Newspaper Page Text
-~ d It miows but sae , den to but one oonqunror, and that tv anta( is, Death No, N, .j Shb this is a Golden Aga R WO who has just a'wadked fom hi can Wakie slumbers bow at the e of mind and merit, and we will Shims God-peed in his pilgrimage to j.w~tod Meora But we who have 4tpesa with this brilliant spoch, must mt honor upon its noble teachings, . wheo g5ration after generation ref a sw, and the sloude and mists ego" shall envelop interveing o obsc~uity, we sWall loom grandly afru the death-.tamped oblivion, a nca of nobility, magnanimity, and .AJ the gray-headed sire shall C. is the distanos, s he incbates Ie OWe of manly majesty to the expand id of ycuth,and whispers his words .ng comUmenditiofl for what heed o give to "whatsoever things were e, whateevrer things were honest, .mtoeevSr thingi were just, whatsoever I 23 were pure, whatsoever things were ,gyor wbataoever things Are of good 7,' ( why perplex his mind as to tsder w* Bave "meat to the hungers', ik to the thirsty, lodging to the stran- I avre to the naked, comfort to the yr, or cheer W the prisoner ? And how s he iterpret the tracings of the in able hard, that will have written Teket pew the pinnacle of our grates?" QUEER EPITAPNSS It mens w if the Ingllsh-speaking ns oas found it impossible to confine their 1a1ry to the Living, and accordingly we ad the harmless peculiarities of the dead, ave often been hit of on a tombstone it a haty weh has renderedimmortal' hU otherwise the next generationmight a,.forgttes The following well-known paph of Dr. Franklin, written by him wij bear repetition here for its humor qugamtint: Iris Mya or NJA.MIN FEANE~LIN, raw?-r over of an old book, rd aorn out, s an' its letteringandgildiing.) ' tes b 'or worms; tuit \all not be lost, :twill ( '.s)appear oneamore, m ant -e elegant edition, j Ta Xorrected e1 'THOR" p 'fit nson, "it is a shem* e1 I speak,-"c behind his back, at I Omni man who has ;ust dt the roam orney I" A similar satmat, to availing rascality flawy s of t grade, is found .i e a graveutoi ffhsm, Norfolx, M Iglaad. t IHenhlth one, ifyou can, e no, theugh an .erney, was an honest a aes L 'he gate. of heaventhallope wide, at lat will shut agaanasl the ribe beside." I The following quat inscription on a .b eted beer-drinker iy be found in a pi hursh-yar4 xi the cy of DurhaT, &. - aad: a, "Useth thee so repos. the bones , Aai tnhe hsker tekhine" ei '&TIOIYAL LABQE UIO!lo U SF Tas Yar tAT er i .5. e l Theq'ua.e o the hear tsew ema * (ig se but mupro,. hia ewgen 'rk * Ma s ao * aly bing a tb ,a g .t 4 &* hen he wI se e s ypeas hwmit thes pu te:V 'eatha sea4 P55t.J.k emlypemur in abr 4S **tmaSee*14,e am *Puban huts W* leas with pDios eamuia mm*W st soame... At slored eMC is may7y e 13 teats ews Wdm Awt hftr a wat el earny and n** am ý thie wil and in p h o a have assern-t ase a sne a emeeise of do no* pre ill m e osaeslte and lbor asrnses of our go fm We 7a, y t t to mmedstety rgnatnse beuease labor emon ly poeae iteel whimo goased;that 'k by being egaoised thereashly, Syoga have e oSumma df shpt L You mssaev m a mw pay for year Sbr. To lamns whoe mad pa hew to snev year lsbr to bttesr adsane. Yea liars the VSalu of t easNOW i.lvsed with ear lae-res t repsot ieat espilal, tad Snake tac esptal :pent oear mahr. Yom lers a where mad hew to eate emtleymact, to give A yeaoselves we*k whem ys mar debased by Op. 11 pitr esmubadlm Tea lars the wash of y ens hllO-Wqha eis mad -ow to hankide for is awoeed, view nm emen, yoeed is danger of being o*tsemnao*d. You eanhot em d poet to be probtably employsd, ant ase "od. 0 will soom die outs atheaeos with orgasuimes t, yo0 will lad senpleyasat you w11 fres op r pesits eombimatems to rnessgUl your slhms to work withoat rusbltoa beoeses of our eslar, sandopen ae wsyfseyesr duladrea t lesarntak,,e dsad cov forward in tae enjoyment of al aSh 0 rights of Ameisas eizoseahap. Now shall you ', organsze ? We answer sal a geoal meed"g at t she w.ringamn is *vry sty and tow, sad of tor dissueng the apertanse of orpeaisaao a,ap pount a ,eminte, of one from eash branch of w tade or labor represeagtd, to prepare a plan l º for orgamlmtaea. When they have reported a It plan, then appoint yOUr oammate on cnasbt. non wan poramaems ragnmatason. Wham th a drper prosoed immeiatsly to foam ysomolves bnte am sasodmlei, aess a ospy of yeareasittm t-ma hat Of easns to the Bureau of Isbor, end get your shaser. We would advis, where ther. is a usa5e&nt numbsr of any partoular r -rah that they orgoatmo msparatsoamoidaom Ans cah man dem.s to follow that buoaea for a which he , sa een *~cate.s As a commaaoms t r d the goverieam of a uarpester' asuedados a will sot seit far the govuamest ofs ]abeamrs' as sodeetem, it is important that yes orgakie Sash teahsportaly iNve man m any one branok organsead, ems samtp ah acre in tde ilterest tof tat prmoular branch, han being aieelated with Ave hundred men of several beanoebr. r ixed argasatiaes have always proved discs- ' woes to the labor rifoma movemnst, eept in delegated bodies The above organhie**m I forred t, afa simple organlsatuoes for the pre- I testien of labor mat wages. We would sail your atasmion te mad sadse, mad tha rea tea your elves o i etosompasnvo Tade Uhsmss While those arn tabmesbomsd. del enseesaa ms nof moimam, they aquite uash judgsmat ad teins seal afty to make them a sosem. They sea to b aeasnsoty at st.s Inme in nds to foss snploymeat th eel sad man i amny Sltas. in the Union. We ..old net t ozs a gemini pian oforpanime I kale proular emesatases guns be governed by speial rules We an only advise you how to organiea wha yua Infors the Breasu whatrem propse organisiag. We eass buaey thegegnal , priadpl is, for cash mante take a g v amount h of ssock. sa py that ys wekly or monthly i P- p salbesate util they have enough to ocemmees busdees with, so that by a sombnason of their d maeny sad labor, they will from a espital mad ( busines that will give them as bad peminet hv tag. Is orgaonstsofss st]dadne rosees t should be pleses upan partis tIvesMtg beeause of ther eihor rdeason. Lt any man who will, ask. as intrest with yes. 3 We shaold advie yet lepgaie awilang sad lad Amela*m. These can oily be stabhbhAd In eosasnecea with your 'T'ade and labeo Unalma," sal wi have a tsimsay to s atragthsa saa porpetaste thor. Nipereles has proved that all mm an, by the agmcy ea hose for what he would pay reas for oea We shell be pleased to advse Youuepos the semt im prved pia. of espansaase. 4 Is order to edbta more threaighaogsein. atien of tho elored working... of the United .teses, and advke wand olightin thorn upn oil qusetorn asoMng theirtlasteme sad bhatle with the pr~udiosmsanlsastedbosa man efor peoufar p poulies, the xotsml Labor convmion has edoput the If. Eu, a weohlyJoeuaed pubush * in thecasy o Woahlngssms,sas hegan of the, *dmre** woringmsam a of h nted betss It th dball be our *bjess eskesp youlforuea nast 50 the oi et o the tadesh e ach steam ates of wtar\ed o leabo, voluo ot real sent., koineskorgaairage- e. ma met all qusensoms, massmal~ loesi, assealng the Itaseres of the Th o seek s poper is aedest by sal who so i~es heet acante with ow dim oramima em sasnisste hsemars be to dissoun h e sn A seoala inmeasetfrm sar 4manhe, toe snadilae we on ene upon all quasoim*s wifllo to yiur ntas asaraee. atoathe e of our oesmom Wea toy. we LAswoshal hero whe, agents whe shal baesl tnmal treugh ellths* to ale you -e koressaiagals the dptm~t ase we oh hop that vr a w& asese am I. Ib to she the pops, mat -e tht Iimgb,~ em else, until IMany be beeda any ag the osueest Our searn. hsouwaodI Let evury a put his aboulur 6hbsewheel,aam vitoqm ad wil -ea open oa beameam All ~ots mug be maredse *oesdeL" mad om ?medlmtesse .11, Wmen giom. P. 0. P. S-YouraUsameso patteehtr a the Ceasetaismu of the Neahsmi JZebr U sem prnbbushdln the posessep oft 0h asmvagm ls*en Mr, baliqet Gmmm T. aDsso w a The blsu. Xamans arnaince emeay p e..sesp. 3ADTRITISHINUN?. IThe Wreat Religeles We-. a The Christia Union A TaRODvGe GOING RarIOtlov F xawBarma &.teea Large Quarto Pagee Number Cut And 8titohed. HENRY WARD BEECHER, rabor. dIt may lem.bed a as on..g.. Ia I akyJoarael, deveted to Rsegion, ` Ri~lefwer. ?teaas Desesst le fawe d the Churih and asworld Iatqtert , Ide Art, Agnealt as Tasme lassesI As, AU., a4d eea*stag conrbaueas us wfrLm owe amiast s writers. It bee Something for an Members of the Househeld. Admsrable osarbaies sad *Mtwel artliep, dtlaseniag tll the grit tep*cm of the day' *ia atormation mn Eaekeyed .abject; usek - anater of high and pon ru m tine; Pow s, Rouamhold ltoesu, sad Chat the Ite cans. It is the Brightest mad Moet Interesting Relious Paper Pabliehed Behgquoted from bti sp I f elm ure*untry e eesiely tan amy eAr. The whais eiterial work is ta the bads fe emperiened sad M Ofitated ma. Itn .6a1ltn to Mr. Biman's * BTAR PAPERS, * aa the r *gar weekly repo r air w rwoonof his P iday limin~tg Prayer- fesetug Lecture-Room Talks, Many ether feam of ooasntyetvmrylagies tin tts lams. from week to week. The Contributors are Represeantative Men of all Deamlinationa r LIt kwuung is orluibse mtore wpspla tea ow @the rdetiow Autn A Now sad Charmiag Ueskl, MTWIFEANDI; Or, HABlT HEDB1OWB HWTOUY. L. this week oemmmend in the6 Cetuan Union emetal story of to-day, which premiss to be one Of the most Titid and tantemiag works that ever came from her pea Thisstsgaleaewould be well worth taksag the the paper for eves if o apalsd by t*hes grantes and richs.. of other matter. READ WHAT the PAPIts BAY, aom-ssemas THE CHRISTIAN UNION, Whieh will be seat F1E3 mail Jkary 1, 1$71, to all who now .assberie fer agr __ I$7, 1 mbraciag al the sambes of MYa $YWo's I **ry. lNst ea'w the ablest sad beet, baq also as we asppe. the mastpopaler of An" paledaeslez It has alsty grater taflanes sy .ther e reo paper -a th acnj.-a (N.YT.) peae i the load imal (Phil) One of the very ables Papers that *asbeeas. *anard qf Ias aems, ashop Xcflvsaae orgpa (Ciadaumat, 0.) th wrl.-Ps1.C~i ieMAwubt 4mraa- 1 Gies). READ WHAT the CRITIfC FAY or XA.ARNATLt' Household Engraving of Wash n, - A lite Impreedom of which I. ! D to Every New subeiher to the Pa Prom D. TIII TINGTON, Pudenatu the NMaioa Academy of Deign. 'Mr. MainheUl easaing isf~ £wl 4w$ *f h~sas ew Eeon ab elve Eevery I Aiedaaa hinld pemaseosspy of t aeble ci prnat" Proam ra. a. arr, the celebrated Atis .4Ittebpemed elgwo.,e Ik elet hesd, I) Wisfa t ie Me esed vi tUs oeem*y, as ll as the fimesteopy of Start poiantat i a team EDWARD Zv3UZTr. A E LI fe Jwl a eupy6 mmrk. Nethig oaMd be Itplace. Mr-. Marae1 e~of bass b fAside qfM. greet mees-e~s ofage Art" be AGREAT CHANOZI U7 A Sheady. ProAtobla Dudaesm lees Itllasoisat MnMe. sad. Wemsee Whees'erwAltoshdl~eedeauess beaal wefltayag edeleem AR oar q e well salmehe we nem S at a dep wee taemies tgslathemheame, * thew mrweeth dfthe Pape,u sad tIhet GIVEN AWAY with it toee5 embhsceea ONLY PO0PerYZA R, mSir w eh s h he Pamer towhLe .eus J.R FOND A OCe, PaMihers, U ?*inlZw Ms. Tak lip. asaeG. L. ams FsehteasbIe Millias*. Seo ageeem.en tPER'8 PER IODICAL. 1-14w &suheribme wil be aupplied viah HAas Ktana Laas'za Wad. nun' Bi.La, fro= the presmt tmeo 50the, -~c the year 1871, for Four Do1laue TERMS FOR 1671. *w'S AGMa OnewTagr. $ 00SO. (.aap'a Wan.. Orne Tsa . . $ 00. N~au3&z rie, Ose Ts. ...4000 RA.= Hten's MAws $..m% WisrX., sad San's~ Bezanb to sae aitesm lore.. year, tiAn 3z~ta C o, f .iehr ase U""=% SwamMY it Basin wil be moppw~ pas fi t Ovary Club of U'ý 8nSebaS MM K60 eseb, is sae imitbaube; or, ba Dallafee $10 00, f without usal.-espy Tb. Peetape Within the UMiid Uptotmusfo. the Ms.>aa ISt 00 Tsasr. it the Winl, or B&Z" 20 neut. a yearPaz" l , ...n{ ie bsoipuesfestatw= VIhe Domsmas of asneda asut. be seempsaged with ut omto adIthtsl ti for the Mdsasamu or 10 Dals for th Wzz. or the Numbe. for June and D~eegabe, of scab aabseAlenno Mae Is..pgieIs, hutwll be witth the lart Number of the ouarost VAolym% sal bet Nuubm tu be.mat oeedoriigi. The Voltues of the Wmnx and sass. osrn it will be un~domutod that the uubbedeuisbo ein to ooaaino with the Nunbor mast altar the the sab~eiulbor adhews i lto be ohanged, both the old and new one asst be glum. m.Ittano i staneoemtogive nouoeof&d. in rem Sn~bmaaPotOeOder Dra Tbl t a f*Wof NamD E twor is blto Saab Notes, duos, should the orDatbe lostor stole, it oatbere sewed withouet los to therender: Toes sua As niinnw mKam. Psae.. 'qIar Nga-Whoeh fi, $600; laM Harpers soar-$l 0 liee; Cats ..d Duplay, $1 $0 tee har-esash Imomiem.w Addws AW= ARM=% I'BTNew Noack. ,COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, STATIONKIT, BOOKS ETC., No.4, Rnxtpate alkyl liumnua BieN2Je old CJonti S*tale, Hem. Onesa. AD theLam.elouthuesandadwest dailies. Kore then oe. bunkeed and Sit, dieoat pubb~edo rasedavd aad aeLd Suhsriptitew rueived to all pulodoel pubho Suabaeoibem will be asosoteba f*r the saw. samiption ae 1mg0 as they do not smid baakfte paper, or sodly othorwies or n'i muara alis embou Alta Ooeswrui o~wr Of the Court Of C ,ma Aep abortm atmieray- aobew~sledatem , Paasport.omsuze from the /ltet Depurtme Wawhlmgtem, with seouzasy and ps~ea newepapordahivmy. New Ornesu.. Laouliaa. W. J. Whipper, 1. 3. Moo Maoea 3. lieu.. WIPPER, ELLOT, I AUDIE, SOLICITORS, COUNSEILRS, ATTOR1YEYS AT LAW. Ores No. 91 Baeet Grow., ,,j L4t,.R DXX BROrHZBS. 1h CessaaNwm Oavmam.c Im t. . Sw On Head, Ber Of Witmm And Uiq a. CASUWay3. RUNDERTAKER. Bow~mi pa r t n e-R ed.s hi .da, A .6 ..a Si Lurta. ~wmzo isU.1yV UNTD STrROD kb I. J. W.TCTV ASSOCIATION.. d, Db. L &h D. uds mwOrw. rsilZ G ceies, Wines Liqutos. C D.~ iwa1!'. I (Crossemi bysstot Sp.) LOJ M. LOD Akc' by A DAYe< Ies Joss Maa ai.. Daurm Iatm. s.tphIm~mb to d Si w,mb, Dees 1 &rup ateo CHICAGOELLINOISE ' 1S6 3: 20809M WELL67, mae£71 hOwismkms 01 wt dii (Cm~~.Skid 1 fL~I TZ LLS LIVIN~G Liz!. $~ ý - h B eWinssbmto <~ir~mdmmy; in4. is.yaa~u'm "tao w& thoh. .DA pv.g M,.sd aot nWeb"", min ur d .amatib sab 6SintIink Eu. etimpt.!.aar eý r hasp. Bo~m~ Galinm, Thw.. ABLU ,i A MOST eULTU= rose. 749uf sia ttdZfs u.. the OS 113~he Nh mm .«.M ..otsm thoemiy esmpbt l= ta, wbiswtgI Ib. 011 Of..l.dWa5mthsu.OOMILRTh MK1g w~g ii -am wbahsr us at atof sad. >~ ,ah.a IT 1tE1UPORE WD PIaAME TO 3,39 ]ti who utoba to k. p pus via . .výM $m~lssbmal peuaaat theNo Urn to b i tersta iygsulttI - ub~igi wealy at GSa gymr, m of po An ukskamW seat gutls to any oas gstlbg sp UPorb f 5a. Nw kbuuseu., gad... LiTTILL t" GAY. 30 semal & Mes Booms A WZEKLY PAPER Ds.otod to Fassim,. Plco., Utuastaw, end tb.GemgwmI Nh,. u~the Day. PubIftud every Wqdnesiqr AT J.ll 31111 a56 U1t, ttmos with ti molt~s~ pampa et moom V no Vim wiflb.s .pm b ifbse n it into way patofIL. sad sadjining puaiims it pFU'at a eurpaemid induassmie to m uusroauh ot. as an as melEEs. T the adored peope of the Bluts it - de proveboth b~oMeiai' aindioboi u a,.. arrn~aongmt. have bean.a. teoi , w as eoan ange with all ootogred asw.º trw m pubNsbsd in the U~nited: lasts., the nh-1 keeping tbsem.iuhme4s si aotk t ' OS5 op, ..z Yom .....s..... 1o ohs a ll asasgr....... St u NOsahea r, quut he~lsa......... di. I S ††††††sh~ Slma mTEiSUT.... :....L7 OLira &almsar aSle. thel ofdym