Newspaper Page Text
./ h)tAriu4 AJ & YJ' llW*X3t 21A3JE J W 1 "REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." VOLUME 1. NEW ORLEARP LOUISIANA, TIHUR#DAY, AUGUST3, 1871. NUMBER 6t. 1111rr'1) A 1;) 1 iN.1GITI fly C(1 1. 1rIt )iN\. I- 1'U'Iti.bH1:r, ENTR'Y l t 11 ('AIx lN)ELET'I STI;1:I:'1' rr(OIR \\S IB 1: `('IIhACK. O u.1:IN-1. l \'t'1 1IN\ I (':, r. j, I 1II -t11 1.1 1it W ,--dtr top. t, F 'I1e Itillsia11ian. i 11'114 \iit' 144 4 M1 11 II 14111A 9 , it ~ii I. 1 "1 441.11," Til Lht'.\ ' I-\. .1. .ill''. t 114 lilt t 441k i44 1 11 ,Ij 1, .,, I~ u, l : ,,lu,"t t iiu, I1I1 l 1ill((nllý" I t. '-.141 the t itr ºieliol Maft,' ""'.11 f4" "1"I' ,"" t l I1·() 11 I:.·111(;:'lll et1 i-t tl 111~ 1' Ilii ) it 4444 94g.'111441 ill ct tir . his.-. %011.1t t ," ('11; :.11·i\ t ll IN' h.LI, '.1 14i I .. jI1',llIf Ii: iV 11"4'l3) host, ill ,lit ' 11c . 11 1 I ,k .1f a 14ill( 1. f .i" ' i ,.I ,, I. II1, -..'.l. ll ' ile n'i': 1 i c · I. i ll . 11 1, 1 ý , , 11:111 :"tl't1. 1..111:11," ~ I.'1 I- I t.-'.. :, ./" ../.'. i,, Il Iis. I,, IL (' Sill' IIIIIi ' i/4ll 4ih4 4 t ilt' 441 , .'r" ''.I "4. : 11 l tIi, " 41.,1 1.iily :14'o Il ij ll I li ,.,,..'..l1 , 1 t i."."". II: 14i 1114 ,441. Ir .An tf the 4444 i lai4 t'nji11. 44 94l."'' 1,, I1141 4111 .,rt4S I I.htl hf :14 4 44 .44441 ,ll \ ,if 1:lI. 1 "'11 t l 'l' Il l..,11144 At i ! ilI1III:i; \ liil v cic/uiccion of halt li i, i.. 11," j4Ii ti1':l ,. 1 1¾514i\ itl, .i ll .' 444-,t -~i I' -.. 411.1til~t, lu'I4Ji44If 14114 '1.44k f1' *' - I..- u ,lli. :it,~ll" l4 ·ta(l'e l a.fll .1 i4C nv . illt fol.. ;-itrs t'N her migIlycigngl, w1 r. .tr, 1iiIIIu)nd rtj ndtionl, ofd th 1,1, 1.~ ii t114 1'41) 4y, triu; a n l~. N4.u lin 111:1 lt. ',1)'r I ns c ie i, till 1H;, IIEl "b'n Sll oll ti'1""i n. I.. I t Iii I` NRW oH t, inl. 1 11 t 11 * ,l - 1 s'iltriactcct po it1 :11 111, II" .IISa.;. y U ! ( ~1',' -. .>', l4944·i · ill r t1Iltr c a4 nLnd "' II 49441 ;,,' it of '.the ig t cha4n41.gesi h'isory SI :1n44 'll conition' oflh~ lhi %:1,'' t444 at chiry a 1l i.4t e no trill. nI 1:1 N.l t .LjlI t 144 Ruli I~i u'o f (llteof 4 4NI 'i . I; . I"I," l a r . t :f i .1t] .:1141i4Iri1)g t 4 444411 l'aiot (o 111 1l l'ati t)1 El 4 .141,4. :. POETRY. LIVE IN THE PRESENT. 511411 iiial .1 li the ' ), t ". tit a ljtuta by the Pta t, t'utnr.", 11:1- ."f '11111 y dwrlla (wrtaag! If Ilultr c''ct''-st '"t )*er Inrk,-tuu-muewmnw. 1'11t hl Ialr)t :, euau 1t. tu.n dial to tltau1 to Jay, .\-. if 11 I 116114 n1.1 IN' at to thee11 T1ill .,tar r tli.u adl W~i ugarihtllye'ip~tM! I h,"~. " 'iii .t . "t, " Tforl-1 nn, rtrrkmt IAnt· Th'V. i a11r tilh Ia imath 11am, Itha aFM thn'Li~I1;L11 ,I,:".'.I 6.. I. }"."a~·. huntU , aa~l aelcln· 'in In' a tao hac'mm~y w. ith f i1,tlratA,: a'I..10 fit.( he Is 1,114111 thy paFid' iI)n W" Ni'..r" vid I'.l: up. .1616.1~t~ th.~... Ift'ait. way Thn ith, fit.f I I.11 ,i i hagll. 1'»l aiwtavt h liari IIa t I . s,. t 1, s'ý. I 11." I. lull :..,t 447th Iditit hat' 11. r. ti h.. n;..... I n".: alw." Itact f//.". j...' A Ii' al"t t aji tot thy I".ticti, It,11'tl. CHOIC4E KCLLlCTTION . ýAýIYwýIIw AII1 V iýAIIw IV WILL NUT M. Thae Slate (:tiati (ul Comunitte'.e have :aS:tt.ilat't(l the potwer toeap lfiltlil Palri.iah (it e Itiaajiat'e:, ini tei·al of ait'. his ia g:LfuuE tlha: t k ill noctt do. Thera' is (111e t~lliu'; tile sc· iL(,, 310 1113lf~ Is, tilta' 114'll es l.alalt s·..;ju tilt ' Btjrit -.iLe jshft\ Iii' thei:; Slatee \I ill a0, lie. ta'hie .'I" ta iLls ill 1i11 auiie Iaadiilati'. Theyarea iaad. it) I elie ma;l() fajsl -all:; olf IV tl e:ligaliill 111(11, w11-(tºac II%' ;iois Il ito ue aha ti 1I'aiaa. (Ia:% it lea Clati. tilt los' Iip a llt IiuI(Ishs hatieiI tll mal l\ ite :(e %ie' ofi t ',o tlleall gt t 'iVli itll 16til all .j al' gtatfonYl '11 tll , 1 'i: a teari 1.1')" I hal. \\" ill Jt(' 'i ;hi I,\ I :: I a a ta'la \na, lilk tilt' :a".ijiiuII hs12r I c lha t'. '1'I1hslle Ia:lac jl, SI. lisºrt o izz tnti a1ictst. lu 1.1i1i1, .I.,taaIl. 'l11" I' l I atilllaaal piall) ias I etituret it. a ais sitr o iuspc11 Iii~tls ullou'c 1ite pollal seiateha~lalas. II:. laigia e.iLtte ill fat' ac"1ait'~eia 'eatu :; a i' Itl.q jaa.A te~ 'taa e~a, isl. noti to iiaiicrih''. ihs t.ia' this; Sniie .ios ti of a ti litsti%;ic'l ;iatl c1('tlt'itt.l alulel. It. is pui~o'fai et~ftlbt lint ill thiea h1t ;aIaiul tl1 t.,ga:ti nIIll' theitt, that it.. i:1 at tie tnlimm .e f Slit :IsIIu I it. It:; .""u :lrll\. TI' dute' t ilth.,/ \ 'litc ; 1 II;IIILj i44 '1 1 it lie' at' 'iuiti oif thei it'eeie.i, let the' w;ilt'Ia 1I t01l ie, J .'trr/., It, "m I rtrl iu PUCLIC SCIGIKI W THE ISNTl. (iou. ja iztiu $UIljlptARiti.Jeiti t of Pubicht bIsIaat Lwaiu, lass reeaiLhy re' titraete froii an e'itleltnitc ollicia tour of inlspectionl among the ubtliic s chOolals of the .South. From a notice of tbl report of his obseri'a tionl; published in the BaltimoreYU\F .lc 's'i'lal, ývhieh says itis far more fav'oralait than had btesit aintlicipatel, it Ape ias thlat Virgiiaii:r leaths all flue St:etes of the Southt il thi ' fatrili ties priaoc il fetr e'liieatln. $1141 jt'iti llof ti acs coltutre lat high salie mel ill 1'tnt'rzLiurgw atirpa uring xtite' wz n (icue~l~irte Lstitiafi' ia5(d is n~ow ar zealoti advacaA~ L fo the1 tree sel tool. syscw The ustiperie~gideat~ ofn Ow~tltttl at Jc~lichjie iLn aqt)l was liw lbn u ut ther~urw (·Juigtfieert tinly. lalic, lay lt u Wt i.~', ar Le t~vi lutiile.) Nwhe t'erfusca IA) acept the1 4tJl'a.lili Lthey 310~t onl acaso.ii t Tht art~en anrialus eiaoi~ight tiustnt itt cslntabhsnngl R11 the new rder Uurad SCUSC mid (Te.'og cuia, hs 'w, nd *~tpy pro - jtczeury, asucer Uw IuSLeH)IIa1 slaol i Wo&it pter~,titeed ohuly at thelw.aeiion~r of teu Legslautarue; St nj.m t- HISBAWm g i m ith. The time is fruitful of tinkers of the domestie relations, who are im patient of the old and honoted rules and habits whine prevaile in earli er generations. Sne would odi fy the mstriage laws, so that the obligatiou of the contract shall rest more lightly on the parties to it. Others woikl istroduce a certain in tklepndence of restraint, a so-called 'equality" which shall bet destruc tive of just distinctions of the sexes, while it impairs the clearly defined duntiti ting on ecan4. Thewo IRe lowg to the class of professed re fonwrs who talk loudly of the "emancipation of woman," of the "tyranny of man," and other vague Jotioas expressed in -cant phrase.s. There are other tinkerers who, without g ing to the extent of those just named, fancy they can suggest impiqrovements in the management of households anti home atlitirs, and in the mutual marital economy. O)nI of these recently set forth his 'iews in the pages of a popular t:tgazine. The writer's theory is that hus b:uiits and wives weary of each other after some years tf m:arriagae; that their lihes ease to be kindred il irnterest; that the objet which Ionli;t their atteution diverge more andi more; anti that the symlthy which is strong in the first stages ,f wedlock grows weaker and weak er, until it is entirely lost. The reason assigndll by the writer for this deplorable state of affairs is, tha:t whihi the it:ut's life is largely in anmt of the world, the woman's is, with lthe gatherinlg 3ears, more ci. sely restricted to the dumestic .i,,l,,, amld tlht famiily cares umie p,l.lize her ;ttention to the exucu hiom of outsiile interests. TIhe rentl, ,y13 plolem .d by the writer is that lmusnltmds shall seek to withdraw tlheir wives' attention fromn en mr,:sing household duties, anid di t-rt it oci.lsionally to cOIerIrns lie S,,ndi thor,limle -Irlersis,and pi-i '.mmt t leir wives ialping into a mmo Ilotinlllms fireside routine. It may e samid in reply to this, first, that the - theory is : false as snmnltion. It is not a fact that insbalils aind wives weary of each other as the marriage term extends. ''ime truth is directly the cmntrary wihen lmet atd vwomen are wisely nmtatedI. Thpir affectimon may be of a different kind, it may he less de-" nmtostrative, (although that is by no means necessarily the ease,) but it. is really stronger as they get on in life. The theory failing, the al leged reason fails with it; but the reason itself is unphilosophicaL Men, it is true, are mainly and un avoidably engaged in outside af f;irs, but it is ahout the home that their choicest and most enjoyabld iiiterests duster. To the home tlhey gl:ul'. turn for relief from tlhe Bares, perplexities, and disappoint mints of In.usines. , a-nd thler they fimnd recreation from thie overwork (,f the world, and lrealize tine hap pulmess. It is eqnally true that women's life is ehielly in the home, but it is not true that it is therefore dull ani devoid of genuinoe .stimnlhus. To the intelligent woman her well ordered household is full of contin nors an,1 varying attractions that forbid its experiences ever to be comie monottonus. In proof of this is the fiact, whiclh ilone has failedl to olbserve, that when at the eventming re-union the husbaud amid wife collmpare the notes of the day, the latter has qnito as nmuch of iu cideat andt suggestion to offer as the former. Eveh if the evil coaplaiuned of hy this writer existeI, his proposed renIly is worse thaq the disease. Those husbands and wives who cannot attain sympathetic com panioanship at home, cannot attain it anywhere. The wom anwho can not finai objects of interest, and thereform happinees, within her own houehol, will not lad themn out aile of it, and tlhse who are mor bidly dissatisfied with what they regard as rehide reoiue, will not Iern corpteelt by busying themislve artham The author of 'W re Comndir, pather Ab absm, Sthruie Hsndrtl Thkosmid Itare, i now editfrg a Democr.tic aewspaper in Richmaond, ;I diSU. -OF THE - STATE w LfISAWA. (PUBLi*HED BY AU'OCIIRITYY See. 10. P, it further en:wfed, etc., That the Council shall have full power and authority to make andI pass such by-laws and ordinances as are neceessiry and prol r. First.-To regulate anti preserve the peace and gol order of thel city, and pro idue for and mainktin itscleanliness and sanitary conlli tion, not ianconsistent with any law rel:ative thereto. Scond To- regulate and make imnprovements to tthe streets, public 1 squares, wharves and other pullic property, atnd to provide for the lighting and watering. of the same, and to order and direct the ditch ing, failing ol*wning, widening and continuing of any street; and if for such purl~se the land of any pri vate person or Iboly corporate is necessary to be had, the said City Council shall have the right and pllcer of purtciiasing the same at, a I re:I:on,:dble price, or causing the saum to be exprolpiatedl acortJinag to the manner antld frimnttliitAs p1ie seribed by existing laws upon the subject: to regulate the prlwrl't.ion and to mnae and repair all comt 1aon sewHOrS, adrains, canals, ipubhlic roads, IeVkt, dykes, ecauseways uad bridges, notwithrst:atling allny sHaljr inte llt~ e whilch llight be snt up by any corporatiun or indiid\hul over such works; to determline the comiple inn and lilimensolins: of the Itztn.eimnti of the streets, to fix the squaring, and tob pr-ctnt Iy eln er,,act,.hattts ulan or sto,1pping and obstructing the streets, public I squares, levees, public roads, or any part of the lsrt of ShrAve.port, antd to order any object, whatever may Ist its ~alue, which maiy encumberl l, the said places, or prevent atlt em saruass lthe frete s.' ofIl the m1e, to 1)4T rellovlel l or' sold for whom it llaty (cllnlern, in the Sble lllallnlr' :u.t after such alverti.scmncuts a: shall Ibe requireid by scuch rgula- 1 tions. Third.- For cleaning the banks I of the river or other navig:aitlle streams witllin the limits of thle; for I the rtt1emning of sichl aplcient ad-t- I ural dasains as havo been' obsltructed t by the owners of the alj:acent hands, or the filling up of any water cause I which is not navigable, ftr the lpar pise of carrying the public high- m ways over the name; provided, that < injury be occasioned thereby to the ] neighboring inhabitants. Fourth-- To precBribe and collect i rates of levee dues . and, wharfage i and to designate the place" for an- m chorinu and n,~mrlin;g steamtualtsA and other water craft in the portof Shrevqew rt, and to regulate and maintain tle puhllic lace on the C same wlhild. in time limits of lthe city! of Shreveport, every year lay anil equal talnd unifolrll tax ulwna all real and lpersoal pl'roperty inl said city, as prescribd, land under the limuit& tions imposed in this act for the en-i suing year, which said taxes shiall be due andt payable at tlhe office of the depanment ofln:anco fr'om the first day of March to. the tCwenty tirst day of July, inaluhire; and at its first, regularr meeting in Ik)een her, and on the saue day aimnatlly thereafter, shall inlq.,so an anunal license tax on trades, prt ,fcisions and callings, as herein prscmried, uaid licetse to expire on the thirty first day of Dec'mbher in the year in which it was obtained, and which license tax shall be dio andti payable, at tlhe office of the fiance depart atent, from the first day of January o the twent~y-eighth day of Febru ary, inclnive. See. 11. Be it furthler enactl, etc., That the Council shall, once in every twlve "pionths, beforeT xing and deeiding uponu the amuoua of taies and licenses to be asaesss fo tbe ensuting year, cause tp ie made ou( 'i4^ detailed eitimate ex bibiting the varfu items of lia IHftier and expendilmes, includi zuth lS1o e a aoaDl I of continent mengi l4ms ,ga Lsamid yea; and Aalmaa&he saein Cb pot sh eadfroatleaet ten days i~Lsdef Acialo of the city; ·nd ch rate of taxatio not exceeding one dollar nd seventy-tfiv cents ($17 5) on exory hundred. dollars of valua tion, shall thereafter 1b fixed and assessed, as, together with other revenues of the city, may be neces mary to meet said estimated lialili ties and expenditures. The adop lion of said detailed estimate shall be considered as the appropriation of the amount therein stated, for the pur'p"es therein stated, and the Administrator of Public Ac coauts shall not audit, nor shall the Administrator of Finance draw or sign any check upon the Fiscal Agent therefor, of any claioms, un lesH :appropri:ation therefor has laen .July waude in accordnlcc ith this act. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That the taxes asseses.ed and leied by virtue of this act, on the prop crty, re:d or personal, of any iiv r son or corporation, are hereby (lde dared to he a lien and privilege tpeon said prolprty, to date from the first daTy of August. of the year for which they maayIbe asse.ssedl, any aliienation thereof or incumn hr:mne thereon notwitlmstanding; and said lien or pirivil(ge shall ex ist in favor of the city of Shreve port, for the rlsels'tive amount of taxes :tawss d, until the samen sha:ll b thilly paid; and the rs:uuc shall I, Ipaid in prleference to all umort gaes aiml incumlruamers other I ha:mi taxes dine tlhe State; andi if the li cense t:a, as herenin provuidltl, shall not have Iuwen paid by the person liable therelfor on or ,before the first day of Malch in each and every year, the city of hreveplortl npon afiX rit made Iy any ollicer there of that said tax, eommnouly known as lieensoi, has inot ieen paid by the pºersom lbhle therefor, sh:ll have a lien ja the nature of a l.s s or's plri\ilegce upIl the perso'ii:l property of the Iwtesou so in deuu fauult, asl, on application made', a writ of pro isionail .ssd izu'e shall is siw, out of any co,ilt o(f coelnts:Lunt juri.sdietion, in favor of laid city, and, said prouperty so (eiz-ed lpro vi.iam:dly shall Ibe sold in satisfue tiou of said ta.. See. 13. Be it furlther enacted, etc., That all tax lieen:es :mnd dues inl 1posed by the city of Shreveport, or due to the same, and not paid on the thirty-first day of .Jnly, shall Ie exi.,ilde after thirty [::0 1 dlays pubi lication in the otlicial j urnal, when the amount claimneil is live hun dred ($.r)1 dollars, in thI parish court; when over five hundred dt,1 iars f(5.)J ,ldollars in the district. court. And the oi% prccs ne oessary for judgL a,, uponU said claims, bill or dues ehall be said publication. Upon the said pro duction and filing of said claims, bills or dues in the appropriate and competent court, and tht pl'o ductiou of proof of pnhlication, judginentt shall be imlnmediactAly rendered in favor of the city, a1nd tgaignst the delinquent t:kx-payer or debtor. It shall Ihe the duty of tlhe admimiist~atocs,,f ftle departmemnt of fluwAc to tile iills a1d( prtof in the app))roprilate court inumnedi ately after :said pulblicnation and to superintend saidi prnccedings, qutder the advico of the city .attornuey, and collect the proceeds of the judg ment, :md writ in the han:ds of the ckcrk or sheriff. Tlhathe clerks of said eturts sldll be allowled andt permitted to chalrge one dollhtr and 1no more for all proceedings had, in cluding judglment and excuttion, inl each case tilled. Aid the sherilff shall bIe allowed the sum not ex ceeding one dollar for all proces.s placed i1 his hands in each case, the same not to include the reguhar comzmisuions for collecting the same, or costs of keeping amid adlvertising nd ulpon the putayer of the city, through its prolper .replrwtative, ny court of competent jurisdictiom shalt enjoin the eaid prson or lwr nous so lable to pay a license tax, :and who staU rdt'e or neghl t to pay the same, from continuing to carry on such business or proftes- mdnnimil he shall have paid the Uise, Uem& sl couts and charges for thdewery asd eilorement of Sec. 14. Ie it further enadlaeke, Th l property seize(I an4 leiied up for non-payment of taxes shall be sue without appraisement apd for each, or so much eahrwilll -tig the tax, interest and cati; Prmoided, That for say amonst over ,that the defendant may direct the sale to bee made on credit, aud all property sold under this act shall be liable to redemption by the owner, his heirs, legal representa tives or assignees, for and daring two years from and after the day of sale, by pavying in cash to the pnr eh:aser, or part'y holding under hinl, an namount being lifty lp.r cent over and hlove the amount of tax, and :all c.Iasts incurred Irby the sale, anti the nianomt of all taxer pail since the sale. See. 15. Ble it further enacted, et., That all cmtra cs for the public worrks or materials or supplice or dered Iby the Council, when the samne exteed lf live hnndred (.~:N) doalars, shall he offered by the ad •ninistrator or tho delpartmen'it to which such contract lltains, at public auction, and given to the lowest bidder who can furnish seen rity satisfactory to the Council, .or the same shall, at the discretion ol the Conneii, be adlertisced for pro posals to be delivered tothe slhlin istrator of the delpartmetWnt to Vwhih, such contract lpertains, in writing, saledl, and to ie opened by said iRl ilini:strtor in presence of the siay or and. Administrator of FIinitnc, :antl given to the iersonll inaking the. lowest proposal thirefor, lwho can fur-r ish seclurity satisfactory to the 2Council; pirov ie, h,, that the (Council shall, iii either ease., have the right to ritjeit all lids or ,prpuosals. Ste. 1]C. Ie it frther nat:ltted, etc., That whe\lt:le\ one-fourth of lhI ownilers of rea:l prolperty fro,ntin,.i iItlIo a:uy Iull"i qluettA'.l street inl the cii.y of Slhrvepvtorlt shall, by 1stition :iginel Iye the lu'titiie.r or lItti t hiiieir ait) adldrhsscl to the Coillneil ,of said cit%, ask forl t1he ll:utiulettiii"g of said street or for any po'rtimon t.lhre,f, settin.l fg nth thte Ie:i:CterI Umd qtuality of said iauiquetlhtinY, said Conuieil shall cause said 1pti tion to Ibe piilublishcd in En;lish in tilhe ofliidil jioirial of :aidI city for :iino ,liiring four weeks; :uia1 if, at lthe ,expiraltiiuon of said 1,ihli-icatioul i, iii:ille of suitch l tititon, a majority' of I he on\ iieri of redal pIolerty fronit imng on .said street or street:; or said: lportion thereolf, shall; not, b hy iie mitioal sitneilI .y tihe' memo.rialiýtt or" temo iria:lisits and at dressu>d to said C lniiicil, olbject to the saite, the s:ai1 ('tullcil sihall, by resolntion or tlierwis'e, order saLid asHllnutl ing to ie mlade in ac-rd:anlce with lines and levels to bie flruished by alc ('ity Surveyor, and time whole etd.s of said tauitqlttt.i so mlade asi:tore said sli:mll be llornie by the owner o(i owners of real lIroperty fronting on Alid banquetteq in equal propor tions, according to the running foot frontage, and in the event.of the owner or owners of any portion of said pri perty so 1hanqrinutted rfu.s ing or neglectiug t play the pirollor_ tion so idue for Iliore than sixty days, tihe same shall eohistitute ia Uli.n and privilege upll)t sai. d rli': r .. - ty until the said snuim so due shall i paid; provided, the pr, pls.r Itr.o of t tle ]i'rferliieiaie of ithu wiirk l made before a eteuipeteit court, when thie NbiUe shall lae recorded in the office of the Recorder of Mord gages. Sec. 17. 1, it further enactetdl, etc., Th:at tle r'ity Conciln way, when ever it shal:l deeti it to the public inlte:re;t, I y ordinauce provide for the paving, olping or widening of any street or ik.treets, pr anlly i:part thereof, or in the eoInstrulction of. a city hatlnhakuets, alnd other strunc tares of public necessity and utility the cost of which shall Ie paid by the city; provided, that whenever the amnuwt 'lof cost of paving said streets or erectinlg the structures aforesaid from time to timue exceedu the anmoiut of funds in the city treasury, then the Coimmon CouncMil is herelby authorized ypd empow eredl to ftiuo honds iof the ci;ty, run Iuilig forty years, with intere4 con p'1n. attc'hed, and Iearing interet at t e rate of, and not exceeding ten per cont., payable semi-annually either at the cities of New Orleaas Shreveport or New. York, ~t the op tiom.of the holer Mt reo and said Coemmail shall have power to dilpose of ua boead in meuch munaneri it may deet~ifor the eat 'interst of the dity, the proceeds of which slM be used soely for the piqe. f1r which they uhal be iinem i abatl alo by. ordinance; provide for levy (Comrou'so o41. oIatL PFAGs BATES OF ADVERTISING. SInart l t9ow 0 6ue 1lyr One $4 $7 i9 $1 I' Two 7 .'9 1 Three 9 it 90 x 50 Four 15 25 35 8O -70 Five 20 '3 465 80 85 :{ix 24 42 50 70 100 ICum.45 80 1.2 175 160 Ti tw~ieit itIrertiflmcnt.% $1 50 per &iqmw1e first ýjeertiou; Rnlfeent All t., Ix lin each ºItA·rtic& ,V V u '' J' ' I'uiniio , f eZslh besieRs 1041d dispat21ch. Wedtding Cs, execntet in auacrdamCe. with pre'vafni faslhinns. Fygrtrj l Notices printe'd on shortest no tilt wish tsll) clieyt diit eh. -1 i.. 1TRIF:I.S A DVR RT!SR3F1fRWTS JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW OFFICF, 26 St. Charles Street 46 Prompt attention given to civil Lrizaps in Iho sev enl courit of the State. A. P. FwiedM Q Robert Dolton Attinriieyw 4c CouweetkOh at LAw. V, 9). (¶ niurdeil I'lacE, 2J. Fluqr. -- -, S8trict Attrution to nfl. CiviI 801 ('rininal Ihuslneom in the 141ateaai UuiW º HENRY C. k H. M. DTPLE,' Attoa'taepgs at Lo.w, nQt....... Nt hez HNre*...2.... 8 (Morgan's Building.) New Orlenwu, La. LOUJISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY (FVWEt, Ne. *190 cEx)uXOI "Pr. INSTIIE.S FIRE, MARINE AND RIVERP RISKS AND PAYS )M 7 S IN New Orloanu, New York, Livepool, Loi'don, H:Lavre, Paris, or Ptrnwne, at the option of tho iurned. CHARLES BRI(iGGS Puesmi A. CAIRRIEI.. Vice-Presidest. J. 1'. Itoux. Secretary. EMPIRE MIUTUAL LIFE INSURA.WCE COMPANY OF THE CITY Of NEW Y0 NO. 139 BROADWAY. Omr Geo. 11. $,nidh. I'ice 1Ws. U. Hilton N··il,,uer. IPrcd., L ir. W aler. A.*nry. sld. Ai,o y W 'I'. K w M~i y. MdI. kimClr., A.'...s, A....rl ff.. L' i....cHAc Awioni C(IblMJIJAWIf% AIKIW'IIANTS. P. 1). S. PINCIIBA'K. C. (J. Airomx, X,.oa Orhuaw. i.. Arevepor4, La. PINCH.BaCK, & ANTTOINE, 2.14 Claroloioat~i7' NEW ORILEANS. LAthe' AeItrvnuv. ,aedi on E Cbueiqn. IILP~d. Prvmqp eutelnd~io ir 9b. be aide 4*5 150tAdyorlfl, IeELidsa qfgnna, .t:, *l. (.aiijnme~wds covredl bg Insurnce a'r sflojay ue'* tldppeuI, unle~us oicmeiae f~nc~q~rid ePh rCI~~e IIdl~u Ii~~t I Ytbcram, 5. ~ -AND, -- Agent for the smile of Real Ed-, d., OFFICE ANYD .a8~zz8-xooM I Mbd~Sl~l~,.n- r~ - Pr, uq, IJLp N Cky Et~ a