OCR Interpretation

Semi-weekly Louisianian. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1871-1872, June 18, 1871, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016631/1871-06-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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1. T: ' :I.\NIAN, OWN ED, S.
" .\N"ANE. CI. ,
."' ' I'I' 'II .\ CK. OnL Ir. s,
Y KEFr.q, P, PrrIma.
.;. 0t1()N,---Editor.
p B. . PIN('IIBA CK,
T ir ' ,r tir .Sn't:IPTIO.N: "!
.r - e-g t wo
ºt " " ".. .3 (Hl
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The Louisiania n.
In h . ,. :..'Avr t", ,ýtalbli>ih a inother
pr.. "' ,,urnl in N': Orl, ,nus,
the : , , f ti L im-LANI.N,
pro . , . A, ni . .-it which hlats
} ., :. I '· . ti .i F:uaiifully-
.I t t , .- : t i e . t l. t u .- l t io l l s t a tt c
, :,tt. .... ,,t 1p ,..iti,,n l the B ody
i' tif,', ..,: c"'" rjivcye to Iw their
d . I " t .at I:-u('h infrm-i
;: : .. I, i ic;ln nt, C t c n
a, I lave be n lost, in
,. , i t 1:, l1: if 1, mIn iiun,
r ,,'w, "·:: 'h :b : ... d,.,'iencie.u ight
S'W :!;ill strive to ma; :
*rt lI.. . ý'.:., a d,.;i l r u e, Lm tiu s'
.,-p ct
1 ' . 'Y.
A r o . i, i , . t t s , t h e L I , t, -
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1', i;, o. t:: .,' tc.", Ile no tral,
t.l,,.rrt \it :t . . ",,tr, . u~v,,' y ,." at',c.
i l Khal ,,. a ',i't in I undii erumi
.X.II .. l. :i .
ý "' º! rt t!e d octrine of ::n
:qu:taht;i . , ':. :i of t:,xatiion iunni
,all, . . '. U. ll: t ,";,:,;, ,! ,l, qion oft!,,
r, t*nu,* " y in the vxpendi
:'.', ,',, . with th,, exign
:, ,' f ! tu ' ': ," , ,trav and the
4i~e,'hir;:... 1 :- ..ti obliga
'e i, t 'a t' c:rrying out of
tie !Iroxi.i:,. . ft i , act .stal' ishing
e 'r Cmae. - t-t. alul urg'
Ii p.,ran it a, t I , alu .ition of
<tr youth, . . v t.Jll c,,nnec',ted with
th,.i 'n 1':,h 't ,* it. and the secur
ity and tah'. : t i liunile;an Oov
c-Ix, lit
Ay a gen: ,. m-.a mly, independent,
had Iniionl ,jj o ni lidct, we .hall strive
, rilCtW our pi., r. from an ephemn
hhsh it up.'i a ,asis, that if wc
esa.,t ' :.,...ed." we shall at all
"'lnta 'lde r,,'" s '.' ssi
Cbare by the LaUted State.
tiov.rnmment Marh.
-L rt (rr' . WaksIINGmTo, D. C.
D. L. EA TO" Actuary.
i4 "ar'r'.t 'tr.e St ra.t.
Your. son, Captain? Eh ?
He was young ! Twenty-two ?
And was killed on his way
To the front with you,
Six years a,.) this May !
And you're here all alone 'mid the flowers
They placd on his tomb-stone to-day.
And the veteran brave
Looked down with a sigh,
To his youn4 boy's grave
And swept ! While I
With the shriulwrics' wave
Was hushed, as he mantled hlus sorrows
about him !
His thoughts to the Infinite gave.
And the birds flew high
In the summer air,
And the breeze %went by
Keeping silence there,
And all \w s still, till I
LookI up -and found the veteran smiling!
And we spoke thus-under the sky.
Captain ! no fear -
Between you and me!
There a nobody near,
Nor any I se
That can hear -
I would know of this thing-your opinion!
This offering of flowers each year.
"Well," he began, "yon see
I'lazi' spaking -no boast;
I can say, as for me
And the rest of the Post,
Who t.o speak out are free,
Thiing have changed -the last years'mong
the soldiers !
'Tai' t now as 1hey'd have it to be."
The letdlrs ? "'Just so !
Thn celiqu,:s and the rings;
Poiitici:ux you know -
\i tit tir numrous things;
W'., :.r" .. i t ut fir show,
T a'. . ' : ,:: to in: in thia busines.,
A; the'- . 1 hIzr a few years ago.
"T' ,.t' p, l;ying bad tri'ks
8;. 1 th,, e!,r,, of t!.' war;
:.:· . ': !,, tim ix
I, ? : .f , ..r2. forI
S .. ' , ,r t"r. r
"Who ha !i -n. 't'he vaminlres came not
N . no' l',.;s n -,!ical bait.
"iut no"w. things are right !
\ '. we hr., tL.o-wep,
A u I t s thib . , in t1.: l:ght -
U', 'r t re br.ve oy)( wh.o sleep.
a u a:" f -! in tx. ti;h t
' ,.-. w.m fough:t , ihr a brave and
v-- - . ·. ·- - I---- -r l-.rr
E.h Ksie thinking theirs was the right:
rT: y w r, sohlier', so we!
T.it f1l, so did oars !
Theo let us all .ee
E .t x ;;r.t-'e trewn with flowers
rr-,i x a Ir 'r ' ,
Ali.i ex:ten to the c-nquerel A I'NIOs'
" -.xti , Very. soldier is free.
'-L t u le.rn to be fair !
?Fr,'n the boys Low at rest
Ana at hxae 'or r ''iTher
In th,' !a:dI of the bless'd !
In t`_' -stunny laud where
Ti, i're.;,. '? -the , souls of both armies.
Wiro treathe ihr as licing, one pruJer!"
Awl the C.pltain was right !
Things hare c!du',.eJd, an he said,
This basntitful sight
'Mlou the graves of the dead -
Tht. Is ~.i hlowed -in light
Is slurrounuld no more by the trickster !
And we bIaie the old vter;an good night!
At the Labor Reformn Convention
last week, in Boston, Wendell Phil
lips was one of the speakers and
we quote from the National Standard
Ilis remarks as follows:
After reading the resolutions Mr.
Pi-tL.IPs spoke briefly, showing the
Snccic.sity of Labor reform, and the
elevation of the working classes, as
illustrated by the recent sad events
it Paris. He did not join the Am
eric:an press in its wholesale con
demnation of the Communists He
felt nothing but regret andrebuke
for the vandal destrction of public
and private property in Paris, but
every civilized man at all aquainted
with French history, and oognisant
of the present state of affir, onght
to know and never forget that in
ithis struggle between Paris and
VerillesA, Paris represents what
every Americxnm ought to love-the
strug'e of the French people to
govern themselves. Paris in bar
e.ort t wec:xrt; free-lim for I rane
ha'd bona difeated, ma. the conss
qunae will be that either the
Bourbon or the, Gr'e:.ns family will
- , - .
with the consent of the other king- ji
doms of Europe. But the effort, i
though a failure, was honorable, so
far as represented by right and i
moderate leaders. No man ought e
to forget-in this day of sneering I
at France-the eminent service she
has rendered to civilization. There j
is no other people in Europe that i
has rendered half the service to
science that France has done during i
the last hundred years. Not one.
No other people within the last two
hundred years has done half the
service to art and science that
France has done. Italy herself has'
no claim, for the last century and a1
half, to stand anywhere near the 1
French people. In science and art
France leads Europe to-day. And
in the progress of civil liberty--the
gre Lt element of modern civilization
-there i. no nation, except Eng
land, that has any right to be named
in the same breath with France in
her service to civil liberty. While I
Germany was crowded in the dust
in absolute, unmanly submission to t
the most despicable of kinglings, I
France was inspiring the mind of
Thomas Jefferson, and half saving
the experimented liberty in these
thirteen colonies. But the real
lesson of Paris lies deeper than that.
While those leading men, Louis
Blanc and others,- interested in re
publicanisin, were such men as we
should honor and joy to follow, the
masses of France, ignorant, ill-fed,
ignored by government, mentally
and physically starved by the des
potism of twenty years--I inight sly
of one hundred years--the merncnt
these men rested their hands upon
them to do this I.a'ioual work, they
ilung off the reins of their leaders,
:lai in their mad career showed us
what a i glected and wronged la
ioi in " cl.s will d., if left to them
-elhs for a century. Wnthether yI,
"·o into the mines of Pennsylv: itt,
sr whitt'.r you ard the gr't at
inwcrease of cities, the d:tntirsi which i
wll I-eset the next gcn r ltin will
be the existence of just su, h not s s
i4 in that have m:ade Paris ter
rile to l:lw and ord-r. If we nould
:nrd against si:.ii:tr s 'cu s in the
city of New York, th " quA.tiou, w!Iw
to mnake the l:boring man work less
tand have more for his wcrt,-will
have to be considered. For, in
.Site of all social science a! d all the
dry thcoripingm which is flung at us
irein tLe ditierent churches andt
societies in the course of the year, I
still nmaint:tin that the ideal civil
ization which is to come, anti which
it is the duty of eve:v mirla to
'asten, is all wrapped up in that
one 1 rinciple, that the mass of man
kind work less, and enjy them
:elves more. Europe is treading
forward to the day when the mass
of men shall work less and enjoy
more, and that is the goal at winch
we aiim, and our only obj,:ct in tihese
resolutions and this movement is to:
hasten the progress of humanity in
that direction.
There are some men so saturated
with evil, so infamous in character,
so justly deserve universal execra
tion, that all rightminded people in
stinctively recoil from them with
horror. Intellectual and cultivated
they may be, yet their proper rank
is among tie world's great villains.
Of this stamp is Jefferson Davis
-the politician, the perjured con
spirator, the.traitor, the ex-rebel
i:resident, and the murderer, whom
the nation made a great mistake in
not hanging. He oughnt not to show
his face among the Americn people,
except with lips hermetically sealed.
His name has become the synonym
of a monster, and a sense of burn
ing shame ought to prevent him
from even whispering it in his own
presence. 'Were beto die from sheer
self disgust, it would be no blunder
and no los to the world.
Who is this ert'son Daviu, and
what has he done? Years ago be
was in Miissiippi the open, blatant,
andisguised repudiator of state ob
ligationa In tb winterof 1860
61, being a senator of the United
States, sworn to sumpprt its Consti
tution, he was a conspirator plot
ting the disolution of the Union and
the deatruction of this Government
Subsequently he became a traitor
to his country by overt acts; and be
Sing eitmn  is the rebe pros dent of
the rebel Canfederacy, he conducted
a war of rebellion against the na
tional authority, and persisted in it,
at great sacrifice of human life, long
after every hope of its success had
been completely blasted. As the
commander-in-chief of the rebel
forces, he treated the Union priso
ners whom the fortunes of war
placed in his power, with a barbar
ity and fiendish cruelty hitherto un
known among civilized men, and
seldom witnessed even among sav
ages-literally starving them to
death by hundreds and thousands.
When General Grant forced his way
through the intrenchments that de
fended Richmond, this same Jeffer
son Davis, like a sneak and coward,
abandoned his associates in treason,
and, disguised in woman's dress,
sought to escape from the country
whose justice he had provoked and
whose soil he had reddened with
the blood of patriotism. His whole
history is that of a selfish, desper
ate, dangerous, unprincipled, and
exceedingly bad min. He belongs
to the great criminals of the race,
distinguishe. by no virtues worthy
of being remembered, and notable
only for those intensities of evil
which assimilate man to a fiend.
That he should be permitted to live
in a land which has suffered so
much from his life, and which might
so justly claim his death, is a clem
ency which no other nation but
this would practice. We believe in
capital punishment, especially for
such a vile traiior to his country
and such an inhuman murderer
of Union prisoners as Jefferson
This is tLe man-by a nuistace
suffered to live, and by the most
unblushin- effrontery opening his
mouth--who is now p. rambulating
the South, an.l making spcches
!i led with the old venom of treason,
to his S ouiheru Democratic friends.
e -rebel', and associ.te in crina
and laurder. Tihe unlung troitor
is still pr1ting about Sta.e rights,
iledi1ng th. right of sacassion and
rebellion. He does not appireciate
the governmental le"ui cy that has
spalred him from the gadlows. He
exhorts the Soathern Democraev
to look hopefally into tho future,
and p ttiently wait for the good time
com'ing when the Deimocrati;- part
shall gain. c mtrol of the N.,tien-t:
Gov,,ernment, and when the "lo;,t
e::use" thirough this party "will be
crowned with victorv and tric, mph
ant succe s." He boldly defends the
Rebe:llion. In his recent speehl at
Augusta Georgia, he said: "I am
not of those who accent the situation
I acecept nothing." "I don't believe
I did any wrong." Southern Dem
ocraus, hearing these words, cheered
him with thunders of applause.
This is rebel pluck where it is safe
to bh placky, disarmed but not
changed, and ready to fight again
at the first favorable moment Jeff
erson Davis don't mean to give it
up, and he don't mean that the
South shall give it up, if he can help
it He is to-day the representative
man of the greater portion of South
ern Democracy. The North will do
well to understand what this South
ern cheering for the arch-traitor
means. Politically considered, his
speech-making is a grave misfortune
to the Democratic party; yet it re
veals a fact which the American
people should thoroughly ponder.
A party whose principles make such
a man its friend, and whose success
is the basis of his hopes, has upon
it themark of Cain. Theoldissues
of the war and of reconstruction,
manifestly, are not dead. They are
still living and active, and will be
as long as such men as Jefferson
Davis are the favorites of Sounern
Democrats. They will confront the
people at the next presidential eleo
tion. Another battle remains to be
fought, and another victory to be
won, in order to make secure the
proper fruits of the war; and the
best way to gain the end is to r
elect the conqueror of the Rbellion
for the nest President of them
United State..--&Aanga
A substritute for the madr
onus car-hook has been invented in
this eity. It eomsiste of a hadle
chain and hook. The hook i tobe
welded to the wifiletree, which pre
vents the ure of it as a woaponr. The
handle hanging on the dshboarud.
It has all tihe requiremente of the
ordinary hook, aid under the prin
*ht cir ,iiteOe would be a ftting
subsitute for the oan now in ne
---O T-
No. 49.
An Act
To amend and re-enact article 578
of the Code of Practice.
Szcrloii 1. Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representa
tives of the State of Louisiana in
general assembly convened, That
article 573 of the Code of Practice
be amended and re-enacted so as to
read as follows : Whoever intends 4
to appeal may do so either by peti
tion or by motion in open court at
the same term at which the judg
ment was rendered, upon olerings
to give such surety as the court
may direct, as hereafter provided.
But in cases where the judgment ]
decrees a diverce, such petition or
motion of appeal must be filed with
in thirty day, not including Sun
days, after the signin~ of such
judgment, instead of ten days, and 4
sh all operate as a suspension alp-<
peal therefrom, and there shall be 4
no devolution appeal allowed there- I
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc.
That this act shall take effect from
and after its passage.
(Signed) GEO. W. CARTER,
Speaker of the House of Repre
(Signed) OSCAR J. DUNN,
Lieutenant Governor and President
of the Senate.
Approved :arch 3, 1871.
(Signed) H. C. WARMOTH,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true ccpy:
GEio. E. Bovra,
Secretary of State.
No. 60. AN ACT
For the relief of A. Mays, of the
parish of Bitnville.
S:CXT:O. 1. Be it enacted by the
SLunate and House of Representa
tives of the State of Louisiana in
4eneral assembly convened, That 4
thse sum of one tLousand eight hun
dred and nine ($1809,) dollars be
mnd the same is hereby appropriat
ed out of any money or funds in the
State treasury not otherwise ap
propriated, to J. A. A. Mays, of the
parish of Bienville, to indemnify
hlim f,,r the loss of several warrants
on the State treasury owned by him,
.amounting together to said sum,
and wl,iýh warrants were lost by
said Mays and remain still unpaid.
See. 2. Be it further enacted, etc.,
That the State Auditor is hereby
required to warrant on the State
Treasurer in favor of said J. A.
Mays for the sum aforesaid.
SEc. 3. Be it further enacted, etc.,
That this act shall take effect from
and after its passage.
(Signed) GEO. W. CARTER,
Speaker of the House of Repre
(Signed) OSCAR J. DUNK,
Lieutenant Governor and President
of the Senate.
Approved March 22, 1871.
(Signed) IL C. WARMOTH,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Gao. E. Bovs,
Secretary of State.
An Act
No. 61
Fixing the time of holding the dis
trict court in the Ninth Judicial
District of the Stateof Louisiana,
comprising the parishes of Ba
pides, Natchitoches, Sabine sad
Sunros 1. Be it emacted by the
Senate and foxuse a RBp-rseta.
tives of the State of Lou5uia in
general an.bly 'eoanoed, that
th tnme of holding the and J a
Parish of Sabine, fourth Monday
of November and fourth Moday of
Prowided, That should it ever
ec. that tihe frLt day ao amyearrt
as .s d in this aet is a da of pb.I
lic rest, then and in sumo case T,
shall be the duty of the judge of
such court to begin the session
thereof on the next legal day.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc.,
That this act shall take effect
from and after its passage, and all
laws or parts of laws inconsistent
herewith be and they are hereby re
(Signed) GEO. W. CARTER,
Speaker of the House of Repre
(Signe]) OSCAR J. DUNN,
Lieutenant Governor and President
of the Senate.
Approved March 22, 1871.
(Signed) H. C. WARMOTH.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Gro. E. BorwV,
Secretary of State.
No. 62. AN ACT
For the relief of E. North Cullom,
of the parish of Avoyelles, and
for other purposes.
Whereas, The Honorable E.
North Cullom was duly elected,
commissioned and sworn as Judge
of the Seventh Judicial District
Court of Louisiana'; and whereas
he did well and faithfully do and
perform all the duties of his office
irom the first day of January, anno
Domini one thounsmd eight hun
dred and sixty-four, until the thiu
teenth day of June, anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-five ; and whereas he never
received any remuner,ºtion what
ever for his said services ; now,
SECcios 1. Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representa
tives of the State of Louisiana in
General Assembly convened, That
the State Treasurer be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to
pay unto said E. North Callom ,the
tunpaid balance of his salary as
Judge of the Seventh Judicial Dis
trict of Louisiana, for one year and
live months, beginning on the first
day of January, anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and sixty
four, and ending on the thirteenth
day of June anno Domini one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-five,
at the rate of four thousand dollars
per annum, amounting to five thou
sand eight hundred dollars, out of
any money remaining in the trea
sury not otherwise appropriated.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc.,
That said sum be paid on the war
rant of the said E. North Cullom,
and that this act take effect from
and after its passage.
[Signed] GEO. W. CARTER,
Speaker of the House of Repre
[Signed] OSCAR J. DUNN,
Lieutenant Governor and President
of the Senate.
Approved March 21, 1871.
(Signed) H. C. WARMOTH,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Gao. E. BoVrn,
Secretary of State
No. 63. AN ACT
Entitled an ct for the reliefof
Centenary College of Louisiana.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the
Senate and House of Representa
tives of the State of Louisiana in
General Amsrmbly convened, That
in accordance with thMe conditibn
statedin the original isle of the
College of Louisiana (act No. 74,
1846, and set No. 118, 1847,) the
Centenary College of Louisiana
shall not be appropriated to any
other purpose than a literary iasti
See. 2. Be it further enacted)r, et.,
That the bard of trustes o said
Cntery loaege sala bsad are
hebye), lied from all further
seal saubeqent sda and
atsll e to the St1 dfdi I
Se Be it f.rtuer -eet, .,
d aaltewrs or parts of laws i
coadiet with the emstrary to the
FreebiQtor of this set be andtbe
same are hereby repesaid
That said act shaD taste aoet frot
lad after its ~peas
I [aigal oo. w. arsa
8peaker of the Rouse f rusm
[ [igaedJ] (UCAR . DUNN,
Ve'in ea Tnes PVie
S q " "am 1 n "o 2 acs I ss 8 i Itio
_-isall. I aS I a Iito
One $S $7 S 1 1
Two 1 a I 1 Ia 36
Three 9 13 30
Pear 1. I o M i
Five 90 35 4 3 e
six 15 a T o 100
1 Colan. 45 0 130 175 1s
Traniaet.. adv.Inm It, $1 60 per
sqare t a£e AuAa; hah r-b t
insertion, 75 eatS
Al bia anotiles at advertsmenta
to be charged twenty cosa per Mae each
Joe Pamssi asseated with -ami
and dispath.
Wedding Cards eassed in acsieame
with prevaing fehicons.
Funeral Notionm printed as shortest s
tiee and with quickest dispatch.
142....Gravier ....142
(Up Stair.)
(i. AWsII--IaUUN as31'.)
ALt Zaew.
19.....Commercial Place .....1
New Orleans, La.
Prompt attention given to civil bed
nees in the State and United States
38 ly.
26 St. Charles Street 26
Prompt attention given to eivil bainess
in the several courts of the State.
cinss or s arUrTs otaRus cmur OOw.
'ommiuioner of the Court of Claims
Depositions, testimony, acknowledg.
meant, etc., taken at short notice.
Passports seeued from I Sato Depart.
ment, Washington, with accuracy and
Office at the Customhouse, over the
Post Office newspaper delivery.
New Orleans. Louisiana.
A.  Fields & Robert Dolton
Attorneys & Counsellors at Law.
No 9. Commercial Place, 2d. Floor.
"Striet Attention to all Civil anad
Criminal business in the State and United
States Courts.
81 Carondelet St., near Poydrma.
New Orleans Louisiana.
Attorneys at Law,
28.......Natchea Street.......98
S(Morgan's. Bilding.)
New Orleans, lna.
oio , No. 120 coxoes sscmr.
Naew kOrleans, Naew taork, vrpoo,
Loada, Ha'e, Ppris, or
&m., at the o.tios
of the inmre&
A C 18tr5 . I eu. Uesddm
.~t .s 3AoWAL
_ramrK . Itw., L £ Wine. AI*.rY.

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