Newspaper Page Text
"THIIE LOUISIANIAN." THURSDAY FEBUARY 2. 187 wr*Tas Lowuss s is published every Th'itraty 9nd Sunday at 114, Cqron klett street Wx. G. Buowx, .itor. Si* Terms: One, year......... $500 zrSingle copy............... 8e LRATE OF ADVECLISING. Per square of eightlines, or iseql valent in splee, tirst insertion $1 50, and each subsequent insertion 75 cents "-Jos minIso execated with neat nots and dispateh. NOTICE. All communieatioms aust be ad&kemed *'Editor of the Inmiianian," and anouymous .letr must be accompanied by the namne of the wvriter, not necemarly for publication, but as an evidence of good fbith. We are not responsible for the opinions of our contributors. OUR COURSE VINDICATED. -rr!BVTIVE JUSTICE. The action of the House on Tuesday, we regard as a triumphanl t vindication of the course taken by the LocLmux.aLu,when it opposed the election of Mr. Carr to the iseakership. We do not write now for the purpose of arousing animosities, but with the sole view of calling the attention of our friends to the fact, that the coun tels of our paper are entitled to some consideration. There is an incident belonging to the development of character in connexion with the change of Speakers and the con duct of members since the opening of the session which deserves notice. Perhaps the strangest i~ all the strange things that have taken lace in the House with in the last thirty days, was the position taken by certain gentlemen, and the ar gument they used to defeat the election of Mr. Carter, as Speaker. Mfen who refused to vote for Mr.Burch for Speaker when the House first organized, and Mr. Pinch back for the U. S. Senate, were found on Tuesday boldly advocating the election of Mr. Burch, because he was colored ; strange conduct gentlemen, passing strange! ' As much as we desired to see Mr. Burch Speaker, for he was our first choice, we were much gratified to find our friends adhering to the'r agreement, thus demon strating that when they, make a promise it amu be relied on. A year ago, .lhntimcr Carr was elected Speaker of the House of Represeutative in place of CoL C. W. Lowell, because of the latter having accepted the Federal position of Post Master. JMr. Carr was the main cause of the displacament of CoL Lowell The tablre have been turn ed. At the opening of the session of 71, Mr. Carr, although his mat was justly contested, was elected Speiker before he had tdken the oath as a member.The Coam muittee on elections appointed by himaself --entirely ignored the contest of Mr. Carr,--and thus Mr. Car, laid the tte ing uuqtion to his eal, that he was -1 right," and innmediately went to weeork to rewarld his friends apd punish his fees In his eagersm to do this work thoroughly and effeetoay,he overstepped the beunds of "'f;,$namas and report says "e al iered the joral ;" that he and his man "Friday" might comtrol a certain bill. That report says there is a"mouse" in. Gentle.ea ad the Housoaeyo hvedone a noble work in fring Mr. Car to ri aign. Oh I be true, and jm~ee will yet be meted out to that alemnlt of the Re lpublican Party, that representia hine tenths of the vote od the petty in this 8tate "All 's well, that ends well." The Editor of the Loisionsa Sie R gider must have been on a voyags, or oC a "baot," or he must be a very per.s mortal On no other hypothesis can we im.agine the possibilit of his egresm blunlder in cbhrg·i that Hon. J. Henri Burch voted fur General Wes, and uo for Sen~fr Piabbak, for United States Henator. Iok at the Hoos . jemmal friend FoR nDruams NIvowume, ke.,-Talk of your patent medicines, or pepsine, or :iny such remedies ; pbaw I We k~hbw the readiet, most economiesl, and most eflectual, pernaes to be found in this City ; and it is this Just takefl oe e, and get cn one of the Giod and PIuydm street cars, and ride a couple of blocks down Fulton ,·ea, and if the jolting and excitement is'nt "Nhocing" enougli to cure you, you cant be cured, that's all, So try it. HOW WI~LT BE E At the concei tohe gin - Lyeeumr Hall on Feb. 13, by a committee of ladies, for the benefit ot the' Ames Methodist Episcopal Church, on St. Charled' ste4, we are extraely anxious to know whe ther the invidious andabominable "caste" distinctions whichprevail in that ..W - are to be observed in seating.the audiencee at the concert, or whether for the pur pose of raising money, (for the benefit of this Temple of the Albino, where the demon of prejudice has prouy' stood at the door, and pointed the eolred man, "to the gallery" to worship God) the mani pulators of this concern are wiling, for the occasion, to associate their saCred. selves, "without regard to race, color or previous condition." To none of our readers, is it more painful, than it is to us, to throw a damper on anything which the Ladies undertake, but we could not permit this notable occasion to pass, without this re ference to an establishment whose prac tices are a standing insult to our people, and a disgrace to Cuhristianity. THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES. The New Orleans Timerin itseveaing edi tion of January 31st criticiees Mr. Pinch back's speech on the resolution he intro duced requesting our Senators and Re presentatives in Congress to urge the re pealof laws imposing political disabilities, and as is customary with that paper makes a gross misrepresentation when it says : "Pinchback, the colored member of the Senate, who has put himself forward as the organ and representative of his race, in the scheme to Africanise the govern ment of this State a few days ago, refer red in a speech in the Senate, to the late civil war in this country as a,stuggle in which his race had no lot or part, of which they were only uninteiested spectators.. Uninterested spectators," indeed ! when over 200,000 colored men were in the federal army, among whom was ,fr. Pinchbeck Can it be possible that the Tunes is so ignorant of the history of the war as not to know of Port Hudson, Fort Wagner, Mllikens Bendand Fort Pillow ? Again, it says : "How is it to be reconciled with the assumption and pretextof the war waged against the South, as a war to relieve the African race from a cruel bondage, and to elevate and improve their condition, and seenre for them rights to which they were entitled and for which they aspired." We most emphatically deny the as aertion,the war was nct waged for the pur pose of emancipating the negroesand his tory wilVstain bar position ; the war was fbr the Union. We would ask the Tmes man what would have been the fate of the colored people had the South accelpted Mr. Lincoln's iroposition in his proclamation of Set. 22d, 1862 ? And what it will do with the sttemn t the party it cdaim to represent has made, ria that Mr. I~aea in his last intervie* with the confederate authorities agreed to continue dvery if the 8outh would by down its arms ? And while we claim that ,the wr was not arged for the parpoae of emampting and enfranchising the ne grss, wame not mdlmfat of the be thiti was through the war that we ok tained r liberty, sad ed.achbaent, ad Utht to the good and great nseet who almpioned our ear we owe a debt of geatitude that wil iat as long as time it sel Bt in ti.iscla we by a tesas indbe eery ue who erval *i the Pod. emm ary. !eariousm to ~e hew hard the We (deank !iusar in labortba to keep the white peoplt esled yio st the adolbd pepes parmay. r Mr h his toslate t. 2luadt, the die is eddl, the whiten wBa the theabred piouh areetrhmtiiheaftse ta igmre eaoer, paies will be madesopawith au r to the ganerl god witbol t sfrhe to m ato; you m try. ctmena o white' manss pzty or sthir yur edtrta cri ate the Ampreemion ".at the colored -eopM willn fIttL t .b e vt m M i~mmwem iv you iii it s, to ea your attnit to d' aitioa of the Botuse of RegmeSel~in em Tuesay last After Mr. Carr had -eigned Mr. Carter was eleatedrf thOe votes of both whila ad detree uaeh, not' because he was white, not becanse he was a Iepablin, for his opponents charged him with being a democrat, but because he was considerd Independent, com pemnt and worthy. "Couinge' ea s.cast their shadows before them," and we are confident the good work theu lappy beganu fl continue to be the rule, and if this be true, Mr. Pine rc n edb no fere the am nants 4 Times -r uy oth paper sqof .ta a cena' t tewderci am it is for e peopl know too well ay it fealsth4 cona n of th ulhilsan&eole& peopbe poil itically; such a result would be the death, knell of many fat Jobs, the Tehes on taiplats iahi*gh iagflu in. L LVEaOnrroaox.-The Houe on Repre sentatives yestsrda, quickly responding ppuiTar aad, athorised the Speaker to appoint a special commitee to inquire into the disposition of the Cgontingent tfund for fe seeans of 1870 and 71. A dtypae or charges that there re large defaloations Rmou, e m-,oll.oTwfn up the tri umaph of the new combination in the House, the Speaker was yeserday direet ed to remodel the various committees. In a day or two therefore the entire aspect of asairs will be changed. t We call attention to the advertise ment, in another column of Stagg and O'Neill, Patent Attrneys and dealers in all the newest and most useful patcnak oi the aga Live them a call at 180 Canal street ad exminhae the many new and wonder ful artides they have on exhibiton thee. The petition to the City Council from one "J A. Pernandes to take all catirid prisoners now in the Workhbtse and em ploy thes on his plantation at fiftee dollars a m ,oth," requires to our way o thinking, an nhesitating and indignani negative. On the very face of the appli cation there is that insolent and unjlu, discernmination between criminals, on a count of Color. Granting the power of the Council to emnply prisoners, other' wise than on works of publio utility, what right has any man to the servies of one set of prisoners more than to anotheri This matter wq are g!Ad to see has been referred to the Administrator of Polie and we have too much conidence in the discretion of Col: Lewis, to suppose it possible for him to reommend the Coun cil to accede to this outrageous petition TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES VmaanEME J W. $%-The atrcn i Pala from scarcity of food is very great Destructiom tthe railroads prevents rapid revrictualing, bult the Gernaas ape ppga, s othe seiti-s e-trd people Ean teir d? oSires. The Dermanim ill enforce a strict passport system during the armistice. Vsassauass, January 30--IEnate and egrn l, Paris i, forbidden. The reqitetl ji athig &rtsb i pI c ngs dMei German supervision. Condence is expremed at German head. qaartes that peace i seeured. The German troops ase ebaEned at being foa bidden to enter Park. 2:30 . 3LL-The rensMiagintfsaeidferemce was again postponed i esequmaes of the ill. tses Earl Garaills. Po'tal comamnunation between London sad p'aris has been reopened. The Prussians are driving attle into hats to tfed ts. irhaimer mh Biark had notiaed the Britih Feomig, t s thabt ther Deipps e h9lse isateatg available for the transportation oflprovhiin to Paris, but that until mufaicient pplies can b tcashodv 8 e Gm vii ts thr seteS with the citizens. Lasses, Jep. 31-The anrmnl. bqnn IC tlya t Pris, an thrw dmyslahr ia the 4. partmets, sad ezpises on the 11)th ofPetsary, (8pciI by Tdlspah te.W. t hre Nwr Ywin, Je -Iqem 3L- a tnaksk are with the Germane on the basis of a ession a trenk territ, at asp4iatssllSeea .lk They bave seat a deptstion to Gambetm, arg Demosfcm - the amihelee are ink bmgpLhc in many parts of Vheae Puin is sill iea*t iwve a ! te tO au btukm pouring in. abs Ireab c hlae to 1gpelamill of if heeu ddlepin Bea to anew the war, sad the cosurelpt atetn vi aM thk hladad datletin -h s eab6e be futam is .veqp gu . 'S1gugabawg. rsa that pece eas set he wads yet Oambtta hs ratifed the capituation asd vS 'Td £aaCp e fagesle bas c dred be Dabs 4.thernigay to quit her premses fr argiig bi *eea so at dbemehtrsf bema. ldrsa.-It is repasd tht haGambtahasc Nmomp, Jan. 3L-Mattsru in VWh Mv tuua bemne wi1, asdoubt, mas. sgpe 'asuirceg mark's pis of qeatisg thesimggm as angest bea doplel. no woman t least ahoakd enwy her aifuation under much circipostMarne, as she woal& Ld Prance a iery old conmer, too na. mnageable fwan ay strength she ecold apply to the zdw COMMERCIAL WDxanT, Feb. 1-11.0 A. M. Conrla-The market opened `Oh a moderate io aM a pOa abortment -ý sale; but the lather hes tne.t on Wiroed t the additt of ash p s3my, -t dm ecawses sltms irnivw od4s lat w Ytork, anad the nharuble bwm.o T I ; and the soles surip oi a 1 b.tNI at a shade under ye stedays iMg res. Yesterday's sales reachebd ,00 bales, the 1 )aý Or a, 13.@ 3oe for Goods Ordinary, 1414e. r Low MIn 14j5 e. brOMidng, I1SE e. Siratel Middling, a5 0000 AT OLD PRICE. AS TUl S31E AGEMTS is 6UwiatdSdtats for the UVa ,EOL WATrn o0., we ass a. tbelaed bythem to elos bot a han s U n of EaropeanWatabes, Maie. eto, now in steck for Csb, at paes. never before known. All beadutifh aidsh, artistic l design. reliable for ase ds limse damble, ad of the latest style Every Watch will be stild at les than cot of iptatiad ~rwadsd aecal ypeak ed, prepald, to any part of the oesatry on receipt of price. Money ena beseat to us by Expres, with ordes for Express Co. to return Gods or as, whieh will secure promptu and safety topur·haser. A oear list Dwit be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SLVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuias English or Sjeweorled movements, adjusted regulator, teel cut hands, engine turn neal, correct and serveab articl ge or mao isrs, ein com plat sumnning eder, wiih an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key, all complete, mail d bee for FIVE DOLLABS. AVERf HANDSOME WATCH In fae 1 ba.t Gold plted Douable Cses-imitation of ) CelAd Watash-eamved or plai, genmine anglsh, t ll p rtojWl movemen, adjusted regulator, corret, and he complete enrting order with elegent Gent's Vet Chain, with Locket and Key, mailed pre-paid for ely EIGHTEEN DOLLAa. The Ovid. Gold Watch, IN MASSIVE OBIDE GOLD Doable Rant ng Magic Spring Ces, elegantly engraved, or eine turned, Genuaie abn laeer move meat tll jeweled, reWgld anBd warraBnld to keep correct tine, and wear equal to Gold, precisely like in appearance, make, finish, bril liancy of culor. SI n Gold Wateh. Oune of the' s.plecad Watches will e mwarded by mail free to any adiresm , i lamdnmase mmornco case, lined with velvet and antim, (Imc' or Geant's size Watch,) for only TWELVE DOLLARBL Watches for H Oiday PRements naanactured to GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of al grades, in OGal and tilver Came, frnm $1$ up to ASha Other (oda Watches equally low. With every Club of six Watchs of any kind. we nd one extra of same kind bee, ans a Inairm to getter up of the Club A superior sturk of (ie naiue Orl Gold Chains, $ to $6 uch, war rantad flly equal to OlI in lhilaney of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 collected on delivery, Sdedl. All Bills of $1 ad len, must be cash in P. O. Money Orders, or Registeed Letter, at our risk. Goods carsilly selected, packed and forted pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or receipt opr pes s delvery of all gaesateed. Watches forwarded to be examined to parties knows, when earps charaes both ways are paid. No goods forward ad west ofthe Misiesppi Biver, with bill to col lect a elvery. Purchases must pay all x press charges on goods at C. 0. D. : aso for return of moay. All Oah orders frwarded free of charges to destinatiao. CatalogueeFeae. Address all orders CHAR P. NORTON A 0., Importere of Watbhes, et EsabIMhed18L. 8 aslm a L, N. Y. B. T. WALSHE 110.....CANAL STREET. 101....1 1er SL Jharles, NZW ORLEANS, Li. MUPS MUD DOYTS' OTS BIRD CHII.WN Evlw y Article Martd m Plain Figures ghaIbe ilentd sa m cbaoY rehnla e& ;reo~ese Prim md Fssl Pa e to selectream * re m ense of Ibeiminee B. T. WALSIWeRS 11*A as &mmn b y, our the uem 6 the same Ion od toaveiturther coat. brties deiring to aeosst m aid Ms mmi O their taes., are requesed to c alat my a c whea all ismantauss wl bepromuptldy given. c. 8. s varU : /0 UIS1 WALTHAM WATCHE., TIE RALANCE WHEEL WILTIM WATCH sun 4 them mecomd, . Bams a* minute, 14,400 times an hour, s45,000 times a dy. ,419,,00 times week, 14,,D0ooo times a month, 196,144,000 times a year. MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH T- RAYXNT rIY OF MACCYXER,. R muist ot en reu ,l dy, bt d 1 al ; not enEy o weeabdley, bit on &ndep and Iotd y.r I d armet rm Aaginqg up or ldy g dew-upde dose. or ight aide up. A nset 1ee renaing wAm se wrm i do"es or stead iA Whea A. alk or rides. In fai, it eipedfae bt do d oe datf d thes, in every rose ad in .a poitio . A Genuine Waltham Wath wm lUlhl al aquirenna I waeed eme a day, it will faithtlly. tiok *c yea b eaked and twenty-d million times in a year, without even requirin .h oi all ttlt time. A Genuine Waltham Watch course a sprng, 9 ibesI., 1 &mu. 9ad w w paert a--king a..lag er 16 s au pses. A,11 "'~ n Wmsas W, teýsm Weealo.e 2nhre nemem ewares. aun uau zwaUr an ma i nrrm sawma. very parteof a Waltham Watch is made by aeinaery, The mebaiNe ry sed is making the movement of a ngle watch coast over a iM dryd Tovsaud DAArs, yet we sell thee Watches, -. a sold iaver Hunting Case, for $18. The same watch eouMl at be made by band and 9 aihed as padteotly for Ta Tnr s sOa. A Genuine waltham Watch I ihtercbangeable, like a Splagekl rise, that in, any part of one Watch is exactly like the ne patti another ; and if ten Watche of one gase wrun taken peart, nab thie mrews, whel, lsprisu, Ae., were mixed kItuther, tee watches em ull be made by putting thase parts together agnia, withaum any referesce to their ahnser comultnautin.- This in a GREAT ADVA.'TAU("; For, if y pjmi of a, Waltham Watesh is inajuie we cuan iwcys replace it at a A GENUINE WALTNAM WATC. IS aieh with gmeal reseumnto I RA BILITfY OtherWatches will run for year or two, and require on eautat rnain ; but A WaAenesm W a$c WILL RU FAITffFrtLLT FOR MANY YEARS We ma thes. Watches, IN SOLID SILVE HUNTINGO CASB. -$Is IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASE, $70 We have pepared sa ILLCSTRATED PIME UST, whisth desemibes the varirm of Watch. is deSail, gives the weight ad quty of the (aese, sad al other Ies.nmaton . esemy hr a inteligea t sleoti.. We vwan every ome would send for it before ordering a Wteh. Wi eber it as fd.o.a" Mease. IHuwd & Lb., No. b85 koedeg, .ew Ttor: Plae eund me pr Ilaasre Pelo Ld W-dl~lm Wal~e, ae pr'akdemsdn in Tua (lnimanmda 3n s-n ) en We have eant at ever Riem 23umad et thes W.hem pon at heme olsu and ha aol been adted ap moneyd la thee easem, .a. not meoft em ian m seeofnt disail.] -meded the menus _e ..e ya snase Ae~ie, tn s eem a n i hmb LaLo ast. Anotrree Gm. Oon msa aan ua Wae sLr mrw wa. eor m I aamoss - ma3 m Nse Ye. A-_ -W . W LAo W P-waC Iw. 9eu~Criquyt a.-Wdo not eUWaIam ~lI camem whever (theme an aother me *r'Dmmm ut Galmu siver). The Wt Weadde is nuear f a G a or Brert Caee, sa- re do nst pea tsd Ut ay smiyer. Iwrr u av a me pi · PaPma lrhai Carpenter and uilder. ......JULIA STBET.... .1287. Allaoders A altte ae wil be ptsealy ~N\YI t STAMC AM, B'ELL PATENT ATTOrMur Dealers In all of the NEWMD T anad most Useftl Patents of the age. We beg to call public attention o the het 4 we are now prepared to ll orders for the lat novelties in the line of patented gooda mal ar constantly adding to our large stock, such atir. le of real merit a the inventive spirit of to age produce., and the .uggsive temper of t, times demands. The Southern Country prci. ally, needs thew labor-aving inventionsa to o Meaundin the country we extend an invitation t, all and examine our stock of ousotLn An ARM 3wrSxars. Inventosn can obtain information through o0 Agency, of the courne to be pared in obtaini/ paents, the MoDIr onsAus or Tas PrtKr w. tas. Government fees, Ac., Ae. Applications made, and Caveats Aled, spay and eectively through our aoe, a" A? ta coer To Tae mvarsro5, than personal appl& tis at Washington. For circular addre. STAGO & O'NEILL 180 Canal Street New Orlema SPECIAL NOTICE. St. Louis, Irn loastain ad Ilt hilcmd. THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE To st. Louis, Chicago, Omaha, Snm Franciae, St Paul, Kanae City, Leavenworth, st Joseph, Ald all Po~ l North, Eis sad ieat. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Bail. road Depot daily, at 7 A. . and 5 P. . AN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the foot of Canal street daily at i A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga lralnod, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all ljaint North, East and West. For tickets apply to A. D. HIELDON. Ticket Agent New Orkue s, Jackswn and (Gra Nortt.Hen Railrad, corner ('.unp anti ('omt mon streets, uunder ity Htel ; or to W. I;EDELL Ticket A;eut New OrLuns, k 'bile aud Chat. auno't llilr'tad N,. IZ151 Comun'on atreet, mnader St. ChiurS llotel. J. I. WIN(FIEIJ). General StpIrilntlnding Ag.'ut St. Ln,.ii. Irom SMountain anti S.,uth-ru Uitlrleet, -NEW ORLEANS, MODILE CHATTANOO(GA RAILROAD. The Mobile of this road will be opsne for businel on loadye, ornabe I,. 11, and passengr tanlt will run as follows : Lave New t)rlrautn, trinm the foot C('anal street, for Bay St. Lois, Paus Chrietian, Mi.. iizsippi City, Biloi, Ocean 3'pring%, Pacagula. and lloile at 8 o'clock A. M. Arvive at Me. bile at ~13U o'clock P. M,, conneting at Moile with the MOBILE AND OHIO, and the MO. BILE AND MONTGEOMEKY RAILOADS tar all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 11:90 A. I Asiving at 610 P. M. Far ltweem New Oleas aid lubile Fiw klalrn. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS RUN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight reeeived at New Oream, at the foct e Jula street before 4:30 . M.L d liveB d Nt Mobile early next morning. FREIGHT AS I)W A BDY AN~ OTilIf BOUTE For Itrther informatlci, al at the Ose of the company, rooms on ad two up dam. STiORY BUILDING, corner Camp aM Oomeamoa ateeta. J. . ENDIICI . Gemaral Sepamurlatsd TRIAVELLERATTENTION: lse Ir Malr, Jtm sad rllEt Nlkt sad Elaippi Ceatl Iallnmdl. han their Palnaser ,a BsPPe as, their eombined length witha BAGAGEO CHICKED lOnx RESIDKNC TO DISTINATION. k 7 L 1. ItpeTnhsTls nUshI, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Makes alaoenetiona for Viekbo q, M a ' , cheeses I,...rvan ad . /- beyond.-p hieeinearn ait Cnhta The sa&Iral aInsas rew rIns ky, inmt ninaie al points NOMTH.llNI .3 ELSTf. Cuarries great Northen MaiL ams to Rk Trk, 76 hum. New d aM eleaty Itted up Meeping Cam ruan to HumB ildt Ti'mea, (brelad,T Inaua and Louinvilla, Kentucky . Expru rain uth arctes atl S .OL K Md Train tiauth aurivest lii A. M. Tickt OUese, (Jalvuala, Is.. lbhdiuhng Test Oces., N oemaw Mrn, car nity Hl, Corner Cmp ad commen slmm, aad I. rQ EWALTL Geaera Supeslnliknadtd r.. MOE , Genea Twket l Ape New Orlens, Jackioanad G t Neorthul E D. EOST,. General spenitadnt; D . !IOREY, General Ticket Agent dmisppi Central ailroad. W. S SCOTT, OGeneralsPmaeng e