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THE LUO ISIANIAl. n'm. G. IIRolVN, EurrT. .d ND.AY MARCH 21', 1871. "73 rsary Wierels MADE EASY, BT LADY AGENTS. .-,nt szmart and Energetic Agents to itro ,t uu Ii p1ular and justly celebrated inven v.r, rY d'ilay ToIec end tLy i MA iudispelw able to Every House hold; l,.) re highly approved oI endovred and s,jIt h by la,liu. l'Ay.icidea and Diieia, and , GREAT FAVORITE with them. Every Family will Purchase One S:ore of them. Something that their merit. ,,, parent at a GLANCE. I,Bl'(;IST1S. MILLINERS, DRESSMLA KERS, .1! rho keep FANCY STORES, will And our r-.irat artielea SELL VFRY RAPIDLY, gives a.-f-t u.tisftcSon and netting SMALL FORTUNES t Dealers and Agents. C(OI'TY RIGHTS FREE ,,sbi deire engaging in an Honorable Re. wr ~nd Proitable BIuines, at the same 7 ":,lran d gtood to their compz nions in life ,:i. $2,60, sent free by mall on receipt c SEND FOR WHOLESALE CIRCU tL ADDRE ICTORI MANUFACTORING CO. 1s 1ARK PLACE, NEW YORK. j., P. Fields t lRobert Dolton. Attorney. & Counsellors at Law. ,;, 9. ('mmrcial Place, 2d. Floor. agStrict Attention to all Civil and Criminal beme,."s is the btate and United States Courts. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY d ,,rtIF, No. 120 coxios ram . . I: .u;e FIRE, MARINE and RIVER RISKS, An rPAyS ua1sss I t] l~a Orly n,. New York, Liverpool, Lon- b ,dolu Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of d the insured. a ('HARI.ES llll(;(;S., 'Prendent. e A CA'.tIRRIEItE, Vie-l'rside..lL ,I 1' Ilorx, Secretary. \HO) 1:IY1 FI'ISI' CLASS DRY tr, (CAAW- r . :!, r n ;l, )put more to their ,,Lt. .ertiin at Il' I.EL..1" y at A l)AMS' 'CASH HO)'SE 6 TMAN 0 ELSE \W HE RE. K .' ne, rVr,uh their immense stoack ,' " R:~.,l PTliua, Plaids. Rerges, a Mr::n, tA'rnhmere,. Emp. Ct&hs, M r im.,trarmF, Jackete, Shawls 'k,:: b, c'llakiuga, Cloths, Flannel,. Laces, Embroide ,'. G;hves, Corsets. Vel- r Cvets, lRibbons, Paramlg, i Fans, o FEt., etc., Etc. WILL (ONVINCl. ...and ...........5a caO,.e street, cr. St. Ardrew ROIlX BR O TE ?r ' Pipscanx& V'croarSnamu b NEw ORL.Ea, Li. S. MYERS, ATlPLRNEY AT LAW, 1 (arondelet St, near Poydra. Now Orleans, Louisiana. t WINgFIELD a& COOPE AINTi. L.ZING, CAIL)MINING. 4;R NTILIrNG FRESCOING, GRANING, .I!'I p1 lTING. WALL PAPERING. g OcMe yo. 84 Dryades Street, ear Union Street. l,,. j,, nd, Bt (" Jl'ines And Laq ALBERT EYRICH, C B k3O eller and Stationerl , 130 Cb'ALi STREET, New Orleans, La~ "----- .-.o DY eR.R.I.CROMWELL. h ; t ('n:it,,mhJr1 , Street, ii *'i t y.ralb t b the DAY or WEEK. s ;, , .f" U~, -'r,-, Ae,. Byage, d. ii ~~w~S ~k~t 5 imecirjl.4 THE -1 IS IA N. " REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL OBCIRCUMNTAN CES IOL *IE, 1IEW RILEANS LA, SUIlNA MARCI IS, 1811. NUMBll !!. IT Rim I--- - -----oi ru ik r .saa. c. I _r. _ TIRED. MAXY L. a-rrs. Dear God, I am so weary with it all, d I -in would rest me for a lttle spa 'd I there no great rock where the shadows l, Where I may cast me down and hide my facet I work and strive, sore burdened ad afaid, The road is flinty, and the way is,log; And the weak staff whereby my steps ae taid, Bends like a reed when bitter winds are strong, | The lofty thought proves fruitless in the deed, a The prize I toil for seems a glittering lie; There is no comfort for the present need, No guerdon promised for futurity. I shrink in terror from the endless task, I look with horror on the barre land, And ask as only hopeless hearts can ask, The meaning of my days to understand. "OUt STOIT TELLER." AUNT SARAH'S OUTFIT. [(ComcUDED.] "Oh, how sweet.!" said Milly. "The prettiest spring silk I ever saw What lovely things she always gete!" "Yes," agreed Caroline, contemplating it. If it were green where it is'ila: Idon t think I ever saw one I should like better for myself." "It wmodd become you sweetly," said the aunt, and an ambitious - project rose in her mind, but she prum dently refrained from putting it in words. 1 hilly, who soon returned to the attack, thought her strangely apathetic aboutthe I preparations for her visit. every proposal was met with coolness and the assurance that there was plenty of time, no sort of i burry. "Well," said Milly, in desperation, "there's one thing you'll want at any rate, for I suppose you'll do there just as you do here, and always go around working and helping in the niorning-it's a new 1 ealico. They have very pretty ones at t Hooper's and if you'll just let me run, down nad get one, I can tear of the 3 skirt and have something to do." "Well, to keep you quiet," conceded , Aunt Sarah; and the busy nice went off like a small whirlwind. The waist and , sleeves kept her occupied next day, anu she was tolerably contented. Not, indeed. that her tongue or mind were idle. She decided on the color, price and l quality or her aunt's alpaca that was to be, and bent herself resolutely to the task . of squeezing out a handsome dead-lustre, silk from the remainder of the seventy- ] five dollars. "How one of those heavy black silks would look in summer!" exclaimed Aunt t harsh, with great scorn. "It might not be very suitable for al girl," admitted Milly. "But there are a great many cool days when it would be e nice for you; and. besides, I know you t of old, Aunt Sarah. If I don't make you b get a silk out of this solid lump of money, you'll have plenty of excuses every time * I mention it." The good lady smiled, and offered no defense, conscious that , the charge was just Her nice, mean- f while, pondered quantity and cost, the t width of the silk, the number of breadths, but could not satisfy herself. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed; th3 e aresuch b unuettled'ifmes! You can't tell about the price of any thing." "No, you can't," agreed Aunt Sarah, with more interest than she had yet shown in Uilly's projects. "T'hings are altering so every l day. Now that Richmond is taken we may have peace very sucn. and then prices of all kinds will go down at onoe. It would be really foolish to boy juast now. Ill tell you, Milly, you wait in I patietlce for a week or two, and we may get as muchi again with our money."' This argument had it weight, and no immediate action was urged. A day or two after, Mr. Morgan came in with a l.ckage. "Something for you, Carris," hlie said. "By express rom New Yorkl What can it mean? I haven't sent for any thing. It loohks like Cdosin Helen's writing; it is. mIn sure. We7ll, now, what can it be?" ' SBetter open itand And out," suggested her father; and this advice being followed, the parcel was disacovered to contain yardns and yards of the lovelits apaing silk, The girL were all astonishment and and delight. "It's just like Nelly's only green where hers was lilace; anditisa thousand times handsomer; I'd a great deal rather hve it. HIow odd that ('onin Helen shouldi ch nce upon this vetry pattern! and how I go lof h, r to send4 me asuch a preseMI"'t there any letter, ther? I wonder [f I she didn't write, but I presume she will Z in a Ray or two. I must sit down at once t ,and thanp ier; Ican catch the dnuoon b i, I huh'v." etiei~oa "'So you like it?" asked Aunt Sarah. "I should think so, indeed; several degrees more than bli." "Well, I'm glad it suits you. And about your-letter,", she continued, nerv ously, "I guess I wouldn't rite it just now, because, you see--well, you know you admired Nelly's silk so much--and I thought this would be very pretty; and .--", "Oh, you' extravagant amntl" cried Carrie. "It's lovely; but you are too bad. At4 I'm sure rm delighted; but I feel as if I had been robbing you." "No matter about that," decided Aunt Suaa, "so long as you are pleased. It isn't every day that I am in funds to make a pretty present, and I thought for once I would indulge myself." Milly fixed reproachful eyes upon her excellent relation "How far this would have gone toward your dead-lustre!" she said. "And how much have prices fallen since the day before yesterday?" "Oh, nonsense about that dress" said Aunt Sarah' with vehement independence "I've had my day, and now the young folks must have theires. And it isn't the ! sort of thing I want at alL You must see t yourself, Milly, that if I were going to get a new dress an alpaca would be a I great deal more suitable." "I don't see !it; but since the money is spent, and - .there is no help for it, we must do the best we can. A nice alpaca," she went on, launching into her plans with re newed interest, "fine quality, good lustre, gored skirt, with fluted trimming around the bottom. Yes, with that and your new bonnet and mantle, and such little fixings as we shall get up, you'll look pretty nicely after all." "And, Carrie," said her aunt, "I don't I see what is to hinder your accepting i Nelly White's invitation. You can go i there for a fortnight just as well as not ; we'll hurry and make up your silk, and you can get off before long. If will be an act of charity to Amelia to set her at work." So Caroline bought her lining and Miss Sykes fitted it, anti the girls were very busy. Milly sewed with her usual whole-hearted energy, awakening some remorseful feelings in Aunt Sarah's lreast. "The dear child !" she thought. "There is'nt a particle of selfishness about her Just as pleased as if the dress was her own. I must see to that. I wonder what she would like best. Mrs. Morgan read aloud from "House and Home Papers" one afternoon while the girls were sewing. The description of "John's" parlors charmed Milly great ly. "How I wish we had some of those chromolithographs !" she' said. "I mean to buy one the very next money that I have. "Oh youll want it for finery of some sort," observed Aunt Sarah. d "Not now," said Milly, with perfect in nocence. "I have things pretty good for this season already, and I like pic tures so much-pictures and busts a How I should like to see a Clytie !c Emily Northrop says it's lovely; they had one at her Uncle John's." Aunt Sarah had her cue, and a clan destine epistle was again dispatched to Cousin Helen. It was Monday morning, (.Trk and dismal, the sky just ready to pour down rain, the air chill and raw. Milly was dusting the blinds in her room when a heavy sound broke on her ear. '"Can non !" she thought. She listened earnest ly. 'Fbere it is again--and bells !" Down stairs she flew. "Mother! Carrie! Aunt Sarah I Do you hearthet? There must be news! Leei must have surrendered!" Every one cape. Mrs. Morgan from a the kitchen, where she wuas "scalding over" sweet-metats, Carrie from her sew ing, Aunt Sarah from sort~ing feathers in t the garrett. All stood-in the door-yard, a resrdlesa of the chill and damp. ' hy hear !' cried Milly. "How fast they fire! Oftener than once a minute, I I ashould think Isn't it splendid? A g~rEat deal better than they did or Ricih- * mond. Oh, I wonder what the news isl" j "There's Mrs. Holman at her door," K said Caroline, "Perhap she Iknowar" Mill instosgy ran acss, but returned unenlightened. Mrs. Holman had heard d "How Iwish we knew!" said Caroline. I "Just listen to those bells! And see the C fi~ags going up. rm sur itmoust be Lee; t zthvy womildn't make such a time for an- y thingese. "There eome the Grangeu kown the gate. Maybe the) can tell "Wait a minute," interposed Aunt Sara. "There's a gentleman stopping to speak to them. I dare say he has got the news." There was a most excited eonfabula tion at the Granger' gate ; but the eager watchers acroes the way caught only now and then a word. Then Helena Granger ran down the walk. "Lee has sarrendered!" she cried. "With all his army l" "Oh how good!" said Milly. "Thank God " ejaculated her mother, fervently. While Aunt Sarah leaned her head against the gate-post and fairly cried for joy. "We shall have peace soon, I hope," said Caroline. "And our boys will be coming home again," said Mrs. Morgan. "All that are left to come," added Aunt Sarah, with sorrowful recollection. "Oh, if Charley had but lived to see this day' And all eyes filled at thought of the brave young cousin, far in his unknown grave, deaf to these rejoiiang. "But what news it is !" said Milly, as the sense of it struck her afresh. "You may well say that," was her aunt's emphatic comment. "You never heard such news in all your life before, and never will again if you live to be a hundred." "The flag!" said Milly, breathlessly; "what are we thinking of?" Away she scampered, and in five minutes more the dear old colors waved over the group. "And now," she said, "I must go down and get the papers. We never can wait till father comes home." The half-mile walk was a triumphal progress, vocal with the peal of bells and the thunder of cannon. Almost every house hung out the Stars and Stripes in honor of the glad occassion; every one she met saluted her with joyful smiles. One old Irishwoman, an utter stanger, called out "Good news, honey!" and Mil ly felt like falling on her neck and kissing her. In the town all was tumultuous de light. Neverhad our youngfriend known such an experience. The raw April morn ing breathed balm, the odor of gunpow der was pleasant and refreshing, she seemed to tread on air. "Here are the papers!" she said, flying in upon her expectant family. "It's all true; you'll see the letters. That mag nificent Sheridan!" "There must have been dreadful fight- I ing, though, to bringit to this," said Aunt Sarah. "Our soldiers will be needing every thing. I sent a little to the Com mission last week, but I believe I must spare something more. Just write a line to the Treasurer, Carrie, while I get my porte-monnaie." No one could settle steadily at work that day; the news must be talked over, and projects of peace and reconstruction dwelt upon. But after a night's rest things fell into their usual order again, Carrie's preparations went on with vigor and were almost complete1, when a se cond Express package arrived. "For Milly this time," samid her father, while Aunt Sarah prudently made her escape from the room. When strings and papers were removed a beautiful chromo lithograph spade its appearance. Mily wentinseareh of her anant, whom she loaded with thanks and reproaches, both of which were received with entire stoi "After what you said the other day I thought you would prefer it to a new di es," was her only comment "Indeed I do! I had a great deal rather have it than any thing." "Well, then, if you've fiAnished soold ing, we'll go in and take a look at it." The pieture was held against the wall and arranged in thebest light "Pretty, isn't it?" amid Aant Sarah, complacently. "I left it to Helen; I thought she'd know what to get, she's around among such things so much.I How rich that foliage looks !" '"Beatiful said Milly. It's almost as handomw as a painting. But," she added, sorroudfly, "this cost as much as your alpaa, rm afraid. That will have to follow your silk. You will have nothing left but your bennet and mastle." "Who cares" amid Aunt Sarah, defiantly. "There's some comfort in spending one's monuy for a petty thing like that Inever did faq thelmse stow colored alpacas; dull, plainlookingg things; no besaty abouL them any way. " Milly bestowed admiring attention on her landcape, bb~a heubr aunt appeared uaneasy. 'There wasn't anything else in t the package, was there?" she asked. "Why, what should there be?" :aid Milly, witl ope eyes. Aunt Sarah gave no very difinite answer, and the girl, in her interest about the framing and hanging of her Streasur, forgot to press the matter. But with the evening mail there came a box; a box small but mysteriously heavy ; and this also was directed to Milly. She opened it with ingers that trembled with excitement; it seemed to this country maiden as if Aladdin's Lamp were at work in her behalL Clytie! She knew it in a minute! How exquisite I "Oh, this is too much!" she said. "And why? I should like to know. Did you suppose I was going to give Caroline so much more than you? That's not my way of doing business; I don't believe in partialty." Clytie was placed on a bracket in the parlor, and Aunt Sarah regarded her with immense satidaction. "I did not think a low forehead could look so well," she said. "I call, that the best invest ment rve made yet." "But your new ipantle !" exclaimed Caroline, half-laughing. "I am afraid it has gone to keep your silk and your alpaca company." "Mantle, indeed !" said Aunt Sarah. ,'I never thought of having such a thing. My striped lady's-cloth is plenty good enough, andIknewitallthe time. Ilet Miily talk on and amuse herself, but I had my own plans just the same." "And nothing is left of that charming outfit but your bonnet," exclaimed Milly. "Well, I must devote my wbole strength to that. I'll rip it up to-night, and take it to Miss Dawson in the morning." "'Now, Milly, I don't want to hear a word about that bonnet. Perfect extra vagancel Just as good and fresh as ever it was I" "All out of fashionl' insisted her niece. "WVho expects me to dress in the fashion ? Such vanity may do for girls like you and Caroline,. but at my age I hope I have more sense." A sudden suspicion lashed on Milly's mind, "Aunt Sarah," said she, "how much is left of that seventy-five dollars ?" "There's some of it." "I believe it is almost gone; that is the reason you are so contemptuous of fashion. Come, own the truth; you haven't, more than eight or ten dollars.' Aunt Sarah saw that her time had some,. and she might as well confess. She handed out her porbe-monnaie. It held five cents in postal currency. "You see Carrie's silk come rather high." she replied, to the astonished looks of her nieoee-"and your things. And didn't tell you that Nora Plynn was here last week ; her husband is sick again, and they are in want of every thing, so, of course, Ihadtohelp a little. And then our soldiers I supposse you'd have had me let them sumir in order to buy myself those fripperies. Girls, I'm ashamed of you!" "All your outlt goae," moaned Millv. "You forget my new calico." "Rich ! And the' expenses of your journey 1" "Journey" said Aunt Sarah, indig nantly. "No one ever heard me talk about a jouarney. That wsasyour mother's notion. People may go jotrneying that can't find any thingtodo sthome. PFr my part I always have plenty." And that was the end of Aunt Sarah's Outfit. MAlls or A G0EwrzxAig.--NO man IS gentleman who, w$ithout provocation wouldtreat with incivility the hamblete dohis specie. i is vulgarity, for which no secomplishment of dressor adressessn ever stone. Show eq the nanu who de sires to make every one around him ha py, and whose greatestolicitude is never togive offence to aay one, and I will show youa gentleman by nature sand species. though he nay never have worn a suit of broadcoth, nore ver heardofa lexicon. I am proud,to sa. for the honor of our species, there are men in every throb of whose hearts tbere is solicitude for the welfare of muankind, and whose very breath ii perfumed with kindneas. "Whatarmyokgi ntodo dher you gradasers raid a gelema to a WS hams' Osdgeg st. esswbo is "8tting fir the miiry." "ep ggp,*" rslid th youth ; "psaee the thsl, I 'spe&' An oldbachelor says "It ia all ups sense to pretend 'that love is IRa never y'et knew a manu i love thatt not see twic o . nuch in his sweeth4$ aslcould." EvIE-nrL Hmroaor P £ OLOt n 3MAX. -Henry Van Mtete, "whose 'death at Bangor, Maine, at 6 a04 an- ageo of 110 years, is reported was one of the meet interesting olored mjjnj' ej counry. During the aerdatia*o d 'ar he was a slave oft~ov.'Ndai After the close of the war he and taken West oat he.B id to the extreme frontier, whence he ;mrge his escape to Cincinnati, then mng~re lam let. He became the ervapt of an officer in St. Clar's arms, and saw much dan gerous service in the northwes After the peace of 175, he livedfor a time in Chillisothe Ohio, and then remover to Philadelphis, where he was sent to school for the first time by some manm bers of the Society 6f Friends, and learn ed to read and.write at the age of ffaty. He subsequently made several voyages to Europe as a common sailor, and on the outbreak of the.war of 1812 shipped as such in the privateer Lawrence. He was bpture, seat to Plymouth,"En gland, and cooied for some time in Dartmoor, where he.witnesmed the mas mere of 1815. tany years ago he took up his residence in lrangor, where he lived an industrious and respectedlifo in the almost unimpaired enjoyment of his faculties of mind and body to time of his death. "My dear friend,".said a gentleman to a bankrupt the other day, "I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. Your family has my warmest sympathies." "Oh, don't trouble yourself about my family. I looked out for them, you bet I Just save your sympathies for the families of my creditors." Why will nextjear be like last year ? Because last year was 1870 and next year will be 1872 (too.) Sinee time is not' a rson we eats overtake when he is pat, let us honor him with eheerfulnesi while he is pe ing.-Goehe. Suxous.a AnrrmrmnoA- racer.-Any anmber of gaures you may wish to muh tiply by 5 will give the same result if divided by 9, a much quicker operation ; but you must remember to annex a ci pher to the answer, when there is no re mainder; ad when there is a remainder, whatever it may be, annex a 5 to the answer. Multiply 44 by 4 and the answer will be 2,320 ; dividing the same number by 2, and you have 20 ; and a there is no remainder, you add a cipher. Now take 357, and multiply by 5, there is1785 ; divide the same number by 2 and you have 178 and a remainder, you therefore place a 5 at the end of the liHe, and the result is again 1786. - o--- "Hallo, steward," exclaimed a fellow in one of the steamboat, after having retired to bed; "hallo, steward ! "What mais?" "I want to mow if these bed-bugs put down their names for This berth befre I di If not, I want them tured out." ----0 ---- 'What made you tell the gentleman you had three or four siste and brothers, Mary, when you have noeer' "'Why, mother. I didn't like him to think you were so poor you could alord to buy noe. _ wife, 8h6 had been keturing her habad for maghom intosleased, begineLnng iw at his udiarenee ad exclaimed, '0, tht I To whk th h•wee Mc eus' .'U't·i-'t's ua~, m old woaan, bo. bse * w ater POILTICAL NOTICES TALL OF THE THI)D WAl) L&DICAL [1RLepublian (Mother) Clab, NewOrleas, la. -At a regular meetnag otheThlir ad aBdi eel Republsema (Mother) Clhth, hld Saturday eveniag, Masek 18' WIJ at their hell, em Per idae street, the Lowisg pleabe and remdain bons wer, on motion of Dr. obert T. Creamer, adopted by a ridng vote-yeas 2sf, nays 7. WasAs, 8treonuous dorts m being made by a ction ofr the Republian partyin this 8tate, rwdhh faatle isanesr in adoord with the RE* publican 8ktate Executive Committee an with the na.h.iaem.a. of o honoed Pteidest. Ulymas . OGrant, to procure the removal of the Io6 Charls w. Lowell, poemputerofthhiseity and Whi es, The e publiorn be Central Com ueaity d ny ceate i esty ksentdaon, rb Sth~imowmer~ poetad int cm of ib moai~inesrgbCs.* e dismeqy MtamPh to the end of Impairian ist s in behalf of the vial hepublliea ntarest both of the State -U adsMtki ,be U raes.d TheatYhesw. Iwulowanw ag. s1he a M.I l, tans, aI ;th ead meue s. pnaaliem , d . ehydo hae p Iist ae fil faith n bs 4.1.1 .. poli n sessal l itJ, ad that we mpudr the attt at hi remsoval as. waec i I 4qqu s ieo s faiithal irwat at aCbne 'ieralnnd, lm liai'to te' bhstahrt tedhs> 8Epspbban pasty m a Sto aett~d tht Csgtarl 0amaas, to whisk thus moeu ary mpseisfyego.Sdsd. (Ie~ abt nlbume sdet avteassearb the esbs t4 a s maaes C hsais h pealm elM 6 th ir bo th Jasbthis. I IasibUnN, Pb i & '1 Tuoex.. M. Lv aw.os Scrsl ;