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to veterans) approved October 18, 1866, ad March 16, 1870. Ssmae bill No. 25, to ineorporate the lame Share Beding Amsoiation. CHARLE8 U. MERRITT, Seeretary of the Senate. Mr. Davidson, of iringston, moved that Senate bills be taken up and conid ered in their regular order as they appear on the calendar. Carried. Senate bill No. 211, an act entitled an act to authorize the Governor of the State of Louisiana to grant leave of ab sence to State and parish oficers, was read. Under a suspension of the constitu tional rule the bill was read a second time. The constitutional rule being further suspended, it underwent its third reading and final passage, its title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be seant to the Senate. Mr. Davidson, of Livingston, moved a reconsideration of the vote on the final passage of Senate bill No. 211, and also moved to lay the motion to reconsider apoa the table. Carried. Senate bill No. 281, an net making an appropriation to close Kimball's bayou, in Concordia parish, was read. The constitional rule being suspended the bill was read a second time. The rule by which the bill was com pelled to be considered in committee of the whole was dispensed with. Under a suspension of the constitu tional rule, the bill was read a third time. Upon its final passaget0he yeas and nays were demanded by Messrs. Blunt, of Natchitoches, and Quinn, of Orleans, with the following result : Yeas: Abell, Adolphe, Antoine, Barrett, Bar row, Belot, Bentley, Bowen, Brewster, Brown. Buckingham, Burch, Cochran, Crawford, David son, Davis, Denums, Dewees, Ellis, Faulkner, Gaddia, Gardner, Garstkamp, W. Harper, John son, Kearson, Kenner, Kinsella, Ia Saliniere, Laurent, H. Lott, Lynch, Mahoney, Marie, Marvin. Matthews, McCarty, Meadows, Mon cure, Moore, Morphy, Morrs, Murray, Nelson, Ong, Overton. Riley. Ringgold. Sirtain, Souer. Stamps, Stanton, Tatman, Toun ir, Verrett, Washington, of Concordia, W -ne lnd, E. Wil liams, iH Williams, Wilson, R orrall, Yorke, Young--6. Nays: Barker, Bickham, Blunt, Broussard, Bryan, Butler, Chachere, Darby, Darinsburg, Durio, Fontelien, P. Harper, Killen, Oplatek, P'ond. Quinn, Baby, Tureaud, Washington, of As smption--19. The bill was finally passed, its title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bill No. 209, an act to ratify and confirm a compromise made between the city of Shreveport and the assignees and representatives of the Shreveport Town Company, in relation to property in said city known as "the batture prop erty," and to ratify an ordinance of the Mayor and trustees.of said city, adopted January 21, 1871, was read. The constitutional rule being suspend ed, the bill was placed upon its second reading. Under a further suspension of the con stitutional rule, the bill underwent its third reading and final passage, its title was adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bil No. 27, an act to amend and re-enact, article 573 of the Code of Practie, was read. Under a suspension of the constita tional rule the bill was read a second time. The constitutioual rule being further suspended, the bill w;a placed upon its third reading and final passage, its title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bill No. 33, an act reorganizing the police juries of this State, prescribing the number thereof and the mode of election, and fixing their duties and com pensation, was read. Mr. Thompson, of St Tammany, moved that the constitational rule be suspended so as to permit the billto pSs to its semond reading, and being secondad by Mr. Ellis, of Union, demanded the yeas and ays thereon with the following re YTes: Abd, Adoiphe, e~bt, Bentley, Blunt, Brewater, Brown, Buckiagham, Burch, Btler, Carr, Crawf.a4 , is, Dewe, EUItblols dGddi P. PLw, W. Harper, mp d. uIanea. Is Salimem, H LoMt, J. IL Lat, Lysb, Marvin, Manskwa, Motny, Mehiland, Moris, NBsob, Os OpLetak, Over si a'm , Vaeane, ,ad ah Am, ii amo-. U ondae urerl d trmha, Jt,: he ckar, u w, Neben, tise.n st iIonl, Crnleu. Dewsby, eDurIe i The arnd e netd pensdagIt thie was adopted, and anies of udrwed te beamatto the 5men Seaste bill Na 101, am act to meats an insurance departmaent, was read sad placed oan th ealendar for its secoind reading sentebillNo. 251, an actto release the damage for the acn-payment of teaes due previous to the year 1809, and to authorize warrants tp be received in payment thereof, was read. The constitutional rule being suspend ed the bill .wa placed upon its second reading. Under a further suspension of the constitutional rule, it was placed on its third reading and final passage, its title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bill No. 77, an at in aid of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences, was read. The Constitutional rule being suspend ed, the bill was read a second time. The rule by which the bill was com pelled to be considered in committee of the whole was dispensed with. Under a further suspension of the constitutional rule, the bil was read a third time and finally passed, its title was adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bill No. 97, an act to establish an institution for the instruction of the blind, and an industrial homae for the blind, at Baton Rouge, was read. The constitutional rule was suspend ed and the bill read a second time. The constitutional rule being further suspended, the bill was placed upon its third reading and final paM agits title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Senate bill No. 61, an act to incorpor ate the Cosmopolitan Bank of New Or leans, was read. The constitutional rule was suspended, and the bill read a second time. Under a further suspension of the constitutional rule, it was placed upon its third reading and final passage, its title adopted, and notice of concurrence was ordered to be sent to the Senate. Mr. Carr, of De Soto, moved that the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider bills that have been referred to it. Mr. Dewees, of De Soto, moved to lav that motion upon the table, which wai lost by a rising vote of 27 yeas to 36 nays. The House then resolved itself intoa committee of the whole. [Mr. Davidson in the chair.] House bill No. 208, substitute for House bill No. 17, an act to provide a re venue, to levy and collect taxes, to grant and collect licenses, to prescribe certain penalties and forfeitures, to provide for the creation and removal of revenue offi cers, and to define their duties, to punish certain crimes and misdemeanors, to create liens and mortgages in favor of the State in certain eases, to regulate the manner of the payment of moneys from the treasury, to prescribe certain duties of justices of the peace, State and parish officers, to provide for the collec tion of back taxes or licenses, and to re peal all acts inconsistent therewith, was taken up and considered. After considering the bill the eommit tee rose and the Speaker resumed the chair. The committee, through its chairman, reported thatit had considered the bill and recommend its pasage. The report was received and accept ed. The bill was considered as engros sed. The constitutional role being suspend ed, 'be bill was placed upon its third reading and final passage, its title was adopted, and it was ordered to be sent to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Carr, of De Soto, moved for a re consideration of the vote on the final passage of the bill, and also moved to lay that motion on the table. Carried. [The Speaker resumed the chair.] By unanimous consent, Mr. Davidson offered the following resolution, which was read and adopted under a suspen sion of the rules : Ruoled, That the Wu nt a erk be and he is hereby athorised and i -treted to pay the hief Clerk, Ai.e tant Clerk, Minute Clerk, Assistant Minute Clerks, and Offcial Reporter each his salary oat of the present appro The opeial cmmittee c the New Canal om ay New Orlsas sub mited the bfbri gpurlt which was read sad resoded New Orleame , Febrary SA 1871. 'Tb H~rna ble Speker sad X mbuIn o ta amime the cimledis o tae New emasa beg leave to report that they have x esxmined the canal, and that they have iamined the anal, nd that ty and that t.he ema- ,t o time easel im hih X s the lake, with proper sad re-ndd depth of water ; and that of the sixteen basins dered to be dg by the act ad the Li isatre of 187, een ae them have been commenced and dug below the level of the water in the emaL They"Ind that the fene on the bank f the canal. eat to the shel all rod, be tween the Common street bridge and Cliborne street, needs repairsin two or three places, but were informed by the superintendent that men were now em ployed in making the necessary repairs Respectfully submitted, J. A. W. FAULKNER, Cbairman. J. C. MEADOWS, F. OTTO, Committee. Mr. Faulkner, of Caldwell, moved that the report be adopted. Mr. Carr, of De Soto, moved to lay the motion upon the table. Carried. In accordance with a previous notice, Mr. Dewees, of De Soto, moved a recoi . sideratioh of the vote whereby the re solution allowing mileage to the Chap lains of the Homse was id upon the table, which was carried by a rising rote of 86 yeas to 19 nays . Mr. Deweee, of De Soto, moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Quinn, of Orleans, moved to lay the motion to adopt upon the table, upon which the yeas and nays were demanded by Meeasr Qtiinn, of Orleans, and Sar tain, of Carroll, with the following re sult : ems: Antoine, Barker, Brewster, Brown, Gddis, GsrtrampE lilesinula atthew., Meadows, May, Quinn. Tbreasd Ulaman, Wands, Washington of Coaeordia, Yorke,Young Nays: Abell, Barett, Belot, Bentley, Bick ham, Blunt, Bowen, Broumrd, B]ckinghm Butler, Crawford, Davis, Dem, Dewes, Faulk ner, Gardner, P. Hyper, W. Harpr, Hyazs, Hyams, Johnson, Kearon, Kenner, I Saliniere, Laurent, H. Lott, Mahoney, Marvin, McCarty, McFarland, Moncurse, Moore, Morphy, Morris, Ong, Oplatek, Overton, Baby, Riley, Binggold, Sartain, Smith, Stamps, Stanton, Tatman, Thompson, Tounoir, Verett, Wands, Washing ton of Assumption, Wilson, Worrall-42. And the motion to lay on the table was lost. The question recurring upon the mo tion to adopt, the yeas and nays were demanded by Messrs. Quinn, of Orleans, and Sartain,of Carroll, with the follow ing result : Yeas : Abell, Bentley, Bickham, Blunt, Bowen, Brewster, Brown, Buckingham, Carr, Crawford, Darminbur, Dewee. Faulkner, Gard ner, P. Harper, W. arper, Hyama, Johnson, Kearson, Kenner, Ia enre, H. Lott, J. B. Lott, Mahoney, Marvin, McCarty, McFarland, Moncure, Moaphy. Morris, Ong, Overton, Baby, Riley, inggold, Sartain, Smith, Stamp., Tat man, Thompson, Tounoir, Verrett, Washington, Assumption, Washington of Concordia, Wbheyland, Wilson, Worrall-47. Nays: Barker, Brousmard, Bryan, Darby, Floyd, Fontelieu. Gaddis, Garstkamp, Killen, Kinsella. Matthews, Meadows, Murray; Oplatek, Quinn, Soner, Tureaun, Ullman, Yorke-19. The Committee on Enrollment sub mitted the following report, which was received and accepted : CoxxMrmE o Exnaou.mrr, New Orleans, March 1, 187L To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives : Gentlemen-Your Committee on En rollment beg leave to report the follow ing entitled bills as duly enrolled : House bill No. 63, an act to incorpor ate the Francs-Amis Benevolent Amoia tion of New Orleans, Louisisn. House bill No. 244, an act to amend an act entitled "an act to authorize the compilation of a new and odicial map of the State." House bill No. 451, an act to grant the aid of the State to the Lafourche and Terrebonne Drainage and Land Improve ment Company. House bill No. 145, an set forthe ar lief of the perish of Jeaerso, right bank of the Mississippi river. House bill No. 198, an act to amend and re-enact an actentitled "an act to re gulate the oyster Isheries on the bays and coasts of the State eof Iaouisiana, being act No. 18 of the regular semion of 1870. Housme bill No. 15, a aet to ineorpor ate the Boncal Water Power Manufae turing Company in the parish of Tangi Respectflly, r. W. QUINN, chairm. Upon motn dof Mr. Tureand, of St James, the Hoou. adjourned until seven ad altaif o'dock P. M. WILLIAM VIGEr, Chied ckrk Fulyt-rmh ky-Kviuli hinm. Homas or Ruxaaumuyuv., 1 Wedneaday, March 1, 1871. 5 The um met prsuant to djoArn meat. ilpeaker arter in the chair. The rn ur ealld sad the Mowing minhbes amnerd to their n es: Mea Measorhymma. Muusy Ophtk, p~& Uehe - brsmta~4FL a [.Moneer of Mldo in the shair:J BomA bin No. 281, net to proid for the payment of the indebtedess ereated by the leve. eano.moess of Tensm and of Carroll and Madison on tracts for levee purposes in psuanee of law, being the special order for the eve ning, was taken up, it being oa its third reading and Anal peassge, whereon the yeas and nays were demanded by Meser. Stamp, of Jefferson, and Matthews, of Tenses,.with the following result: es: Abe Adolphe, Antoine, Bet, Beat. lay, Bue, derin Davis. Dmue, Dewmse, Falkner, GaddL, G p aR e W. Hader, Hampsed H a .r, . Lot LyInc, Mres, Main, Mathews`y M rty, orph, Morri., Maay, Ott, eQula, Riley, l Sertain, Smith4 soser, TowTir, Uizama, Vet, W t.., Wheand, . WilY..., WoB, Y i k. Nays: Baker, Barker, ickhm, Bleat, Bowen, Brewster, Brousard, Bryan, Buighem, But, lMr. ChaMse, co l a awford, for, Davdieon, Durio, Ellis, Floyd, FoteaheG, ner. Johnson, lemon, 1amr, La Sasliere, SAurent, J. Ba Lott, he Meadows, M on cue, Moore, Nel, Op , Otoma, Pond, *Baby, Stamp, ev, Tatea, Thompeo, Tearred, Wand, Washington, or Asampito, E. Williams, Wilson, Young-4 Mr. J. B Lott, of Rapidse, asked per mission to record his vroe on the passage of the bill, which was granted. He voted nay. Mr. Tureaud, of St James, moved for a reconsideration of the vote just taken, and to lay that on the table. Carried. [The Speaker resumed the chair.1 The Secretary of the Senate was an nounced with the following message: To the Honorable Speaker and Mebr of the House of Bepreseaatives: I am directed to present for your oea sideration, and to inform you that the Senate has passed over 'the Governor's veto by the constitutional two-thirds vote, the following bills, viz : For the relief of James O. Nixon, late State Printer. Making an appropriation to pay Simeon Belden, Attorney General, for collection of State taxes in the parishes of Orleans and Jefferson. Respectfully, CHARLES H. MERRITT, Secretary of the Senate. The Speaker laid before the House the following veto message of the Governor : STATE or LOmesUA,) Executive Department, New Or!esns, February 28, 1871. To the Honorable Speaker and Member of the House of Bepresentatives: Herewith I return without my appro val "an act for the relief of James O. Nixon, late S'ate Printer." By this bill it is proposed to give to a gentleman who was late the official print er 3f the State some ffty thbusand dol lt to reimburse him for alleged losem on State warrants. I can see no just reason for making uch a discrimination in favor of Mr. Nixon. He has sustain ed no grater loss in proportion than every other creditor of the State. If it is proper to make this appropriation, if the faith of the State is pledged, asas serted in this act, then, in all justice, some two millions of dollar abshould be at once appropriated to reimburse all who have lost during the pst tfour years by reuson of the depreciation a ,warrants. But Mr. Nixon has no just elani against the State. He has already been paid $171,947 61 for printing and advertising during a period of two years When he contracted with the State he knew that he would bepaid in warrants, and his prices were fiAxed useordingly. If appropriations of this character do not eese, the State will soon be irretriev ably bankrupt. The pro~pertyo the State i assemed at its full value. The'rate of tauati ii now sohigh that it emanot be saly inresed ; and yet the ermated reipts for the ensuing year will not ex eeed the amount necessary to pay the in terest on our bands and the very large budgt of eurrent expees a the gtO - ernment. SC. WARMOYH, Governor of Laisia The Speker put the quF aon- Wilthe Hoes, upon aa ·e idern tion, apr to pla the bil, the eto of the Governeor to the .otrary notwh standing ? The roll being galbed foHllowng i thes r it: Tu : " mb.M. .hr, baI ie:r, e hhr, slh eB4s. Brewster, Bo n a, kiag hem, Barch, Basier, tChn, Coam, mw*d, Debat,7LeIuka v ise, Baws., easties GOdel ed ess, G P. Saheiasly, Mause e* . . Meabune ..s amss Ms5a ayrs: Qu ajjtj jI tis o timDte BHerewith I retu, withot my ap proval anset entitld anet toprote the interest of comaerce by ebhlhsing the Louisiana Warehouse Cmpany, and guaranteeing the bonds therea" I have no special objection to this et, in so far as it proposesto estahlih the corporation to be known as the Imisiana Warehouse Company, although it would be much better that all sah eorporations should be eatiahld under a geaeral law. I cannot consent to sign the bill, however, becase it provides that the State shall guarantee the principal and interest upon one million, Ave handred thousand dollars of bonds to be ilsed by the company. Aside from the constittioaal objee tion which I wll urge, I think this an unwismeasure. There can be no wea son given why the State of Louisiana shabould indorse commercial paper to be issued by the gentlemen who desire to form this company, in order to set them up in an ordinary business In the past the State has properly granted subsidies and loaned its credit to corporations or ganised to carry out important works of internal improvement and pblic util ity. Such aid ras given upon the as sumption that the entire State would be beneitted and enriched, anad thereby the taxation diminished; but this is private enterprise, calculated to enrich the stock holders in the concern. It is true that the work proposed may "promote commeree" by furnishing bet ter warehouse failties than the city of New Orleans now has; but this is no more a legitimate object of State aid than every improved cotton press or earn crib throughout the State. When the bill first reached me I u posed it provided for the State's indorse ment of three hundred thousand dollrs of bonds; but upon esmining setion four, I find that the capital stock is fxed at three hundred thousand dollars, which, however, may be increased to five times that amount by a vote of the stockhold ers. Subsequent sections provide that bonds may be issued to the amount of the capital stock, and that after certain security has been furnished, the Gov ernor shall indorse upon such bonds that the State guarantees to the holder thereof the payment of principal and in terest. This is not a good business trmnsaoin on its face. If the company could fur n'ash good enough security to justify the State in indorsing its paper, it ought to be able to borrow the money it neeled, and which it proposes to raise upon the credit of the State. But the State has no adequate security. That to be furnised may be worthless long before the bonds mature, the ware house company may fail, and the State would have to pay the debt. The Legislature is prohibited by the constitution from incurring this liabiE ty. At the last general election an amendment was dopted providing that prior to 1890 the debt of the State ball not beso increased as to exceed twedty Ae millions of dollars. An erxminatin of the Sancialr t of the Auditor and Trsurer, wi dii close the fact that this limit has been al ready reached. We now have a debt of ,000,000ooo. We can not inere tast debt without violating the comtiion. It may be urged that an indorameaat by the State of bond to be ilad by a pr ate corporation will not rte tadebt of the State I think othsrwe. Such an indorseementis aesonlate r teeof payment both asto pripa sad inter eat As a guaranty, is a contract havr ing for its consideration the public qoed to be expected frm the aid thusgrven Such a contract irms an ir ab e ob ligation of the State, ad met beesti mated arnos her liabilities I my in terpetation as wong, thena the eoustita tional limitation to which I eal yr at tention is melessm ad mengl It wasadopted in order to cheek intarea ot tha pbbttd, a. point beycmdwkh I it san not be muand rwit t rmio taxation. Certainly we ca not issue State bends or .borrowm me by other -esassedis the s eribe liEmil, but this preaton wi aueless if the State is to contiane to iour lislkil s by oeers, but dapending for tsrir ma ht value erely on sash dsam - equivalent to n originl and uanedi Governor of 1Jinima. And put the esio WW the Bones, yea a rem lati agree g a wthe IEl I - a..ll° s ' ~ut 7Y I. I -'rL sVIC EayA;= :and m Ga, msvaud Vamume asob, 4 Dnspuot, m l e rasd G ab R-mey, Wausa, oourwL, Mad aR i rdau s sad Coast d new sad magnisDeent dtemsr KATE, J. H Wmrs, Mslr; T. J. Howa~ Wlln lae as abo , ad, wr In ala aem wih her afight Conaeet at Viehbamu with psat t poinkos the .so ad aIasYh 1 m For freght or pop at has le A. . GOM.3N No. 1N Gon. CAIRO. ---o--- ST. Lo.s ar Nsw Omaam Pcag PAST. FOR CAIRO AND ST. oe, Illiois Cetral haomd PwN rot For aK , CMalM the Bamn-T. - us follows: Cou m K. .............. ...Samu, Iavr aO TmuaMr, Ap1l6 at P.h B cacm oam ............. ...... Ieav a Smanu. AprS, t s a. It Whig through URi or h to aD p the anmp d s a ý rs..1to s aroe and Northwerern Railroad, sad Ohio ailarod--e to St. Lmi Through T1ekett siemid, at boMar all points Ea West sad Nost, by a th o m routes via nm i (Cairo and sUa se..cured at Gosma Oae, IIo mo strea A. A. WOODB, GenseralA 10 Comma s C. . WANE, Freight 7 Natees JOHN N. BOFINGER. Prid Bil of lading for all fraights over t Malioi Central Railroad; signed at the of JAMES T. TUCI9 apL 6-U 26 Carondelet mt NEW OBLEANS, CHICAGO A THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AnD BNu Line, Via Cairo, W.1 TAKE FREIGHThm New Orleans n Am.elsmse LAIXao DAuL., AT b P. x., ro CBIRO. CHICAGO, AND ALL Paste NORTH, WEST AND EAST, Al THE LOWEST RATER An rates and an through bills of from New Orlans by sbove route pi signed and recognued only at the Oenal OBce of the Company, No. 26 Caroeda Street. Shippers by this route rave all dryageal tr- er charge at Cairo, and their gov wm always under cover, and no chargea made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Ageat BATON ROUGE. I New Orle ma, Cas, attes s_ d O__mrs Tte Railroad .d **-r -..r W. I. GasnaS, Mast; Jsses lklh Wil leave New Oduias eery SauauA, aut a, nd Wnsasms, at5P. M. For - pge apply bad, or to N. 0. Mm.smoo, U Co.tia' REMOVAL 167......CANAL STREET....i No. 9 CAMP TBEET. M* sad De ls BOOTS.ND SHOS, b vsindm leeud we 16? ci 6*" o00. 560. 66. HOME WASHES, HOMYE WASHERS HOME WASHEU Sai witbJr the Pait Two Speaks for it.sel hasEsa3 avs cemdm D orrp tt ,~ p&