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PUBLISHED THURSDAYS & SLBUDAYS Ore 11it Calaonxao snarr; Naw Oaziss La. VI . 0UOI, Editr uand hublis P. B. S. PINCHBACK. Manager. OUR AGENTS. MISSISSIPPI :-Daniel E. Young, Oreenville. LOUI8ANA :-John . W:ashington, Black Hawk, Coucordia Parish; Hon. G. Y. KHlao, Alexandria. Antoine & Sterrett, Shreveport, A. C. Ruth, Carroll Parish. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA :-James A. D. Green, Washington C(ty. ILLINOIS :-Lewis B. White, Chicago, KENTUCKY :-Dr. I. A. Green, Louisville. SUNDAAYAY 14, 1871. OUR CHOICE FOR PREBIDE.W'T IN 1873T. ULYSSES S. GRANT. -- -., iTo-day the usual servioes at Straight University. THE PEOPLE AND THE CROWN. The Republican of this city has a long editorial article in which an effort is made to show that the people of England are becoming restive under the prerog atives of the crown. There never was a greater mistake made. While the city of London itself is governed by a close corporation, which for centuries have had the right to meet the Queen at "Temple Bar," if they desire, and forbid her entrance into the sacred precincts of the domain ruled by the livery men of the city; and as long as the son of a peer is no more than a commoner, while at the same time the son of any commoner may become a peer, the peo ple of England will reverence a social system which sets so lightly upon them, that class distinctions are lost sight of in the mutual respect of the different elae ses. The Republican lays stress upon a vote passed in the House of Commons, ad verse to the claims of the English crown respecting the use of public grounds. But it fails to recognize in the fact of this adverse vote, the insignificance of the issue involved because, as is usual in the case of a defeated ministry, the advisers of the crown did not resign. The simple fact is that most of our writers for the press allow their love of Republican institutions either to sup press the information they possess, or to falsify the plainest facts in regard to monarchial institutions. Anybody who knows anything about England, understands that the common people are mere intensely aristocratic in their interests than the aristocracy are in their assumptions. One might argue a year with a member of the upper classees of England against all the privileges of their order, and if he observed the rules of gentlemanly in tercourse, he would hear nothing to of %nd the reddest Republican; but if he began an argument against aristo cracy with a member of the lower classes, he would edon learn that the serene calm nees which always attends a full pocket and an asred position, finds noqplqee msong those who are proader of being rstainers in the houses of the nobility thin any Amerian Republican would be in tihe Predntiml chair. Every servant in England magnifi his ofie, and laughs at the dsimplicity of those who think that his son and his grandson will not sueceed him in the office of butler to some Lord Huddle ston PFuddleston. Intitutions are not made-they grow, and the history of their grbwth must be upderstood before ;Jeir value can be es timated. While it is true that the arris toerats of England do more for the poor of tbhe Kingdom thap any other nation does, they also do more than any otherqclass to make the people need their chariies But the truth is, the poor peo p are even more satisfed with their de position thin the ri are of their patronage. In view of these fs*, it is not a hasrdous statement to say we bell s a meonarehy in America bore we earn see a republic in England. pise.ntary.tke to *e f4iEna s' Grand Fancy Dress Bl, at the National Hall,op Friday euamg, May 3 . The iobjeet e this engapma t is to aid the lelis, Fund of the Carris' Assoaiatim, sad we qge .ondent tat wsilie the aehitttina of a suhbetatial sympsllI wih the purpose of the (lair's iatbe peinee -T :·a-,4e:·;f~~;~!dlds;fi ~ ji bSOIBM. "A ivis ter, received by a aiem of Chicago from a gentleman at Vicsa burg, demeribes a trip made by the latter, in company with Mr. Jefferson Davis, to the plantation formerly owned by Josaeph E. Davis, now deceased. The following extracts are sent us: "We left at night on the R. E. Lee, ene of our finest steamers, and landed at the Hurricaae plantation about daylight the next morning. This plantation, and an other known as Briarfield, were occupied before the war by Joseph E. Davis, and his brother, President Davis. They were sold by Mr. Joseph E. Davis, who owned them both, to his favorite freedman, Ben. Montgomery, for three hundred thousand dollars, payable at the end of ten years (1st January 1876), interest at six per cent., payable annually. Ben., who is very black, but thoroughly educated before the war, met us and gave us a breakfast, waiting on the table him self, but not offering to take a seat. Af ter breakfast, we had a carriage, and rode over the magnificent estate, the ex tent of which you can form some idea of, when I tell you that Ben. Montgomery made last year 5600 bales of cotton, and a largequantity of corn. We dined at Briarfleld, the former residenee of Mr. Jefferson Davis, and now occupied as a residence by the aforesaid Ben., and you will notbe surprised to learn that the former slaves of Mr. Davis greeted him with all the warmth of affection that they were capable of expressing. Mr. D. met them cordialy, and encouraged them by many kinds words. After dinner, at which our wealthy host again waited on us in elegant style, we passed on to a very large and valuable plantation which has been purchased by Ben. Montgomery and added to the Davis estate, and which will add to his crop this year probably 1000 bales more, making 3500 bales in all, if it is a good crop year." CotrErrs or THa Lomcsu.-x: The above is quoted from the New Orleans Times with a smack of proescrip tive lips which seems to endorse the un uQua rElish which a poor white man takes in being waited on by such a negro. Does the Times record this fact because it thinks that every rich negro should wait on the poor white men who may happen to be his guests? or does it men tion the fact of a host waiting on his guests as a worthy act to be imitated by every white man who receives visitors? If Ben Montgomery has been so de graded by the influences of his former oppression that he does the work of his servants in the presence of his inferiors in position, this fact is one of the heaviest condemnations of the accursed system of slavery, which the TYmes would like to wee revived. We have seen many vulgar white men disgrace their positions by obsequious behavior in the presence of men who had nce been their masters, but wehave never thought that hospitalities should be degraded to the level of public news items; nor that guests should exhibit the degradation they experience in being en tertained by a snob. STATE FINANCIAL CHAOS. As the New Orleans Times goes into hysterice of jubilation over the financial confusion attendant upon the attempt made to carry into effect some of the bills pased by the State Legislature at its last semion, it may be as well to msay a word on a subject which furnishes mate ril for more than half of the editorials of that journal Ofeourseoar journal has no word of spology to offer for venal legislation, in competent legltators,or corrupt ofieials ; but the mere fact that acts of the Legis latqre some times become subjects of liti gation does not in itself prove the inten tion of diashonesty on the part of legisl torms, nor does it involve the onclusion that the legislators were incompetent It is well known that almost every Western State beeame bankrupt in their early attempts at legislation. They not only over stimated their resourees and undervalued the difeculties of municipal infancy ; but in almost every eae the men who used their positions for per sonal profit over recbhed tbemselves by the multiplicity of their schemes and the eagerness of their rpacity. Now let it be remembered that these western le gislators were all white men, that they were descendants of the oldest southern and eater families, and that they were notlike nearledy every one of our leagisla tonr who didtheir work in an atmosphere of virulent hostility, sad it will be ad mittezd that the new legislature of our Statscomposed aartlyof those who were formerly denied the privileges of legis lating have got on about as well as could be expected under tme eircum ne BAD MORALS AND BAD GRAMOMAR Yesterday evening's PFsysme we think eein, erat m.,n utn maes. tbhe "hope of the smmmnity, f it bemoes, as its a, in theseport of the .seutiams that 'the fmerfil mrmiMon wie mt as n depesor of ecirme The hope is atbat it wiu do vst deal more than amsly spsmu msspentd thea e f erima If tlhs i amy vi `l be I -u- i - -edhm that t wi arm and deter men in all theiktur from the abominable habit of urdering fallow aetal on any con ceivable pretext. The Pinyune staltiles its own idea of the "fearfblness" of the retribution when it only hopes for a short lived reformation in the perpetration of murders. Take a higher stand old Lady. THE EXECUTION. This Community will long remember the execution of the Spanish murderers who killed a sailor about a year ago. Whatever may be the merits of the argn ments about capital puishment on either side, there can be no question a to the necessity there was of some signal proof in this communiy tk' thea l w will be vin dicated, and that human life will be held sacred. There were present yesterday at the parish prison, alarge number of our most inluential citizsen to witness the execu tion, and it was but a short time from the hour of opening the doors to the pub lic, till the prisoners were seen walkingon the gallery, and in conversation with their friends. The perfect indifference they manifest ed as to their fate was at once surprising and shocking; but when the culprits were brought upon the drop, surprise and disgust gave way to a feeling of horror at the profanity of one of the culprits. Ba yonne not only came upon the scaffold with a forced laugh and an insolent leer at the audience; but he rejected the ser vices of the priests until his companion's behavior shamed him into kissing the croes; and even after doing this, he died with an imprecation on his lips against the crowd who were to witness his exe cution. There never was a more signal in stance of punishment following profanity; for while Peter Abriel who bore himself circumspectly, was killed in his fall from the drop, Bayonne was but little more than choked in his fall, and breathed in the agonies of suffocation for nearly half an hour. These men committed their foul and cold blooded deed of asassination for a paltry sm of money and justly deserved to suffer the extreme penalty of the law; and we trust their execution will create a wholesome terror among the class to which they belong, and assist in bringing back the time when juries will have the courage to defy even public opinion in up holding the majesty of the aIw. LACK OF ENTERPRIZE. The City Railroad Companies have so repeatedly exhibited a lack of appreci ation of public needs, and the advance ment of their own pecuniary interests, that we almost believe they are beyond the pale of profiting by wholesome and timely counsel. But we must recom mend them to remember, that if they are endowed with the exclusive privilege of running cars on the streets, and of aecu mulating wealth by their trade, there are also obligations devolving on them which public wants, and their own gains dictate, should not be neglected. For instance, yesterday there were crowds of persons who were attracted to the Parish Prison to ~witnes (or benearthe place of) the execations of two criminals. That over, Rampart stret was rushed for with the hope of hurrying up towaon the street ear. But behold, there was not an extra car, nor anything to indi at that the Railroad Company, even knew that aything extraordinary was going an in the City ; ad a number of people, amply rsaSient to ill ten or if teen ears, wre compelled toslowly wend their way on foot. And this thing we have obrvedAoverand over again. Can not the eompanies remedy this evil OCa they not be tempted totry the enter prime on the asurance that a well filed purse will be the remdlt Wake up, wake up, and amertain periods and places of attreation in the risinity of your lines, and provide extra mom modation for the publia ABOUT TOWK ar oua nImaOa . SOCIAL The( Onai streemt emd of Daebign ytet was all aglow with beaty and fashion on Wednesdady night last As it had been noised abroad for a day or two before that one of or prominent poelitiia had reabed the thirty-fourth ounmd in his ght rwith time, that h bad won it and cme up for tbhe nt maed, uling; - of his bashes thught thy mold .asponge'Se him, sad so droppid m ap. eh his bsdsr er his ese, he •.-.than h adsatiu to tse a PIC-NICGL Friday, tboagh provbialynuleky day, was not to in the list week; at least we are sure that the pupils of Mr. A. F* Williams' school didn't think so while at the City Park, at that glorious pie-nic they had out there on that day. Our perambulations and an invitation took us that way, and as we neared the scene of amusement, our ears were pleasantly greeted by the sounds of sweet and lively music from the well traine4 " Kelly's Band." We soon mingled with the con genial crowd, and drifted, somewhat nat urally, towards the centre of attraction, the table, well filled with enjoyable edi bles and delicious beverages. On enquir ing, we ascertained that nearly two hun dred scholars, and all the teachers were present. We observed, also, Superin tendent Carter, and School Directors, Hon. P. B S. Pinchback, and Thomas Lynne Esq., lending their aid in promoting and dignifying the amusements. A little further off was another fine pie-nic by the St. Andrew School, Miss E. Lobre, PrincipaL Here also all was life and amusement. Teachers, children and friends, all making merry. Remembering another invitation, we turned ocross the way and found Mr. Washington Chapel's pic-nic in full blast. "Music, and dancing and chatting &c.," were all the go, and there we indulged in some of our characteristic humors. Among the prominent characters around the scnes we observel Honorables F. C. Antoine, Win. B. Barrett, A. Dumont, Capt. George, Police Commissioner Raynal, Administrator Jan. Lewis, J. Sella Martin, Jno. Parsons Esqrs., and many others. The flight of time ad monished us of other duties and we re luctantly quitted the spot, filled with the most favorable impressions of the amuse ments of the occasion. w' This evening Mr. J. Sella Martin will lecture at the Baptist Church on Common street. This gentleman's abili ty is so universally known and acknow ledged, that we are assured, no more is necessary for us to do on this occasion than to announce the fact, and invite the attendance of all who desire to enjoy "a feast of reason and a low of souL" FEMALE EDUCATION. From the Nation: The sins of male youth are principally those of nature, arising, in nine cases out of ten, from a superfluity of unregulated life, while it is worth noticing that the feminine vices, against which Dr. Lewis and his forerunners and followers wage war, are every one of them of artificial origin. Not to go into the vexed ques tion of the relative morality of the sexes, it is evident, if one takes the word of tutors and governors, that while Tom and John have most to fear from their own passions and weakness, their sisters find their worst enemy in a false social system. A boy is irrepressible; he grows in spite of you; the ,mere fact of his superior physical strength saves him from half the dangers that beset a girl's path. He may use bad language and bad liquor, but he will never fall a victim to tight lacing and Jecollete dress, and his follies are, on the whole, more of his own seeking, and not a-, much the result of the misapplied force of other people's opinionsa There is a stroag and general impression that the mistakes in the edueation of women are capable of speedy cure, if only the right eoarse of treatment can be hit upon,. and it is this which enasures ager reeea tion to the theories and systems tatathave crowded upon each other's heels for the last half-century. Ws all know in our hearts that human nature must uanderg, a radicl change before the temperance reform ril amont to more tha a sa p rfiialagitaticn; we know that no act of Parliament or Congress can do away with the animalism of humanity; we con fes with weary impatience that certain sias we shall rid ourselves of only by the slow process of growth; but with follies which belong only to a class and a time is anotbher mater. Women have to an swer far al that Romean pats upon them -upon ttheir ation may bhang the good of society at large-but they ean justly recriminas, and declte with privileged direness of retort, that society has done qite as much harm to them as they have don- to society. Aad hmr it is that the ig~s are hopeful, for the els of litert tar of which Dr. Lewis' Book is a rerl eattive ehiits the inaention of ociety to tatske up the matter in arnest, and to tramin its yung girld with that intelligent atteatio to estaiahad law whis has proved to be anetial to the prodction of eatiehotory race-horss and thorough Now, itw bhase em aded th thi Sthing a bn d thautyPng woma a, phyae sly aud m lay, ausspis oft imuseisit iqPrewomme iait not wsth whil to gl ehw ea rL e asses uht, e his heart is i his work;but the book which he oers to the public as the re dl oft L experience is eommoa la in style, failty in arrangement, and con tains more than a suspicion of quackery. While there is plenty of sound truth in it, there are also misstatements and exage rations not to be excused even by the proverbial disagreement of doctors ; and the physiological facts introduced would attain added power from a setting of eor ret and eloquent English, which they unfortunately lack. As a moral stimu lant, it is not likely to be of much value; as a hand-book of general physiological information, or a manual of education, we have already better ones, the principal thing to be said in its favor is that it may strengthen hands for which Huxley and Herbert Spencer are as yet too heavy. The evils struck at are a , tamiliar to most of us that they mnst be presented in a new light before we shall appreciate their magnitude and limitation; and while the thinking that is to be done must be hard and l-gical, it must be popularized and simplified to the level of the minds on which it is to act before it can b, came visibly remedial. On the highest plane of thought, we have in this generation produced much that bears directly and practically upon the education question, but the books in which this is embodied do not come with in the range of the people who need them most. The sallow elegant, on Fifth Avenue and the dyspeptic New England girl are not likely to be greatly benefited by the reports of German gymnasia or the closely written argument of an Ox ford professor, and "Our Girls" and analogous works seem only to show the width of the gap which is waiting to be spanned. "The method of nature is the archetype of all methods," Says Mr. Marcel, and on that point at least we h.tve reached the unanimity of the wise ; who now will make clear to us the work ing of that nature upon which all our proress depends If the best of our American scientific men, who know the needs and the power of our American girls, could be brought to feel that this is too important a subject to be left to second-rate theorists or even to honest, unpractised enthusiasts, we might then hope for the production of a literature which should give vital assist ance and wake up.the whose nation to a sense of the value of a woman's life. There are few women in any station of iife who are not c:nscious of their own warped uatures and failure of develop ment, and who are not willing to try a new path; but the leading and the teach ing must come from the heights. "Our Girls" must look beyond behavior, books and moral tales and empirical treatises for the help theyneed;learned professors must study the aching spines of their living daughters instead of the backbones of extinct fishes, and clergymen, wise in spiritual things, must condescend to teach lessons of practical duty to the little wo men of their flcks, before we shall get I the change that we look for. Our edu cational machinery is confessedly at fault; we get a fair article of raw mate rial, and return it to the market in the shaps of Flora McFlimseys-a process of manufacture which we are gradually linding to be unremunerative. GOSSIP WITH THE LADIES coasm. By this term we do not propose to diseaus, the worn, patched, and thread bare subject of the color of the cospleio, but that of the more important ubjeut of the most fashionable color of grments at present la mode. We notice a tenden cy to tbhe iatroducetion of nameum shades of brown, which we re~rt, for it is decidedly the most trying color, that could possibly make its adveat here. In the North where the majority of women are very fair, all such colors may do very well where theyare relieved by bright colored bows, and trimmings. But just imagine one of our swarthy, Sonthen branettes in a brorn dres ; tab very taoaght gives a terrible shock to oir ideas of the eternal Atnes of things. One shade of the new colors is maled a-e asit and is spposd to be exat y the color of strong codest with erae in it. this oloris only another tint of the P~aro-From shades Orey and lh arme also worn, and we notie qatitiss of beatifl goods of the shadeon o atled "moaighto the lmke.u And poeltively this fanei name demribes this daiate, transparent shads maet - . Jewelry is very little worm even in full dress. Eai es arewa but ihtead of breast-pian a fancy ha is batituted. A velvet hean st ese a Seee at taed i wersn at the reek. Fir fuR dressab diuers i era. se ewest stles pI asls ths rae Fo-mear ad mae edwe ith me heighes Thap. uamrss arme ~la~mu- 4.hbwesdC.uyms. ~,~iL~Pi L_ - natural consequence our m - bringing on large stocks ofr of whitejpoods Marselles, klws,p and swism, can be purlamed in tt, and offered from $1,50 up to $6,00 Sashes in roman colors are still a:. d will be for some time to e. cne bouquet, ribbon sashes, are also f able. We noticed a beautiful s meat of the latter at 108 (harl M We were also shown at this estab ment a large stock of ready made in new and beautiful designs. Thb low prices asked for imported c will bring them into such faver t dress.makers will be compelled to ay soon be satisfied with a moderate co, pensation for their work, which is ot any means the case at present. Some of the Paris drmesses are elaborate, others much more impk t beautiful costume, and one which i quite new, is made with a mall mautels R la virille, for which some soft matei such as cashmere or China crepe, hond be use~l in preference to the harsher and poplins. The umameiet e Is de looks well in black, but its also chazmi in blue and steel-gray. There is nothing fresher for surm wear than a mantelet trimmed with m, row bands of tarlatan, edged with A, lencienne lace, covered with black ha The hood is made of white muslia, an is edged with a plaiting and with lm It is decorated with a bow and endso black velvet. This trimming is especual pretty on materials of a light color, Nao as turqnois-blue, mauve, and ilve. With dark shades, such as myrtle-gfp and scabious, a beautiful grimy is g ue on the material, and a ball friagel added in preference. In bonnets it is difficult to my what i worn, for all styles are fashionable, a long as they are small and jaunty-look. ing. Perhaps the varieties of the gypsy are the most popular. The trimming s Lees on the brim, and in front, than o the crown. A good deal of ribboe about two inches wide, is used, with blah lace and flowers. Short ostrich pluns of "tips," as they are called, are also ver popular. Two shades of the same color are used on the same bonnet, with plums of the colors of the ribbons. Hats look so much like bonnets that it is difficult to distinguish them apart; but the hats are usually smaller. But few crepe bonnets are seen; straw predominates, though a good many black lace ones are war The hair is dressed in a very Pat nd quiet fashion, with many plaits a ;he back, but not falling very low on th eck, and a plaited coronet in front Another, and still newer style of coiffr, and also a very useful one, is one cloek resembling that seen in the portraits of the Duchesse de Bourgogne The hair is raised from the temples, with rollel curls coming down along the raisd bandeaux, and others on tie top of the head, awoccheo-curs on the forehead, and chignon marquise at the back with a tortoise-shell comb with balls. We ma here remark that the mall, flat cors called seccache-crur are again vsey fashiogable. CO(MMERCIAI. STURDAY, May 13-11:30 A. N Co -rox-The favorable acounts frm New York sad Liverpool have stifesl the market still more, and factors ha, raised their pmretentioas jec. The has, rertheless, Leen an active inquiry but light offerings have restricted opi tios, and we hear o iales of fully 2 The market osed as follows: Inlaerior .............. 7 (1 Low Ordisng.... Noi a1........ A SARI TO THE PUBLIC! The eontract for the Public Pria for the Parish of Natchitoches, sad of the tate, was awarded to Dudi Blhnt, publishers of the Red BRi~ by Hems. 0. J. Damn sand 0. W. CAt I therefore take this methbod toib the public generally, that my nsl5' p61m to esaid contract without 3 t sent or athority. I haew nocoi whatever with the BR ft imr * no person is authorized to us e .Y in coeneetion therewith. I would ther state that I will ot beeph fr any debts contracted by the po tor of the Baed Riar Nae , L b died, as I have ao intemr i idp directly or indirectly. RAFORD Naoddteebu, I., ay 1 871 ALDER? ETBICIL poolUSUele sar 1 J %caKA stET