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~.- crhfnter, and all pla ~r ~f jublih resrtt, or for aqi l : iqredl by either State, cipial lulthority, shall le ,f pbli-* elharacter, and shall ijiinsllat ition andl patron ~,"ithout distinction or lis -a,, oint of rvae or color." "r . to the act of 18M19, it will be tjI p. rains engaged in the busi ;: carriers of passengers, are t e admi-nsuin to their con r s person therefrom, on 1,. 1or. " This act further * p rs'in shall be refused ad t, rtainmnent at any public h. t l ,." , , of public resort in the o these provisions, the act t "d licenses hereafter granted t: at L.d by all parishes and mu i ., to persons engaged in 1 ng places of public resort, Sxpre.s condition that the or public resort shall he , noslation and patronage of a t1 out distinction or discrimni n,, tint of race or color, and any - w -hall violate the conditions of s 1; hall, on oonvictiua thereof, t forfeiture of hia license, and 4J 1)1,,' la-mise or of public resort shall be . I moreover, he shall be liable, t1~' person aggrieved, to such -e " hall sustain thereby, before s r: 'f rrapetent jurisdiction." , . still more effectually, the pro .,I ti,:, art, it is further provided that itY aijurid shall haves right of ac , at r, ,vw r any damages, e.eemplirry as we - . which he may sustain, before a a :t if aulpetent juriasdiction." It a 1 alp ear to ale that every right It riaai-sllable person could demand ar tI -1rep fellow-citizens, is guaran 0,.,1 :1.:;- it, and until at least some well t:r "t. -I-alrt has been made, through the *1r ; art., to enforce its provisions, and :i~ u, -t u l proven defective or unoper atu', fartahr legislation in this direction is li. nrt I cannot sanction any le "a t that ondicti with the constitution f r atud whith-l must, therefore, :-l- litigation and only teal t ~"- evil it was desigied to rene I .r at uwp part, I miust qty, in cona-u - - fa: as statutory law can break jialic *.s of, I believe that % ie all tt cn lhe con,- by the Ligis -,n the go.vernmuaa t. it , as ant vi ,ll Niwn, givin to our r hiow-iitit u- tac ullaluas which, if Ir: t~ hi tli ill eafirci roost fully air . ri- z1tý, :ilt it tb--', rights are not A'". -i tlthoa who, cn atinure to hold n .n .[Il wickeid jpre-judiceis, after tihe a-I.r 1ii., - have ijuitely and discreetly 1 u..; ta., and Is-en refused, then I I. it to the civil courts for re -r I ta.--r t ougs. ,, 1 oar citizens cannot be se ' ai ut of til civil reme SIt. nav, r can he by making t" u , . --plving pains and penal . t uaL award damages to an injur .I r. a:. whlen it would not decree u who. woull deprive him of his - 4 ri ,anti impiose penalties for II. C. WARMOTH. STATE OF LorisuNA, EXrEi TIVE I)zPAzrTNr, New Orleans, January 2, 1871. ribji l'riesjih-nt and Members of the 'at r-oltion originating with your , t la-e b1, and entitled "A joint reso a I ~ut a joint coimittke saacom. r . "t ure anid make neecessary i f pialdic properties, statenments r,-a a -- my- l~alrrgements to finally t~ ahl < -l~.,iiataiin of the cities of -a.tfro aind Orleans, Right 1--b r at - nanw arai style of the city ' rl ' j-a it-hri-with returned with no r t0h hilU for thae reason that it is rarv. The coonsolidation Illf~ th u ft l ara thout the ex II. Q. WARMOTH, 1i raoar of Lousanaas. 9T iTE oF LoUmsINA,) Fxiczaive Departm..t, I r l hs:<hautnd Meanbers oftjthe A t Li- -ra i-ti wijh your honorable r uACty "at, i li to lease the Neew Or laiamrks."etc. is herewith re of ew rlenshaving fl ea si ~ AIaui~ara il of its own affaiiw, uitatior, being fully compe -rt~a deem the legislation hn b-cjt- if New Orleans to sell its totu etlm . Hf. C. WARBOTr, Gotv&rnaor of liauisasna. STATE of Lovlzswa,) 1 Liuvaitrve Deprariniert, Ni-w Orl.-ansi Jiunrary I, 14171. Ia li resident an Membmrs of the IiI ri turn, without my approval, I< "An act granting certain a abtt I rai iiaia C a n a l a n d l a n d Iaoeo the moat pernlicious - 'hui i any~~ir Legishltture. It i nhan', iconcocted by a body 4 1.a- 'l.tor-- to aqpproprate for E be th-e lab-bcous and aanvigable streams in the State of Lounisiana, as well a r to engross several millionaof acres of Is* belonging to the State. Its monstrosity is e so apparent, that the chief incorporator him. I self declared to me that it was not the bill hl thought, and intended should peas; and that he regarded certain odious amenlments as intended should kill the measureentirely. e It has certainly done that thing. H. C. WARMOTH, e Governor of Louisiana. STATS op LouSIAxA, Executive Department, r New Orleans, January 2, 1871, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Herewith I return without my approval t an act entitled "An act to grant ferry privil I eges to Henry Henehert, Conrad Henchert, J. W. B. Evans, R. G. Gardner and Aaron Wright, their heirs or amigns." I object to this hill because it is one by which certain parties, for their own aggran dizement, seek to gain possession of a ferry privilege, now owned by and a source of revenue to the parish of Jefferson, and be cause I fail to perceive that any public ben efit would result from the change, while, on the other hand, it would occasion a loss of revenue to the parish. H. C. WARMOTH, Governor of Louisiana. STATE or LouiIsaNA, Executive Department, New Orleans, January 2, 1871, To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: t Herewith I return, without my approval, an act entitled "An act to incorporate the s Louisiana Joint Stock Bank, to be located in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana." This bill, if passed, would, by its ingeni t ous construction, exempt the bank from I taxation. It provides that an interest of Snot less than three per cent shall be paid on 1 all deposits of the State of Louisiana, city of 'ew Orleans, executors, administrators, cu raters and tutors, which shall have remained Sthirty days in this bank, and in comidera s tion of this agreement to pay interest, the - hank shall be exempt State and city taxa tion. H. C. WAIIMOTH, Governor of Loisniana. STATE OF LOtIRIANA, Executive Department, ' New Orleans, January 2, 1871. To the Honorable 1'r,-ident and Members of the S,"nate: I herewith return, without my approval, an act entitled "An act to amend and re ena -t se ltion eight of an roet entitle I "An act r to regulate and define the duties and powers fI admninistrmtors, executors, curators and ivncljes." I object to this bill for the reason that I believe it would open wide the door to fraud in the administration of estates. H. C WARMOTH, Governor of Louisiana. STATE or LoUISIANA, Executive Department, New Orleans, January 2, 1871. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives : Herewith I return to the House an act entitled "An act to aid the Medical De partment of Straight University," with out my approvaL The grounds of my objection are, that the University in question, being aprivate educational institution, it is not compet ent for the General Assembly to make an appropriation of public funds for its sup port In proof of which your attention is respectfully called to article 140 of the constitution, which says: "No appropria tion shall be made by the General Assem bly for the support of any privta~ school or any private institution ot'learning whattever." H. C. WARMOTH, Governor of Louisiana, SrATE o7 LoUImANA,) Executive Department, New Orleans, January 2, 187L) To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate: Herewith Ireturni, without my approval, an act entitled "An act for the relief of John Hancock." My reason for so doing is that I thi to perceive why the State is expeoted to reimburasea person for a warrant which has been lost, any more than for ahbend, either lost or destroyed. In all pro. bility, the warrant haq long since been paid, and is now in the treasury -paid in possibly for taxes. The bill should not become a law. H. C. WARMoTH, Governor of Louisiana. STATE or Loumnsux,) Executive Depsrtament, New Orleans, January 3, 1871.) To the Honorable President san membera of the Menate: An act originatfug with rour houorable body, entitled "An act to incorporate the Alexandria, Homer arid Fulton Railroad Company, and to grant State aid thereto," is herewith returned without my ap proval. This hill is subject to the cardinal oh jection tha& it not only grants to the company of railroal anywhere within the Sta'e, but it requires the State to guaranty the payment of the second mnortgage bonds on the samme, This wou'd be alniost equivalent to sanaction a ing their monopoly of all the railroad in i teresta in the State. H. C. WARMOTH, Governor of Louisiana. The following message was then re ceived from the House: Housa or REPR ATIVW, New Orleans, January, a. 1871. To the Honorable President ad Hanersm of the Senate : I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House is organized and ready to proceed with business, and that the Speaker has appointed a com mittee of three on the part of the House, composed of Messrs. E. W. Dewees, An thony Overton and Norbert A. Llambias, together with the committee on the part of the Senate, and inform the Governor of the same. WILLIAM VIGERS, Chief Clerk. Mr. O'Hara moved that the Senate do now adjourn. The yeas and nays being called for, the result was as follows : Yeas : Antoine, Barber, Blackmar Bowman, Butler, Coupland, Fish, Harris, Herwig, Hunsaker, Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, O'Hara, Pinchbeck, Ray, Smith, Thomas, Todd-19. Nays : Anderson, Campbell, Gallup, Hunsaker, Lynch, McMillen, Noland, Pierce, Ragan, Swords, Sypher, Thomp son, Twitchell, Whitney, Wilcox--15. The President of the Senate then an nounced that the Senate stood adjourned until to-morrow, the third instant, at 12M. CHARLES H. MERRITT, Secretary of the Senate. Seesel hy's Wem . SE;ATE CHAMBER, Tuesday, January 3, 1871. The Senate met pmrsunat to adjourn ment. Present: Hon. O. J. Dunn, Lieutenant Governor and Presid.-ut of the Senate; Messrs. Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Bowman, Butler, Campbell, Coupland, Fish, Futch, Gallup, Harris, Herwig, Hunsaker, Ingraham, Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, Lynch, : eMillen, Noland, O'Hara, Pierce, Pint hback, Ragan, Ray, Smith, Swords, Svpher, Thomas, Thomp son, Todd, Twitchell, Whitney, Wilcox 35. Prayer by the Rav. Mr. Burch. The minutes of the previous day's ses sion were partiu ily read, when their furher reading wis dispensed with. Mr. O'Hara objected to the minutes, as incorrect, as ircluding the Governor's veto messager, on the ground that such messages were rot received by the Senate, previous to adjournment. The President stated that the messages had been laid upon the desk of the Se cretary, and were in the possession of the Senate prior to the adjournment, having been declareci, and, therefore, they were properly included in the minutes. A correctioniwas made by adding the name of M.r. Ingraham to the list of Senators voting "yea," on the motion to adjourn. Mr. Bay moved that the Senate pro ceed to the election of an Asaisetant Se cretary. Adopted. Mr. 5trords nominated Isidore MeCot mack. Mr. Camnm'ell nominated James D.' Houston. Mr. Bay nominated Pitt Cravath. Mr. Hunsacker nominated Frederick ' Dirge. Mr. Wilcox nominated C. C.Jones. Mr. Ray then moved that the the no minations be dlosed. Adopted. On a call of the roll the whole number of votes cast was thirty-three. Necessary to a choice, seventeen. Mr. Wecormnack received eight votes. Mr. Houston reesived nine vots. Mr. Cravath reesivud fourteen votes. Mr. Dirge recetved one vote. John Brown received one vote. No choces Mr. flay moved to proceed to a aseeond a ballot. Adopted. Mr. O'Hara moved to drop the two 1 candidate. receiving the lowest number of votes. Adopted. On the second ballot the whole number ( of votes cast -a thirty-four. Necessry a to a choice, eighteen. Mr. Houston received fourteen votes. j Mr. McCorman4 zeceinideight voles. j Mr. Cravath recsived twelve votes. 'j No choice. Mr. Bay moved to proceed to a third ( ballot.I Adopted. Mr. O'Hara moved to drop the eandi- a date receiving the lowest animber of votes. Adopt'l. C On the third ballot the whole number of votes east was thirty-fve. Necessary to a choice, eighteen. Mr. Houstoi reveived seventeen votes. Mr. Cravath received eighteen votes. Mr. Pitt Cravath having received a ma jority of all the votes cast, was declared elected Assistant Secretary. Mr. Ray moved to proceed to the elec tion of a Minute Clerk. Adopted. Mr. Thompson nominated C. C. Pack ard. Mr. Noland nominated J. D. Houston. Mr. Pierce nominated C. D. Lyman. Mr. Whitney nominated Mr. Ragan. Whole number of votes cast was thirty fve; necessary to a choice, eighteen. Mr. Packard having received twenty two votes was declared elected Minute Clerk. Mr. Anderson moved to proceed to thl election of Sergeant-at-Arms. Adopted. Mr. Anderson nominated William Mful ford. Mr. Gallup nominated S. r. Siskron. Whole number of votes cast was thirty four. Necessary to a choice of eighteen. Mr. William Mulford having received twenty-nine votes was declared elected Sergeant-pit-Arms. Mr. McMillen moved to proceed to an election of First-Assistant Sergeant-at Arms. Adopted. Mr. McMillen nominated William A. Miller. Mr. Wilcox nominated O. Pelman. Mr. O'Hara nominated Charles Nash. The whole number of votes cast was thirty-three. Necessary to a choice, seventeen. Mr. William A. Miller having received eighteen votes was declared elected First Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms. Mr. Jenks moved to proceed to the election of Doorkeeper. Adopted. Mr. Whitney nominated Mr. Monroe. Mr. Todd nominated William Ellis. Mr Pierce nominated Seymour Al corn. Mr. Wilcox nominated Mr. Pelman, which nomination was withdrawn by re quest of the candidate. The whole number of votes cast was thirty-three. Necessary to a choice, seventeen. Mr. Monroe having received twenty seven votes was declared elected Door keeper. Mr. Todd moved to elect a Chief Mes senger. Adopted. Mr. Jenks nominated Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis nominated H. C. Butler. Mr. Hunsacker nominated H. Tu reaud. Mr. Pierce nominated Mr. Perrin. Mr. Blackman moved to postpone the election. Adopted. Mr. O'Hara moved to proceed to the election of a Warrant Clerk. Mr. Pierce moved to lay the motion of Mr. O'Hara on the table, which the Senate refused. Mr. McMillen moved to postpone the election of Warrant Clerk. Mr. Blackman moved to lay the motion to poetbone on the table. The motion to postpone was laid on the table, on a division, by the following vote, yeas 19, nays 15. t The Senate then proceeded to the , election of Warraat Clerk. Mr. Couplaud nominated Mr. L. a Block. Mr. Anderson nominated J. Pinckney j Smith. Mr. Ingrahiam nominated Octave Be lot. Mr. IawisRInautiastd J. J. Alatan* c Mr. Say moved that the aominstioma F be ciked. Adopted. Whole number of vrate. east was thaiw- 6 ty4ve. Necessary tos e hoice, eight- p, Mr. J. Pinckney Smillhbaviug received b twenty-three votes, was declared elected Warrsat Clerk, Mr. Campbell moved that the Senate I proceed todeectaacomm~itteeon rnlea. a *r, Bay then movedto adjourn, which the Senate refused on a cell of the yeas 2 and nays, by the following veole: E Yeass: Antoine, Butter, Coupland, 14 Flah, Fprtch, Harris, Berwig, Ingrabam, S Kelso, O'Hara, Piadibac*k, Bay, Thomas, Thdd--14 Nays : Andursonfa.hkaman Boiewan, Oampbell, (Ositup, Hunaseher, Jensh tc Lewis, Lynch, Mcelfllem, Nelsand, Pierce, Bagan, Swords, Sypher, Twitehell, Whit- ii aeyTilcox-184 The question them recurred on Mr. Campbells motion to elect a committee of r on rules. y After some discussion by the Senate, the President ruled that Mr. Campbell's resolution was not in order, the Senate having, yesterday, adopted a resolution that said committee should be elected by I ballot. Mr. Campbell appealed from the deci sion of the Chair. On a call of the yeas and nays, the question being "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained," the President was sustained by the following vote : L Yeas : Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Bowan, Butler, Coupland, Fish, Harris, Herwig, Ingraham, Kelso, - Lewis, O'Hara, Pinchback, Ray, Thomas, Smith, Todd-18. Nays ! Anderson, Campbell, Gallup, a Hunsaker, Jenks, Lewis, Lynch, McMil len, Noland, Pierce, Ragan, Swords, 3 Sypher, Thomas, Twitchell, Whitney, Wilcox-17. The President then announced that the - Senate stood adjourned until Wednesday, the fourth instant at twelve o'clock M. CHARLES H. MERRIT, Secretary of the Senate. Thuir hy's liesln Szsxrs Caimsa, ) Wednesday, January 4, 1871. The Senate met pursuant to adjomia ment. Present, the Hon. O. J. Dunn, Lieut tenant Governor and President of the Senate, and Mesrs. Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Bowman, Butler, Campbell, Coupland, Daigle, Fish, Futch, Gallup, Harris, Herwig, Hunsaker, In graham, Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, Lynch, McMillen, Noland, O'Hara, Pierce, Pinchbach, Ragan, Ray, Smith, Swords, Sypher, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Twitehell, Whitney, Wiloos-36. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Burch. Mr. Daiglebeingpresent, waspresented by Mr. Anderson, and the oath prescribed by the constitution was administered to him by the President of the Senate. The Secretary of the Senate and the Sergeant-at-Arms thenecame forward and were sworn in. The minutes of the previous day's ses sion were partially read, and further reading was dispensed with. No cor rections. The Secretary read papers contesting the seats of Senators Bowman, Hun saker and Butler. Mr. Blackman presented papers con testing the seat of Senator Swords. Mr. Bay moved that all the papers be laid oa the table subject to call. adopted. Mr. Wilcox offered the following resolu tion : Rwesute, That the Senate do now pro ceed to draw for seats. That the mem bere retire from their seats, and as their names are drawn from a hat, by districts or delegaiona, under the sapervision of the Secretary, they shall come forward and choose their seats. Mr. Blackman moved to lay the resolu tion on the table, which the Senate re fused. The resolution of Mr. Wilcox was then adopted. Mr. Pinchbeck moved to reconsider the adoption of the resolution, Mr. Smith moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. The motion to reconsider was laid on the table, on a division, by the following vete: Yeas 18, nays 14. The Senate then proceeded to draw for seats. After which Mr. Harris moved that the President appoint a Cia-lain, MessengerI and pages. Adopted. Mr. Todd moved that the Senate pro ceed to the election of an Official Re Porter. Mr. Lynch moved to lay the motion or Mr. Todd on the table until the Commjt tee on Rules shall have made their re- t port The Senate refused the motion to table by the following vote:C Yeas: Anderson, Bowman, Daigle, Fetch, Herwig, Jeuks, Lewis, Lynch,1 McMullen, Pierce, Ragan, Sypher, Thump son, Whitney, Wilcox-15. Naps: Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Butler, Campbell, Coupland, Fiah,OGallup, I Harris, Thinsaker. Inigraham, Lelse, 1 Noland, O'aa4icback, lBty. Smith, Swordsi, Thomas, Todd, Twitclaell-2L. i Mr. Todd's motion was thiea ado e.* ton. si Kr. Ray then moved that the nomaina.. b taons be closed. AMopted. wa of votes east was thirty-fivs Necesemry to a choice, eighteen. B, Mr. Colton received twenty-seven 's votes. e Mr. Raganvreeeiveaidight wets.. n Mr. Chailes Colton having received a y majority of all the votes" ant, was desan - ed elected Offcisl Reporter of the Senate. i- Mr. Campbell moved that the Ren ate do now proceed to sleet a committee e of five Senators, to report rules for the P government of that body ; diso the cmn a ber of standing commiltees." The President decided the motion out r, of order. 1, Mr. Campbell appealed from the deci i, aon of the Chair. a, On a call cc the yeas and nays, the question being "Shall the Chair be mu tained," the President was sustained by I- the following note: 4, Yeas : Antoine, Barber, Blaekman, r, Bowen, Butler, Conpland, Daigle, Fisk, Harris, Herwig, Ingraha, Kelseo Lewis, e O'Hara, Pinchbeck, Bay, Smith, Thomp r, son, Todd-20. Nays; Anderson, Campbell, Patch, Gal lup, Hinuaker, Janks, Iaeh, MeMifen, Noland, Pierce, Began, Swords, Sypher, Twitchell, Whitney, Wboox-16 Mr. Campbell moved to recomsider the adoption of his substitute to Mr. Bay's re solution, offered and adopted on the brst day's session Mr. O'Hara moved to adjourn, which the Senate refused on the cal of the yes. and e pays by the following vote: Yeas: Antoine, Barbs r, Baules, Coupland, ' Harris, Herwig, Ingraham, Kelse, O'Hara, r, Pinobback, Bay, Todd-1i. 4 Nays: Anderson, Blackaman, Bowman, ,- Campbell, Daigle, Fish, Patch, Dalmp, h, Hunseaker, Jenks, Lewis, Lynch, McMiea, a, Noiand, Pierce, Bagan, Smith, Swerles, Sy pher, Thomas, Thompson, Twitebell, Whit ney, Wilcox-24. Mr. Campbell's motion tosmeesaier then prevailed, ad the subftuats was takes un . der emiAdeation. Mr. Campbell moved to asmnd the sib d stitate by striking out the words "by ballot." d Mr. Fish moved to amend by providing o that the committee of five be appointed by the President. ,e Mr. Campbell moved to lay the motion d of Mr. Sah on the table, Mr. ll back moved that the Senate do now gointo an executive session. Mr. Lewis movedto lay the motion of Mr. Pinchbeck on the table. The motion of Mr. Pinchback to go g into executive session was then tabled by the following vote: Teas: Anderson, Blackman, Bowman, Campbell, Daigle, Fish, Putch, Oalup, Hunesaker, Jenks,Lewis, LaqncMcMlllen, BNoland, Pierce, Ragan, Swords, Sypher, Thomas, Thompson, Twitchell, Whitney,. Wilcox-23. Nays : Antoine, Barber, Butler, Coup land, Harries, Herwig, Ingraham, Kelso, O'Hara, Pinchback, Ray, Smith, Todd r l Mr. Campbell moved the previous , question. Mr. Pinchbeck moved to adjourn, which the Senate refused, on a call of the yeas and nays, by the following vote : Yeas : Antoine, Barber, Butler, Coup land, Fkh, Harris, Herwig Ingraham, Kelso, O'Hara, Pinchback, Bay, Smith, Todd-14. NaysW: Anderson, Blakman, Bowan, Campbell, Daigle, Futch, Gaflup, Hun sacker, lenks, lewis, Lynch, NeMillet, Noland, Pierce, Began, Swords, Sypher, Thomas, Thompson, Twiftche8f, Whitney, Wdeoox-22. Mr. O'Hare moved to Indefinitely post pone the substitute,wldch the Senate rdeftd onacaflof She...sand nays, by ihi fol lowing vote: Yeas: Anteins, Uarber~, Beaer, Couplhad, Fish, Harris, Herwig, Jugrebam, Eseho, O'Bara, Pimiabback, Bay, Tod4,-l-4 Nays: Anderson, Blackman, Bowman, Campbell, Daigle, Futch, Gallup, Buasmker Jenks, Lewis, Lynch, XcMiflan, Nolsaid, Pierce, Began, Smith, Swords, Sypher, Thems Thompson, Twitchell, Whitney, Wiloox-28. -The pueviomu -untc urs them pit% mad the yams and says, was edese any ithe N lowiag vats: Tess: Anderson, Blaeshws Dow-ns Camapbell, Dsigle, Nutb, O(itp, Nnmakme Jenks, Lewis, Lynch, MeMillee, NoismI, Pierce, Bean, Smith, Swamis, Syphes, 'Thomas T'nom ,u "Iwfte~ijl 1hiney, Wilcox-28. Nays: Antoine~,9 1 tillew, Coup land, !ish, Hants, Nr~,irb Kelee, O'Hasa,~ Plinbbaek, 13. The Pemidad deciding that the prev os aeions 'mripd wth it cm4 the adoptm of at a amendmeist, and not the resolution a..amsnded, Mr. Keie raied the point of order that the recoin sid.,tio of the original esslettiom brought it paerly before time 8enakt, and that the -rviu -uto carried with it both the amendmemt sad the resolution. (Tote CObfirneda wnorasat.)