Newspaper Page Text
STATE OF LOUISIA .*UL~ BY AUTiIui . 2%.. 1. ".0 U_" the `iUrn of t" I `'1111 ii iftY thi-.ý:iiid t'º3e. 7 11;: f ,1" the j,\ i~' :* t1 ullt 1'/t ,tlL9(i Of 1. 0:" ~4,,.t .iiv of the 8rtu:: . v` 1. Be. it i'nacttdl Illt. ... H-uus* of Pelt " ii 4 )~ili\ l'. lh'.r"n( 1 : 3t.l 1- 11iaL' V 4* U.' he sa.nlcis t1~ 0-i a~) II l'* 414 :1 1!Lef tl fitTii ,tiU.Ltne toliftv '11 * l ,hvf.\" ilui to u tt¶ k liii fthe lith in tc nh SLUr. :''101:7 1111:: CARtE. I i ''I 1I~ C. \.A101(" iLit (i , s 'I' l.',te.\ o 1, it. le~ti 1^1(1' "' , 'I. t' , ji L41 . "t Al \";.: IhtTi' .t t l .. t 1, n t+ l l ~ In it I. 'll 1. '11.1' "'l 111:111' 4!ft~i 1 '. f 1, 1. s111iRi~lll I 11t V.]~l"! 111 . Kt.uwt g .. Itit l~lt nt. i .t : .,.1. 1t~ l .I-) .".. X iul r""' The paris of Oaddo tb 11 form one drtri bc'rntepetota Se.steýr. . . 7Th1 ^ p)a7'iiles" df De t oto;^ itChtI to.h4xs and t q o"4k e is ti iet and clect two Senators. hie parish "of 'ji$itsl shltll form ue di 1I ur pp" ;1cnator. l . The parishes of Catitiouli, ((rant :nd Wiatt hARl form one district, antd 1 ,Lt one :fnator. . 'Tjiritv-six S.natorq in gBl. 'The 1 presentstives in the House *f ltejaliexktativ shall hI as folluws: For the parish of Orl-u:s F irst* resenrative distriat '(First ; Word) two. " eiond representative district (See *iand Ward) three. Third rp;res. t:tive district (Third WV trdl f our. f 'r h rerlitttattile district 1 .:rth \. 1) two. F flh r presentative .is trict (Fifth I \1 i TVt.O hr l '-pros utLtitv distriAt (ýixth '\ nti represent itive ' district 1. 1.t 1 \'.. iI, two. .,tix a1.j~ntativv district (Ei tIi :.:!i r'i" ur t.tive divtrisit [Ninth. i. i r< u,-n xni d\ rict tTorsth en'ý"~1 in jr11t"ý'itttivt, d~i-,tvic't (I..,l : : !1" "11t l in , t'lxl '. lw -j EIl.n t t' 1 rdtst, three. fi.4oI l'hig+, Wetst, (1t1". I o t! I I tO. n outet o un L hnk oe Ca io ti :. tI l '. I . t :.t:, : t . (': t' t" 0 .11' n~ 1 ." 0 1.'t111 e I I 1Iit'1!:t 10 .1 -& 01. ti IV". two, oU .F* I. -a ii. w .t o V.u : iin, one. . tr i.t: 'a ll, two. .I `di ion, ono. Alarehrra rt, oer. " Natwllitechees, two. Unhitct e, tw tw. 111 +(]n inint ý, u11". Point.- Covepar, two. 1º yig 1, t14ps'. It1Ain+, onI.. &S 1-ernard, mon. St. t.n <N tw tIt. .9ohn 110p'i't, Oon. S'. 1, tn Irv, ft fur. Si'. 11.: t, u, tw 1. St. MTrv. twa. SL. 'Tlanxnv, toe. Uniot., one. W'tin. ro.i , (l.'. to.:1id h' i tn' " Ol STs. tal ofe thundredw' of lU-reent. tiv 1 "s. @ .1] oSCAR J, DUNN. Lt -itit (i-t rfor anti ireident of A truemcopy.~ &'.-rlethr1 of Sa t-'. trceo' tin: SL-trtui oF SrATE sot'it-. to tihe Givernor of tilt Sit'-t tof 1n: a. or ton-il by Ihitt t. tin' house' ti 1; ~ori .4-Aw'nblv ilk wlhil it origi not withit tih' timne t'escribhed by Itht ta.*tti.titlit ii 'I f Loul:maxs, has~ 10 <.n*a .ttw witho:il 13 .pprtavil. 0Th). E. BOVEE, M6ecretiirv of State. Au Art 'Tr ('hange th. venue in the case of I Fitther, J. C. Oliver and Criestmne Otiver from Aseension pur ib4 to the parish of ,Teffewgon. "r ots, It. having lsen repr~eaen. Ie ti to fitir tind i uoptrtitI cannot hii 1.1 it-for.' the district eourt of the par'ith of Aoeensionk, in th.' Fourth ,tdiii 11 Pis.riet, in the c ue tif David lxi'fer. 1. ( Oliver and Celestihe Oli -ititiuag ' ith murder ; ,berefore, S: tN I itt it pnaacted byv the Sen. .1 Hous-I,'~ of Representatives of th* "' if Louisiana in general as i y ou- ned. That the venue in thr a f 1) vid Fisher, J. C. Oliver tO-I U ., lt'n Oliver, ch-nrged with :.'rel 1m the lmrish oft Aseousdon, be kand i- chatnged to the prishobf iffer Sulk. A.2. Th it Yurt oer enj4 4 etc., That ':t- Srt shl tak iffec from L [ n- l GE2): W. CARTER. t h~aer of the House of Itpre3pa fSigned) OSCAR J. DUNN, Lientennat Governor anti Jresident of IA true ('opT G~o. E. Borr1E, , ecretary of the ESt4e. Lordnt ever'týrpprovatývamot* having been ritdm Aff him to the prescribed by t4., ; of Louisiana, has kecome a law with ut hip approv al., lEO:'h. BlOV EE, M&4ettry of State. TRIBUTE TO THE BFAUTIFUL. There is no "sphere in life so humble, no labar o :kontintxous or rearying,>o ocoepation.eo panlj industrial, that men and women in it will not gldly add to its toil jot the gratification of paying toile tribute to beauaty in its performwnce. The very imllements of labor are adorned, 4Ml from the rude' paint ing of the bemn of a plow to the fincy brass inounlings of a loco motive engine, everywhere some place is found fdr human nature fo a~idd - ~ eahing for -the ,esake ,f seemed wholly detdted to the most fl id Milicr aTt itse.- - Bettpt rtl! trot" 40sieihW6Cit@I f&'111ng~ row corner (4,3inn'Ieleisure hours, whlie Seencor's jihiljsophv would pat her, buti tisv f mateveryiwhere along our niostw~auiydnme pi~ts we should place little shrines where we may cast somo votive-offering in passing. The sailor delights in the carved and gilt hall placed above his main track where *the vcry height frmo which it gleams. din up sp him like a star, awakens thoughts that moruit upward in his ownm soul Hie loves to see the bright colored pennants flying, and to dress hie vess 1l with themt, as he would see his swectheart be leckel with ribbons. The most practical niatter-of-f. ct mnu rchinti gldlly adds large sum11s to the rust of his warehouse or shop for thie sake of flue architecture and sculp tured ornamient, and whether lie ldes it togritify hi-, own taste, or to attract that of nis cust' wer, it is egnally a proof of the p-rsistence with which beauty worship ob trules itself into and insists upon thcvating and uinuoblimig thlit whici seems most foreign to it. The fact that among uneivilizud or unculti vated Tn, taste ofte i takes' on - otesque qr bizarre iornms, as in the- .. Ivae'st it on ag f ;,is bod):y, it s ::(t pro ve tha t beauty is to be iý ;pisakl,- nt Lr thd tu t eintd'Ienc ,vu in ithe "av ,"e . ust~ an elcvat ing on . Rude and elementary as it may hie in form, it is, neverthe ts, tie gerni out of which all cul are io t it iimit grow. Tie plca sure in 14eN cn trast '6 'bhight .'olors, rand the pen-ption of the grace mf curvvd linut, will, ill time, a.ld with the general oxpansion of the mind, hee tine a) r appreciation and lote of true art, as certiinly as thei etuoe wll grow into the steam ship, and barbarous superstitions int. lofty systems of philosophy. SHOOTING A WATER -SPOUT. A NAUTICAL ADVEN TUR. The Captauin of the bark Orchilla, which vesacl arrived at New York on Weduosday, firm Matanars. rec p)orts a narrow csicalp from winter s'pouts in latitude 28o, longitude 70o. 'There had been hi av'n rV Isqu.dls, when suddenly the woathnr cleared away, leaving the vessel surrounded by four large water spouts. thh furlhest being dabout four miles distant. The ship was immediately h::uled to the wind; in ovder to avoiJ them if possibilo, when the largest of the four (the other three hsving broken and dia Apeh tsinao. p$iruy fo4 %e 1fl~ heWiif~vaS frmediatrly lisio~ W po~ssible, but onmwar I the water-spout cainfe i9ith a sieening detdituth4nl' tAdi~gatip~h 'the Or chilla. The ship's aims were im mediatelyTEfought on deck. When flfte6 yards distant as volley was poured into the water-spont, seemu inglv without effect, as it passcd the ship three yards distaint, with the roar of a whiriwind. *. .:The bight of putgihistic sarcasm was reached the other day by Jemn Maee, who, speaking of a rival ac cused of beating his wife, said ; "What! him ? He couldn't lick al postage-stamp." " Sronxrso ron & Fmowrr."-There ass embe people -who are born *ith stromfgpcwes of in iridlan at in juspe QriU-i D ,8uek .me fe blamed for the expubusion of it, ev ask i3* IIiMhteus Usse, by the zbore conserrative. If aches last would ogyremember how ziufeb m~e such persons 7eprese t cxpreps, they 'wad, afe praise that4 blaahethjm. J, United Wt4t.irwz4 $ ; Sask Domingo? .l' iifked over and over a am, and just T 4W o, satis factory answer could possbily be m*y ; a~dqyt no, can be more swayed want Santa just as we want anything slhe -eatb we can malge,a u al4 t 0 p yeves. ., Fo can donbt that th ession of fifteen or ' ý and miles more or less, of tropical country, within o ny ' thaPe&5Mi. rod sail of our shores, abounding in ex cellent!-iOhba fet.,!AAp- fg, dye woods sa&. isbil& woods of the finest qualities known to com meree, capable of producing sugar, coffee, cocoa, 'cdttoi,, indigo, and everyvvarity of tropical' ,ants and fruits that one can think of, would be an adantaae"to ttl N Amneran 1Aple? $o long as lmIk end $o6 du.tions ''fee valuable at all, will ltip VUfJ ellp thy Aerican people as others niul lion s8ooI fnlquesti'hn ae to wliat we wrint withrit will b)a tlo'ed to bbscnre the fart. "In fit ifh mv`I dispar agement, efen cool-headed states man like Senator Morrill, tell us they wpnld aqt nhve S~iato Domin go a's a gift. Mr. Scimrz is of the the wetie 41 thi bna In Sant 1 nimng6 hey ft da ionn try incapable of serving any val uable human purpose, and for the existence of which no valid apology can be made ; and yet it is fair to presume that both guntimen con some their full share of just such productions as Santo Domingo and other tropical countries- can alone produce. All this talk of lie worth lessnvi',s of Santo Domingo, is against the established and eternal arrangcmemts of n tfre, ani incon sistent with the daily practice of the very rien who resort to it. Whether the torrid zone produces groat nations or small ones, strong wen or weak men, the lands within that belt of our globe does produce just such thiinge s mss. in other latitudes consider useful, beautiful an4l palatable, and which are Yret ty generally used by those who can obtain them. It may be that the American people think this all wrong, and that it would be far better thlet all c mninerce with the tropics should ceases, and that men should use and consume only those rti"ale hic~h are painee4 within the linles of latitudes where they ha.penaed .to. blc born. andl where t4mhydivol but thus fir they hawe rot iticd rA tln 'fhotrght to pac tics. The morning sun does not more regularly appear in the eas teri slky msin ey tike th4raugar acid 'cofut'e. senator Fichurz, the most brilliant of all the Senatorial assailants of Santo Domingo, do nounces the tropicsbth ltbIsm warm, and imeisim fragrant, with his Havana cigar. To be sure, he tells us(for lie is logical in words, 'at lekast,j that only slave labor can succeed in the tropics, and that for himself, he would rather dispense with the use of tropical producte than have thuib at tha etpok of hcufluit ad justice ; yet he takeh his nofeail Iris cigar, &iing "no ,1u1stions for consciknco make," ap jiarcitly never stopping to inquire where thmmse thinigs come fromo, oi' by whit process they tue produced. Just h,'ie ceum's in argument of lib irty uald civdixatioa in faver at pa~to Doramigo. The 'purely' tropical pro dumetion's we now consume in the Uni ted States are produced in save soun trites and by slave labor. They are gsttabred ammbI ~tlh eye and lash of task-master. The kmborjer receives no w.ages for lmis 'work, bttt 14 litertily robbed of his hard earnings by monn who, like the lilliss of the Aeld neither toil nor spia~ Of these, and not of the honest lahtoretsm who promdnce them we buy out tropical products, and thus help to perpetuate the barbarous and inhuman system of slavery abroad which we ponred out millions of treas ure and rivers of blood to abolish at home. Ini answe, to the question, WVhat do we want with S into Domin go? I answer, we' want it to enable up tbme better to diseoeragedalaery and luromote the freedom of mankind , we want to sulippfant slave labor with free labyprAndt Ae trihe a blow 4 ulprery wherever it may exist in the tropcs , wewant'iteto bidgto s te'beuttisp peculiar to tbat latitud4o Lrae feom the sweat and blood of wretched bondmeegm and bond women. The aninavery side at annexatibir is' to me the strongeet and most controlling. ,Ther. -i reason to believe that that measurb' Iwould powerfully ~tento h speedy abolition of slavery in Cuba anA throughout the weiftern world. w)tve1ly h*a &AftZ ISmdo4 and free istitutioins, 4 wowul be asa nation a grad dvcin* gsWj=&&bE ?M Mac* oras as ourevey we waan 8a& o anglQ 1ut=_al that? ºb i e i* b at ousetess soonhk abant be I ou P . b e a as ad a< ;the isostgth alouse will-4 the emetime,, h most sensitive to the claims at jumUiWaa2 ht y abroad. DRY GOODS & CLOTfHIN. { WHO BIN #iMk SS DRY Will And ther-moain y abse m'wste OUri satisahetion at 'BRA&LMANARA JAI_ Sg CASH -OUS8 ThAN E.I S.EW HR," .YIan ,,. A ,teas 4J g l lebnefnw onew Mlks, Stlas; Real Poplins, Pimlel sAsegs, Meriaoe, Cauahmeresa 3 .. Clen,. SFomnos, Arabhas, ta. la Sacking, akinese C1. , Flannels, Ianes, librrlde rims, Gloves, Cocrts V01. vets, Ribtbaps, Parawcdi Fans, Etc., Etc., Etc. WLLL CONVINCE. 38i.... .... .....*a........... ...8 Magazine street, our. St. Ai drvew, * MISUELL4 .NUTS. THE PEOPLES COAýMiiRCIAI COLLEGE: aonremant of Straight Unive)'aiiy. Located over the Freedmehs Savings Baunk, 114 Caroudelet St. OPEN DAe .4WD SvaNsa0'VO VACATION. The old and young can enter at this Institution any day, no distinction made in regard to race or color. Thi design of the Institution, is to furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thorough and practical business edu cation, fifty to one hundred per gatt saved by students, by taking thl rapid commercaed ewars. Parties having or dianry ability, who have entirely so gleeted their education wow have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredible short time. From two, to three months in all that requires to complete the commer. al course. Terms reduced to sait the times. For further information call at the College, or address Prof. A. T. Salever, Principal. REMOVAL TO 167 ..CANAL STREET.....167 FROM No. 9 CAMP STREET. Manuketurers and Deales IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Truuk%. Valisea eand Bag., Respetetfn ly gflt notice that they hare rem seed teste large and cmbtaly located No 107 Canal Street, NEW ORLAN$doRICAGO AND TJIE ~WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Blue Line, Via Cairo, jFrom N~w OrIsnn onjArst. olaae jteamers, i.EAVINO DAILY, AT 5 P. M., rca CAIRO,. CHICAGO, AND ALL rOrNTS NOR TH, WEST AND EA8TJT THE LOWE§C RATES. All rates and all through bills of 1 uling frrom New 6rl.ans by above r.)t4e givees oigned Sad recognised only at the LGeaeal Offie of the Coin pany, No. SO Omrodeto Street. shippers by this route save all dray. age and,, triaqptr charge at (Qiro, and tlhein gQoda .a54 plpwpya under cover, and no charges are zzlale fta forwarding. JAMES T. UIU IIATU.N JOUWE. Rongeand Gramss Tete Rail. ger packet J1.n.. McIaoer, clesk, Wifliese WVotleam only avuanaz, sats rn x., m Ww r. bI £ P.M. Z. 0. Mzz.'cos, 11 coiilitreet tagmeito: ~WxoW PArNT. . I pbr trees ~.t4x t 1 ý rAif~r : .' SINGLE NUMBERA LOTTERY, "'C~ami P_, ;-s TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS O% ýlnlllb,ýEEO~ii, up. r'~e 1 rie f 0 is0#....... 94400 1piseweof 1,000 t;:... ,0 1 prie it."; f00I -R .....- 0 iieOf A1, O 1 pj.of 1,00 ie 1riz o f 1,000 1- pieOf 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 -' I prieftof 1,400 1 prz f m,0 1 prize of 1,000 1. prie of 1,00 1 prise Of 1,0001 1 psime of 1,i000 1. priz, of _ ,000 61 prime of 81000m 317 'pi". of. 1,000 3,8 '1 pdULISOot 1,000; Iprizea ofybl inl000 otlZ C~~S~ T. HQWARI) Lock no, 10n Pouto~oe, New Otte i. Bend Poctoffice Uom.7 order or Behitr COMMISSION MERCHANTS. P.B.BS. Pzanmgz, C. O Aumt,. Nero Ortrma, £4. " re eporf, Lip PmCQEEAU CL ANTOINE, ADEMIUISSI MEIIIMWII3, 32.L4 Oauwzad.olS tit., NEW OBLEANSh ue,e*. Pro~4pi a10,tioR gives to'ol salk aisd purcbaaee, hmsimng of fors, de, dc. as vigm eswtao ceerd by Inawwinee as RUSS$E a cqa,, fq*mN mL~ouL & C., A~itllsoick Ark. Bumezi A Co., St. Lqm*.i~.Mlmmi COTTON FACTORS Axes GENERAL COMMISSION "t . nly as on and w and `. d. 4 Z h A t*at time t A Genuine ata Wath: s rsg.a nsee,41asss, so k eai., omgme ag du. i mJ e " aL . w a. i 3 al ta te.. A Genuinr Waltham Watcsl b meelday. 9T, IM eethiey aend feis makin the ovmnt ovr asagewaehsm ý,wq~aý rsquna esbd nsawar a see, thuatmr, ay atll d eems an a eas amtar by 4 aesre. Th aesrms asi iso a nuine waltoarn Watch ISi * .a ) Wed.. o a sprain, sd uses hATi4 y taror- o1 ths oneath ea dam iwud uoeda lmsbe as pwufA Tm as.awe Irwy pint i Walkham Watcha~ It immheob , wb mahikeep a si isnel like in shew pert in another ; and iten Wotehet of one ga wes taken asst, sad the scaew, whel, a sei1.. aszed together, tend watches could~b . made by putting thawpse pale RaOlW nIt M / vemence to stlhei foodr a omebiatiof This is a .s " GREAT -AD VANTAOB:; For, if a4 'of altham Watch is ikjured 6fepebarltins aer ae it at a Atl o Wne gETlA yea tak Is made with b peowal G dREAT AD .TAE Ismd tth pcal trefrey Other Watehes will run for4 euwq two, an rsequire, cost*t ep****4*r s 4 ý w Treat . W eton " W'LL BUN FAiTHFULLY FOR.gMANY YEARS. We sell theme Watabase IN SOID SILVER HINTING CASES............................ 9T® IN SOLID GOLD HUNTING CASES $7O We have pseiapedmae ILWITRATED PM eg usT, which describes the various grades of 'Watches in do"" gives the weight and quality of the Cases, and all other Isfoem. aeon neessary for an inthligest belectiom. We wish every one would a*md he it beae ordering a htchb. Writefor it as foioewp AWL TM 0.adua, NXe York: Flees can erlasi eneer ~sbuk Fbi. List qf Wdttsi Wdeiete, se per edter. thismem is Tan louaincsun. (Siga nmem sad adde gBa) samemaas .a5Zda. aby. W* have MIa ~s 2?osan.d of these Watchea upp thes. opdasm sand have only 4iss aespd to zeftnd the money in three ceses, and Rot om. of tbes. was on account of ~dheestisoto with the Watch, but beaesase the jarile. needed Wm ase Ammmimnsm... .A1sta o A ninew o US AUD 1? wILL cost- Km go nas TEAM Il as uvxn em 1Wtw Yoax. Az.L rum u HSpecial Notice.--W* d not asel. Waltham weaicas 11 any Imitation, Gilt, Silver). The Waltham Watch is worthy Cmat~Ulbd Ns GilerCas6ne do not propose to sell it in any other. Lr umr~ ch ema ac3 lea,. Annumses s *HO wtARDA Co BAstrs,-UT$Dxt10tiT$44p . AND T1'8T8 COMPANY abuterod byth. Umnesias~ 'G- ovzeut~l MAtch, D. L. ZATOZ( ...cesarv. 114 On e st8b etl. .............. ..-: 1Lrs )u "hg WW4h V3418N05 o'clock. 4 . qA3i'w19fr ' ¾) .:4U1 &&fldBA~i N ozawUBtOgWsAto