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"I111 LOLISIANIAN." .R ' IfL LJLtNIUm. L published every :,,l ad Sunday at 114, Caron ý; - ,, 't.,ct. W ti. tG. uowx, Editor. 1rTerms: One, year......... $5 00 y- gle cpy. .............. 5 c W "rTi OF ADVERTIMING. Pir puntre of eight lines, or its equi s, t in ypase, farst insertion $1 50, and c,& ,ubl'nt insertion 75 cents. ., rRrrto executed with neat na ai ulptcllh. NOTICE. ei MMn ationu must be addressed, ,. l:.,r ,L. ouisiuuiun," and anonymous -r, :·..,"~:: , ecomnpanied by the name of the . ::. rily for publication, but as an , . ' i ath. , r,-epowsible for the opinions of 1,E KIND TO YOUR MOTHER. I FIRANCES I. MrTs. S:. I to your mother! Oh, be not ungrateful c .: , dims her eye, or disease racks her N fault in mankind shows more glaring and ,.ul. TLati that which would lead us her foibles to S", brne with our follies in life'searly stage, A:i h,,uld we not, then, bear with her's m her I .1TII to your mother! Has she not stood WLrn loathsome disease caused all others to ir -fort, to olee, to nurse and to cheer lo. even, If called on, to suffer and die? ..: iinher decline you should never demur, i:: v.: , to labor and suffer for her. i. aul to your mother! Be duteous and :. L.,art's deepest rev'rence and love are her A:.! uf thes n mturul claims you're neglectful, L,,.:. t for rtlweect from your children to L.'! :nfilial action against you is scored, •A! +!., ,yu grow old you will reap your arI; :. other, for fast she is falling, A.It. I, I.dMi 1 sink 'Ieath the sad weight And'1 a llur relr,.ts will then prove unavailing '.,lrat.nII m o:lllllit be erased by your tears. TI uguar ll \ our punionm-be patient and rl ti'l e,,t that a mother expects from her "Ot' STIOR TELLER." TI.M11E WASTED; ORl :..zIE MAInIIAL'n LOVE STORY. BY J t.l:; olAY BEAVER. Th!Ir ye:rs ago to-day I placed my ..i ,llilnlly in tlhat of Fenton Fern- I '1, and promitised to be his bride-IS :L : ohl maid now, but notwithstand- a th, dapsqI , of time I cannot tell my t "withut eu otion. My eyes are s l tsth agte, and then too, there is i lointlrtil toistulreu gathering in them, ci ,II 1 atterplt to recall the event, which d i'rs it Ilitticnlt to trace the large blue a ...' my Plr. Ah me! ahl me !- ri iiyo are listtning alndl so I will com-rt :, hiby ttllitg yuf tlhant I was not ri tfatlt in lh l, nobody ever called w ' itluhr was an heiress, buton ol *' ,t Fywas w plain, poor Lizzie I lut I was the minister's 'Tra fnct whirh aided in securing na ' ','rtai, int! of popularity during l. tiUtI 'obLIrlch fairs. I had rceived ,t eia tion the Academy of May '.n Frnhld had come from NeCd o lrit little village to spend m I': , r mths, in hopes that the li ruitry 'ir would restore his in ",ich for some months pre- a "', In waning. .ad l, 'id each other from the first. 'I lvier forget the volumes of it riT,,g truth and affection which Ila d" drk hazel eyes, when his S .ilI Igtilrs treumbulingly clapse d my v r l eep tones of rich gentle on 1,! t.,!]e that without my smn- wi ,lt i his p lathway, life would be Sul begged tlhat I would i r. atnother twelve months had th to to e his bride. nd so as we ri ShUath the friendly shale l l, k whjich st:ttndis in olte es * : n:' :t"!e ,lUh-fhioull churc,. h i THIE LOU ISIAN IAN. "REPUBLICAN AT ALL ZumE, AND UNDER ALL CIRCL~MB'SAN " VOLU E, 1. NEW SOLENAK Ll., llUIIDAT, FII1tAIT at., 1871. I UI t 114. yard, where naught but the warbling of ii- the birds as they flirted from branch to ad branch above our heads, disturbed the serenity of the twilight hour, we plighted our truths by the formal exchanges of tt- rings, and vows of eternal love and con stancy were registered in Heaven. I wondered how Fenton Fernhold could fancy me, when there were so many pretty girls in our village ; for he d, tall and and graceful,with dark clustering curls, and deep hazel eyes-seemed to an me a very prince. To say that I loved him did not at all of express my feelings-I worshiped, I adored him. My happiness was as com plete as mortal's can be. Time sped so rapidly that the few intervening weeks ere Fenton Fernhold should be obliged to return to the city passed as though but days. October came all too soon, rul and brought with her the day when we her must part. The last good-by had been said ; the nd last long and loving kiss had been given and received. Oh ! that last sacred and hallowed kiss! it still burns upon my e., lips, though withered and cold they are -er -almost to iciness-and thrills my soul with new life, notwithstanding old and od and infirm as my frame is. Ah! ye who have given and received to that last kiss, so full of love and confi der dence, but to have the cup of sweet elixir (lashed from your lips, and the bitter le? quassia installed, know only how to ir, syIpathize with the poor old maid who is trying to tell her story that it may mad serve as a beacon of light to younger and huldsomer maidens. er He had said when he pressed my hand it between both his own on that ever-to-be to, remembered morning. "Only think, darling ! A few months r longer, and we will have no more of these unpleasant partings I So, cheer up!" he added, for I was beginning to feel a presentiment of evil. "Come, you are nervous !" he said, noticing my despond g ency. "The air is chilly. See you are I shaking as though of ague ; so one more 1 d parting kiss, and I must be offto the 1 station or lose the train." So saying, he drew my head upon his I breast and pressed a long and loving kiss I upon my cold lips, and a hearty "God bless you !" was for the last time mid, and Fenton Femnhold was gone. Letters came often, and on Christmas he was again with me, this time a guest I at my father's house, and then I tried to I laugh at my foolish fears, and with the < new year I began to prepare for our antic- c ipated nuptials, which event had been I arranged to take place early in June. It was near the close of a sultry day in May, the clouds that gathered black n and heavy, threatened to break forth in z storm and thunder. I had worked hard to finish my modest little trousseau, and, f after having laid the last article arefully g into my new traveling trunk, which oc- v espied a conspicuous place in my bon- b doir, I had partly, by way of recreation, ti and partly on a charitable errmand,taken a Ii run acroes the fields to Widow Cromp- a ton's cottage, when the clouds monmet- fI rily became denser, and I pressed my h way hastily in hopes to reach the little t old-fashion church, in whose ahady porch y I meant to shelter myself from the storm. i The big drops had just begun to fad, U as I reached the narrow graveled walkd leading to the okld stone step, whih were Iartially eovered with mom It f was now amnoet dark, and I felt a lite u ners, s .rhen I looked 'out across the oM chun-,'rd, and saw the many white marble tablets standing out in bold re- a lief from the dark background, admonish ing us that our earthly pilgrimage is buth a day as it were, and that there is a life s beyond for which we must pepare, h As I entered tbhe porch I pm ived two ' ligures stundclng at the furthet end--one P a lady dressed in elegant mourningattire. She stood facing me. ler heavy erape i rail thrown back, disclosed a face that! hi once must have been of rare beauty, and 1p which now would chain and faanat the Il beholder. The hair was still very black, fu with a rich ipurple hue, and an occasional to thread of silhcr shone out from the hxun- mn riant mass, and the large black eyee spaQrk- th led, whilst the long, heavy lash- sh es swept the acutely pals cheek-all of th which Slpke a talde of sorrow. ti of I had concealed mlpslf behind one of to the pjilla, ai4 r i sv o ideztl y ,t been the seen. ad Notwithstanding that I had bem hkd of anted by the extraor.inary sad ngular m- beauty of the lady, it was the gentleman who riveted my gaze. Tall, slender, and old with dark curling hair, he stood erect, hat so in hand, and with just a little hauteur in he his voice, as he said: ng "laurea" laying his hd gently up to on her aoulder, and slowly stooping un til his glossy dark curls touched her fore all head, "darling, mnut it ever be thus anot I one word of sympathy, affection, nor pity a- even ?" and his voice trembled, and a tear so glistened in his dark hazel eye, and fell ks upon his handsome though pale cheek. ad "Andis it always to be thus' he again ;h asked. "And is your decision irrevoca n, ble " we "It is irrevocable," calmly replied the proud though grief-stricken beauty. lie I waited to hear no more, bhat tttered m out and east myself upon the dampearth, id beneath the shade of the dear old oak, iy whose friendly branches had sheltered re me from childhood, from many a than ul der storm, as well as from the too hot d rays of the summersu. I buriedmy face in my hands and wept aloud. No, I d had not been mistaken, it was Fenton' Ii- Fernhok& But the lady-who was she? I ir Few strangers came to Mayfield. or As soon as the rain slackened, I dash to ed away my tears, and hastened home. to ward. I had not a doubt but Fenton i iy FIrnhold would would domicile himself 1 ad at my father's house that night; for I be lieved that he still intended to marry me, d but that he and this strange beauty had I e- been lovers, and by some freak of fortune J had been separated, and that they had n met again by accident, and he fnding I d that he still retained for her the ruling passion, had attempted to renew his ad- I a dresses, and having been rejected would , return to me. 1- But days passed and he came not; and e then a letter came. I knew the writing. e and hastily tore it open and read, with e throbbing brow: He was coming; would be with me the net week, and I must be is ready to be married the day after his ar s rival, and start on a tour of the lakes. a My blood boiled in my rveins; I would ot d marry the man who had been jilted by a proud, imperious beauty. Not I, though I were both poor and plain; and so I t bundled up all of his dear letters-such Sprecious love missives--together with the a engagement ring, and all the little tokens of affection that his loving heart had a prompted, and sent them forthwith, with a letter demoa*ig mine mi retfp, "ad saying that I deemed any explanatin ofd my conduct superfluous, and should give noae' E I A few days later. and one day our faith ful old house-keeper informed me that a s gentleman wm$edsted with my Mbtt, . whom she believed to be Fesatc Fern- ec " hold. I waited the termination of the in terview with much emotion, for I half re leated my hasty deCisia. Soam thedou re at the end of hall whi. se ted my father's study from the ibizM part of the 8I hose,t slowly opened, and upon the years older than when I had seen him at beakast; and by his ide stood the man . wham I hathen in? tchrtllighttof the old chrch porch to be Fenton Fernbold. B '1LAsesehild, eame hwq1" called my b4 father, who sank into the aearpt ehair, s he ook y basadamd plaed it i tuat . of the stranger, sayp 'rgive her, for- a give hu if yo can, the misery ahe ha. I emaUd your fmady." IYe And hollmgy hia&- he told me that he was the brother oet Featon Femrold, gn and that on theeminglikm'~41eo had mdse a dying iitto our-ilrhgai W search of his only sister, who, some years previousely, had married against the wish- for ee of their Mbe, for i~d dobked~ine he had disiaheriteJ~d , a now that her w husband m dad tlhey were trjag to Mt prerleapan .,rto retmn to her ones I happy home, but she still resolutely o fsed their hospitality: and had recently for taken up her abode inc little cottage near Maytield, and having met her near Ca the church, as he was hastening from the station to her home, they had entered for the porch to shield themselves from the storm; and that his brother, being incon So solable in his grief, had placed hqr letters men in his hands with instruemoue to delier them, and had then sailed for a ioreipg mi- land. Itis needless to atmpt to par. ar tray my misery. Year ier year has n pasmed away, and he eopies a and prob and ably are this the great hungry was at hat the mighty ocean have swallowed him up; in or-what -what's that Did somebody sy Lizzie? See my hand shakes so I p- can't write, m- "Auntie, a gentleman to me you." ories re- my little niece; Gracie, js she dashed un Mot ceremoniously into my boudoir, "and he ity would come right upr sad wouldn't wait mr in the parlor." she added tell "Why, blessmel whosthis las I led sk. trying to burnish up my glases with a in cotner of my apron, and looking up, I ea- sw in the dim twilight a tal msa, with very white hair, just entering the doer, he and before I could puoperly adjust my glaesa, I was caught up in a pir of aed srong mans, and shmilir v whisper a, ,"Lizsie," sad apair of wam lips , touched maine, produsing a little pris ed ing, though not unpleasant sestiom, n- the, only kis of the kind I had received lot for thirty yemr. y "Lissie, darling caoe now,thereis just Stime to reach the old ehurh boase dark, so be quiek and brush back thoa stray e gray locks behind that pretty little eap, and let usbe off" and before I could h- realie it, the long-quaetd quasmis ap a had been dashed to the Soor and broken m in a doaen pieces, ad my lips were p f ping the sweet' elizir of bloe from the e golden-rimmed cup of joy. e Trust not always to appearances, and d be not too hasty in your jucgenent, lest ye yesctter broadcast sorrow and grie, i where you desire only sunshin and hap d OUSF 1PAMMTATIVB E. FIRST SESSION Ii or sae :e SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLYl r-or sa STATE OF LOUISIANA. SlhJ'sd hbi' , h Boosn or RamesuraYe, ) I TuanrT JIour 8 1871. J h [ Contiuadfwros our last Number. ] e Mr. Lynch, of Iberville, nominated Mr.' R H. Labelle. aMr Morris, of Asoenion, ansinated Mr. JefStaokes. Mr. Mry, of Orleans, nominted Mr. l W. s. Mudgett e Mr. Davis, of Orleans, nominated Mr. E. Thomas. - Mr. Stamps, of Jerson, noaminsted t SMr. J. Bealk. Mr. Davieon, of Ivibgston, oninst. e -e MIL J. A Craig. -On motion the r- .swenso desed r The roll wa alled wih the blowing r result: The Blowing member rvoted for Je IStoakes: I SAdalphsMaris Bey,SartsirTaresud, I S.. illiams H. Williams-7. 1 T- -olowlag members wdot rk Bo- h rqoDtl*rsere, Dar- I by,Demas,Durio, P. Harper, Hem. 2 K. Lot# J. N Iott Masn1 iMWAammte, Nelson Podand Soer Stanton thfaman M Wastigton of ARmptioinn Waeoiand r Torke--8. . *te The foaowing named members voted I or W. W. Joaleon: Antoim Barre Barh (bin and S The fonowing rnamed memben voted is for W. S Mudgstt: E Bowen.ftloy& Brss Gesdl Onear, W. Harper,1ohaen, KinselDl, Matthew, v Murry, OmgOplsta Otto, o Seknaehr. Ulluan Wanid Worl--l-17. The blowing ameed memnbers voted w for Edward Thomas: Bebt Davis Dewees Kaener Marie kc- H Carthy Ringgold Stinson Tournoir-4. The following named members voted fo for Mr. Beels: Gartskamp Stamps-i The following named members .voted vc M or Joseph A, Oig: ar Stnt, Crawlrd, Davidson, Faulkner, P Hyrams, earsom, Wilson--'. ir. The following namedl members rvoted s toreaR H. Insa.: b- Bentley, ewter, Buchanan, Douglas, at Lynch, Moore, Murphy, Hendeon, Wil ip; linuvs dy Mr. Quinn, at Orleans, moved to drop I all but the two ighest names. (rried. es The second bllot resulted as follows: n- The following named members voted he for Daniel George: it Carr, Abel, Barker, Belot, Blunt, Brew ster, Broussmard, Brown, Bryan, Bucking ml ham, Butler, Crawford, Darby, Darine a burg, Davidson, Dewees, Faulkner, Foun ,I telieu, Gartkamp, Peter Harper, Hemp th tead, Huston, Killen, Ia Salieniere, Lan E. rent, Hay Itt, r L enh, Marvin, Mat my thews, McCarthy, McFarland, Moncare, of Morris, Neo, Otto, Pond, Sartain, r- George mith, onr, Stanton, Tatman, i Thompson, Tomoir, Washington o As k- imption, Wheyland, Yorke--4. a, The folowing named members voted dJ for W. S MYlgett: Adolpe, Antoine. Barrett, Bentley, SBowen, aBuchanan, Bureb, Carter, Davis. + Demos, Douglas, Floyd, Gaddis, Gard Sner, Wiliam Harper, Johnson, Kearson, P Kinselas, JosephB Lott, MahoneyMarie, Id Morphy, Murray. Ong, Oplatak, Overton, 'P Quinn, Babyi, Riley, Schumaker, Stamps, a uereaod, Uluan, Verrett, Wand, Waters, P- Washington of Coneordia. Wilson, Ed h ward Williams, Hendenson Williams, Worrml, Young-4m The foBowing named members voted for Mr. Edward Thomas: Kenner, Ringgold-1 Mr. Daniel George having received a majority of the votes east, was declared elected Sergasat-at-Arms Mr. Dowses, of Do SBoto moved that Mr. R C. Howard be elected Postmaster by acclamation. , Carried. Mr. B. C. Howard was declared elect ed Postmaster by acclamation. Nominations for Door-Keeper being r nt tin order-- t Mr. Washington, of Assumption, nomi noted Wiliam Murrell. Mr. Adolphe, of Orles, nominated ( Mr. Stevena Mr. Quinn, of Orleans, o.ina Mr. Devassa. Mr. Barrett, at Oeans, nominated Mr. r.Wallace Mr. Bowen, of Orleans, nominated Mr. i, Co in. n Mr. Antaines Odlems, nominated Mr. . ason. A Mr. Fatman, of BL Isndry, moamiarted Mr. Einciots B And Mr. Kanner, ofat Orleans, aoma. is I ted Mr. Popohns. C On motion, the nominations were dos- D .. ed. The sll was m ll with the ollowing d .resmlt: O r The SI.Ling named me.. o voted R foe Wili um Mrwl: L r Abel, Bake, Barrow, S tley, Blunt, rewte, rown, Bnckinghom, Bhas, F Davidson. Demos, Dwes Doeglas, a Fanlkner,Ilcy , edi4 " iss, (.lax.. P hump, Peter Harper, Hempetead, HPmn. Johnsot, snssmn, Kre, L .. Kin- a Ishe, Ia~slinisre, rasre Joseph B re Lot Lbyh. Uahepq. Mdas, Mahew, ei Mehulmnd, Moment, Moors, Usma., U smary, Qon gOlats, Onh Pseasby, t soner, seem me tems whmp ear, Tama,~k Vimet, W, Wsrhing ton, f onomerdia, Hamma. walis pu Waours, bibs Teng-U. ingbgsrg, McCarty, Mo y. Teoamrair, th K. Williams-S. sh Mr. Wa e somdes the fobbing -a Mr. Oaias obtaind the dloewing pe Bowes, Ctr, W. Harper, Buton, i BI Lott-. 2 ril W. RMasou reeaved the oe oe the M fobowing amed member : no Antoine-L. Ib Mr. Exnicio rseeived the following rote: an Saehm BryanL Darby, FontBieu. Nae. Tatman, Wheylnd-1. The fbllowing namned memnbers voted for George Davsa: Quinn, Waters--S. Mr. Muar having sreived a majority of the votes eat was declared elected Doo-Eeeper. M ILott, of Raides, moved that Mr. .E. Gautier be elected Chief Enrolling Clerk by acclamation. Carried ML (e utisr w um declared elected Chief Enrolling Caer by aclmation. S Nominaions for Warrant Clerk being in order, Mr. Lott of apidest nominat ida J. P kney Sith. r. Bowen, of Orleans, nominated A. ' W. Norcrose. Mr. Burch, of East Bato n Rouge, nominated J. J. Alston. 'P Mr. Adolphe, of Orleans, nominated 0. Belot. On motion of Mr. Bowe.., of Orleans, the nominations were closed. d The roll was ealled with the following The lllowing namied ambers voted 3 for A. W. Narces: s Bowen, Ott--2. The following vote was ast for Octave Belot : S Adolphe, Belot, Darinrburg, aurent, Toarnoir--1. SJ J. Alston resirved the votes of the Sfollowing named nembers : , Burch, Gardne, , Garskap, W. Ha per, quinn--I Mr. J Pinckney Smith received the d votes of the following named mem burs: , arr, Abel, Antoine, Baker, Barker, SBarrett, Barrow, entley, Blunt, Brew I- ster, Brouad, Brown,Bryan,Buchanan, s, SBukinghu, Butler, Cutaer, Crawford, SIDarby, Davidson, Demas, Dewess, Do i, gls, Durin, Faulkner, Fontelie, Gad I, di, Hemepetead, Huston, Hyams, Johnl SMon, Kerson, a ner, Kinsella, IM Sli . niee, abia, H. Lott, J. B Lott, SLynch, Mahoney, Marie, Mathews, Me Carty. Mcfarland, leadows, Moncure, a Moorg Morphy, Morris, Murray, Nelsona., On, OpHatk, Overton, Pond, Baby, Ri ley, i aggold, Sbartin, chmacber, Soaer, Stmps, MSanton, Steves, 8tin. son, Tatman, Thompson, TureaudWand, Wahingtor of Asumption, Waters, t Washington of Concordia, Wheyland, H. r illiams, . Williams Wilson, Womll, Yorke, Young--SO. MrJ. Phckney Smith having reseired .a mjority of the rvotesaast was declared elected Warrant Clerk. On motion of Mr. Quin, of Orleans, the House was adjourned until to-morrow .at 12M. WILLIAM VIGEERS l Chief Clerk House of Repeesentatives. third lays ?hsudeg. Boam or BI aramernv. weeday, myJeaury 4. on.t The House met pmsmant to adjourn mnt, Speaker Carr in the chair. The rol being allaed, the following members answered to their ames: peaker Cr; Msrs. Abe, Adlphe SntBin Baker, Barber, urarrw, BRls, Bentley, Blunt, Bue. Bewter, uresond,&rew o eys heaUW -& -nsham, Bmk, at.. carer,, Crwfrad, Dark,, David.n, DavfrbDg)mu wntlr re D , ami, Vaulk -r, Vloyd, Petelieun Gaddi, G..urer, Gartekamp P. Harper W. Harper Bmsp stead ryaum. Johasm Learson Eamir Kiflam limlan IjUaiere Lure eIambiu s H. KIt 3. Lt Lynza , Farund Meadows Moneure Moore Mane Mumray,xd..m, On:, OpsLak, Oneta, Fend qeina Baby R ta nue sutee Saumuar atmaps stante. Stew.. reemsad nmVerretswaadwudaingkm, of.Azrrii ,. WsigeIo.matdo , Waters Wibsylnd E. Williams Wena Teek. Young--N4 primnt Pr.7e by the Ber. Mr. MerrI Mr. Anoine, dIklmmea, modve d is piese with theieaig of the jomruL mu.. ma te**l, whenin wr. M b.rd, adef3om Ro4rg ubani is reject sisreSs m they mr qpPead as The pea.ker ammeed he- fnowing K. W. Devse, sfiDelets; P. .om Ynse, of (..rd; (. Q. a1se, ais. vile; Hendexuon W oilin dMadison; Milton Morris, of Asauraion; H. C. Toer noir, olPointe Coupe.; E. &emasei, a And also the folowing special com mittee on the part of the')ouss to ex-