Newspaper Page Text
"REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIlES, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." VOLUME 1. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THUD$DAY, AUGUST 31, 1871. 1NUMD3BS. ý-.-THE LLCISIANIAN, OWNED,"'+$, EDITED AND.ýIANAGED BY COLOR ED MEN. I P7BLISHE)D EVERY TilRDt X AND SUNDAY MORN 1ý,,; AT 114 (ARONDELET STREET \fV iIRLE.1Ný LA. tip \ I'i l INCHBA('K, OnLEANS. l4 ANTOINE, CADDO, a,1 lI KELSO, R1APTDiR. m\s. (. BKOM'.4 N,---Editor. /I. ].Ys. PI INCTIBA'K, MIaaeger. u...1 41ll4 Be t I'1TIN 5,: . . . .. .. On01 4 11,.u,\ .. i. o I'HOSPECTUJS OF The Lonusianian. I 4 V.r1, Vort eStilhlihll another . i j; .rwal in New Orleans, 1 , ,.t of the LOuTSI AIAN, 1., till :1 It , --'ity whirlh has 1.. u l . t ..onuu-inui v painfully 14 1 . s-i. Il the transition state iui thlir ýtru1ggliugeflorts ,, a n tlI"t lpositiun Iii th~e liudy" I' 4ii.. e l we lnleIivc'j to be their ,I.1. I- ' led that mIucl infor u .ll0n1e4, 4ncointagement.t I .l r, pr~Itf have llw n lust, in Ii it the 1:wek tof a Ina ,i1uº, t!. l isi h b l ih t l as d tieiencriesmiu ht' I. i h. 1. W\ shall strive to make 1 I .' 'I I- i ' " I ýN a rl.;id , rtm iii these l'UIACY. 1, u lie is ndiiiett s, the LIDS. L,, 1 he .. /r'/~rh ea! "Ir 't of, .it tiug 'it. fhe set . fity cul eujtyt 1.. I ' ltrIDA c.:iv llill~' li lVy, ýnt liyo 1' , wet shlly atill ct t '1'4 t e' lla , ! ni 1 hputliti-l' disldhjitrilts l~o1te~ 1ind or ni atrnale, who magit l I ,i.rustmt rigelli animsitiee, for 1.1liteMrating thj' uutllt Wialo the hitter 1 t.ref promlotii pv id. tuou al nitlOin 4 n1 all t las1sas :indl between all lit t. rtts, we slutll advocate the rnfluuvl I. :ialitical disabilities fostei kind *. :i, ateorStatauce, where malignity iol~I r, mntmnt reignree, and seek for I.ne1s anal justice where wrong ange t l lrt"'iion prevailed. Tius united in un nams aunl objects, We shall conserve 1 in t interests, elevate our nob~le ý' ".to an enviablºe position amnong oter Stabes, by the develIOmnent i': illimitable res~onrees, and secure tell henefit+I of the mighty changes tic ti. hi-tory and condition of the .4.l a:unt th. ('ountry. I:. I II that trre'can he no truie r.stnithu the C1upr'l'IttW3 tof law, II ii 'ea s~t wt anil undlisrimi aatjiiitjanusttjtion of jutatiec. TAXATION. 'I .11 upp.~ort thte ldoctrinl. of an Ii 411 Lie~i' 1 of taxatoion amuong d lu .L. , .1 fL itlliul elllleetion of the conternudd tith h exigen '1414th Stat.' .r Co~nstry and the :4e 44 e'.ery legitinieti oblige El:UA'ATION. W.4I .11 tutaiin the tarrying out of -I.u 'I.Of the act .Žitabllshinlg "1aIn ''hool systeni, and urge lP 0o.4111 ut duty the education of ouh a itally (oflnec-ted isith 1:1'o llhglltrnLnrut, and the secu '' 40. stability 9f a Republican FINAL P rV 1,4, It. inly, as 44 lldnet, wec shall strive ''I'. 441 I rI~ , futm n utl h1i4m 1I t..llpilrht'4 ('xist4'nc(e, and usund e shall at all (V4 lit dvserre " suiccests. 1.ION LEAGUE CLUB HOUSE ..Royal Dltrelet.. TL, ioriis of the 0l.? awe open aech to 'Instabe and their guest. from 7 A thl to 12 P Ii. Lumch will be aeved ~i~ fro 12 U. to 2 P. M. POETRY. * FORGIVE AND FORGET. ST TF'PElR. When streams of unkindness. ift hitter as gall, Bubble up from the heat to the tongue, And meekness is writhing in torment and thrall, By the haads of ingratitude wrung: In the heat of injustice, upswept and unfair, While the anguish is festering yet, None, none but an angel of God can declare I now can forgive anal forget. But if the bad spirit is chased from the heart, And the lips are in penitence steeped, With the wrong so repented, the wrath will depart, Though scorn on injustice were heaped; For the best compensation is paid for all ill, When the cheek with contrition is wet, And every one feels it is possible still At once to forgive and forget. To forget It is hard for a man with a mind, However his heart may forgive, To blot out all perils and dangers behind, And but for the future to live. Then how shall it he? for, at every turn, Recollection the spirit will fret, And the ashes of injury smoulder and burn, Though we strive to forgive and forget. (, hearken ! a&y tongue shall the riddle unseal, And mind shall he partner with heart, While thee to thyself I 1i, conscience reveal, And sh w thee how evil thouf art: Reiiiscminhr thy Fellies, thy siuý, and thy (rnluies. How vst i, that intinite .eht ! 'let mercy bath se.veu by slenty titoc. Been aWitt to thigsne andl biget. Brood not on insults or injuries old, For thou art injurious too; Count not the sum till the total is told, For thou art unkind and untrue; And it all thy harms are forgotten. tar given, riow mercy with justice is met; 11, who would not gladly take lessons from heaven, And learn to lirgive and forget Yes, yes. let a man, when his enemy weeps, lie quick to receive him a friend; For thus on his head in kindness he heaps Hot coals, to retina as l tueend: Amn hearts that aur I 'ritian mole easily yearn, A. a enu'Se on her let, tuisr li, that, our, hitter, te Is-nitenme turn, And whis er, torgoie anl forget. The Art of Kinning. People will kie, Yet one in a hundred knows how to extract bliuss fromlovely lips, no more than they know how to make diamonds from charcoal. And yet it is easy-at least forms! This little item is not alone for young beginners, but for the many who go at it like hunting coons Or selling corn. First know whom you are to kiss. Don't make a mistake, although mistakes may be good. Don't jump up like a trout fora fly, and smack a woman on the neck, or on the ear,aor on the (or nor of the forehead, on the end of the nosei, or slop over on her water tall or bonnet-riblcon, in haste to get through. The gentlemen should be a little the tallest. He shoul4 have a clean face, a kind Py~e and a mouth full of expretetion instead of tobacco. Don't kiss everything, includilig nasty little dogs, maile or female, Don't sit down to it. Mtanid up. Need not he anxious to get in a crowd. Two persons are plenkty to corner and catch a kiss. More persons spoil the Ryport. Sland firm. It won't hurt any nfter you are used to it. Take the left hand of the ladyC in your right hand. Let your hat go to-any place oat of tihe way!I Throw the left hand gently over the uhonlder of the lady, and let the hand fall down upo the right uidt, teowards the belt. Don't be in a hurry. Draw her gently to your living heart. Her head will fall lightly upon you~r shoulder, and a handsome shoulder Mshap it muakes ! Don't be in a hurry; send a little life down your left arm, and let it know its business. kler~left hand isin your *ight. Let there be eg ee 0at that-not like the grip of a vie., but a gentle elarp, full of eleetricity thfought and reepeet. Don't be in a hurry, her heai'I lies earelesaly oni your shoulder ! You are nearly heart to heart. Look down into her half closed eyes. Geutley yet manfully press her to your bogom. Stand firm and Providence will gire~ you strength for the ordeal ! Be brave but do not be in a hurry. Her lips almost open I Lean gently forward with your head, not the body. Take good aim. The lips meet-the eyes close--the heart opens-the soul rides the storm trouble and sorrow of life [don't be in a hurry !)-heaven opens before, --the world shoots from under your feet as a meteor flashes across the evening sky (don't be afraid!)-the nerves dance before the just-created altar of love as zephyrs dance with the dew-trimmed flowers-the heart forgets its bitterness-and the art ofjkissing is learned !-Er. THE NICKNAMES 01 THE STATES. Alabama, lizards; Arkansas, tooth picks; California, gold hunters;tol orado, rovers; Connecticut, wood en nutmegs; Delaware, muskrats; Florida, fly up the creeks; Georgia, buzzards; Illinois, suckers; Indiana, hoosiers; Iowa, hawk-eyes; Kansas, jayhawkers; Kentucky, corn-crack crs; Louisiana, creoles; Maine, fox es; Maryland, craw thumpers; Michi gan, wolverines; Minnesota, gophers Mississippi, tadpoles; Missouri; pukes;. Nebraska, bug eaters; Neva da, wage hens; New Hampshire, granite boys; New Jorsey, blues or clam catchers; New York, knicker bockers; North Carolina, tar boilers and tuckoes; Ohio, buckeyes: Ore gon, webfeet and hard cases, Penn sylvania, penna1Iites and leather heads; Rhode Island, gun flints; South Carolina, weasels; Tennesee, wlwylps; Texas, beefheads; Vermont green mountain boys; Virginia, headles; Wisconsin, badgers. RATIFICATION MEETING IN NATCHI TOCHES. I IALI. OF CseNmAL REPrwvsuto uLru, Natchtitoches, La., August 19, 1871. 'Ph. lkding and influential members of the 1tRpulblican party from the .diferent wards Idet on the evening of the sine teouth, it the hall of the Central club, for the purpose of ascertaining a true history of the Fite convention held in the city of New Orleans, August 9, 1871. The tueeting being called to order by .1 sesph Austin, the premudent, the proceed ings ot the Turner Hall convention and that at the Customhouse were read by dni t;. Lewis, secretary, to the large con n not a of Republicans jresent. Hau. . Raford Blunt sad H. Baby, dels gate; to the late convention held in the city of New Orleans, August 9, 1871, ad iren el the meeting at legth relative to the action of the two conventions, pre s, ntin' a true history of the atrocities canunitted by the Lowell-Packard boltern and disorganizers. At the close of the .qisochcs. the following resolutions were irad and presented to the club: Rteaslledi, That we, the Republican par ty of the parish of Natchitoches, do suetain and recognize the aetion of the only legal delegatus representing the Republican party of the parish of Natchitoches, to wit: Hons. Raford Blunt, Henry Baby and M. P. Ulackatone, and we, the Republi can party, do tender our sineere thanks to these gentlemen, the delegates above named, for the efficient and valuable ser vices rendered the Republican party of this plurish in the only true convention held in New Orleans on the ninth instant, and which met at Tarner Hall. Resolved, That we, the Republican party of the parish of Nlatchitochse, do indorse in every particular the action and proceed ings ii the Turner Hail convention. Resolved, That we recognize in the'ac tion of the bolters and disoyanizera that met at the Customhouse, principles that lead, if carried ont, to a war of races, tumult, riot and confusion is our now peaceful and prosperona State. Resolved, That we indorse the resolu tions presented to and indorsed by the Turner Hall convention, and offered by Hon. H. C. Dibble. Resolved, That we heartily indorse the administration of his Excellency H. Y'. Warnmith, Governor of the State of Louis iana, and the Republican party of this State are indebted to him for their perfect organization, and also his very valuable services to the whole people, for bringing out of tumult and confusion our State, which now enjoys through his wisdom and guidance a reputation second to none in the Union. The whole people are in debted to him for arresting the schemes of public plunderers, for the protection of the rights of the treasury of the State, and the prevention of fraud sad ceerrption by We recoquaze in him a true, comolateat Governor; one is whom the atiaesms of this State have the utmost couahlanee Ia end respect for. He has adminitesed the taws regardles at persomal Sear or afction, and to lie wise dad aminletive ahility and prudeace our Stats is now bashing i the pecand maton or onesentsalt Rmusveda That the pjuseseeigs of this meeting, sad the abpve mseolmtions, be published in the New1Orlesas Repe~ter. and Iovrmazu After eine hdeal~ we- med, It wau moved saaontae thlhiey beeaki whish was doms, andi aqpemteiU6 the Turner Rail cocinntian war south awl (lagmal Omat Jose Q. Iawas, Beutary. TEa ANsUnrrio! CanomeCLE objects in this wise to the representation that the Customhouse manipulators cooked up for the parish of As sumption: We see b7 the "Official" report of the proceedings of the Customhouse Convention, published in the Cit i zens' OQwmJ, of the 18th instant, that the Parish of Assumption was represented by A. J. Sypher, Henry Grimes, and J. A. Walsh. Mr. Sypher, is a resident of the Parish of St. Mary's, Mr. Grimes, of La fourche, and J. A Walsh of Orleans. None of these gentlemen are even known to the citizens of the Parish of Assumption, and we are at a loss to know how utter strangers can represent us in any Convention. If the Customhouse Convention was composed of ,such delegates, then surely the Republican Party was not represented in that body. LAWS OF THE Late of Louisiana. (PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY] EXTRA SESSION OF 1870. No. 106. To incorporate the Arkansas and Delta Railroad Company and granting aid to the same. See. 10. le it further enacted, etc., That on preeentat~in of the application to the court or judge therein named, and no peson ap pearing to oppose said application, and whenever it shall satisfactorily appear from said application, and proofs thereunto attached, that ser vice of the notice of the time and place of the ,presentition of ..iJ application upon all the owniers and persons interestea in sai4 land has been made, the said coupt or judge thereof shall, forthwith, make an order appointing three disinterested andt competent freeholders, who reside in the parish where the pre mises are situated, o. an adjoining parish thereto, as comaiaysioners to ascertain aIN apprPais, the compen sation to bewuade to the owners or persons interested in the real estate proposed -to be taken by the said company for its purposes, and shall tiz the time and plae for the first meeting of the said commissioners. In case any person who shall be the owner,or who shall have a vested in terest in said premiaeseballappearat the time and place of tbepresentation of said application, the said court or judge, befre making said appoint ment of caouweissioners, may hear such persom and said company in selation to any persons proposed for appohatmens as such commis sioners, their place of residence, their competency and intetest, and after such hearing the said court or judge shall make aAoppointment of three comnmiamioners ma aforesaid, in accordance with the discretion or judgment of maid court or jnigs, in asse it shall appeqr by saidb Ap plication that any person, or any of the persons owning br interested in the said premisesehuonribed in the application, or any part of the mas, are not known to the mud company, or are not resadents1 of Ahe parish wherein said real getate is eituAted, or cannot be found thqr~ein after due diligence, or arejufanis, idlota. or persona 9f unsound mind, then and in sueph case thq said court or judge, before maakisg sai4 app int mont of oommiassoners, masall make such inquiries ma 4q such owners in-~ terestod in said pramis4 sand shall make such orders for asrvice of notice upoa them or upon any per. sons in regard to. suc applienaipn and songi other order or prdera in the premisses as e sk ajd.court or judge mway deem geceary, propwp and lust, and shall then make .4 apppiuitawent of enemssnioners a. aforesaid. mad in connection there with make such orders as to the service of any future nptiee upon the owners ofsanid preumise p~t te meeting wad Waimemmatt ~ aid eommzmnumexganad thpoongrmatiomi of the ap~s asmay seyn to said court or jngeIpitahle and just. Obe 11. BNitfurther aseted~ea., ted, or a ageritg o Semali5M 21O& Irut meeting at a U.. ~hsappointed by them el~ or judge, and may adjourn from time to time at their discretion; they shall take and subscribe as oath before any officer authorised to administer oaths in the ake of Louisiana to the effect that they and each of them will impartially and to the best of their judgment and ability perform the duties of said commissioner; and any one of said commissioners may issue sub plenas and administer oathsto wit nesses. Whenever theyb meet to take testimony or hear the parties, except by appointment of thersaid court or judge, or pursuant to ad adjournment they shall cause rem' sonable notice of such meeting to be given to any of the parties in in terest who shall have heretofore appeared before them or their agent or attorney. They shall hear the proofs and allegations of the par$les, and reduce the same to writing, and after all the testimony offered in the case that in the judg ment of said commissioners is per tinent to the value of said premises is taken, they or a majority of them shall without any unnecessary de lay, ascertain and determine the compensation which ought justly and equitably be made by said company to the owner or persons interested in said real estate ap praised by them; and said com missioners shall take into consider ation the advantages that the said owners or persons interested in the said real estate may derive from the construction of the said proposed railway, for which said real estate is proposed to be taken. They shall make a report in writing to the court or judge by whom they were appointed, which shall con tain the proceedings in the cases before them with the minutes of the testimony taken by them, if any and their award and determiuiation They shall be compensated for ser vices as such commissioners by said company at the rate of five dollars per day for actual services. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That on such report 1 being made by such conmmissioners, the court or judge shall appoint a time or place for the hearing of said company, and all parties interested in said lands, in regard to the con firmation of said report, and shall by order direct the manner and form of the service of any notice of the same upon any persons that in the judgment of said court or judge should be notified; and on the day of such hearing, if no person shall :appear to oppose the confirmation 'd said report, the same shall be confirmed by the said court or judge, and an order shall be made r~dting the proceedings of the ap praised, the confirmation of the same, and a description of the real estate, and a directing to whom the money or value of said real estate should be paid, or in what manner the same shall be deposited by the said company bar the use and bene fit of said owners, and if any per son shall appear to oppose the con flrnotien of said report, the said court or judge shall hear the par ties for sad against said cozqIrma tiou, then the same proceeding shall be had in the premises as hereto fore provided, in case no person sip pesaad to oppose said confirmation; and if said court or judge shall de. side against said confirmation, an order shall be entered directed to said commissioners, or other comn miasiopers named in said order; to proceed to a reappraisal of the said premises, the proceedings of which shall be afterward conducted as in the first instance, except that the appraisal order shall .be final, and sball be confirmed by' said coath or jngeand'the order of said court or, judge. confirming any appraisal as aforesaid, shall be final and eon chiuive on all parties interested; provided, that any party to said decree shall have the right to appeal to the Supreme Court from any de cree to their niserests, or the inter ests of those they may represent. -See. .13. Sitfurther enacted, etc., That the oeuer 01 emid court or jug oairmimg as npyraiaal of laidsahetetkroe pmrovided, or a osenibeibsp if the samne, shall t. StA nth ~lsdlte eek f the .. or posah Ma whisb the ema -nlett wppaid sh eR to it ated andthesr shaU reuau on re cord; and such order, so entered and filed shall vest in said company the lands described therein, and such estate as may therein be set forth, on payment or tender of pay ment or deposit of the amount of the appraisal and damages by said company, as provided in said order or a duly certified copy thereof, with proof of such payment and de posit as therein provided, wilt be considered as legal evidence of the title and estate of said company to the real estate acquired by the appraisal by said company under and in pursuance to this act, and said title and estate shall be deemed to be aequired for public use. See. 14. Be it further enacte1,&e., That the said company is hereby authorized to obtain by grant or otherwise from any incorporated city or village within the State of Louisiana, that may be situated up on its railway, any rights, privileges or franchises that any of said incor- ! porated cities or villages may choose to grant in reference to the con struction, maintenance and man agement of the railroad of said compazits depots, cars, locotno tives and its business within the limits of such incorporated cities and villages; and any such incor porated cities and villages as here in before named, is hereby author ized and empowered to grant to said company any such rights pri vileges and franchises as it may deem proper and advisable and such rights privileges and franchi ses, when granted to and accepted by said company from any such in corporated city or village shall be deeinetl and taken as rights, privi leges and franchises vested and con firmed in said compainy. and int liable to be hereafter revokhd, changed, injured or impaired, ex cept with the consent of said com pany, and any parish, city or incor porated town is hereby authorized through its police jury, town coun cil, board of trustees or other offi cers to aid the said Arkansas and Delta Railroad Company by sub scriptions to its stock or the pur chase or " its bonds, and the said oflicers are hereby authorized to levy and to collect or cause to be levied and collected a tax upon the real and personal property of the said parish, town or village suf ici ent to realize the amount of their subscription to the stock or pur chase of the bonds of the said com pany. Sec. 15 Be it further enacted, etc., That whenever and as often as five or more consecutive miles of single track roadbed of said Arkansas and Delta railroad shall have been grad ed, furnished with needfil bridges and culverts, and fully prepared for the superstructure, and the same shall have been certified in writing by the president of said board of directors or other ai4horized agent of said company to the Governor of the State of Louisiana, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State of Louisiana to cause the work so done and certilled to be inspected by a competent person appointed by the Governor for the purpose, who shall, without delay, make a report to the Governor in writing as to the extent and character of said work; and if on inch inspection and report it shall 4ppear that said work has been done in good and sufficient manner, then, and in that event,, the Governor shall cause to be executed and delivered to said compaiiy the bonds of the State of Louisiana to the amount of seven thousand five hundred dollars for each and every mile of said roadbed which shall so appdarto be graded and prepaltd; and whentiver, and as often as 'five or more eounssestiv miles of said railway shall be fully completed, having the croesties and iron rails well and properly laid and the same shall have been duly certiled in writing by the president of the board of directors or, other authorized agent of said company, to the Governor of the State of Louisiana, it shall be the dof the Go,euit'or of the 8tsts (if Lois to himi, to bs insseted bysaeoms ptetat porson ajyointed fwrta purpose to 'have .beess w& 'a properly domq, tip 4m4 it Otha event the GovowcshaR c5ose to be azaculed and delivunds to said (eowmassen so 1m B.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. 9q moi mes 3pe `ý m 1 yr One 4 iT7 !1 -m S90 Two 7 9 "15 !D 35 Threse 9 1 9 365 60 Four 15 25 85 50 70 Five 20 36 45 60 86 Six 24 42 0b 86 100 1 Column. 45 80 1W 175 350 Transient advertisements, 11 8 per squaR frsnt insertion; each ibsquert insertion, 75 cents. AU bola ýOass iemats to be ehagat two eits per line each J ýisyeasi!lwith Neatase and dispatch. SCards e aecated n- rsootdais. with prev ing fashions. F nu r a l Mtions printed w.shortust no - $oenndit thquickest diem ah. JOHN B: HOWARD. - LAW IWe3 n, 26 St. Charles Street 26 Prompt attention given to civil business in the several courth of the State.' A. P. Feleds &° Robert Doltons Attorneys and Cothcellors at Law. Xo. 9 Comn mnercial Plane, 2nd Floor. r*Strict Attention t4. l4aq &vil and Criminal imins is, the ata4 $ d United States Covrj, 1SSUIjAK N' COMP4IlSB~yANRS LOUISIANA MUTUAL INtURAN(D COMPANY oFFICE, No. 120 onoaos sýVe'r. INSURES FIRE, MAIWNk AND RIVER WI KS AND PATS LSU'Eh New Orleans, New Yo , Liverpool, London, HBv4e ,auis, or Breten,at theeption of the insured. CHARLES BR1IG J, Presjdent A. CARRIERE, Vioe'Peaident. J P. RAI. Stretary. £ AP1 It E .1 MUTUAL LIFE IY8URANWC COMPANY OF TEE CITY OP NEW TORS No. 139 BROA1ºpy. (den. W Smith. Vice Preat. Q. Mltons &ribner. Preat., L. II. Wayq, Adwsry. ,Siney W. &q du. &edy.,. Ga 4 S`pt. Agencs. T. £ Msvcj. MYd kenuw., Agents, Ker Orlemss ona'Z 4 Aoalwa THE FIEEDIA;'ýý.;11u3a AND TRUST COMPANY Chartered by the United States Goveranie*, Wsrh, 1806 IIncwepal oraeN, whBNI no, D. 0. D. L. EAT'ON...Actusary. *BRANCH AT NEW ORI AAIs, LA. 114 Carondeletatet C, D. STURTEVMIT, Onahier, Bank Hours a .s Saturday Ilighte...... *4 S eclee General Commniwa..e Merchant. Agent fer the saie of Ue6Miehate. etA., out noon SALES PROMlH IitEhDED TO OFF'ICE AND f3AI3-BOOM, 168 POYTRAS BEEW't, NEW ORLZP LA. lH a