Newspaper Page Text
LA WS -OF THE - sf of ouISIANA. [PURIZEQ R BY AUTRIOtTY'. ] aJo. 77. a AtLo To emancipate bd o, a minor son of -pusaiie; o. Sacrnov 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represents tives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, Paul Limso, minor son of Pan line Lisso, of the city and parish of Orleans, be and is hereby eman cipate from All disabilities declared by existing laws against minors, and that he is authorized to do and perform all acts, and enter into and contract all obligations, to purchase, sell or mortgage property, either real or personal, to sue and be sued, and to do and perform all acts in relation to property, rights or credits, as fully and effectually as if he had obtained the age of twenty one -eara. (Signed) GEO. W. CARTER. Speaker of the House of Rel)re sentativts. (Signed) OSCAR J. DUNN, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 30, 1871. [Signed] H. C. WARMOTH, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: G~a, E. Bovar. Secretary of Stats. No. 78. An Act To incorporate the Sons of Israel Association of the town of Natchitoches. Sacrnos 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the State of Louisiana in General Ae embly convened, That Jacob Wolfson, Jacob Israel, Philip Myers, Isaac Kahn, Leopold Cas pare, Jacob Levy, Samuel Caspare, Simon Harris, John Harris, Samuel Aaron, Edward Phillips, Benjamin. Wolfson, Simon Weinar, Marks Weiner, Hermfq Lihltengtein, Michael Gans, Isaac, Ganus Harr:s Jaffa, Henry M. Levy, Sirmon Wein burg, Theodore Beck, and all other Israelites who may from time to time associate themselves with them, be and are hereby created a body eorpor. t , un ler the A·me and style of the Binai Israel, or Sons of Israel, to be located in the town and parish of Natchitoches, and shall under this title enjoy the right of perpetual sdacession, and be, ,as such, capable to sue and be sued, to acquire and possess real estate and personal property by--br donation inwr eivW or morti causi, to acquire ald pessess and also to cdiepose of all real and personal pro perty obtained by any legal title and acts; to grant and receive contracts; to make and adopt such constitu tion and by-laws, not inconsistent with the conituffirn ·and laws of the State, ss they may think proper, and to alter and amend and modify the same at pleasure; to use a com mon seal and change the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the funds and means of said society shall be employed in erecting a synagoguno or place of religiotbs worship, the prayers to be read in the Hebrew lan;mago; also, for the promotion of- general edncatior: and, also, to keep up in good order the burial grynd sad such other acts as may be re~solved upon by said society. " Sec. 3. Be it Jrther enactedi, etc., That a meeting of said body corpo rate shall be held atsnch time and place in the town .ot. Natchitoches as may be determind ipon by asaid society, and at the first' meeting after the pasage of thiq act there shall be an election for the follow ing oflicer~president, vie pres ident, treasurer and seciretary-to hold said oflices acowdingto the constitution and regulatiois of the by-laws (Signed) ,OEO. . CA1~TER, Speaker of the tiouy of Represen tatives (Signed) "0XRII J. DUNN, Lieutenant Gorvn aad PJltent of the Seanta Approved March 80, 1871. [9igned] H. C.M'*t , Governor ofthg g or ia A true copy: OGeo. E. BovrdIT I s " Secretary of S~ a *".. UNION LEAGUE CLUB " T e r-o at tbis CQebig m a day to sampbrs and 7~ A. .to IP. to 13 ,5 6--·;i I1TEtESTI G ITEMS. FIRMAWS SAvll 11ANK. NEtW ORLFANa RRANCH. Our business has 'o largely in creased since January 1st that I have been unable to give our reead ers monthly reports, and even now have only time to give a brief state ment of the progree of this Branch. Our balance on the 1st of January was $168,103 97; on the Ist of Feb ruary, $168,216 66; on the let of March, $200,962 81; on the 1st of April, $228,970 80; on the 1st of May, $236,358 06; on the 1st of June, $246,001 85. Our gain since January let is $82,797 88, being an increase of over 50 per cent. During this time we have had over 559 newo depositors, and the laboring people are every day learn ing the great advantages of saving their money and placing it at in terest in this Bank. Our old depositors have drawn out since January 1st, over $25,000 for the purpose of building houses, buying building lots, drays, mules, and other property. This money has all been searved in small sums, and these men, who were once so poor and needy, are now independ ent and live beneath their own roofs. Something over four years ago a colored man came into t'. e Bank saying, "I'm going to try and save something," and de posited $8. This man was in earn eat, and every week a portion of his earnings were put into the Bank. To-day he owns two cot tages and is building a third one. One of these houses he keeps for iis own use and the other he rents for $18 per month. Another man, who follows the trade of bootblack, hap over $1.800 in the Bank, money he has saved since he was a soldier in the United States army. Every laboring man in the State can have a home of his own if he will only learn to save the dimes. "Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of you." This adage is as true as the Gospel. To the press of New Orleans and vicinity our thanks are due for their generous aid in bringing the true objectst of this Bank before the public." Very truly yours, C D. SrCRTrVAT, .Cashs $ier. --Sarin'qs Bank. $MAR DROP OF THE STATL We have received from Mr. L. Boucherean, the publisher, the "Statement of the Sugar and Rice Crops made in Louisiana in 1870 '71,' and find that though issued late, in. consequeuei of the com piler's sickness, it is gotten up in the usual good~ tle, ind contains a vast amour t of useful information about our great Losaiana taple. The sugar crop of the.State last year was 141,192 hogsheads, weigh ing 168,878,582 pounds, and 10, 281,419 gallons of molassee. The following table, compiled tr'm Mr. Bouchereaus book, gives the crop made in 1861-62, and the number of hogaheads of sugar and gallons of molassee made by each parish in 1870: Paria'sr. lH4d. S.ugar. .Vclasscs. 18612- 1870 1 1870-1. Rapides. . 1'J,37 5.231 317.270 Avoyell.. . 6,121 4,427 80,300 Point Coupes.. 22,515 3,312 231,611 w. Felioins .4.?1 42J . 39o0 E. Feliciana. 716 6 640 Livingston.. 89 5,490 St Tammany. 60 33 500 E. Baton Bo'ge 10,A94 2,785 197.582 W. BatonRo'ge s24,697 3,876 263,215 Iberville ..... 41.921 18,854 731,150 Ascenaiou..;... 30,722 11,819 846,124 St Jam . . 34194,. .1,247 807,348 St. John 18,843 8,431 659,692 St Charlme... 18,191 5,537 506,700 .JeFerso .... 11,086 4,880 449,605 Orleans... 1,9f0 1,129 103,450 SSt Bernard.. 6,650 1,449 114,344 Plaquemines. 22,433 9.099 668,147 Assumption. 37.796 15,053 1,142,118 lafourucl. . 29,781 10,815 960,616 Terrebonae... 248,839 11,839 304,296 St. Mary..... 48,779 16,515 873960 Iberia ...... (new) 4,681 319, 314 8t. Martin... 16i, w.4S lal - Vestillion. . 907 38 23,65 LAfyette.. 1,348 486 35.,48 Stl IAaity 7,908b 1SYS W2,7t8 459,410 k44,681 3)281,43 --ugtr Botd. -The gold medal presented by the Republic of Hayti to Senator CSmner, for his oppoition to our annezatipa pf San D)omingo,, has arrived at Washington. t is iidia 1y ornamented and eiquts-i wrought, the arms of Htr6kia men~ i one side, the k e bein inacr~ibed with a compliment to the abr. Ths Leghiktm,.hbiashe ted a suffsigepit ag of uaman to purchase two fuIn Mut. artxaiwof Senator frohem whamhat wi .ioa~l#I.6h "MU_ *.8aj ,tqeU -~a -. osrz~ IALT M W42aI .lE . THIE.114LA.CE WIHEEL WALTNAM WATCH =aTu 4 tinat second, 240 time " misate, 14400 timae an houar, 345,600 time a day, B,. .&atad a week, 10,368,000 times a month, 126,144,000 times a year. MORE I EXPECTED OFA WATCH. TIHAN ANY KIND OF IN MA4CiERr. Rt must not only run ull day, ball night ; nat only on weekdays, but on Sundays and Holidays. It must run hanging up or lying dorwn-upside doun orrlght side up. A must keep running when the ewear sits down or stand up, When he walks or rides. IAn fact, it is epected to do its duty at all times, in every place and in stery position. A Genuine Waltham Watch will fulfil all these requirements. I wound once a day, it will faithfiully tick for you a hundred and twenty-eix million times in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that time. A Genuine *altham Watch oodrna 5 Spring, 9 whesele, 1 Screuws, and 96 other parts making ailtogether 136 separate pieces. ALL GENUINE WALTHAM. Watchees have me'vreo eWI/J rrrol Tess arrs sadiana res waxa aswir. tax seau. Jawm.LgD BATE sITiER Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by machinery, The machinery used in making the movement of a single watch cosse over a hundred Tnousand Dollars, yet we sell these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18. The same watch -oul8uot be made by hand and Anisheds as perfectly for Tax Tm-sa as mca. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihteishangeable, like a Springfield rile that is, any part of one Watch is exctly like the same pert in another ; and if ten Watehes of one grade were taken apart, and the screws, wheels, springs. de., were mixed together, ten watches could be made by putting these parts together again, withuot any reference to their former combination. This is a (REA-T ADVANTAGE: For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured we can always replace it at a T i , Erpense. GA ENUNE WALTHAM WATCH Is made with special reference to DURABILITY Other Watches will run for a year or two, _an require constant repairs ; but WILL RUN FAITHFULLY . FOR MANY YEARS We sell these Watches, IN SOLID SILVER HUNTING CAAe8s. .....*... ..........i $1 ,N SqLID GOLD HUNTINO CASES$70 We have prepared an ILSItRATIED PRICE UIST, which describes the variouas mdmes of Watches in detail, gives the weight and quality of the Cases, and all other inform tion Pmeesary for an intelligent selection. We wish every one would send for it before ordering Watceh. W ite for it as folloes. : Messrs. HoIMrd & 0o., No. 785 Broaday, Ne.V York : * Pleus wend mr--or -15ti1 Pia i~st of Wahthem Woiehe*, as par idea' fti#l ia TaR LOlmuuaL . S (Sign name qd adraw in CpB) WITHOUT EXPENSE, on We have sent out over ine Thousnd of these Watches upon thesem eonditikns, aid j9F tpi`been asked to refad the money ain three ases, and not one of thee wa on eooannt df dim~a o tita Wuteb, 4tt bepause the parties masied th monsey mre. Ws air wn Aoammns, Axn on rarca --3 urn o n w ay bt . .Au.. , I rLAmnD n 3I3P5 PCaB N. 6cijal Notice,. e o a.o ,i sfaflliotir nameso rses or Garmia Sdve- i s ,Was Wa iwiaynthy IUseolid 9d or stlvu, Case , and we do not pi d to'B sell it in anyother.,.. r- ·h*4 C1 s Y· TXY Ms·~ tedes For St. Loui, Cairo and Memphis. The Steamer KATIE. SJ. M Wnrrs, Master; will leave Now Orleans for above ports on SATURDAY, . SATURDAY, June 10; Jame 24; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or psamge apply on board, or to J. JANNEY, No. 150 Common Street A. A. OREEN, No. 196 Common Street Where a plan of the cabin can be seen CAIRO. -o- Sr. Loms no Naw Oaxri s PacTrr CoMPAMT. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packets. SFOR MEMHPIS, CAIRO and the Bends-The ha lassenger steamers of this line will leave as toliows: Giving through bills of lading to all points on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. and Memphis and Ohio Rail road-also to St. Louis. Through Tickets furnished at lowest rates to all point East, West and North, by all the various routes. via Memphis, Cairo and St Louis. Staterooms se cured at General Office, 104 Common treet. A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 104 Common Street C. G. WAYNE, Freight Agent, 37 Ntechez Street, JOHN N. BOFINGER. President, Bills of lading for all freights over the Illinois Central Railroad; signed at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, apL 6-tf 26 Carondelet Street MacaaIrru' SoUramTn PacrKr CoMPANY. Fo SOr. Lours, Cno, MMaurms and the Bends The steamers of this line will leave as follows. at 5 P, M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to al points on Arkansas, White and Cam b erland rivers. Through bills of lading and passenger tickets issued to all points oA the Upper )sssippi as high as St. Paul. Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to STEVENSOYN VERLANDER. Agents, 135 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President Bills of lading over the Illinois Cedt ral Railroad signed onlyattheoffice of JAS T. TUCKER. 26 Carondelet street. NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS (CENTRAL RAILROAD AND Blue Line, Via Cairo, . WILL TAKEFREIGHT " From New Orieans on tirea .lass steamers, LEAVING IAIT.Y, AT 6 P. W., Fea CAIRO. CIICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH,.WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. Ad rates and all through bills of ladiimg from New Orleana by above route given, signed and recognized only at the General Office of the Conm pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street. Shippers by this route save all dray age and transfer charges at Cairo, and their goods are always under cover, and no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agent VICKSBURG AND BENDS. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS' Bend Leave on SATURDAY, at 5 P. M. GxmvzgLLE AnovrZ Harnard, Orand Lake, Leo ta, Maryland, Carolima. Pilcher's Point Skipwith. Lake Providence, Transylvania Goodrich's. Millikens Bend, DuckLeprt, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, St-Joseph, Rod aey, Waterproof, Natchez, Bayou Sara Baton Rouge, Plaquemine,Denaldonville, and all intermediate and Coast landings. The new and magnilceut steamer W. S. PIIE, J. J. Brown, Master. (In place of steamer Natches) Will leave as above, and, will land all Oeast pemasngers with their freight aonaeets at Vicksburg with packets for all points on the aLso mid TaIlabtekM rers. - - For height or passage apply on board orto aJ.o JANrNE, Agent, 150 Commoa 8treet. BATON QOUGE. I ;ew, orlmns Coast Baton semi-weekly peasne gpr pekat W. r. Gaaruoust Master; - m- jaxes McEaor, Clad, Will leave New othatbibeftinia For frsigiEor ppspggagly e beard. B- 0. Monammes, n UOemakesL ST. PHIIUP tYKIE, R :;Y AL ST., CORNER. ST. a.t ,~f " . 1. III PL LA, . ''C. DEALER ' IN--" Kla Msu. SPECIAL NbTICE. St. LS is, Irsa iotan sad Sontheri Iailroad. THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE To St. Louis, Chieago, Omsha San Franeseo, St Paul, Sae. City, LeaRv enworth, St Joseph. Ad all riats rth, Esat mid West. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Depet daily, at 7 A. IL and 6 P. M. AN EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the foot of Canal street daily at 8 M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and'hsttanoopg Bailroad, making close connections at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to all points North, East and West. For tickeu apply to A. D. SHELDON. Ticket Agent New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northen Railroad, eorner Camp and Common streets, under City Hotel ; oro W. BEDELL Tioket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Com men street, under St. Charles HoteL J. H. WINGFIELD. General Superintending Agent St Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. The Mobile division of this roeJ will be opened for business on leaday, November fl. 1870, and passenger trains will run as follows : Leave New Orleans, from the foot of Canal street, tat Bay St Louis Pasi Christian, Mississippi City, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Pascagoulaand Mobile at 8 o clock A. M. Arrivive at Mobile at 2"30 o'clock P. M., connectihg at Mobile with the MOBILE AND OHIO, and the MO BILE AND MONTGOMERY RAIL ROADS for all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 1120O A. M. Arriving at 6:10 P. HI Fare Between New Srleas and Mobile, Five Dollars. THROI;GH FREIGHT TRAINS RUN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight received at New Orleans, at the font of Julia street before 4:30 P. M,. delivered at Mobile early next morning. FREIGHT AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. For farther information, call at the General Olee of the company, rooms one and two, up stairs. STORY BUILDING, corner Camp and Common streets. J. R KENDRICK, General Superintendent. TRAVELLERS,_ ATTENTION: The New Orlans, Jackson, aid Cmt Northerm and lisuiulppi Cetrall Run their Pasmseger Coabes and Bag gage Care, their combined length without ahange. i BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM RE SIDEGNCE TO DEITINATION. The 7 . . .p ExmTrain rM D ,lly, (SUNDAYS8 EXCEPTED.) alpas os connections for Vickburg. Mem phis, St Loum, Chicago, Louisville, and all points beysd, Sleeping cars at night, Catonto OGsad Jantina and Humboldt. Yk hllTrah lmuau l u w rkm Dully, at B?. L aksacheatu coneotiom s with Light Min apen. traie, to au points NOC'T . a48T sod: WEST. Calrri. te great Tmen to Iwe ale, it 1s0 •"wa-ma elgandy mhd. Sleep.n Om|aun to Ruabolit, Teasenso. gApv.@ h . Ts..... sod IsfflSvm... Mael Tain Soath as5iut AA4sA. MIL mbehoOn~es, ;un... Botel, CornerC bin ad atDepot '. ,a.B MORN,, Gad &Sd-LII ,gt s mOmII , oewld New dema. Jahee auL d~r -t WATCtMLAKElRS AND J£,iJL4 DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER IVATCHES, And Fine Gold Jewelry. Keep alwayson hand all classes and patterns of Gold. Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Glasses changed and sent to any part of the country. Watch repairs done promptly and warranted. Addre orders to Paul Granzin, 112 Carondelet street, New Orleans. Feb. li ly $s GOOD S WATCNES AT OLD PRICES. AB THE SOLE AGENTS in the United States for the LIVERPOOL WATCH CO., we are authorized by them to close oat a large line of European Watches, Chains. etc., now in stock for Cash, at prices never before known. All beautiful in fnish, artistic in design, reliable or accurate time, durable, and of the lates style. Every Watch will be retailed at less than cost of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of price. Money can be sent to us by Exprem, with or ders for Exprems Co.. to return Goods or Cash, which will secure promptness and safety to purchaser. Among our list will be found. A BEATIFUL ENGLISH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE -CASE WATCH, genuine .English full plate jeweled movements, adjusted iegulator, steel cut hands, engine turn ner, correct and serviceable article, largo or small size in complete running order, with an elegt Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key, ll complete, mailed free for FIVE DOLLARS. A VERY HANDSOME WATCH in fine 18 karat Gold plated Double Casses imitation of $100 Gold Watch--engraved or plain, genuine English, fll plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, correct, and in complete running or der with elegent Gent's Vest Chain, withLoeket and Key. mailed pre-paid for only EIGHTEEN DOLLAR& The Oride Gold Watch, IN LtASSIVE OR[IDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cases, elegantly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent Lever movements, full jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci iely like in appearance, make, finish, brilliancy of color. $200 Gold Watch. One of these splendid Watches will be forwarded by mail free to any address, in handsome morocco case, lined with velvet and satin, (Ladies' or Gent'esize Wtch, )for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holid.iy Presents nmanufc tured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades. in Gold and Rilver Cases. trom $18 upto $2A0. Other Goid Watches equally low. With every (Club of six Watches, of any kind, we seend one extraI of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A supe.rior stock of Ge aine Oride Gold chains. $2 to *Tc each, warrnnted fully equal to GCad in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., hills of over $12 col lected on dlivrcry, if deaird. All Bills of $12, and less, must bw-. .h in P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or receipt of price. Safe delivery of all goods guarenteed. Watches forward ed to be examined to parties known when express charges both ways ma paid. No goods forward west of the Mmissisppi River, with bill to collect og delivery. Purchasers must pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D.: also for return of money. All Cansh order forwsalrded free of charges to destination. Catalogues Free. Address all orders. CH.4. P. NORTON & CO., Importers of Watches, etc. iEstablished 1,7. bf6 Nassau Rt, N. Y. No. 34-tt GIO(.JItES. PRODIUCCE &ct. A. H. warm. . c'.araltaoD, r. a. WAr. WHITE, RIICHA.RDS & Co., Succesorm to A. D. GRIEFF & Co., WThoTaleZle Grooe1-m COMMIISSION MERCHANTS usD IMLsLIa £ Sther amd Wester Frn dma. 104 .. OYDRA STrEEIT ....104j Nxw Oaraisn. GEO. OIGNAC ALF. JOURDAIN. SCICSAC AbD JSIDAIN, Cox a Con Awn Vu,.txu, Noc 239. ALWAYS ON HAND ch"ic~ , 6reere, Coffee, Tea, PrvisiJu, imes and Liqmr. AND Ordsrs promptly attended to. P. a ETHEI UERCNANDISE, FLOOI PROVISION BOUOlk 10L... POYDRAS g .IRT..6 W. TAYLOR. ..JO56 L -,lRI .. U ID.AT , -. JOSEPHi H. WILSON .y eaDr sCos EMPORIUM. 163.... CANAL STREET . 16 FIRST FLOOR: DRY GOODS, GETS U$NTy SECOND FLOOR: LA tDIES ROOM FOR SHAWLS, CLOAls AND WRAPS. THIRD FLOOR: CARPETS, MATTLNG AND UGtt. A visit to the store wi repay sy persons wishing to buy cheap and elega I-ý 110.. CANAL STREET 101 Near St. Charlee, NEW ORLEANS, LA. MEN'S AND BOY'I SHIRTS. (or ms own Xall) BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. LET'S LD i0TS' SRITS ARD TO 01l Every Article Marked in" Plain Figures. Goods sold on 'one price" system, ad any article purchased which fails to P . mtisfaction can be returned and theo am ey will be refunded. aigModerate Prices and Presh Stock to select from are some of the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHE'S FREMUII Sill? LABCLOTIHL.6 B1IJFI 110 CafiT St., near St. Charle NJewtr Orlewa.. N. B.--Letter Orders receive prompt attentiou and filled ('. O. D. if deimnd MILLINER YF STORES. M'Rs. A. M. PATlPRRiS FIEST PREMjIUM "hirt Waht . NO.11 CANIL STILE?, New Orleans, La. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of Gents' Under. clothing ; alsoBase Ball Club and Firemen's UniformMade to order BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporitum of lbshfoon FOR LADIES eprnrented b) Wrs. L Geedle ad nr,. 1. E. Liatel. FURUISHINI 6001" OF ALL KINDS, FIrBOM IHEAD DRESS TO IHOSIERY, SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY. Wrapper. Single or Double, Undurds ing of every deerption, Night Dreva. Trail and Walking Mkirw. Ckhmas Drawers, Sacks, Over Shirt, Aprous. A. Orders taken for wsdding Outit. Cb drens and Infanml' Wardrubes, 8Ui WS Daeasmes in the latert Styles, and smppi at short notice. JThe TRADE spplied at NsW Tl Sample Room, Wn. I Canal St., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S ftnu Ftiri slrrnT uIETmr Oodm resra.pectlm*y sei*d Ma A. GOODALE Mrs. LI I.CIO0 GEORGE HITE: La*S nfA a Bv s 'r