. At S o'clock, at warehouse, Non. 23
and 25 Orleans, between Royal and Bourbon
Local Intelligence.
Before Judge Evans — James Labarge
is in for it, and the offense is called lar
ceny, so he must wall on a jury. He is a
would-be sharper, ang. attempted to drain
$20 out of Samuel Jasper, but made only a
partial success because Sam was too willing.
Labarge shied a spiel mark into the ver
dant's path, and then "found" it himself,
on the strength of Which he expressed a
readiness to divide with Samuel. The last
named was willing, and advanced $3, which
sum Labarge accepted and started oft to
get the bill changed, but he failed to appear
until a policeman pulled him.
Benjamin Schneider got seriously mud
died in the latter part ot April, losing his
money and his equilibrium at some in
definite point. He thinks that he was
knocked down once or twice, but is not
sure as to who trotted him through. When
his scattered senses were gathered George
Musgrove and E. T. Whitney were stand
ing near; then Benjamin put a finger into
his mouth and whistled so shrilly that a
policeman came out of a trap door and
nabbed all three. ' As the circumstances
were decidedly suspicious, Judge Evans
sent Muscrrnve and Whitnev to the Wirat
D."stri" Court y *°
District Court.
Dick Evans, Mary Evans and Aunt Har
riet are in trouble for attempting to kilt
"I *
JL W. O'Connor will look in on the Supe
nor Criminal Court to toll wliat hekuows
about shooting at Ofiioer Fordyoe. He was
'fiffyKTSsarSS 'h-STS*
Belle Brooks would have been before the
court, but they were too drunk to be pre
seotable. They keelhauled Edward Maphia
and stole his last dime.
Orator of the Day. —Captain William
Wright bias been choseu as orator for deco
ration day, thirtieth instaut, by the Grand
Army of tbe Republic and by the American
Union Club.
Promenade Concert and Soiree.—O n
the sixteenth instant Jackson Fire Com
pany No. 18 and Protector No. 2 will give a
promenade concert and abiree ia Carrollton
Garden. There will be a rowing regatta to
embellish tbe occasion. Doubtless there
will be a great gathering on the date men
The Challenge Accepted.— Recently
the Orleans Rowing Club gave out that it
would challenge the victorious Pelicans to
a friendly contest. The Pelicans heard of
it, and have sent a commissioner with a
note to the Orleans, asking for a bill of par
ticulars. As soon as the contracting parties
conclude preliminaries the publio will be
informed as to the time and place, and all
the rest.
Louisiana Relief Association. —This
association is performing considerable good
work, having more applicants for situations
than oan bo attended to ou the instant.
Messrs. Dau Talmadge Sc Co., No. 16 Conti
street, contributed four barrels of i^ce and
$15 in currency.__
He has Golden Time. —Mr. J. J. Sulli
van, who held the ticket which won the
gold wptch at the picnio of Nos. 6 and 4
had the ticker in his pocket yesterday. Mr.
J. B. Kelly wears tile diamond ring, and
the dashing of the stones has made his eyes
Only on a Lark.— Henry Hazen, some
times called E. Parish, recently came to
this city from Fernandina, Florida, where
he held the office of collector of the port.
Occasionally he likes roystering company,
ami when ho starts does not know when to
and. A deputy United States marshal
brought his last spree to a sudden close
yesterday by arresting him as a defaulter,
tbe stun in question being only- $1500. A
deputy marshal from Florida is here and
. will take accused back for trial. Hazen
says be is glad to return.
Running Down Celestials.— Three pig
tail Johonve were yesterday before Com
missioner Weller; as to their names, that is
no matter, especially as we have no Chi
neese type. They had not been stealing,
robbing, or murderiDg, but they had sold
half a dollar's worth of cigars withont pay
ing a small fortune (to them) for license.
One of these had paid for a license, bat
because of some informality, which was
not his fault, he was condemned as a felon.
Had tbe unfortunates aotually committed a
felony they would not have been cast into
prison any quicker than they were.
Brief Mention.— The St. Charles and
Carondelet street cars have improved as to
speed. In all other things they are correct,
always neat and clean.
There is a movement to reduce the price
Of plain drinks to ten cents at the principal
bar-rooms, and no worse liquor to be dealt
° U »idney Smith's address is wanted at pol
remedies. . ,
There was a warm crowd at the City
Council session yesterday; most of the
listeners having only a curiosity for motive.
Laura Josephs had cause, real or imagin
ary. to be jealous of her Joseph Samuel,
and to give a fair vent to her feelings jabbed
a knife blade into his breast when she met
him at the corner of Bienville and Rampart
streets. Both were arrested, but Judge
fetaes dismissed tbe man; tbe virago was
remanded, glorying in tbe fact that she had
ebed her former lover's blood. A lump on
her hard head told that she had been struck.
Officer Doane found a lot of clothing in
m ___________ _
a spring wagon on~the levee early yester- I
da v morning Ho left the articles at the I
fifth nrecinct station. |
The dead bodv of an infant was, early [
vosterdav morning, found on Toledano, I
near St. Charles street. There ware marks
of violence, indicating that the mnooent
had been murdered.
Philip Meyers is under arrest on suspicion
that he is the m in who wouuded William
*\vfio owns all tlie cur dogs tliat roam
freely in every atreet ?__
Board of Police Commissioners.— -The
hoard yesterday elected Captain ^ *•
I.iun superintendent of police, in place ot
General A. S. Badger, resigned. I ue new
incumbent will take charge to-day.
s rgeant Boyd ilobmson was promoted
to i former position—captain. will
remain in charge of the second precinct.
Sergeant L. Malone was given a captain s
commission; not assigned as yet.
* risen tuc ED. — f in 1 Galveston A nrs d the
eighth reports that Mr. Charles II._Rea.de,
who was arrested by John Pnee, 111 New
Orleaus. ou a charge ot embezzling cotton
from the Shippers' Press, was honorably
discharged yesterday, alter undergoing ex
animation before tbe graml jury.
Fatal Affray on Shipboard.— We are
informed by Theodore LipMratz, custom
house roundsman, that the tugboat \V ica
coe arrived last evening from below. Laving
on board Captain Barstow, ot the American
ship Norris, and the crew, one of them m
irons. The Norris sailed yesterday morn
ing for Liverpool, and while at English
Turn, outward bound, a tight owjurred
among the crew, during which one of them
was killed. The body of the dead sailor
was also brought back on the Wieacoe.
The body of the sailor Connors waa
brought up and left at the fifth precinct
stationhouse last night, and the ooroner
P "T fc . Crane waa arrested aa the mar
«h>h«. 7 k, 8 ®My nd Peter Niehol
80,1 " •coeeeonee. The follewine eailon
Cerr, John Brown end Cherlee Brown.
REscunro a Chtld—Y esterday morning
hw NtoT V' 'j°° R * n, P» Pt «treet, occupied
by Ur. Agulerd, was on fire.
bed^vaa**Ir^v'Vo'oM-' a*' ^tb fl A c *>ild in a
Mr. MarehHDd went t^the re™cue W and
w V6 b th ? H ttle one ,ron » death. He burned
[ that as^ong 1® hTiiould ^.S 0 * Car ® **
| life. • 8 " u,d BaTe * P recl0M
■ - —
I • Algiers.—A t eleven o'clock last
| or*in twf Mk^t over Algiers,
or in that direction, as indicating that a
fire was raging in that section. No par
ticulars were obtained at midnight.
[Brief Communication$ Published—Lana
Th * hdu,tr not
I merely desire to say a few words in reply
toBB, and.asfar aslamoonoerned,endthe
matter. It would have been well if BB
X ?^^**** before
ao came out with euob an announcement
as ' BB plus Y equals B 2 ."
BB, like 1, seems to overlook the fact that
, ------------
I "*® special columns for births in 1874 and
for all over six years of age leads to the
inference «w j ? ' ,*V 6
that all under are to be excluded,
| Again, I ask why the births of 1874, with a
' *
I * number of the most experienced etatis
foot note, so that we don't overlook it? The
faot is the whole thing is designed to perplex,
and is not well calculated to draw out tbe
information its sponsors seem desirous of
If, m we are told, the census blank had
"the members of thd Board of Health and
I tioians of the city" for its parents the ooor
I ■ , ... parents, uie poor
th,D * » b « Pi«ed. It reminds one of tbe
, ,
I o d "dage about tbe cooks and the broth.
I Marshal Packard could have furnished one
«• «"»ld U.iwt SlatMbUnks. tk., „i s h.
ha ™ r ® ndere d »cme service.
I All that the law requires is on enumera
I tion of the total popnlation. That being
zrss* * ,b r, —St
• My original complaint was that it did
not seem to me that the blank was pro- ,
st* ,v
that end. I still think so. It must be I
borne m mind that there is a vast differ
wo. mo.* b,..k. P.OP,,-. I
houses for, them to fill up aud sending
around an intelligent officer to take down
the facts. The people who know that BB
plus Y equals B* are not numerous.
Registration records of this State shows a
large number who can not write or even
read. How are they to fill up the blank or
know what to do with it?
It has been usual with governments when
taking a census of the people to gather a
mass of information alike valuable to the
legislator, the statesman, the statistician
and the public at large, while the additional
cost is but trifling. Evidently no snch
views ever entered the model ot BB, for
says he:
The primary object of the census being
to make it the basis of an apportumment ot
representation in the Gsneral Assembly of
the State, it would be interesting to know I
what bearing, the number of married and
single, has upon the end to be attained.
Upon the same principle I might reply, "it
would be interesting to know what bearing
the sex, age. color and ability to write has
upon the end to be attained." Even the
Board of Health, with the aid of the most
experienced statisticians of the city, would
be puzzled to know what bearing the
knowledge of who has had tbe yellow fever
has upon tbe apportionment of the repre
sentation in tbe General Assembly. Does
a man or woman who has hail the yellow
fever count for more or less than a. unit in
the general enumeration of the people?
Now let all the rest of the letters of the
alphabet reply. But don't all speak at
oLce. B.
Meteorological Report.
New Orleans, Ma.v II, 1875.
The following is the report of the weather
| Augusta........
... 81
... 79
Light raiu.
... 55
Lacrosse .......
... 49
Heavy ram.
Leavenworth ..
.. 65
N. W.
... 80
S t.
... 80
t*. w.
Montgomery. *.
New Orleans...
... 83
S. E.
Clear. '
New York......
... 66
... 62
... 70
su *
Et. Louis........
W 9
Et. Paul.........
S. W.
.. 62 N W.
it i Vers.
Above low
Rise, Fall,
wat*-r mark.
inches, inches.
Ft. Iu.
16 6
li 5
12 0
8 0
28 0
New Orleans____
M 4
3 9
..... 1
5 7
St. Louis........
2! 6
St. Paul.........
9 8
..... 2
40 10
lank too.........
11 9
•Below high water mark of 1874.
Commolion in the Whisky Ring.
Bays a Washington correspondent of the
Chicago Tribune:
Tbe attempts to discredit tbe statements
in these dispatches relative to the discovery
of an extensive system of illicit distillation
will be unsuccessful. Further details can
not now be given, on account of tbe secrecy
necessary to the suocess of the operations
I of the Treasury Department, but tbe state
I ments of these dispatches have been true,
| and were derived from tbe highest sources.
[ The investigation has not been limited to a
I lew men, but has been ooudueted by a large
- - * -
number of confidential agents in all parts
of the country. It can also be authorita
tively stated that Commissioner Douglass
was removed lor lax administration. It
come to the kn iwledsre of Secretary Bris
tow some time since that a large number
of charges of fraud in specific cases were
tile iu the uffisie ol the commissioner ot
nternal revenue, and were not acted upon.
The Secretary, w ithout the knowledge of
the commissioner, made :i personal e\a ruina
tion ot theac oases, and became convinced
that there wja no excuse for having liieui
Accordingly tho matter w**s brought to
tiie attention*©!' the President, w ho decided
upon a change. The change was deter
mined upon flie last of March, but the
arrangement for the succession was cop
iaily completed. Commissioner Douglass
had request.-d thei lie might be permitted
to remain in office until the eiose 01 the
present fiscal year, ending June.39. This
request lias been denied, and fie will i>e
compelled to retire upou the arrival of his
successor. Pratt is expected here about
May 15. It was impossible to comply with
Douglass' request, since, wln n the tender
was made to Pratt, he was a.-k.-d to appoint
the time when he couid take the office.
Pratt chose the fifteenth instant.
J. A. lihomberg, ol Dubuque, the dis
tiller against whom the government is pro
Deeding for $* 50,000, arrived here^to-night, j
Several large distillers haito a ^',. f< i., ' I
disturbed by the stories about tie - I
ring. The detective operations Lav e I
conducted so secrelly "•* nt * f,®- „ f f
officers are permitted to know anything ox 1
them. ___ I
, 7 _____I
Fire, famine, pestilence, overflows and
grasshoppers, all fail to lessen the number I
of street corner loafers. I
kkgclak meeting.
Cm Hall, Nkw OKr.*A!rs,
■ Tuesday, May 11, 1875.
The Council met. this day at twelve
a I o'clock M. in regular session.
I ^ >re8ent —Hon. Charles J. Leeds, Mayor,
I P reaidin «. and Administrators Bertoli,
B *^,' t B ° UDy ' Burke ' h *niry, McCarthy
| «»d Pilebury.
'The minutes of the previous meeting
i approved and their reading dispensed
■■nicatioaa irons the Mayor and Ad
The Mayor laid befpre the Council the
following communication, which, on motion
I of Mr. Bertoli, was received
I New Orleans, May 11, 1875.
ExrraM »"■•«
I Avenue Market, Third District, has been
I * total cost to the city of
f^ 7 . 07 3 *' V1Z J . , . ,
"A*KSWS etc....
I _
I Total......................... $270'
I See report hereto attached.
1658 84
A Ijr l 30,1S7r '' we / e ^ I0 ; a71 47 ■
6 Hoping for a favorable consideration
remain, very respectfully,
a | LEON BERTOLI, Administrator,
The coJIections for the month ending
I Mr. Bouny presented the following eom
I munication, which being read, was ordered
to be spread upon tbe minutes, and referred
to the City Attorney, with instructions to
protect the interests of tbe city:
Dzpahtmxnt of A3-ss*Mi\r
Slav 11. 1875.
To the City Council of New Orleans:
I have the honor to inform you that in
..$1069 00
I 1Pave ., the b .° 1 no £ to " form Y»u that in j
l conformity with the restraining order from
the Superior District Court, issued in the
. „ ,
I name of the State against the city of New
I *"■"*' a "d served upon the city admin
I for tbe current year to be suspended, and
I only retained the clerioal aid abso
lutely necessary to attend to the other
I j.- 1 e 5/ 88a S 1
1 n " ,n " rt '' >■
, . , . . „ .
1 t,TTtfcs
I payers on the first of July next. • I
1 that tbe assessment of per
sonal property is completed, and of real
estate, nearly so, and but for the interrup
. payers ou the tnst ot July next. I
I deem it proper to express my thanks to I
this arduous task, as I have every reason
to believe that they have performed their
duty thoroughly and conscientiously, and
have done j ustice both to the city and the
It is to be hoped that upon the trial of
the suit which causes tbe interruption in
the work of fhis department, the injunction
will be set aside, and tbe important duties
which it is sought to transfer to State offi
cials restored to the oity administration, to
which such duties properly belong, as it is
a matter of doubt whether there is an in
stance in this country where State officials
are oharged with the duty of assessing the
property of an important city as a basis of
taxation for said city.
The act nnder which this great wrong
toward the people of this community is
tried to be perpetrated, under the fallacious
plea of reform, was not only illegally en
acted, but is, according to the opinion of
several legal gentlemen who have examined
it, contrary to the corporate rights and the
I charter of the city of New Orleans. For
those and other reasons unnecessary to
mention in this communication, it appears
to be the duty ot the Council toward the
people of .this city to instruct the City
Attorney to oppose, with all the means at
his command, all attempts to put in force
the so-oalled law on assessments, which
course, I fe< 1 assured, will meet the ap
proval of nearly all the taxpayers of this
P. L. BOUNY, Administrator.
P. L. BOUNY, Administrator.
Mr. Burke stated tJ the Council that tbe
report of the workings in his office was not
quite completed, and asked for further time.
Financial and Other Business on Final
Mr. Brown called up the ordinances de
scribed as tollows, which, haviog been read
twice, were now on third reading, and they
passed unanimously,-- the yeas and nays
having been called on each, and all the
members present at roll call voting:
An ordinance providing for the payment
of the several accounts and pay rolls therein
named, beginning "A. W. Hyatt.''
An ordinance providing for the payment
of the several pay rolls anil accounts therein
named, beginning "pay roll of municipal
police courts."
An ordinance providing for the payment
qf the several accounts therein named,
beginning "J. A. Martin."
Reports#! Committees.'
The Administrator of Public Accounts
reported favorably by resolution on the
account of the city of New Orleans against
the Louisiana Levee Company, and placing
the bill in the hands of the City Attorney
for collection.
The report of the City Attorney on the
notice from the secretary of the parish com
mittee* of Jefferson relative to represents
tion on said committee by the city of New
Orleans, advising that the city be not rep
resented on same, was read and adopted.
Resolutions anil Ordinance* Offered.
The following resolutions were reported
from the committee of the whoie and
Relative to law charges.
Also, placing the name of I. W. Patton,
late criminal sheriff, en the pay rolls of
April and May, 1874.
By Mr. Landry and adopted: ,
Resolntion establishing a coaiboat land
ing and changing levee dues.
Resolution with reference to establishing
By Mr. Pilsbnry: *
Resolution inssructing the Administrator
of Commerce to prepare specifications for
the lease of the wharves and landing of
the city. Adopted.
Resolution extending to Captain James
B. Eads a cordial welcome, and tendering
whatever assistance the administration
may have power to grant. Adopted.
By Mr. Pilsbury and laid over fur fur.
thqr consideration by the Council on Fri
day. fourteenth instant:
Whereas, The rapidly 'diminishing re
ceipt* Iruui taxes and licenses, and the ne
cessity imposed by law ot setting apart so
large a portion thereof, to provide tor in
terest, p-iiice aud schools, renders it utterly
impossible to continue the bu.-iness ot the
city upon the cash basis, which was t-he
avowed determination of the Council when
it e.ame into power; and
Whereas. By the constitutional amend
ment the Mayor aud Adan'nbt-ator- are
prohibited trom creating any debt without
having the funds iu the treasury to meet
the same: and
Whereas: The alternative is now pre
sented either to di-charge all the employes
of the city government, or to seek tor ex
traordinary measures to provide for the
necessary expenses to protect the same;
t h ere f 0 re. lie it
j Resolved, That in order to preserve and
I sustain the city government, protect the
I interest ot the public creditor; and provide
I ^ M ma y ^ til6 p U bh c health and
f welfare, that an assessment of fifty per
1 ^ j g hereby levied upon all inter
I eat funds, accrued or to accrue daring the
next six months; the remaining fifty per
c6Qt t0 w distributed pro rata to the
I ponded creditors entitled to the same, as
I fist as realized.
By Mr. Brown and adopted:
Resolution refunding $75 to Dr. Samuel
Choppin, M. D , amount paid in error.
Placing the bill against the Louisiana
Levee Company in the hands of the City
I Attorney for collection.
I An ordinance to fix the compensation in
I criminal proceedings of the justice and
I constable of the Fifth Justice Court for the
parish of Orleans.
Preamble and resolution reaffirming the
| declaration in ordinance No. 2995, Aduunis
tration series, relative to payment of back
By Mr. Brown and read twice:
An ordinance providing lot the payment of
the several accounts therein named.
Be it ordained, That the followin
priatiqns be and are hereby m*_ _
ollowing amiro
.hr i
, , , . . „ n ki- , aud
that the Administrator of Public Accounts
warrant on the Administrator of Finance
in payment of the same:
Bureau of Streets —
C. Taylor Gauche, brooms......... $16 20
P. McCloskey, ballast.............
William McQuoid, lake shells......
| William McQuoid, ballast.........
William Moore, couplings for hose.
John Ponstein, oyster shells.
Louis Bird, ( thee rent for April, 1875
A. McConnel. saud................
A. Baldwin A Co , hardware......
M. Schwartz, hardware............
T. Iiasam, lumber.................
Ed. Irwin, damage to mule... .rz..
Gubernator & Terry, hauling tim
ber, etc.......................... 16 00
Gubernator & Terry, tor use of two
teams and drivers............... 112 50
H. Oertllng, lumber.............. 185 07
L. Bozile, oyster shells............. 25 60
Thomas O'Neil, rent of ground for
January. February and March,
1875, at $15......................
____ _
147 00
681 42
754 20
3.'J 00
2 00
(5 oo
50 00
25 00
50 00
51 99
118 19
~~ '
203 0.
50 00
j Bureau of Wtorra and Landings -
I Sam Donabi, babast...............$1200 00
A. Bernoudy, ballast.............. 156 60
45 00
.. .$o 46 6 19
I Gubrrn:
Thomas Hasam, lumber........... 105 00
Bjnum A Wheaton, ballast....... 706 00
A. Baldwin A Co., hardware...... 41 15
Eager, Eilertnan A Co., for use of
{file driver, etc.................. 66 00
Ferd. Myers, fiatbuar lumber., a.. 300 01
H. Oertiing, lumber............... 60 07
.......$3633 83
Bureau of Drainage —
C. Taylor Gauche, matches...... . $3 40
A. Benson, tor use of flat boat .. 60 00
_______win & Co., hardware...... 34
I Gubernator & Terry, hauling lum
I ber............................. 33 60
Various Bills.
1875; approved by the
Camors' Restaurant, for meals furnished
petit jury, Superior Criminal Court, for
......— * -
month of April
judge. $430.
A. W. Hyatt, for cash warrant book for
Department of Public Accounts; approved,
A. M. Haas, transferee of A. Cazabat, for
per diem and mileage as witness in the suit
of the State vs. W. S. Calhoun et al. Su
perior District Court: as per order of court,
J. W. Madden, for stationery furnished
Superior Criminal Court, on requisition,
and bill approved by the judge of said
court, $51 55.
A. G. Brice, district attorney of the See
ond Judicial District, for criminal convic
tions belonging to the Seventh District: as
certified by the clerk of court, $30
A. W. Hyatt, stationery for tbe Depart
ment of Commerce in the month of May,
1875, approved, $33 80.
William Fagan, criminal sheriff, for main
tenance of prisoners, and turnkeys' fees
in the month of April, 1875, as per bill
approved by the judges of the respective
criminal courts. $7696 60; for sundry ex
ponses in the tnonrh of April, 1875, ap
proved as above, $150 60; for mileage of
forty convicts transported to the State Peni
tentiary. aud six officers in charge of same
approved as above, $476
.. ... ...... r\ I
William Brown, tarnishing ice to The De
irtment of Ioiprovement , i in the month Of I
partment of Improvement*!
April. 1S75, approved, $6 7j0.
G. Gasan avt . recorder of deaths, etc., for
recording deaths in the month of April,
1875, approved, $55 50.
Pay roll of city pbyeioians for the month
of Aprii, 1874, as per roll approved by the
of $100.
Administrator of Police, $100.
Grand total $17,976 65.
An ordinance providing for the payment of
the pay rolls of the Department of Itn
a rovements. for the fifteen days ending
[ay 15, 1875.
Be it ordained. That the sum of $11,965
be and is hereby appropriated to pay the
labor and cart hire rolls ot the Department
of Improvements, tor the fifteen days end
ing May 15,1875, as per certified rolls ap
proved by the Administrator of Improve
ments, and that the Administrtor of Publio
Accounts warrant on the Administrator of
Finance in payment of the same.
Bureau of Streets, labor----$7,560
Bureau of Streets, carts____ 3,225—$10,785
Bureau of Wharves and
Landings, labor........... $807
Bureau of Wharves and
Landings, carts........... 75— 880
Bureau of Drainage, labor.. 300
An ordinance providing for the payment of
laborers and cart hif# in the Department
of Improvements, omitted in the months
of March and April, 1875.
Be it ordained. That the sum of $1539
be and is heteby appropriated to pay the
labor and cart hire rolls of the Department
of Improvements omitted in the months of
March and April, 1875, as per certified rolls
approved by the Administrator of Improve
ments, and that the Administrator of Public
Accounts warrant on tbe Administrator of
Finance in payment of tbe same.
Bureau of Streets, labor. $899 75
Bureau of Streets, carts. 365 75—$1265 50
Bureau of Wharves and Landings,
labor............................ 273 50
Total.........................$1539 00
The undermentioned petitions and com
munications, presented by the Mayor, were
severally referred as follbws:
From H. Kern, tor permission to erect a
bakery at No. 174 Laurel street; taxpayers
and residents of the upper portions of the
Fifth and First Districts, for the establish
ment of a ferry, etc. To the Administrator
of Commerce.
From Dr. C. B. White, president of the
Board of Health, transmitting extracts
from the monthly report of Dr. Holt, sani
tary inspector. Fourth District, and the
special report on the condition of dairies in
the Fourth District. Referred to a joint
committee composed of the Administrators
of Commerce and Improvements.
From \Y. Gourdain, proposing to sell to
the city certain property for the opening of
a stri ct. To the Administrator of Improve
From I'. Leblanc. A. Chastant, M. D.
testamentary exeentor; 8. Beiden, attorney
(or J. Andrews, tor reduction of assess
ments. and from M. Condram, asking to lie
refunded a tax paid by him in error. To
tho Admin.atrator of Assessments.
1 From citizens, asking the ereo'ion of two
gas lamps on First, between C'hrondelet
and Baronne streets. To the Administra
tor ot Police.
From Carrollton Steam Fire Company
No. 1, asking for the erection of a stable.
To the Administrator of Waterworks and
Public Buildings.
From E. Quinn, secretary of Firemen's
Charitable (Association, Board of Commis
sioners, Algiers, asking the reconsideration
of their application for hose. To the com
mittee of the whole.
From A. Ive, to be relieved from paying
his taxes on aoeount of overflow in 1370 and
1871; C. and A. Dnohampts, for remission
I °f 44 aterworks of New Orleans with a
| °' i reduc ' [ i 1 2 the eily indebtednees, as
, U11<1 eity would give us a fifty
of penalties of tax sf 1874, eta.; B. R. tor
man, attorney tor Mrs. A. M. Heenan, rela
tive to back taxes, eto.; Felix Labatut,
asking for the payment of the interest due
to the holders of the Waterworks bonds.
To the Administrator of Finance.
The following communication was re
oeived and nn », ,
ceivea, ana, on motion of Mr. Pilsbnry,
was ordered to be spread on the minutes
and referred to the oommittee of the whole:
Kansas Crrr, Ma, May 5, 1875.
To his Honor the Mayor of Now Orleans:
I have noticed several allusions in the
papers of a desire on the part of the city
authorities of your oitv to lease or dispose
nt II'.. ____1____ f »Y /> a
1 as g et the works placed upon a first
elas9 lo "ting as to capacity, eto. If such ii
I the case, aud the city would irive ns a fifrv
veaP i„„' „ i j "iT„i j 6 . 9
| „ nri ,^|„ ^ ° n ,'' e a P d
' **■ — ~ -
reservoirs, lay additional
reorganize and rearrange tbe whole sys
tern. We would build new maohin
ery, new reservoirs, lay additional
P ipe ' .~ 0 . as *° f' ve the whole city a
_ bountiful supply ot pure well settled and
I dear water for all public and private uses.
We would rearrange the present system so
I that water would be taken to tbe top stories
I 01 y°ur hi^hfjet hotels and houses. We
would build settling reservoirs and filtering
arrangements so that when completed you
I would never have aDy ijuud^v water, and
arrangements so that when completed you
I w ould never have any muddy water, and
I always a bountiful supply. We have just
completed a magnificent system of water
this company, costing $1,250,000.
I would bo pleased to have you lay this
matter before your City Council, and if
they thick well of it I will come at once
with our chief engineer and the attorney
for the company, look the ground over and
submit a plan and make a proposition tor a
lea«e of the works.
7. J worKH.
AH kinds ol materials entering into tbe
I construction ot waterworks are cheaper
__now than thev will he tor years acrain
I therefore, prompt action is deJtrabie in the
Awaiting your favors I am, yours truly,
President National Waterworks Company,
of New York.
Address me at Kansas City, Missouri.
To the Hon. Charles J. Leeds, Mayor:
At a meeting of the grand council of the
Mechanics and Workingmen's Association
of Louisiana, held on the tenth, the follow
ing resolution was adopted:
Iicsolred, That the secretary of this asso
ciation call upon his honor the Mayor
and request him to furnish tbia association
^ohde 1 ?a t rtme t nt , t 0 b ffiCer8 and
each department, their occupation and sal
_ _ __________
I ary; also their residence, the number of
carts in each district, and the names of the
"y# A
I and the amount of wages thev receive.
I Secretary Mechanics and Workingmen's As
I sociation ot Louisiana.
1 „„ r VI tvi
Received, on motion of Mr. Pilsbnry, or
dered to be SDread on the minutes and the
„ " 0 ' ,rBau Ule ""Rates, ana rue
Mayor to furnish the information asked for.
The Counoil then adjourned, to meet Fri
day, the fourteenth instant, at twelve
o'clock M.
J. H. HARDY, Secretary.
TAXES OF lsrj.
DtPARHfsjrr or Fi.tA.vcm,
City Hall, New Orleans, May 10, 1875.
pared, and will be published in a few days
according to ISw.
Taxpayers are invited to settle while it is yet
time. ED. PILSBURY, Administrator,
ntvll lot
Libhthoosk Inspector's Officr,
No. 6 South Rampart a
New Orleans, La., May :
r's Officr,
rt street,
*.T 12, 1875.
r\ I ^ tins office until twelve o'clock M., on FRIDAY
De- May 21, 1875, for furnishing and delivering any ra
Of I tions that may beealied tor bv the inspector for
may be i-alied tor by the inepactor for
temlers, light vessels aud lighthoustg in the
high'li Lighthouse District, for one vearfrom the
first dav of July, 1875. to the thirtieth June, 1876.
inclusive. The rations to be of good aud approved
quality: to be delivered alongside of thelighthouse
tender, or other vessel provided for the purpose,
at New Orleaus, Louisiana, in good and sufficient
packages, barrels, boxes, and cases, and in good
order, for the number of persons which will be
specified by tho inspector for each vessel or light
house, ouce a quarter, or when required, tree of all
expense to the United States, agreeably to tpecifi
catiousand tables attached thereto, whicn will
form a part of the contract, copies or which may
be had bv applying at this office.
All bids must be sealed and indorsed "Proposal*
for Rations for Light vessels,'' etc., and then
placed in another envelope, and left at er directed
'o this office, prepaid if sent bv mail.
By order of the Lighthouse B >ard.
Commander United States Navy and Lighthouse
Inspector. my 12 6t
Dkpaktmknt of Fixanci,
New Orleans, May 5, 1875.
M atured coupons will be paid on and
after the fifteenth instant.
ray6 td ED. PILSBURY, Administrator.
Dzpartrrxt of Policr, j
New Orleans,- May 7, 1875. ]
Ponnd. coraer of Lafayette and Locust
streets, on the third of May, 1875—
ONE COW, with black and white spots.
Which, if not claimed within five days, and the
expenses thereon paid, he will be sold at public
auction, at said pound, on THURSDAY, May 13,
1875 at twelve o'clock M.
No. 78—my8 td D. MCCARTHY. Administrator.
Mr. W. F. PIPPEY being associated in business
with us, tbe style of our firm from and after th is
date will be HEATH, PIPPEY A LARA.
Respectfully, HEATH t LARA.
Referring to tbe above, we beg to express to our
patrons our grateful appreciatio 1 of their past fi
vers, aud respectfully .iolioit a continuance of the
our stock is large and carefu iy selected, and
comprise* UPHOLSTERY GOOD-i of all kinds,
WALL PAPER in great variety. WINDOW SHADES
FRAMES, and MOULDINGS of all kinds.
These goods have been purohaaed at the LOW.
ESP CASH PRICES, which enables us to offer great
inducements to those in need ol goods in our liue,
97 and 99......Camp Street......97 and 99
my2 im
United ^tatr* Marshal's OrpicK ,)
New Orleans, May 12,1875. }
rrmm is to give notice that a war
X rant in bankruptcy hus been i&med out of the
Didtrict Court of tiie Unite*! Sra'es for the District
of Lonitsiana against the estate of I«;iiah D. Moore,
of Tliibodaux, in the parish of Lafourche, Mate
of Louisiana, a*! judged a bankrupt upon hie own
petition; that the payment of any debts and tiie
delivery ot any property bn ionising to said bank
rupt, to him. or for his use. aud the transfer ol
any property by him. are forbidden bylaw; that a
ig of the creditors ot said bankrupt, to prove
debts aud choose one or more aka:cnees of
his estate, will beheld at a court of bankruptcy,
to be hoidon on the twenty-seventh day of May, A.
I>. i375, at 12 M.. a? the Customhouse building.
New Orleans, be fore C. S. Kellogg. Register.
myl? 27 United-Statoe Marshal.
K*TATB OH FRANK 41. i)tiAK$£^iNO.
Unitbd Ntatf« Marshal's Ofptc*, i
New Orleans, May 3, 1375. i
T his is to givk notice that a v\ aukant
in bankruptcy lias been issued out of the Dis
trict Court of tho United Mares for the District
of Louisiana against tbe estate of Frank H. Drake,
of New Orleans, in the parish of Orleans, State of
Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt upon his own pe
tition; that the payment of any debts, aud the
delivery of any property belonging to said bank
rupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of
any property by him are forbidden by law; that a
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove
their debts and to cboeae one or more assignees of
his estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy
to be holden on the twenty-second day of May.
A. D. 1875, at lo A. M., at Ifo* 12 Exchange alley
New Orleans, before William Grant, register. '
„ 8. B. PACKARD,
my4 22 United States Marshal.
Knbert Mitchell vs. L. Michaelis.
F ifth district cocrt for the parish _.
Orleans, Ho. 6277.—By virtu*, of a writ of
fieri facia* to me directed by the honorable the
Pifth Diatriot Court for tho pariah of Orleans, in
tba above entitled causa. I will proceed to sell at
public auction, at the Merchant* a id Auctioneers'
re- __________________________
I Exchange,Royal street. between Canal aad Cun
tomhouse streets, in tbe Second District of ttiU
I w t, :, on ,¥ ONI '' v . Ma - V , 24 : 13 ' 3 - »t twelve o'clock
| The* RIGBT^oF ^ccuPAN^V^of ^he granite
ftont store* No. 33 Magazine atTeet and No. 96
Gravier .feet, in the First District of this eity,
expiring on the thirtieth of September next, 1875.
Seized in the above suit.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Pariah of Orleans.
m.vl2 16 20 23
Joaeph Brandner v«. Joseph Brngrre#
ii P"' Orleans. No. 769i.-Bv virtue of a writ of
I f* lz " re * n d "'c *• me directed by the houorable
the .sixth District Court for the parish of Orleans,
d I proceed to sell
- ..■•■*-•.......
I *t public auction, at the Merchant* aud Auction,
I J? r *' Exchange, Royal atroet, between Canal and
tbif^Uv 0 '^ saTURnav V. , .e. S «°?£* Di ? t I ict , of
a I o'clock M„ the following deacrioed property^to
I w>t— v s
I , fc A SPIn? PORTION of ground, attnated jn
so ^^y BMthS'v °More'*u now C^tiS!. 6 Jeaml
I and Caaacalvo, now royal.' street*; said portiou of
I ground is designated by the letter A on a sketch
5 A5 J -^ sarreyor of
of'Moreau uow
| and measures, jn American measure, mtv five tee t
SfMoiSmi now Chartres, aad Bartbeiemr atreets
I and measures, in American measure, utfcy five teet
I trontonaaid Moreau, now Chartres, street, by a
1 d ®P tfa one buudred and ninety-six feet two inqjiea
rights, ways and privileges thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining, without exoepriou or
reservation. BeiDg the same property which the
defendant herein acquired bv purchase from Mr.
and Mrs. Nee. aa per act dated tilth April, 1873, and
passed before O. Drouet, notary public in this city.
Seised in tbe above suit.
Terms—1. In cash for a sufficient amount to pay
plaintiffaclaim, sav the sum -.f oue thousand doj
1 1*10, with interest thereon at eight per cent per
I annum from the fifth day of April, 1874, till the
I day of sale, live per cent attorney's fees, costa ol
copy ot act and costs of suit,. 2. The purchaser to
-------- —
mortgage on said propel ty.'each for. the sum of
$ l«nu. dated ou the fifth day of April. 1873, drawn
by deft-udaut to hi* own order and indorsed by
himself, aud payable, respectively, three aud four
years after date, and bearing interest at seven per
cent per annum from date till paid. 3. And the
balance of the price of adjudication, if auy, caali
on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Pariah of Orleans.
myl2 33 30 je!2
Aiuus tie Jfoucbei. Widow ol cUurien b'
Berens, vs. Jean Lestrem.
Orleans, go.. 7415.—By virtue of a writ of
fieri faciaB to me directed by the houorable
the Sixth District Court for the parish of Orleans
I Exchange, Royal street, bet ween Canal and Cus
____ _________
I tomhouse'streeta,'"in Vhe" Second iiistiict^"of thTi
I clfy ' on SATURDAY, June 12 . i«S. at twelve o'clock
I District of this city, said lot of ground heine desig
| pated _ as .number fin-in square number fifty six.
I ^Mm^on^plan'dravrnb" L.^* , pi*eMate t <leputy
I surveyor, dated December2, 1844, an*l deposited in
I the office of Jules Mossy, notary public in thla city
I and measures twenty-eight feet five inches front on.
I each Orleans and St. Peter streets, one hundred nod
1 fourteen feet five inelies six ltn...in rtenih
fourteen feet five inches sixltDuain depth bhtweeu
parallel lines, American measure, whieh property
whs acquired by the defendant herein by purchase
from the succession of Liicien Guillanme Hi ligsberg
aa per act passed before Jules Mossy, notary public
in this city, under date ol Auguit 17,1848.
Seized in the above suit.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
mvll 16 23 jel2 Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans
The dry of New Orleans vs. Cornelius
Fellows; same vs. same; same vs. same; asm e
vs. same.
of Orleans, Nos. 10,617, 10.618. 10,620 and
10,621. — By virtue of four writ*' sf fieri
facias to me directed by the honorable the
Superior District Court for the parish of Orleans,
in the above entitled causes, for city taxes of
1862, 1863, 1884 and 1863, I wfil proceed to sell at
B ublic auction, and the Merch'utsand Auctioneer*'
Iveliange, Royal atreet, between Canal.aud Cns
tomhouse streets, in the second Districtott Ilia city,
on FRIDAY, June 11, 1875, at twelve o'clock M.,
th* following described property, to wit—
the Firat District of this citv, in square number
two hundred and twenty seven bounded by Ura
vier. Common, Carondelet auil Baronne streets,
measuring thirty feet on Oravier street, by one
hundred and titty-four feet in depth.
Seized in the above suits.
Terms—Cash ou the spots '•
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans,
■yll 23 jell
E. de Livaudnia. curaior, v». Succeasius
of Thomas B. Lee.
E. de Livaudnia. curaior, v». Succeasius
of Thomas B. Lee.
Orleans. No. 7558 —By virtue of a writ of at izure
and sale to me directed by the honorable ;he
Sixth District Court for the parish of Orleaus, in
the above entitled cause, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and
Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between
Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second
Districtot this city, 011 SATURDAY. June 5, 1875,
at twelve •'cloek Al., the following described prop
erty, to wit—
I, A LOT OF GROUND, with the buildings and
improvements thereon, and all the rights, ways,
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
situated in the First District of tins citv, in the
square bounded by Giro*!, Lafayette, r.ar'onae and
Carondelet streets, and measuring fiftv-two feet
seven inches two lines front on Carondelet street,
the same width in the rear, by a depth and front
od Girod street, of whieh it forms the comer, of
eighty-five feet three inches one line, between
parallel lines.
buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways,
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
situated in the same square, and measuring thirty.
one feet eleven inches five lines, front on Girod
street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty-eight
feet eleven inches three lines, between equal and
parallel lines; the whole in oooforinitv with a
sketch or plan drawn by W. Thornton Thompson.
| late deputy city surveyor, on the twenty-fourth of
Which saM properties defendant acquired by
purchase from John Burnside, as per act dated the
twenty-first of Alarcli, 1873, and passed before Theo
dore Guyol, notary public in this city.
Seized in the aoove suit.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Pariah of Orleans
my4 16 23 je5
Charles Buhler vs. Joseph Krleger.
of Orleans, No. 43,312.—By virtue of
fieri lacias to me directed
writ of
<y the houorable the
Fourth District Coun for the Parian of Orleans, iu
the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at
public auction, at tbe Merchants and Auctioneers'
exchange, Ro.val street, between Canal aad Cus
tomhouse atreets. in the Second District of this
city, on SATURDAY, June 5,1875. at twelve o'clock
, the following described property, to wit—
TWO LOTS OF GROUND, with all tbe improve
ments thereon, situated in tbe Faubourg St. Jo
seph, in the Sixth District of this city, designated
by tiie numbers ten and eleven of square number
eleven, bounded by Penistod, General Taylor, Mag
azine and Camp streets, on a plan deposited in the
office of James Graham, notary public in this oity,
as plan number one hundred and forty. Said lots
arijoin each other, and measure, each, thirty-two
feet live inches trout on Magazine street by one
hundred and twenty feet in depth between par
allel lines, lot number ten forming tbe corner of
Magazine and General Taylor streets. Which
property waa acquired by tbe defendant herein by
purchase from Thomao Peniston, tutor, per act
passed before said notary, James Graham, dated
the twenty-fourth of February, 18MU.
Seized in the above suit.
Terms—Cash ou the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.
my4 1G 23 i 5
Th© City of New Or lean* vs.
Loew; 6axne vs. same.
of Orleans,Jlos. 21,118 aud6ti,93i —By virtue of
two writs of facias to me directed by the
honorable the Superi »r District Court. for the
parish of Orleans, in the above ent itled causes, for
:ity taxes of 1865 and 1^71* I will proceed to sell at
public auction, at tin* Merchants and Auction-era'
Exchange, Royal t wee t, be Tween Canal and Cus
tomhouse streets. in the Second District of this
city, on MONDAY, June 7, 1875, at twelve o'clock
the following described pV.tpenv, to wit—
the Second fhbtrfct of this city, in <|iiare number
o hundred and i wenty-ninn. bounded bv Bayon
road, 1! >mau, Derbigny tind Hospital streets; o.it
luring thirty feet on Bayou road, b> one
lr-«] and twenty f»*»* in ch >th; the other lot
>g fifty-four feet on Hospital street, by
,ine f v feet in depth.
ml District of this city, in sijuare num
two hundred and two and two hundred ,-tnd
three, b Winded bv B yofi road. Clafbnrrm, Hsplan
ad-, Derbigny and Barracks streets, designated as
ber twelve, measuring sixty fret on Bavou
' road, bv one hundred and TQ^rteen feet iu depth,
fe zed in the above suits.
Terms—Cash on the ppot.
mv4 16 jofi Civil SVenfcflf P»n -h r,' Orleans
The < »ty «;l >e,v Oife..u» vs. r<tni riurid;
same vs. same; same vs. same.
S uperior district court for the parkh
of Orleans, Nos. 65.985, 58.300 and 73,876.—By
virtue of three writs of fieri facias to me directed
r-T tiie honorable the Superior District Gottrt lor
the parish f Orleans in the above eriti'led cause*,
lor city taxes of 1871,1373 and 1874,1 will proceed to
sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auc
tioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between Canal
and Customhouse streets, in the .Second District of
this eity, ou MONDAY. June 7, 1875, at twelve
o'clock SL, the following described property, te
in the Firat District of this city, in square number
six hundred and five, bounded by Palmyra, Broad,
Banka and White streets, designated as lots nun
ben seventeen to nineteen, measuring each
twenty-five feet, by one hundred feet in depth.
Seized in tbe above snita.
Terms—Cash on the spot*
my4 16 j«6 Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.
Co * V8 tJlem Bobrmann et aL: and
T - Widow Henry Dierker—
5 ltth ^ 8t *: ,ct Court for the pariah of OrisaiK.
Wos. 6060, 6061, 6078 and 6079. '
Joh ° , k Sons ts. Widow H. Dierker et sL~
Seeoud Justice Court for the parish of Orleans
ke. 7io. ■
^ rit °/ fleri ,ae *ss *» directod bjr
c **® district and j ugtice'a courts lor the parlatt
or Orleans in the above entitled causes audnnr
auant to an agreement entered into between tU*
parties interested therein. I will proceed to Boll at.
public anction, at my warebouae. No*. 23 ^ 25
Orleans street, between Royal aud Bourbon
streets, in the Second District of this city on
WEDNESDAY, May 12, 1875, and succeeding daws,
at live o'clock P. M.. the following described prsa
erty. to wit— r
new, taken (Vum The coiner of Elysiau Fields aad
Moreau streets, as per inventory which saay t»
seen.in my office.
Term*—Cash on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Or leant,
myl 4 8 12
YsnbrI C'liery de
Charles D. Leeeli.
Phelps wa.
Orleaus, No. 7464.—By virtue of a writ of seizure
ar.d sale to me directed by the honorable the
Sixth District Court Mr the pariah of Orleans, is
the ab *ve entitled cause. I will proceed to well at
public auction, at tbe Merchants and Auction
eers' Exchange. Royal strtef, between Canal aud
Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this
city, on WEDNESDAY. Mav 12, 1875, at twelvv
o'clock 51., the following deac ibed property, to
improvements thereon, situated in tho Sixth Dis
trict ot this city. Faubourg Riokerytlle, in th*
square bounded by Long, Valmont and St. George
streets and Peters aveune. Said lots are numbered
eleven, twelve, th.rteeu, fourteen, fifteen andate
teen. Lota numbers eleven, twelve, thirteen Md
fourteen front on Loug street. Lots number*
eleven, twelve and thirteen measure thirty ffeefc
front each on Long afreet by a depth of one hun
dred and twenty-one feet six inches four lines, be
tween parallel lines; lot number fourteen fores
the eorner It Loug and Valmout streets.andm$n
ures twelve teet one inch seven lines front on Lane
street, one hundred and twenty-one feet sixinebee
four lines in depth on the line' dividing ft from lob
number thirteen, one hundred and Iweutv-twe*
feet in deptb aud front on Valmont street by
twenty feet width in the rear; lota numbers fifteen
and sixteen adjoin each other in tbe rear of the
foregoing mentioned lota, and measure each thirty
feet four inches front on ValmoHt street by th*
same width in the rest; lot number fifteen amae
ures one hundred and tea feet iu depth on the line
that divides it fr. m lots numbers eleven, twelve,
thirteen and fourteen m their rear, and one hun
dred and tbirtw n fe#t in depth on the line whielk
divides it from lot number sixteen; lot nnmbee:
sixteen measures one buudred and thirteen feet in
depth ou the line dividing it front lot number fif
teen, and measures one hundred and fifteen foot
in depth upon the aide 1 ue nearest to fit. George*
atreet, aud being tbe same property purchased aw
defendant herein from L. A. Burgess, as per am
dated May 5,1873. and passed before A. 8. Beck,
notary publio in this city. *
Seized in tiie above suit.
Term* and Conditlons-1. In cash for a sufficient
amonnfto pay plaintiff's claim, say the snia of
two hundred and fifty dollars, with internet
thereon a'the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the fifth of May, 1873, until the day of aala.
five per cent on tbe aggregate thereof for attor
ney's fees, all the costs of suit and ot sale, and aih
the taxes due ou the property sold.
2. The purchaser to assume tjie pavment of ek
promissory note for two hundred and fifty dollars,
secured by uortgsgo and vendor's lien on said
property, dated fifth of May, 1873, and payable two
.years after date, with interest at the rate ot eight
per cent per annum from dsie until paid, and also
to assume the obligations or the act of sale aad
mortgage, "not to alienate;" and to pay fiye per
cent attorney's fees iu case of suit. etc.
3. And the balance of tbe price of adjudication,
if any, cash on tbe spot; and in case tbe prise bid
on the property should, after deduction of the
aforesaid fees, costs aud taxes in cash, bo less than
the aggiegato amount of the plaintiff's claim, with
interest as aforesaid and of the note to be assumed
as above described, then the purchaser to pay the
plaintiff's aforesaid cash claim, aud to assume the
afore described note pro rata to tbe extent of the
balance of his bid.
Seized in the above suit.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.
aplO 18 25 my 12
aplO 18 25 my 12
Widew Jeeepfe Nnntini. Natural Titftk,
etc., vs. Joseph A. Brown.
F ourth district court for the parish
of Orleans, No. 43.453.—Bv virtue of a writ of
seizure and sale to me directed by the honorable
the Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans
in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at
public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers'"
Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Cus
tomhouse (.treats. In tho Second District of this
city, on WEDNESDAY. Ma.v 12, 1875, at twelve
o'clock M.. tiie following described property, to
A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, wit* the build
ings auu improvt ments thereon and appurtenances
thereof, situated, io the Secoud District of this
city, in tiie square bounded by Customhouse.
Bienville, Tonti and Rocheblave streets, compris
ing three lots of ground, designated by the num
bers eight, nine and tenon a certain plaiideposited
iu the office of Walter H. Peters, late a notary
public iu this city, ss plan number twenty ttve,
which lots adjoin each other and measure, each,
twenty-five feet front on Customhouse street, by
one hundred foot deep, between parallel lines,
with th# use of an alley in the rtjar ten feet wjje,
running from Tonti te Rocheblave streets. Which
said property was acquired by defendant herein
as follows, viz: Lots numbeis eight and nine from
John Etinon, by act passed before Andrew Hero,
notary publio iu this city, on the eleventh of Sep
tember, I860: and lot number ten from the heirs
Of Mary E. Pasley, by art passed before the
notary, on th* twentv-niuth ot
♦d year.
tbe aaoie month
»SeuHii in the above suit.
Terms—Cash ou the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Urieaouk
aplO 18 25 rav!2
Octave Tulitmon and Kdmond de Vslnskt
vs. Eliza R. Lee, testamentary executrix ex
Thomas B. Lee.
F ourth district court nor the parisb
of Orleans, No. 43,438.—By virtue of a writ of
seizure and sale to me directed by the honorable
the Fourth District Court fos the parish of Or
leans, in the above qptitled cause. I will pro
ceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants
and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal street, between
Canal and Customhouse streets, in tiie Second
District of this city, on WEDNESDAY, Mav 12.1875,
at twelve o'clock M., the following described prop
erty, to wit—
A LOT OF GROUND with the buildings aad im
provements thereon, rights, ways, privileges and
appurtenances therenmo belonging, situated in
the Fiist District of this citv, iu the square
bounded by Baroune, Uuiou, Philippa and Perdido
streets, and designated as lot number four on •
sketch annexed to au act passed in the office of
Theodore Guyol, a notarv publio it* tills city, oa
the t wenty-fourth nf March I853 : the said lot hav
ing twenty-six fr* t front oo Baronne street, by one
hundred aud seventeen feet in depth on the side
of lot number three, and one hundred and twonty
one feet on the opposite side. Which said prop
erty was purchased from John Burnside by de
endant herein, as per act passed be tore said
notarv, Theodore Guvol, ou the twenty fifth of
May, 1872,
Sisizeu in the above suit.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
Civil Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans,
apl# 13 25 my 12
The City of New'Orleans vs. Widow J.C.
de St. Romes, same vs. same.
IO of Orleans, Nos. 63.784 and 67,014.—Bv virtue
of two writs of fiori lacias to me directed by tba
bouerable,the Superior District Court for the par
ish of Orleans, in th** shove entitled cause* tor
city taxes of 187J aud 1371, I wiii proceed to sail at
pub.ic auction at the Merchants and Auctioneers'
Exchange, Royal street, between Canal aud Cus
tomhouse streets, in the N**« nd District of tine
city, ou MONDAY, June 7, 1875, at twelve o'clock
M. fbc following described propertv. to wit —
the Second District of this city, in square flumher
fifty-one, bounded by Barracks, Royel, Chartroa
and Hospital streets, designated as lot number
eleven, measuring sixty five feet on Royal street
by otte hundred and five feet on Barracks street,
said lot ioiiuing the corner of Royal and Barracks
Seized in the above suits.
Terms—Cash ou the soot.
ni.Tt 16 j-6 Civil Sheriff'of tbe Parish of Orleans.
Terms—Cash ou the soot.
ni.Tt 16 j-6 Civil Sheriff'of tbe Parish of Orleans.
The City of >ew Oilenns v* Alfred Hen
nen; same vs. same; same va. same; same
same; sumo va aarne.
of Orleans, Nos. U.002, 10 365, 3400 , io.joj
—By virtu© of hw writs of fieri f.toi&fc to
*1 ire©tod by the honorable the Superior District
Court fur the parish of Orleans, in tin* above ent
tied causes, lor c tv taxi s or 1861. l-Vil 1863,1864
aud 1. 03, I will pr >re»*d to kv i at pub u auction,
tin- >! rchants and Auctioneers' Exchange, Royal
srrett, Vx-tween Canal and CuHfonib«»use
in the Second District of iliis eny, on .V ON DAY,
June 7, 1875 at twelve o'clock M., the f<>.lowing
described property, to wit —
the Second D.striC' of tins city, in Mjnare num
ber thirty five, bounded >• kov ;]. Customhouse
and Bienville street* and Exchange alley, tneas
tiring Thirt y-two teet front on Royal street, by one
hundred and tw. ' tv-six leet m depth.
St zed iD«thc above suits.
Toxins—Cash on the soot
my 4 16 .jeS Civil Sheriff of th** Pan.-*h of Or leans.
The I'ity of* New OrleanM
Carr; same vs. same; same,
Vf*. .John Nf,
vs. 51 r3. S. K.
of Orleans, Nos 11, r C'». 12 :;<>! and 76 077.—By vir
tue of three writs of fieri f*< ^ to me dir* c*e«i by
.the honor Able the Superior District Court tor tho
pariah of Orleans, in tM above entitled causes for
city taxes of 1870, 1871 and 1874, I will moceefi
to sell at public auction, the Merchants and
Auctioneers' Exchange, R6yal street, between
Cana! and Customhouse streets, in the .Second
District of this city, ou WEDNESDAY. June
18.5, at twelve o'clock Me, the following described
property, to wit—
aJ* 1 ^ ^fcRTAI* LOTS OF GROUND? situated !a
tbe Sixth District of this city, in square number
three hundred and ninety, bounded by St. Char lee,
Valence, Pitt and Cadiz streets, designated as lota
numbers eight to twelve, measuring one hundred
and twenty fire feet on 8t. Charles street, by one
hundred feet on Valence street*.
Seized in the above suits.
Terms—Cash on the spot.
mj5 16 je9 Civil Sheriff of the Parish ot Orio

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