Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL NOT ICES, Atan Election of Directorsof the Net ropotaLoan, Sings sad Pledge Bak, heldon thet*elth hatast, theifollowing gentlemi n were elected e serve as Directors for the ensuing year: 1. IL DUMAS. J. HASINGER. L T. DELANIZE. C. W. UOWELL W. L PEMBERTON. (L CAMP. THOMAS ISABELLL OEOa .L BRAUGHN, A. P. DUMAS. de 17 JOHN. DAWSON. Cahier NEW ADVRBTISEMENTS. REOPENING. sBZ'INO MACHIEB-ALL DISD. The publie have lang desired the establish ment of a Mart, where all kinds of Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Findings could see and compare the workings of one meline with another, and select from the different makes the machine best suited to the use to which they diredl to apply it. To such Mart we invite you at 159 Canal street. Agents wanted. noa 2ptf M. S. HEDIUCK, General Agent UNION LEAGUE CLUB HOUME, .,............... Royal street............. 3 The rooms of this Calb are open each day to members andnd and their guests from 7 A. M. to 12 P..I Lneh will beeve ddaily lom 19 M. to P. M. no29 1mSp. JOHN B HOWARD. LAW OrTCP, 26 St. Charles Street 96 Poript staention given to civil businem in the sevemalsour of the State. 3e ly HENRY C. & H. IL DIBBLE, ATTOU Sare AT LAw, S Itatchez Street (Morgan's Building,) New Orleans, La 38 1y. HAWKINSATHARP, (1. BAHLwn --IaIAs ?aar.) ATTORNEY8 AND COUNSELLODS ATLAW. 19........ Commercial Place ........19 Nero Orikans, La. Prnpt attentiao given to civil beines in the State and United 8tates Coasts 38 ly A. P. lelda & Bobert Date Attorneys & Counaellorast lw. JH 9. Ceaunaeri Pk e, Sd. Floor. VS-triet Attent' "'il and Criminal I bsine lan the 8f " Coarts. MRS. A RtISHl' I1 CIH. jTBIiT, * Orleaaie, La. .rtieular attention peid to the mmnu facture of Gente' Uadeclothing; sIoe, Base all Clib and Firemaa's Unifaorlua Made to order. AAC OF TIE NEW TORIK 1anperio om Of mAano FOR LADIES. a epmtedbyl Ir . udalk 6 Inr.LLIaeIs.I - Fahmtshing Goods or ALL ntm e, FoxO HEAD DREgSS TO HOBIERY, SUITS IN ORRAT VARIETY, Wrappers BSgle or Dosbs Ulmisstlcehig .e ing r, Chenmma, ra. San. he, Ovr. Orde takem n wmag Outst., Chnirens and Ind elaui am5i , Sannd Dresa in the JAt Styles, sad emppliea atahert odalee. Sm apleRBeas,No. 23 I °l St., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FI1ST 711EIII LIIT IIIFACRTSIT . Orders respectfuly solicited. Mrs A. GOODALE, W rs. K. E LfCOuYN. BARRETT, SEYMOUR & Co., SI PRINTERS AND L1THOGRAh HERS, to 60 Carp Stream rE: NEW ORLuANK T. A. BARTLETTE, S ATORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW. er 142.... Grrier Street...,U14 (Up Shif.) EBW ORLEANS, LA. S381 ly. CARPET WAREIIOUS 17 ......CHATRES STREET......17 A BROUSKEAU A CO., Impoear and Dealers at Wholesale and Retail, o[er at low Pries ; 1 CARPETING, o FLOOn .OIL CLOTHr, rt MAImWoG. Curtain and Upholsterers' Material, Window Shades, Table Covers, Hair Cloths, Lace Cur tains, Corniets, etc, LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, omncE, No. 120, coma atarm. Insures FIRE, MARINE and RIVER RISKS, AND PATrs oissm Neow Orleans, New York, Liverpool, Lon 6 don, Harre, Paris, or;.Benemen, n at the option of the insured. CHARLES BRIGGS, Presidet. A. CARREIEE, Vice.President. J. P. Roo, Secretary. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. FALL AND WINTER nro=x o MILLINERY GOOD. of every deecriptioa, just received sa 3. R. -BAE amagW*A 29 ......CHARTRE8 STREET ...... (between Canal at.a Customhoue. ) _ W. H. Manm.sE, C. W. BUar, "oui. NWr Orlemaa 4RKHAM &f BURT, Importers and.Jobberseo 109.....GRAVIER 8TREET,.....109 NEw OaLsaSx. PARTIES I WHO BUY FIRST CLASS DRY1 GOODS -FOR cASE- Will find their money spent more to their satisfaction at BRlASELMAN & ADAMS' CASH HOUSE ELSEWHERE. A Clanes through'their immanse stock --os-- ilka,'Satim, Real Popas, Plaid. Serge Merion, Cashmdere, Imp Cl(t, Forn.oes, Arab., Jackets,!Shawa SackLings, Clekinga, Cloths, FlanneL. Iaceas Embroide rite, Olove, Cset., Vel vets, Ribbons, Paranols, Etc., Etc., lte. WILL CONVINCE. 8. .................nd................... Magauine street, cor. St Andrew. REMOVAL 167......CAAL 'TREET.......167 I No.e 9 CAMP STREET. Munnetier and Deal,' Trnks, Valese a4d bgS, IRepeetlly give uotie that they have rmm ed tothesage andisntmliy ooated store C N~o 167 Canal IMeet, P. R ETHEL4 MERCHANDISE, FLOUR aN PROVISION BROKER, 105.....POYDRAS STREET.....106I W. J. TAILOR........ .JOUN M. BURKE Ci sPaleseme LACROIX , 'ROS THERB Coan Fazmrak VY wr Saus,, Haoe On nad, Beat Of Wi. And IA wor& Dre., 17th V. G. CASENAVE. UNDERTAKER. Bowiog &urtar a &louis hr, d re OrAtme La. 17 De. 17t1, V. UNITED BROTHERHOOD, - PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. - br. Unio. & Darin 3awis, Jire Orlas La. '* Orceries, Wines 4 Liquors. - PATRICK GRIFFEN, Pim..., Dee. 17A, V. . National Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, Charted byat odCa~gre. J. W. . vrd Pltident D.L. Et, eorebrty, SamnelL Harris, General Inspector. Deposits o a cents ad pmwar s eeved. Intesaet'jaid in Marsh, July and November. ney drawn without not.s.. RUFUS w.PLJs, Chairman Adrinory Comnittee. C. 8 8AUVINET, ` CRO.MWELL HOUSE ! "EQUAL PUBLIC PRIVIIGE&" -s :o: bTDR.R.I.CROMWELL, 271 Customhoue Street, (Corner of Villre Street,) BOARD and LODGING by the DAY or WEEK. A rposakfor s P'rxhi, Meuep, Beggage. te. Joan JoN. Mas.s B. DIMomL or JOHN JONE8 Co., s Steal 311statea SBao]ýars, XONROE STREET 69 CONERB Ie~ TE, t Boon 1M Up StWe.e CHICAGO ILLINOIS. Rents Coileeted ux Tira Asm aasinm ,rsra. FIlRand LIFE Iwwamor ii the most Rdisbk JULIU&.P. BR WN. CAN&JSr. Bet Vumwm And Rmnms Semmg. Jobbing. 4timded to PsmeuaU EUltEt CUESSS. AomNT LOUISIINA STAIT LOTrrst. . Benad Sbm4 BdawpI YillUer &obl,. eieboi 8trja lker Orlewia a e Dec. 17A, 1870. V. LOUIS OLI : A SL Aathese Bbvt, N.. Orleas.La Dee. 17th, 1870. f. XIC AEL BARRY: Wy .WO'OD A CO L YARD, Ces.. &r. ~Ounz &ejmuy Burz a NsW OImla. lb A. W. ROBERTS, ATTORNBEY AT LAW. Will practice in the court aof the Thirteenth f Judicial District, composed of the pariah. of ove Caroll, Madis, Tenses mnd Coneordis, and in 005 the Supreme Court at New Orleans. 3s ly. The Great Reemom Weekly, The Chrbtisa Union, A THOROUGH GOING R Oa OUS FAMILY 'ixteen Lar~Qu arto Pag.s-Each Number Cit And Shibol. - HENRY WARD BEECHR Editr. jas" IodDe t N of the crch sd th Wadd Lla k N$., Arl, -A,.edtm'l Tade PIpae, A., .., and o ni eotrbuat msiaom wUeB.o haImemaIne It has Something for al ]aburs of the HoMubdol Adwi nhi oerlbdem and otabdsl , d diseeing all the great topiea of the day; fas infoiocm s anhahneyed eateca much mater satd hh and p orer1oruiM6; Paem: Hoseebeld tories, and Chat ! the litle oe. It is Ithe Brightest and Most testing Religions Paper Published. Beang quod htom by the pr es ofEntre ountr . more eteekel then my other. The whol editorial work is i the handsa of eperiaed and cultivated men. In addition to Mr. Baman's * STAB PAPERS, * andt srhereiutrwemhinaer e Mr Eetin om of "· "I " m . Esumeng daMeing id Lecture-Room Talks, Many other feaure of constant yet varying iterest fill its colu from week to week The Cnmtributors are Representative Men of all Denominatons. R hisresalag is .fre' Sos more reply k an My other religwou arw A -6d dial, MYWIFEANDI; Or, HARRY HENDEB ON'OS HISTORY, ar .nser BEcmM aow, Is Mis week eommeneed in the Chbrieea Union aerinal story of to-day, which promne. to be oe E Of the mest vivid and inmreetig works that ever came from her pen Thisstorybame odd be well worth taking the the paper for even if .mLccmpanied by the great variety and rihness of other matter. READ WHAT the PAPERS SAY, oacsacmS THE CHRISTIAN UNION, Which wille seat FltEl ail Janury 1, 1871, to all who now mabecribe for the year 1871, embracing all the numbers of Ma. STOWE'S story. Not only the ablest and best, but also as we nu sppoe the maetpoplar oAmerlcan periodials It has already greater inflhenode than any other " reml.ion paper mtheee l0tvy..The. et (1'Y.) I ,taing rankaoa g abm rei'es n .Pen in the kLad .a edrpoyn e ) One ot t s wry lst ape that rehel us. ,(Oindt, o.) 06 ofr the leaing weekly Jqiioea oomunal ot the woatd.-hF o (Irhir I& e(Ban Fran eCeco). READ WHAT the COArIC BSAY or Homsehold Engraving of Wmahington, A Fine Impreaon of which Ip PBESENTED to Evnry New Sbkr to the bpr. Far D. aunTIGTrO, Preeldeso the Natial eader eayf lel. *r Marahalr'saeqavlimgis hI a meselar 1d 'ff espsrw's Ersnye a nd abv all, every Americ an, e ahasein ao ma nWomis moeun print." SFrom .e oe u, the en eam Arist. •th imesepy of , t's e l, I have ever From EDWARD WVERETr -h Is tuy a e ry. amo. Notthg soald be Iesae M. dtrrslln a meelegI e cd g a AGRE AT CHANCX! A Steady, Pro.tablhe 01 rhome Integesntio, leve Man sad Vine. Wdt*III aha d ea d aa mllyhn ms ins . All our v uai.1* ae esatie wek bmadltoeat iem a elr-o rhe worth of Isper, sad the GIVEN AWAY with it ta eaBsublb ONLY*O$800PrYEAR, frwwhichmar glva the Piper an the Pictre ab ove named to all aew nbseirlbern semas coei emit Free by mail to any addreu. J FORD & CO, Publishers, 25 Pau ow Nrew aYork (t NAIPERI PERIIO ISAL. -:o0 : -New 8ubsebem wll be suppied wit dther Rem'. Masa, Mama's Wemur, MY or Haman's Bass, Ass prewn time to toh endde7myear l$ 1r lmurDel. --U TERMS FOR 1871. kr. Iamsa'e M miuI One Tear....a 00. HAt sm's Weka., One TIar.... 4 00. s Laam's Wasns, n Tear.... s 40. Ion, 2of Rnim ' au Lm'. Wuuxi.yl sad a, LHam '. Bas, to emeamm, tbaie year, and 10 00; or any two fow $00. SAn Exta Co of eibther tha MaAEuS Wa s., cr Bases w be seuppihd gasls a 1 emery Clab d s fvanm m at 4s S00 ae., irs one remlthame; or, iz Copies for aW 04 Shout a na py. , The Poage wihbin thoe wiled A esafr u he a s 4 e is year, for th Wacmo.: or ch Buas 9 ents a year, pehoy, semi Uskea 7orq9uaiy. tthe L ewsn eeived. heiphone heow the )amlloss oa (thads san be acompanIe With It cents additional Sfor the Mealum. or sO mes sor the Wms= or BArM, to y thn U. a ps Theo V a ts o Masas commene with athe nhnsm for Jane ed December a each Iol yesea.r Suberiptioa may commence with any nad Nmber. When no time is speled, it will be nd ood that the abseriber wishes to begin with the fat Number of the crrant Volume, sad bac Numbe wig be sat aeeordingy. The Volumes of the Wusax and Base eam. mee with the year. Whom no time is specied, it will be nderstood that the sabselber wishe to commence with theb Nmber .aetate the recsip of his order W the ascrliber address is to be 4 changed, both the old and an one smat e given. It is etnecesry to give note of di continuance. In remitting by rall..a PosOee Order or Draft to the order of Hames A Bnaoma s te e o Bak Notes, alace, shbo the or Draft be lostor a le, it ea be e newed without loss to the seeder. Tam oe Amvasrmnxo mauea's Psmao scaz a p Harp s Magars,-Whoe aPwge, ss; Wal Pae, o250 ;Quarter Page, s1O-aoh iuserms. prs Baer.-SI 00 per line; Cute and Dilay, $1 25 per line-eac inwed Addresr BARPERB A BBOTHEI, New York. A. hmourm., C0SMOPOLITAN NEWS IEPOT, fSTATIONERB, BOOKS ETC.., ktl Id No. 4, trehnge Alley, bdtwan Bienil.k and Conti Slrrta, New Orlansa All the large Northern and Western dailles. More than one handred and aixty ditemnt publieStioms reeelved and sold. tiueriptions received o al peiodsal ptabe lions. iubscriber will be seounteable for the sub scriptia as leag as they do not seed back the 1, paper, or notify otherwise. 1, 6. trulA ir, Wcruss O O Ws Ustsa sra caWO r moar, m y wa eram commenamua. we urn SaCbmanieioner of afe oe of clim. S DepoStiam, tesMmony, chknowledgments, eta., taken at short Modes of Psprtseumed e th Ite Depauesi, i Wtbingtonwtacuracy andprotesum. aewspaperdelivery. New Orlesas, LouisiAns. W. J. Whipper. B. B. ElliotHt, Maes . Aes WHIFNE, EWIT, & ALBM i I, WLcTO3Bc c~nSac LOBns, O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. d olly thor of the Co d Charlesem, flua as aamI ad coses. MirLr. Aflen will also pisol in the United States Combe ka Cariona Upresea ar. wIamoam DRY OOODS EMPOREUu, '1l63......-Canal asset..1.-----s. booms Fsee: eiaer hosrn fr aItemre Teasm Fwo.o: ret, feMIngs emI hags. 4g A violt to tsoes win repar pmoeu Lo wiobag to hey heap ad dtguamIu.n 0.WIs WW.I i. Al.LraN 0 ing Contracts, SECURING OF LABORERS. Grreci4 Mite. prc LK LOIIIIA STATE LITTE ITl rf Incorporated August 17, 186%. .t, RHA T. HOWARD ..... Pau~ *, SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY, nm S8uPk! IOILY 0,000 si Cu .AL Pam -- - - 50,000. CLASS R, TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLE.A Or, a ihtrdy, Duemkr 31, 1870, ,.,a HOWARD, SIMONDTJS A ca, Cot0, SSCHEME : fr 90000 rase cac-r $ 70 . S1 prsze o 1,000 i . 0 1 prise of 7,000 i .0 1 prize of ,000 is."......... Siprine of 1,000 .............. 1 pr o ,000 is.. 1 pnzseof , ooo ............ Sto I prize of .000 i.. 1 of 1,000 .... 1 priof 1,000 p , 1 eof o .. .1,000 1 pri] of 1.000 d 1 pri of 1,000 1 prze of 1,000 b 1 prpseof 1,000 S1 prize of 1,000 I1 prize of 1,000 1 prizeof 1.000 O 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,0(0 Sprime of 1,000 S1 priseof 1,000 arl pize of 1,000 1 psemof 1,000 ptHe.o T 1,oooaut prizeof 1,000 1 prlze of 1,000 Ir 1 prizeof 1,000 Te lol 1,000 1 prisemof 1.000 1F =Oof 1,000 1 raoeof 1,001) 1 prze of 1.000 prim of 1000 317 prizes of 500 are 449 44O names amounting to sm, Wb1 tickets $90 ahnrea in pntaerqon. Srise payable in ihll without dedubio. SOrdr to be addrsed to. CH& T. HOWARDM Lock ox 6929 Poetoffi, aNew O.m.. aied Paden ce Money order or, egidea yaw Letter, i The ilitkll L huerUhrg FIrhilu n b.* at A.UrACTi vMzM AMD DRAUrm Us A" Ems I FURNITURE, Ihttraasee, Looking Glkmueq A., 108 and 105 Camp Street, cener PSNr Moreeque Building, New OrLeeA. P. B. PcRsac . C. C. Aur:, Sew O'lnw, La. OShrnep I r PINCHBACK, & ANTOINE, COENMEL8810MERCHANT 1,Z.4 Cawrone i Lodlo Ift., NEIW OELEANS. LEeI l DwTacO s sleR on Cb.uignmmii SPa emrp a ifon gra ebdal adm and pmmeta. promptly aenff, de, do fCeignnaenes cvered by Jns surmme e aleameM sidppd, iulus elharise lsuna.d on She GEORGE HITS: - Ldt-BSm h & Mdl-Huger, IRONq llflI, l PITTD l IF, --0-- S Presm eip d uel p .ad Oo SMamboea. li#ed up ALBERT EYTICH, oEokacEier and Sltl4omer, 130 CANAL 8TREET, New Orleina, iL ,bmm, McDowz.c. a Co., Iittle RIek h ]BErt & Io., BS Les Mimuio GENERAL COMMJ&IION , Refe to Cual Dank, DBank of New Orlean, Loujieana: State 8.uing' Amoctn.ic, Berta 'obr, Low. A C,,, L Lush MimLuL 14 ONTol STREEI, OBLEA.LS FURNITURE MADE AND RePAIED rOoLE.IL MU SICAL IKSTf-UMIF.-T C~zq7*tcr Work done ,\aly o, and J.M .rempdly o'eaded to.