Newspaper Page Text
ID l. 1 LITTLE ToI. The sunshine of life is made up of very jttle beams that are brht th all the time. IY the nursery,on the or playgresnd, and in the schoolroem, hi there is room all the tine for little we acts o kindness that cost nothingR s but stn worth more than gold or p silver. To give up something, wý where giving up will prevent un- tý happiness-to yield, when persisting a will smoe and fret otfirp--to go a B little around rather than come m against another; to take an ill word or a erose look, rather than resent or return it; these are the ways in which douds and storms are kept off, and pleasant, smiling sunshine secured, even in the humble home among very poor people, as well as in families in higher stations. Much that we term the miseries of life would be avoided by adopting thbu rule of conduct. si S4L GENTLY. re Deal not harshly but gently with e the Editor. le has many cares. He d is struggling in a noble cause, and o you must admit manfully. Complain T only when you know you could do to better yourself with the same means left to him. You do not realize the bitter feelings that run through his a heart, when you pay him with in gratitude as cold as the hands of death for all he does. Some, for, whom he tries to do the most, re quite him the least and the more b coldly. Such is the life of an Editor. e Yet who would not te one? e ý"ý- 1 INTERESTING ITEMS. u ---o-_ e A STausInG QurnroN.-"Mamma," n said a little child, "my Sun- e day-school teacher tells me that this world is only a place in which f God lets us live awhile that we may 3 prepare for a better world. But, mother, I do not see anybody pre paring. I see you preparing to go a into the country, and Aunt Eliza is preparing to come here. But I do not see any one preparing to go t there. Why don't you try to get a ready? You scarce ever speak I about going." t 1 FAST Hoasi s AnD FAsT WoMEz JLDoa BAItR AD's OriNoN.-In his recent charge to the Crand Jury, Judge Barnard gave it as his opinion ' that "it is safe to say, and my ob servation justifles me in saying that nearly all the fast horses and fast women in the city of New York are supported out of the city treasury." 1 A DISTINGLISHLD PLNSIOA\».-The United States Government is now paying a pension to the widow of i William Tell, a lineal descendant of ' the Swiss hero of that name. The husband of the pensioner served in 1 the late war in this country. ýA colony in Maine was started a few years since by a wealthy man, who was a mprah skeptic, and who (letermined .to keep out both rum and religion. The place grew; but the result was so bad that now, in starting a new colony, he has ap plied to have a Church from the first, offering to contribute largely in its aid. He sasy that he cannot keep out rum without the aid of religion, and that without religion, he gets only the worst men to work for $1se He is satisfied that no place can thrive without the Chris tian Church ministry and the Sab bath. aSThe Rev. Robert Collyer says the men who have been thanking God for the burning of Chicago, were "not men who had been burnt out, you hcpow." WAn ez-Chief Jpstire of the Bupreme Court arguing a casebe fore a colored magistrate, was one of the sights at the City Hall yms terday.-Clarion, KotL 3. WThe road to sham gentility Ii always crowded, while that which leads to an honorable competency by means of hopeqt toil is almost Aeserte4. * 9Bularchus was thefirstpeinter who introduced, at least, amoug the Greeks, the use of many colors in one picture. One of his pictures was purchased by the king of Lydia for its weight in gold. He flourih ed 740 B. 0. iS~ompiagwas made petty treason in &gan and was pun ished by bingto death. Some remarkekle iastances oceurre4 in W The Crystal Palace at sydep ham (London) was opened by the -Queen on the 19th of June, 185k. WAp eminent )Npw Eglaned hYeign has remarked, after near years' erperieoee, gist when tefruit has heeu put off ip the kowus to whisk jai* os pv~ie s pisinly limited, thure was .lways an increase of biliogjs troublem, and usually a larger than an avagap a.ount Qf general qishaeas. FUN AND FANCY. --MAaditaeratWestwhothouh ¶ the wages demanded by compoent ors was an imposition, discharged i his hands, and intends doing his own type setting in the future. He ways: "owinG, To the eloraiwsut Weees dEzaAdeD by prInteRs wEhsae ConaMSeD To do oNE oWn tYpe sEtthoe Ix sqe fULnaj;; AnD avrhouGH ws neiea lEWnEd Tqe Bsme.. wo pO o 5a eg aygBear II mL8qeryerY i H ;e *ER" D -The Iowa penetentiary at pre sent contains two hundred and fifty inmate, and not a woman among them! A irrepressible bachelor suggests that this don't argue any- I thing in favor of woman's superior virtues-it only shows that they are more canning, and avoid detection in their misdemeanors. -The last good story on our A streeta is to this effect: During a recent inquest held on the body of one who had committed suicide, the C coroner asked a witness: "Madame do you know whether this man ever committed suicide before, or not?" There is sothing like getting at all n the facts in a case of this kind. fi -A Norwich authority tells a pa thetic little story about a pigeon which became fastened by a lorg string hanging from its leg to a telegraph wire. Two or three boys wanted to throw stones at it; but a kind gentlemen, telling them not to hurt the poor bird, got a ladder and carefully unwound the string and put the frightened, fluttering little creature tenderly into his bo som while he descended. The next evening he remarked that it had made a much nicer pie than he had expected. -They have a "School of Design for Women in Pbiladelphia. The Memphis Appeal adds : "Nature did enough for our women in this way, and they need no school of the i designing sort" -Nevada is capable of supplying the world with salt It abounds in salt springs, .salt marshes, salt mountains, and great plans, where the evaporation of ages has left de posits of salt almost illimitable in extent -Washington Irving, in con versation once, alluded to a man of superior pomposity as "a great man, and, in his own estimation, a very great man-a man of great weight. When he goes to the west, the east tips.up." -Chemists say linen can be cot - verted into sugar. A young bachelor f says he has seen the sweetest kind of "sugar"-in linen. e -Qu lls are things that are some - times taken from the opinions of one goose to spread the opinions of I another. L, -The man who waited for an n opportunity has gone on ; and the a man who was Bre3 with indigna t to:o 2aae been put out S-"Sir, you bave broken your promise," said one gentleman to enoh. OeerinIcan ymake another just exactly as good." -A correspondent describes Vin nie Beam in her studio "with her karms bare to the shoulders and her oankles likewise." ,- "Good morning," said a printer ~-in search of female compositors. "Have you any daughters who Swould make good type-setters ?" g"No, but I have a wife who would ,,make afine devil, said the monstetr. it -Dobbs thinks that instead of giving credit to whom credit is due, te the mash had better be paid. - -'fowecan Iexpsnd mychest ?" ie asked a stingy fellow of a physician. '-"By carrying a larger hea tin it," the doctor replied. S-It is stated that two-thirds of h the women in lunatic asylums in 7 America are the wives of farmers. st It would seem from this that the Americsn agriculturist is not a ar good husbandinan. a -A celebrated physician maid to n Lord Bldon's brother, Sir William * Scott, rather more flippantly than 'a became the gravity of his profes b- sion : "You know, after forty, a man is always esther a fol er aphysi ty isan." The baromet sailly replied, a- in aninmianuatag rolee: "Nerh a ae he may be both, Doctor." -Thefollowing is an exact copy 4.of aaq offcial placard issued by the as city authorities of Janesvil)e~, Wis consia, twelve years ago : id "Take noticea-AE persons resid r inthe itofJaweeilie owning ip any dog orbitch, and the p use toqn at large without wasaled so as to proven) 4 agi i s uhfn if sound NEW IDVEZTIAX~lf£Th. T1. Ii.m Ruit..a C0 00, Ne.. 9,IH 1SMereerStreet, NEW YORK, fits Swtemeterm, sale seym's s Mh sr' I itst ut OF INDIA RUBBER COMBS, Dremsing Comes Long Combs. Twist Combs. Fine Tooth Combs, (A variety of Elegant 1ancy Pattras.] Pocket Combs. Ridding Combs. Hair Pins. l ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS s Off' COMBIj4ATION SIDE COMBS a [MADs eass FPAUL.'s Parmrr.] a The isle of any Combina ion Sid a Combs, no matter of what material made, unless sold under a license from us, is prohibited by law. 5 A s gmaaear weraraatluas. A Newspaperest She Premuse mme., IRaeaie li easte New ga Weab. -a~lmams. UMa l . W- Nsb , PsI. b.Imaat M.YalWhs.mhihs, ea sal W. ae- of Iesues Psis, sat a. WaeS, ager, ail pDSwhsaels are . OILY ONl 10N.LA3 A TLR! OwN HBUNSEM CoOPSB I S103 , Or eu thaOa Co t a Copy. Let te a "N CeaswuirrmratSes. Int.W Qlu T IU, p A ThAi. Kthe a- dss .lea anal / herseMr M TUE WSELY., bat with a reater varleas of aMtedimamr usmk. saN fbrtzuý thes ew isoals munsdear. wh easer ras..m. alsaw na .asem ate a Nevaasble oreasa emam. TEU DAILT SeN, NA TEAR.. rear. TERMS TO CLUVS. ?EH DOLLAR WWKLY SUN. 31y aiespees, -yer a The seals, eperus - Tear es, emý w ýeparel ea usa (muSemS au e mto ar e 1 f PBm Parcacr, .[u. e Asrro 1 aS Pf ea. tras ar. 84refycis rt a.M «°.EN SEI..EL DalyueUN. .. r PICBCK NTIE t1 Tmnas). veer. useaai eirmfGC (as d WSpiurp of Kui) 3Loesi.e. ý6ajr. Pu~atdeey..? (Is n COMMISSION MERCHANTS. e ar PNCEBCKr ANdeTOINE., 1- NEW ORLEANS. I~beral Advances mnade on (ms~ig ii .ment. Prompt a~ao give to aI sales and purchases, Leasing of fanna, set., etc. sr (assignments covered bp Insurance as soonl as ihipped, unless otheracise iaunstucd on the BUIl of Lading. ao P" VICKSBUBG AND BENDS. Id______ a FOR VICESBUEG, DAVIS' Bend Leaves on SATURDAY, at 5 P. I. eONXEN1ThLUs A3OYLU fluany Side, Egg's Point. Barnard, Grand Lake, leo. SSkipwitha, Lake Providence, Trsnsylvania, Goodrich's, Millikens Bend, Duckport, Vicksburg, Grand GnlZ St. Joseph, lad of ney, WaterprooZ Natches, Bayou Sara, Dn Baton Rouge, Plaqenmine,Domsldeomville, is and all intermediste sad Coast landings. as Tha maw and amsniscemt stesmer a NATCHEZ, T. P. Leathhers, Master. lo Will leava as above, sad, will land ell as Coast passeagers with their freight. Comneast at Vicsaburg with peakets Sor s al points on the Yasoo and Tallabstehia rivers. .For height or peaemae apply an beard a 51O, SANNEl, Agent, 150 cmme strse Py lie ST. PIIIUPSTUKS, S220 ROYAL ST., CORNER. ST. PHILUP, B. A. CIIAFEILA, --CASH DEALER IN- A? AUCFI'UO Paa WALTHAN WAWB8E& TilE BAL4NCZ WHEEL S WAL1AM WATUA 4ý tiae.. mend, 1&O times a howns 165,! tiMes a dqy, dsI iMas a wskh, 1S,368,000 imas a mouth, 1916,144,000 thmou a year. MORE IS EXPECTED OF A WAT CB THAIAXY KIND OF Ii MACHEUT. I Rmad set ealy i m tI day, ibsdess iat; A sot emoo ereemid ye, b-i o. &usdea aid Hoeidu& R. meet run Aanging ip or ilyng dosw-ipeide dore or rigk aide 'p. R assa ke* rwnning wiem the sourer aits doe. or mtand up, When Le usemeor rides. Infedt, it > supedd to do as dxty et al ties, Iu vary piess and is nary poullion A OGnuine Waltham Watch will ftlfl. the.e requitmests. I wound ones y, it wil tlithfuly tick or you ah and twentysix mimlio times in a year, without even requiring fresh oil all that taim A Genuine Waltham Watch ooxrapam 5 Spring, 9 atmeed, 51 &ciemu, and 98 ether part. smoking altogether 136 sparate p$esos. ALL GENUINE WALTHAM. Wmtob.m hmve weren rans sumo ZswasI Kat s azYarr amI TZX PULL JZWP1.imD LAYS la Every part of a Waltham Watch is made by maohinery, The machinery used in making the movement of a single watch coast over a 1usndred Tnousand Dolars, yet we sell these Watches, in a solid Silver Hunting Case, for $18 The same watch could not be made by hand and Iniabeds as perfectly for Tax Tims AS sae. A Genuine waltham Watch Is ihterchangeable, like a Springfeld rile that if, any part of one Watch is exactly like the same part in another ; and if ten Watches of one grade were taken apart, and the screws wheels, springs, de., were mixed together, ten watches could be wade by putting those parts together ºgain, withuot any reference to their former combination. This is a GREAT ADVANTAGE; For, if any part of a Waltham Watch is injured we can always replace it at a Tr fing Erpensa A QENUNE WALTHAM WATCH Is made with special reference to DURABILITY Other Watches will run for a year or two, an require coanted repairs ; but . Wa1t1msa Waton WILL RUN FAITHFULLY FOR MANY YEARS. We mell theme Watches, 2. IN SOIJD SILVER HUNTING CASES.............*......***** $18 IN SOIJD GOLD HUNTING CASE,8$70 We have prepared an ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST, es which deseribem the various grade. of Watchem in detail, give, the weight and Squality of the Case., and all other inform ation necessary foran intelligent selectio. We wish every one would mend for it before ordering a Watch. Writefer it as Plowo.s: ad esass. Housed & as., No. 786 Broodisegp Ness York : Please send us ee or iiI'iatvet Price aList of WalhAsm Wdtches, as par odour. at. (lganaame sad aidreem Ia thIl) WITHOUT ZIPENSI, We aemeset out over Stae Thousand of theme Watebem upo. theme oomditioas, and hwavenly been asked to refund the mosey in three eames, and morose of them. win os mseount of ditsatldhetos with the Wateh, but beoames the pertle. needed althe mosey more, for - mis Wa says us Amseani iaw asaL ias -a smau to wu. A syma ow id Osmaaaon a mas caa WTr £ Wirca iom us ian er wuss. coaturna us -ee uaa w et - situ m WasNw Toes. Az.s wam as peoalgg Ngtlgg.-We do mat sel Watham WatabSas to saImaihies, Gilt, Plated, 0rlm, Fllefladses whateer (these are all other -en fo pms enesmm 8ilver). The Waltham Watch is woeiky of amsel GeM or Uwhr One, swe do not propoaeto sell in nayeother ILr wara sam em -s £ ?am ber Asamemss rosa. a. 3GAapO. J..m. 6nd 4 ...ea 'gPUAL NOT`ICE. S. isda, hem l aima iksa l Ml a TUE ONLY ALL RAIL )DUTE To at Lod., (>tiesg, Oras 8n a i P1am eo, 81 PM), amns asOtt, Ljr- G eawocth, 81 Joseph, Si u all j reus Irth, Eat Gad Wet. TWO E111MB TRAINS have the p New h.a..ns, Jackoa sad Great Northam Baisoad Depot daily. at 7 A. M. and S P. M. AN EXPRNB TRAIN leaves the hot of Canal street dlly at a A. M., via the New Orleans, Mobile and Cbattanoogp Rairoad, making cose eomneetonms S at Mobile with the Mobile and Ohio w Railroad to all points North, East a and Weet C Fortickes sapply to P A. D. SHELDON. u Ticket Agelt New Orleans. Jackson and M Groeat Northen Railroad, comner Camp 4 and Commoa streets, muder City s Hotel ; or to . W. BEDELL. 0 Ticket Agent New Orleans, Mobile and d Chatanooga Railroad No. 150 Cora mon street, uader St Charles Hotel. J. H. WINGFIELD. I General Ssperintending Agent St Louis, E Iron MountainandsornternRailroad 1 NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE AID CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD. The Mobile dgisuion of this road will be opened for busmoes on ' Meday, llember 01, 1870O, and pasenger trains will run as follows : r Leave New Orleans, from the toot of i Canal street, for Bay St. Louis, Pass I Christian, Mirmimippi City, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Pascagoalaaad Mobile at 8 o'clock 1 A. M. Arrivive at Mobile at L30 o'clock P. M., connecting at Mobile with the e MOBILE AND OHIO, and the MO BILE AND MONTGOMERY RAIL R ROADS for all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST. Leave Mobile for New Orleans at 11 S0 r A. N. Arriving at 6:10 P. N. + Fare letwees New tricas cad uWeil, Fire khllarn. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS RUN EACH WAY DAILY. Freight received at New Orleans, at the foot of Julia street before 4:30 P. M,. delivered at Mobile early next morning. y FREIGHT AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. For !Mrther information, call at the General Offce of the company, rooms one and two, up stairs. STORY BUILDING, corner Camp and Common stees I. R. KENDRICK, General SBaperaaterndernt. TR~AVELLERS,_ATTENTION: The New Srlseas, Jackaea, sad Great Nwrtheu sau Eissiulppi Central Id IsilreAda. Run their Pamsenger Coacese and Beg it gages Ceam thir combined length withost change. BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM RE SIDENCE TO DESTINATION. The 7L. l srualtateakunhay, (SUNDAYS EICEPTED.) Makes cloes cmonetiems for Vicksberg, Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, and aft points beyond, ealeing -n at1 r. night, cantosto Grand Junotin and ci - The We Telshele amtiam w Gthe light. .1mg Eqreesbalns, teea peIaNexoTN, 1kV? mee w ?. aCastes the -s~ North Mail. Thim bblo Teik, N eina. Nexw san shmdy Atedtup Uhesag Carsm tona Hinboidt, Tesessee, Cle m lead, Teiemasee sen amie~ens Kastac Ezujsem tel 8Ialk attires at 1:30 .3 A.M. Mail Tads Seamb inulves at 11iS A. N. It, tishea Case, Iittst, Ish eidia me Ticket o new 0th m,... near Oll a Hotel, Cosmnr Cmp sd Comesea trete, ky sad at DepeL 5. 1. Q aWALL, Gmmlepeslmdmt;-s I. N. MOR , E1ua Stihes Agnt w. New r ase s iea m do Ouses I. N.* .. N. 4 teegrgo 1r1AT AD J WU3 D DBALRB 17 GOLD 431) BILYBB WAATCHE. And Pn. Gol Jewery. s.ap awcsyg. hand aU stews and p uas of Gldci, Sivw ernd Stei Speselds anmd aE 1 Glasses. OGss cbhsgsa end mat to say part ef the ocutry. Watch rrpols dome pro play an warseats. Adds... ordeo to Paul Oranmln, 119 Car st atest, New Orleans. $5 OOOD WATCBES AT OLD P1IC3E AS THE 801S AGENTS in the Vatted States tee the LIVEUPOOL WATCH 00., we are aathoasisd by Msea to loses ot I a large line of European Watches, 1 Chains. etc., now in stock for Cash, at - pri-es never before known. Al beautiful in adin, artistie in design, ensiale or accurate time, durable, and of the late. style. Every Watch will be retailed at less than cosat of importation, and forwarded securely packed, prepaid, to any part of the country on receipt of price. Mosey canbe seat to as by Express, with at does for Express Co.. to return Goods or Casy, which wll secure p seasps and safety topurchaesr. Among our Jist will be band. A REATIFUL ENGLIBH SILVER, SOLID DOUBLE CASE WATCH, genuine English full plate jeweled moments, adjusted regulator, steel cut hand., engine tebn e conrect and serviceable article, large op a rise in complete ruaning order, with an elegant Gent's Vest Chain, Locket and key, all complete, mailed ree for FIVE DOLLARS AVERY HANDSOME WATCH in Sne 18 karat Gold plated Double Gaser imitation of $100 Gold Watch-engraved or plain, genuine English, full plate jeweled movements, adjusted regulator, correct, and in complete running or der with elegant Gent's Vest Chain, withLocket and Key, mailed pre-paid for f only EIGHTEEN DOLLARS& The Onde Gold Watch, a IN MASSIVE ORIDE GOLD Double Hunting Magic Spring Cares, elegantly engraved, or engine turned, Genuine Patent Lever movements, fill jeweled, regulated and warranted to keep correct time, and wear equal to Gold, preci sely like in appearance, make, Snish, brilliancy of color. $200 Gold Watch. One of these splendid Watches will he forwarded by mail free to any address, in ) handsome morocco case, lined with velvet and satin, (Ladies' or Gent's sire Wtch,)for only TWELVE DOLLARS. Watches for Holiday Presents manufae tured to order. GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES of all grades, in Gold and Silver Cases, from $18 ap to $200. Other Good Watches t equally low. With every Club of six Watches, of any kind, we send cue extra of same kind free, as a premium to getter up of the Club. A superior stock of Ge Snuine Oride Gold Chains, $2 to $8 each, warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of color, wear, etc., Bills of over $12 col lected on delivery, if desired. All Bills of $12, and less, muast becash in P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters, at our risk. Goods carefully selected, packed and forwarded pre-paid by mail, or by Express, or reoeipt ofpries. Safe delivery e of all goods guarenteed. Watches forward ed to be examined to parties known River, with bill to collect en delivery. Purchasers must pay all equess charges on goode sent C. 0. D.: . ae forrseturn of mosey. All Cash ordgem forwarded free of charges to destnantis, Catelogued -Free. Address all oders. CHA& P. NORTON 6 Co., I: Esabishd 4N7.86NaYn & . No. 34-tL SGROt2ERIES, PRODUCE &c. d L. 3. warrs, L. c.Nioh.Bme, 1. 3. wAi. WHITE, RICHARDS & Co., Sucesnsors to A. D. GRIEFF A Co., feWhlemalse ( )qoCSWA COMMISSION MEBORANT8 ansnhw asi aum ?ni 10&.......POYDRAS STIeiT....104 Maw Osmana. 030. GIGNAC AL.P. JOURDAIN. I1BIAC AID JOSIIAIN, g, Comma Coaes *sn Tuama N.. m as bIua kuuh.,e Cub., Tur, Nwliumn a mas mad Iluh3'r AND , orders. prom.ptl attended4. to P. B ETHEI4 M'UISUSABIISE, FIBRE at PROVISION EBOEGN, *105....PO1DRA8 ffrEEiT...aO5 W. I. TAYLORB... .1053 M EJEKE bgauums.. W. wK Maionau tIw. sew, SMARKHAM 4* DURgy Impenseemd Joebbum H. ARD WARA, it; CA5ENAYR. at UJDUNTAK33 so - amn- mz sam* a inL3r4ss ab CPag4 iSP ats DRY GOODS, CLOTrg0A JOWHPX I.L@7o8 BIT ISIS; EMPORIUM, -0-_ 18.... CANAL STREET,.1. FIRST FLOOR: DIY eoODe, GEzITS Famajg SECOND FLOOR: LADIP8BOOMFORSHAWLg, CLOJ AND WEAP& THIRD FLOOR: CAPTIa, xTrrING AND aEUI, A vIt to thebs tore wIf remy peeams w da to bay haeap and ele 110....CANAL STREET.. . 0 Near St Charles, NEW ORLEANS, LA. MEN'S AND BOYS' (or as owN mNs) BOYS AND CHILDRETS W4rl A1 M' 8RIFTa DiE T Its g Every Article Marked in Plain Figures. Goods acid on "*one price" sysum sad any article purchased which failatbs eatiab.ction can be returned and the am. ey will be refunded. aýModerate Prices and Frh 'Stock to select from are somed the inducements offered at B. T. WALSHE'S -PZIEII 6I1R? 'IDT (#IEfl~NGI 110 Canal St, near St. Charlue Mow'eve Orlecans. N. B.-Letter Orders receive prompt attention and filled C. 0. D. if deeired $70 Msvory Weoki MADE EASY. IT We want Smart and Enerretic Agents to ntroduce our popular and justly eelsbra ted inventions, in every rV&.j Tow and Cbly in lhe World Indispensable to Every Ilonsehold; They are highly approved of, sadisii and eupted by Ladies, Phypsiu sad Irlaes, and now a GREAT FATOR 'IT with them. Evey Famintly il ucas n to arit Dale aprens an Agents. p n tall whodml eengagigaslcysmas wsdil cud oP xeln rtcicis BsiEl, Slt miatme ong ]godtorthaseircm salou in lifa Seample $2,00, seat rI ** milcmn receipt o priese. SENDF5 14WHOLESALE CIRCULAR. ADDB ticeorfa Nan.(actuetrftf j. I PARK LA&CE. NEW YOBLK gabbtr Qglothiiq eCOMPANY. Mlamuhetterers, Imparefl mini Jobbers lubber Q&d OF EVERY DESCRlW1ION, 30O'I8 AND SHOES, BELTING, PACKING & A SE p5 ENAMELED CLOTH, PIANO COVERS. AL ,TOYS Ac., * hass masiz cia. FanaWJ or 1. M(pHKPPARD. PaNT. J. A. xnxorr, GEORGE gITE. zeLd*..amitA a BeU-B **e S1861 IAILIESS FITTE Y sa rn-..rn a NEW ORE& Usmenu s * me ssi51an '