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DEATH OF HOBART Cause of the Vice President’s Demise Directly Due to Angina Pectoris. Occurred Some Hours Before the End and He y Failed to Rally. Borrow at Washington Hews of Fatal Termination of His Illness Causes Gen eral Mourning. funeral Will Be Attended by the President and Many Public Officials. , Paterson, N. J., Nov. 22.—The death of Vice President Hobart, although not unexpected, came as a shock to the public generally, who were led to be lieve by recent reports that the patient •was improving or at least holding his own. The beginning of the end came during the previous afternoon, when there was a sudden failure of the heart, and from this attack Mr. Hobart never rallied. He had been sick for a long time and had suffered frequently from GARRET A. HOBART. heart failure and his strength had been undermined. Gradually the failure of the heart’s action became more appar ent and soon after midnight Mr. Ho bart became unconscious. He remained in that condition until his death, which was due directly to angina pectoris complicating myocarditis. At his bed side at the time were Mrs. Hobart and his son, Garret A. Hobart, Jr., together ■with Dr. William K. Newton and his Wife and Private Secretary Evans. Will Be Buried at Paterson. Owing to the prostration of Mrs. Ho- Vart the funeral arrangements have not !been completed. The only step decided Upon is that the services shall be held in the Church of the Redeemer at Pat erson and the interment in the family plot at Cedar Lawn, where the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart was buried several years ago. The church can accommodate not over 800 persons and as thousands will be eager to at tend the services it was suggested that they be held in the armory, which Will accommodate 3,000 persons. It is known, however, that Mrs. Hobart Wishes the funeral to be as quiet as pos sible and there is little likelihood that the programme will be changed. The mayor and aidermen of Paterson have suggested that the body lie in State at the city hall on Friday or Sat urday morning and this suggestion will probably be carried out. Fully 500 messages of sympathy have been received by Mrs Hobart. SORROW AT WASHINGTON. Announcement of Mr. Hobart’s Death Cast a Gloom Over the City. Washington, Nov. 22. —All the flags In Washington are half-masted out of respect to the memory of Vice Presi dent Hobart. The announcement of the vice president’s death, while not Unexpected, came as a distinct shock, and cast a deep gloom over the city where he was loved and honored. The Hews was first received at the White House 10 minutes before 9 o’clock in a private message from Paterson. The flag over the executive mansion Was immediately hauled down to half knast, and the doors of the mansion closed to the public. The president was deeply affected by the telegram announcing his colleague’s death and at once dispatched the sym pathy and consolation of himself and Mrs. McKinley to Mrs. Hobart. Mean time the sad intelligence bad been bul letined by all the newspaper offices, and the whole city was soon mourning the loss of the vice president. Cabinet Meeting Postponed. The members of the cabinet were made acquainted with the sad news as coon as the president himself was in formed by means of telephone from the White House. Secretary Hay hast ened over to the White House and had a private conference with the president •nd returned to the state department to give orders for the execution of the offi cial programme, so far as the govern ment is concerned. First Mr. Hay sent • private message to Mrs. Hobart ex pressing sympathy and condolence, and then gave his attention to the prepara tion of a proclamation announcing the death of the vice president to the peo ple of the United States. It was also necessary to convey the information to the nations of the world. This was the day for the regular cab inet meeting and the members gath ered at the White House at 11 o’clock, but the death of the vice president overshadowed all else and public busi ness was not mentioned. KNEW HE MUST DIE. Vice President Hobart Early Resigned to His Fate. Paterson. N. J.. Nov. 22.—Although many regarded Mr. Hobart’s illness in the early and later part of the year as serious, it was not until late in October that his family and friends began to despair of his life. Mr. Hobart was then informed of the fatal character of his malady—dilated right heart duct myocarditis—and he remarked: “Well, if it must be that I am to go, I may as well be resigned to my fate.” On the morning of Oct. 81 it was thought that the end had come, but the patient rallied and for more than a week continued to eat solid food with a relish. Three days ago, however, his appetite failed and he gradually grew weaker and weaker. He realized a few hours before he became unconscious that he was near to death and he said to those about the bedside: “I know that my time is nearly up, but death is welcome to me.” OFFICE REMAINS VACANT. No Provision For the Electiou of a Suc- cessor to Hobart. Washington, Nov. 22.—8 y the death of Mr. Hobart, the office of vice presi dent of the United States becomes va cant for the rest of President McKin ley’s term, as the law provides no suc cession. A president pro tempore of the senate will be elected by that body when congress assembles. By law the succession in the event of the president’s death devolves upon the secretary of state, the next of line be ing the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of war, then down through the list of cabinet officers in order of precedence fixed by act of congress when the death of Vice President Hen dricks disclosed the necessity of such provision. LAST TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Funeral of Vice President Hobart Will Be Largely Attended. Washington. Nov. 22.—Vice Presi dent Hobart’s funeral on Saturday will be attended by the president and his cabinet, the supreme court, the senate in a body and a large committee from the house of representatives, besides many other high dignitaries of the gov ernment, who will journey to Paterson to pay their last tribute of respect tc the memory of the vice president. Every senator has been invited to be present and the senate will meet at the Fifth Avenue hotel, New York, Satur day and thence travel in a body to Pat erson. WILL ALWAYS LIVE THERE. Dewey** Transfer of His Home to Hi* -Son Provide* for Proper Succession. Washington, Nov. 22.—George G. Dewey, Admiral Dewey’s only son, is now the owner of the residence pre sented to the admiral by the American people. Papers were prepared and signed during the day by which Mrs. Mildred Dewey transferred all rights and title to the property known as 1747 Rhode Island avenue, this city, to George Goodwin Dewey. This is the property which Admiral Dewey trans ferred to Mrs. Dewey Monday. In ex planation of the transaction a relative of the Dewey family made this state ment: ••Admiral and Mrs. Dewey have transferred to the former’s son the title to the home presented to the admiral by the people of this country. It will continue to be the home of the admiral and Mrs. Dewey so long as he may live. “It may be desirable now to say that it was the wish of both the admiral and Mrs. Dewey to provide for a proper succession to the property. By all those interested in the matter the method of transfer adopted was considered the best and safest that could have been adopted.” DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. Dinner of the New York Chamber ol Commerce Largely Attended. New York, Nov. 22.—The 131st an nual banquet of the New York cham ber of commerce was held at Delmoni co’s during the evening and brought to gether 500 representative business men of New York. There were also a num ber of distinguished guests, including Governor Rooesvelt, Senator Thomas C. Platt, Senator Chauncey M. Depew, ex- Speaker Thomas B. Reed, Whitelaw Reid, President Seth Low of Columbia university, President A. T. Hadley of Yale university. Major General Wesley Merritt and John Barrett, ex-minister to Siam. Toasts were responded to by Governor Roosevelt, ex-Speaker Reed and Whitelaw Reid. UNITE ON OTHER ISSUES. Chicago Gold and Silver Democratic Or ganizations Get Together. Chicago, Nov. 22. The Iroquois club, gold Democratic exponent, and the Monticello club of free silverites, both prominent local political organiza tions, have buried the tomahawk and consolidated on the slogans of anti trust and anti-imperialism as drafted at the Monday meeting of the National committeemen. The invitation to con solidate was extended by the Iroquois club three weeks ago and has now been formally accepted by the Monticello club. AGUINALDO GETS AWAY. Escaped (Between the Forces of Young and Wheaton. Manila, Nov. 22. —Aguinaldo has escaped between Generals Young and Wheaton. General Young is pushing towards Bay am bong. lowa Apple Dealers Lose Heavily. Omaha, Nov. 22. Reports from Southwestern lowa, which is one of the heaviest apple producing sections of the country, indicate that dealers have suf fered heavy losses through the sweat ing and subsequent rotting of apples. MANKATO FREE PRESS CARD OF THANKS. The Ladies’ Relief society cleared $340.00 by the charity ball of Friday evening. The sincere thanks of the ladies are due to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder for gener ously donating the use of the hotel, to the Free Press and Review for much assistance through the papers, and to the friendly citizens whose cordial patronage will enable the society to supply the wants, of the needy for many months. Ladies’ Relief Society The following is from the Pipestone Star: A traveling man, who claims to know what he is talking about, said last evening that the report published in the Star an evening or so ago, in re gard to the discharge of four main line Omaha conductors was untrue. He said: “Of the number mentioned as discharged, Kingsley is the only one not now in the service of the company, and he quit of his own accord, to en gage in other business. Cox is on a vacation, asked for by himself; Stead man has been transferred temporarily to a freight run between St Paul and Mankato, and Monty is ill in bed of lumbago. SIOO,OOO to loan on lands. Lorges time, lowest rates, easiest way for pay ment ever devised. Call on or address W. W. Weller, Rapidan, Minn. BUCKWHEAT WANTED. We are in the market for buckwhea and will pay the highest market prices at all times. Hubbard Milling Co, Dr. Downing, Formerly of New York, Now of Chicago and Minneapolis, The most reliable and successful sur geon and specialist in the treatment of certain chronic, nervous and Special Diseases. By request of many friends and patrons will visit MANKATO, MINN. Tuesday, Dec. 19 Consultation free. No money required of responsible per sons to begin treatment. Dr. Downing, President of the Down* ing Medical Association and Ger* man* Medical and Surgical lnsti> tute, Chicago, Illinois. Thi* eminent expert specialist, well and favor ably known throughout the United States for the many wonderful cures of all forms of Chronic, Nervous aud Special Diseases that baffled the skill o 4 'other physicians and specialists, ably assisted by a full staff of skilled physicians and expert specialists, whose experience in the largest hos pitals of both Europe and America, enable them to successfully treat obscure and chronic dis eases. Their long experience, remarkable skill and universal success entitles them to the confi dence of the afflicted everywhere. X RAY EXAMINATIONS. Our offices have the most complete electrical apparatus in the west, including a most power ful and perfect X Ray machine, with which the innermost organs of the body may be readily seen and examined. Obscure and difficult dis eases positively diagnosed. Cure When Others Fail. Diseases of the Eyes and Ears, Granulated Lids, Cataract, Cross-eyes straightened yum ui danger. Discharging Ears, Deafness, etc., Dis eases of Nose and Throat, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Diseases of Stomach and Liver, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Billiousness, Jaundice, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Blood and Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Pimples, Blotches, Eczema, Ulcers, etc. Nervous Diseases, Head ache, Hysteria, Insomnia, Lack of Vitality, Nerv ousness, . Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Functional Heart Disease, Palpitation, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Heart Pains, etc. Glandular Diseases, Tumors, Abnormal Grow,.., Cancers cuied with out pain—new method. Piles and all Rectal Dis eases. Diseases of Women, Deformities, Lack of development of any organ. Small and weak parts enlarged and strengthened. Mlddle-A&ed and Younj Men, suffering from Lost Manhood, Nervous or Phy sical Debility, Seminal Weakness, Lost Vigor, Decline of Manly Powers, Drains, Discharges and Losses. Varicocele and all the train of evils resulting from Excesses, Errors of Youth, etc., producing some of the following effects, as Nerv ousness, Weakness, Emissions, Pimpies and Blotches, Debility, Dizziness, Defective Memory, Absence of Will Power, Confusion of Ideas, Aver sion to Society, Sexual Exhaustion, Pain in the Back, Dreams, etc , blighting the most radiant hopes, rendering marriage unhappy and busi ness a failure; sweeping thousands to an un timely grave. No matter who has failed, consult the doctor. He has cured thousands when they had given up in dispair. A Perfect Restoration Guaranteed. Consultation sacredly confiden tial. Delays are dangerous. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating mar. riage, who are aware of physical defects or weak nesses which would render marriage a disap pointment, would do well to call. WEAKNESS. In many cases drains occur unobserved by the sufferer. To this hidden drain upon the vitality may be attributed the cause of many diseases ot the nerves, stomach, heart, kidneys and bladder LADIES. We have long given careful attention to the treatment of diseases peculiar to women,and our method of treatment has been universally suc cessful. No lady, married or single, need hesi tate to call for consultation, either alone or with a friend. REMARKABLE CURES perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treat ed. No experiments or failures. Free Exami nation of the Urine, chemical and microscpical. in all cases. Bring specimen of urine. Cases and correspondence strictly confidential and medicine sent to any part of the United States List of questions free. Address with postage. DR. DOWNING, CHICAGO. ILLS • IMPROVED FARMS, Pitt Mi Will® IN THE HI OHM HOI. Special Bargains in Dairy Lands near Railroad, Creamery, Churches and Schools. Low Prices and Easy Terms. For maps and full particu lars address JOHN K. WEST, DETROIT. BECKER CO.. MINN. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following warranty deeds have been filed: Fred Pape to James D. Dempsey, p|, sw|, sec. 7, Pleasant Mound, for $2 800, Lena McLean to Wm. Thomas, same, for $1 Edwin C. Hamlin to Lena McLean, lot five, block eight, Fairview addition to Lake Crystal, for sl. Mary Burroughs to Geo. H. Johnson, one acre in .el, sw|, sec, 8, McPherson, for SSO. Wm. N. Plymat et ale. to John Schim mele, lot five, block five, Berry & Ply mat’s add. to Mapleton, for SIOO. The latest out -anti tipover bob sleighs, sold by J. G. Koller at whole ale price. OFFICERS ELECTED. Blue Earth encampment No. 8, I. O O. F., held its annual election of offi cers Friday, followed •by refresh ments. The following were chosen: C. P.—C. L Kennedy. S. W.—S. Nelson. J. W.—N. Spenger. H. P.—Otto Koke. S. W. Wilcox. T. —H. R. Weicking. Nov. 17 24-Dec. 1-8-15-22-29 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed by Ernest C, Wickersham, (unmarried) mortgagor, to the Mankato Mutual Building and Loan Associa tion, a corporation duly created aud existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Minnesota, dated'’June 18th. 1895 and recorded in the oilice of the register of deeds in and for the county of Blue Earth and state of Minne sota, on the 19th day of June. 1895, at $ o’clock a. m. in. book 15 of mortgages, on page 365, by which mortgage there was conveyed and granted the following described real estate in the county of Blue Earth aforesaid, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eighteen, (18) in township one hundred aud eight, (108) north of range twenty-six (26) west, running thence east on the north line of said forty acres, two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet, thence south at right angles to said north line two hundred and forty-seven (247) feet, thence west two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet to Byron street, thence n->rth along Byron street two hundred and forty-seven (247) feet to the place of beginning to secure the pay ment of the sum of two thousand dollars with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, according to the conditions of a certain bond bearing the same date as said mortgage, made by said Ernest C. Wickersham to said Mankato Mutual Building and Loan association, and there being due and unpaid on said bond and mortgage at the date of this notice the sum of two thousand and thirty eight and 45-100 dollars, all of which said mortgagee now declares to be due and payable to it, and no action or proceeding at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover said mortgage debt or any part thereof. Now. therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, and therewith record ed and of the statute in such Case made ami pro vided. the above described premises will be sold at public auction, at the easterly front door of ♦he court house in and for said county of Blue Earth and at the city of Mankato therein, on Saturday, the 30th day of December. 1899, at ten o’clock in the forenoon to satisfy the amount of said mortgage debt then due and un paid together with the costs and expenses of this ioreclosure proceedings including one hundred dollars attorney’s fees, as stipulated in said mortgage and said mortgage will be hereby foreclosed. Dated Nov. 13th, 1899. MANKATO MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee, Thos, Hughes, Attorney for Mortgagee. Nov 17 24, Decl ORDER FORBEARING AND NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Blue Earth, ss. In Probate Court. Special term, November, 13th, 1899. In the matter of the estate of Frederick Roberts, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Maria Roberts, of Mankato, Minnesota, rep resenting among other things, that Frederick Roberts, late of Blue Earth county, Minnesota, on the 28th day of October. A. D. 1899, at Man kato, Minnesota, died intestate, and being a resident at the time of his death, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is the surviving wife of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Thomas Hughes, g-anted. It is ordered, that said petition be heard be fore this court on Saturday, the 16th day of December, A. D. 1899, at, 10 o’clock a. m., at the probate office in the city of Mankato, in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publication of this order once in each week, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Mankato Free Press,a weekly newspaper printed and published at Mankato in said County. Dated at the City of Mankato, the 13th day of November, A. D. 1899. By the Court: [Probate Seal] WM.F. HUGHES, Judge of Probate FOR SALE, Going West to work. Want to sell nay farm farm, 880 acres, close to Belt rami Station, Polk county, Minn. 640 acres under cultivation; large pasture, fenced; Sand Hill river flowing through an artesian well, fine water; groves along river; no waste land; no crop failures, See plat, how convenient and finely situated; 450 acres plowed ready or crop. Price, 814,000. F. B. DYKEMAN, Staticn Agent, Lockhart, P. O„ Minn. Nov. 24 Dec 18 15 22 29 Jan 2 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having Been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, executed by Alexander W. Robinson and Maud Robinson his wife, mortgagors, to the Mankato Mutual Building and Loan Association, a corporation duly cre ated and existing under ana by virtue of the laws of the state of Minnesota, mortgagee, dated February 14th, 1896, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds in and for the county of Blue Earth, and state of Minne sota, on the 17th day of March, A. D. 1896, at 3:30 o’clock p. m., in book 46 of mortgages, on page 9, by which mortgage there was conveyed and granted the following described real estate situate in the county of Blue Earth aforesaid to-wit: Lot number two (2) of Jas. R Cum m ngs subdivision of part of lots nine(9) and ten (10) of block thirty-four (34) of Mankato, Minn., according to the plat of said subdivision on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds of said Blue Earth county, to secure the pay ment of the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, according to the conditions of a certain note bearing the same date as said mortgage, made by said Alexander W. Robin son to said Mankato Mutual Building and Loan Association, and there being due and unpaid upon said note and mortgage at the date of this notice the sum of twenty-four hundred fifty-nine and fO-100 dollars ($2459 50). all of which said mortgagee now declares to be due and payable to it. That said mortgagors have neglected to pay the taxes assessed and levied against said land before the same became delin quent. and said mortgagee was obliged to and did, on November 21st, 1899. pay said taxes against said land to the sum of one hundred and fifty-six and 42-100 dollars, and the same is dne and payable to said mortgagee, with eight per cent interest as provided in said mortgage, and no action or proceeding at law or other wise having been instituted to recover said mortgage debt or any part thereof and said de fault on the part of said mortgagors has con tinued for more than four months last past Now. therefore notice is hereby given. That bv virtue and in pursuance of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, and therewith record ed and of the statute in such case made and pro vided. the above described premises will be sold at public auction at the east front door of the county court bouse in and for said county of Blue Earth and at the city , f Mankato therein, on Saturday the 6th day of January. 4. D 1900 at', ten o’clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount of said mortgage debt, then due and unpaid, together with said on • hun dred and fifty-six and 42-100 dollars taxes paid by said mortgagee as aforesaid, with eight per cent interest thereon, from November 21st, 1899, together with the costs and expenses of such foreclosure proceedings, including seventy-five dollars attorney’s fees, as stipulated in said mortgage, and said mortgage will hereby be foreclosed. Dated November 21st. 1899 MANKATO MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Thos. Hughe,. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. Nev 24 Dec 1 8 ORDER FOR HEARING ON CLAIMS. CTATK OF MINNESOTA, County of Blue Earth—ss In Probate Court, special term. Nc vember 20th, 1899. In the matter of the estate of Kasimier Schaub, deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of said deceased being this day granted unto Augusta Schaub, of said county. It is ordered, That all claims and demands of all persons against said estate be presented to this court, for examination and allowance,at the Probate office in the city of Mankato, in said Blue Earth County, on the following day, viz : Wednesday.the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1900 at ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day. It is further ordered, That six months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to pre sent their claims against said estate, at the ex piration of which time all claims not presented to said court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred; unless for cause shown further time be allowed. Ordered further, That notice of the time and place of the hearing and examination of said claims and demands shall be given by publica tion of this order for three successive weeks prior to the day appointed for such examina tion, in the Mankato Free Press, a weekly news paper printed and published at Mankato in said county. Dated at the city of Mankato, the 20th day of November, A. D. 1899. By the Court: [seal ] WM. F. HUGHES, Judge of Probate. H. L. Schmitt, | Attorney for Executrix. ORDER FOR HEARING AND NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF MINNESOTA. County of Blue Earth, ss. In Probate Court, Special Term, Nov. 2nd, 1899. In the matter of the estate of Charles F. Lorins’, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Emily S. Loring, oiihe Village of Garden City. Blue Earth County, repiesentlng aiqong other things that C har es F. Loring, late of Blue Earth County Minnesota, on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1899, at Garden City, said County and State, died intestate and being a resident of this county at the time of his death, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is the surviving wife of said deceased, and praying tint ad ministration of said estate be to Georg, T. Barr granted. It is ordered, That said petition be heard be fore this court on Saturday, the 25th day of Novemter, A. D. 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the probate office in the City of said county. Ordered further, That notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by. publication of this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Mankato Free Press, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Mankato, in said county. Dated at the City of Mankato the 2nd day of November, A. D. 1899. . By the Court, Probate Seal. Wm. F. HUGHES, Judge of Probate Nov 3,10,17, 24, Dec 1 8 15 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, executed by Mary E. Souie and Sidney C.Soule.her husband, as mort gagors, to William H. Shepard, Fanny S. Gibbs and Reuben E. Robie as trustees under the will of William S. Shepard, deceased, late of Hath, Steuben Co., N. Y„ as mortgagees, dated De cember 21st, A. D. 1896, and recorded in. the of fice of the Register of Deeds in and for the Coun tv of Blue Earth in the State of Minnesota, on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1896, at 9:45 o’clock in the forenoon, in Book 43 of Mort gages on page 492, by which mortgage there was conveyed and granted the following described real estate, situate in the county of Blue Earth aforesaid, to-wit: Lot number fifteen (15) in North Row of Van Brunt’s addition to City of Mankato and lot number nine (9) in block number eighteen (18) in said Van Brunts’ addition to the City of Mankato, Blue Earth County. Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof duly tiled and recorded in the office of said register of deeds which said mortgage secures the payment of the principal sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, pay able annually according to the conditions of two promissory notes given for the sums of S6OO and SI,OOO respectively, with interest coupon notes attached to said SI,OOO note, bearing same date as said mortgage, made by said Mary E. Soule and Sidney C. souie her husband, to said William H. Shepard, Fanny S. Gibbs and Reu ben E. Robie as trustees under the will of William S. Shepard,deceased late of Bath,Steu ben county, N. Y. There is now due, and un paid upon said notes and mortgage at the date of t his notice the sum of Eighty «*vired and Seven ty-Five Dollars and FoRvS. ents, and the farther sum of One Thousand X. Seventy Dol lars will become due on Decetu\ 21st, 1899. and no action or proceeding atXyor other wise having been instituted to recover the amount of said mortgage debt or any part hereof; Now, Therefore, Notice is Hereby Given, that by virtue and in pursuance of a power of sale in said mortgage contained and therewith re corded, and of the statute in such case made and provided, the above described premises will be sold at public auction, at the Easterly front door of the Court House, in County of Blue Earth and at the City of Man kato therein, on Saturday the 16th day of De cember, A. D. 1899 at ten o’clock in the fore noon, to satisfy the amount of said mortgage debt then due and unpaid, together with the costs and expenses of such foreclosure pro ceeding, including Fifty Dollars attorney’s fees as stipulated in said mortgage; and the said mortgage will be thereby foreclosed. Dated November Ist, 1899. William H. Shepabd, Fanny S. Gibbs, and Reuben E. Robie as Tbubtees undeb the Will of William 8. Shepabd, Deceased, late of Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., Mort- gagees. WILLIAM THOMAS, Attorney for said Mortgagees. Mankato, Minn. ’ December I. 1 Nov. 10.17. 24. Dec 1. 8.15. 22 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the sum of six hundred and sixty-one dollars.which is claimed to be due and is at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed ana delivered by Annie Wickersham and M. R. ’’tckersham, mortgagors, to Elizabeth Jones and W illiam H. Jones, administratrix and ad ministrator of the estate of Hugh H. Jones, de ceased, mortgagee, bearing date the 24th day of July. 188 b. and with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Blue Earth and state of Minnesota on the 24th day of July, 1886, at 4 o’clock p. m., in book 2o of Mortgages, on page 51. Which said mortgage together with the debt secured there by was duly assigned by said Elizabeth Jones sole heir at law of said Hugh H. Jones and Wil liam H, Jones, both deceased, mortgagee and sole owner of said mortgage to Mankato’ Mu tual Building and Loau Association.a corpora tion underjthe laws of the state of Minnesota by written assignment, dated the fourth day of November, 1899, and recorded in the office of Said Register of Deeds, on the seventh day of November, 189 J, at o’clock 4 p. m., in book 51of mortgages, on page 134, and no ac tion or proceeding having been instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Now, therefore notice is hereby given, That by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises described in and conveyed by said mortgage, viz; Commencing at a point thirty-thn e (33) feet south and thirty-three (33) feet east from the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eighteen (18) township one hundred and eight (108) of range twenty-six (26) west, thence running east two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet, thence south one hundred and ninety-eight (198) feet, thence w st two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet, thence north one Hundred and ninety-eight (198) feet to the place of beginning in Blue Earth county and state of Minnesota, with the hered itaments and appurtenances; which sale will be made by the sheriff of said Blue Earth county at the easterly front door of the Court House io the city of Man kato in said county and state, on the 231 day of December, 1899, at 10 o’clock a. m., of that day. at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt of six hun dred and sixty-one dollars. and in terest, and the taxes, if any, on said premises, and twenty-five dollars, attorney's fees, as stipulated in and by said mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law; subject to redemption at auy time within one year from the day of sale as pro vided by law. Dated Nov. Bth, A. D. 1899. MANKATO MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Assignee of Mortgagee. Thos Hughes, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. a********************************** M t | CAMERAS I AND g PHOTOGRAPHIC 3> g SUPPLIES. 3! fc QUALITY ThFbEST. s : g PRICES THE LOWEST. 3 ! Writ* for our new catalogue. ZS i Special inducement* to dealers. Z 2 ' B W. J. DYER & BRO. 3 ! JOBBERS, Z 2 ! ST. PAUL, - - MINN. 3 I TH II HU takes the place 2 : IU KALUII OF PRINTING PAPER 3 ; J. O. ANDREWS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Office in Odd. Fellows Building, Mankato - Minn DR. M. B. WOOD. Dentist. Office corner Cherry and 2nd St. Mankato. Minn HOTEL VENDOME First Class. Central Loeation. EUROPEAN PLAN. 21 Fourth St. S„ Minneapolis. Kates—soc. 75, [sl.oo per Day. Sitting Room, Bed Room and Bath, $1.25 per Day. CAFE AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. THOMAS HUGHES. Attorney at Law. Special Attention given to Collections and Real Estate Law. s OFFICE IN BLOCK FOURTEEN. sß#»Telephoi e at office. MANKATO, - - - MINN. H. LORENZ. FLORIST. Roses and Cut Flowers always on Hand. Also House and Bedding Plants. Corner of State and Marshall streets. MankatoSteam Boiler Steel and Iron Works. Manufacture Steam Boilers and ail kinds of steel work. H. L. GREEIn, Mgr. J. H. JAMES, M. D. Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Residence 526 South 2nd. St. Office Second floor L. P. Hunt’s building Mankato - - Minn. Office hours 9—12 a. m. 2—4 p. m W. R. GEDDES. Attorney At Law. LOANS, REAL ESTATE. NOTARY PUBLIC Over Golden Lion [Store, Mankato] E. C. WICKERSHAM. Plumbers|Gas Fitters Water, Gas and Steam pipes and fittings kept in stock. Residences and Public buildings heated with Steam. H. L. SCHMIDT, LAWYER. Suite 1021. O. O. F. Block, MANKATO, MINN. MONEY TO LOAN -. • • &