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,II11 IA)ilSIANIAN." t tit: L nst'.I i iii pnblit hcel evern .;:d ;u1 unthy act 111, Cromu F, . lnt ow, ,E.tit rr. -Terms: One, year ....... $5 00 b Single COPY.. as tAtyW OF AIVUETISWIG. Per t quare of eight lineg, or ita equi , i sjpace, first. inisertion $1 50, and ebsubsequetnt inwertiona 75 cents. mJon iL1rTIY executed with neat .and dspatclh. NOTICE. i omouanitidona mus be addlmsel, .jaor d thl, Louifiania," and saoamyc mt t." accompanied by the name of the n:aee4krily for publication, but as an S'0~1 faith. »,t. nt reeponsible for the opinions of PRO~P~lCP~tlB OF The Louisianian. 1, " endeavor to establish another Bepub :i ;urnual in New Orleans, the proprietors of t:," L. onoax.propoce to flu a necessity which S..n long, and sometimes p.unfnlly-felt to ieA In the transation state of our peo pa in their struggling efforts to attain that i."ns in ths Body Politic, which we con w,!re t~ 1. their duetit is regarded that much &erna.ition" guidancte, encouragemnent, counsel tint t'pr .e have been lost, in conw.*luence of }h. s.* of a medium. through which these de (aoe..nus miiitht be stur plied. We shall strive to ake to 1It saXt a decider hunt in these re POLICY. +, our motto indicates, the Loxncuis shall be ClyiJdican dt aU itunes said uuler am. circum n '" We shall advocate the security and Rainuit of broad civil liberty, th albsolute upa.'% . f all men before the law, at:I an im s a, dji trihution of honor and patrouage to ci i merit them. "-air '1 ( allaying unticmitiel, of chllterat ," e mmnory of the itth'r past. of pr:tooting .rny and union among all cLia.we and tx x .rn all intermets, we shall advocate the re er J of all political disabilitiew ; fest:r kind te, Mnd torbtanuree. wciere malignity.cJ resent meni reigned, and seek for Lcinunes amd justice wv..,, wrong and opprtssion prevailed. Thus cuvu m our aims and objects, we shall c.n wo.. , r hbst interests, clevate our noble F*,* t ,in enviable pmsition among hr sister S' ch." devulopuncut of her illonithbl, :i::1 ;.:I ocure the full banefitsi of the 1:,% -at. in the history and condition of op.. 1; L'the country. !i r; t:...t there can be no true liberty 1r& 'cut tu iapr*ntnov of law, we shall urge u crc; iad undiecncminating administration of TAXATION. » 4c'l e¶laort the doctrine of an ecpmitable vn un aintig all clausscs a faithful I °'d.' of tlh, rvynu s. economy in thealp es' ' s.ct rccmably with the exigencies ~ the , .rc cYo'ntrv tand the discharge of every le EDUCATION. r' 'll nmtain the carrying out of the pro ' of tL0 act est lblilhinig our cevumnotn 'ystecun and urge as a paramount duty the *, ,' ,+ of our youth, as vitally counucted a own nlin htmnent, and the siurity 0 and City of a Republican Government. 1i FINAL. geucrnus. manly, independent, and o: aluct, we shall strive to rescue ii Sirn i fut v an ephemeral, and temnporo ti iti esudblish it ujeon a butiii, thcit if '4 15~ .e rcnmand," we shall at all events P JOHN B. HOWARD. I LI LvW UYI'LE, L 26 N. ('larles Street 26 " P npt atenuct ven to civil business in 38 ly si INENRY t. & H. IL DIBBLE, ft AT~oug avs AT LAw, fit 2.Natche~ Stre. ( (1organ'K Building,) NwOrlcans, la Ii1 T HAWKINS &T H AlP Tn AND COUNSELLA1LS AT LAW .' . ("onudorcjal Place.....1 *le rc. A '~0 jOr l C'.an d 4*u 4 I mitrimStnal C -'i :0 it SatandUui'...i~itate(.1urt THE LOUL SIANI A. "REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND RUNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES& TOLLES, .* NEW OILIAJ LA, 3EUBA1', JAIIATY lit., 1871. UIMBER 6. I l- **We.!) d Oh! love is left in bygone years, Yet there has been no broken vow, " We" met of yore; 'tis "you and 1" That sometimes meet each other now, A quite indifferent Ae and she, Though once enshrined in lovers "we." That time, 'ti now long long ago Its hopes, it- joyeaell yaea.d away; On life'. calm tide three bubbles glow, And pleasure, youth, and love are they; Hope painat them bright, as bright, cadbe - Or cud when you and 1 were "we" I paradised some woodland cot; I built great "castles in the air;" And pleasure was, and grief was not, In cot or castle, thou wert there; Yet it was not alone for thee, For Fancy whispered "we." ) The distant isles of future years h Gleam Lrightly through the golden haze; ouTime's sea,a reflex heaven appears, Lt In which the stars are happy days; it At least 'twas always so with me I b When lover's, you and I were "we." )1 ,t My life was all one web of gold, Where thoughts of thee like gems were o set; But soon the light of love grew cold, And gems and gilding faded; yet The "gilt" and "past" seemed true to me t But, 'twas when you wnd Iwere "we." d Long, long ago, with life-hope shone r These faded fancies; now they seema Wild fragments of a gladness gone, u The memory of a pleasant dream. And Wonder whispers, "Can it be That ever,you and I were "wet" "Ul s O OZY TELLER." JUSTINE'$ SACRIFICE. BY MAX. "Why dost thou cling to life ?" What will it bring to thee ! Only a heavier cross Better that thou wert free, Better thy strings should phiy Their funeral dirge to the grave, Better that thou shoult4t lay Where willow and cypress wave." "And you can forget family honor, pride of race, bid defiance to the world's )pinion, and forsake all for mne a poor "Stop, you shall not use that vile word in connection with yoursel. I will go to my step-brother and tell him everything. I do not fear Paul's anger. He shall give you your freedom, and we will go to the North, where that terrible word could never be applied to you,-where the mere drops of colored blood in your veins could never be a reproach to you. You have been educated and have imbibed the feelings and tastes of this favored and "superior" race, and yet refined I ountlemnan as you are, too well I know the position you occupy a Klaue to,-a I perjured villain- -my step-brother, and I am of his blood. Surely if you knowing I this, tn love me, I can bid defiance to( the miserable, ungenerous prejudice which the white race cherish against yours ; I love you I my love renders you 1 my peer. Paul Devereaui is only my .tep-lbrother, and, neither he nor the world have treated mec so kindly, so gently, that I would cleave to either and I forsake you :and Justine Devereaui tiece assumed a very defiant expression. "But darling Justine, uulesx. we could I indeed get your step-brother to give me my freedom, I can never be aught to you. ' The laws even are such, you could not be 2 my lawful wife." s "There St. Leon, enough, you will 3 force mae to be too unmaidenly. What! i von and I to offer our happiness for life,a c sacrifice to laws, which place you on a 'I level with the brute creation ? SL Leon I J1 aate, I defy those laws, I hate the cold, c :xwrcil#'ess race who created those laws, t they shall not gI)vern me ! trbna The bar of Heaven is the only tiua I will be amnenalble to. Oh! how I hate the c c swho have pl)ced the brazed of slave ;t 11mn hint I love! Th.* white people d ."re do not know, that Father Henry our g "iest has colored blood in his ieins---it h wais he who taught mum to abhor slavery, 'nd opened my eyes to the bawe injue- e Joof the accursed systeza, this "Iven- o br institution." Let us go to Father l Henry and tell him all, and he will mats me your wife in the sight of heaven, that is all I ask." "Oh! Justine darling, you know not what you aik. You cannot now re4liws the infiay, the degradation, you will bring upon yourself, should I accept the sacrifice you would make. Alas! an noble, uaselish darling I know it only too.well- this wretched endurance dt eqiutence which an allty poor slave roil know of life. Have I not felt the iron in my soul all these years? Oh! my Justine, you cannot form any ednception of the life I endue. Not only does this terrible bondage chain me to earth - nay in the very dust o! degradation physically, but, crushes every hope, it blasts every aspira tion and ambition in life. If for one brief moment I ,orget, and draw a curtain for one instant between me and the terrible reality, somw relentless hand is sure to crush mebeak-back, to the only position, cumknn permis my race to fll, that of dafre to a white mnu. Oh! love, you cannot un derstand ho, you tempt me to forgetful news of the yawning gulf between us. And e yet my darlinh I must not, I dare not drag you down to he vile existence I endure ! I cannot pluge your proud spirit into 1 the seething auldron of misery, and de- j gradation, in rhich every high and noble I attribute of m" own heart is being rap- I idly consumed until soon, nothing will I remain, but sa'h traits and characteris- 1 tics as are betiting me - a slave. No! E no! my darlingjyou must leave me, while, I I have still stdeient nobility to refuse your sucrifice. ;o--darling-as yet the c :laar' has only, olluted Our ears, with i words of love-tour lils- my yourhanid I even, are untatished by his touch. Go, i go-I am huiun, I can bear no more, P marry some ont of your step-brothers I race, and leavue to forget in my slave i life I ever stood bside Justine Devereaux, . her equal. " r Before we proced further, you doubt- L less wish to knav reader, who the par ties are, whom a have so abruptly in- i, troduced to you notice. a Justine Deveraux was the step-sister, h and ward of PauDevereaux, one of the c wealthiest planter of the " lower coast " ti in the State o Louisiana. Justine's b motlyr had diedvhile Justine was yet J in her nurse's errs, and her father had r followed to tie gree the wife--he so dear- ti ly loved-long bere their little daugh- I ter had completedter fourth year. M. De- u vereaux's death wa so very sudden and s] unexpected, that t did not have time t( to make his wilL Aus was the little Jus- ti tine left to the kder mercies of her g step-brother. Pre ons to his death, o while he was eve grappling, with the I grim monster, M.LDeveraaux had told his son, a secret caiected with the histo- co ry of the little Justie, and implored Paul it to give him, a isitu pledge, that he h would guard anad rotect Justine, and w that she should bual heir with him- oi self, to the imme estate of the Deve reaux. And w he light of a villain- \1 ous purpose shon i his eyes, and with bi his hands clasped p that of his dying at father's, Paul Devaux swore to fulfill tc his father's dying yer,and with that ei oath upon his li even then - Paul i Devereau's heart planning how he fa could dispone of t~baby-girl, as if she tin had been a poor, ~kntoy, he could di cast aside at wilm Immediately his father's death, noi Paul had placed tine in a convent at3 school, so he might e a little time in tri which to develope ins, for her future. In As the girliwas out .vjht, she was in de some measure, out iind, therefore, the th years sped on, and istine was sixteen at years of age, and utent of oneoof de our famous convnt oole of Louisiana. cri The year previous leaving school. bil Justine, in theeon and fanati- pa cism of faith, had tin Paul's c*rnsent mu to her joining the o of sisters. Paul ml could tiot consent to ics's request )r No, "kh said to seelf, " I cannot yo consent, for if I eho then would half wil the Devereaiux estat claimed to et.- [ dow the Order. No ust marry this to girl to Louis Deve my cousin- on] I v two removes -an e, I am certsain, bei wilIgladly accept Ju woi/ho ad half the: [s e~ate. He loves her - as a proof offersu to aecept the 4 of aportion-~: loiss bride. Ali! welil lucdy forrus. Od do le myself that there are soft win hat in the world, that we can make pliant tools out oA to work our will. Ah! not Lmui4 "son cher cousin, how weld you suit lie the purpose I design you for, the hus will Ibod of my sweet ister,. Dear Louis poe the seases sufficient wealth of his own, and if m r in the distant hereafter, he comes to the all 7 lum, Paul Devereaux is not aTa generous brother, then I can miiely 'PdW the poisoned arrow to his hearat by in r.vealing a certain yecres. I should not ne, dare to trifle with some meg more espe the cially one not of the royal blood of De ble vereaux. But Louis is such a terrible she stickler for blood, our secret will be safe ut, with him. His peasionnate love for ra- Justine, may doubtleus be replaced by en ief durance of her, and acorn perhape, will for be meted out where now abjeet idol ble atry is her due. But what care I, so I to get rid of the incubus and keep the Do )n, vereux estate all mine. nt The following year Justine, graduated in- and came home to the beautiful home of il- the Devereaux's. ad Paul Devereaux, although selfish and ag reckless villain, as he was, had in early e ! youth formed an attachment to a young to boy, whom his father had bought at a le- sale in New Orleans. St. Leon Dubarre, )le the boy, happened to please the fancy of p- his young master, consequently he was ill taken into his favor, subject to his ca is- prices, carressed, and abused by fits as ! suited the mood of young Devereaux. le, Only one advantage was to accrue to se St Leon from Paul's patronage, he gain lie ed an education. Bright, handsome and th intelligent, he, in appearance scarcely Ia betrayed his colored descent, and Paul o. in amoment of unusualigood nature, con e", ,ented that his overseer should teach the a boy to read. Oh most nmagnanimous te nawter! to consent that the mind of your x, slave shaul be cultivated, that he may realize the more keenly, the degrading t- bondage to which he in doomed ! r- Well, St. Leon Dubarre, had so well a- unproved his mseagre opportunities of acqu knowledge, that, at twenty two, r, he possessed a more accomplished edu ce cition, than the majority of young men of the su)M'rior " race." At the age of six 's teen and twenty two, then, we introduce t Justine Devereaux and St. Leon to our d readers. While Paul Devercaux, was ma r- turing his scheme of marriage between t- Louis Devereaux and Justine, she,-wo - manlike,-4-ld thus early found out, that c d she possessed a heart, anid she mus& bes ,e tow it upon some one, and ah ! unpropi- m e- tious fate, that guided her choice, she i r gave a woman's first and only love, to her m, equal, and yet, her brother's slau, to St. C Leon. d The conversation we have given in the - commencement of our story, took place I ml in the library of the great old plantation s house of Paul Devereaux. Now reader, I d we will continue the conversation we left c - off, to make these explanations. I "And you tell me to leave you St. Leon, 1 Why should I leave you? To obey my step- c b brother and perjure myself before God I g and man at the marriage altar? To swes I I to love, honor, and obey, where I do not t t even reayon? You say that if you accept I I my Baeritfie, you condemn me to in- fi famy. Not so! the tranny, .r!jishnew, inde- d a t.'nce and auri'ce of white men, make these (I I didisactions. God our Creator did not b make them. St. Leon, I have the wicked !I ,nature, the bad blood of the Devereaux's, 51 tstrong within me. I must be at one ex- y Streme--decil or afgl.7c Your love can b Smake the angel of my nature forever pre- h dominate. Deprive me of your love, and 'thefiends in torment shallhowl in rage am at mortal woman, surpassing them in hi develish hatred of mankind. This is the Ji crismisof my life, you are my fate, the ar- CI biter of my destiny. Think you, I will th permit a race whem I hate, to dictate to fe me, to make laws by which my heart must be governed? You do not love sae c 'ur your heart could never have canned Px you to sy," JpstinelIsave me. " St. Leon, la with the one rove (If miy;life, do I love yon! [ reverenes, and will obey you, second~ 'I to my God. I make no sacrificr. It is you, .te only irho bend to the little waif, and lead~ her to a better, nobler life. My judge1w I await v. ur sentence. " "Mty God, forgive me, I cannot seuid her awy " xlie St. Leon, as he elas-,u oth lhtform of Justine in his arm~s, to in- and kissed her blushing face. 6ke "You will consent, we will go towiber h! Henry, " eagerly questioned Jasti"e nit "Yes darling, the slave's aum ' bre is- encircled you! the slave'sklhes ha ppot. w- luted your lips, it is too late now td Ghink if of parting. Come, it is getting d ad he we can 'isit the Priest, without ' 6 tot jected to the annoyance of - sly rupted by other visitors, while we by to father Hepry's christime tot and aid. Come dbrlimg, (Ad in- witness bur nuptial vows." And St Leon le- and Justine left the library, and hastened le in the direction of the residence of the de Priest. or "Ha! ha ," laughed Paul Devereaux, n- as he came from behind the heavy du ill mask curtains of the deep bay window, Al- where he had been a listener, to St. Leon I and Justine's conversation. e- Ha! ha! so that's, the game is it! So the old leaven works! base blood ed speaks for itself, else Justine coul4' not of forget she is a Devereaux, and become the miphriss of a dsrvc, for she of course nd knows, she cannot be his wife. Well, I ly will follow them to the priest,and see the ig farce out; then I will have the overseer, a give this upstart dog fifty lashes, and to v, morrow, he shall be put up at the slave of auction in New Orleans. As to our doer we Justine, I will toll her iny little secret, anl a- she will only be too glad to marry Louis,. is and thus escape a worse fate. Well, I x. must hasten upon the scene, and become to the unwelcomne guest at the wedding,"aud - Paul Devereaux hastened out of the ( house, and in the direction his sister and ly St. Leon had gone. Paul arrived at the al Priest's just as he was giving his blessinu - to the kneeling couple before himi. With 1e a wild cry of alarm,Justine sprang to her us feet,when she beheld themocking fiendish ar face of Paul peering in upon them, then y she turnetr and chutu hetploisay- to St. , Leon's arm. St. Leon clasped the girl in his arms, 11 and quietly met 'the mocking glance of zf his master. >, "Master Paul you have taken us by surprise, and found out our secret a little ,f while before I intended you should. I know the 'erust of Justine's life, or e else, all perfect as she is, I could not love r her, I could not lovo one of purely Cau-, casian descent, Listen Justine, from me n lips shall you learn what Paul Devereaux would tell you; your father M. Dev t ereaux was a white man,but,your mother was of my race, and his datve. M. Deve- " - reaux met her in New Orleans, and paid a e in gold for her, and she became his wife. r No one ever knew the beautiful creole ti - woman Madame Devereaux, was not a white woman-not even master Paul. On your father's death bed, he confided ti the secret to his son, and he made him swear,to give you,half his estate, and told Y him where your manmuission papers, hi, ('chils %r"Ce 1 anira were the frail porishal "h' parchment, teat alone spared his child as life of degradation, and bondage; I was U] _ concealed behind the curtains of the bed. P1 I heard all, nay miore -I saw the sinister as purpose in your face;.psu intended to des l troy that paper,unud sell your fatLhr',chiikl. Unobserved I loft the room,and went and found the paper which ensured to my (dear little Justine, more than life-free- hi Sdom and honor-and I placed it in safe h hands, where it has over since roemained. Your search for it was fruitless, In the 'a' sight of Goid, Justine is my wife, Ilam w your daove, do your worst;" and St. Leon bowed over the silken curls of Justine's ya head,whieh lay upon his breast. ho No pen can point, or record, the rage and the fierce torrent of rile epithets, heaped upon the heads of St. Leon eand Justine, by Paul D~evereaux. Finally hi called in two stalwart ienc, and bade them take St. Leon to tlhe oilis,and wait for him there. As. the memn came forward to obey his 'I command, Psal Deveresax caught the ( pale frighatemed Justine by the arm, and -* haI'-carried her back to the house. d I Temoment they arrived at homne, viat ~Ju~ne kneeled at Paul's feet, and with 'r .ta~and entreaties,inploredhim to desist ~fronk his purpoae of havn St~ Leon whi pd~or die knew--too well she knew a dan* or yoinshallshabas tlis lent og'*Inaihmen No I w. geand thernhe shll be sold. As to ,you pre~pre to marry lobe Devereaux - . at And afer omgk ft on tine to the chuage of an oid wurns, with many threas and lajmneMomin art to permit her to levee her rost, Pacl went to-the oaqe and put hate afmts his :e endish threat St Leon D .ras ~ s peer of any in thenSte* was, inhu. inily beaten by order of Paul DeIe rearm, And then les with his hbeeding lacerated body, and oh! God, his physi cal amftiings wereanere than equahed, by mental agony, and the aone of hi. utter, H oeesdpdt opeles., ah I had not Justineumd, they would p to the free North, wheer thoue misrsle distinetionas of vane, did ou Oeist. ak " But now, this will not be posese l Sad he sighed, " Paul Deveesaux whiot u ' eonsent to free me, and let us go, " r- Just at that moment the key turned ml in the lock, and Juatinsentered the nine. She wee pas ak de a , and the seut In to herage. id ýe She approched St. Leon, and whle she rapidly cut the cords which bound him she said : "You must go North immediately, Paul Devereaux is even now signing yoar C, "bill of sale" to one of the oet brutal n traders in the South. Go to Father ienry, and he will And a place of con coalminit for you, until be can get you off of safely on your journey. Here is all the money I have, but it will be sufficient " until you arrive in Cincinnati, and there you will call upon the Perseon whore ad . 'rhsmes are on these and they wilt further aid you. If Cod spares my life. I will r' join you there within one mouth, you must first, be far beyond the reash of Paul Deveri'nux, he will not dare to raise an arm against me. Oh ! my God-dat. iiug, that any own life could have spared you this degradation. For my sake 4o not delay one instant now-go, go--they I may be here any nozuent." "ty love I will obey you, but did only athe law of this ccursed, barbarous land permit rue the privilege of calling myself uman, instead of placing me, on a level with brutes. I will not consent to Leave you in this cowardly muanner.-Thiqa h clasping Justine to his heart, he oxejal. med : "Oh! almighty and merciful God,guard 'nrd protect her," And then he was gone, For one moment Justine stood where St. I[.on left her, then she was aroused from :ho stupor in which the terrible moments if the last few hour. had left her, by the nutranco of Paul Devereaux. Like a tigresu at bay, the girl turned r and met him. o "Your victim has escaped. I remain in his place. Send your fiendish malice r upon me." "Escaped ! ha ! ha ! how long will thp slog enjoy his freodom t'sink you? I will r eall for the drivers andblood-hounds and in ten minutes we will have him safely I caged here," and the human brute start nd toward the door to put into execu tion his fiendish, but one which the laws of a ei'ilizyd chriiian land sanctioned. "Oh I God, what shall I do, poor Jus tine exclaimed," stay Paul Devereaux. If you will permit Mt. Leon to escape you may sell nme, your sister in his place." "Well that is not a had idea," replied Paul coolly as he passe at the door. 'I will tell you whatlIwil1do, if you will marry Louis Devereaux immediately, and promise-nay--swear to me to do this. and also keep this accursed aeeret about your birth, I will 1.4 this dug of a slave go. "'Oh ! Paal, have mercy, I cannot eon. is.nt, I caaot be that man's wifo. I hate him, I hate the whole white race who harb condemned my people to sufering and degradation, Paul IDeveaust have mercy, let me be a alavet lut lave me woman's virtue and huoaer" "A good acreessby gorei nat,if thins.i your final answer, I go loea cMlis blood. hounds and start themi after, (Coadsdrd is ciir Mat.) IiEIADYBRHSEMRNtNs. REOPENING. The - av~ se keg d~e4 ths e b11ash - inset ef a Mart, whims aS Mad '4t Machine.sad Seut.g Maceme &N.j.s* is sad ronpass te weekiWg .t -n msike. with ausotbur. sad seleet tea the disuet makes the msetese hag saha b the ame whack they desd to A Te weh a Mast nofi Spit X. 8 HID~lK, Gmepidgea L'MON IMAGUE (ISUN NOWKR, The -emra ekdrt meiabem s an rnrn A. St IS P W. LmewMbe ant& a s ~ i St'M. m.asl