Newspaper Page Text
.. ,,,. otv in the Southwunt i, ,hr wr.' ugaged. l in the campaign, th.d .,l;i d ptice miht be done, the ,r - ' rnt from such States shalli t:ll I ote the Idlhg'atio would be ... t, " it re th.ey all present. Re i " r ton ,rle,, of( ', rgia : ,, .- 'e ,lv t' t u , of the annei: .ti: n),11ig) is now agitating the ,.. qun1stinn in wlhiich thel I t i, I t this eunntry are vit.dly S , ' : :' " , l i i t S .t h.. .' e , citizens of , C '. i',t'tin ll '. t rl, et 1. , w .ic Wl; , , ofirt' tha t h , arhe n, t this tu jet. a.l,. !. " l, ' of anly i ot|l rp,, i i l'liti I'C i\" ]),ittt o , - ., . .- i. ) ' Ait ,In : G r.; . I . ," : ..... ill thi-i r..-, lutl,)ii .l, , i b l Ia i , t ,rs, Ml.; H. I i hi '," I at h, i M.u ': I a c pli s.itio ll . ,: ,r ",i Jam"s A. T.ay S :rH m \'i.t ;;in.t, tu. (ri. l . ... " f :. a is is that S I , itu '.vatis , te1., wl ich I to 1 ," pllaced upon the re :n i was offered that the , T,, r, port this P. M. ,. .,ir ,loppiated| contnittees as J. H, . . Deveaux, Ga.; R. S} S. '.; ' Ja t MyJers, ad. ; H. S ,.,,.. Gi.: H. II. Turner, (ll. H. I . lainy, S. C.; VW. ' l.. Ir' S. ('.. v. A. B 1.s .au, S. , L. :.M w ll . ( .. : R i. . ('rtin, S. C.; J. . Lrk.; S. . H. SIott, Mis:. ,. (Nl ; 1. l '. ( '. .ntitioe, La. ; , ' ('.; WH.H. Gra, Ark.; 1 i. , ,rl ; :i ,, ''( iin . I. I. l Tiurnelr, (I.I Isaac S ý31l".. J. tiH. ý, ll hu n., Ark.; 1. I" i ,.t S. (' ; \ . H. II,.rrilon, Gal.; S t.U tl,.L ,.; . Cain, S. C.; I rN.'lIn, Texa; J. T. Walls, i., t '. i'S.1.S., L. .; } \ l: ,. , : . ('.: ' F. Qtarlcs, '(1. a , .. (ar .: J. II. W' hite, SI. ('. I o.. ,t i,,' t,, (; . \V. } t . . 11. . P in. ,.v, S. ('.: E dwin S r I, . ., . 1 'r . L. S. L . S.. . L . S.J. Ie , .. tC. \ \ ~ilt, Fl3. ; \V. J. i. 11. l) v a xit , Ga.; II. . T. J .,,woes, 'T'nn ; J.. :.. . IlF, truhl, '(,xat s : . 1Ai.; 1;. W . Price, N. ('., F' .I . Johl- n, I Al .; -1i: T . . yk'.i . N. ('. F ... . J. 1, I arlcirh, Lin - S i.:l, , 'lit ('.ou linh e ; F. (' t. oh f ('t l.uhth la:J. l 1'. ,th t ('Fi.r, .hn,; Benj. (i edi l i i , r - t " I,' ,li J. ,. Siith ni . Fr. i iii Ark ii, prt I ' .., 1tf Tfrilie tii r l e" t o'-e S ,,I ,111 ,,1 ntiil rt, wa t.. l,li an t i a .i ' ti" ., ,f .lrl l i t a; l'inchhat,'k, "f t , tt. :1 I t ,.,: tho t (',wl ullilt t, (ii 1 ',l; l,, 'i It) ft i tor ibe rei lit 'i - r n .n ,t~ Stiltt i 1: inst, E i4 , 't til A .i I ur t is inl .r ljrua r,. , i' t, , ,,tp I ittt ,,N tiY r .' i, i l ,, l Ut I ti . , e:i, ,, i . , it.e r ,,de l t,, " th.' 0. i.'..t0 mi-, t, L Ili iH1l.,n tld , i ,1 s . t SI :i lnr, h, of the fi~, at r, lih o ,l :, ,i'h ' , \ . :1 l it .. ; ..l ,, Sjl , 1, 3 .' ! ll 1- Low 3Middling..... 18~fi_18j 18 , Middling..... ......18 18 18 S S tr ic t M id d lin g . . . . . .. . - ( - 11 Good M* -- -_ SSUG.AR: = Good Fair, Ib.......... .. . Yellow CLaritied ...................llt F air .......................... ... 9 : Fully lair.................... 12 , White.......... .... ......13 .13. Y MOLASSES:- ,f Centriflgal ........... ............... 52 - F ,ir ........ . .............. . . .. . . ... 1.R Prime. ..65 Rltl,oil .l1, ,lnt.tition, 't gallon. .30 -- I l.'boile,1, refinery ..............30(i ( Golhcu Syrup..................... ;1 00 n FLOUIR:- " SInl r iile ............ ............. C, 00 i Double extra...................... 6 75 n 'l'r bl,l, tlt. ..................... 7 2 SGo(,od Treble Extra............. 7 75 f;ood Extra ........... ...........7 ;2b - Choice Extra.............. 7 75, and 8 75 CORN: , Whlite mixed .................. 6 ,Yellow .......... ........ . 21 \W hite............... ............ 9 , Choice White, in I)Dludoe....... . - St. ('harles contvy White.......... - Mixed, in poor order......... .. - OATS: - St. Louis, h ushel.......... 68® 52 (ale a .............. .. .. ......... 53 SBRAN: - * 100 Ilb ......................... 1 50 HiAY: - Western, ' t ton ................. 33 00 Choice...... .....................36 50 PORK: - Summennir-cured M'hs ................. - I \inter-packed MIsS......... .... . I*etailingl ,.t.............1. 15 Ot00 13 50 ESNCULENThS: Potato s, bbl .. ......... ... ........ 3 7. Onious ....................... 323 Apples ........ ...... ..... 3 0(.. , 50 LAR\D: Tierees, lb ... ..... ........... 13:1 "Kf, I................. .11 i 'l. lrTTEIll: - C('hli, Ws\'tcrn, y- LI. . ..... ... 2( "21 sih1 n .......... ... ...... . 3".(,:3 Sl ui-iaiL,, pri ......... ......... 9 ii It l . . . .... . .... . . Iniw 1 ,1 .... ....... 110....CANAL 'STIE ET....101 Near St. C'harles, IN ' aloLi.i.I v', L.I. MEl'S AND BOYS' (,F 1 iiir OWs MA.iE) lOYS AND) CHIILDR1EN'S CLOTHING. IMlN'S A\I BilIS' ,IIIIT, iT lIE TO ORiDER Every Article Marked in Plain Figures. G(14, shl in ''l( l price" sitin, an.l ,lily :irielI p iu'chase. whii, i h is to i- giv I .llihwii i an hl h r turucid aol the mull ,'y oil! bI rliinIdd. #F-ir derlitantc Prl'ic(es and Fre;l 8th';· to select fl'rolll are solme of the iniducenwnta olitrcd at B. T. WVALSIIE'$ IMlVlllfl SIRlT .til) 'LOTIIING EIPORIIII 11!) C'anial St., near St. Charles, _1Tow Orloar,. N. 1. Lettr Orlers rceive prompt attention and filled C. O. D. if desired. *75 3vory TWeek?. MADE EASY, We want Smart andl Energetic Agents to iutroduce our l)opullar al:l j ustly celebra Lted iuveitionsi, in every Villaje, Thwc ,dt City in Ith IWorld. Ilndispensable to Every I lousehold; They are highly approvt d of, endorsed and u,,pted by laclis, '/,ysicin,,s ad ;Ii,,,s. and are now a GREAT FAVOR ITE with them. Every Family will Purchase One ,,f lore of then. Siolnethlig that their in.ritI are aplpsrentatat a GLANCE. DRUGGIST, MILLINERS DRESSMIAKERS, And all who ke..p FANCY STORES, will find our excellcnt articles SELL VERY 1RAPIDLY, gives perfect satisfac tion anl netting Brltnll liortuanes to all Dealers and Agents. Country llUhts Free 4 to all who desire engauing ian an I,,orail o ls.'iecltale muart P,'rqtii JlL. I 1,;,, at the i sa:me time ding gool to t heir copa mniln. in life Sanllle S2.Ok, snlit fleu by I c mail oq receipt of pr'e. SEND FOR C WHOLESAL.E CIR:lULAR. .Dl)},. PU iltroria l)ai4 siufctilriuig Co 17 1'....K P'LACE, NEW' YORIK. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. "l:nqlestioably the best sstained work of the kind in the World." HARIERS'8 MAGAZINE X tices of the Press. 21 No more delightful travels are printed 1 ill the English language than aplpear per 5 petu:lly in HARPER's MAGAZINJE. They -are read with equal interest and satisftc :,. sion by boys of every grade from eighteen i , to eighty. Its scientific palers, while suf ticicntly profound to demand the attention of' the learned, are yet admirably adapted f0 to tL~e popular understanding, and design e5 ed as much to diffuse correct information Scouncerling current scientific discovery as 5 it could be if it was the oran of the "',o I ciety fou the Difftusion of Usefll Knowl a edge." The great design of HAnPEt's is to give correct information and rational amu,.ement to the great masses of the peo ple. There are few intelligent American families in which I'uPER s `AAGAZINE would not be an appreciated and highly welcome guest. Tnere is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can less afford to be without. Many Maga zines are accumulate HinPER is edit ed. There is not a agazine that is print. ed which shows more intelligent pains ex on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper Magazine publish 0 ed. There is not, confessedly, a mop pop ular Magazine in the world. -Seto Eu Ittl eHomenesead. It is one of the wonders of journalism the editorial manage:neut of U.tLIEr'ss. - The ;Suon. SUBSCRIPTIONS...1871, Termns: IHi hnP'is MA.xzIzNE, one year.... $4 00 A n F[ r ,tra '.q , f Eth er Ue 31". zz. r \' rKh , , B.ZA. R ill be st le;j ,! ,ti ti .tr FIer,/ 4 /, VE I:s1to.Is' - ! 4 00 ,1 ,'h, in , e rnr4;t4 tn,.; ,r .i 'l,it sfo, j ' 20, i, I,tr;thv,,rrtt'4f', cu,y. N. ,. 'i jdrin4.4 to IIArPEIl8 t M(;GAZINE, W\ .:ai.oi, .r',! 1L.z.Avu, to o0,,; ,l,ct'".ss for | .. 9,/r,', 10,,00; ./two ,f 11aFp.r 's P'eri ',a li,',1s, 4, , ,elret.'4' for ,,e /e,.r, $7,110. i,'." .,,ab rs can be supplied at any time. A Compl'te S.'t of I ianPrn's So.AZINE. now c1muprirhin 41 \lbtutes::, in ua.t cloth ieidou', will be sent by expre,(s, freight at exp..nxe of pur,'haier, f or z'' v.3 per vol 2e. . "'/. l ,i,,,,e , by mail, j,,t,)p4 tl, "13 . ('loth cs I'i s r fr bilinlurig, will be" 3'i; centls, by mail, postplaitL The Plstai e on 11' Wltl MlE, ALZi .t is 21 , hmits a 1a1r, whi'h must be paid at the s,Yn ',i. -iri ,s p Tm t-o, . 'ile. SAddress1'ER & ltROTIHElIS, Nc,; York. "i ioIl:h h le lirltriail t Ili ry ofits Ti(r.1is." I" l' 1: , ( 'h,11 s t and iof a.1t Sah i cr'.dii. oaiminthy Pinter in the -IA IE1 'N L EE'1: KL ILY- HP'LE.NDII ql.Y I.IST.iLsTL.TD.. o h .i' .ia tkpar of t rt contry. :L p.,il., in all thie t. r . une ts ft an Anrirg Ftil y ',t r, nlwpIa;':'s \r.:; Nr 1 ..\ 1., ,Isrnel. fr" it te f ta rie at t o t ithe. 4Tte o,,lt pulblrymeion of its e l.,.s in tris, th;a r ai m ,d s Iltflr ahead tof all Other j,'r-,,, , ' not t4 1trmit ,f any compri n. letwroen it ne d al y of their num. r. 00 IAn cxtlrat coptyoifllr the Minet 'ollection Its illtrtion aIre willlr and ,leati ful. b,,ing by th chief artists ol the eountry. -clu sfnfc T H"rdir. a Ii cu rperh, in eVkly is the beOt and olest i ent r.ting illu.strated newspatper. Nor dls its value depend on its illu.toations ate. Its reading mo e tter ic of a high order f litertry merit -varied, instrue tive, enterrhining, and unexceptionable. Subs criptions t s -187Mi. itrper's Weekly, one yearf.........4 00 An extr, coytr of either the Magrzine, Weekly, or wil be supplied gratis thr evane club of ire t b.,riber. at PER4 01 ach, in one remitlone; or, six copies for sn20 00, without extra copy. aSu s oiptiles to iearcmer's Magaziner teekly, anl Bazar, to one adcreit for one year, $10 ; or, two of ll p areervl Periodi Ialse to one addreh s fa r one IVr, $7 00. -trl- Back numbrs can be supplied at any time.181 The Annl Volume's of HARPER'S ! WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be cIent by exlre,, ifree of expense, for $7 th0 each. A Jompte Set, omprsing Four- , teen Volum s~, snt on receipt eof cah at January l at, 1871. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriberis poit oflice. ort Ad f e i v t k)C idetnt of the Board of Ct ommi)sioners i of the New Orlean% Park," will be received at thiseotice tnly (Sundaes excepted) fromid 12 3. to 2 P. 1., until IOGctobGr BO, 1871, construction efa wire sailing arorud the oct Ilm Assistant Seeretary. 'd 8 TEAMlBOATS. rk CAIRO. --- ST. Lomes A.r NEW ORLEANS PAcErr Comran. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packets. .. spe- FOR MIEMHPIS, CAIRO U and the Bends-The fine inrassenger steamers of d this line will leave as tollows: rGiving through bills of lading to all c- points on the Memphis and Charleston n Railroad, Nashville and Northwestern f-: Railroad, and Memphis and Ohio Rail in road-also to St Louis. Through Tickets furnished at lowest ,n rattes to all points East, West and North, is by all the various routes via Memphis, o Cairo and St. Louis. Staterooms so -cured at General Office, 104 Common atreet. A. A. WOODS, General Agent, 1 104 Common Street. fE C. G. WAIYNE, Freight Agent, - / 87 Natchez Street, n JOHN N. BOFINGER. President, Bills of lading for all freights over it the Illinois Central Railroad; signed t- at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, 2. apl. 6-tf 26 Carondelet Street. Si MECHALNTS' SOUTHERN PACKET COMPANY. SFn ST. Loris, CAImo, - MuiEMPiiIS and the Bcnds The steamers of this line will leave as follows. at 5 P, M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Central Railroad to al points on Arkansas, White and Cumb ) erland rivers. Through bills of lading and passenger tickets issued to all points on the Upper Mississippi. as M high as St. Paul. Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on alplieation to r STEVENSON & VERLANDER. Agents, 135 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President. Bills of lading over the Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed only at the office of h JAS. T. TUCKER. it 26 Carondelet street. t NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND TIlE WEST. HIt IE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AND Blue Line, Via Cairo, , WILLT.T:L KEFIRl{EIGIIT SFrom New ( 'rhtas on lirst LEA.VIINO DAILY, AT 5 P. M., FORi CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL P )OINTS NORTH, W'EST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. I All rates and all through bills of - l:ding from New Orleans by above route givi n, signed andl rell r nized only at the (, neral Ollece of the Couui p No,. 2. 26 (,Cardelet Street. Shipl"'rs iv this route save all dray aqe and tr:isfer chllargs at Cairo, anal tlheir goods are always under cover, tlud no charges are made for forwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, General Agut. ST, LOUIS. For St. LouIs, Cairo and Memphis. The Steamer KATIE, SJ. M WarrE, Master; will leave New Orleans for above ports on SATURDAY, SATURDAY, June 10; June 24; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. JANNEY, No. 150 Common Street. A. A. GREEN, No. 196 Common Stree Where a plan of the cabin can be seen BATON ROUGE. C New Orleans, Coast, Baton Rougeand Grosase Tete IRail road semi-weakl passIen ger packet 8T. JOHN. W. R. G orBuoUsE, Master; JAxEs McEnror, Clerk, Will leave New Orleans every S~TonRar, at 5 P. M3., andWD.ErsDAv, at 5 P. 3M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to P E. O. M~EL.NCO, 11 COati street. MILLINERY ESTABLIISHMENT. FALL AND WINTER C WrTCK oi MILLINERY GOODS of every description, just received at C ,...CHARTRES STREET...29 between Canal and Oustomhbouse A INION LEAGUE CLUB HOUSE .t ..........Rov al strcct..........3 2 Theb rmoa of tate Clab are open sech duy to memnses and their gu'suts from 7 1 ", I. , 19 P. M. Tln.h will be seved daily from 12 31. to 2 P. I. NEW ADVERTISEMNTS H L. LZans . E.W.ImU H. R. LEHDE a BRO., a GROCERS f No. 79 81&83. 11 Barone Street, Corner of Unioa Stre eNew Orleans. 1 ftAlways on hand a choice selection of fresh GROCERIES, fine WINES and LIQUORS. n Family and;Country Orders Solicited. No. 49 3mo MILLIVEIY STORES. MRS. A. M. PARRISH r FIRST PREMIUM thitt 'a NO.111 CANAL STREET, New Orleans, La. Particular attention paid to the 1 manufacture of Gents' Under clothing ; alsoBase Ball Club and Firemen's UniformMade to order. BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporltium of 1irsh on FOR LADIES. Represented by Mrs. A. Goodale and re. I. E. Lincoln. FURNISHING SOODIS OF ALL KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS TO HOSIERY, SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY, Wrappers Single or Double, Undercloth ing of every description, Night Dresses, Trail and Walking Skirts, Chemise, Drawers, Sacks, Over Skirts, Aprons, &c. Orders taken for wedding Outfits, Chil drens and Infants' Wardrobes, Suits and Dresses in the Latest Styles, and supplied at short notice. g-The TRADE supplied at New York prices. r Sample Room, No. 2~1 Canal at., AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FIRST PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. l .-Orders re~pectfully solicited. Mrs. A. GOODALE, Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. lIOOKSELLERS, ,TA.4 TIONERS BARRETT, SEYMOUR & Co., PRINTERS AND LITHOGRA PIERS, 60 Camp Street, NEW ORLEANS. COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, - STATIONERYI', BOOKS, ETC., N,. 94, ERichange Alley, bet wen Bienville and Canti Stres, New Or lean&. All the large Northern and Western dai lies. More than one hundred and sixty diff erent publications received and sold. Subscriptions received to all periodical publications. Subscribers wil be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. CARPENTS RS, FURNITURE, tc JULIU&.P. BRO WN. HOUSE CARPENTER Cuaz. Sr. Bet ~ua.r & Bouresox Sra F8 Jobbing. Attended to PunauacwU. The Mitchell & Ramelleberg FURNITRE CO.a, MAN'FACTURESOS AND DerALERS 1.N A UDS OF LCOKING GLASSE', cke., 103 and IOi Camp street, corner Poydras, MORESQUE BULDINO, Al New OaLass. ly DRY tODS & CLOLrNoG, PARTIES WHO BUY FIRST (ASS DRY GOODS --Mn C.a. Will And the money spent more to their satishctiom at BRASELMANC& ADAM'S CASH HOUSE ELSEW HE RE. A Hmee thsngh their immense steek m- --- id Silks, Satins, Reael Poplinas, Plaids, Serges, Merinos, Cashbmees, Emp. Cloths, Formosas. Arab, Jacket, Shawls Sackings, oakinas, Cloths, Flannei Inces, Embroide ries, Glovee, Corsets, Vel ' veots, Ribbons, Paresols, Fans, 0 Etc., Etc., Etc. WILL CONVINCE. 586...............and............ 5888 Magazine street, cor. St. Ardrew, MISCELLANEOUS. HE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGEI Dempa-8ment of Straight Unfrersily. Located over the Freedmens Savings Bannk, 114 Carondelet St. OPEN DAY AND EVENING, NO VACATION. The old and young can enter at this Institution any day, no distinction made in regard to race or color. The design of the Institution, is to furnish opportunities to those wishing a rapid, thorough and practical business edu cation, fifty to one hundred per cent. saved by student., by taking the rapid cammercid cowrse. Parties having or dinary ability, who have entirely ne- 3 glected their education now have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredlible short time. From two to three months is all that requires to complete the commer al course. Terms duced to sunit the E times. For further information call at the College, or address Prof. A. T..Selever, Principal. REMOVAL TO 167 ..CANAL STREET.....167 FROM No. 9 CAMP STREET. G 3&A YTN et. TNTEN'E'W Manufacturers and Dealers IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Trunks, Valises and Bags, d We repectfhlly give notice that they have removed to the large and centrally located No 167 Canal Street, Near Dauphine. It U WINSFIELD & COOPER. PAINTING, GLAZING, CALSOMINING, GRANTILING, FRESCOING,tl GRANING, SIGN PAINT ING, WALL PAPERING. o 01lee No. 84 Dryades Street, Near Union Street. OLORED SEAMEN'8 HOME GEORGE TAYLOR. NO. 91 FRONT LEVEE, THIRD DISTRICT, Boarding and Lodging --OR THE PEOPLE'S 10o6 AND THE BOOK OF THE DAY. JUST OUT. W rhe Louisiana Magistrate. . A GUIf)E OF DAILY USE TO TiE JUDGE, THE PARISH OFFI CERZ THE LAWYEE, THE BUSINESS MAN, AND HEAD8 OF FAMILIES Containing the moet neceary inform. ion on questions of every day mae,~ AID COMPLETE SEt OF FORMS FOB ALL CONTRACTS OF EVERY DAY OCCURRENCE For male by BARRETT, SEYMOUR & CO., General Stationer. and law Pahlsr sh30. t No. 80 Camp utreet. JULES AELraD, Carpenterand Builder. 2R7.... -JULIA STREET....237 Nuw Oaruzan. AllU order left attheuhop wiilbe prompt N -y attended to. LCIINA iTATE IIM T I S Am - i Incorporatd August17, 66 CHAR3LE T. HOWARD .. Pamamm SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY. Sniamsm sezn!t OmT 20,000 Nm-U , CAPrIT P1m - - -- $50,00e. CLAB8 0, STO BE DRAWN IN NIW OBLEANS OR Shhtry, Oitber 2t, 1871, H, HOWARD, SIMMONDB CO., Contr'cts. SCHEME : 20,000 omaas--T~CKE oKz $20. 1 prize of $50,000 is.......... 50,000 1 prize of 30,000 is.......... 30,000 1 prize of 20,000 is........ 90,000 18 1 prie of 10,000 is......... 1,00 Iprize of 9,000 is........ 9,000 1 prize of 8,000 is.... .. 8,000 1 prize of 7,000 is.......... 7,000 1prize of 6,000 is......... 6,000 prize of 5,000 is.......... ,000 I prize of 4,000 is....... 4,000 1 prize of 3,000 is.......... ,000 L 1 prize of 2,000 in........ 3,000 prize of 1,000 1 prize bf 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 pri of L000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 I prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 I prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 r 1 prize of 1,000 are $25,000 1 pre of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 SIpriz ofe 1,000 e prizeof 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 I prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 _ 1 prize of 1,000 - 0 prize of 1,000 50 prizes of 500 are 95,000 -317 prizes of 500 are 63,450 440 prizes amounting to $290,f00 SWhole tickets $S0; share in prortion. I Prizes payable in all withoutdetion. Orders to be addressed to. 1 CHI T. HOWARD, Lock Box 892 Po tofice, New Orleans. SSend Postoffice Money order or Register your Letter. Agg & e' eil PATENT ATTORNEYS AND DEALER IN ALL. THE and most Useflul Patents of the age. We beg to call public attention to the fact that we are now prepared to fill or ders for the latest novelties in the line of patented goods, and are constantly adding Sto our large stock, such articles of merit as the inventive spirit' of the a produces, and the progressve temper of the times demands. The Southern Coun try especially, needs these labor-aving inventions; to our friends in the eountry extead an invitation to mal ad emaine our stock of boummoz Am nTem mws. Inventors can obtain Information through our Agency, of the courn to be lIrmned in obtaining petenta, the moDUs oPERBAND o0 THE P'ATEIT raC, Gov0ern. mIent fees, &e., &e. Applications made, and Caveats led, speedily and effetively through our ofee, AND AT Lrg OOT TO THo Invtrro, than personal application at Wahingtom. For circular addream BTAGG & O'NEILL, 180 Canal 8tret. New Orleans. CAPET WABRO USE 17....CHARTRES 8TREET..17 A BROUSSEU & CO., Importers and Dealers at Wholesale and Betail, aler at low prices ; CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTB~, MATrING. Curtanf and Upholsterers' MaterIa, Window shades, Table C9rvers, Haler linth. Irae Curtais Caornla, etc. ,aa ... ii.Lr V I, I Fashionable 'ttliner, 283 Poyda s ateg. 00. 600. 60oo. so. HOME WASHERS, HOME WAsH.was HOME WASHEES, Sakdd wiUthain the Past Two M] sths under a 7.1 Not m samphiat, Speaks for itseltf. In ( ran Daily at the Depot,No. 17@Caual street. PRICE $1. New rCda HoIme May. ari Colipsay.