Newspaper Page Text
i,.' . of that State, Il sp-' I Ln t,,1 that measure, .. J. irn:ds shio v. In rlh.;ion, I ask all of you to E. :ae ,\onr earnest and hearty art in the policy I annolnce. ,4h man be willing to make sa lcrifice for the common I shall be embrassed with 1, .: r,n. aiuplications for office, I sL,:i be obliged to disappoint , uiMajority. I want the Re- I fl"rans of Mobile to agree among 1 : *e.s upon men they wish to .,ap!,oimte d, remembering only n In the first place, I t ;.: hnet utmen; next, competent ... I.2_t. sound Republicans, ti p. ia, 1. I promise yoa that b ,:.r I shall have had time to in- it i ,; r.;' lf. you will not be able to ,...! to u maln in the cuatomhoile p :il'fu! lolitics. ["Good," and R (,wr.rd now as to the future. C S::.,: strong faith that we can . :he S tite oif Alabama for the lej S r''.,' Iarty in 1872, and give li r i.ople the administration of an I:.1 lb:lacn principles. Let all work :. b:,r f,"r that end, and if my be- t Si=:. ll tend to produce that at I. shall be satistild. There is clI ...t. r,1,ct that we shall carry as ir,: vt in I+72, an! what a ..a :tlti(ipation it is, that by cii :..,1 ,l rt we may be able to reC J .'the tielctoral vote of Alabama the r.:, ,,J of justice and equal Cei .: .:. We, shall elect a Repub- it .'rs:lent, and that Paesident, i 2,.: probability, will be res ;: (;rant. 'Applause.] The lica cr. ,,f R,'publicanism is blest of put -r ,l ',1 a sure of ultimate success, Lot #: r lE.,cd rceverneh and disconr ,', 11i, tiLr.) may be. I tL k 1K for this visit, and say .-.: ':' I ,syre o earnest co .r, a, l h:tt I come here for I .1 "lf t!he It(,plullican party, CUT S iw rtto is., Let us have aboe ner 1t i,, ,',nluwsion of General on ' , rrr ntrks, which werd at- the . , l.t,.d to and warmly re- unai "., t!i. c)nmpany partook of re- R. :,- ': s thi,'h were bounteourly the : 1 ., Ma llal's skillful hand, Seve I :- r r hade tlheir host good Mot] I '.f t oblicqr, ceivr at tl tlUIufERflIlt. of - Lonr'rv Orn, Ipomn 1,y'hll I---11:30. . . j) P, G It a:, ti'oe a light in " " ,' l ri:.'.gs the ý ' I aire co;uliiltd to :3(0 upel I *: j'-i s showing no material illegt I:. narnr is reported at by, a I s'rict Low Middling at shart business embra(ed sper I , the market closed as lots c respe Average Exchange the p Iist. Figur.s. pointt 14 they 15 141 " l. ls ress ., -.; -Rev re ", - , - - Booth " ... to dnt, - ,.,.cans 0 S s ,Repub I '' . , , n . ;. 4re 'ogfliZi e lected Ward C-lub fi AI. name, .10, 187 dorse t "-;re Pee NR W I'I'lme elect, o, t " ,,,s. W L, seat W 1~- ,C? * d all i .u . a n d w e ''l·;lula * Ivoo ad portOf SO'E DOJLAR A ra i minist nS LeD coD COP o Ol. vance tl 0 " Ce n a Copy. Ltim be a 1iD. ml .'at a every Po0t Oa Resol L. Reu,~gl b esola V ....a Ydj, be ubl, T U t.·OP geL1ae-l e * ** Rpyubli -Zs rEa r~h • greater versoty et 'Ir farla&he tLae , ib t '- - r gcrter Ibaea • C"orEasonly. Wulu tao TO CL lub. t Can 9 lLTp e , our unio - c s,. w. Ii tY bO a their pase Pl ts cm cer te Cmo - ..~ _ O ) I,spect, tosy REcty ad ~1Zbs-ea Tm hi~L' ·C O RE'I ~C~~~~cUmv.' ~3 BOlj~ neasurc, HALL TsoRD WARnU Ik Mo'rnw of you to ;Lr - - ;t a neeting of this Club, hearty held on Saturday evening, Jl 15, anounce. 1871, the following preambe and to mke resolutions were unanimously adop common ted: ed' with WaExaSu , The tanure of office of r office, the Pariah Executive Committee for mppoint the parish of Orleans expired by I the Re- limitation, on the 15th of November among last; and, wish to Whereas, No provision has been ig only made by them to supply the vacancy e place, I thus causedt and upetent Whereas, In several ward olubs blicaas, there are differaent clubs claiming to a that be Mother Clubs, thereby engender e to in. ing strife and ill feeling, and endan- ti able to gering the unity and safety of our '1 mouse party organization; therefore be it " and Brso!ved, By the Third Ward ° Republican Club, that the State p future. Central Executive Committee be si we can earnestly requested to exercise its C for the legitimate right, as the supreme po id give litical power in the State, to call, at w ion of an early day, an election for mem- m I work bers of a Parish Executive Commit- cc my be- tee for the parish of Orleans, and that at the same time to designate which th ere is club in each ward shall be known arry as the Mother Club. Be if further ghat a Resolved, That all other ward Lst by clubs, in this parish, be respectfully To ble to requested to unite with this club in ibama the foregoing appeal to the State equal Central Executive Committee. Be epub- it further ident, Resolved, That copies of these I be resolutions be furnished for publi- I The lcation to the New Orleans Re- of eat of publican, Citizens' Guard and the of cess, Louisianian, by cor- O. J. DUNN, ed President. joE T. M. KAVANAGH, m d say Secretary. of it co- J_ .18t1 c for HALL. SYEVEnTH WARD R. Su. o'cL arty, CLUt No. 1.-At a meeting of the A have above Club, held at their Hall, cor ner of Lapeyrouse and Prieur sts. feral on Tuesday evening, July 18, 1871, at- the following resolutions were y re- unanimously adopted: One fre- Wrnr.EAs, At an election held on Dist Curly the 10th inst., for President of the Colu and, Seventh Ward Radical Republican Dist rood Mother Club, Capt. H. L. Rey re- whic ceived a majority of the vn!t crt elect at the polls, under the supervision; the of commissioners and clerks ap- Tb pointed by the 1st Vice President, delh . j P, Griffin, in pursuance of a call is- prep in- sued by him, July 9th, 1871; and week, Whereas, By mutual consent, s:x ing :,0 4upervisors were appoilted by the come :ial )n.:it.,ier.' in charge of a poll pOs illegally established by C. W. Booth by, and six by the commissioners in at charge of the poll established by the Maco 6 1st Vice President, P. Griffin, to sd pervise the counting of the ba!- A lots on each side of the opposition mg t respectively, with the agreement, on Al nge the part of the commissioners ap pointed by said C. W. Boothby, that they would abide the decision ex- Gi lressed by the joint ballot; and Josial Whereas, On joint ballot, H. L mon. Rey received 1542 votes, and C. W. Geo Boothby received 1334 votes, giving Edwi a majority to H. L. Rey, for Presi- bell, dent, of 208 votes; therefore be it Quar S Resolved, That we, the Republi- G V cans of the Seventh Ward Radical tLo Republican Sub Club No. 1, do re- hack ' cognize said H. L. Rey as the duly Dann. elected President of the Seventh Iar Ward Radical Republican Mother II Club for the ensuing six months, in ler, E accordance with the by-laws of the same, said term commencing July brog 10, 1871; and be it Resolved, That we heartily en- Harri, dorse the policy of the President T. Sch elect, as expressed on taking his Sout seat Wedneslay evening, July 12, ernor and we pledge ourselves to the sup- Pn port of the national and State ad- L. ministrations in their efforts to ad- me vance the principles of Republican- Alfred ism. Hardi Resolved, That these resolutions Tut be published in the New Orleans Esq., Republican and the Louisianian. Diair LP. PEJOUX, erick I President. Id. WILIuJAM J. MOORs, Secretary. TO TE SPECIAL NOTICES. Camp ettimg.-- A grand and glori- tmP our union Christian Camp Meeting oo will be inaugurated on the first day ofor of August, at the City Park, under the pastorate and control of the Rev. Avn Anthony Ross, of St. Paul's Church, Loni - the Camp Meeting to last seven day 1n All Christian denominations, with their pastors, are respectnfully invit- in the ed to co-operate in the religions P1) ceremones The public Ust large are respectfully invited. Ample a s p comnodations will be made for stran- be the e, gers from abroad. Pastors in the of the 0, city and sountry are requested to read this notice in their respective Ample prparations have been made for the prservatios of order ReV. JOBIPH POLLrD, JP . Prveyo. ,i r: Jsan k Ou 8serstdu7 . w Movus Call for a Southern State Con nie Club, Vntion. Ju1bly 15, The foliog reamble ereo. ble and 'htio.3 were do-~g'e the State .1y aop- Cornvntioý o f qlemmja inAt office of of ta a The peeal eOqudition I oittee for P ejP e in the South. t ern * tams,~.oi out of a si- I )iced by bination of= a dOe in the E ovember judgment of this Convention, de a more practial undertand ing and mutual co-operation; to the o end that a more thorough union of I vacancy effort, action, and orgaiznation may t exist; and rd clubs Whereas, We believe a convention E ming to of the Southern States woul)d most gender- happily supply this exigency and e receive the orda c endorsement of hj endan- the colored citizens of said States; f q of our Therefore, re be it Resolved, That we, the members Ward of the Georgia State Convention e now assembled, do authorize the ' te President of this Convention to is- t tee be sue a call, in the name of the said cise its Convention for a Southern States de me po- Convention, to be held at such time call, at nd place as he, and those with se , at whom he may advise, ad hl deter- P mom- mine best adapted to the publicl >mmit- convenience. is, and The above is a true extract from tr hich theminutes of the Georgia State tio Convention. J. 8. Sýt, m, Secrther retary of the Convention. del ward - see etfully To the Colored Citisens of the States clu b in of Alabma, Arkansas, De e, the i Florida, Georgia, Ken ' Loisi State na, Tennessee, Marylandi s- a SBe p, Missour, North Carolina be Soth Carolina, Texas, Virgini West Virginia and the District of these Columbia: aend publi- Having been deputed, in pur eance is Re- of the above resolution, as President tion od the of the Georgia State Convention, and the by the endorsement of the distinguish r, ed gentlemen whose names are sub- Lop nt. joined, we do hereby call the above I named Convention to meet in the city Pai of Columbia, South Carolina, on the 18th day of October, 1871, at twelve '7; SUS o'clock 1M.70 t the As the Convention did not advise as Aug Scor- to what should constitute the ratio of sts. representation, we maggest that the ford 1871 respective States be representatively ap calle portioned the same a they are in the be o] were Congress of the United States, to wit, the One delegate from each Congressional ncoti on District, and two from the District of By the Columbia. The several Congressional lican Districts will elect their own delegates, P. which elected delegates may meet and ,W elect two for the .Ry, at large, unless will I Ithe respective States sal otherwise provide by State Convention. A a- Those who may be accredited a~ Avoy lent, delegates, should meet the Convention W Ba 1 is- prepared to remain in session one Bossi wd week, if necessary, as questions requir- Ca.lca ,:x ing mature deliberation will doubtless Cta the come before it, and should not be dis- ('ontoa poll posed of paiptitently. Felicia th- MosbR espectfully, Frank n. M. TURNER, I S President Ga. State Convention. Lfay the MIAcoN, (., May 29, 1871. Livmnn ,to Mores ba!- A few of many gentlemen endors- Ouchil ing the call: Point ,on Aldoama-Hon. .Tames T. Rapier. Richl Ardun-a -Hon. J. T. White. St. He hat Deaum--Howard Day, Esq. St Joh eFlorida-Hon. Johnathan C. Tangi ex- Gibbs, Secretary of State; Hon. Vermil Josiah T. Wall, Hon. . S. Har- Wi. L. mon. Vernom W. Georgia--Hon. J. F Lonu, Hon. OM ing Edwin Belcher, Hon. T. G. Camp i- bell, Hon. J. K. Simms, J. F. T Quarles, Esq. Sevei Kernhuy-LW. H. Gibson, Eq., Ninti i- GC. W. Dupee, Eiq. Ele'a cal Louiiano-Hon. P. B. S. Pinek re- hack, Lieutenant Governor O. J. ly Dunn. th Alaryland-Isaae Meyers, Esq er W. M. Perkins, Esq., John H. nt HE in ler, Esq. e Mi.,iippi--Hon. James Lynch, Nos. g Secretary of State; Hon. E. Scar 17 brough. A;,ulh CareinaI-Hon. James H. i- Harris, Hon. George I Mabson, J. Sle m t T. Schenck, Esq. is South Carolina---Lienutenant Gov 2, ernor & J. Raneier, Hon. P C. De Large, Hon. R H. Cain, Hon. Joe. Rainey, Hon. R B. Elliott, Hon. F. 1 L Cardo Seeretary dof tate. I)I1 I- Tnnes --Abram Smith, Esq. Dreain - Alfred E. McKinney, Eeq., Henry Harding, Esq., K . Johnson, Eq. Lo. T TeR.-Hon. Richard Nelson, B Esq., Hon. J. T. Ruby. Disirid of Columbi--Hon. Fred erick Douglass, Hon. James A. Handy. TO THE COLORBED CITIZENS OF Ha LOUISIANA. Whereas we favor the Convumtica contemplated in the above eal, LaCde desirous of having the colored peopl COMBI of our State represented in the sme, therefore we Lame thi rall far a State Convention of the eolomed sitisma of The Louisian to meet on the Comb, a 11s DAr oW ASvI ?mUr , made, U2, in the city of New Orleans, for the 'rom as, purpose of eleetiag ddegtse to the Southeba nStass C onvtoa The basis of reprmentationa in maid eavsetiom to be the mae as that to the lower Kouo of the Oearl Aaoeb. O. C. ANTOIME, A. N BAiBBI, OSCAiR I DNl, J . W. QUINN, ov GEORGE t IaKa, 1. C ATOIDEIM *%°(bespqm tst t ...-CH phum eybbI 6111da.8r h~%_...u. . t N .am tm Con- t a meeg of t sqIommen ofeno pal fad COantittigeof the tpu ate Cl the State of 4ouisaiYO held June' 7 ad rae- 1871, the following remhtioas 2e, the ett d1oEsdy were WeUs , Ae trding tothe meadition Gentsa st m oae n pad sadm e Sooth sed by the State Conventieo o he a m , on the tenth day of e, in the uti 870, the state Cerhl Er son, do- ý ý $y of by and I tis tdireed to callU a Sta Cauavemu n; to te ofthe Republican party on or before union of the e.pra.tion of their tera of ervie; iomay therefore be it Resolved, That a convention of the ivention Republican payt be and is hereby cal. most m in leans on the y a ninth day of August, 871. ttmd Resolved, Th the basis of mepresen n tof taon in said CoQnventic shall e I~ I State; follows, via: Every seven bhundred Re. publican voter in each parish, and in embers each ward of the city of New Orleans, vention shall be entitled to one delegate, and ize the an additional delegate for every frao n toi- tion over onehalf of seven hundred; and provided, that each pariah and ward shall be entitled to at leastone States delegate. ch time Resolved, That the presidents of the se with several pariah eommittees o the Re I deter- Ptlianpa ty in the Stta t in p tblic o the eo the s of te mother ward clubs me, hereby authorized and required to call e .o- mt tfrom tions for said delegates to said conven State tion, and to forward to the President of the State Central Exeenutive Com mittee the poper credentials of the tion. dele ected, eountined by the secretaries of their eommittees and States clubs, on or beforo the time ixed for laware the sitting of the Convention. Louii- Resolved. That the president of the an MiOsiState Central Executive Commitatee D rolina be and is hereby authorized and direc ini ted to ascertain the number of dele rict of gates to be elected from each prish E and ward from the authentic vote in the oloe of the Secretary of State, ad of sane issue his proclamnmation for mid elec .ident tion, and have the same published in n, and the Republiean ppers throughout the 2. Resolution introduced by Mr. enub- Lowell- above Whereas, The time of service of the i city Parish Exeentive Committee of the ll an the parish of Orleans expired bylimitation on the fifteenth day of November, 18 twelve 70; therefore, be ito Besolved, That the seventh day of rise s August, 1871, be d nated as t tal tio of day when elections shall be held in each ward of the cityof New Orleans Co t the ford degates tothe 8tae Convention, lyap- ealled to meet August 9, 1871, pollat to a in the be opened and closed t such hours as Rp the Presidents of the mother ward mme o clnbe may indicate, at least one week's nics noral notice of the same being given.. ict of By order of the committee. • ional S. B. PACKARD; President, rate, P. F. Hmwwo, Corresponding See. Sand $WBepublican papers of the State . nles I will please copy. _me rwise A romqommxrr or DttaeoR s. BO Ascension ......9 Assumption ....8 - d Avoyelles.......2 EBaton Bouge...$ BA ation W Baton Rouge. 1 Bienville........ I one Bossier......... Caddo........2 j luir- Calcasieu.......1 Caldwell........1 tless Cameron........I Carroll.........2 PR Catahoula ......1 Claiborne ......1 di- Concordia ......2 De Soto.........1 Felicians, East..2 Feliciana, West..2 Franklin.......1 I Grant......1 Iberia....... 1 Iberville........ 2 Jackson ........1 Jefferson......3 ion. Lafayett. ..... 1 Lafourehe ...... Livingston......1 Madison. ......2 Morehonuse .....1 Natchitoches. ... ors- Ouchita ..... ... Plquemin ...4 Point Coupee ..2 Rapide ........3 ter. Richland ........1 Sabine ......... rSt. Bernard ..... St. Charle..... 2 St Helena........ St James.......3 St John Baptist.1 StL andry...... n 2 enu Tangipahos.....1 Tensas.......... Tertrebonne.....2 Union ..........1 la on. Vermillion .....1 Washington ... 1 War- Winn ........1 Webster........ Vern .... .1 Bed Biver...... 1All U Orleans: First Ward.... Second Ward...2 ThirWar Ward...4 Fourth Ward...1 More Fifth Ward...3 Sixth Ward..... 1 Seventh Ward.2 Eight Ward 1 erent p , Ninth Ward.. 2 Tenth Wardi 2.... b. Ele'nth Ward.2 Twel'h Ward 1 public Thir'nth Ward. 1 Four'nth Ward ..1 Sb S Fit'nth Ward. 3 ju.5-1m. subscri back thi STHE INoC RBBER OMB o , Nos. 9,II l3MereSertreet, Lr NEWV YORK, mue assfatgureru, aider Cedyear's and leyter's hatets, CARP OF INIA RIBBER GUils, q. Dresing Comaj OuanA S Long Comb. , Twist Coimbe. Fine Tooth CombsI id (A variety Elegant rFaney Nttmas.j] m Pocket coeabs. Ridditn Combs. r Hair in.. Xatra 103 and 1 ALSO, SOLE MA-NUFACTURE1 0 s COMBINATION SIDE COM [MasI usman Pan.t's azumrr.] i The ale ofay Combineaio Side Combs, no matter ,' whet uaaraia made unless mold under a liemmese 'rom us, is prohibited by law. I S MILLINEB T tIL'Od riU KE rr OF E' FALL AND WINTZE COlTBm - aomwr aEl MILLINERY GOOgg a a...CEO ARTRS UT?3t ...g (b s o l ad Os hs.) & NEW ADZRTI8,~a 3 SpIty of a I in; L W. Ima1 nOnerW H . , H. R. LERDE & BRO., r. Bay SGROCERS of o. IT,81 &8 I. I by md Iim 3 eM of Vale hm SN 'Yew Orean.s 'erfiee; P Alwayos a hand a hoiee seleetion of t e h GAOCEEUE~ , aoE WINIS nad LIIQUORS, M be Fasl"ly and Couma Orders 2 oicited. No. 49 anto. and in l, Na49o. ie, and 74 foies-r ryfrao ndred MADE EASY. Rh and of the hoRe hereby We want Smat sad Fneweti Agents to : onve- tr our populu ad Jly eb ident ted inc tion, i evesy Pae, Thu Corn- and Otay is WoraL I the ndi ensble to every and Household; ed for eyTh a highly appned Z, aendose. oth and opted by Ladles, PApsdeas and Dree- i and are nw a GREAT FAVOR d ITE. wr them. Pah Every Family will Purchase One er , and more of them. -methin that their Tr ele- mit are apparent at a GLANCE I i th DRUGGIST, m MILLINERS de DRESSEMAKER, ta Sthe And all who keep FANCY STORES, -atio will And our excellent article SELL ear , 18VERY RAPIDLY, give perfect atisfac tion and netting dif a ýofI euel l I &J"'C St to all Dealers and Agents leans Country Rights Free ionn, a is b to to all who ddre engaging in a r oMbk, n a Ikapede nd Prgq s liaseu, at the theat ward se time doieng good to their compa- alo eka n in life Sample $2,00, sent free by time. mail on receipt of price. SEND POR WHOLESALE CIRCULAR ADDRESS, sec. utorie ManaifaetuMrng Co hate 17 PARK PLACE, NEW YOEL. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS ,.. BARRETT, SEYMOUR & Co., 167 .2 PRINTERS AND LITHOGRA .1 PHERS, .I 60 Camp Street, 4Z .. NEW ORLEANS ..2. UMUPaUT TAfm NEWIPgy, Tres ..i iTATIONEuYr BOOKS, ETC., remove N.: 94" Eahanye Aft, between 1 .2 Bienti/kand Conti 8trte, New Or 1 All the llgNothgrn Waters di- PJ .1 More than oe hundred and ixty di. 0 Ssent publications received and sold. 2 Sb2criptios received to al periodical -1 publications. .1 ascriberr wil be mseountable for the subscription as long as they do not send bsack the paper, or notify otherwis ALBERT EYRICH, 66010 Bookseller ad Statiomer i 13 CANAL STREET. NO. New Orleans, I, CARPENTERS, FURNITURE, de JUrLIU.P. BBOW. I ousa cARPDTE T Canar. Bet i'una & Rmnarec r' . Jobing. 4dMl Is taesi I Ea3rarorm as azzm a . The FUR NLT URE, re t, Io -i lass, Io, - 3 and 30 omp SeaeS, comer PJqde, M cmqame Bedine, dubb J g OF EVERY DESCRIPTON, ag S ' . rpa ra, b,.-I, PAoCI iG & Vim. ink sas, mahmc.., a N r . - x, ms,,, h, so... .. . . KOly, Am T DRYGOODS t CLOTHING Lom. PARTIES WHO BT FIBST uLASS DRY -Ur oASH alOU saao ELSEWHERE. At hmee through tbhdr imhamse dok 118 and = blik, aeu n dat Nana Pn&s , 8e4 9 &,o o brE rios, G ovs, M Coslle.ý l vets, Bibbon, Parasols, Etc., Etc., Eta. WILL CONVINCE. .8..............and........... ..se8 Magazine Sdreet, or. St Ar drew, MISCELLANEOUS. nt. to THE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL 2u. COLLEGE I 1 1 thafght Unismalr . 1 SLocated dwer the Freedmen Savings 1 Sad Bank, 1 VOl 1 114 Croddslet St On. 1DAY ANID anUwIN, O vAcATrror. 1 their The old and young m enter t this 1 Imntaition ay day, no distintio 1 made in regrd to reeor color. The I design of the Institution, is to furnish 1 opprtnitim to those wishing a rapid, thoroh rand practial business edu E, cation, fifty to one hundred per cent. EL saved by student, by taking the rapid 1 c- osamaerc+d c . Parties having ao 1 dinay ability, who have entirely ne I ated their edaucation now have the .,portunity to qualify tbhemelv fao ee Almost y position in the State,in pd an idible short tim On Ubb, From two to three months ls all Sthe that requires to complete the commer- L Spa- al comae. Terms reduced to suit the Snat Sbhy times. For further information call at the College; or address Prol A. T. Selwever, Principal. 'BS REMOVAL TO , 1687 .. CANAL STREET ...16 No. 9 CAMP STREET. e'T' Trww T 0 w r E sand Manuscure.s and Desles IN BOOTS AND SHOES, w ThaTrunks, Valbe. sad B 14gseas eblive ne" *." han ths, h oo tonIr d Ueft N 187 Canai Straeet, pe"e Near Duphine. PANTING, GLAIG CAJOMflhIl o GUANTILNWG, F1co0N ;, lave OANING, 8ION PAINT. thrug DIG, WALL PAPERING. PU ee No. 84Drymdesttmet. sat Near Union Street di GEOROE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FRONT LEVER, THIRD DISTRIC2T BErin & a d7 17...C -Allat TIE ?IIPLI'S 1ggg001 AND THE s0 1O THI DAT. Ctu Aw OUT. 2 A GUIDE O0 DAILy USE TO TEE JUDGE, TUB PaRIS 011. PC p n, TeE LawrYER TH auaxEUSU MAN, tND HEADS OF P fLvr DAY oOOugama mL errs. inyo c , kps, Jrygjn EMO. LOfZrft&L. 38 DBY M per sA ud t7, A, CaLtLe T. UWoAw .. A SINE NUMNER -.aTTERY, vwr am sm0 m. 015415 1. TO 32 DIAW JIN fW GNU LaA 019 wMoray, MY % In assck ,J uly% 4 l, H KOWARD, MIO DJACo., COmkQW awls - SCHEME : 20,000 umaYUEnr oatr s0. Sprim os S 6oo00o .......... 4 .00oo Ipris of 30ooo i.........8Oe00 1 piase of 0,4000 i.......... 800 S priaed 104000 i......... 10,00 Spe of i.......... 8,00 o lpsof 4000 .... ... oo 1CIAL seor o o 5,00 .......... 5o0 . Ipis of 4000........4,000 1 -s a 3,000 i . 3,00. 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