Newspaper Page Text
}.' Irt " ' : It. ' 14 ,1:: 1114.s ('.-t tra tlo'v *.. . 'it' clitti ::, \4:i inf l air-{'. \:14 - d". t itt ow1':' r11 `i I lr , . . . 4*. ill.l kill' 7,11 .I l (ihl I": 1, 1,'sn ,..n" :'" ',L Iv t :1J it'f I " . . ; - * , 1 . t ;L IriXA1 IItti . t Ur' ri 7'14+ 1k' a II ~it, uurtin'. t" . LI .I 44~la 11 lit. I I. I r ait.. . GOOD Al (IL) ý. i ro' i ,t i. 1. Poot .ir e Ii7.. ":11 ti i i. ! t.. '. to 1 t hoe 1.'io of, 1,."11;,1 U!tini. 7, trhit in dexiw'1 r* I' ohl 4!ý t".I~t Wach ill 1'e retailed~ at "i's titan tionu. ;id' fn a aide I *enrvly' 1a~'k ( 1. 1 "t'i t ally' purt of the country o11 r77et]'1 I .. .:7.I'(i:"\ ,l 17" sent0 t', us by' Ex711'-. , 'it r. Ii n' Exl'e-Co.( to rdntrn (t( ',d5 or t",Inr i', '''r A111- '(1 tr ist wiill be f' u,u1. Al 1.1; i'L .1 Nt1 i SILVlIFh .)L1 it ...t'."ti t: , n0.',.7.Ot. cidjiu.'t&'1 ri jlll 'r, La:: Is, 4041717 tarn li-ri. '01?, tlt L~ill * z'.(,,ii nr ili. i..rgV. 01 siv~idl S1ze. in t'u,l p. te . or]... wilt it:i ele.ait Gent'. A. \'1:1 II AN1)S' "5I WA~IKI in c".).. 1 _, .. r'rrs~t. r:i~ ill cuaoj!.t" 1.t; . '171). 1'hr 0 QiI'3 Gold Watch, 1;j . : 7. , (:.1t I',.-1 i I tx r 1 ' },: ' , ... * . i :l~ r. t 1 . . 1:1111" ;1t: . . 1.. 17n .. ! n117' 1, 'I" t i: ' V.i" .7177 - i 11: f, r." : \ t~tIX . T, 1 " , ' , 7 1 ' \1, 1 '1 I, f V i' ' l'\ \ 1,I I, C I (('L \ . (;FN!' IN t" ii~ _ XV.1 IEI(A \'.'1 '1:1 (f ai'I <;1)1. tIr' a~ 'I Wi :U t 1. il l I# \V " .mno .x ri of same~i kind Ir e. ,-is *1 prinil to 40111" ( :: 1 .1. 4 l' .. . :' t : 7 e.--: ý .11- {a t l, )1 "' st w , ar ,7' 111" 7 . : i INtC. " : 1'i' v ."~ t r:, f a, ",l re.r ':: ii '.t* 1. anl rn.* Iti pr N.;i: rb 1. ~ltr":}(.'. '+'t117 ..'. 'iiu.. :~ 71 t"1 -, .1t I ., ".' tt.: .r.: " 1'1 ii .. A t,1't.1."l5i t:, CK'riiir...Ir' - .1" I ('. .7 1 " -.-. 1:. N.&.... i_'ltl!' - "t 1.7 N(111(1'eC L,,, 'rt. r. rix 17,t"._ " 4.ili.rle' ITit......... a..1i. in .t. N. -,ic (i, 4 ,'". ire17IS it .. Ilor .1uti'r Ills. ill 11111(1I 1 1r: tn'i 107 1, it.. ... 31 ~ .3:1 ila.r Fri :d . &1. T.'I' ~ '5 .. .30.,:!r 11~ t~l( i" `t Fx . t" 11 . ..' s , , . .2 : AND iti .r ta u o~~f ".M6 7.: or. /(I"'11., 'fl !LtIi STA't'i'.tOF AMlJ:ICA. /4I ut the~ .id Sutal Mes: T''i~l III vi & fhc It 'u isi~O Po c. t.if'lti ('tYiiw it, tU* (tiil3' g itgtihkJdin thet U.;lita r1 States,, hilt ti li igboi aUe Ii:iir w rhL The itai vnial lowv c. our cliteiwe is., "lin t~i iiat '> i lai'the-. shall tut thy broeLwd" We deutire toi iiiitr)y~ lwith tha', fact, tha~t it is at Di vino .ax", tlbd wti" :;I't 171( at'ti l thatt tile conift Arta , f~ lie Cu out be aut aui by howneit, .j~tituit itol. i It Rth~w d hot hO a~im oAveryr manx to hp' nt. a r, ;t. 'i~t: tat 1", ci4yr man sould tr and reel~~~n'r :aeý,l ifr W.i Libor, wraii h, by rl''r ,au d f tr, plie,." Anl i th i..on of thorn ou , ho.u h" if h'i d(pnen ofa hvuau At leati it htilttl~l ll~wr aL';pirat:" ii to .itutfle' C1.1 (,wv-10 t '"tor.;l tho ri.& of :rotlltu:id poveŽrty. A,' .w.r~k It i~lOn Tit oIf o'ur N:,tional Lu:l or Union. 1.., r"I 'r ` 1lu t.'. 13r I tr.i of Ltlor cr4:t o1: r t,':'I"fs..i "''fltt I fr' ti,.ru it 1: ito Ct. * tot tavita'wit onb yupopn the !, l ,O'1 ,'t Ir" iit'iitt to biut.r your ot ((.ii i n l'' wit: ,+i:;ttt.1 Inot~icn up~rn the 1:ra i: -it (',Oiittii : 0: (' ,rol' Fltbor is the it v~e:'.tt - 1'iv'rg it> d. poo"rly u.i'etit',IL to':' int tiiutl; r:.';o iteteai' itl lit!''rout to ita t.Wb .,: t. :.r1 it c~iul survey aud r'ottid'it"rtti,n.* ii i' :t e. t. t .ieb1 we hat vn oml:- '"1 hi''1~I.::t ItUS xpt r,'flte( of the mnoat pro-! vuli) uaonomi.'t~ -La lauor relurmeir5 of our oil. , to irnm~t'iataily orgtit'ilt\ I., ',to-" .I' oi~r ttfl 0" 1I tt~ t It , :I 11 :.,.t11 I vat:1.,~L. s! 1"on toat1 toe! *,illet* I (' (i'( itt. You r. ("i: ' (Ott'r 1' ;i 'u hi \our ' 'r. 'Iv 1 itrt .ee t her' :1:: .,d5' 11 7111".',. v~tfln alt'r to IIIt, it .1 "tllt. ('. r i'bt i'. ra the '7..1:11. tht' capital 11i"ta, -akiWti -hwt:int"' hl ad(~k.' thiat .h t..1l Ih.'ýýt . "or (ti' "r. £~te laion :' w'Iter'" and how In C$:&' unitutlnyittoiit. to gtVOi \" ~," i'o .w~ wairk Whi you itl't t',. trw byo-:"1t'(t1.,Llot`iY u .r i C t lt' c kt'riaj'.lý -W.)'5iiai;,lai l:'ta' to pt uvi~li otit hI ai wrtr1, ajitlotit ':-'urtiz.' titi a: i.ia l i. '."ý r ')i bin " Mt. 4tnt. d. YO (taiidut' l\ I'Li'ut Ittd,. 'at' o L 'l 0,11 *lh Ant rI( '-i'.1 k:4i,: 1' p..tu r -,al ly'"'1 . .,i ,~ t:'ti u. i th* a ' i., no r I orttL "ti Iod ::.'t.*t "'or ect ar. j wil , til' I t' v.t. i:. i :a. ot :t i :: t W ii~t rI u t r' It irt'Od r t'ici, that - tit 'x ' r to "a1...,... iton 'i ort'e i~ti ttt~~~~~~- itiu 'In*ali t tot. rginiet' iuic. i :ni g"t dal htG~. wo~ 11 ,+ l.r Ith.: Ii" It iLUl}(":,o: it lf , .C~it an 1:1: ': "rtelt!1:1 ,l-tliN", T0' }'wLl:t'te'xt n'tt.l r. cnnt. i.,' htirhe'r' C.itjl t" it..ý ne.t io utl .r..t Ilttii 'x.C_'r:1. :1 ti. Thy . ..."t boa ~ iicetit: itt '.r',tlii~lt 11i, :r' to it'e" o r't it h-mugau t' lit: tin pi'IatI'i i- et V i et' ally oi ,.-.1. . Lti:.:. tt t ( t le a. l',1 ti.i aiati tn'.11'1 , ,i l" 1r r: ill he is" .-JI be Our object to .eqp yiu iL.itine as to :t. t:nditi.n . thde tie..k i.n each .. rat,. ot w:ies. demand tor labor. value of real .state. :rtuo.! r: ~ uri.tilu's, and to wet uUll mlestions, . itiorlai .,all 1n..1, efectin' the inter.-,t of the n . rkdigmen. TL. nueceity f'r such a piper i.s :dmitted by :l who are the leat auta.inkte with ourdis or m'iized coundition,and a. it is bureru prssible to oihseoulict our labor and social interest from our th l 1''liti cl, we shall at all times, when the necessity J.m1andn, take a decided stand in advising you 11 punoi al qceltions that will I.e to your interes 15 a nice, and to the good of our common coon try. i As we shall have one or more agents, who Nhsll ire avel in and through all the Stases to assist you in organizing all the departments of labor, we at hope that every man will make himself an agent to take the paper, and see that his ndighbor has one also, until it may be found in every house in ' the cnnntry. nil Our course is onward ! Let every man pat his by shoulder to t io wheel,and victory and success will ' perch upon our banners. All communications ) bh marked '"otlicial," and addressed to the ;t Pre ident Box 1Q1, Wishington. D, C. t 1'. S. -Your attention is; particularly invited to tL Jn.ti'uti,.. of the intional Labor Union 2ublished in the prowcodlings of the Convontion. S Isc .litns. President s GaOGOE T. DowNINw, Vice PresidenL t Lawm n IL Dououxsis, Secretary. Ci.iatu H. PETERS, Secretary. n CowIN Carson, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. r Sella Martin, Hon. C. H. Hamilton, John H., e utler. b:ue~ C. *Weirs, G. M. Maas'on, George -.xyers+ Anthony liuwen, D. M. Shnani, F. G. Br.rbaloes. d 1JLITTELL'S3 LIVING/AGE, ,n Of wilts i more than oft hunmrld Ionmeshave ui n I-.. 1, has received the conmiendiation of J[lge St' ry, thauncsllor Kent, President Adahns; 1r stories Srrks Prescott, lliacrodt, and Tick nor.; hov. IHinrv Ward lercher, and ninny others *i'l it einutl c nli etitiinues to htand at the head "t it ,et.4>." IT Ii L-i.lED EVERY SATUR 1).tY. A ini fifty-two nutnbers, and more than f. Tic0r )USANI) double- columns octavo t nr,-; . lUt o niettor yearly: enabling itto pre ".-ni. v ii } hiiied freshnes and completen'esi heii l Cr ELw at ,iwpt.<s, d The 1,e t . Eus, Ihveins, (ritoics, Tale., t : ':,y, .5e:jdfie. Jliogjraphi s. IJX(icil, end e '. a h ',flmcati n1, J(athered friO th (edite &odM " .tyn I rhi/alal Liter.,tre. TITV ABLEST AND MOiT CULTURED INT .LI t I' in every department ot Liteniture, II u.1 icon,, ai it Art, find expres-esn in the I.r.... al I teriiure o Europe, and especially of T 1' LIVING AGE. FO MTI:G FOUR -iL.'.Hi Y LUV L ESA YEAR, furnishes, ram t..te t e.-it .., ,i-r alt :id~er < .1ib 'la lwi of thisj t ." -.. *, tiat'.1.' "J. xopl. .: ion that. a'il withi* "i r ski of kll. i, c tJ'..itc-torn in toe COMPLETE N x. wIi . i h1 it e:11 i-cs whatver is of !n u"h i.t intrl-t, or of silid, rwrman-ft value. IT IS TiIEIREFORE INDISPENSAIBLE TO E E1:Y L )YE who wise; tI) keep par with the :.,xt or int-lh cdtulc. rres of the tine:, or to nltivatsf in hiisolf or his fidnily general intel i-nuce and liter:rV taste. Published wtedily at $3 00 a year, free of post An extra copy s-nt gratli to any one getting up a Clsh of five Now Su1, .riiers. Address LITTELL & GAY. 30 Broim ield street, Button. s ý'ISý3s CikRA1D FRB.E A WEEKLY PAPER Sitevoetd 1o Freedom, Polities, Litgrature, and the G.-neral News of the Day, a ?u~blishecd every W~ednetiday AT BATON ROUGE, LOU1MA1A, :J. HENRI BURCH & CO., T'he Gn.tro ERA< enters into an exia- a wr i~t the mno4t Oattering prospects - 4aEccesi. As no pajits will be 4ppered A) inL ti ce it into every part of hijs an adonn pari'hea. it preseinte un isurpassesi iinducements to mnerchiantmaud lother1s tn an advertising meinecj .j To the colored beople of the Statte it will provn b Itl beneticiial and instructive, as '1 arranlgementlf have beeu nmade to secure D .1 ti exchange with all cslorad nowspapera . pubhiabed in the United St~ats, thereby kevping thiem informed of each othbrs prospecrity and progr -isions. )res eo7pv. ouf rxrr in idvinee, . . $ 00 JOi Ujy. bi iiIntU.5.... .f2 i&a:f iiV.-.sji~it ia-. rtin. . . .I tAC Lt-,r-1 1.. ofu o uis,?iiii to pereny advertiser-, 't. 2d YE 8, ATTi)RNLY AT LAW, 81 Csar~hnddt St., near I'vrdaa. Now Orler ni, Louiumiuia.38y t NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S WINDS qt. AND 11M, the Tst * '1' CO M *i. . by (Chartered by Act of Congremu, March, 1865.) i:s to mur ity PDInCIPAL OFFIE : On r 507.... Seventh Street .......507 um' WASHINGTON, D. C. All - OU we orFcaRs : etv. J. W. ALVOItD, President D. L ELTON, Actuary. I H. ID. CI)OKE. of Jay, Cooke a Co.. Chair man Finanue Committee. ill Gen. G(.). W. BJALLOCII, Chairman Exanin aing Counnitt'e. S(len. C. H. HOWARD, Chairman Agency Coninitteo. to Rev. GEOROB WHIPLE, Chairman Edues ation. on IL. THIS BANK is a National, Safe and Per maneat Ins titution,chartered under the adminia tration of Abraham Lincoln, primarily fg, the benefit of working poople of limited weann. wheoe small aivinga are liable to be lM or smuandered. The Institution is endorsed by the beot men and the best finauuriurs in the conutry. Branclfcw are now in successfunl operation in thirty prin- I cilxd cities of the Union. BRANCH AT NEW ORLEANS. of 114.......CAEONDELET STREET.......114 Open daily from 9 A. IL, to 8 P. x., and Sater re day nights from C to 8 o'clock. d t- Branch at ShrevePort. La. Ii TALLY'S BUILDING, SPRING 1T. 8ATxEL 1'iTarMai, Causlui Open dily from 9 A. X, to 3-30 P. ., and on SIaturdnys, 8 A. x., to 6 P. a. B. T. WALSIHE >f 110......CANAL 'STREET......101 Near St. Charles, ItsW OBLMAN4L, LA. MEN'S AND BOYS' c NIIIITHS. (OF nut owN iaux) BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHIND. )ITS A1.D BO)S' SlRITS NIDE TO ORDER P, Every Article Marked in Plain Figure. Gonr)(is-11 on "one price" sy-tem. and any artieh' purch.aed which fails to give satisfaction can be rut urned and the tooney will be refunded. siModoi~ato Prices and Fresh Stack to select from are some of tkie induce-r ument.'i offered at B. T. WALSHE'S PREMIUM SHIRT AND ('LO0781.C EJPORITU, II 110 ('nal St, nonr St. Charles, ?Jow OrloaERs.. N. B. --Letter Order.< recire prompt attontion_ andl filled ti. 0. D. d .leaired.. PAd UL T. PA TTNP BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No. 2) CAnooE.Ierr 8mar, [near Conal,J ~Pinting and Binding done Neatly and with I! DIypaieh. Io 500. .500. 500. 500. HOME WASHERS, HOME WAf*IEfS, HOME WAhHERS, Hold tritirin the Paist Two. Mwithe qpder a Fill Guarantee, Not cme arturned- Not one complaint. Speak a for ituself.D In Operuetion Daily at the Depot, No. 1743 Canal street. PRICE $18. New Orleans Home Manuufachzring Companl*.l MUTUAL LIE " > . 1ThACR OMPA.NY No.t 139 BEOADWAtY. fkw. B: Eno. VM Prot Q. MfumS,"i, ý &*iz. PoetL, L B. Woudwe AdwrVII4Aw 0' Cr~i~tc .def., &'cre( 04j6sipe. SqL wuc. T K. 3irc Ag.,5.a, New (Meea,w,.Pir A:o JULES ABJ LARD, Lj Carpenter and ~ Uild or. r237.... JULIA . TIIL1 T . ... 87. Afl orders ten at th shop will be promot~ .atnded to. ANTOINE LA-NukE, Deafer in al Lin~& Q. awcoewio , any 03-.3~ 1I1I ATR EST, COil IT. E1 rt1LITK, BATON 110 U01 LIA. -BUYS COTrrON, COTTON HEED COOi.N, .1114 ALL C'OUNTRY I'BOLtcTk. LiabereJ AdManoev made on ciV r G,,t~o aUrniu. Pais pwtk-fila a&ntlrn. to f'. :p Prig goods au~ New O'i'*ja& Sta~. r'i fr _Wivuct, Jac. 030. GIGNACI ALF. JOVU1Dx!Y. 616116 1 JIUtI~il, Corner Conti and Villere,. No. 239. ALWAYS ON'*A D t *IVElt GROFEII i, TEAi, COFFEE F OTI1Js:.x~, WL¶ES, LIQUORS ANI) *J Orders promp ly atird4,u ra. FAusai Avouu~a.i, X" a "~r Gin-Wright & Cotton Press Barer, AND ALSO MAK1*a Woo ovrow 3Froesmein, IRON SCRE~W 1'RES8E8I, FILE GiDi 8tW% AA D FILL GIN JIB U. IJES Pmaxcrz..Aa Ainwmw PAW We Purrz~c L Ir &.E.DAVISI, 149 CO'TI STREET. 014EALN3