Newspaper Page Text
G;OOD, y I7'1 ý'ý"j7'i Pý ) I 'I .. A 4 ' ;v* 'ir. uu. .. .- , !. i ~d '. ' i& r t .b,' ý . Y 'Ii ' i,: '1· ,n i i 1' .1.1 IL *!. l 41t ! ;t a?}n u ' ti n,, LtL. ' - t', ;t,"I~t e arl ill r" titll~i n .._ 1 . L' L' r' ' ,I\ f 11111)L' (1111) l~tulle nlit or (ILI i.i okt Ii ;l" r~~t 1'.tilU L L v,-r t (I. - . t t.1l In yl.: dl :.e~ ranit,, tlto r' 1 X l)'rl 4'IE,!1 ý t W i'4 . I .1, t ' 1'-" l,.trl (Ikt'"I~ . V~t 4'.1, Il1: i i L ! .,r 1rILit -.'ul . i,: t-'.I~nd Ir 'o, T i. The Oride G3Id Watch, !\ 1:r a ll 1 ~ i..'" ,' '' it ,i 'I 1': 1:1.x' 1. I).IL . 1 x r. rt 'Ir , Nit 1 Ill ;X lI(1~,t,'1tu~~ f Il- r . . 1 u li fIr , I 'ý t r.1 .. ."1 1 1 !' t" 1 .t l Il .lQ 1 " q r' ·,I! i·'. I· · I \::" ·~I~ I,-' I*' I P0 1. ·~: iT , · ~ Xii' · I' II~· i XX· IA Cl4)A ('i! 1. 'IA i i , XNI 111Th' · - ?.·J·,...: LI :I .. ' ~ 'I L-L " 01.91......... .JL1\ II I. i' L I *I)~·'' 'I '" IC'~' *~i -- L 'l . C' . - . ;n- ' .-. .. . . 2 CHA SPECIAL NOTICE. S;. Louis, Iron MIIlia n:d Sonthcra 1ailr'ad. THE; ONLY .ALL hRAM ROUTE To `'. Lý.:i, C;:; ':*o, ()!Un ha, San Francisco, T( :'t '.:ul., h.,a.s City, Le.avnwci rth, St A)):! a!l Faitis ;r th, Eest and West. "TfW, N I:,;::.SS TIAI:NS lheave the Nw ( ,, Jacks.n ail Great Northern IaiT! r,,l lDept diaily. it 7 A. M. and 5 P. MI. 21 AN EXi'P i:I:SS TRAIN l4:ivcs the foot of Canal -.'. . dily at 8 A. 3M., via the New Orleans, 1 ... l.i:.-:,:. ( ga Railroad, making 1 c!,l' W ,u" n t ," at 2Mobiloe with the Mobile ut:i ()hio Railroad to all points North, East ii! 11, ,t. For tik, t; ,pply to 1 A. D. SHELDON. 1 Tike.t _ .;÷nt New Orleans, J:ackson ;.nd Great 1 N ,r l .t ii tailr'ad. corn,.r Ciamp a: 1 Comn mnu t ~e ,nuier C ty l[,tel : or to 1 W. BEDELL. Tickett t , :it Kew Orleans, Mobile and Chat- 1 a ,, !a .a il r,,ad No. 150 Common street, i lun1:r St. char.; ltel. .J. II. WINUFIELD. 1 (hGenral u.;i, rintel'in ; A. _,ut St. Louis, Iron 1 Mountittii nu1d Soutlon 1iaii : ' 1, 1 'NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE 1 .1 CHi1ATTANOO(GA. .*RAILROAD. 1 1 The, M1, ,lile divi:,ion of this road will be opened 1 tar bLu ,,1t 'ý on 1 !;sniila, wvtmber 21, iNO. n dl p : j , . _ , : ... i " , m ' fo l , , '.., ;1 1 ..: . " i. . :r ~: t!:a. .,,t of Canal 1 Si. n . ~ '.t. L . . (';t r timn . :,is- 1 , , -. ,: i 1:- , i. N el n ml,." i! i.. , la - S . at '1 x A . t.:uri t % it M -m 1 biherl _., l., ...':.:,.' .'.f,. c("),,. t i~t 1a0t le h w . t, ,. ,!t) i:.E .5.0D \ ,tt'). .t' th,' 310- 1 Bil.," ANDI) U.1(iNi'Gi 8I.rEY iA.ILL:)ADS for 1 all lI ut `I + S NI )ITI 1. .:'T AND WEST. :317 L.a " v , ilo f.r :4 , ,rk..n at 11:2" A. NI. S Arrivin i.g at t:11 ' . 1' . Flare lr,ew1a :i ew freans and Mobile, Fitt' lo!l:,is, Set 'II, i1 F::I: I l' '.1 lINS RI N EA(CH L il r ' .1 r `.c- , ., ' : " , ' hl ..n s, ; t th , f o, o t ..: ' ,. l,. . 1 .., i'. i., d( i.i'.' , 1 it _i'iill' A i, ANY OTIELR ._ (.. , F 1' . I .iLn Tin .: I. . m .u -l. r ' .. . a I. . w aum strt, . and at. . l . .X I eral Timl•t Aient nani Great Northern S . , NT . , " . Superintendent I I . , . :E . . n... Ticket A~ ,nt, Mis ... . , rl. Passnger Agent. L in< av Cr. as c-rv TLE.SDAY and .,r 1l ilt.Ni. lOINTE-A-LA-HA iil. a:uonI iiil wiy lindingm on the I "T T. A. En'r: , Mas;- :. ' h h : I' JUi. , T. I ic" : ard's" n, Cle" k. (, 1, - I .'. ptio".n just ren eived at ' .' ". . :. . i. A(l,,;A-h nC . T, . u m- I Mi I L ,i . !L(,.,,+ uciy. I', and Jobbars of !hi ., -1 :'' , "-,,u;h :u 'r , : A Ti, I u.....( . (i. STro ni2ET,..1..l. S - w O i Grse.. N ! ..I.ll()l.G~~.1Surnedn LUUIIANAhl Ai i LOTi 1ii r LU T Incorporated August 17, 1868. CHARLES T. HOWARD ........ PswsmEr. SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY, SPLEDI: SC'EE!: GNLY 20,000 Nuxrans Loc~ CAPITAL PzIZ -- ' - $50,000. Ti CLAS E. tutic TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORILEANS ON to r i~to lturiay., .iril i , "71, rlpi, HO)WA.RD, SfIIM ONDS & CO., Coxitr'ct. e1tic I by ¢ CHKE3 E : I.who 20,000 X7MERS--TICKE'M OxLY $20. fl. SelvI 1 prize of $.50.4 is ..............,. $50,000 in al 1 prize of 30.000 is................ 30,000( 1 prize of 2.0X) is.................. 20,000 1 prize of 10,() is.................. 10,(k quiur 1 prize of 9,00)0 is................ 9.01! TI 1 prize of 8,00'I is................ 8,E 00 1 prize of 7,000 is................ 7.(00 F0 1 prize of t;,00( is............... 6,000 lege 1 prize of 5,000 is................ 5,000 1 prize of 4.000;, i4............... 4.000 1'prize of 3,(A) is............... 3,000 1 prize of 2.000 is................ 2,000 I prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1.000) 1 prize of 1,000 1 prizv of 1.000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 I prize of 1.:110 1 prize cf 1.000 1 prize of 1.0(00) 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,0(k) 1 prize of 1.4()0 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize f 1,000 are $25,000 Pat 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,0)) faci 1 prize of I,(K1) BaI 1 "rize of 1,000( 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,00 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1.0l. 1 prize of 1.1(10 1 prize of 1,0(K) I prize of 1.14( I1 prize of 1,00) r I prize of 1 ) , Ref 50 prizeof ' r,) are 25,000 :317 prizes of 500 are 63,450 4140 prizes anmonntinil to $28),450 F Whole tukets "I) :i ;sD.C' in proportio-. 1' 'iiay.bie in fal1 without deduction. Orders to be add-re -d to. 'll.. T. IHOWAIRDs H Lock lBnx 6:+'2 l',ot,,fice, New Orleans Senrl Postoihce Mon.y order or Registecr your I Lctr.r, --t----------N---- ..... t Tht , l & Raiellhberg Fuaiiture Co., i YANF.'.iFA(' I UI , AND LDEAiI.EIS IN ALL KINDS OF FURN I TRUE, :ittras.' , L,)oki/ Gls s ac., i03 and 105 Camp Strcrt, corner P'ydras, La :l 3Iresq ue Unhihling, .. GIG... A L. ". as mo as ~.C ,. ... . . .. . . . • .... .. . . ... . . . . .... Cernor Conti and Villere, No. 239. ALWAYS (N H(TAN\ CIMIfE G610'ERIES, TE.L I'ft4LE, PBOTISI C -,\ ES, LIQtGRS AND 1 lanta ion suppl]irm. I sJ Orders promptly attended to. ---- ------ E tel, ,UtES ABELARD, at CarpenterandBuilder. a I; 237.....JULIA STREET......237. nt; NEW OBLEANS All orders left atthe shop will be promptly I i ttended to. I SGEORGE IllTE: - Lock-Smih & Bell-Tanger, ndll IROIN RAILINGS FITTED UP, i jIron Safor ropaired, the I 204, COM11ON STREET, NEW ORLEANS. - Presses repaired, Bells and Gongs for Susns Ships and Steamlboate Fitted up. I - (CLERE Oy y uNrr D STIS CIRCrUTr COrtE, tCenumissioner of the Court of Claimn . ' Dep.sitions, iktimony, a:knowledgments, [% taklue rao m the State Department,, Wa.,hhinoon, with acculrcy and p rom tns_. O tice atthe Cthe orlaouse, over tCe LOft u ne'xpp;ierd very" r Ne'F Or', r:, L~cuiiana. .J,,AI.. )WFo.aL & Co.. I.i'te ERik Ark. COITTON FACTORS GENERAL COMIISSION 4-.......cA.RONDELET ST..... 48S • " to-- BanZ,-k of., . j .~k 5.i~s ·I~i · ~ : TJIE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1! --s 2rJL-partanen t of STR.IGHIT UC-IT-ERSITY. Located over the Freedmen: Saving Bannk 114 Caronderet St. OPEN DAY AND EVENING, NO VACATION. The old and young can enter at this Int: tution any das, no distinction made in regard to race or color. The design of the Institution, iito furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thorough and practical ,uasiness edu e rti:,. fifty to one hundred per cumt saved yt stoudents, by taking the r:pid comn:.rcild l co.arue. Parties having ortiina~ t aliih:, , who have entirely neglected their education now have the opportunity to qualify them selves for almost any position in the State, It in an incredible short time. only From two to three months is all that re- It' n quires to complete the commercial course. do(5 Terms reduced to suit the times. the I For further information call at the Col lege, or address Prof. A. T. Selover, Principal. will a&d MRS. A. M. PARRISH and FIRST PREMIUM SHIRT EAKER, NO.!1l CANAL STREET, New Orleans, La. Particular attention paid to the manu facture of Gents' Underclothing; also Base Ball Club and Firemen's Uniforms T Made to order. BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporium n of Faslhion FOR LADIES. Smo Represented by lrs. A. Goodale& Mrst .. E.Lincoln. re, ) iin. ais aFnuishing GoodsHI OF ALL KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, It SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY, sna t Wrappers Single or Double, Underclothing of on. ever) dcserption, Night Dresses, Trail and Walk- wb ing Skirts. Chemise. Drawers, Sacks, Over- wa Skirts, Aprons, &c., &e. to, !r - for Orders tfaken for wedling Outfits, Childrens an' Inailth War irobes, Suits and l)resses in the Lates; Style.. and svpplied at short notice. Fe • The Ti.ADE supplied at New York prices. - Fnmpl r e r oomn o. - . Ca nnt l St., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S Is R ii f RF'fiii " i1T MLT ACUR<.' C'f. , I;- · . ,:. Or.L . rc.. ,c··:: 'l y .·,*licitcd. Mrs A. CaOODALE. iMr. K. E. LINCOLN. 110......C.NAL ST ET......101 AE'W ORLEANS, LA. MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS. (OF I1S OWN MUAKE) 1 BOYS AND CHILDRI1N'S CLOTHi . . . EV'S A9 BOYS' (IIIITS MADE TO ORDER Every Article Marked in Plain Figures Goods sold on "one price" system, and any article purchased which tihs to give r,atisft-ction can be returned and the money will be refunded. lp'Moderate Prices and Fresh Stock to select from are some of the inducle Iments offered at * B. T. WVALSHE'S SPREMII; SIBT A.D CLOTHING6 EFJORII, 110 Canal St, near St Charles, 1o"ow Orlea2z. N. B.---Letter Orders receive prompt attention S, and filled C. O. D. if desired- I UNION LEAGUE CLUB HOUSE, 32.......... ....Royal street..............32 The rooms of this Calb are open each dayton members and and their guensts irom 7 A. 1. to for 12 P. M. Luncu will be sved daily irom 12 3LM. to 2 P. M. no29 lm2p. CdARPET WA-REIO rLSE S17 ....CHARTRES STREET..... 17 A BROU.SSFAU & CO., Importers and Dealers at Wholele and hutail, offer at low irne. pncei ; ats, CARPETING, nt, FLOOR .OIL CLOTH, eat, MATTING. ee Curtain and Upholsterers' Material, Window Shides, Table Covers, Hair Cloths, Lace Cur a. tAins, Crir,es, etc, . EPIRE MlUTUAL LIFEk INSURANCk COMPANY. ok soty@ oe it er Z orWk NO. 139 BROAD\WAY. ..48 G'o. W. W'ih . Vie te, . I~ea WALTIAM WATCHES. ° 1 THE BALANCE WHEEL OF A WALTHAM WATCH 4 times second, SECT 240 times a minute, 14,400 times an hour, 345,600 times a dly, 2,419,200 timessa week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a year. Yesi MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WATCH Bickh Burch TIHANANY KIND OF Darid MACHIERY. ner, 0 W. IH ner, 11 It must not only rpyn uR day, but aHl night; not H. Lo only on weekdays, but on Sundays and Holidays. thew It must rus hanging up or lying down-upside Overb dotna or right side up. It must keep running when StantA the wearer sits down or stand m p, lm'hen he walks Wash or rides. In fact, it is epected to do its duty at all COI times, in every place and is seery position. N A Genuine Waltham Watch Brow will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once Mead a day, it will faithfully tick for you a hundred and twenty-six million times in a year, without I even requiring fresh oil all tthat time. bill A Genuine Waltham Watch 'rent CONTAINS 5 Spring, 9 wheels, 51 SrMees, and 98 other parts Chr making alltogether 136 separate pieces, cha Al COendozuineo Waltham to r2 Watohe. have mev©n s up, º ew~rals. rule STHE EXTRA J2ZIW LED HAVE zEVZ JEWUI , TE FULL JEWLLED HVIE FIFTEN JEWELS. ed, read Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by U machinery, The machinery used in making the coRa movement of a single watch coast over a Iuen- U Il dred Tnousand Dollars, yet we sell these Watches, nay in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18. The of same watch could not be made by hand and l nished as perfectly for T.r Txx s AS ucH. A Genuine waltham Watch Ban Bret Is ihterchangeable, like a Springfield rife, that Butl is, any part of one Watch i, exactly like the Dn same part in another ; and if ten Watches of heu, f, one grade were taken apart, anb the srews, W. w- heels, springs, &c., were mixed io)ether, ten Son, r- watches could be made by putting those parts together again, withuot any reference to their ,cur former combination- This is a - One e GREAT AD VANTAGE; Smi son. For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured Wni we can always replace it at a :. Trifling lrpense. A GEHUNE WALTHAM WATCH * its Ls made with special ref.rence to rer DURABILITY Se Other Watches will run for a year or two, and r require constant repairs ; but an -A Walthazt Watoh cOl WIILL RUN FAITHFULLY D1 FOR MANY YEARS. in We sell these Watches, Po IN SOLID SILVER IIIUNTING CASES, -O1t IN SOLID GOLD IIUNTING CASEs1, $70 be We have prepared an To ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST, which describes the various grades of Watches of in detail, gives the ' ,i ;ht and quality of the so Casas, and all other infnrrmntion necessAry for of an intelligent selection. We wish every one would send for it befora ordering a Watch. ea E Wriltefor it as follows: Messrs. Hoanird & (., ' No. 785 Broadlay, New York : Please send me yo,,r Il~stratedl Price List of IVbdthmn Watches, as per ad:crtisemet in Tar ny Lortslun. ed. (Sign name and address in full) ck WITHOUT EXPENSE, on the MUtonoy. 1, We have sent out over .re Totusnd of these Watches upon these conditions, and have only been asked to refundll the money in three eases, and not one of these was on a-count of diahias tion facton with the Watch, but because the parties n needed the money more, T WE AsV HO Awe,sr AD on pr.c E THE s SEto ALL. A B .asmET or Oazoox oa EsRS CA BUT a WATCa VROa US AoD Ir wILL COST IM S tso ioax auras Is ax u n o is NIw Yoxx. Azz. y 31. Tris Is EPLAusn u ran PRIcE Lasr. S2p. pecial Notic..-we do nots rt Waltham Watches in any Imitation, Gilt, Plated, ()ride, or Filled Cases whatever (these are all other names S17 for Brasmm or CGerman Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy of a so:id Gold or Silver Case, and we do not propose to sell it in any other. t SLar EVntx o01 sEND roou A P~(e Liar. AnDDzLS r HOWARD - Co. JeweUers ad Sidvsrsmilhs, E Ndow o, 7185 BSoDAwAT, Saw Yoa Cur JULIUS. P. DfRO IWN. I HOUSE CARPENTER CaNs. ST . Bet VuLL·W And BonrsOW Stmmu HE'RY C. & .. DIDBLE, , "". Absj 'e.'ear 3ro·rararr IIi3pl*~ Li OFFICIAL JOURNAL or 1 HOUSE o fMEM IWIL FIRST SESSION t or Tma SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBL OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA Continued from our labt Nmber) Yeas: Abell, Antoine, Barrow:Besot, Beakly. Bickham, Bowen, Brewster, Buokinghasm, Burch, Carr, Cochran, Darby, Darinuburg, Davidson, Doais, Deans, Dewn.s, Durio, Faulk ner, addis, Gardner, atstfJ P. HaP . w. Harper, Hempstead, onsnon, o ner, Kinsella. La aliniere, Laurent, Llamlhs, HI . Lott. Lynch, ahny,. Mari, Mariu. Mat thews, Mcartr, McFarland. Macure, Moot, Morphy, Moms. Mur.ay, On Opae.. Otto. Overton, Baby. Riley. lnggol, Sataln, .oS., .Stanton, Tounoir, Ullman, Verrett, Wands, Washington, of dAsumption, waabiasdt of Concordia, Wheyland, E. Wilism, H. ll, Wilson, Worrill, Yorke, Young--9. Nays: Baker, Barker, Blunt, Broomsrd, Brown, Bryan, Butler, Crawford, Ellis, Floyd, Fontelieu, Huston, Hyamn, Killen, J. B. Lott, Meadows, Nelson, Pond, Qumnn, SOhImser, Stevens, Tatman, Thompson, Tureaud--. t The role was not suspended, and the bill was calendared for its third reading. Upon motion of Mr. Matthews, of Tensas, Senate joint resolution No. 6, to authorize the New Orleans, Mobile and S Chattanooga Railroad Company to change the name of said corporation, and a to regulate its contracts, obligations and securities under this name, was taken up, and read under a suspension of the rules. The constitutional rule being suspend ed, the bill was placed upon its second reading. Under a further suspension of the constitutional rule it was read third time. - Upon its final passage the yeas and nays were demanded by Messrs. Brown, e of Ascension, and Bentley, of St. Mary, with the following result : Yeas: Abell, Adolphe, Antoine, Baker, Barker, Barrow, Belot, Bentley, Bickham, Blunt, Bowen, Brewster, Broussard, Brown, Bryan, Burch, at Butler. Carr, Chachere, Cochran, Crawford, he Darby, DIrnsburg. Davidson, Davis Demas S)ewees. Durio, Ellis, Faulkner, Floyd, Fonte of lien, Gaddis, Gardner, Garstkamp, P. Harper, .s, W. Harper, Hempstead, Hyams. Johnson, Kear an son, Kenner, Killen, Kinsella, La Saliniere. Laurent, Llambias, H. Lott, Mahoney, Marie, Marvin. Matthews, McCarty, McFarland, Mon ir cure, Moore. Morphy, Morris, Murray, Nelson, Ong, Oplatek, Otto, Overton, Pond, Quinn, Iaby, Ringgold, Riley, Sartain, Schumacher. Smith, Soner, Stamps. Stanton, Tatman, Thomp son, Tonnoir, Turead, Ullman, Verrett, Wands, ed Washington, of Assumption, Washington, of Concordia, Waters. Wheyland, E. Willianm, H. Williams, Wilson, Worrall, Yorke, Young-IL. Nays: J. B. Lott, Meadows-2. The joint resolution was finally passed, its title adopted, and notice of concur rence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Mr. Carr, of De Soto, moved, for a id reconsideration of the vote just taken, and also moved to l'ay the motion to re consider upon the table. Carried. Upon motion of Mr. Davidson, of Liv ingston, the order of the day was post poned one hour. The following protest was ordered to 7o be spread upon the journal of the House: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives : We, the undersigned, Representatives hes of the State of Louisiana, do most the solemnly protest against the signature of the bill known as Senate bill, No. 14, 5ntitled an act to incorporate the North eastern railroad, etc., for the reason that said bill was not considered by the com miitee of the whole, nor the rules re quiring it to be so considered suspended. P. JONES YORKE, Of JAMES MATTHEWS, TUE W. H. WATERS, MIORTIMER CARR, l) E. W. DEWEES, MILTON MORRIS, T. B. STAMPS, D. W. C. BROWN, D. YOUNG. only MESSAOE FROM THE NIAT SThe Secretary of the Senate was an Snounced, with the following mesmsges : To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Replresentative: I am directed to present for your eon m sideration and to inform yon that thbe Senate has passed over the Governor's ALL veto, by the constitutional two4tirds vote (yeas24, ays 61), ) bill "to pro h im mote the interests of commerce by estab le, or ishing the Louisiana Warehouse Com pany, and guaranteeing the boads there Sof;" and to retdra you, cocurred by the Senate, House bill No. 195, for the ,ss relief of the tmtees of the New Orleans 3Lethodist Depositary, et. And to request tD bq'tae r of the Speaker to enrolled Senatet bill : To amend an act relative to justices of the peace in the prish of Jderson, ap proved February 7, 186, etc. Fixi;ng the time of holdisg the District Court in the Mnth Judicial DltiC etc. And to prsnt for the oa rio mm of the Hoseb S Ia b 2s 151, to rdam the - dameW '*rth" bfast ofM takes