Newspaper Page Text
THE L JtIJ S~P4AN. W .ND AY APi tIL 9 , 1. 71. 1,1( cunr for SThe Lo~ rt ois:i is ptLiia.'1J trry T"lrlur day and Suuwd.lyt 11i24, c:r t Street, New ;eta Oriewns. (!ttlrt , i, ::t.,ter: l.; c ý- avco 1o11ee \ n- 1:10S (W.'ltitip of the iýd11! ti,:;',n of Ou:ri Lord ., :1W: fro::1 tl" 41 I. i.' 11, vu :,2!v c lel~ra.tid till. by all as greatfa: t- a t (:ay; u::'l ot.x' i"+ be-tt~u Ili,...,, +:iilf earix^ on CA; riorr the benads of 1'11 (kd~ih, tale 1" a:rne~t.; U1, the tolla) et' rLýl ( lImo!. e 1:ai:de, : , '~~xxi"V~ v.':s cruci~i'l f ;": our liite :!x iA~ :lii 1, ' fsr 'thxo tt~t:j'.!1tiin of our iitl in 1115- ..11 w'r:ixix il)Jul"Ci'..L1'! 11 il u'n xi',.'¶ ." a1 1wt 'tll'. Ia Ujt add (el i l'tl t l'". 1,':d:c' ti a (:.3 -1,'.r. 11 +Y1 n'.. i !t ~ te ( itO.(1 CfnL i') : CC'veC .,111 Ji. n ' c 'u'I iz n: .1 . c '' o. It is ac'in·: I of *''t: 1"c ~ .11 i :t'~~1- t,7, 00 1 11,E t r ; ' 1 WW IN o ( .;CI t t!:,'.7' :( has ,: · ..:t t`:__: r ... ... ··. f ..""'A711 Oil C i:;i ii.,.' / I I t~i:. j.. ~.1 ...' t' . .'' t ·; , :. !7'... :; t tl O1 ll I. t ',I,, . : t " t ' i i . .V · t yr.iic 1,1"1 11 on -:.:ý t f 10 t::(: 11".. (1.7 :, ." - .1'. 11 .1) I. t1 t,. ('li' , :]. I . I 7 i' . l ... !.:l t, id.. ;' 1: I~te l t; . "_.1 . tý!r"?'. ,.fit::., '+ .. ý /: ,.. ý ý ... ,:s: C'.~fC~!~o ' ~epj: t·i·: icci-: ca bsr~ln.~ ~ 1tll r:( 1:1fli t cu-r~a ie ·::lt-, I):.;- I' xx:''' '1'' l·ci iii tse isgartij~ !'{nfvever lt tI~ Id;~twr IL ') U r L~tix'~ xhav iS O , PILEJ)ICE. tra~ thre The -p irng r'aeea commenced yester day, over the Metairie Course. We love Ti thco ain::r1ient and would gladl) avail g, l 1 (lurs'!·f of the t'!) titinit v of slalking oil1 dirt (ccol, t':n.-f Ni'gta (,Cr.a9!ii toti, and an: (1 ety, as %%.1 as to jihilldlan' jinto Weld es- I t O uL T~antn('",ls ir:, solme cf t1:(" pare, brado,'.! JA)I :1r of t!e utli~lhbrhotsl, butt the Iold t.i s11U ·t of caste, 11:1H been arouH(.. 1jii 'i :: ndtl R.': aro toLdi that, for the ilr t ! ---fi tiuns, there ha.1)P-eI t rL:,td a scpIerat. ' standl o;( flIp. k gr-)"ld to prevent t he mingiri ,,it orv.1. wL f.ue.!ý, auid ;':iay on:('' " ;ill t The o r",inr>; (of the ..xsnrdi! of tiac. rit! ('l.·;; b· c .! '11, to p7 . ft tiat12 sUiCl di -I nrc thruti. in thIa facee of the ndwi2 ' i I h .: a rd ot urw:ehin 1Xi01 ·.· j XII1 ' b::2 u.: tit!:::ni l.1,' Vdaxitsiu 1 ..i l I ifs,, ii';!; ahin.r .uouilit to be sprtc f c111, in .1 . Ii l l fo-IS f racd fIe *~'e" in :tl h ti ;l:dlV gt. and move tIl ( jlulll~f, fin .i"''i itjS O1i! OS an (1Vid~Cfl' iij SI ot tlXI crtiX;~!llVc Of r cetrittu s~taC of fv~e!- ir o `it- qu1 : ;;Ii e 1). rter that , e ci:t) nlaugi l o . t. Of W1,e isoo~::t'lJn 111a~t l:)lhtaal` '.:>asala COii l''T 1'O ,l IlOi 1 cI. - t c Itli'. (:111 1 0: iii ou' a W1 5Cai~l 17 e1 ) t ()n liy 1 'tl~rsuh toc be: xtciitrd i tIt 4 .i '?e -i .' "iforts of ther ctars hfrFc i cs-.2c~ l t). t~Ii ;igncbler 1.aaicsnsa nc:ll !v a XL goli and !;Hov t t~eo n c' al. f 1 it tlys1 a !:l les lt 10 It I.·j:li c a01 coi~-cde tr!lIowrn oth', r 1L 0 1 of ti:t: 1:m x;it''ucc of a certaiu stac~te of fel- re' A moai alq· t !1 (. u Ill tiihat to augih t n:,: ic .O thei;yi, we::tlusn c Vcii! a !t1Cat ul Nho at t t 'it: The la ±~rs of the Ca.s ha't I'.Ci :( :) th ignoble 1,a thion and iH I ti ha :)..:i+10 i'tY sto:) tor ('\ti'i 2' .;1 g alii ho0., I : nl " :. "til' : +)_. li l n'_ tlll' 1' l!:l 'l's in "t: l,' I.;; ..AM of ti"). :t:..-l ('o tin -ode to 2o·1'' :hý (':la: C'- , /t:l i)at~l n C').'v et'ac tl -' : ; , LI. B ' r·'- ··n '.:.. 1 !. tte :11511:,, to Oln lilt1:: ' 'Al : . 1 ''. l d::t,2l, l: !· ·· iti II. U: t In :l tai t'.il t oi :..' 1, i , . ): .! ' '(: (l':{ (i . It t ,'Irt ul-, .. .,, ·; :T;:!io,. T! c: re:ii's I , I " . il -, 1'. . . i. ' :.' :1 :t. ", if, . 1011 t .h analc etn tic t-o: ., I . ( ' trdi'.. 1 :, . ,... ., _. i t' it it isn.1e tE )i ~i Li'r jI;; Iv coeof this l l o r ~n ''2v ~i,3 nittq·i~etl;ja Vs Jii s.t~o a. W:.S~T~ Ii' 'fCg Inll 2n Vi -·· v ''~~r nit1 tra;sfer to our columnus to-ay two or i three of these endorsations. Opinions of the Press. . The Lecture of last evening at Norombe ga, being the second of the course, underthe direction of the Bangor Freedman's Aid As- li sIx"'ition. :ala by M,:s. F. 1' W. .lAnr.'l:n to ii (col,:red (l . i, o,,ton. 'he Lecture n' :L Lot of a high oder of t.dent, wa.- received with 'i much Lfvor, and elicited frequent and hei"iutt the appla:se. 'tihose who listcn.d. nut otcen the, not only that colored people have righte, but Io abilitiis, which others are bound to respal t. pra ---L',q'o ,r ll-ig. Jan. :. aud She rec iveil the closest attention, and the hearty and frequent applause proved her tho roughly appreciated. She is certainly gifted m with the power of oratory. Several critics and ',roenounce her equal to Miss Dickinson, trit wail,- some give her credit for even greater 1 i.terit when it couim.s to speaking upon the but :i*h'lst moral andl spiritual plane. She has ia i:. force, perhap,;, in depicting a battle ligl 'n,, but in descrihing those trials which sill , v h,-r r:ace have endured. she is unequalled. wil --i, ',deplphia North Aamerican. as Mir. HAm'xEn.--This latuy addressed an are l aahu;-ncne last evening in the R-v. 31. Free- of . in's Church in Prince St., upon the sub- fro . ,t of the "Future Relations of the Negro sil to the Government." Although the address was new in its cluractcer, the same evidences cal of talent, thought, originality of ideas, an logic, and excellent common sense were ex- arc l ibited, as in her previous addresses. Her fift Sr(eaioning is most conchl:ive. If the citizens bt: t ,f B]ooklyn were aware of her ability, the vo: Se :de'umy of Music w:ldl hardly hhld the an a;llien:c':s that would desire to hear her.- ir)(,,l/n UnLion. O:.a of the most eloquent and thrilling lee- lf' iar ever hoeard by an audience in this city was na :cllvered in the Fra:ulin St. M. E. Church last til Svening, by 3Its. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. ( Sl'e have heard Mrs. Harper compared. for nower S. a speaker, with Miss Dickinson ; but. havingi :.iard both, :we. have no hesitation in giv:ng the ;,.d:n of superiori:y to Mrs. Harper. She comn 1 l, lwrhalps, eqnal vigor of thought ansl com- Il t I" i'nsiventess of view, while she ,ossesses more en' u, e of uttera;:ee, and a more keen, pene- of ;trtintg and facile wit.-- 'sacrk t(brier. m: She spoke for nearly an hour and a half, her a: , subject bei'ng "The Mission of the War, and the 11 D.). nd, of the Colored Race in the work of : Hcl.otrnlcton," anI: we h.ave seldom seen an o- .udinace more attentive. he+ter ple.ed. or mi',re u - 'nthuilastic. Mrs. Harper has a splendid arti- tl( .', ation, us. ; chste, pure lanm-u.age, has :: si t- a.,ant voi e, iandl allows no OI1e to tare of I] ..tring hr. We shall attempt no abotact of S r .ta. c.,. : nlne that we ceotld mak.: w,,•rl.1 I1o t, r ju.,tic,,. It w, one of w'hich .uv lectur r , . :i.t f ,el prol 1, :-dl h1 r reetltio , b:t at Port. t S::,.i i.- d .;"e,, w t;s a! thr-.: cul . l,e di;l . W ' sea seen : , apri. - her Its tt ::w "<.v..rar w ,w;. i . , .' o : ..." h 'nr,! ].":, Mi p: ; L:.k : n, anld .1 , n t L,'" - :v ;.i. toawardl ti:..i :n t , her pdar'b cr . t .lor.,t iLi S 1-r : chur1 , s. 'ru ,rti,.l..ti,. of Vtr . ti r W ias 51:ý;, p : r .e: ! - i t" " ., a " It w il thus be (b,;tsr:ed tha t thi. th "d', : oss.esst-se t:lent of a h;I. o;,i1r, an,~ a ; ,hsearve; the imost liberal encourae'ement. Iu:for:unnatelyv we htve not nw:ny oppor St:,ities ofi attencli lectures, or any en rt:"'nicn ut of a rare crdir, consistently Si:h onur stif-respect, and we urge uponri '1 .!l of our friedcls tie propriety of devot- ' " in, net \\Wednesday evening to Mrs. 'I !;rp, r's icetari. TIhe nosl remn:ark.:ble case of disine "'oon n acoinit of r.::'. and color which c, " '.', occiurrc has just been dev-lhope1 ini the iniied SLt des Senate. The public, "atkat Sit irion res,.in in the State of Dcl e , will ru:aim.ber tl:at 5Mr. Ba;:ard, -",,. fath-r a:,l r'.nxIfather were S:::at :'; ,r- bhf, ue hir, t,, sa; no:,ing of a p;uir or V,. es who o0'e i):re te .,:iatori hOl , or, :':lt:tiy a speecih c.iding and comfort i-g the Kiu-KL-ix or'.tIzation in the Iio thi. Fee!ling proud andl vain of his ,'' oi',rrs, he desircd to lay his eloquence in '"" I.::utvd form behore every raember of tlh a1- !Iose of Iepr.:sent:;atives; but his relug , r- i a'te 'o t!:he 1 lk racc overcame even ,is :,1 pridd in the b..od of the Bayards, and in 'r ee.i.eti. the diet'Kbutin of his Tpech S.he e;r'Isaly ma::iti.ed the nat-se of the t' five e red nmemb,.ts of the iIouse I .s- Turc is a raimor,amo;ng BI3ya'd'v Demo ds erati:: col!,ltgue,, t!hat the colored mem 0 ii hbrs :"_e *greatly incensotd" at this cxccu sion, but th- r-p',ut ;-'1:h con it:' .: a.. . fitin- ien:ae toL ti; proleed:ing ray :'e n, : di 'td in the fact one of the coi - :r I m ubcrs; i; t . rmank ± it 'r.'ic. to am. 'dw. rat to th' -Ilu:: ' ia, -n l tat i, ! proi.:::s to ini.'me Se:e:tor Eq rd'a n ;mTe in the li,;t if tnh's towh -as hia rm n n.;tv ist be bgrante!. -, Y.Te,''. -A Connecticut laws-er, whi- n-A a'l to ~", crss the river on the ice, was tol't ti:t wl it wod be o enatirely ab to muakLe the .- attemit'if he erawLel over on his hnde iand knees. Anxious to go, he hnmbled I limstlf a~,crding'y, and had laboriousli a- h1 ltj~. re crc-s, wiien -e waa over b' ak may drinvmin aloig- lieisaw ' LADIES' WORK BASKET. trite -- blac It "xxx." bou GEN&M.. R~EmAKS A Ineffectual attempts have been made na to introduce Berlin fashions, not only in the Loud,in, but in New York, but said styles ir being hideously ugly, they did not "take,, therefore although Berlin may triumph in over Paris in one respect, Paris milliners t have lbeen compelled to (dry their tears, and invent new styles for the whole l1 world of fashions. Ah! Berlin may claim the throne e.f France but she cannot i usurp the ancient uerogat:ve of Paris $31 and letdul the fashions. Vice La Paris. !3 triumphant queen of felshons! do The styles of making costumes varies po but very little from those of last season, materials for costumes of course are lad lighter and adapted tro-the season, black for silk as we predicted early in the season will be very fashionable for costumes and h as a natural.d consequence our merchants are bringing on unusually large supplies of black silk goods, which vary in price from $1,50 to $3,00 per yard. Light silks are usually in narrow checks and 31 can be bought for $1,00 per yard. Mo zanmbigquees are also very much worn, and Sare being offered at the low prices of to r fifteen to twenty cents per yard. The a b:nds and ruffles continue to be the fa e vorite trinmmnirg. The bands are cut birtn e and are usually of some pretty contrast ing color. If hoops are going out of fashion the i, tornure or to call things by their right Snames, the old fashioned bus/le is posi t tively la mode. This immense lhmp again disfigures the forms of our fashionable , ladies. MOZA.1MQUE COSTDUME - Was made of pink mozambique. The under skirt had a flounce with a heading e of bias bands of black silk stitched on by machine with pink silk thread. The bnmdt, of silk are about one inch wide ýr and the first one is placed immediately Supon the edge of the flounce the second Sone about two inches from the first. The , upper skirt' is trimmued whlith a narrow i flounce headed by bands of the bias silk a similar to the lower skirt, and is looped1 of up at the sides. The waist is blouse with ofI rce,'s and a pulled iliuion ehcmi',It'e is worn. The sleeves are flowi,:-:" arl are it r. tihi_,'ed with handls and ruffles, thel . S . ,::s ' :a the -.krt::. Puf,.l il!u..ion~s il- .t . ,-r :lvc',. Tat of ;;:tt str-w 'riaed i: '- p;tink roses :.n looip of black velvet 1) ,lr. , ! 1" :, ,'. . . , t t ,r'1 ," or d.l, , ,. ~.iV ~U)L tll tai)N aoot. 'u...... w:as u.rc'l i: the bias Lao:]. Mi i.- , ,':1 tsro .,l was uscl in siL:.' , tic... (:.':v st:;nw h":t triinc " wi ii ,, of lhie wd et ribo'11 and 1 whi,. JW l!,);.. M,,',M BIQUI; ( .5'Y'1WE I r "':I.c n.ii:r e the , v. \ whi:h brown T. or -1.:lack 1k bands -tcjh:ed wlith1 ,,: .'. H~at of brown straw trionxe' I: .h loopy of brown ribbon and pink t ut. t'(s,'.. or- PINK LAWN COSTUMe. u_ Solid colored pink lawn, hinder skirt t tlr walking length, with wide flounce headed hn by bias ands of checked white and pink at lawn-stitehed on by mxachinc. A long rs. /w; trimmed with' bands end ruffles is bet:1il in at the waist w il piak silk saili , andbl.I1 White strawha.t trinmed with nc-i Lwedand flowers, lace eqilar and .ink bow V-- , DINNER DRE'. teIe enner dress of black grenadine over ast pina silk. The round unid'r-skirt is "" p~a, with a dentillated edge to match • d, thcolor of the silk. The train is fold 1- ed Mto line r, !rousi.4 at the sides. The rf wvai of tee corset is dentihted like the ir, ski4, the upper part is cut s'lumre and is Ir- trirnieal with three narrow pinked-out the fri of fhillc. his PaOMENADE CUSTMRi. I ess of violet-colored silk. The sirt has two gatherel flunees. The lower ug f .ucc is very deep, the upper one is u: smaller and passc-s becneath the full v '. At each side is an lrname it in tuae ntei-e; close corsage, straight , s, lace colar and undersleeves. Bon net >f white straw trimmed with violet nib n and large roses. cu I'TR"LENADE CO.TiMTF. (. Japan-zse silk slate . colored. The or01of the reund under skirt is crossed co- 1.b 1i e gathered andgraduating L'unces 1 to- wti i:s headings. A.]ounce bordered - tv rain worn over this, and a tunic with t atll ofl. Square corage. iull open r lee. Lace collar and undersleeves. InDRas thS*Y ELDEIILY L&DIkS. 0 ay cr.shsmcre striped with black. t,,e +e'} founn is bina. Draped tanki c t -k sIk. rO q;.ine of exdmer t TJh ng leeves have a deep bias ruffle. Sw inu mtilin handkerchief is tied at the bled nee' M]~lin cap trimmed with black uuiy rib rvor-. trimming is flutings bows and buttons of hisa blaed silk Silk cintqre. Black satin -the bow in the hair eer, uomwtes AD aers. by o As is usually the case the most he h markable styles for ugliness seem to be The the favorites this season. The large, be h broad-brimmed leghorn hats, however will be the most popular. These range in price from three to five dollars. Very ity little trimming is necessary. brot The gipsey bonnet of white straw or who leghorn is becoming to some ladies and was will doubtless be much worn. The have prices are high of course and are from reg n $3 to five dollars for untrimmed hats. and Large lace veils are fashionable but we his 1 do not think they will become very ,s popular in this climate, ss they are too him large and heavy ; however we all know. in tl ladies will suffer much inconvenience he a for fashion's sake therefore the new bret square lace veils may become la mode stha here also. fel INVITATION TO LECTURE. a br Opel ases NEw Onnwvs, April 7, 1871. toJ Mrs. F. E. Harper. the Madam, asti Owing to the disappointment relative glax to your lecture which was to have been war delivered Thursday night, the sixth inst., til and as there are many who desire to hear the same, you are hereby respectfully . solicited to deliver your lecture entitled fo "The Work Before Us" on Wednesday the night, April 12, 1871, in the Senate ,t Chamber, Mechanics Institute. tio Respectfully, of P. B. S. PrcanAncL. st J. HEsRI BURCH, pr A. Ronoouthon OGERrOE KELsO. sm e E. BCTLER. his R . RLCROxWELL Of Taoxus MRRIax. fr c W. B. BaRsnEm . bu e JAMES E. LEwis. b. y C. C. ArToINE,and others. Le d thi ;e lee Hons. P. B. S. Pinchback, Burch, Antoine, th k Butler, Barrett, Messrs. Roxborough, we Lewis, Cromwell, and others. cdi SGct:s, is is I have received a kind and courteous o re iin;tati,n to lecture in New Orleatns, ( 1 .h;h is hereby acknowleiged and duly *- hi.rcc ited. (i.tteful for this token of ,i( t ci:ti)!l in:i rcpect I have the et ,. asur. to 'c.y ;ur kiud iaviti.:in,n t!. d.'iver -l !,-cnure edatled "The Work .kdfore Us," t :tie i-lace :and tiume a- ...:ated in your 0 ::maluc.ttion. Y 1.ur nitt fully, i a kNtIL . W. HAx'R.. tii HE P'i'i lEG. E CLT VISIT THE L( )tn :-Itin'uA. l Ti was a ti::l: in t ite hi:torv of Misaon r; wa,:u no, onet wu.nl4d have thought to r: , quediou the right, wh,,,h every brother in t( t hg'lo sta(nling had, to visit anly regularly a ct.nstltut:d Lodge,. It is true, it was alway. 1 then the ,'l)rerogative of the Ma.lustr to refuse .,,huisiou to any one not a member of his Lodge; but this prerogative he was expected rt to use with great disicetion--more particu- tl ind I lrly so becauseu no one was comipctent to 1call him to account for it. While tihe essential forms and ceremonies ng of Lonry have not undergone nor admit Sof any chlnge, we all know that it. inter- , 11nal organization, and, to some extent, its c ith government have been materially altered. r ow In our owm country, more particularly, we have sought to adapt the latter. as far as t poasible, to our civil goeminment. Hence ver te nunber of independent Grand Lodges t is -one for ,:dmos;t every State or Territory. tch The result of all this has been that Masonry, ld- as fa S m its; internal government is comiern Ehe ed, ha lo.4 its unity. Thu Freemascaon who the now visits another or foreign jurisdiction, I 1 is inds himself toooften a stranger ma strange land; mnd of late there has been manifested ta spirt from which even Grand Lodges have not been free, to mnake even his visit to a Lodge a difficult matter. I irt BIut this is certainly an inroad upon the wer ancient usages and customs of our Society. e i .sozry haS ever boasted its universality- afull j boasted that the well-instructed Atsuon tin s rcog~ied as such every wht-re, and wiil Smeeta a brother's welcome wherever a Mason may beU found. Thi boast can certainly on- not have reference merely to his receiving )let t sni-al a -As hen he may need them away fra hnon.. ; At "an certainly not mean aim ply tLat he will be taken care of when sick I The ma strange land; for if only that is m'nnt, then M,sonry has nothing to offer beyond that the numer'ous charitable and benehici ary a oeiations oft.he.prepent time grant in red an Lqul degree. No; it must mean, sad rith does mean, tat whether in want or not in pen j want, a Inson, when from home, will find es. --at leat ought to find-in evwry Mason he may encountr, a brother, who win endoav or to msake the stranger forget that Ie is Ck. among strangers; whio will pre, it required c a sincCIe ommIeloU r and make the wayfarer's crQ. jalbode as pleassat aL ar. as. Ciginstanees dfie. will permit. Br how can bI'ds msruon n the les the stranuger-.c msa a ~irkn-wn lack tohislatrfl Aau is' ot a hvittoa Ssrase ro~~~ag a"er P Lutmd 'ke~i~b. 'kb the extended hand of wdeome. This, ever, is not always the ease; in too fm". stances he even has been excluded alte~o by order of a Grand Lodge, imply bseai he hailed from some particular jnisdi@ . The Sauordinate Lodges, of course, es be held responsible for sach a viojet a Masonic courtesy and propriety. Tlk however, we fear, are too often dereic , carrying out the spirit of Masonie hcmij ity. How often have we watched astr brother after he has entered a Lodge.r who by his whole demeanor showed thit was a tranger ameong serrers/ He have been from the far west, or some dis3a region; he knew, probably, but few perae and these only in a business Away from his home, from his family, ho his friends, he may have felt lonely, as sought for companionship. He bWtho* himself of the lessons which he had ls in the Lodge-room in his distant home, w he said to himself, I will arise and seek n brethren of the Mystic Tie, and thsl shall satisfy the longing of my soul for t fellowship or companionship. He r and found the Lodge-room, proved him.l a bright Mason, knocked, sad the door opened to him, and he was invited to tar aseat. What else didhe fnd ther t nhS to Joseph? Eagerly did he partieipa the loved work of the Lodge, bunt l h a strange workman in a fooip counry,y glances of frudesat weloome met his eys, warm pressure of the hand gave a esilat timation that be was among beethrte. A when the labor closed, aad the CAfit were no longer under the government dbt gavel, and flocked together in little) for friendly greeting and social ehat al thepoor atrange brother is too bes is e standing alone, while the friendly cim, tion all around made him doubly ammi of his utter loneliness; and in too many i stances he is supposed to depart mor & pressed in spirit than when he ame in the room. And yet one friendly greeti, the cheerful word of inquiry, one frated smile of welcome, might have gladdey his heart, strengthened for the coming tl of the day, and prevented him, from falling into the snares of more but treacherous, company. Surely, all tm brethren will agree with us that a vist th Lodge ought to be made a mpre pleas thing, especially to the stronger, and thts least the ordinary courtesies be extendedb e, the visitor at our Masonic home, whicl k h, would receive if admitted to our family cir cle. The neglect of it, whenever it orem, is a disgrace to the Lodge which is o forgetfid of its fraternal duties.-Pomer -'a o Democrat. PECULIAR PEOPLE. The extravagant man hired a ab t look out for an omnibus. The man of gallantry escorted is ie tc'h mother-in-law underneath 6l : :.I.tcte, lllhough he hnow before she had been taking snuff. The san.gnine man expected to fid )ouiccm:i·in when he wa:nted one. 'IThe credulous man believed the awmr of at eb -dr:ver thl:t a 1,'ng circnit u :ned?,il, Ibecause the streets were ben paved. n- A lazy man allowed the fire to go o to rather than ring the bell to bid somebo in to poke it. rlv The clhccrful man enjoyed the I:our that he spent in witing for u dentist. The punctual man served out the ad for his eleven expected guests when . c.- three of them had actually arrived st Sappointed hour for eating it. The hasty man sat down to read" adise Lost," and afterwards boast he had got through it at a sitting. mit The hopeful man twice gave a ver a sovereign for a shilling, and t0 its cherished the delusion that it woul Sreturned to him. ly, The man of fortitude was brave ae to open his front door himself, w ce saw the tax gatherer, the gas ma~ the rate collector knocked at it r. The cautious man never wae sway from home without taking his y, brella with him, and a bill-stamp u r pocket. who Tpe gluttonous man, by bribery, On, beforehand into the sapper-rooe ng devoured the liver and wings o e ted displayed there. gs he reclkles man was bold en it itake hi wife down egent strst, her ho had a ten-pound note abolt The modet man wasr tempted t thanks for the brid~emaids, and, t ty. his chaffing friends, was caught ue -- at Gravesend in the act of em son i-Pvnh. win ll son COMMEJRCIAL S tir r o A r, A l , a -1 r, way Corros -The market a8v.n -" im.;-with a good inqu~ry, but %.,4 sickof the inda w~< l b-te The salem, ef ant, 1000 hbales at full prices. 7"to Ond asking 131l14e. for average i Lo w, . ia dlin g. br Yesterday's operations embro t in bales, the market closing as follo_ and Average -si. Li find....... . Ifro , Low, Ordinary..... 81 -t •he Oninryu-...... 9e 1"'i - _. . Good tan ary ....... ,.,i,:,, liw Middling... 13·(a I - t I Udili ...... ...... t4 tred istrict Middlig..... 15 ,5 - u LECTURE . Mt a rt!. P RAsCES ELL WATIXS WhF7 A LBeetbr dfat re a3.n and mid will dUrerLECO1UBE g