Newspaper Page Text
the goverament -eot" ppwe.ed bepteme 14. 18l8, approved Marsh 8, 168. Pa.ed t Ir det ' Mr. Pierce moved tbm the anual number be printed. Adopted. On motion of Mr. (mpbell, the bill to be en t.tled an acet to incorpoate the New Orleans Drainage Company, atd to mpoide for the drainage of New Orleas, ordered to be print bttL JODIT laOtLUTIOS. Mr. Ray called up joint resolution creating a joint committee of drainage for the City of New Orleans. 'Passed its first reading. 8osurvous. By Mr. Campbell: Resolved, That Mr. Edward Henderson be al Iowed thirty days' pay for services rendered dn ring the regular session of 1870, as clerk for the Committee on Public Education. By Mr. Todd : iRsolve, That a committee of three be ap pointed by the Chair to examine and inquire in to what disposition was made of $309,844,27, which was collected as Metropolitan fund, the raid police force being now paid in checks, in stead of currency, as required by law. By Mr. Lewis : Reesolved That a special committee of three be appointed, to ascertain what members of the Senate are now holding more than one State otfee, in violation of the constitution of the state, and that said committee be empowered to Pend for persons and papers. Lien over. Mr. Futch called up the following resolution : Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings are hereby instrutedto proceed, ata carly a day as praetidable, to the DeaZ Dumb and Blind Asylum, at Baton Rouge, and meoor tain if that building furnishe sufficient acom modation for the del, dumb and blind, and the pupils of the State University. and if it should be that there is not sufcient room for both in the institution, to report which it will be the more expedient to remove, and to what plae. Adopted, Mr. Lynch moved that the veto mesage of the Governor be taken up, together with the bill to be act relative to the Misissippi Valley Levee Cosipany, ad providing for the construction, repair, and maintemanee of cer tain levees by said company, and for compean_ tion thereor by tolls on lands protected by said levees, and the mops of said lands. The yeas and nays being called, the Senate decided to take up the veto message by the fol lowing vote : Yeas: Anderson, Barber, Butler, Campbell, Coupland, Futch, Gallup, Harris, Hunsaker, lugraham, Lynch, McMillen, Noland, Pierce, Plinchbaek, Ragan, Smith, Swords, Sypher, Twitchell, Whitney, Wilcox-22. Nays : Antoine, Blackman, Bowman, Fish, lHerwig. Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, Ray, Thompson 10. Mr. Ray moved to postpone one week the consideration of the veto message. Mr. Lynch moved to lay on the table the mo :ion to postpone. On a call of the yeas and nays, the Senate de ,ided to lay the motion on the table by the fol Iowing vote : Yeas : Andrson, Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Butler, Campbell, Futch, Gallup, Harris, Her wigg, lunsaker, Jenks, Lynch, McMillen, No-, land, OHara, Pierce, Pinchbeck, Ragan, Smith, Swordl, Sypher, Todd, Twitchell, Whitney W~lcox-2c. Nays : cowman, Coupland, Fish, Ingndrtm, KElso, Lewis, Bay, Thompsou--8. Mr. IBy moved to postpone the bill and mes sage until next Monday. The yeas and nays beingcalled n the motion to lay on the table, the Senate voted to lay the motion on the table by the following ;ote Yeas: Anderson, Barber, Blackman, Butler, C'ampbell, Coupland, Futch, Gallup, Harris, Herwigg, Hunsaker, Ingraham, Lynch, Me Millen, Noland, O'Hare, Pierce, Pinchb·tk, Ragan, Smith, Swords, Sypher, Todd, Twit cnell, Whitney, Wileox-2-6. Nays: Antoine, Bowman, Fish. Jenka, Kielso, Lewis, Ray, Thompson--8. On motion of Mr. Lynch the main ques tion was ordered on the veto message. The C(hair then put the following question to the Senaio: "Shall this bill become a law, the (;ove'nor'. olbjections to the contrary iotwithstanding?" and ordered the yeas and ,;ays. when the Governor's veto was sstsain .di by tlhe. following vote: Yeas: Fish, Ray-2. Nays: Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Black maln, Bowman. Butler, Campbell, Coupland Futc, Gallnp. Harris, Herwig, Runsaker, Ingraham, Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, Lyneh, Mce .lillhn, Nohnd. O'Hara, Pierce, Pinchback. Raglan, hnmith, Sworda, Syvpher, Thompson. T1hdd, Twitehell, Whitney, Wileox-32. Mr. Lewis moved to reconsider the vote tist token. Mr. Pinchback raised the point of order that the motion of Senator Lewis was not in 'rd'r. The Chair snstained the point' of order raisetd. from which decision Mr. Lewis took :.n appeal 'rhl( Chair was susatained on the appeal, Mr. Lynch moved to adjour. Adopted. Thle President then announced that the Senate stood adjourned until Monday, the twei:tv-third instant, at twelve o'cloak H. CELHARLE H. MERITT, Secretary of the Senate. ,'imatrfth kIrm krru. Monday, January S, 1871. S-nate met purmant to adjornmaent. Present: Hon. O. J. Dunn, Lieutenant (;,vernor and President of the Senate, and tiesrs. Anderson, Antaime, Barber. B kman, lI;oln.,, Butler, Campbell, Coupland, Daigle, 'l.h. Fntch, CGallnp, Harrts, Herwig, Hunaker, ng.1,,ham. Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, Lynch, MecMil i. N. Sland, O'Hara, Pieece, Pinchback. Raegan l:?;. Srm;th, Swords, Sypher, Todd, Twitchell, lrai, r by the Chaplain, l;.;lingt of the minuteE of thE pre :tl. 5 ,l' ...n dispien'w-d with - . l;-, u' ., :!.,.; • ." :1,- !l(,-e o ]eepxu ,mos wm ad OR 4"4. Ms hs +nltes s44e is ammame evsmar a. in )in oe f a list f fe al- at as m t to Tei Vamy Low* Csw !rd pi doi gfor the eon bmee , repre tesanee of ceredn - s te.. 'alla AMD ~*~· -v * Mr. kSypL u" Iml elai sea, tf the peaL y, -oig a a -ppro pIriticM to pentst A.Olphm Hon property ad other pi of t prish, by daramge through Bayou Yohely, which was reAped to the Com tee on Daige, (Canals aqd Island Navigation, msroas or Qomarrzrn. Mr. yInch, free the Committee on Finance, reported favorably upao Seate bill No: 67, to be entitled an act for the srlief ofF. G. Lioress. Mr. Bowman, fom the Committee nm Claims to whom was referred the petition ef James O, Nixon, reported an erig , bill, to be entited an act for the relief of James O. Nixon, late publi printer. Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Engres sing Bills, reported the following bills as having been dyesgrossed ; pate bill No, 17, to be entitled as set to fix the terms of the District Court in the four teenth Judicial Distr~ot, and to substitute for Seaitebill No. T9, tobe entitled a c t to ap partion the State into Senatorial Districts, and to Sx the numberoffepresetatives to be elected hm msaid parish and Representative Distrits in the State, and designating in whatDistricts Sea atos are to be elected, where there has been a change in the Senatorial Districts, and repealing all o:her laws on the subject. NorTas OFor mn. By Mr. Campbell; Of a bill to be entitled an act giving consent of the General Assembly of the Stateof Louis iana to the purchase by the United Mtates of land within this State for pblic purposes. Also, of a bill to be entitled a act to provide for the relinquishamt to the United States, in certain casea of title to lands 'for silas of light stations on the coasts and waters of this State. By Mr. Lewis : Of a bill to be entitled an act in reference to public printing. By Mr. Futch: Of a bill to be entitled an act for theelief of J. M. Thurman, of Claiborne parish. By Mr. Ingraham; Of a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Young Friend's Benevolent and Aid Associa tion of New Orleans, Louisiana. By Mr. Sypher ; Of a bill tobe entitled an actto amend and re nact an act "enitled ag act to incorporave Har mony Fire Company No. 1, of the trwn of Franklin, parish of St. Mary," approved Febru ary 28, 1863. By Mr: Jenks ; Of a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Miguel Barro. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced according to previous notice: By Mr. Hunsaker ; A bill to be entitled an act to fix uniform sa. laries for parish judges. Passed its first reading. The constitutional rule was then suspended by a four-fifths afliimative vote, the bill put on its second reading, and referred to the Committee on Judiciary, and ordered printed. By Mr. Blackman ; A bill to be entitied an act to amend the laws for the government and regulation of the banks of he State. Passed its first reading. The constitutional rule was then suspended by a four-fifths affirmative vote, the bill put on its second reading, and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking, and was ordered printed. By Mr. Campbell; A bill to be entitled an act relative to in terest Passed its first reading. The constitutional rule was then suspended by a fonr-fifths aftirmative vote. the bil put on its second reading, and referred to the Conm mittse on Finance. By'MrSypher; A bill to be entitled e act to establish the fif teenth judicial district forthe State of Louisiana, and fixing the time of holding court therein. Paised its first reading. The constitutional rule was then susended by a four-fifths affirmative vote, put on second reading, and referred ts the Judiciary Coim mittee, By Mr. Todd : A bill to be entitled an aet to abolish the Sixth District Court of the parish of Orleans, and transfer the records of the same to the Fourth District Court. Passed it irst reading. The following bills were introduced by unan imous consent; By Mr. Bay ; A bill tobe entitled an act to regulate certain criminal proceedingin the distritand perish courts. Passed its rs renadig The cstutiomal role was qended by a four-fiths aernative vote, the bil put on itm coad reading, and referred to the Committes on Judiciary, ByMr. Ray ; A bill to be entitled an act to nx ad regulate the fees of the Attorney Ge neral, Distei Attorney. pro tenpore in criminal peseedingn, Passed it fira t reading The constitutional rule was then m pended by a four-Mfths a·drmative vote, put on second reading, and referred to the Judiciary Committee. BOLUTKOII8. By Mr. O'Hara: a, Re*rdm, That the committee appoint ed to examine the books ad seeounts of the State Treairer be authorised to sp point the necessary clerical force for the proper prosecution of their ianveiti gation. Lies over. The following resolution was called up: By Mr. Lewis : three be appointed. to aseurtain her members of the Senate are now hdi £ iptme med n n asid N L sw be M da MKi Karldmad to the Oamittee on Eleatiom. Mr. O'Hara moved to amnadnl teiay ring to the committee on Judkos r. Mr. MeMillen accepted the amendt ment. Mr, Lewis moved to lay the motion to refer on the table. Mr, McMillen called for the yeae and nays.. The motion to lay on the table was ad opted by the following vote: Yeas: Antoine, Blackman, Bowman, Butler' Coupland, Daigle, Patch, Ingrs ham, Kelbo, Lewis. Noland, O'HaYa, Pierce, Pinchbeck, Bagan, Ray, Smith, Teodd-18. Nays : Campbell, Fish, Gallup, Har ris, Herwig, Jenks, Lynch, McMillen,. Swords, Sypher, Twitchell, Wilox-42. Mr. Lewis than moved the adoption of the resolution. Mr. McMillen moved the resolution be laid on the table. Mr. Lewis called for the yeas and nays on the motion to table, which the Senate refused by the following vote : Yras: Anderson, Campbell, Fish, Gal lug, Harris, Herwig,J enks, Lynch, Me Millen, Noland, Pierce, Swords, Sypher, Wileox-14. Nays: Antoine, Blackman, Bowman, Butler, Coupland, Daigle, Hunseker, In graham, Kelso, Lewis, O'Hara, Pinch back, Ragan. Ray, Smith, Todd-1& Mr. Lewis then moved to adopt the resolution, and moved the previous ques tion. Mr. McMillen called for the yeas and nays upon the ordering of the main question. Yeas: Anderson, Antoine, larker, Blackman, Bowman, Butler, COmpland, Daigle, Fish, Ingraham, Kelas Lewis, O'Hara, Pinchback, Ray, Smit, Todd- 17. Nays : Campbell, Gallup, Harris, Her wig. Hunsaker, Jenks, Lynch, McMillen, Noland, Pierce, Ragan, Swords, Sypher, Twithell, Wilcox-15. The Chair declared the main question or dered. Mr. McMillen called for the yeas and nays on the motion to adopt. The Senate refused to adopt the resolu tion by the following vote: Yeas: Anderson, Antoine, Bowman, But ler, Coupland, Daigle, Kelso; Lewis, O'Hara Pinchbeck, Ray, Smith-12. Nays: Barber, Campbell, Fish, Gallbp, Harris, Herwig, Runsacher, Ingraham, Jenks, Lynch, McMillen, Noland, Pierce, Ragan, Swords, Sypher, Todd, Twitobell, Wilcox-19. Mr. Todd called up the following resolu tion: Resorlved, That a committee of three he anpointed by the Chair to examine and in quire into what disposition was made of $309,642 27, which was collected as Metro politan fund, the said police force being now paid in checks instead of currency, as re quired by law. But pending the consideration of the same, the order of the day was announmed by the Chair. BILm ON THIRD RLEDING: Substitute to Senate bill No. 49, to be * titldl an act to apportion the State into F atorialDistricts and to fi the numb Bepresentatives to be elected from as5i' ishe and Representative Districts in th0 and designating in what Districts . ...... are to be elected, where there has been a ehange in the Senatorial Distric~t and, re pealing all other laws on the subjet. The bill was read its third andlast time and, on call of the yeas and nays, fnslly adopted by the following vote: Yeas: Antoine, Barber, Butler (ampbell, Fish, Oallnup, Harris, erwig, Hunlaker, Ingraham, Jenrs, Kelso, Lewis, Lyneh, Me Millen, O'Hara, Bagan, Ray, Smith, Swords Sypher, Thompson, Todd, Twithell, Wil cox-24. Nays: Anderson, Blackman Bowman, Coepland, Psigle, Patch, Pieces, Pinchbeck --9. On motion of Mr. Wilcox, the title was adopted. Mr. Pinehback moved to adjourn. Addted. The Feadent then ansnnaed tlat the Senate atood adjourned nil Tuesday, ths twenty-fourth instmat, stlve o'elek . Beretary of the Semat Pmmreent: Hoa. O. J. Dunn, Idelma Govero r and PriaM ut the Senates eanrs.nderson, Benii Drker, Blhck ma, Bowman, Buller, Camplwi, Fish, Patch Gallup, Harris, ordug . pun saker, Ingraiam, Jleks, ties Lewis, Lynch, UMMillen, Noland. O'lk Pisge, Pihb, Bagan, Bay, -It'. Swsals, Sypher, Todd, Twitcbe, WhItm. is,, Prayer by the Chaplain. The minutes of the previous day's masm rweme partiSy read, when their further read ing was dispensed with. By ananimous consent, Mr. 7bdd intro daedl the following to be adopted as a role of the Senate: That the roos be closed during the prayers of the Claplain. Mr. McMillen called for the yeasaad nysj - . q: o, L- / p No od, O'MhaT Pionea Ple m k, Began, Bay, Sypher, Todd, Twit hell, Wilox-28. Nays: Fish, MrMien-L. The following ange weas received from the Hobse of Z ntmtirevs: To the Homrable~ President and Members of the enate: I an directed by he House to ask the eancurs of the Seate in the falowing House bills: House bil No. 8, an act to saenl article 915 of tbe.dvil code; and - Hose bail No. 18, an act to allow Xypo lite Belloeq. of t. Mary parish, to e the State. Bespeetfully, WILLIAM VIGEB, Chief( Clrk. xEAGEB TO THE HOU8E. The Secretary asked the con orromse of the House on substitute for Senate bill No. 49. (Apportionment bill). PErITIPr AND MEMOrIALS. Mr. Ray presented a pettion from the it lei stersof the Poor, whiehwsliUsd to the Coammittee on Charmhpe lbts tions. Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Ea grossing Bills, rpeted the foowing bl as having been duly engrossed: Senate bill No. 65, ti be entitled an set to anthorise the change o the of Louisa Parmly Ws. to Loisin ly bell voracs or anaiL By ML. Swords: Of abilto be entitia a set to umend the Sat,'second and third section of as act entitled "a act to establish a public park for the city of New Orleans, and to provide means therefor," approved March 16, 1870. By Mr. Kelso: Of a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of John D. Lacy. By dr. iHarrs: Ofabil to be entitled an act to incorpo rate the Agricultural, Qnmermal and Emi grant Amniation of the State of Lou a to eneourage direct ocean communication from the port of New Orleans to any port or ports of Great Britain ad the continent of Europe: to foster emigration, and for other purpose. INTUODUCTION OF MIA. The following bills were introduced me cording to previousnotice: By Mr.,C nlbell: A bill to be entitled an act giving onsent of the General Assembly of the Sate of Louisiana to the purchase by the United States of land within this State for public Passed its first reading. The constitutional rule was then suspend ed by a four-fifths affirmative Vote, the bill put on its second reading, ordered printed and referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Also, a bill to be entitled an at to provide for the relinquishment to the United States, in certain cases, of title to lands for sites of lightations on the coamts and waters of this State. Passed its first reading. The constitutional rule was then suspend ed by a four-fifths affirmative vote, the bill put on its second reading, and ordered re ferred to the Committee on Federal tela tions. By Mr. Futch: A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of J. M. Thurman, of Claiborne parish. Panssed its second reading. The constitutional rule was suspended by a four-flfths affirmative vote, the bill put on its second reading. and referred to the Com mittee on Judiciary. By Mr. Sypher: A bill to be entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled "An act to inoorpo rate Harmony Fire Company No. 1, of the town of Frandlin, pariahof St. Mary," ap proved February28, 16. Passed its Arst reading. The constitutional rule was tba suspend ed by a four-fifths adirmative vote, the bill Put on its second reading, ordered printed, nd referred to the Committee on Corpor tions. By Mr.T Jenks: A bill to be entitled an act for the relief of Miguel Basso. Passed its ftnt reading. The constitutional rule was then smupend ed by a four-ffths armative vote. the bill put on its second reading; ordered printed, and referred to the Committee on Appro priations. By Mr. Lewis: Abill tobeentitled a mt dene the duties and fix the eomapmnsation of State Printer. Lies over. By Mr. Blackmatn: A bil to be entitled an t to amen ahnd re-enact the tweaa-ninth laotian df a dot entitled "An aetto inoorporate the Alexan dria, Homer sad PFOlton airoad Cmmpa Passed it. frst reading. The coniltataam ra am then .upemd ed by a fomur-fiths armatie vote the. bIll put dan it second reading, ordered pited, adwalerred to the Ommanittae cm Rlroada The ollowing biunr introduced by ua niamosa eonsmat: By Mr. Flab: A bil to he entiiad an act to inessease th aryo otim repeater of the Spmase Coart. Phed i frt rading The coustittiomal rub -sthen suspend edby a Sourd-ifth armative veto, tl putcam tseeod mading, ad dard e fs ht. to the (Immitte ii Judis ry. - By M. Bay: Jitat reaation Mi rabem to sadsting a site for aStbcat uapesnagagr m ds tmrefor. Passed it frst rah-g. By Mr. O';ars Reosoe, That the commeaae appeintad to examine the books ad aceoela e(the State Treasurer be autboriaed to appoint easmary clerical force for the proper pro- i seention of their invesUgation. Adopted .1r I ,lid e I qlp fU , hEWaM 1 WWn tow pigb shecka, is , d e ate me a e Qalab by law r. Mexien move the btlowing amend- 1 mM to the toregoing remudti: ousied, Ta1t toeu pak commitee 601. poasdof the Seni Sem r epei P eI Distriect, helandheriy a inmeds&to inquire into and rport to the Senate, wht die. poition was made of thre. hundred aed alan tiLLa six hul and t ety-two delars and I Igat.even en s (I U tT1, wMlk was e -bejaed aw pes ,eptd N as fen S O al pee force being new pa i4 ieboks isead ef esency, as reqI by l aw, and that they b e~powered to send ir peross and papese hbe amendmen~ s aceepted and the resol tlost4opted asaeamasi eir wesolved by the senate of the Sate of" -~moe, ' o weia .aened, That the CoriM cel aesadimr Meset the Senate be insamer d to asoertais Mil report to the Sete, at as early a day sm peylabb, whyf the ac mlears appointedald bliuMeted by act No. 0 oft the regular eredes at the Gen erad Asiemlyof the State of Lotsniau of 37O, to assain who ane the surviving veterana the ial etoemas of the war et 1814rd 1815, bL et made their report to this Semate, as reqisels by law. Lies over. ssear or ooMmrras as asu esa. a Mr. Iaraham called up the aportd of the Committee on Claims, to whom was referre4 the petition of James O. Nixon, who reported an original bill, to be entitled an act for the relief at James 0. Nixon, late pblie printer. Mr. Ingrauam moved the bill reported by the committee be read. The bill pasned its iLt rending. Mr. Ingbam moved the constitutional rule be spamded, and the bi read a seeand time Mr. Inoh alled for the yeas and ays on the motion to sspend thae rals. The roles were suepended by a obehai 4af. irmative vote, as follow : Yea : Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Blackman, Bowman, Butlwe Daigle, Fish, Gallop, Herwig, Hua ker, Ingraham, Jenks, Kelo, Lewis, No land, O'Hara, Pinchbak, Bagan, Bay, Smith, Swords, Sypher, Todd, Twite Whitney, Wilcox-27. Nays: Campbell, Coupland, Lynch, MeMil len, Pierce-5. Bill put on its second reading and ordered printed. ODs ors DATY- rnL . ON To D Blu m. An act to.ehange the venue in the cae of David Fisher, J. C. Oliver and Celestine Oliver, from Ascension parish to the parish of Jearon, pansed its third reading, and on a call of the yeas and nays was adopted bo the following vote : Yeas: Anderson, Antoine, Barber, Butler, Campbell, Coupland. Fish, Fetch, Gallup, Her wig. Hunsaker, Ingraham, Jenks, Kelso, Lewis, McMillen, Noland, O'Hara, Pierce, Pinchbeck, Began, Swords, Todd, Twitchell, whitney. Wil cox-%6. Nays: Blackman, Bowman, Daigle, Smith--4. The title was then adopted. Senate bill No 17, entitled and act to fix the terms of the District Court in the Fourteenth Ju dicial District, came up and was read the third time, and finally adopted with its title. BILLr OXN SCOND RnaDING. Senate bill No. 72 was called up, end 9a motion of Mr. Began, was referred to the Com mittee on Penitentiary. ' Senate bill No 63, to be e led an Mt to in corporate the New Orleans Dreaige Comspany, and to provide for the drainage of New "Queas, was called up and referred to the Comitte on Dminaga Mr. Todd enDed for an executive seminn. Mr . o to ad~osa . Os al o( t aan ·1ray., Semte refued to adjourn by the following vote: Yeas: Anderson, Antoifde, Bowman, Digle, Pte1h, Jes, Pinchbeck, Swords,Whitney-4. Nays: Barber, Butler, Cmpbell, (cup&and, Fih, Gallup, HErrwig, lauaker, Ingraoh , lawis, Noland, Pirere, agan, Smith, Tdl, Twitcel, Wileox-1-7. The Senate thenwent into executive semio. The Senrte~ aring risen from executive as ion Mr. Pierace called up a bill entitled anact to aea n amtre taa act entitled "An act to establish a fetropolitan Police Ditrict, and to provide forthe govsren thareo4" approved Septmember 14, 1868, approved March 8, 16, which was refered to the delegtim frm the - mpopaa Poase aMoi Mr. PinCebeck moved to mara. On call of the yeas and ays the nao was adapted, by the following rote: Yeas: Anderson, Antoise, Ueuarn, Bowman, Coupland, ile, Iish, IJ, Harris Jaska, Lawis, Lyne, MoYMlon, Pbi~ath, Bay, 8mith-1. Napu: Barber, Butler, Caeog el, Galap wg. numaker, lagnahsl, NeLond, O'8ah, Plam Bean, swe 'todd, Tea Wilcox --l& The Pednedt th en, amo~ aI· Senasa te ood ajd eurned wa Weiis the oaei.g ih instant, at twelw*o'eisak moma NtearIs a U. seT, * ae- o the Senate. " W*. **ar, •ry u, -I , Senate. met punt ar..: aet oo to h e.b. Da..hia p -. 0aa Piere4 P rian bk " awerde, sypher, Todd, Twitball, WMines Pbsyerby th Chae fbq -l ealing of the mintts of the p jgi tand w diwasp-a swit The folloning meenge rasweeaived *nto Tos the Homora rey and MLmbers or Senate. . I have the oanr.tomubit, for the iafras the e seh mai e e hea the etNs w to, - mea ooern -a w sh mweb rr mef fromt ot Homr ofReaeatatives: To the RHesaeble ag gn I am dimeted by the Home to aska ccc reace the folowing bill: bllS lo S7 Homes b io 87, an at fir the relierf .cha L. LerwiO et parish of Claiberae. WILLIAM VIGER8, Chief Clerk. MZassE To'TES r OUau The Secretary presented to the House for con. enrence SBeate bill No 17, to fx terms of court i- the Fourteenth Judicial Distrie and motiu So $ Ome that the Senate had concurred in Bomebill No , to change venue in the ae o Esier, ete., with amendments. By Mr. Coupland: PhIon of the SocietyofSt. Vincent de Paul for rllet Bearred to the Committee on Charitab.o In atltutions. ItaPOrs Or coMrrrl . E, r. RBy, from the Committee on Judiciary, ed hoably, with amendmenmat on Senate bil No 87, to be entitled an act toincreae the stry ofthe Beporter of tie Sepreme Courtn. Mr. Barber, from the Committee on Parish~, and Parish Boundaries, reported favorably o Sleats bill No. 21, to beeatitled an act to lucate the seat of juitiee and egurt-house in and for tie pauih of Plaquemine, and to repeal certain ares therein named. worn s or a us. By Mr. Lewis : Of bill to be entitled an aet toprovide for the appontment of an inspector of fuel for the parishe of Orleans and Jefferson, and to deline thLaies, powers and compensation of s~id Idn spetor. ByMr. Blackman : Oft bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Louisiana Savings Bank and Sale Deposit Company. INwr iDUmcTN oP r LLs. The following bills were introduced by unan mous conset, without previous notice : By Mr. Bay : A bill to be entitled an act to amendl .nd re emnae articles Ave hundred and seventy-four, fie hundred and eighty-fur, and Ave hundred and eighty-five, and to apes tcle five hwu dred and eighty-three of the CWs of Practi-e. Passed its frit reading. The eonstitugonal rule was then suspended by a foor-fifhs a'irmative vote, the bill put on its second reading, and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. By Mr. Bagan : A bill to be entitled an act to establish an in stitution of the blind, and an Industrial Hiome for the blind, at Baton Rouge. Passed its first reading : The constitutional rule was then suspended by Sfour-fithsafhlrmative vote, the bill put on its second reading, and referred to the Committee on Charitable Inustitutions. ResOLUTIONS Mr. O'Hara. byunztmmous consent, introtu ced the following resolution : Be it resolvel by the Senate of the State of Louisiana, That the sum of ninety-six dollars be paid to Juliua Socha ; the like amount to Eugene Laquene, and the sum of eighty-eight dollars to Charles F. Berens, witnesses in the contested election case of Sambola vs. Campbell, as p pears by certifcates issued by the Seate Conm mittee on Elections, attested by the Secretary of the Senate, the same to be paid out of the con tlra nm d ofthe Senate. wehared, with accompanying vouchers, to Commatll on Claim. oW~aLA oDLR Or Tax DAI--SILL ON PINR" Zoas bill No. 6, to. be entitled an act to -al artlel 918 c the Civil Code, and to prtibe the desmeent of community property in ralm eas PanlLets srt rading. See oasteitional rule was sspended by a fourh-eM airmative vote, the bill pat on iate .aed n g, and referred to the Committee oas. bill No. 18, to be entitled an atIt to allowHypolite Belloeq, of St. Mary pauris, to e ti BState for alleged damages soatau.ed diug the construetion of levees. Psseed its arst reading. The constitutional role was then suspelud! by a fblr-Aftbs ardirmative rote, the bill put on inseond radi., and rerdermed totheComutte ea diciary. p. Samith called up the following resolautio : *-malo, That the Coammittee on Eectios be ad ~hreby authorised to send for pereon and pr-ti all cases of eatesed dsatins athat ay eome before them, ipn the squrLte ether the esitestant or e se, or their a Mr. Lynch moved to aimen by adding the wl d, That a. mor- t. t- wi-t e shall eanmoned to rsustain r oagYe saay ae Amenment -ee,. M r. Noland moved that the rnolutiou be s Smyd to the Commttee en PUMee. On embem of M. Smih, tb * rsnr s m ea tim tth , Orn motion of Mr. Wleox, the resolution ua tinih, ea aeall of the yees and nays, by the .eYbwl rose : Stea : Anderon,, ashman, Bowman, Dutl, *mapbef, Daigle, Fatch, Gallup, Hmmaker, LyMch, Mcin Nolad, O'Ha* ; linahack, rgan, Swerd, Sypher, Whitsy, Wiloo,--, : Antoine, Hier, Coaglead. Theb Hrwig, ghem, 'au w ,y 1L eae bill No. 87, to be emtitled a aact or the r f of Jda L Lewi, of the pariabh E! Phiahaeased its lin mading lie eanositlntuiomer w wee thea Saus.ud a hosrf as adrastive mwt thebliput up@ rseond sendia, and sefered to the Co'c a*ae ou Claims. - 3fLJA 56 TWI3D ERADIO. Seate bill No. 6, to be entitled an ct-o detorie the ehange eo the name of IdiW* tna,ey ward to el.asna Parmely Camphu , The bill wi read its third and last hie, and inaBy adopted with its title. B:rIs or AECOND lEADINiO.