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The at ignja&. I kars 15<. i 4,84 . <fayo/ OFrc I ill Cs RONDaLET S ftEEiT, Niw OuLawxs LA Wa. G. BROWN, Edilur and Publisher, P.S. S.PINCHBACK. Manager. OUR ACIENTS. MISSISSIPPI : - D miud L. I unti LLOUwSA.NA :- Join, A. War'xing:on. ;lack Hawk, conerdiaa arish; Hon. (:. S. Kelsn, Alexftndria: Anit ine A ýt -rr. t, * oevvpoirt, A. C. Ruth, CarruIl l'Pri.,lh. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA : James A. D.Grelen, W\ash'.ington ('its-. ILLINOIS : - -rc i., B. Whit.. C'hir,+;,',. KENTUCKY: Dr. R. A., L, ti wille. Mit. Gieo. E. PARSs is our s1 <cia agent, and is authorized to solicit subseriptions and receive payment of bills. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26, 1871. Ul (JHOItCE FuR .PRESIDEXT, 1B72: IJ. S. GlANT. STATE CENTPRAL COMMITT".. OFFICERS. Pnassr--P. B. S. 1'INCiIIIACK aof or1.:ns. i{ecot~n0-'PC' \\e v WILIAM \7JOUKiS., EWnO'ffrlwni KnC"--J. W. FAIRFAX. MEMBERS. 4p g; st.A.i E I.AracX.. lJilW4Rlb IvrTLRII, of'1cminos. 8. 8. SCHMIDT, of )rle:ns. T'InITOrPS('+ C'AKELT. of nr.imi. ALBElIT¶.UANTT, AIRt7Iat .uiry. .JoHN PA~st.)M, of Ciiis. A. W- RMVP9i. of Orlini. IL RA~lY, of Na~ti;(woae: JAMES M.AuLEE!L C io. DAVID YOUNG. ('un.-oromc. F. J. HERRv)N, of Orthan. Firit Co±,kgreieional Distriet IiHuh J. tenmphbll, 11. Mhonvy. Second Conngtrrsiontal I):-'t ect --A. E., J :.:. . L. JIVlden. Third ,nrewimnO P .rit ThouV H. Noarnd. (,rgre \\bo Fourth ('ngrmmo. L.,irzd E. J)owees, Ri.fori l thu: Filth Congr#.a.ion.I :str) t A. W. & aulkne'r, A. It. Use ;:. SUO-EX=CUTIVE CIMMITTEE. RFin. HrGH J. CAM rSELL, Ca.r Ztnan. lion. P. i. S. PINC1IBACK. Hlon. HARR : MAIlUJEY. Non. F J. ftMu~ . lion. A. It. W*R!. Lei, A. E. BAKBER. FINANCE COMV.ITTEE. Jb'n. F. .1. TIEN1 N. lion. ThUS. J. NOLA?'ND. Alon. Ed. BUCTL.EI. Hon. A. WV. 1'AULKNEII. JOHN lPAR*)NS E-mq. ajirOn Monday cveniing. Norem. ber @7, tate li ui'Lh Wmtrl 11. II. Mother Club III' i for tlhe (ihetion of officers for the enwuirmg term. aieThe lourth Ward R. Ii. Mother Club elected on' Thurs lav evening last, Messrs. (i. i. Pat rig . and L. Daffv rmembers (If the lIc pulican Pari h Comumijueo. SUDDEN D)E Ir. (in1 ThlursdalY 44-ning last a woman untmed Sarmmh #.ickson, fell dea4 in a strect car, .yner if Delord and Peiieru street. At an inquest 1he1( over the body it was gecertained thut aie (lied <f vauiular or diserse ef the heart. 'i Among the promuinent gren tieruen who visited the city, for th.e put-pose of rt'uundhig the flblernl of the late Licu'enant tioveracor. weto Hon. James Lvyneb, Secretary (of State, Caddwell, $tato Senator, arid J. L. Moore, House (f Represents *ives; all of Missisppi. agWe learn that in additios to the three colorett Sheriffs, we men .illm dM ari last inane as having J 4i~Q~f w Mipsiaatippi reenutly, there were three otters, which we did not tpon kiltw o?. They are W4A.'AdskhIcostity, J. P. zwed i3. K. ' g-If 8 tsC as reported, got up his lattle ".ilk chaniber scent?" for tho purpose of winning public syawpathy to JLims..f and ex toitig a .&eeaity~agauazstlhis jpolitical puemies. he. shotuld now Lc in fit condition ji> detide how much tiuth is in the 1lines: -.--Thisist.,ae fruit pt raft : LiIke hMn that ehoots up hi,,h, lookti tot AniL bis*ssetdi 4 the uJ napt ve or. V : I EM FRT/ - -0 FUNERAL OBSEQUIES. 'IMMENSE ATITEN6A¶'Jd, o - XII B 23 ITItA X.s 4- O1 Wednesday last as soon as t :es ol intllioUgeue of air. Duon's i!eathi reaclhe(l over the city a t AI-' of (liesponiilvUCV anId Sorrowi foand spontaneuousexpe isiou every wh re. Whl n the hour for the opcdinlg of the courts caune, th y were all adjourned; the City C 'auiil met and pas'ed resou Lions, of regrtt at '1:. Dunn death, and of coUntOhenco wh hi f:unil y. 'I he Police 1V::rd ac:ed similarly; and so did the 1c corlers of the several court. As expehitizusly as poss~il., meet ii s were' Led in all the wards of the city, by the politicil cluhs: all o` t:w nieniher of the Hlouso of lep sentatives who were in the city ii r e c tied together at 10 o'clock hr the Sp eaker; the uncmub:"rs of the ,lSeute Irit in their rootms, while sle Federal officers w :re activelf f.;g:iged(; all with otne accord haleten ilg to pay the ast ti ibut1 s of re, et :1A. esteem for the nme:noiy of the die~ca-a . Sinl ltaneout ly wtiith1 , pi:` "' da'irgs the ioel; !iu bh l or whch Mr. Duaa was a i:1'e; r1, the iuinisterti 01 the S" -:ral colore. *ehurl ics. and the tnie..bu::; of ea' n of t'.e bhuntvo l.t (tcr'niOtiotns wei 'ikew!,,e busily eing iged. Andt S' passed Wednesd'iy in so far as re !ates to preparations for the funeral. It was naturally expected that there wnolda be an immense assemblage ;f petsas at the funeral and on the s'reets. Cn Thnrsday the offices of the t'ltiuf Executive and the Seere tarp of Sta'e, were closed, the Casmoom iiIse 1n11 Postoafce, the Rt due i. ni 11 the L2;:stxvrAN, were c'o.rl dluring a part of the chi; busiuesi su:pended at the CistV Hall, the Police departiutats, the rreedmain' Savings Bank and aeveral other public uthces. Tf:e deceased was arly prepared for l;.is narrow home and laid out, Un 1 (ednes Lr v iii tt:o rot)omi ill St hte1: b* I:eel, and on Thur.-day it'OlrL2" .ii his celli in tLe fi int l itrior (0 his residence. All through ti: Right of Wednesday adul all T'hur. day, till it bee:tune jimtptssiIlu to ad init the crowd that increased awl swelled atnd jauinel1, iner- inig the difficulty jf acceas in proplii tion as the hour ;: pointed for the re uioval to take luace ; until ,.t 1:1t past one o'clock P. If., the filal ut tenalte "11o inure call get in freat Col. Ingraham; and thou a guard of militia was ilated at the entrance to adtnit ione2. Stitl ihe multitude w re un ged nanony the wartnilg "kej, oil," and the presence of the ha) - net secured any free ingress or Iegress. Order parti dly restored, the tide .still thowed, the ev ilent and great anxiety being to have one " kng lact liagering look ' at a form to be soon buried out of the sighit of alL Two o'c'.ock had Leen fixed f 'r the removal of the corpse, hut this was delayed. The olihe'rs and niembcrs ((f thee of the Iiclemnud ILoge. of which decc aseA had Leea P. s: Craue \Iaster, arrived at' 2!, P. 31. Juat aldthjs juinctiire the most jeainful scene wias witnesscd. The family of the decea ed, striceu down, crushed rand overwhelmed in their 1roonand tribndation, wcrc led in to tdatj [ave of the remains of him who had Leetn their all in life, and who, witnout wurniug had been snatched froni them by dt tth. Thu scense was nititresaing in the extisate. Words of consolaiion t&Ld augCstioi. of rcsie'uatijn wterc uttored by Cleug) ten and Iriend preaseL t, :tnd tile fauwily, after jress tug the cold but, beloved foran for the last time, were returned to an adjoining apartment. Meanwhile minalte runs were senduig out their tones: in token of fhie ination's re speet for the dejpd. The majoritg of the mnelai.xrs of both bzrunew 01 o 'the'4ieature enitetod the rgm amid gsaied round the coffin, anih imor .tkie last thun the familiar face 4f aheir (A1o* Kciatte. jThe period for removel a ap -proaclhtlg, several clergymnep drew near to thte coftin auid the lciRev3, ii. V. Thioupaw of the M1. E, Churl~b 'performed that pasrt of the solewli service, co nmen~cini, IiTherngh I .walk tpough the valley of tthe halma Sdow of d 1t , ttfea~rinoev:l&c.," at th gosyn~ : 8 ,Rv prni4 of th'e ~o al metu nt of Striagcht rIn essivo and ~ropi~te ex temp~ore prayer; after ti is tihe Hon. R~ev. Jamnes Lynch. Secretary of state of '.i~9iMsippi (who had orno. to ,Nr (h~k;els tol be j~rC'ý1 !j tribute to the iueinorv of the deeeus ed, and a christian appeall and e~-. 11k~t to thqeaflilaod f.ii4F tv.d'f"c~s The afl eting retmir'cs of the gift (ed speaker brouj-ht te~u~s to the eves i ! fevery' one withini thie s:>uudl of 111s~ voiee. Rev. !fh,11l.1 then co)-' cinde'd the ceremiony and rosiýin'di over the bodyv to the M oi f~a ternity in attendance, headled 1 by the Grand Mas.te"1, IRccoi-tde John Panrsonis. Theso over, F. (C'asetihve Ec';(.. -it oni thox lidi, and fle:"'(S'li~lf(I ;1(a I:h the f. rm of ( ºc".r J. 1):! :u. b WeIN of m- .o:1rws'i 111' "- ~rn out of tiac! 1u,)!1 b. the f"ln., Bo':io pe 'itienien a ;betar; -. (tr en if. C. W auiaoth; (-:. Ct:s:'.oax1v ; 1.' (:e+. ', Coflhctoe'; Geo. E. 1'.t:"-. keprcity R.hvc~ E. [J. KIi `n 1 ncr, house of Ra)pr-Msenhtive;; 1). C. W.ou~ruff, Police ("pt:niu C. S. S. uvh. t, Ci.C S.:B:r; P: ekP a"l, 1. ci~ 1 S tt.ab M ~': 1., Jlohn f._ !1)1 5: S i 5 oibr T. l oti;. ( "h i r.I i,1p C tor Cuu;on 1. A' 1.:. T. Ii4" ri F::r:. , C. Norcross; A. lkrtonneau, Assis tant Internd Rlevenrie Collector; "'id dep ,s~itetl ini th:e iuc:I1 it It atlortird m jth boa Ind's t%( v: 11t p)\r ta 11.1i:n Ithen fame1, . ; td .1 , :(' 13 . . 1l3aJ tie ±11 t*;tI''ii p .1 e~t xlr, U1c: ) u~ \t I 0.11. 1' t:..,1 , )_fjt'2 . C1 .1 ()1:c \ t 'n J tt la t'cL :, "l , 1'. Z. (: ao &. A.P lie ( . 'Jl J .:. .i e 1AI . ~1 r Co . " . 1. a I' , "1 Ucl L'ini'- Lri, t .1 1. :! 'a tujit IJ. C a.i~lpbh 11, \1~ iti Iii~ 1S Ii, 0t ld)0lL I !u4 Cu's. 11 13.l oai .il1S.t,' Ri.y \ igentmid ..1: it\ui-1. anid at_ and o s4 our 4etioe. ?hefc'une-he )rna* liue :* car riages : ,ont+ nwug pteGDoS .1 alt cou4Atripfa of ~society. MIo4 prominent amiong thema we obs-erved :l o.;t of the Judges of the District Court,, J°g Dwfell of the U. S itit anti A. W. Fairf ix, As-i itaiit Secre Drs,. 'White, Prit-c iona, and !lIS-' sell, Prei s Uit auJ. Secreta.ry L~ard j I -it liti~th. S. . oc2ii ", jioteital 1: !venue C ,llv-ctor, B. I'. .Jjuibert, luLtrnil Jntetof tl:-~ Pea^_v, Re.2ordlcrs. Tile Statei'r nss wias represented, by 31ussrs. 'V. R. Fe-h of tilt N. 0. I'..i'iH~alstead, (f the !,Lý"rc1' I.ý.ý ;'Oi~ia!I eL:J. f.~ Dl':i-. -, Of a it I'ti a' ~1. ",i'.' !"ý.1 ; 2 'In , of :le J.- a"'r ..r,ii 1.'"n 1 ',". Ai~it S., weJ inlidjit 1-iJ-, the i'4L1-:.;:.Ul of toe inuill-lit us t~ic iUlic~di. w~tii~e it th it sandinag Iat th euruer u: L' Lziu and nd tAýL) y'11C i~litldteii i1 pal:*4" Ila. 111 itidi tol the hj-ýtýi ""ii line," tilt ~i skl cks, euctral g~ouu 1, aibid. gal l l. ices l ci dung CmiAl~ struet from' oT~,I1Lula,\~r fi`e Nitia ik e i 'Ctat )i5i of ailtlt s CJU'&ii).ils .ad Ai e, S ol i j):~15i. ..1.r(-e, MJJLhi 1.0 juhoujLli l ., (110.1t1S C a.i. t u .-ii ' t:' - l)' i ..hlto ,. i , [Lt . lie IJe,1.! " p2riorXwaucu of iai.iuuic rit ra andt the delivo. y of iha; followin'g addre;ss by Hun. J. H. Baa ce11: 1 AJLCi t-ii.t II "t - tit 1 il ?.. , I. 1, ". -w , i. :'! . 1t01 ,) a.): 11 1 '1 is O.V lidi - 1'.l i'- u- r ^n - .~r.±i'i _l1 ;, r :a.1)) . . ' i~t ' l l" ý,' ;1: , t") v i(iil :1: ~ ~ ~ - ..J1':e, ~ 1 1) 1 . t ! a' ..1 ' ` h &" ~ lý.^ ":: :1'I'C ! .![:' 11 I 1 .1^ ý 1. 1 S' ' 11 , ' '7tt\' S' L ".l \.. 1 :L L _) il i. .` l :'ll ,' C *al~grva Pon tý t t, d ot ,mss am tnezdk r BIlt br i, admonished t1e onr beloved ord euires of us meeknsg, patience, and humility. Death has taken from us one whose place cannotieasily be filed, the destroyer levelled his shaft . at our shiriu;; it. ir:, and he is w"th us no sore, but as .1r1p7y a:1; we lplore his lst,, pt*ievoui andi :Loni unspeakiible its is our d ,tre;, we how in iiiekneI and huian lit. to the :tr'i d'-c- e o1 the Grau I MA ster a ani, ni lwokinig up to him sai, " .ither, (, cI, Thy wtil be done." In thlw de Wht of bruthiir Dann, we hav' a strikin, exampe of 4" . twoer'tawty od ii..'. Truly has it been said, t"that so s'muu mis we beg iu to live, thAt nmoment wit hb'gii to lie." You, whose iuadr is alrea'1: bl i.luini fur the grave, little thought that 1on would live to pay the last rd tribute of rispect to our departed brother. But so it is, and it plainly remin.mi us thit in tlhi imli:idt of lie, we cc in death.l fr tr by tri l" i:1.?, , lu;c: ch in of i:'A r- .: '!' :on b:n tin; us to ethlr we1 tot r.lieve the distre'.ed, soothe the RuhaApp, ani restoii palee an.l itriuo.fn wICer it ,1~se nut miist. Our duty in tisi r.,,. i"< 1~ tin. To sis ij h l. tý?1h"i the wilow and fm:, i ' of Br ther D inn. M:'e to it that :l v, rt'rmn thiss.arc.l iut y in the fullest :44tar. 1i- knew, if anything lo kyew in his last eAtr*.unty, tiit tud ,4ort;. !ri ituliy Ihand:; a pd wMiig mimti-s were ; ar his hereave1 wife tint fmuily, so mmnn tai be left without his protection and cmare. Anl Oh G ,A ! 'Tist who art the hus t.ual of the wi1u,,, tie' Father of the fitlthrless. assist us here biow to protect i:m-I sustain this b" r.avmd widow auld fetdiily. Ti 'is i,:!mng-i th' d,, ; withouit Thy thi. iv- con not ,timioupdish inyfthinm . As lii a hast hmereft her of tas pre.cuee, Tim. 'i her help:r ia thii.s hour of .i-el. * mit. li- thrvl , that the trai-t comuid .............. "iy r ki.lm 1 and dtiaigntli l ?t' 1. Ii~ni my, r thren, oar Ii ,.I " e.l ete.1 ita-.iinm.. are r ( l t d o ail ;slau 1 r of true rl'1 tI u i"L ,i ; nor luuit ;. snf r it S'i.,1 h1 i b i':. h whi 3 hi.. 3'.. '1 ... _' , E :?"r. II).: .' % in mm * . 1 1 tli: att.:y is it in this case. 1 drother Dunn i' gone : wo &r3 the cut todiahis (of his charactdr and virtnus. Let us be vigilant. that the first is not assailed tii -we aro not whaim - -and that the ie di i ... ti-ild !v Os ill. Let us be pr pared to def -nil with all :r t.- a, '.1 .sreei,"h the c.sket le - ld ti) n : lhy hi., .L.-mih, atm! let u-s ail I . - i ii I .:uin ii at.i 1i : rh tu ti;:; 1 1-.m.. s:iah is th' mm,:Umr of ' 1' le-1,. 1 , t', th::t w1men our iunr.- .1t r"t: er l:r::med the door ",f th- (r.o.d L- iiie:i!thmu . he was jutniI .h Wei 'immll .110:1..- m:-1 fitting t. I1 .. : t me; i"1 t' i~t t"':nl It, n t ::, 1. 1 ':1411 " t :t i n-' ',at t" ..' A t ':m II i ,m.i *. lee but :n2 in r~t *.1 .ii **ii. At tu :.i .n the ' heu'licti-in wis -nmi'ioiie:. at:.l at; li- 1 and S.leutlv the lI a un:, ri til.V co.,G cca"1 tutu; i w 1.11' liarest irst !ise :) . tr;(' t'tt.-l OIL ti-S Ctad 14.3:1iia Ltm l:,uindiV ,f evod elit .hbu (s .,t ra':actmr "Lthu uldusl inhabc - tLlL.. Time .t 471/:sll' of 1. 1i1in3y srtes oil 1 l l.. ".la. ci ps- nt 110' .(!.lit: t~~vi:.; 1: .' 1i; l.: l .l . I :t d o o-as itto -o lar -'--in c en' ire I '" ; -..'.'.`., re Itu o npr" a " ito e 'V 1V ,ity. It 'm* s intt o! 1'. pI urial1la leI. iii inCb i'oijltl of aMil U.i'.w r1c,' 1!1t' Y it a lair c p1)u o t :() wiaiio p)opu :t anu ha,,. filt for the (!3~s I la genutine r:e spect." Thle Nw Orlomns fPatr uiftse iCe:1 abla of uideriutanndng that with no if iiid nii p haittever to bolster up ' i-c iflsititi'itnif, and ini tie face of cspi'h't'c repu liation of the saime ibv tho'-e *'"ainst whom saluider is 1)-ailisimeml the repelitiin and urging th n hd'-rs i. ar'o ofat n U.C.ctV nOd unfs('Iupuiousne en \\hre ewsapr conmdiwtom-s are omatd wit' haibitu~ally 11 these thiengs * 1.- lhotuld tn t he sunrpriased ::t t'me iieo of asilch expitssiuons ti truly c'ai-uractirize - thei' ctinduact. With cefmcacu'e to thae contemplated cilhet of Jtitre Dihbbles action tginmlst the JPUtr'7t, we have little to do. We prtsuiat that if the .Tmtgei can (istablishi his case, a jury will he found just e notugh to sijd a verdict Lb-LI will in some nieasure protect the characiers of men~i from indis cr'inminate wad mialicious abuse, If hefril to do thuis, why of colure the 1a 17 i wi V l think Ilat :t-i 1(icensŽ hits b. e t .e ii rcinewd, :aud it wily 0 ' .aI'ue it-, iI ,..'dtiI cour.ti. A COMPA1I1SON. Th 4t Govt'rnor Dunn, when un timely t dkeni otT, had largely lust faith in the bonest intemtionsa of' aever~al of liis active useociates in pohities, we have evs-ry reason to be lieve. In view of tais death and the rtiqirged detsigns against the life of Governor Warinoth, caznnot our seader readily pointL out a counter part of the "ambhitioms StatesaaIL" descibed hr (Orown 1 -fHe'jeectlv .1Puts pirate Qxa-.Qnka&.a hapth our stermis Jh..t iwe nai~ht fight each othier in umistnke. 'Thalb shoiul have the rain of is both." BrPRE!AI.-We unlt tentlonally omitted a1 oar Theretdau 's fisti to maknowled~ge our recognition of Lbe jo)qiders4je shown as a fdw naghts 'tance by Me-sts. P. tM1alding, C am 1eron, .ad their ta~b ftma "who jave us s'*eea 6tnade appro' ~le .z vit "at me in $e ite toiot rve e re pu tion 14 Speoer , "who is generally knowti to be hhe Editor in chief of the National Republican, of any connesion with the mischievous and exciting reports induszriou4ly dreul Ltet abx ut town on WAednesd y and Tiursda:y last, thl t, that gentleman was "dosed," that he was taken in the s tn e manner, and was suffeirig the s me way that the late Lieutenant Governor had been Ssircriing on Tuesday. The imputa-1 (ion naturally threw the friends and devoteI 4 of the party with which Mr. Carter is acting into a stato of great excitement and led the more vehement and outsooken to attri bute the entire calamity to the laiic hinationls and (tevilment of the leadsrs of the other wiag of the party, :unug wiomn, f csurs', Gov ertior Wdrnbut!h is chief. - Tiis re 'utiation, coupled with the avr rmni t that Speaker Carter was a 'tually ill in bed, while it may justly h the the efect of exonertting that gontitemtin f.,n all knowledge of, or complicity with the design and the intended effect of the eircu lation of such a report at such a juncture, it in no way disproves the fact, that such a report was inuls circulat:od and extensively believeO'. The oppobriumn, of lnaking use of ofliction and death to im pasn populr e: clu'ity, and incite the minds of unt:Ln.ino devotees or euthuitvastic and indiscreet poli tical at ciie:, belongs and must attach to some mischievous and utiri::c:p'el ones; who could have ha i no o'i r l' t.t in v ew than t aroaje t 'w worst passions of men to the committal of unquestionably "foul" acts. We rejoice however that no such tihing followed. That not even the lying report on Thmuesday afternoon within the precincts of a cemetery that !` C.rtcr was dead, was d ?cient to T.rvoke those diabolical Jeononstrati -Us whicm the wicked and unprincipled cireuL-tors evi delitly ctlculatod the.a to produce. Desp ciate indeed must it be felt t", be by such m'n, when they would vial rntly niterjose their puny artis, :1 1 : et up th.i: pigmy inteliects wains, ti.e piocedure of the Al mighty and all Wise Ruler of tits Univerlse! When, because so tar a5 hu.,:ini and precitenc t:il lpketttitO till event thrnat. ns .is rtier, fiutnwilh there is a d. umand from thi&:: reve:gefuil br--sts to countercalanco that eveunt, evt ii oy the i nattlihi of a huorrihle it :gedy. S:ch attempts, such coeds ire wov. 11 the 4taL:kines;S, and bt :,h1. teis a. the darkitges and ci bar ariam, amu y b. r e nchled wish the C'.V iz tio' amid religion of the savage, 1.u: are utterly inconsistent with, and repugnant to the civilimt i,:n of Chiii.tenidum in the Line teenth century. We topmy fioum yesterday~rmorn !ing's 2iiue thit pupels' deienee cf itself in tli; matter and the cer titieate of Mr. Carter's physician relative thereto: THE CONDITION OF COL. CAUTER. Some~ reflcecioais :uving been cast uoc th' rel oits in the iohe coIL CC.IniCg the prc.ent sickness of (Jol. George W. Carter, Spemcke~r of the H 'use <I IlRprcsezitativex, we cauted an :flquiry to be made of his ph~y s~ionil, Dr. Austin, for a record of tee ens'. The letter below, which Dr. Aims tin promptly fiunished, imust etfec tually silence all such unworthy muid niischievous slandlers, besides vindiatn the truthfulness and ac curacy of the Tiime. reports; a must ter ot sance importamtoe t4) us, iin conseuquence of the insinuations of' unsaceissful rivals or iuterested I'num& Evmzmmw, Nov. 21. 7 p. M. To Lhe~ Elitor or the New Orleans Timaes- .A se &;p y.iician of Col. Ga c. W. Ccrtcr, and now in nttenmdsnce upon him. I wotO'I state teat ilil the reportsa . Lu hist :izcdiiioa made hecitoiore in y4,ur jjper Rr!e utirely c'rrs<*t. At no timr during his abac' upon W'td. ure;Jay evel ng as Chre been any lasn any levity occurred therein. Col. C Lrt4r is yet vcmntined ta hiis ted, and al though hit 'e'iditxo a l no lonugtr critical. I have no husita~tion in pbuuiotnncig himx durnng Wedncad.:v miight a2J Thnrwsday a *ar'irskie man. THs dlin esssa sev re ashak o(.bnlwis aaogbrn, seen wh sh he will acoon recover. CoL Carter ha. asatl duulag Ihi. aicknme.. expremsed to mote oiomthat lie had basn "donet ' or fous>w pered with, .n idea which I have at jsome painsMO osOsfl8 met belliewng lt to~ be tree. G (ratefal for the opportunity' of testify ing to the truthfstl accoraey of your re Iortul, and of repelling tha aspersmona caest upon tlusm ity yOUr contemporaries, I sub Wl*Thumeday*last,- the " sixth! Sday " of sthe tate Fair is daimued Ias a grandsuonea&e The knowlddge !that thete wold be Importunt core mo'nies perforakett,, gmril toe besn> dWsplay- at -ratels minder drew t- gether " at jeag thiuty thomusand~ perue..." uaprtls city,4eiitis Every Ideruwa qatdiplsyel ii. bet and patt jan.,wrJ 4 Ior INATE. Governor WVarmoth conteivig V at tUn present condition of publio aff irs presents an extraordinary tppearan ce, has, by proclamation, called the Senate tcgetther fat ten day, to commence Wednesday the 6th of December, 1871, for the fol. lowing specified purposes: First--To fill the vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor. Second-To act o& the appoint. meats t) o:c3 made and the par. ;tons graiited by the Governor during vacation. Third-To devise and prepare such measures of reform as in their wisdlom the public interest may sere to dema!ld. F.omth--To investignite the broks, vouchers and aecounts of the otfleer of thl State and of the General AP. sembly. All the doubts of what it wag ''"aid" and "stated" and "lruiorel" that the Governor had (lIo or would do, will now we preluntn be set at rest, that he has judliritun resolved to remit the question of the choice of a successor for the un. fultilled term of the Lieutenant Governorship, to the department of the Government unquestionably in. dicated in the State Constitution. But we would not be surplisal t i fiud the fog s of the Adwiniui:ra. ton capable of discovering :,i)e impure motive for this act of thu Governor. The agitators and friends of "reform," members of the Seatu, will have an opportnnity, and tlhe distinguished honor of inanlgraein;g and advocating their pet scheme in a few days, and we hope they will blaze away with all their might at the -investigations" it is proposal to have. $&-The Grand Duke Alexis and suite were received at the Executive Mansion of the National Chief on Wednesday. President Grant and memubers of his Cabinet present and "in full dress suits." Mrs Grant and several distinguished la 1les were preseiit, all of whom participated in the Court cerl monies. The interview was pleaient ,:,nd 1 riet, :s ii ltton:tlrv with such f rmatl prcentrtat:=n1. Lt tie ;Lftm 10n01 several of tiro lPriice's suitt ('nl, l at the Arin- ton lHnoue to s*, Secretary Fide, liut he kid returied to the Deajut nienit of State previoady. A.m :iral Porter lthall with the comipanu at the reaid2Iact olin0 - .r Ct't:o:azy. 0-i ;Thursd a'" morninºg then Prit m I ft iou AnnaplHis. MOST MONSTHl)l(S! The lO jit'pudliu, plainly itintfl.1tt -and Iuabes otiut i, tau llsiheu case, we recg: t to --y that th** a:!eg id iliiness of Col. i. W. Caurtt'T as rel orted in the Twiui wl~t! IR' Iclia, w..s but a de libtrnte plot to invjto a riot at Mr. lIiium 5 fenwrei'l, n the hope that the lit, of (ioverlor ~X armoth lni(htl)Csoohfieod. 'lais is too horrible abojiet for bijuf; yet has human amiutionI cais~ed equally grave criues in the palet. That the rumor of Speaker Carter a death was widely anil iiisterioufl.y Icirculated during the obseqelies at the cenmetery we know. nle tist much excittd feeling was ar" thereby, tond ini corlseqen.(1 if thli the liroepo!iua pointedly asks: .a No .is te T~e .leeeived in all !t' ir io. it p'arty t a atinpected (no at C, ii er I .in to violence *Lt asisue wuh-' mtI;r had roibuld tb-u: atth I' ry, judt'.gtmit and .bdscreno. wioii III ii it liy vitleniec N, t 1l 7 pe h np;bt at (1.orge W. I arl r ,uoutaugly pla*y ujson its rr. (I U * ii iii ..r~oikiing - riot-I II LI' tioni in ii loch (jolifrnor 11saluth .tl H ier dei. Iu-dlv or wa, t.-! k ' lu - waul ii. t it mnak' luau ehief d ns Looihl~ano t *' 'iruly bath gitaLen s'id: "Aiibilion hath tat twiti pup -the Ive4 cENTRAL DPpARtTlENT IarmoroIJT' Pou i'l. New OuIkenu la., Nov 24, 151 At a meetn of thes Board o tan Police, held thizi day, the thilI1J rouohutinon~s were adopted: WaVIISs. It having pl i<ed (nt inftinit. wI.(oIn, ti r.-amove by late l",asidiai- "ittir, tiee IT liI'N N.L,--ai.-tnaiu owerivi -f * Tad ov r h lming w hilet eh g e 't has tiwts absood withont w-irian~i 0: the vs my y.,nith1 of hius ful'fiI 'r" L mnove~d frame earth oeai wh" ,aa emnineijt .L ree, th thea uti~el clhe b an L seailjro.iers th thu ,,iL~t ei~aatQ the Vleea s enrnd* E Buaz. Dleput Clerk-