Newspaper Page Text
8T $'AJO4TS. VIC$SBPDO AND BENDBS. S f n w'p s o em TJxM a aw'.I Leavs.Nij.. .51 u _, giTebgh's PsiaL Frau `hppt. Leba lTr hsa5 Tramaylvenia, smWi X" DeAhpert, Lg 4b.3b A Os J - sass~ Urnc so. ssgo T sodaSi Iq0wm50 WS !11 OMAi J. Y ýWrsU. Vuir;'~A Br. Loss us Ne pas asm Pass; MoS, a ho anl Witbpik5S5" W a8 ini gs thae be. aid TallabateieS wasthewi lese inowsal 3hotat Oathe MIMEimhu d Pa rd. a~esseswaº116a .4s xsersswtes CAIRO.0 A wl 1emps 3u p- P&=ows wada-0159 ta go Louis Tstkeb fannishe4 at lawmst Css ta toil peoint West mad Nesth, by all the vaulom tenses Yh Meuhm -aa * as Geaknee OWea, t cOmomm tivA. thogh. l O O fB ladinl toI p10t CoSmo sn £c. 0. WAYE IreatAgen.AI JoHa N. UoFINGfl . President, B Eib a qflad, id 1 ea bs an O~h i ovraLs . I~he tlio Tb Cetaralba logned at the ocee of bAMsi T. TCKER, api. 6-ti 26 Caroadelet s Ae`a NEW ORILEANS, CBICAOO U AND THE WEST. "' rE ILLINOIS CENTRAL BALR.OAD 1 S W Oa L i n e , V ia C a i r o , a JaOHNo DAns, AN 5 ). ., wrsn CAIBO, CHICANO, AND ALL AOISNODTH, WEST.AND EAST, AT TE LOWEST RATES. AD rates ..t eli through bib. oat hihig freo New Orleas by nbow route given. signed sa recognised only at the General O0fle of the Corn- 1 pny, No. T6 Caroadelet Street. Shippers by this rANt. -. ell dray age sad trasfer charges at CairoD sad their goode are always under1 cover, and no charges are made fox JAMES T. TUCKER, 0Oralrs Agent. RATON SOUGE. igrNw Orlesas Coast, Batoe roouts Tge %.d1. STpII J S. w b t.hsaa route Eastera Jnmdt icraoer, Clerk, Will leave Iew Oricsar every made an ati? . K., sadWzsussna:,atS5P. M. For boight o painags apply em board, or te 3.0. EMiraoo, Il Coml street. REMOVAL 367 C.ANAL STREET. ..4.67 1305 NoJ CAMP STREET. Mm Geni and DIs OoTrS AND SHoES, Trmaka, Vabees RurnI Urne, 3* 36? carmal steet, Near Daupbea GROURO RITZ: I lIE 1A111165 FITTED U?, spea -e* wesmase NEW ORLEANS. mmFaL & up WA, 7WarthW4GL&Z5Go, AJ4IU0iPRS GaS4ZTaIure F3UMOWIG~ -gg 3'mr~9 weetes RAJLRO4DSB. WA SPECIAL NOTICE. I , a. I p, be agetals Se bomblei talkest a" THE ONLY AIL 1.*fl .ot W To . a ls. 0s0" 0"he. 1a 18' , Franaieso St Pal. NaMIN GtM, Leav- Ole *, eawoeth. 8 Jeo ans ý+ 111 to rrilr~ Heath, Bult Wa weft. * Two zPugIe T"allI leave the Now (lnaw. 5adien ensd Oreat v PS, Sodom Raead esp i daiy at. A. M. 5ad 5P. M. AN WXPREES TRAIN leaes the teo ot .i Cowl ndst de@ at S A. M., ih the New OraeNi, MWhe sad Chatumop bmased, aeMf e* ea*so einaes at Mobile with the Mobil ead Ohi Wihoa" to al pdha Marthi. last a Westwe Far tiekets apply to A. D. SPWoI. Teka Agset Now O __ J abs and in Onseat loexthen IM ad, esaer Oemp as ad Comma soeatl, rWote City It Hotel; or to th W. SEW ia Ticket Agent New Osleane. MobSe aad th Chetanoop Uadiead No. 150 Cosn- « amo street ader a Charles HOtel. di . H. WINGea . . 0 Genesal espelataming Agent aL Loae,. Lo In. l...ataia .sadense. nema Ra'ra Inas Ml NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE i an temi CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. lail. The Mobile division of" Toad wil be Seth opened for badneses o p-i. busy, Inbar 21, 187$, e and passeger trains wil mo as follows : Leave New Orlease, fom the loot of o Coana street, for B St. Louis, Pas it, Chrsian.Ml~wsdpprc Ciy iloxi. Ocea es.Springs, Pma ,ooaanl1~ob1l at $o'elock ° A. K Arrivive at Mobile at 0 o'elok d t reef. P.o O oaetn I Mobile with the 1KIL AND OHOan the at, BILE AND MONTOOMEUT RAIL over ROADS for all poi-s - NORTH. EAST AID WEST. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 112O A. M. Arriving at 610 P M. Five kla amn LOAD THROUGH 1REIGT TRAINS RVN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight reeeived at New Orlems, at the foot Was lls treet before 420 P. M,. GET delivered at Mobile early net earning. FRIGrHT AS LOW AS ST ANT OTHER SOUTH. B - LL Per fatser iafoumatic., call at the D oGme alOnef of*h o mpany, rooms mer ead two, up stairs sTORY BUILDING. coreer Camp sad Comman streets. J. B. KENDRICE, General Supeslatendeat. 118 of nave, RAVELLERS, ATTENTION: sized Com- The JIIw r , Jthk , aid Drat h alM and I I Calp O uleal dray- hilt. under s their Psagnger Coacbes and ag r ages Care, their combined length adheat ehnge. t DAeGAGE CHECKED FROM RE. __ SIDLNCE TO DESTINATION. Yke IL5 .IEpnema~rinruuahley, Data. (SUNDAYS E1CEPTED) chit.- Wakes close connactkema for Ylebbrq. flens.- Mem phe 8. Lest.. Chicao. Loelevifle Humboldt. Clerk, Thgej al Tale oas ewkkrmua Dally, 5. Wakes aebedule coneedmseti with Li4 board, slag Eupreaatralan ea pos EAST sad WEST. Carriae the pueat west North MailL - yimg Io New Terk, S Hears. New and eleps*ly SAed ap elang Cairn run to Hambold, Teammee, ye-e sand, Teameeses, and Ineuisvle, Keats. *%67'l!eaTrain South arrives at 1:20 Mail Train South arrivee at II OU A. K Ticket Oaes Galveete, Ira. Building. Ticket ohees, New orleian, under City Hotel, Cogmr~amrCapead Commons steete, 1We mad at Depot. . Q. 8WALL, GemnI emelasdet 5. MOmE, General *ee gn New Orlseans, laceom and Cat Northern Raadiea K.D. ?UOST, Genesal :u~raedn D. K oasY, General tiktAgent _ enbessaam as , see Fa moweer Agent CARPENTERS, FURNITURZ dc 6,JULIUS. P. BROWL. C@' Fawai. Rsteams & Remeam se. 'Nf haP, M mdiite mmiilp I Us, Carp.,,terafld Builder. 37. . JLA SRE...3 Maw Omams AD atbe aep webe prnt I, Yhe ~ktl & Smulethrs ueagmnt, u ainuswoe s snasa as.s. n fURNIT UR E, Mrm.... Iistigeksekm &e, -~ NS~inpU einkg* WA Tra aE AID 4 BIJWLLURL DJ PUll WAIMZIE..I DZ4,R IN GOLD AND 111 5ZLYVE WATCHZB, A" Tsha eeMu J hy. .eep etwepss haMn an elem sad peass. of Gal. iker cead moel Sspetes a cad sr obse.. Obses .nd eal ts any pert a" eaomaty. Watch r-ps lens premptly Sa ww...asL Admd ordem to Nau Oranats of a....a1ads... es. New soah. Fe.k liy r~Q Si GODN WATCHES AT OLD RICES. AS TEE SOLE AGENTS in the Uetld g M tessr &a LIYEUPOOL WATCH CO.. we ere aethoesead by them to does ou a a lhag line of lisspeas Washes, Chdineale., sew is steah ter cas a &t p-iees west beors kaows All besaiistl I is babsh, arstds in design, reliable w p aeesent time, assbi sa, d o the lates style. Riey Wateh wit be rubsed at lehs raoset at impeatnamn, . ad sewsrdud .eeewsty paked, prepid. isany pat of d the sesaty em rseoipt ao plese. Memy e- be seat to as by preo with r- n I. ders tor Exspess Co. to retaan Goode or Cash, which wil se-ur prompnsee aod , safety toparebhai.. Among oar aIls will d be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH. gpami. Eaglish full plate -eel mmvments -gae -eatr steel out hands, e-st. taunnerd, .east* and serleeshble aeile, lage or Smen arse to complete running order, witk an elegant Geats Vest Chain, Locket and m key, an complete, mailed free for FIVE DOLLAB A VERY HANDSOME WATCH in Jie I 18 hekat Gold plated Double Camem i mitaba of $10 Gold Watch--agraved of or plain, genuine lnglhb, full plee 1 m jeweled movements, adjusted regelator, ercoret, sed in complete running or oh der with *legant aen. Vest Chain, he withLocket and Key, mailed prepaid for I 0 only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. The Oride Gold Watch, IN KAMSIVE ORIDE GOLD Deuble Hunting Magic spring Came, legantly engraved. or engine turned. Genuine Patent Lever movement., fufljeweled, keuatd and warranted to keep coere I is., sad wear equal to Gold. prec- I sly like in appearance, make, 1.a1m, brilliancy of color. 5900 Gold Watch. aj One of these splendid Watches will he forwarded by mail free to may addisre, in headsomse wooce ease, ied with vetrl andestln, (Ladies' or Gent's sase Wteb,)for ý; only TWELVE DOLLARS. My Watches for Holiday Preasnts anaufao &ured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES the if all pades, in Gold and Silver, ms, ,a $18 up to 5900. Other Good Watcher 1G, equally low. With every Club of shi Watches, of any kind, we mend one extra of same kind free, sea premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Is. at sain Oride Gold Chein, $2 to $6 each, N: warnted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy ,f color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col. lected on delivery, if desired. All Bill. of S19, and lea., must besesh in P. O. mlB Mousy Ordusr, or Registered Letters, at *ur risk. Goods earefully seetectd. packed and furwarled pre-paid by mail, or by Expree., or seeeipt ofpiee. Saf. delivery gta 4 good gaerenteed. Watcher forward ed to be examined to parties known abes exprems charges both ways are paid. SNo goods forwarde westof the _ i-ieJ ppL River, with bill to collect as delivery. taurbasaers must pay all exas charge 'a goods seast 0. 0. D.: orr etamn of money. All Cash order. forwarded ~, 'toe of eharges to destination. Catalogase hare ase. & e. al dears. CREAM P. NOETOK A CO., srq Imimortemofe Watches, eta. lls Uutblished 1.7. 86 Nameqe St. N. V. 5 tNo. 6s GROCERIES, PRODUCE iv., 'LA CROIX BROTHERS ~etCoanun Fasseema & Viclenr SrF. New Onzzaas, la. Hes em Heed, q WIPaus aid Llqweors 10 a. u warra, I.. c. semanne V. u. waY. KWHITE, RICHARtDS & Co., in. uoesaoms to A. D. 0311FF A Co., City wp asm a.a ar ov et, COXXIUSION MERCHANTS imt asP as51a r ml Nw Omaana. 030. GIGNAC AI~r. JoUDDAN.x uISIAC AgD JSHIIAIN, Cer eniian Va.~No. IB AND COdes. promptly asmende to. o r. P. B. ITBemI wr *hEOEAMBISE, FLWSH PROVISIoN 330113, 4 teL...OYDRAS W'?'EZT....l V. &, 111r0....JOgs x. 3U313 SW.N.MAUsaU, a W. Sour,' MarKHrAM aria', a.. kmeplinen 1ain -p. UARDWA3Z, I6U,..0A&VUaggrsM1....U DRY GOODS, CLOTHING do. B. T: WAL hE 110. .. CANAL TREET. . ..101 Near SL CbrlS NEW ORLEANS, LA. MEN'S AND DOtS' SHIRTS.I (ow a own .3) 078 AND COKEDRNE Ewer Article Mat Iin Plain Figure Geas mu. a. ev pier" sqiems, ama any asdeh prmerbse whisk belm to gve satiss edm be interned Mad bs amow sy wig be ,ehadei. Warodrat Prines ad Frb ` Stepk to seleet from an som*4 hr Tdao mobala ared at B. T. WALSHE'S ' umui iTInamiam amews ] r 110 CoaaIst., near SL Charls i N .. D.-Lae Orvone msed pem$pt s am itom .ad led C. 0. D. I desired JOSEPH H. WILSON'S BIT 66.33 d EMPORIUM, o S163.... CANAL STREET. . .. .163 SFIRST FLOOR: I DRY GOOD6, GENTS FURNISHING OOe, SECOND FLOOR: o LADIEROOM FORBRAWIS, CLOAKS AND WRAPS. a THIRD FLOOR: ly CARPETS. MATTING AND RUGS. ne - d. A nit to the store wll repay sam rot Per wishing to buy hbesp mad depat el- goods L CAAPET WABBWOUSE he 4 17....CHARTRES STREET..17 oft A UROUSSEAU a CO., mad bo Deesk at Whelseals sad PM..4 sebr at low prices ; CARPETING, KS FOR OIL CLOTS. MATTING. Mr Curtain sad Upholteres' Materil, di Window Shades, TaIble Cover', Hair tIra Cloth'. Lacecurtai., Conies. Aet, ter MILLINERY 8TORE8. WY & MRS.A.M.PARRISH 0. FIRST PREMIUM st y SUlNT ANE. rd- .1.221 CANAL STIET, wa New Orleans, La. PO SParticular attention paid to the mm manmnuacture of Gentb' Under dlot aing; mlsoR..e Ball Club and SFiremen'e Uniforeuxad. to order. 88SANGE SF TilE NEW TUAK SFOR LADIES. Wrs. m Int l. L uIuiuuus. - oF ALL KINDS, FROx A.HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, '~SUITS IN ORFAT VARIETY, Wrapper' Slugle or Doshi', Undercioth. ang Moeary demerpic.. Night Dram', Trail mmd Walking Ekirte Chemils', 1Ws -nw. Sash', Over Eeirt', Apr'.', &e. Ovindes take. s1 wedding outh1s CMI. m. 'em .mmd Iaeswtardrohe', Smite and Dremses la the lates Style', and supplied atst aort motle. ML5 &The TRADE supplied at New York Sample Ream, N.. 221 -AT MRS. A. M. PARRISW'S 3 xw A. GoosalZ, Mue. K. K.LINCOLW. LOS MIIWKRT !gnAlmaxa PALL AEP WIN FR a r, m- MILLIlVEUY 600UB v m in~adpmJntpeedi IW **...CARTUSB 8U5T5. .. (t6dt' * (sexe Cin .' 'glgtombae DIY 000D8 & CLOTHING. PANMs - U WHO WY lýDsT (LASS DRY GOODS a -roe cau -S Win dh mcq sas aeaatmem . their a sealbelm at maticin s at BRAsr UZxAB ADAM'S ILSEWNERE, A case t.theugh their i.e iseet -o- B S~e bsMe, Real oplls, Plaide Uerges, Mnme., C..h.... Emp cloths, Fuwmon ab, Aheheb, Shawls elm, Gicec, OCaseta, Tel. e hibboam, Cmhs., V Palms Et., Ea., Eta WILL CONVINCE. ...............and ........... .. S Magesine street, ear. Ik Azdraw, NI8CELLANZOT8. fTE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1 r igh* U*Atverwap. Located over the Freedmen. Savings 114 Carondelet St. OP1 3AT hAM $T O, NO vACA.eox. . The old and young can enter at this Institution any day, no distinction 3 made in regard to race or color. The design of the Inatitution, is to furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thorough and practical business edu atiom, Afty to one hundred per cent. saved by students, by taking the rapid smwil .mre. Parties having or dinary ability, who have entirely me glected their edosation now have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredible short time. q From two to three months is all at that requires to complete the eoenmer al crmuss. Terms reduced to suit the - tiams. For further informatien call at the SCoege, or address Prot. A. T. Selover, Principal. at MADE EASY, LAIT ASEITS. We want .nart and Eaergetie Agents to introduce our popular said justly etisbee ted invemtis.s, in every Village, Thse aid tar in uae Wald. [I Inispeaable to Every They ar highly approved oa endorssd and assupted by ladis, PApleleas cad msoeas, and aem now a GREAT FAVOR. rrs with them. Every Family will Purshas. One or -se of them. Somelhing that their mes ilse apparent at a GLANCL DRUGOISTS, SDRES8MAKER8,. And all who keep FANCY STORES, will e. Sad oar eiSellent artlcles SELL VERY -RAPIDLY, gives perfest satidfactica and SMALL FORTUNES to all Dealers an Ageats. CO UNT7RIG ETS FR E s oall who eseas*easgsnglinanknb51ku Bespesdsl cad Fwlbable Businesm, at the .s ame tmdeing good to their compan 1ocm in lfe Sample $56 ma st fee by S mailc r eelpt of peles. WEND FOR WHOLESALE CIRCULAR. ADDREES, Vestrse Mlasaecour(tg £n 1? PARK PLACE, NEW TORI. * STASS &8'IIILL -' PAINHT ATTIUBIS Dealers 3m aD et the ad NEWES? emi ams Usethl Patoats at the age. Wehbege toa public hatli~a tethe besthat we -e now psqedpnlto A o &hesrl.m*. neveliuheths aMe c pteestalgesi asash. smeb ueissy cdi m meets as ths laeutven spirit ci as ag gy pe*.esissumi the pplve tamper ci kry eapeeht, nash thins hhemes lineations; to ea leadsI th e eestry Lectead as Imatgem to ml sea em Lemrieeth musumes am wanass Sassa emh gamey. cet h a tohe -aua he ehebiging pateal Mease pses be.. ape ah aase s qpsM~alegethp grghemess aim - age e-a no sm sav.ggehe -pmas qlag asete Westin.e 1e shug su T.A O OT sp grge Now ChuT, LOTZ4Aý ineerpertsd Augu*' c CaHaLa T. HOWARD . UINOLE NUMSER LOTTERY. Can.a Pm .'..- $ ses CLABM 0. TO 33 .AWNIN NE W CS1Z*O i himy,br 13. HOWARD, sIM0No1sCaO., Ce.Va. r SCHEME : a o0,000 - mx $90 0 1 psso $ 0 is.......... SA4Wm Speof 100 is.......... 20,60 1 pse. of 20,000 is.......... StAW Iprs at 10.000 is......... 1. 00$M 1 -r at 1.000 is.......... ION 1 pre d 0000 is.......... $010 Ipsis of 7,000 is.......... T.01 1 p of 000 is......... $4 1 psis of 0.000 is.......... IEEE Ipisef 2, is.......... 3000 1lrieof 1.,000h ) 1i et 4p.... . 3, 1, 1 p sbeo ... ofL0 1 pised 1,000 I prise of 1,000 1 ps aof 1,000 ipsaso 1,0W0f 1 pise of 1,000 1 Pg'se of 1,000 1pise of 1,000 a I pasisof 1,000 Iras t 1.m@ I prizee of 1,000s 940 I1 psise of 1,000 1 grise of 1.000 1 prise of 1,000 Ipriue of 1.000 ipOine o 1.000 I prise of 1,000 1 prise of 1,000 1 prieof 1,000 1 pseof 1,000w ipssof 1,00W I mpazes o 1,000 0 priseeto 1,000 prises of 1,00 0 * 94000 send P.s.coe. bossy ord1r or ssir s you attrI.a e COMMISSION lOOM3ANT0. P. el s. Pasitcs.a C. C. Assets. oewoolin @m..s. IsM lea PmenCHBcs, A Am4ours. " o om maysa.le.s Miwi SEW ORLRANE. OAwese Adtao made be easms.t nests. Prow allesioe H anD. and purchasre. Imans <famesm., sete, GA Qa..sp....siw coured by Inswraes as soon as supped. unles oneraries intrwded on Bm a Jiteof Lo in. BUSSET & SS** reJud PooleL Jose y Cos .Ittl Reek Ask. i. Boesar a Loals Niwe ed COTTON FACTORS GENE . COMO IER ION i8..CABONDE LE 8T..48Z PINCHBas OEs B, &anThoIrE -e muonmsaus.a : ee euwgw A. m last.. PrhoomjIew eiom - toe eels ulmoed pacmek...,lh. fo~.i.,i £A.gmmufodte coweda ips hstaut, at., oas ik Eioo Lid(.msraesr.r taae Msr SUSSI W. BySon., a StJoel, amceotsad Co, UJehee As. T ormeuAC., U.LbMIe a uloes 48o s. CAONeLETS. o.4 Reox, we Casal mBmbo o T Ross U. mma d eeal CM mhsinle M ercat .s Amtorth smale o elolo. 00 30 EAL 13UK!aIYIT T epey, Eaq, ITS~y R Cohmmee8 -. alm 6O54 be HONELEGU C WA0H8U, Mhe eth. ateram ea.h dSpeksfr t ee L be1. a he..S, Miartm 33M. ator. 3. 8 ALJNCZ WiELj as WALTUM wATU aum dTkm aseoed, NW am a seivm 1 340 m am hou 344 Uns m dale two daew a week, a10Stm las a soo fT e EXP&,S T OFA O 2fIN NANYrgIyD of IX MACOEY k a,, *tolyrw msel d ,1,ay, 1? ".IWl Meuslerr ih bsq mAss As waxer rids,. 0 4ddea dlys elaj wasr :M a d i aswp poeaiioa A Genuine Waltham With ywin slatl .n w.. srpdwhemn jv.Y: e*ce w..l aNM win rishbsRsst tft! a a hun.idAed twsnatyIis shole t=.' S" ySear, without eves usquhaa..a e all tha& timea b A Genuine Waltham Watch cooraime d prtp. tMal ss, 1 p ser s3.a. w pesmaro ai easpeta I ass.,t, ,* ALL GENUINE WALThA1 Weat ea aa.s e sea v. e mra " nsawua av aLvs mut - - mnwzmaam~ taswPa Ora WalthasiWash -;, by .ens, The rn.auy : mehing the movemeat of a sins m . .oast over a Mmudrsd Theuwsnd La: .t we @l4 thrm Watshs, is a so ..dS.! HuatiangCae, for $10 The neew could not be mads by had asd tr t a pefshtly for Ts Tast as e. cx A Genuine waitham Wattv 1s ,Iesrehagesable, lib a spriag:: b0 that in. say part of one Watch is n like theasa paert isa hea ;.. 2 10 Watehes of ... grade wase takc :, - Mad the assews, whale, .pngs. AZ mised Itgethe,. Us wathes ea. aea& by piaing tham parts ta'u . agali, withaot agy rferseea to L .r komer eosmatiesm. This is a QRLIT ADVANTA #1. For. it asy cart of Waltham 11.t; liejsed we sasplway replace it at e $pling pye.. A UI WAMTUM WATi Is made with spedeat wbrner eo w DUTRADILITT Othr Watibas win ns for a .r or Wt an sequise eeImat espaise ; but L Waltbhema Watch WILL RUNT FAITHfI'LLT FOR MANY YEARS V. We se these Watches. IN SOLID SILVER NUNTINO a. CASER...... ............... !1 led IN SOLID OOLD HUNTING CASIJ.: We have prepared an ILS TA PmU Up, which desu.ibe. the various. uip rk. Watches is detail, gives the weight quality tche Cases, sad all other in` atos nsceuss., for an lateliigeat smeb. S We wish every .m* woald .ad t before ordering a Watch. Writefer it as fouwas Mmvir. RBassvd A Lb.. B, Xo 7585 heedaes, N... Yar hese. amid me posr Ib~sfred~ Line of W~elam Weird... u per ew U5ssmnt is Tm. lesomuiaw. o.(Siun Dame and addiss is fL gS. WITHOUT ZIFUNSE. om - ~ema senn hae asce* SWe have esentiut eve Ave The.'*: theme Watches upom thee conditidn 0 have omly bees askah to refund the an in three cam., and not one of ihen os aeount of wlaihts"is gg, Watch, bet bnecme the parties3' the mosey more. 4,Wa navs we MAwsu an oan0 a tin ws ams 10 ass. A saPe ye Omsow emawsas was sty £ WaiW1* ava~s amnn wmiw Tosai. Awe K, ~axs is Ths Panci list. Sp ggaJN gtm..We di 5 Walthem Watches in any ImiSbi' Hlated, Osid, 13edCmsesswheb"'* are aflethernarnesh 3s BriG Milve). The Waltham Walsh is et..a esM Gel er..e cas.'* 0. Aininin is ioua ma' DOdARDA Co. - Ne. 75 as sawa1s Nun Teis BA2NZS.- C NDERTAKE' *~AND Taver coKPMN s G oer ad y te n t li d S U ' GvmsatMish D. L, EATUON. ga 3 ag........ .9 UNDERTAU I' e l @awvq~ s