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to 6024"y at 1U4, Waln- I ri ' bths.,srit$600 cuat busts 76 omta ,maem* aeracted wif neat ,asieabsm amu be albuuul& " a ssp du by asnowof he seumdly PAW puhlissND bes ass t wrposaas hr ha y~iuduin of see t eamblhh saw Rspsb a $ M s.m G d.. o pserstubi of i ppo to tU a .weet, whi5h mlswaaa petaf*i-hUt to w Vina5 itoto of ea Poo =I Iu .bio is -.M that asBo Pely Fda, which we ose. or dos, it -is reordd that -us elaaass, masasmpmm~tý sosi aYs bet lot, In wmsseawM of echoer *"Bob utosi hims d. t besmappbs We .hai drive ro ia as a du~iuJim is the.: ,s POICOY. o jahaks, the Loowinaazi awni abe l edecatso haussmaty sad bue d osni lrbty, asdauto sea biofm the law mad an in of bumor sad pare~agS to safljg adbaciate.. ofblitrat y of w bter peat of pusekotig TAS aes min as ohm.e sad b. :w.; shall advocato these * dual diadbmlis; feste hla asalmswfe, sksmlga 7mad..usat 131 peek fm eamsald- Jhun sir sad obet we aaed Soar Stg taSes,~ dreabs our noble * viable psa" ~msag hoire mawr £svdopmesat of be *Mble .smr. ha fdl beaab at ha iso iro heany Lad eeitsa eto w hemsry. mtthiew anbeso les lbety * psrumsof law, we mal va 1rtaucr~matiiag s eisattoa of TAXATIOW. Pat dodsseW10s of a s itible tam aesKasin dl h a datudal e*movmaem, ssamy7 *heapm umbft with i so dgmaissofhi f bad thi m10btgs of *MsY 1s Im0ATIOM. *i do lbs esytog out ere* pe. .et - ll~im -Wosa ,od =pmagepmmisiat defyhi 7 41537sl mwsetol "d ais "mayn ".:m , iaspbini hand OUR SALUTATORT. In seoumig the editerial chair of the Loszemax, in semlkig amocisdon with sof the qum is the YetrMohs of this St*t.. we or fully, .4 profoundly 0r=6ni0 of the manifol di olties, and pplexities which will obviously gqniron Wt path. We know that we shell And, we do not repose on a bed of res. We know that-reasonably, or nnres senably- s the conductor of a news paper, wa will be expected to exhibit the peassuiae of a combination of qulitiab. which no other abmaeter, is asked to shew. Without the hundred eyes of ivgus, we shall be required to ose every thing Divested of the wiidom of A pro, we shall yet be demanded to know everything. Not having the belligerence of afrs we hall be required to engage in evry encounter. We are not therefore insensible of the obligations and reaponsibilities which at tach to and surround our position. We shall not attempt to perform im possibilitiss, but we propose to bring to the discharge of our duties all the indus try, energy, and perseverance which we ean summon to' our aid. And if there can be any atonement for the absence of extraordinary attributes, we propose by singleness and sincerity of purpose, ear nestness of action, vigilanos, and conis tency of conduct, to make that atonement We shall at all times endeavor to se cure that position smong metropolitan journals, that our appearance will be looked for, and the "LounmazaX" sought after. We have briefy and sucaintly enu ciated our principles in our Proysectus and they need no repetition here. We shall disseminate all the useful in formation we may obtain, we shall inqul cate-and aid in the acquirement of that "self-knowledge without which we do not know where we stand, and are as supernumeraries, or instinctive followers, rather than, conscious, working members of the human rage, in our day and gsl eration. We propose then fully and freely to express our opinions on the various im portant topics which shall from time to time 1r sent tbagsmlves, and in our dic esusiona of publio measures, and the con 'duct of Public mnn, we will endeavor as far as possible to divest our minds, of "fear, favor, or affection." And now, '"accepting the sitation" with all its toils, immunities and respon sibilities, we truest to ise to the level of the encounter, we will endure hardships, and brave dangers, heroically struggling for the elevation of our people, the dif fusion of useful knowledge, and the ad a vancement of what we believe to be the best interests of the State. To ootemporarie we have a word to say we shall accord all the "courts ,ies of the calling," and we modestly soli at reciprocity. It will doubtless "come to pass" that we shall diflhr with our semiore on some points, it is not impoe sible that there may be a "keen qncont er of our wits," but we shall not degrade our olumns with vulgarims, or die pans. the curses of Billingagats. To the generel readsr we coumend our jorzhaal, Sand to the PubE we, we here make our r55peeIP't4& ) We must app. the indulgence of * supporters fo ick of that vaie ich a systa exhsagers will .masble ust * . Wethaveme A.vcred to make irat appearance asPresanteble as uld; we shall shortly ..ezrud uir with such -aids"as to enabl. dspemse with hum~iiting mmga of tbe Six - ' ; , imn to be mel -coished,, msont in a card in city papuw, dsmouaniag a sttmet made by the tpublicanaof the 1etb as "a deliberate, wiljul ad maliciouu le." sw-We have the pleasure of ashnow 3agg rhecmeipt of compliamentary Mschmbto~ G oumd aw~~ae Jtas t bepgven bj the ladies atthe dth Afr esm 3aptit wChae at the LIamean Wat Gravue aet, betwme Howard sad ENet sbls~ cm Sebdy, beesem ber UMh 1870 Cams Psnsaom:- Iient Governor 0. J. Dann left the city on Thurday last for Wshzington City. It i1 *urrently be. liBeed that his visit ti is oonfnion with the contemplated removal of thre minaent Republienn office huldes through the inhueace at Governor H. C. We. moth. It will be remembered that during the recent elarton haee, Meares S. B. Paekard, B. P. Joubert and C. W. Lo well, were opposed to the abrogatian of the article in our State Constitution, making the Governor ineligible for re election. They me said to have become objects of dislike to His Excellency, and ware likely to have al fallen ietims to his wrath. One only-Mr. Lowell--LM suffered deespitation, and rumor hee it that nothing further would or could be done till Lieutenant-Governor Dunn, went to Washington,-and he has gone. We shall se what we shall as, "Lot us hav. peass" Bishop Shorten' of the Africean 3tedw diet Episcopal Church has bea fin this City for the past few days. The Bishop is on his way to Texas to preside at the an nual conference of the ministers of his church, at the close of which he proposes to return to Louisiana to hold the an nual conference in this State, which wir aseemble in Plaquenine on the 29 o December : The Bishop in accompanied by th young, but secomplished Editor of tk Chr£iwden ReBorder, Rev. B. T. Tanner, Philadelphia, who is engaged in h rthe ing the interests of the Book Conce and of the Recorder. We had the gi tihoation of listening last Sunday on,. ing to an able, and eminently pr-at sermon from Mr. Tanner, at Turns Hall We are also informed that will be visited shortly by the Rev. B Young, who is engaged in raising fu for the endowment of a chair in Wib force University. That portion of Philadelphia knot . 'the gut"-the inters~etion of Tw third and Cheitant streete--obs: Thankagiving Day by mobbing tv ored regiments, the 117th and whichwere ua parade The rabble made the ssult were in turn, din from their lurking place by a t - oharge whereupon the police arrest . eralof the soldies Cul. Wage commanding officer ofthe brigwa tishes a ard is referees to the " in which hesays: "I have bees foad fault with foi sag my ocmr aad through this In reply ] would only may that w the ordesoifMajor-GenersalPrel msnding First National Guard 0 sylvania, in our route of parader the Provisional Brigade will an > as I hale the honor to comma " any point of difiaulty, it wit a through any portion of our it p duty requires it to do so, and r 1UOQ men with muskets in t and bayonets in their seabbs need the protection of the I P are able to protect ourselves I Had Gea: W.G. MedgetU uedstino~mmant of aBrigad f Militie we thank that, mas he would exhibit the qadlit a W sAvroter-who isnfo I Sfound himself inthe ' ? I Xechsanislnasitute, alew * i Sseeng several persoas wh' Linially got into conve . ' a "iai*wiepw~er," and while - & Sing with the"*W. P. he ask several new members a of ~pre~s'ntegr who wa rite ! Ulate for Spesher ti. ; * r uined, Bircb, sa LI' ,ov 'etbandF a the L'4wire 'was sup - and I andeve. . the C- . yig to theinme. "v <stud I want a cla. , thes." ?inaly our voter . th W. P. pulled him b whis Iprend as follows; " g r (urr, but the b useat Bqp.)srenot very~ sr my maa,aad m iay uaiteons. m -* fellow." sol want to bicmnth smh: ith whoever min The %. 'L terd 1 war anything but pies. " i addition to the demand for nvo .'. abreliss ware in general requisitic alter the peistrian from the wratl Tm al>A, bte for the U. a Senate is olainr ' ' ^+sd to thesupport of the I *se because his names is X the German Bepabli tat isme is Hahn, but than we I who the people want to pin -up ther I rarmoc.-Ool. C W. Sq ' ae giaeat of artillery (L out on Friday evening mu ldisry appearsance The is the recipient of a hand ec , such es was presented t noa 2nd and &rd Regiment ( nels Lewis and Ingraham .at the members of the ar t will asoept the advice of ast, and should occasion ig their services, that the a be found on the side of comer in our city, would be * that our young men were ns of millionaires, from the which they are wont to be ing about our stresta and in . iloons. A few days ago a t rho has graduated in the oess eiquity, with which this city was brought before one of our and was told by the Judge, he reformed, that he would be i Workhouse. Ai-young man and degradation lies in every u tread, when you, aim not at al, physical and intellectual ele rm literary societies, and other i :bona for your improvement, information and not dsgraa uUR COUESPONDENL. unicted.) SIMULTANEOUS. le appeeama the "JWew Orhuig 8umadersF Jay the 17th inst relatve to Mr Cam's a fur the Spmshmipsmea what sbanagely, sepisonaly, the mm ortela, websam, si the "NOW O.has RE uama sothe late, earied to the uSte awmed paper. ais the quiokset tes of copying from as inge on raeord, mad we ar pnssled to hew i was .esaomplished. Both paper. appossd to beadears d ti management. be sumas arlsspposes in both pape of ame dat "Tma Loutalems u * iote r" .blished simultaneoudy in New Orleans, (brruliton under one aisnspment, and we d somelads, from what I peesemted to us, S.a the ".w oas s Asua serd," sad the "N*ew lv .pl" ame pdbebml siaaes-n mu iew Odesas, every baturday wader the ne manmgagmnt, if ne, how will they *eseat : this imultuasesm arues New Orissa. Deember 17, 170. THE REASON WHY. *"From the dhameter sad abtty of the new Neses, it isvezy that to poemem that the sea lag seselo will be tsrbumt and hard to mee ag. "New Or7\e_ _a i Dee. 17, 1670." Net us kiead IMesard, teA.ream bewever to presume that afl lqiistag proposid wtlBbe -oe~l aemated, dieged belme beiag bmalypewed wpin byihearbuanshok ste nea eral Ambauy, eqpeimlay whom, we asimim that we havss a * ss," aeshemi a Qula, a Mehasey, a lassie., * Modery antis lase, aD of whommablets wumstle with thegiants Iaidebhse, andto als Allbeaer whmnitdaibsRb aseameey. ltimis Messe, yrnr ain--"may lahas e or bis Mueda," but thm esw bmw themamebsah ahinug ma misnseg.Iag hr blp udfL eh my bey. Gas JAw. (Counsumiss) THE REUISTRATION AND TIE 1110 lion LAWS. Vri U a p ohem fepe Is $hIeespesasd I bessesenal Ise .s se knge to Atwim a -oie aggemes -oagn urudt -'t asseemgymashb abum ight beir eat ~htempsrtalareala ht bmwats mish i Oyesthaellsbs eests legduem ase k Olbe s tha se e ms~ jhgeatinsil wrilag. oassey aquterbe insuatag It but when sepseper a senmies we Ael met be wepu.pom to qiesh of be wd.bses st .' - ? The ear gaof agi theyaived thir amemran d g e6 ggg eaus.@ doed to abe ooiasd Assemin. Is as pis of thm" aL Zaoek *0 mswrh asembeaa s. ad aeposes senstwo asteel toIAnl Qodtrabe mel, wats y thus me -m I*aamsiosa wbeastle~paa'hamhave bas - l - ametoy thrmdtteae, bat u of Athr clabse be,. been proutl with Naeis the lagidatme, and is ether tastame, whae both mperniar, Old scubs bw Ams a psoveeqeshtho mmmand Mar som Ar to An an the zspeedble peigoss, this gpemmn & pe of Yguaw s ato bas sailed Me Meada, (sad in sa es ease la to we legb ) to the wsslaer a of to eps, an leagr t the gl dth psoples bash the giSaW Sa unaorpmlow m peer atof 3 Se...: whibt those, who have bem se - sag siw as to ave been barn in their wereese parishes, ived theeall the dare of thbir Be, end hees plaedt taplis emlAdames in them tosas, and witha fed beliof that ma tp qr theirfimen (the anamrtaase had esded do rwgaler nomiationsa sad en he telalAules of thapenphle buamed osly of emuses, but tey - rudey swakeme ferom theu blisAl fherm to adt hat s ea Itote tes, thiy &a m base me umay. DuN"l eur geneas aupervioar is met to be eatieme in be dieb stes of podbe.., w he paeesh etthe eoroesemestabhes and jsaieg of the pasew to te ety m emnai uy to tae pao..ias .eed by him, his desea sad his hiends. TraI they thought they and thir Memow wes .odng fbr thur choice, sad they wrn 6"l encsgh to think that that wes dsteled, btt thy awe lading out that i t wa'att St .e avoag but is semethig m-e poedai e tiy ' re e ly and eat that they have serdtaseam eas they seaer brew, or mever bhad of befet Theu as wea or Wo very viapetals to be saeidlered t athepu bsouad att heAld-a oan occupy the s.e..e a*a"s of ar haw askam: if there he bbes misheas made, too groat penal ddiensd tN padro whins. them far their own adeastaph imenming asti be dome to cerect these alukmes and estail the absetges that an biag med apatan as mesh snasg eosf of ,tes, to the gnat bease (com rtanswlýed.) THE LATE ELECTIONS. MLr. SIaa.-Upon stmpustial sed thueegh iseveigbs of the easomew amd haeaser f the*sb deeMses in this *ate, sam. pesahur, anierning daevelopmta wif be aens, which mmatpeers injturita to the tars Intemeto of the spabliesa party at the SWA., asA to tie patles someraed ha tbes. pyealier treamsedes Iaudoew to the party, be*a..e it mast be soncede', thatit mart bjudmeadet by its psis siple. emly, but by iti &ithfbl adherasee toth. ae ; mad a Ai w mor lithfbl perfsmae ef avowed promisee, by whith it hae, mes agatei euaes"" tagalasg a peftis t Vida The Bepabliea Party, of theer say ether Stote, to be soeessial, mmat eedataly guer1 jeaklsay. and roasbafse to seof tbsadhemea lie fun gr its saweS punipleu : sad to naebit ruspeetp , sad inlstlal, lew tes A it, all and nary dierepatble cbumet. that wculd, by a ones m o admot aor *WE ewm per semalegpaudt1emt, bring te party tato ak repute, and pealble ilteet Shoul it russes to do this, it wil eveastaly t alieate from its ranke, the uthral td tf blow ] -, and abarpen, .eerafly. the weapons ibj ] pea di opponemh Couenoutly, If thum saeny, hullng high, palsiona, gained by sets of fraud, cad pee'a- ] dos ; a ltiag rtbuh most be sdmiLstand to hem by theparty under which they claim to bakt esei paiboms, is seder that the pablis I my ass, mnd be conviasee, that thu bus bnate at sothe Dpbliman Party, are not to ain, or role by hand. sad impoeitea Judging by whas aster y esmau-is twh eto ealason, it has beaa dSmaonuato ta ew* toatay, that -omuams ueaveaiome, -emialy emaidasi the hginmets aeems for the pes. dame era bate, by the peeple, fr aendidates toll inpeledl paioeMi, hum, by thueseuzo somae oth seeinfegl anlideate in thle as, bern s tinSt sthematsplaes, to th emoresm vstemsat u ps- an- q ;s saM Lat in. steadofitoblng meaeiny o psaem neasst dalinag thammslvue indapalmi malsidates, it to solymasmaey te pia a spuutem bata eas by ale meamn asgeod (I) eaner,elaB tets laes,. Sai~een to as auluous, sadmea ampaigni salamiy lass awn, with, altio seaadlad by thes woause mo ews etiou thaa heeld tUae-homusal usy of -a -ma 1Wewlark in sngst wit h bage of epeat ea lbaletbugtabl: aeyaiaimi walk hur rowelam ad tear Late. hlie wq.,swr hMs ekuse daugot.s wter (bsa a atofetoimm mlthqmetheae wbois *abaseha -eal mat lmamensesq o La piigle, (ube smeem w magethmwussarmet bewever pteot Uat desemmhe the* -esp whe~us er so: mel La chteadgl-s - - them asmone wha lepati thin oats bintadielaate ssemiseuelatboes 1handeorgelinebignelt t bessg hletkiemasa wa wher dash bat I the Soath, mlbt hqm s se emI, set maemy ue a1*aMa a leag agge t eb Lar -ese vary waD baswa, setmaga hass if -a damsese Umbnd wai batitns as.hai.a latha deisionameib ensr~ behd.enedh gethsrp *eulb eat eteha. emba seas, ssen o m fag &***es***Manerearo5 dmsius. sudem ae. - ese a. ere .hey f ni be ae the t ed ea at .sepuaph A pobdias who eas he b f lt a desatos. f sea whoet lempeg who se hhs ts istotas bej with mae degre ad i buam" beive we «,a oleses a pl r. k sees peshdea; auir, sad we ei vae 1h0 best way o beuakuap tlhi leýsgot will be N teaeyghlyesp d a ofies leA.e in seu a 4 e.we.e sfat we willbe mi,. * tlthe uyspatb.*a wall we eiff or bbisa, sai at hser p. W hoagaelly belm athe a to tA-s at be Mst eratal lad eleads of ass, beusa 1, eld tu ah adasssa etd&a ole pashion, it in to bdeplerel dedsm is dused threagh theae edaboy itislieIhuMase..hp boun an talesses of m& - e 4s" an mh. d ighto s eel u yt penasiplhs a" "lethuaf "at noe leaeming l zigtor nga"u aidy top.. spmt t at t meabee. fd. !y a wbe hem bem sawof anng. they ree ae gugly awees TabLE pa-s umay, sad lies im aee from tbor p-sses M fos of thit lasesese wigiank day and Tues.y. the 11th M spenk too Mghly of fs week wk Mash ding far the wetesel pm Theaearly A" seisn.l paesp It asuea e the past been, i d in populyast. We betrest e lsems wIm be p.. $ at *.h s ee ml-ge a r w: s-wa wber, saw waek h bhebs Ames OIL teunam-?athe reIgjies ea vites wit hee bld at Shuight Uawreuty, msee iag sad eortag. eumh bbath. We ase ghl b as at the esrle. held be. a Iergagped whlA. sad hel&eed* "Ugafly behse Gel' bs r aaelple psemsemly illisnrnteisn bae Peal sal P.ay. alwys walesM NOW AND IIENI. IT WAeeI LEAMMUB. "Who steaks my prsee stedl trah" so says an illustrioeepoet; but w thoah with all due dejrnea to that rensad writer's sagacity, that maec dapeds upon its length, breadth, and f#iaes There isu a time-a dark, ualearead age-when men were strangely }liad to the wondrous power of gold-ilasmeatly ignorant of the mighty sway that lurked beneath its g.itwring tranqgulity. 3d that period exists only upon the reseedo of the peat: and we of the ainatassat eontury stand boldly forth, and pro"ahe our allegiance to this potent saveroiga eastng beak our glanss of eompasram upon those benighted gropers, so de plorably defejent in the mestuies Ml point lasw an jeweIs satin dameeab sal re-ewood, brown stow and wrougesm who dreamed not of the lusury of fad horse., Oqatly wines, and euraptarits clubs But tse, from whose ee kame fah han these ponderous soeleaks, Ie van for our resm from Much d i darknasse, and revel in our ph uiem Gold I why, its aitmb are like I It steals from the bsred of age the aaseemly temchs Ti. stil. his quiserig, palaked sad saks thin an atthrde..eor. yemsu sad he B oompmoas far hia waiting brid4 at saars~e spoze of yewm. It fi4 spb infaturdied spurtmneata of the fMilee heal domain, take. in the obtrasvo (g "to lets"sad o I by ita taliaameio pee en, the agr of imbodiity saumans are freabing argemes inesae It trem forme the comse, usaolithad boydie d legm-boer beliska into the oaptivaiing okid oNatuems Iteavs. doeeh eye into apankhgr simatia abes soe*m to amby pertalb: tailowy skie itat dee -e mahheier, .ad plant. rceu whes* Natug is. ladtbte sol ae Ita ialhtteqouh inr easses of jpale wail he rtebmbolgM , mbi teom*" .hu em. 0 bn wa. nail. of higinsM.. md dnq.ia*** momnentos in nes dwmM h sui spee.L Xtblnke with the womp~A Uci, eud bnilgemo Teia templee at vdmou graemlr; whore Es haly pit -.. U. 34 d..aaraed by the 1ew* .auhkg M ofe Tatwa bu Its i 4et how inulath da aes, he 3 s£ dots, .. bre..he thr * deem. a mas. toa th b. seten di. sens wniuue MO