Newspaper Page Text
bt _1 _ flu 10 iift t __ "REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIPCUMSTANCESI" iOLUME 1. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1571. NUMBER 98. 1) f1ll L Js[ANIAN, OWNED,-1Bt t1 1P .LN MANAGED BY COLOR gg IN i'UfLh~~I)HE EVERY -1 AND SUNDAY MORN g T 14 C&R(ONOELET 8Thth'T \U. (l.LA\? LA. ý,. nB.1:1\t LA - -- -~ I 401-=salaPPORaB. 1 A PINCHIJACK, Onz.wtu e ANTOINE, CADno, , FY HEL.SO, RArmu . Irm... IIROWN,---Editor. 1'. l. . P1 'CIIBACK, Manager. .raur or Fescrrw-=M : 1114 .$5 on w.%I11 3.00 ti ......... .1 so PROSPECTUS OF The LouIsiIna.: In tb.' endeavor to establish another yrlteran journal in New Orleans, the prgrietIrs of the LomaI4xUN, pprule to sil a necessity which has be, ,,, n sometimes painfully Pdit *o ,t. In the transition state e nor ppIl,', in their struggling efforts n ,lnenl that position in the Body PAet, which we conceive to be their rn' :t i" rogaraind that much infer pnena, guidance, eneouragement, aseaeel snd reproof have been lost, in mseqli-een -f the lack of a medium, ftj- 'h which thee defieienciew might be .uppied. We shall strive to make 14 IA$An'T9trs a demideralum in these rOLur. i' .ma motto indidatee, the LoCI tydtr ,bfdiU 6, " R'.plcaa aW uhl .sO mw( f'enor rdiretrervineat" We ,.iAs *vo ..te the satrity and enjoy es":oof sreadai s liberty, the absu .%tW equ.idty of all men before the lsw, iad an impartial hiatribution of Lon a and peraonage to ell who merit them. 0 siruws of allaying animosities, of ehhterating toe memory of the bitter pt4,of promoting harmony and union smowg all classes and betwoen all in tr"ea, we shell advocate the removal .(t p..iitical disabilitiea , foster kind awl and forbearance, where malignity re I rteantmient reigned, and seek for imnoe. and justiee where wrong and oppreoeoon provailed. Thus united in our sne and objects, we shall conserve vt bet interests, elevate our noble Fw' to an enviable position among le sut.v ttates, by the development #' ot. nmitsble resources, and secure t- fell benefits of the mighty changes 2 tits Listory and condition of the P' and the Country. B aering that there can be no true hlerq a-IIout the' supremacy of law, a' ul~l argo a strict and undiscrimi. wan dadaniMtration of justice. TAXATION. We sha nup the doctrine of an *(It4Itl1 dieision of taxation among ' *IIcaw, a faithful collection of the '"s*,economy in the expendi I. cotifoimebly with the exigen 115s th Nate or Conutry and the A g of every legitimate obliga ha. EDUCATION. sha~ll susatiin the carrying out of SPMovisionse of the act establishing ear cOotio school system, and urge b 'ISaraount duty the education of Syot'Uh, as vitally connected with itr own enlightenment, and the secn wi Sal mshiiity of a Bepublican "ShnenL FINAL. Yt'l Inie'our codnt from llsti b >*:0 urpaer foman ephem. . Rini Lenporary exiatence, and kS1h.I it upon a basis, that if we t "comand "we shall at all IIETT, SEYMOUR & Co., ISAND LITHIOGRA. PlHERS, 60 Camp Street, KEW ORLEANS POETRY. i [.AST DAY~rf. br was. a. tl totlbao. As one who follows a departing friend, Destiued to cross the great, dividing sea, I watch and follow these departing days, That go so grandly, lifting up their crowns Still regal, though their victor Autumn Comies. Gifts they bestow, which I accept, return, As gifts exchanged between a loving pair, Who may possess thena as memorials Of pleasures ended by the shadow-Death. What matter which shall vanish hence, if both Are transitory--me, and these bright hours - And of the future ignorant alike? From all our social thralls I would be free. Let care go down the wind-as hounds afar, Within their kennels baying unseen foes, (Give to calm sleepers only calmer dreams. Here will I rest alone: the morning mist Conceals no form but mine; the evening dew Freshens but faded flowers and my worn face. When the noon basks among the wooded hills I too will bask, as silent as the air S4 thick sun-motes, dyed like yellow gold, Or colored purple like an unplucked plum. The Thrush. now lonesome-for her young have flown- May flutter her brown wings across my pa.h; And creatures of the sod with brilliant eyes May leap beside me, and familiar grow. 1 he moon shall rise among her floating clouds Black, vaporous fans, and crinkled globes of pearl- And her sweet silver Jight be given to me. To watch and follow these departing days Must he my choice; and let me mated be With Solitude. and memory and hope Unite to give tae faith that nothing dies; To show me always, what I pray to know, That uian alone may speak the word HIrplrs Jf orzini for Decemrber. DEATH OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOII. Our readers will learn with regret of the sodden death of Lieutenant Governor Oscar J. Dunn. He died yesterday morning about six o'clock, after a brief sickness, at his resid once in this city. He was taken ill on Sunday lent and his family phy sician sent for inmnediately. The Lieutenant Governor had been af flicted with a cold for some time u previously, but did not feel any se rious sickness from the effects of it a until Sunday, when his physician - was called in, and pronounced his r (dicease pneumonia. All that medical r aid could then do was (lone for the distinguished patient, but it failed to give relief. On Monday the symp tons were of a still more serious I character, and the family and friends of Mr. Dunn became alarmed for his safety. Other medical aid was cal led in and every attention given to e the sick man. but he continued to " fail under the very best of medical treatment. On Tuesday numbers of our city and State dignitaries, and among them Governor War ,moth, visited the Lieutenant Gow - ernor to pay their respects and in quire personally as to his condition. Many of them became painfully convinced of the very serious illness Sthat affected their friend, while Sothers saw unmistakable evidence c of death stealing over the feratures Sof one, who, but a few days before, -was in the vigor of useful manhood There was a cont'nual sinking in his condition from the time when -Mr. Dunn was forced to call in, medical aid, until his mortal career was finally ended. He died sur rounded by a mourning faminly and many friends wh >had caref4l;y Iwatched ovez him i'n his last illness, and until he was called to a betttr and more lasting abode. In the death of Oscar J. Dunna, !how sensibly our people are re-~ minded that "in the midst of life we are in death." But a few days ago he was among us, taking an sc-I tive part in the scenes of this life. 'He was surrounded by friends in epublic life who wished to share his political fortunes, and was blessed Swith the true friendship of loving ewife and children, who never failed I to make home happy when he sought relief in it from the troubles 'of the world. As a colored mar, Mr. Dunn was a remarkale type'o his race. He had never been a -slave, yet he fully appreciated the noble conduct of those who secur-ed the emancipation of slaves in the United States, His intelligence taught him the full value of free dom to hit race, and when left to puarate the dictates of his own good jet gmeut he was a valuable instruc- jF tor of the colored people. He bad p enjoyed some of the benefits of a a common school education, and was d blessed with considerable of com- tl mon sense. When the Republicans 1 of Louisiana were preparing for the tl fir..t State election under the present g constitution, Oscar J. Dunn was not tl known in the politier of the State. b In the Republ;can Convention that h met to nominate candidates for n Governor,Lieutenant Governor and n other State officers, Mr. Dunn was is not thought of until Mr. Dumas had ix declined to accept the nomination if of Lieutenant Governor, and then a the friends of Governor Warmoth ri brought forward Mr. Dunn for that a position. He was regarded by them t' as a fair representative of his race, tb and was elected on the ticket with t, Governor Warmoth by a very large u majority over Mr. Talliaferro and ii Mr. Dumas, who were run as the a opposition candidates for Governor n and Lieutenant Governor. As pres- g iding officer of the Senate it was c soon discovered that Lieutenant s Governor Dunn possessed in a rare v degree qualities that well suited him for that important position. c His well balanced mind enabled v him to act, under the most exciting I circumstances, with calm delibera- 9 tion and good judgment, and his j perceptive faculties were conducive to prompt decisions that favored r speed in the work of legislation. L He was at all times courteous, kind, u self-possessed and dignified in his U intercourse with the Senate, and a did not fail to command even the v respect of members of that body s who were politically opposed to I him. If Mr. Dunn committed e errors, we are inclined to attribu e ff them to the head and not to the v L heart. Like most men, he had his t t weak points, and they were liable !I Ito be taken advantage of by the more ambitious and designing bad e men who are ever on the alert t( v l promote their own interest at the s - public expense. He was a good v man, and therefore his death is to t be sincerely regretted. [P RepuYieon. f l- - MIN t A NEW TRING 11 PHILOSOPHI--WHITE 111 TURNING BUC'K. a The San Francisco F.ramimcr says a gentleman of that city, about twenty-five years of age, ruddy complexion and curly red hair, who I had an intractable and painful ulcer on the left arm, resisting all pre vious modes of treatment, yielded to the request of trying the effect of transplanting a piece of skin to the ulcer from another person. The ulcer was prepared in the usual manner by his physician, and a bit of skin about an inch square was E taken from the arm of a fine healthy I ne ro man and immediately spread -over thie ugly ulcer, and then care fully dressed and bandaged. The skin transplantation had the desired Seffect. Healthy granulation sprang up, and the unsightly ulcer soon healed. A few months afterwards Sho went to bis Ihysician and toldl him that ever since the sore h,'aled the black skin commenced to slread, Iand it was increasing. Aboutt onle thr fhis arm was completely nere.The doctor himself is ralarmed. The high probability is I -that the whole skin of this whiteI man will become negro. This is a ewhigunder the sun. It would byWrath:er difficult to explain the 'jphysiological process which takes r place to bring about such a skin I change as this. The problem is,I hew can the coloring matter of the Sskin be so radicially changed ? And -how is this pigment change prop. a gated ? It is certain that the law of' a captillary attracted plays no insigni- I - icant part in the spreading process. Gratin person an apple tree has ~taste. SA Maumcous Razsom.-Somne mali g ious person started areportwhich I j was telegraphed from this city, yes-Il terday, to the effect that there wast1 an run on the National Freedman's SinsBank. of this city. It was 'i wholly devoid of truth, as nothing f' of the kind oceurred. The bank is in Sbankinginstitttion in th coluntr. -laeigo corruspomdenit of I e the New Yk2Tumne, Octbe 2h I Honesty the best Poltey. Where money is the universal ob ject, the possessor of money will be practically honored. The honor will undoubtedly be affected in some + degree by the method of obtaining the money. If it is a pirate's meth od or a highwayman's, if we knowt that throats have beencut and bled- 1 geons used to obtain it, or if we see the thief actually rifling his neigh bor's pockets, we shall aaWlly invite I him to dinner, and that money will I not become respectable until the I next genera lion. But if the proeesse is more artfully concealed; if the money is not labeled offensively, but I is quietly converted into isnain dam ask and champagne; if we do not read on the buhl and ormolu tables and cabinets an inscription stating that this beautiful work of art was taken out of the throat of a spanish trader opened for that purpose, or upon the inlaid ebony lounge that it was extracted from the pocket of a ridiculous old widow who had nothing else-if nothing of this gross kind appears, our well-bred curiosity is not impertinent, and we sit upon the sofa and quaff the wine without further thought. It is in this way that honesty has Il ceased to command that respect to which it is proverbially entitled. Indeed, to look at many a city con- 1 gregation, recognizing many of the persons, and knowing their careers, and hearing the precepts of integ rity and self-denial, of personal holiness, and even of martyrdom if need be, which are eloquently urged i upon them, inevitably suggests the allusion of Carlyle to the hypocrisy which is so confounded when it is suspected of being hypocritical. Men measure conduct by the real 4 esteem in which it is held. If a foul-mouthed, prafano Thersites, who flings his dinner-plate upon the four at a public hotel to express his dissaiisfaction wish the banquet evi-1ently forieits no social consid eration, profanity and ill-behavior will not seen, to be things to be strenuously avoided. If a sharper who gambles in at xcks and cheats his neighbors airily is laughed at pleasantly as an eccentrically queer f hlow, an immense impulse as given to the resolution to be eccentrically cueer in the same way. If a politi cian with the conscience of a fox and the honor of an adder bellows his devotion to the dear people, and vociferously appeals to the moral sentiments, while his career insults them all, is thought, first of all, a confounded smart fellow who may not be too nice uprn a )me points, but who always fi's upon his feet, such politicians will abdund, and public affairs falling into their hands % ill inev:tably suffer. All these figures are well known to us in this country; and when the eloquent preacher e-claims, "Be yond peradventure, brethren, hon esty is the best policy," we all turn and look at the richest man in the congregation, whose invitations we do not dare to refuse, who leads us chained to his triumpbal chariot as the Roman generals led Dacian kings, and whose money was all 'stolen, not enrued. Aud near him sit. another whom we should not care to invite to our houses, but for1 wqomi we vote, upon some the'rv that a political intriguer and briber will maske good laws. And in next pew behold the unjust judge, whose health we publicly drink in his bw'i Iwine when he sends it to us at table. We see them, we meditate their careers, we consider their prosperity, and we g57.e at the good preacher who repeats, "Once more, de sr brethren, lay it to hqart, hen eaity is the best pldicy." Might he not as profitably murmur "Slesepo tamnia?" But when circumstances, as lately 'in New York, suddenly scatter the glamour of presperity and reveal the naked dishonesty, then the old truth which is lodged in the very substanee of things appears, that honesty is the beat policy, and that, 'indeed, there is no other. The time comes when, as we seat our selves in the dausling drawing room, upon the luxurious soba, we I sddenly suddenly see the inscrip tion fuightfufly legible, " Stolen from poer widows." And as we rise in epidation and move toward the .buhi aid the ls asdhes. out all over it, "Stolen from starving i orphans." And in terrible light, I outdazzling the dazzling drawin. i room, we see blazing everywhere around us, " This is a thief's house, and these are his spoils." The mo ment that is seen the prove-b is i Ivindicated. The buhl remains, but i contempt stays with it. Dishonesty t has bought its prosperity at too t high a price. It has bought money t at the cost of every thing that makes money valuable. The pros perous gendeman at whom we all looked when we heard that honesty is the best policy is recognized and branded as a thief. Was not the I preacher right ? Is not the die honesty bad policy ? The great I national benefit of the developments in New York is moral. Events there have destroyed the prest'ge of " smartness," and have shown prac tically that mere money is not 1 enough even for success, and th.t I prosperous swindling is not good " policy.-Eurron's EsAy CKaFn, in r Harper's .Jfagaziine/for Jakmbe. 4 What is an old Mald 1 Never be afraid of becoming an I old maid fair reader. An old maid is far more honorable than a heartless wife; and "single blessedness" is 1 greatly superior, in point of happi- I ness, to wedded life without love. "Fall not in love, dear girls, beware!" I says the song. But we do not agree with said song on this question. Of the contrary, we hold that it is a good thing to fall in love or get I in love, if the loved object be a wor thy one. To fall in love with an honorable man is as proper as it is for a man to f ill in love with a vir tuous and amiable woman; and what could be a more gratifying spectacle than a sight so pure, so approach in its devotion to the celestial. No; fall in love as soon as you like, pro vided it be with a suitable person. Fall in lo:e and then marry; but never marry unless you do love. That'a the great point. Never marry for a "home" oc a husband. Never degrade yourself by becoming a party to such an alioince. Never sell yourself, body and soul, on terms so contemptiple. Love dignifies all things; it enunobles all conditions. With love, the marriage rite is truly a sacrament. Without it, the cere mony is a base frauds and the act a human desecration. Marry for love, or not at all. Be an "old maid" if foi tune throws not in your way the man of your heart; and the willess may sneer and the jester may laugh, you still have your reward in an approaching conscience and a com paratively peaceful life. E.rchaage. Dead-Heading. Dead-heading ought to be put a stop to, or at least there should be limit put to it. How very anxious people are to obtain any thing, if they can get it free. Supposing there were no payments asked for Sany commodity, how should we i progress at all, and what would be Sthe use of money ? ITheattical managers, circus pro Sprietors and the like craft, are pes ttered for "orders," "passes," ete. rThis is not right; tha caterer of a Sgoiod entert.'inownt, like the labor rer, " .s worth.y of his lire," and he tshould receive it, but he eannot Ssupport hinsell if thuis wholesale; uI doad-'aead systern continues. His ta et~ew-s ire very large, and the Sdead-heads cannoIt aid in the pay rment f them; if they could, they Ioldbe of some service. How much better a persozt feels - to walk up to the tieket oflee, and Sto pay for his Licket, than if he went - and requested " a tree order " of the box office keeper!I Managers Slove tooblige, but they cmannot sac s rilice their livelihoo'l for the astk 1 of pleasing a few, who ar, able yet I unwilling to pay for thefr admit Stanee. If you buy artielse at Sstore, yen expect to pay for them, and if the goods ems of decesa I quality, you do not find it hard to - doiso. Why is not theuamenrale - applicable to the amusement worldI S But, if the manager does not dis - tribute his hundred " comuplimen ataries," he is set down as mess and a stingy, without one spark of gem - est in his eompesitios ! This maloy Useeasligya eratS but5 we assure you that it is not. Ex perience would teach you to credit it. And will not this sponging for paners free come under the title of dead-heads? There are numerous insane individuals who imagine that it costs nothing, or next to nothing to publish a good paper. The books of the firm might convince them of their error, but, not until . such an examination is made, will they let go their idea. Some persons get their year's t reading free by sending for speci men copies of periodicals-never for a moment thinking they will ' subscribe for any of them. Per- t haps they will pay a visit to the editor's mactuean, on publication day, so as to get a look at the paper without paying for it. They would like to get their preaching gratis, too, and keep their pastors on a niggardly allow auce, and even gesso far as to brag I about how little it costs to keep their church open! They seem to think it a charity to give to the man who is endeavoring to lead them to Heaven. Do they ever think how he is toiling for their good? Yet, when he gets superan nuated and broken down, they may look on his poverty as the effects of their dead-head selfishness. Did you ever place the matter in this light before? Do you not con sider that that which is worth hav ing is worth paying for ? Take for your motto, " Live and let live;" but, how is it possible for you to let others live if you sponge and dead-head at the rate now so pre valent? This is a matter worth thinking about, and if prevented will put an end to " dead-heading." F. S. F. English Honors to Jour nalists. The elevation of the proprietor and editor of the London Times to the peerage is an honor to journal ism the profession has hitherto failed to secure. It is more than has ever been done for journalism in the United States, where, with out doubt, political parties, politi cians and administrations owe their success to the influence of this power, and yet the facts show that no class of intelligent men render ing the most invaluable service in public afairs are less rewarded. To be sure, there are journalists who content themselves with places at nominal salaries, and others, again, who are satisfied if permitted quietly to make money out of the success of their party. This has tended to depreciate the profession, so that when the name of a great journalist is connected with a great office, he is either directly snubbed or his claims are treated humorously. Hence it is that we seldom if ever ___ journalists in legislative bodies -they are not called to cabinets, and are passed over whoa foreign missions are to be given away. But when candidates for ocee are nominated, ambiguous platforms are to be expounded and advocated, then it is that the American jour nalist becomes a favorite. To cud gel his brains in order to infuse in telligence into political organiza tions, to make bad men look pure, and give respectability to a worth less cause, are the honors to which our profession is generally invited; but when a victory is won, and the subetantial rewards and distinctions of the party are to be distributed, it is generally seen that some fa vorite individual who delivered a " stirring " speech which an editor wrote for hini, is the lucky recipient. However, as we are gives to Eng lish jirseedests and authorities, we hope the elevation of a London editor to thle pesergs is the signal for nobler reeoquitisms of the editce rial profeemisi this eosutry. sO-ur 1dieqsl Progesse, the equgaoi theenloard people of this State, has juet eompletel the secnd Iysar of its existamee. It is ow na P a ioinrishingeaosditiou. Prof. Win. Howard Day, its editor, and C. K. f rown publider, have establisbed I the psaer nakGm basis,maskiugit Sone of the moat readable weeklies Sof tkhisbte, aa they deseretbe, - seeessn sue geetisgwith RATES OF ADVEET1WNG. Square 1 mo 2 mm 3 mg mos«0 I! One $4 87 $9 SI f90 Two 7 9 12 90 35 Three 9 12 90 35 59 Four 15 25 35 50 7 Five 20 35 45 c0 85 Si: 24 42 50 70i 100 SColumn. 45 s8 190 175 250 Transient advertiements, $1 50 per square Mrt insertion; esob sabsequent in. esioa, 75 cents. All business sosi... of advertisement to be charged twenty ceat. per Hae each in.erti' n. Jos Perruen exemited with arnsstee sand diajatch. wWeddhng3C s, ted is """loomee Funeral Notices printed osa, aoedat as tics sad with quiekest dispateh. JOHN B. HOWARD. LAW 0s Act; 26 SL Charles utreet s6 Prompt attention given to civil businessin the several courts of the State. A. P. Fields & Robert Deltos Attorneys and Conncellors atLw. No. 9 Commercial Place, 2nd Floor. -o- XR'Strict Attention to all Civil mal Criminal business in the Stale and United States Court. INSURANCI COMPANIl1-3ANfS LOUISIANA MUTVAL JNxacAxcC CoNPAFT omcs, No. 120 cnog mM. INSUREE FIRE, MARINE AND BITER RISKS A"D PATS L0aOM m New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of the insured. CHARLE8 BRBIO8, President. A. CARRIERE, Vice-Preident. J. r. erl. Seeroasry. E MP ItB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY oF via artr or 13w roea NO. 139 BROADWAY. Or wee Ge0. W. &,,Ji&. Vice Prsst. O. Hake &ribner. Prmt-, L. H. Wetera. A.asry. fdiey W. ChSfl ?Uc y., AreU Ciapp. .%q t. AgeuCs. T. K. Marcy. Mel. aer., Agents Nwee OnMsrv *'cassm Anreora THE FIIEEIANI'S ETIISI AND B'RUST COMPANY Chartered by the UGited Sttes Oevernmenet, Marsh, 1866. VUTCIPAL, 07114, waINurGYoI, 3. e. 0. L. EATON...Actuaery. MBANCH AT NEW ORLEAIS, L14 114 Carcadselet Sreel. C, D. STU~RTZVANT, Caewa, lank Nor...........S~ar~te~p~u Saturday Nights........£ toS ea'tee TEhnanm U. M~msan -AND- General Counmis.ion Morettent Apenttfthemi~e o elMetajs.a I OFFICE Alip sAU3CM NEw oRLanaSe IA. , Terr, Eaqir LA~ Cakuas. I I las CANAL I. raBr