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THIE LUISIIA IAM. Wis. a. iow.--.m. iamrs=t ama adn: 4 N Thmbs y ai Nanday M 115, (hieaduld met, New Oulmane. Oney ar............ .......$S r gi *ia asa-s............... git inlyG ape .............. . 10 iasir a' asurasn it Per~w s" od eit haes or cls equiv- a, alems ia mpee` a in.tenrba $1 ,4 sad . ea. , mrs et isoeutioa 7T rcem g e rvmisn. execunteds with meat- a wem and dispath. a NOTICL p Al othe iE. wea e mutedet ter o4t I seI iMa" fad asomJse lWes ,sa be smspai.d by the gam of the srites, met agqmsey ter pumhuam, be ass e .vi'Ieiw. of Roo latd. b We we ant u mbile for the epims ol °ar eom tibsto F Today we se prmbid "a aedst o et , thilngs, at saight Uni outy. In the , mor-ing Dr. Thpien wil preach, d and in id emgg Ks.. J. Seli Martin ' j6 r "& pmirsa rl" g with the !' meaar mee utratig that do anot r- t ea1" that calm cmneidertior whic Pthe U w. sin csdand s-om ad ado, ae moremn ago sadt lesss, e, o s . oo..a. . A r7 aroerd man de in .oetoa aFebt isB rday mornia ed in. by a beo "nother." which harriedo i up appeals to the prottion f thicak hhingr oifsa*5 sad daosh. Ever waste we nd the deajem. of the city, ear,' ng alm tohe elr, to esacepe the I s-t a wid Darig the day it. mode sed and wii doubtlesso aorn resume it desseme ild _ eneems umelpdae -imed we you Pdeson'm Ylgelne, Come toin this month, replete awith entetring and hnl tor many years eIn ose alFebl cate.i tfor the literary a o it10 reader, ad It ha jusetly attained a high degree of .aem . Anual gabswipteoia Oair teas are setimdi to Hoan. J. ,Je' Stbl, I res O* aal i yet wdimnd to purchae wathe sor jewelry t Mhat a new good d that can be relied n, llm sad se P. Oramin, sherea, ueme tatr al who dsereto ; fhm in na i deas poeden demery duermi fora he k ltaedy I. oit .in 5 Nof ee. iAn and thLy asl mrcio odu -o LoJ:HL ~ism Aa meem an I I aeau t md e re to rehsntorel'etahes aedwreYr. Eh a - ods abed tratidnoh bing Ullwbebn rdetrsoed The Yema eoabat ae ma de the ebsi ' rbs w oddds hoor ts e "th eebler - yde mrltyr," who gin. tes ehareb have now enteained tbshe exie t at. banqe wn" the ublias mtinm peto * hoe"4. Thuaeas Amitcip am 1 Gnirtids krin greiieth tolirer." an d e they· e a the Als a esibd sdamd to hb nemer aet mat series . swrah ¶ev.Id haono htompe anwntat mear-u tes Teaias Blyaa Ml rish amwer thoar nowemdr h amedt exila the ar.d e(ittha to a leaormed the w3bls e wese i paeei tiotn, a tee wEa he apeimb, to Am efrp -thee aw d Ms Umh at Murhool at GeahkogPe Winb. ite tue Widasemd i hrealnl "d aMoe *rwnW W hiw reane dMM the TEM VAO1MUAT3M MaL We pressed to the aiseaptia of omiset o awr to ats so iy ,i vaeeioatm iB anowm beloe the we ta, it. e loalt s provides for the ap- is pi of physe a sar d for gratmi hie Dakm vaseiaio in the prishes. Tk i1 second seoim provides for a a re gitry oc miinmse. Section three- - gtb the payrmt for wediatig. be Se tion er provldes fer aeeplag a ply o vaccie lymph. setison Ave ass p1 it the dty at pysiesas to vi seheob In aid see what cailme we 'Is m' Io section cz meephe New Oulem frem general proviesma of the bill sad l ed the subject nader the sole oentrcl ad ra regulation of the bosad ealh, sad tlb renders as valid td biing as i try I part sad peseel of the bill, any raules they s Now othe s vaccination paw, like oqua rantine, to be saceeesui, `muat lless.S ly be arbitrary, ad its provisiaron am in be splet and stringeat This bill nas at rbe a fare beenae while it directs the to Iphysicis to vas eeinte it does not t ic a those who m~a neglect or rlse to be vaccinte. It istrue that cla1use 1we t Smakes it the d d iuty vison superiaten- pi dent, to reuired childrena to be vaeeina- to fte forthwith; lbt what i proposed as S the pealty, for neglect or reial of pa- l meat, to omply with the directiont We pposo sousri the shil the shooLo This woud b dearly illegal and yet there is no other oesivaMe penalty. If we t mast bare a compulery rvaeination bill, asout the neceaoity for which there is a vdivrsity of opinion among the best jud gos on this subject, why let as have a measure, dealing directly, and unmista- w kbaly with r~aninatio. Again. iuppose that parents do have Stheir children rvascaated. It is known that is order for the "physician" to know d whether it is snocesl or not he mas see the patiat some six or seven days ate the inoastio. What provison is these, regulating this sight of th patient? I From the coestractio m of the rlsamre k getiig vceination, there isgreat lati ts de ad temptation for the vaccinator yto returw as mucessfully rvaccinate, all e the patients he iay treat, while perhaps . ot mor than one half of them were The ase rgating the supply of vaccine mattet, is very delective, and this i growing o the defect in the pevious dclauses For auniversal psvposes, no sap 'ply which the Boal of Health could y keep ae hand oueel be adequate, with out beeping up the supply from patients he s. And there is un oder this aBill no mode by which healthy matter i an be so obtatued at the proper time. SFarther we ezcptmibio, to the provi ol c leaving the entire regulation of the bject i so fras New Orleans is con-. erned, tothe oardof Health. This is x an entirely new question among us, this I e mpuleory vracination, and we are in favor of the Legislature exreising its own discretion and prerogatives, and e- notdelegatin of them to any other body. to ev. C. ~ . Thompson will preach in F 4 a emorning, and J. Sells Martin in the u. THAT EDITORIAL EXCURSION. And so Senasor Pincbhbek was right i n his smppicous thatthe resent editoral zl exeadsioniats, vtbal lollow in the wake SI of a orm rset, ad bert ar people, Le sand mipreseat in their several urd o'ne ( $. ol*asurr, oana n tna a ag wire y-val y article signd e I W, t iand writse it says by ooe of the party who btlgtoo lame to travel, stdbsehindhbe After Lan . rttobe 6very ~e a m (aa . Jet Thompoam, who has had radialsm "whipped into hiw." thew ar says : "By iauihtion we rviilml the missagi ..l m t i Lm mdma bwher S I thl thb pla- tarpaebsb e T.e a. . T lLae--wee - senSee Ise abtes, nsa bees wea · gomg e the m a sever, mst have beenaa ml d id ai of that lyl auom e a ht, pio , bus neegro, sad We th air visi to Governor eaey W h, a emqpang bum lam ob, wIhe imema in the Xt Mie GecmrIa fem &L h Be dths s mieemte be bern whi." sA ber - Ma the kai dawn a lteer, ad up avaib, sad lsar ng the * At the dJuSesu fs sad so- Cldalessep ia pedeshl pest slome mat jt weed, 4 atms stte cf a be Iieuteant-4OLeovb: There in.o eam' iu on I L.r sboflatit, hu tlt a ·b his in ,jthe sw "i0 ,V .ha tb* otld as em ml w-~ ma as out tia f h was oeimaly - wee ashost pa it. Upon the pie the im a few mies Ir m Henry ' s g ra esm on p1 he question of lmlug l mm as a as ve State, ; whimk ai so r peos imagine t was eritende or in enry tlay -but then Henry ray was a whit as t but this s as ahihpc 4gian dabmems. How wry de.s a Mtt rBw arne. puhmenirny to the i me of dh mti I eos frar the uaindgel ed enmedmn the darM and es onte aai u which is fh-r to oko m e i . be seen and obsered r of theporatmse o those to whom b gives such prenmlI " oem, his article possesse some value. M mindulge. of the sui l r M and C. I anbel · thrae, whor a b l band of fodatne led to ocpy potio of pro mi. o . amon their .ows. SWereer to this thing rder that the wel t inking way a bate tt diny . Sproval whisk the expresed when that - famous renolution introdued in the Senate, anld to show that there were d those in that deleatin wb were no -e ttee tiat t ea . Iabeumm e a has been ppointed by Pe1iduat oerSt, Pension Agent for N r dIams b Mr ima a There was a pleast oeion at the s aUnion Leages eb-house, Wedneaday i erveing last, on the oeoso of a sues* e plimendry dinner tendered to aHs. 1, SHena re be, by Hon. T. W. Cboway, t State Baperiedet of Edmeation. Tm Sdinner was a deserde.lsime t the e Sat ~yhMutad by M. Bieh as a les- a ge qeer, and ma particularly to his t t sed eod s in eUbtio to th peasage c of the school bIll theugh the Roasm on Aneog the -gests peses were Se- a stars PclhbO~sk, Oam, Antoine, Bar- t Sber ad Ingraham; Hon. C. H. Iot and 1 . H. Barek; RHa. T. W. Conway, Judge c e Naiste, and Rev. J. Sells Martin. I Amid the phydeial comlurts was inter SpersedI a large proportion of the intel-( is lectual. A number of patriotic speeches mwere male and pooro tie ameats uter- I old, and it was at a late hor the pleasant I party broke up. spstimwa. I S COLORED OFF'ICE-HOLDE&I. e Web foundaed complaint is often made 1r by intelligent and educated colored men i who are doing their utamut to sastain h and perpestate the Iepublioe party, of y the systemati manner in which their - claims to official patruomage are ignored. 1When reconstruation rut commeneed, is the grouands, aupon which their eluinm Swere slighted, were their uttried capaei s ty for ocial life; their general want of d edatiaon and official exereee. It was moreover thsen ged, tpat to pams he ingln thebath, ai eapsus u ualver al ly unpopular with tih Southern people, as that oiptting colored men in peo N. nminent ofeisl poltiome, wold drive many geod Union men free b taLke, 1t and prevent the aeeralon dothears U i willing to hamper teir iends wih a ke unpopular meesume, men of cubr, no le, mar whet theire uhai orahlia were, al modeny yielded p-a to men, oiten a their iniuseriou i intrihie ad lrem ad They were eontet to wltt apon the jen. d tim of the Federal ad State Ezeutaves ei, lie their welarmed raewrs be Bat M saem hir aisnee to am, com Te colored -e lg hiatire ito poitin in i lgift of the State or Fed i- £nguof bothhans 'this e idah a terP inent coord me t he as smth, we Indtthsy hwve saU, but en few beoe shid. tth pie me mey tbhs otes oft hir eeleed Me1w ma etitma They have oa e eon stem Si tmthebac it he bttrel qopodtlos of StheIr white Mow-a~ ..m., i. ne.. F- This ime f shbga muat easp- The or enpedetnerno the bat fear yaea Dor imm Iws* mrtheal ·Usu ma -e to -b s ts. - k i ,rijjmtn that d ear etes emLer he n t.1etur J d appuintees hi - vdas me w aat or ai ad I meaes ca ; thi bandieL . d. th *aMyg lam to ewhit me uIt qusm.y n LomaLe *repa-b.m, m wheos t . hi. xca..uimvIm mq hid.s **dew Sr t i$i1thle su dih s. .m.nal ana d Bet dam..m as have phase at thir dysal. udmM wa whc hae putthm In ther an. Ml. H .. , iae:;ly *ey _ ***a * a ,i ina - I OU&aa IN mras cr. s1 aut a as a I p eauh r So - oBse1r am p asusv=. so WI no s.a ar.a' la amse skbe is-e, s - N, arsb r roweb be oe- that ,, wm l be 'n h, qqstions at e~s hee is' Uamt a and . ., • hetn wiall anarm. New Turk bs this week the Dkbe it of Devearsh a Dti dh ArIls is me. bioned as likely I. b etehb in leis It is b'lved that th sa immrona wl -of th JrA wom w io abin-kh I Sdriaie seel ld e Grey, PhL Bur utd and Laduaoa wt wnt mand hire wes* but week of the peeant ema.o , wa IM mkeeminr of Sir Jain eaw bi iAbPisa . I. Rm. ppu.nd by sae that the w h e in session bt a few weeks, as ut i ml a sto oda tthe ibjest of he emserass is ad to armnge the datm atreaty' eMeening o wint qa esfis l eoo e , but to detei te mpspnm ad etale , the ralley um whek te n,"all * afterwamd be' aagotias& '.k it :I s claiad, is he vies atesmid in Ad- I .sn..asn- e~eL I. 1M setter ao' .ttlabsd doe `aaee, the 1mas .1 e of the Joint emu.mis Q ll e to eon a id a' e~s.. e mbay, t al o determine the prhvieioa of law mei as Sa7y to the meeting of such sasaud ad -the respona'biities arising in the futue. SThis d wnbshe IabilPtof rei e or otherwise, for the other pri w$ be eonsai4eed aad determined. SIn the ao ,,r of the Fiethpri.s, then I- Commissiuon will aNduubtelly determii a * not only the prauper interpretatine o r- present treaties, but the manner nwl ex it tent to which the privilege shall be nadI bereilMer availaWle to our SLherman, s well as other matters that may poperlym row ouat of this earue&uu. In this view ulttheir daties the Joiint Conomisiums utsiness will appear to be the eIaaider Sag snd tueatioing, in the high and grnve manner attaching to.their dign. ed positiur, of the urmulas aa d priu Sciples upon which not only questoknes now in dispute l stbi seatt e, but the basis iton which others that are likely to arise, e pecially in epard to our relatioms with °- British North A rica, may be dsete mined on. Al Ah.daimae haheavdy bee umrrsag Sd betwee the two Govenramets, sad will he give. tothe,£1in omits ldm to be only nominL Thisopinia. gae irngth hrnm it bi ttha ear hne. Gea.theam o hmaewmnto hoe take U .. threr i. d ,i - ha alu , theusdrs . as 4ire t d rtithe hae vht oa Mr Jh Mom Ma ashseke k uuali er ing of uea imm newits d muitjdvut e Medekp o the tub or Y.TVEI..e x 7. rr... a. Wa.miansu, IAk 1,-fle qggro asamate has inhmuiL l8 e E E -s the ddie *at v'.ug~ anaml ha Newik Caoan a oi- P... I.Ai 18r.itI9 e *, ea - t.. vi*t a e awbdpe to einta as b beed spmr. eat Ia o leas 6 power. is s a ! hae F - us p . --p mls.-. era e AA-i hli. A,io bei!n , aoSe Iso *T mae...., r > lT 'haih d J.ourU Pa. &-4 l I, ,. , hamrs ietk ibJ olin Jm Is mmr i.h eln..ip bL..armO da la - inmiht -Ar gorlp!at slm pw - paeskmr &IeN |i. y sof e, ami -e l .. s Ma.iFob L- . inai.. i oa mlew u.mas, sdd t ukt lgm b hbo wmm outhmsm tr ethe.l Serm an ~pa~. mll udea away A. ho ,oarsl*d a =mIs CO OMZCIAL. S:m Fe. la-U* A. A Cumsar-e ma-m. awinsemp a m rk iry at b.thi.- dtmse awat attest 160 hms hvei. mald. a* at Ted thlb. wse. eoehes. 13,.7 tIt l "w ,dmry .11 .1 a. . -r OnI 14, 110e , ho e ,1:4( y,: toe Yo. 14 mw i&Wmgf, M14N14.. wSeTA s' ATE *'I DeI r Ie anhee . .T Sa iMsls is mA imt oleaeaS tiOe o atl rt irs twa twdpwd LAbats u em t th4e ia a e baily addiang M ear b ergian.. "akun. S... of ramediaIt as th imviAve lt*a ilk .mfy, sus tine hso.arig iaver.iu; t ar rismaui. h ulaamry exue a riabtioa kt w31 awl esa i.r u*, cluk uadsimi e traw VTflin"i. h- tavm. ma Usae Idtuala gtLet r S laae. o too eal Sm to ib. iamsd ls mabi 1Me, he buwow uoW u UM33 Pfan?1. fI vIZ, lUma sat tSmeo, .a40 . &a t e' Aprlcadumh .aie sad Caves.ts 1.. m ses a 'Si SIa d ad 4d 4lbet -s o ors, as. A rms.. r oae oe - tamvnms, ti n p*m l e ge a - mil. St Wiu~se la. t be .buimneatio; oI Thl IA3 ou 3s1i 0 case! Oremm. Wou BY XVIsnsI ode.I D. RY n Wlat t TMLk A q Em uLL A h A1 eir 47ms i teW. t i (h mun1g iimg b- ge a 9as WILL 8VIC. a the ghat a m ibsineupt 5RI W4?CONz 41d01hm a0 pe. a , miori..a amd tm w OU pler1 d' simt . W., au Pww A wua L e, Go. . , 1168 &0 Mtma. ,e1a,, O o &= Pu r n.T armoxds M 0 ft aft omU C onsO16,Co. &Wrw TAisSm s..z UIt a.EAS . aO a oa s I .V . s BeA t a. be.....o s w. P.-m?, LV.,, uD Basesme M A. W F J Ca. mmn m4m am. asý seanam as S.uouhrm and Wetr Preeo". aWo.1O 4aywessa.nMast., NEW ORLELX4 ' et rO by do UlaSbASmas Gue,.. r aIl PU , wflWSo n , %S C 4Di. L. RA ON .........Aeery IRA =3 AT 113W OLEaai LA. pC, L S 3TSVANT. aner.. I -a- -"...... .......... tojas .i3 bSadv Nighits . T to 8 Md PR PBTl1 AND LTHOGRAPHI Mt t mp 8Mt,.et _NEW OULEAN JOHN u HO.WARII' LAw amTrr, 1e Sa St. CIaVku tfte nI tR iteiaMom iawu to edv badm m a ar Iy " A. P. Fiddst, erbt aMlt S Atorney' Came1 SrslO tML , 4 meflbt Atte.ti .. ul..! .in c C OMWELL HOUSI g AQUAL PURlIC . UTfI 31 JOwouhamS U0 r Si 1. aaguiVu. ] NVtf 1'. A. IA.. TLET , TOW, ,. in, (X~U133O3 IAlAw. tlJ(Upok asor) It NOU 3 IsA~b~fl Moseb Oud e inm no an' a · -.. a aBse.