"REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." VOLUME 1. NEW ORLEANS LO UISIANA, SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1871. NUMBER 66. s lii' ·\! .N) MAN.A(,ED BIY C'L)D.-.: ",:": is *'INP ~sNDA EVERY - tý,;, , 1' :;I 1A.\Itl)Nr)F.L3 r STlrEFT I'I~)); r HBACK.~~ ORLL'.11id e' A `T0INE. &rnlo, 'in. U" IRO1 - ,--- Editor. '. It. S. YI CB'HRA ("K J1 iI,'I l#ir. ý Ten.aM'" of 'W1If4cR11'TIo04: lia M.'.I..I . . {O C1 Y.41 'I y P, R OSP EC'TUS OF The Thuiei&Xi2. l" t1*e ci 1 'aior to estahlih annother r,,p~ll"LI.'' j4'11ru111 in Newv Orhlans, Pc3.'ri, '1-) of the. Louz1y4~xIAN, t, till a necessity which has i," " u ien,,, and 1ome·timer painfully- f-:, t... In the tLrat:ition state I ...". p, .11',1, iu the ir it "tniggling efforts wliht!, ',j.L wte conctiv to be their 6,it l r, galrdl. that tuc4.4h inform "" i;,n, ri.lli jOnc, encoulraatflit1t, coon p.1 .ru.l r'olrloof have beecn 1otft, in r, uui r-ion! f thc Lick of Ii medium. thr1,ug 4i".1h' tb'"s.' cIl.ciHt'iesm gugt 1w e1i p;.ii. We shlni! strive to akekl - thca L~"'.. .11A1 a de,;±.-r duet il theshe POLICT. A' or: motto Inldic-at', the LourI fa t. lic'1 LUii ho ' )il' 4tllrcr11 .a . w*ee ..I -.?jiqilcir?'I.dsI-i.OXS" «'" p.1 .. ,t"" .1 the N44curity a114i enj y! r ..t~.-~. -,,cicil liberty, tiis I. sol I.A' #.I. .itv vf all Lien before til jlaw, O..1 6'! I,:.hart: it listributj4.u of don ai ,i1 lU-trtage to tll Rho muri. i' "",r '1i of fllhiviug :a.1imitic. of r" , . r... 1.g the` In! IO'rv r if tLt I fitte t :(rI111oting h-r11on1 or I u ii .., ,K,.. . j...+5" '8 1j',i fr,-:tw - 'r.1 a i ll 1 "t S t ..O'Ifl''. wiii 1' 1041;gIuitI L . 1. t" C"' ' 'I!,,wi' 510111 11114.; 9". I"^, ''"""~ 1',s tI e! " l dill] e. k 1,. .. 11-1 i r,11 ,e .:" , wll514'41i I"i.b" " .- . til:} .'.1 l" b"i 144 t~i1, .1b~·ris 441' 41411t thlt 41u1rc111414'Y (If l;,w. ,.":r l, 1.. ." ,t.,. -lr ate our u "lc i TAX AfI tN. Le ; 1.1:: sip, r . the do.trnc;. of :111 '}"ý',., i1 I,, tit- )f turtin' mightyc~aug, 41 i4' a11' 41 f::thllfl colecltion of 1i1. liult 'ri, ai.It il itb tha be? ignotr "'41-!:' .! 't sry t h'gpitruuite? o liga TI4 AXATION. We6 &11 ~i rt 11 the' drorvine ofa (n P'! 1 Ii- t i'' ic if ct eatalshicu i . thzjr ~l 4t·!iii'It 1V1('lt. Ond theL ,eCm'-~ it: IL4 I 4i,?l'ijtv of a k4.pblwali·n Gos' 1 ) '.r P Tc from1 an epixei-l *l; Tl:l 0 Ilul~irrary exriltenee, Pniud 44thl4'Aiilt :j. a a ,l~l~jS, tiLit if WI~ (*3llIC~t .' "'~nouindli '. we Ihall at aL: I~ FIEEDH~A' SAVINS'S AsD TRI'ST COMIPANY 6ar'Ernment, Match. 1666. ·U C~E 5"A9NfltTOJI, D C. h. L. e~ TOYs Actzuary/. 4T ~ri' 0I~oPLEAXS, LA. C, . PTi ~IJI X'VATT Casbili. E· toao'd~aj POETRY. THIIE OLD STORY. rAWJY DOWXN|iO. It chanced that once a Persian maid Into a ac'red forest strayed, And roving on in restless mood, I-alf frightened at the solitude, Within the, greenwood's depths profound, Awestruck, a marble idol found. So well the chiselled stone was wrought, So truly Nature's features-canglt, That, as the girl in wonder gaeld, In glorious rmajer-sty it blazel And grandly glistened, on the sod No image, but an actual god. Bold by degrees, she falteringly stepped, Close and more closely still up crept, And as one sees in Eastern land, An instant into bloom expand The buds by tropic sunshine nurst, So in her heart love full-blown buart. She tears the clinging vines away That hide her treasure from the day; Of lotos flowers and c-ampae; leaves, With jasmine buds rich garlands weaves, And makes their dewy splendors climb About the brow she calls sublime. Her snowy arms around it prest, With glosing checks and he.aving breast, To warm the marble into life And wiko it up to passion's strife By every artless art she strove, Till it should give her love for love. But strove in vain ! No answering tone Sends back an echo to her own, Until at last. with footsteps slow And tear-blind ey.s mnd voiee of woe, The young life chilled with bitter pain, She hastens to her horne aganm. Tis thus with wonmcn ! We enshrine A human love we dleem divine, To it in admiration cling, t Round it our he,rt's last treasures fling, Exalt our idol on its throne, Alnd find it but a seuseless stone. CHOICE ~ELECTIONS. ,IR. VALLANDTGH1AM DEAD. When one who Ihas very con -der iably oe'eutpie; pulhi;e attentioin, d'e. andi g. - s wlero lhin moral acc ,anta 're' auditoi Ly :he Suprenme Judge, uis f,'inls at on'e mak:e an irven tory of hi; virtues, and even hi'; ;e verest critics are' are incti , as far S:i posibhlo, to cornul,r- tih offensue of his hlif. No ,one wishei w;ant,,;, Sv to sHtrike a f:;llcn foe, esie-.:idll .f his fall has been atr:elded %%ith ':rCllustine.: caltculattd to exeite nmnta.n s3yhtpatilv. :eIr. Vgallludil;ghlmt, Cow that. ice i: lhtl by the tragic mishale of lhi ,wVn Ladcs, wJl uneut-,uitetdly recte!ive a . wsar tribute fraom luai', it lia:', ,,t hi., De;u,cr;atic friv;.edl.. OJec p.. >.r iras alrc(,:ly si oken cf "his uu h- intreTidi.!y," "'his eX.jUlsth le:aru .i-s," "'iis u. sctilonal paterit i.,m,"a, d 'si"s . 'i j palt:l virtuesof life .aid la, or." 'hL..o aire ce.tainly .ery v hi., comllimrnuts to pay t, my onei, whether livatg or dead. u'hyC ciouiehti the sm.n, a., imlplt l. aitprval of .is Fu1,lie record. i 'h, Iter ubrcean ,end reljgious press ,rill not anl, canno t, witLout the 'rossetst inlc)usisteCr(y, Sl( ak of fMr. Sallaudirgh:lu in .aity :u,'h laudlatr;, teria. Those %ahoee o sevetely col - .letone.l his course both during an:; 4 nee th watr mulllt e'ntirely l reverse heii previous judgment in ord~e il.;ui to deal with hiris nlCe. Tie ;:ct that he is dead dcloe.- rot emaki ,lie hair white- or black in respect to what ho did iwhen living. Hi: ecord is n,) better aRlnd no -orse ioecuso ninished. That stands just [as he himself h.s madle it. Whatever mayv have been the Spersonal qua'ities of Mr. Vallanig i ham In ti.e pr;\ate relations of lifet, there is no escaping the contcluinrei t..at, if he was right in the courst 'vnich he pursued during the war, then the nation was monostrouslh td wickedy wrong in its course. .He tt oi aides with the Rebellion. zave it cil his sympathies, opposed all the war measures of the Oovern m -nt, antd did everything in his power, except actual fighting, to i urake the Rebellion a success and the War for the Union a failure. In short, he was a rebel in feeling as strictly as Jefferson Davie or Gen eral Lee. His conduct leaves not the slightest room for doubt upon this point. No eympathy for him, sleeping .in his grave, can ever change the fact, or modify te moral features, that he placed himself practically with the enemies of his country in the hour when it moat needed friends. Those who enlo gize the man dead must, of oursne, approve of &te rma viig. Ina iword, oommenudaition of Mr. Val usndieghamu, whether living or dead, ae neessarily coneliat0ion of the Governnment and the people for putting down the Rebellion by force of arms. Passing by his private life, and speaking onily of his public career, we have repeatedly and severely censured the record of Mr. Vallan digharm; and we now see no occa sion to take back a single word. The motto of burying one's faults with him, and remembering only hit virtues, is hardly applicable in such a case. History will not and should not deal thus leniently with his name. The Rebellion, with which he sympathized, wab one of the greatest crimes known in the annals of the word. It had not the slight est justification in any injuries eith er inflicted or threatened by the General Government. its great purpose, as admitted by Alexander HI. Stephens, wras to perpetuate slavery and extend its area-a sys ten which John Wesley described as "the vilest system upon which sun ever shone." It was armed treason against the freest, purest, and mildest republican government under which any people ever lived. It proposed, as the means to its end, the dissolution of the Union, with all the prospective damages and d&a:gers certain to arise therefrom in the event of its success. It was a patriotic and religious utity, when all means of conciliation had failed. to crush this reb.llion by the sword No other course was left. The na tion must die, or the R.1hellion must be oniered. For four four ln nyears the Northern people. at a vast expenlitu;re of treasnr and bl)~o.l fought this armed tretason, and at last overwhelhned it. Were they riihtt in so doing ? If n it, then it is n ver right to suppress a rebel lion. Then e;'il g o tvermne:t is 1i At1hm, not haLving the right to ex ..rcise thLe powers neeC-sa-y To tit lrewervation of its own exi:.tence. To rre ;e'tt this question in soim i of its details, wad. the lamented Iin e i:u right in his calm and persist clt purpose to condluct the ,overn mant to final victory? WA. thi ,:lgress of the Unithidl S.ates right it d-: i:in-g tie wats nr, mncat:s fot tmi',ess:tllly 1,r,.,eutin'g the war.u \\cre the s,,liers a nit officers "h,. .ustiti.ted the Felderal fortes right n fi;hiti:g to preserve til Unioiu d s.,v, t ,.ti.,n Irom bt inig dis :ii;ttera::ttd aril ruined? Wlas th pulpit riih: in praying f ,r the sue .es: tf the armuy. and so lr,:achiill :s to ati'.u' ,In. l encourage th: aublic htart? VWere the I:cihl rieht in lendling their inoneyv to the i;overilnieilt, antd strt ining ever? :erve to sust:in it in the day of it. eril? Is the nation right in now :tni riiz the livi\g who fotulht and irvived the struggle, andi decorat ng the graves of the heroic d(eal who, fought and fell? ThInes questions supply their owe answer to every man who had thi head and the heart of a pat riot odur in"g the war; an answer, moreover. which lnever c'anged with timne T7,, G,7ornm,'nt m'as rijht: aid it 'rium ih tew snimly. that of might. 't u.lso ,f riqh'. The Rebellion wat a crime, and it was thie duty of th. Government to lLut it dowin. St, uweo thought themn, and so we thinA Itow. Mr. Vallandigham did n;t st'su" with his country .and its cusce ii. hu.s struggle for the right He was found on the side of its entnrit(s an:rd this in ti' inglorious rcor.; that will go to posterity. It ought to be condemned. It wasecondemu ed while he was living; and his deat I f.urnishcs no reasou for Changing ;his judgment. His so-called "N.ni Departure' indicated no softenin; his old unpatriotic and proslavery principles, but was merely a pro feo~ssed acceptance of results against which he had fought with all his might. We believe it to be a duty to hold up such ch racters to public acrn. their bad example. The fact that they believed themrslves right though it may modify the degre of their guilt in a court of con'cince. no more justifies their wrong titaa, was Sauml of Tartarnt justified by a like beflif when perseeuting the dimsiples of Jesums. Let the day be Ifar distant when a sympathizer with such treason may conceal his offense by an honest faith in the treason. There are somoe.errors of judgment which no man can innocently com mit. - There are some obhigations iia le pect to which every oe is bound to think right, as the intete - Id lNOME CIICLE. L--I--- -- - HOW TO FOR M THE HABIT. Of all personal habits there is no one that contributes more to success in life than that of early rising. The advautages to be derived from it have been exp:atiated upon by teach ors from time immemorial: and they have been felt and appreciated by all who have cultivated it. But the practica' question is. How i i this useful habit to be acquired? And the answer is, very easily, at this season of the year. The sun willfhelp you toward it, ifyou sleep in a room exposed to the east, with your blinds open, so that the first light of the morning can enter the windows unobstrueted. It isdifflc ult to sloeplong with the bright sun beams streamin faull upon your eye lids. And the h tbit of early awak ening, thus easily formed in sum mer, is apt to adhere to one in win ter, when hours of useful labor mwy be performed before the sun shows himself, and while the stars are s.hining brightly from heaven. One is struck, in reading the lives of great men, to find how many of them were in the habit of rising early. It is said that Jonsi QINCv .kmDri allowed himself regularly only four hours of sleep. When he was President of the United States, he was in the habit, during the summer months, of going to the Pot nu'e and bathing in the river, mornings, be'ore his neighbors were up. Disixi. WEBSTER rose; at four o' clock in summer, and in the win er hl used to shave by candle-light, aund do most of his correspondence before breakfast. Habits are readly formnd in early life, itnl once fully established, they I a: e ilflcult to change. The boys ::d young inea who, during the pt s.'lt sumin(ri', bti come regular. and lixed in thehahit of early rising, mill lhave established one great p,oint toward the success and hap pins o,,f their future lives. On : practice should invariably be obs0)erve 1 by early risers a ,d that i,, always to take som'th:n; into the .tolu.cc-a-: clp of c ithti or some- I hing else-b-tfoce readtling, or doing li tltlug e:se, afrer r:sing. Other ,+vse languor and debi.ity ate likely tu ensuie. MOI'rIERS F' MANY CHILDREN. "Pondier every su':ject with care iul nlthation, if %ou wish to acquire .lou h,lege." What is then to be the ncental st'tus of th it uto:her who I has ia pprgl fual baby in her arms. and only time to "ponder" that ".aby, so we:ary is her body with its 'p,ondr"-osity ? Where's the Solo mon to answer this question ? Baby knowledge she may indeed have; but the baby will grow up by and by, and how is she to acquire 'knowledge" under such circum stances, and be a fit, intellectual .omtpaniou for it then? That's what some people want to know, when little brothers anid sisters tread so i ost ,n each other's heels, that the .other has scarcely breathing time .stween. lasSy FER.. A WORD FulOR LITTLE ONES. Have one rough suit for your i little ones, this summer, to tumble dbout the dirt in. Thie maiount of alippiness they will get out of that rcough suit, and their liberty in it, is not to be comnputed by any par nt's arithmetic. Only a child aropght up to city pwvements and Sline clothes can add up that sum. Will you do it, mothers? Just for this one summer, if no more. Leave ,ff for a time the sashes and laces, and let the lit.le ones get happily, and, what is better, healthily dirty. IN THE TIMrE Of the fist Napleon, when s draft was made fur soldiers, ne man had a substitute put in his pielce. After a time another lraft was made and the same man was called again, but he said: "'I su free. I sent a substitute into the army and he was killed, so I am as a dead man." Thecase was carried to the coiats ,f France, and it was Sthere decided that the man was free W'Lkke Pepin, Minn., is iafet ed vith a m trine monster, between tuL size of an elephant and a rhi ..oosros, w.ich moves through the war wuk greatt rapidmty. LAWS -OF THr- STATE OF LOUISIANA. (PUBLI8HED BY AUTHORITY.] Cowx'rnxn rnom ofa LATI NUMa armTKaZ sl. The subscriber or subscribers to the capital stock of this association shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may be incurred by the same beyond the amount of the capital stock held and owned by him or them reepectivey. ARTICLE XIII. The liquidation of-Jhe affairs of the association shall be made by three commissioners appointed by the stockholdors, at a meeting con vened for that purpose, after thirty days' previous notice in two of the city newspapers. Said liquidators shall be solvent persons, residents of this city, not indebted to the as sociation. Their term of oflice shall be assigned, and all ncoessary pow er conferred upon them. The period of liquidation shall be fixed, as well as their compensation, in such man ner as the stockholders may by re solution, I" general meeting con vened, determine. Soc. 3 Be it further enacted, edc., That this act take effect from and after its passage. [Signed] OEO. W. CARTER. Speaker of the House of Representa tives. [Signed] OSCAR J, DUNN. Lieutmannt Governor and President of Senate. Approved March 11, 1871. (Signed) IL C. WARMOTH Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: GEO. E. Bov, Secretary of State. No. 48. An Act To amend an act entitled "An Act to extend the limits of the parish of Orleans," etc., approved Marcl 16, 1870, and to prescribe addi tional regulations for the govern ment of the corporation of the city of New Orleans. SEcTION 1. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the State of Louisiana iii g.ýnoral assembled convened, That section four of said act No. 7, ap proved M:lrch 16, 1870, be amen ded and re-enacted to read as fol iwas: That the government of the city of New Orleans and the admin istratic.n of its affairs shall be vea ted in a Mayor and seven Admin istrators, to wit: one of Finance, one of Commerce, one of improve ments, one of Assessments, one cf Police, who shall be cr officio mem ber of the board of Metropolital. Police, one of Public Accounts, and one of Waterworks and Public Buildings, with administrative exe cutive functions; and said Mayor and Administrators shall beappuiJ ted or elected as hereinafter provi ded, and shall form the Council of the city of New Orleans. Sec. 2. Be it further en'cted, etc., ThaLt seC i)n sevenof said act be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: The elections for the Mayor and the several Administrators shall be held biennially, at the time of the elections for members of the Gene ral Assembly; and they shall be chosen at large by the qualified voters pf the city of New Oleansa. All vacancies occurring by resigna tinon, death or any disability, at any other time than the general Selection, shall be filled by appoint ment of the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, when in session, or etsubmitted for sueh advi ce and consent at its net :session; provaded, that ahobld the numb.er of vacancies, or other ca9se or rea son, justify the expense of holding an e~tion, to fill the mricucies or positions beldiy- - ojletment, the Governor or the Legislature may call an eleetion for tht- purpose. Vacancies may b temporarily filled, antil action of tbe Gornor, by the Administrator of Emaues, sating s. Mayra pro iueyu sad tl Mayor may agu ay Asmi·iabk tor to anotuher departmmr ed isl, i;.ad. thaPame our·am..shl lbe observed in case of temporary ab aenceore ckuom. And ahl oLI herein provided ior shall hold their effices until their aqg ors are duly elected, or appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That section eight of said act be amended and re-enacted to read as follows: The Mayor shall be the chief exe cntive officer of the city. He shall keep his office in the City Hall; he shall affix the seal of the corpora- i tion to all its official acts; when the t same shall be necessary he shall see i that the laws and ordinances be properly and .faithfully executed; a he Mhall be-t officio justie and eon servator of the peace; he shall call extra meetings of the Council when ever he shall deem the same neces- t ary, or. whenever three members 1 of the samne shall, in writing, stating the object thereof, request him to do so; he shall from time to time lay before the Conncil a full state ment of the affairs of the city. It shall be his duty to report to the Council all officers and persona em ployed by the city who fail to per form their duty, or commit any a:t - for which they should be removed from emoe' and may in his discre tion suspend any such officer or said' suspension at their first meet ings thereafter. He shall preside at the meeting of the Council, but shall have no vote therein, except when there is a tie, in which case he shall have the casting vote: he shall have the power to veto any ordinan ce or resolution or any spocific ap propriation not required by the law of the State, by giving in writing, ,it or before the tirst regular meeting of theCouncil thereafter,his reasons against the same; otherwise he shall sign all ordinances and resolutions paessed in due form by the The force i .,f law; and five Administrators vo ting for any vetoed ordinance, reso :ution or appropriation shall pass the same, the objections of theMa} or notwithstanding: he shall have general superintendence over the department of administration, and shall lay before the Council every mnonth the monthly repqrts herein after required to be made to him by 4mid departments. His term of offi -e, when elected, shall be for two years; he shall receive a salary of l seven thousand five hundred (7,500) iolltrs per annum, payable monthly in his own warrant, countersigned )y the Administrator of Public Ac counts, and shall not be' allowed mny other fee or compensation what -ver: he shall be permitted to ap p.ºint a private secretary and such ,ther clerks as the Council may au ,horize, whose salaries or comp. n cation shall be fixed by the Coun_ cil, and shall exercdae all other pow ers hereto ore vested in the Mavo- ,f the city of New Orleans nnder existing laws, not inconsistent or in eoxnflict with this charter. Sec. '4. Be it further enacted, etc., Th it the words, "shall prescribe the mode and f, rm of keeping the corporation books and accounts in n every department created by this &et," be omitted from the duties of Lhe Administrator of Finance, in the first subdivision .f section nine ,f said act, and inserted among those of the Administrator of Pub ,ic Accounts, in the sixth subdivi ,ion of section nine of said act. See. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That the second esbdivision of see 'ion nine of said act thll be amen dad and re-enacted to read as fol iows: &cond--a Department of Coi mnerce, which shall have general su perintendence of all matters relating to markets, wharvres, rairods, emnals, weights and meastaes, the fle department and manufactories, ted shall be vested with and per torm sack ether functiona and du ties as may, from time.to time, be prwecribed by Council Sec. 6. Be it further maated etc., That the fourta subdivision f eno. tion nine of said act shaD be amend ed to rmead us follows: ourth-A Dape~imet.of Sm plrotment which shall Ive gen e*al superinte: d--na of all matters relating to the streets,.levees, side walks pveentse, und the. con streatio ud repair of bridges, sad th*dainage s t oL asq yand abail be rested with sad psrorm wuhe other ha.etios saiddatihsm may be pirscribed by the Concil wNlfmu s - m U e itai RATEB OF ADVERTISING. _ar_"i 6n wmos l , s 6 mo 1 yr One I ST7 $9 $12 $30 Two 7 9 19 I0 36 Thre I 9 19 20 35 80 Four 15 25 I5 50 70 Fi"e 39 6 s0 85 tix 24 2 50 70 100 1 Column.) 4 8 )J 120 175 250 Transient advestiesemt., $1 50 per square dad insertion; each subsequest insertion. 7 cents. All busines notiese o advesrtiemets to be charged twety cents per lime each insertion. . Jef P amrra easested with tness --dmgar& O emasea e in acrdaas with prevllig geas. - -Fneral Notices painted ma bortet no. tice and with quickest dispatch. LA WYERS' ADVERTIS.1EYTS T. A. BARTLETTE, ATIWcEY ad4 CUUNSELOB AT LAW. 142 .... Grayier Street. .... 14 (Up Stairs. NEW ORLEANS, LA. HAWKINS & THARP, (a. nA =aw --mgA a ,u&.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNBELLOUS At XamW.r 19......Commrcl Place......19 New Oleans, La. Prompt attentioa given to eivil bel. ness in the State and United States Courts. 3s ly. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW oFIIcr, 26 St. Charles Street 26 Prompt attetion gives to civil beelsness in the several courts of the State. a. I .IB ,. camIK o as carrnD t Trs amnu r oove, Commidsioner of the Cout of Claim. Depositions, testimony, ackaowledg ments, etc., taken at short notice. Passports secured from the State Dept ment, Washington, with accuracy aad promptness. Oflee at the Customnhoud, over he Post Olffice newspaper delivery. New Orleans, Louisiana. A. P. Fieldd BkRewrt Dolton Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. No 9. Coamercial Place, 2d. Floor. o-- l*Strict Attention t all Civil and Criminal business in the State and United stblte Courts. S. MYERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 81 Caroadelet St., near Poydra. New Orleans, Louisiana. HENRY C. & H. M. DIBBLE, Attorneys at Law, 28.......natchez :Mret.......28 (Mogarn. Bding.) New Orteu, tLa t1YSCRA'CE CO3IPAXIES-BAY .K LOUISIANA MVTUAL INSURANBCE 00C3PAT oicr, No. 120 combos rr. INStRa .IR. MARI. . AND PnIES 5IE New Orlesas, New Yerd.Liverpo4 London, Harre, Paris, or Iresn, at the optioa of tlhe inure. CHRLES BRIOOii, Pzesidml A. CABRIUBE. Vkoe.Psdet I. P. 1on. a sctrll. .ig MPIR Z MUTUAL LItE XNSBrLNCE . 3h ra ,~T or I r roUs L4.e anr Oeans rsewasesAruse