Newspaper Page Text
TJO, i .N i tº "REPUBLICAN AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES." 'OLUlME 2. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1871. n NUMBE ,I Thrsdays and Sradays. , II~A CaRONDELET BrUrIT, \~a 0RLEass LA. PINCHBACK, O.unS, ANTOINE, CaDDo, 1. . KELSO. RriEE. ,, . BROWN,---Editor. STEs or S casnCBIPro: ·q .. . $5 00 s . .......... 3 00 t ,.. . . .... ... .. . .1 50 S~......... ... 5. PROSPECTUS oF THE oniasan.iau. .,' i. leavor to establish another . ,. i;ornal in New Orleans, .r,,rietors of the Lo-mniArmAx, :..... t fil a recessity which has , :r, and sometimes painfully * .. In the transition state S!!,. in their strngglingefforts that position in the Body ..Aih we conceive to be their re'garded that much infor guidance, encouragement, .I reproof have been lost, in ,:.ce of the lack of a medium, . lch these deficiencies might . 1. We shall strive to make ".,AN a Idesidleratum in these POLICY. t;.tto indicates, the Loti iall ho R"epublican at iall .... leroll circonstwcs" We S;ate the security and enjoy- I 'o:ado:eivil liberty, the abso '.litvy f all mon b)efore the law, inlpartial distribution of hon ,.trn;age to all nho merit - ',. f allaying animosities, of .. the memory of the bitter ',r mooting harmony and union " '.lastes and between all in 'hall advocate the removal 1 *.. 1 disabilities , foster kind :'" arance, where malignity I :.':int reigned, and seek for . ,,Li stice where wrong and Slrevlled. Thus united in ..1 objects, we shall conserve .:rt,.rests, elevate our noble Sn ,nvuiable position among S'Sat.s. by the development.I '.:tabl,, resources, and secure :,.t. of the mighty changes rv and condition of the . :t ('Country. S :'-lt there can be no true I :the supremacy of law, *:trict and undiscrimi .:ration of justice. i\XTION. t ".!port the doctrine of an ni:f,, of taxation among " . hful collection ofthe "',my in the expendi- t S dl"'.",h with the exigen- 4 ''at. or Country and the f :,r f ever legitimate obliga- f EDUCATION. -' '"iti the carrying out of 'u of the act establiahing t .-- r'hool system, and urge "n':"t duty the education of S Vitally connected with "'ight.nment, and the seeu :lility of a Republican - . '. s manly, independent, C ' oduct, we shall strive t 'r paper, from an ephem-' 't"porary existence, and c ': Ul"I a basis, that if we ,'and," we shall at all a 'erve ' '-UERT EYRICH, ler can Sd tlatjm ' " C AL STREET, C w0$Ir! Louisions. PO ETRY. ROWING AGAIST THE TIDE. It is easy to glide with its ripples Adown the stream of Time, To flow with the course of the river, Like music to some old rhyme; But ah ! it takes courage and patience Against its current to ride; And we must have strength from heaven When rowing against the tide.' We may float on the river's surface While our oars scarce touch the stream, And visions of early glory On our dazzling sight may gleam; We forget that on before us The dashing torrents roar, And, while we are idly dreaming, Its waters will carry us o'er. But a few-ah, would there were many ! Row up the "Stream of Life;" They struggle against its surges, And mind neither toil nor strfe. Though weary and faint with labor, Singing triumphant they ride; For Christ is the hero's captain When rowing against the tide. Far on through the hazy distance, Like a mist on distant shore, They see the walls of a city, With its banner floating o'er. Seen through a glass so darkly They almost mistake their way; But faith throws light on their labor, When darkness shuts out their day. And shall we be one of that number, Who mind no toil nor pain ? Shall we moan the loss of earthly joys When we have a crown to gain ? Or shall we glide on with the river, With death at the end of our ride, While our brother; with heaven befbre him, Is rowing against the tide? Civil Rights olr the Colored People. We observe that Mr. Sumner is pressing his supplementary civil rights bill, the object of which is to give to colored people the same privileges in all public conveyances and in all hotels and public places that are now enjoyed by white people. This is right. Let the law be as clear on this subject as the Consti tution is. But a law to this effect will make no appreciable difference in the Southern States. The better class of colored people in those States are not disposed to thrust themselves on white people, and the better class of white people in those States are not disposed to deny to colored people the same general public rights which they enjoy themselves. We know of one case in point. A reputable colored man, a State officer and a minister of the Gospel, was travel ing in a public coach in a Southern State with some white men and a white lady. Reaching a village where they were to take the steam cars, there was no dinner provided. The colored gentleman, known to be a thorough Republican, said he was hungry, having traveled all day without breaking his fast. The lady took a basket of edibles from ý under the seat of the coach, helped the colored man bountifully, and then handed it to the white gentle man. Africa and America dined together in that stage coach from the name basket. The colored man I did not feel honored, and the white I folks traveling with him did not' feel humiliated. Yet that colored< man, upright, pure-minded, repu table, honored, and honorable as a he is, did not, when they reached I their journey's end, go to the same hotel with these wh)te people. [Chronicle. The Dady Chronicle, in this article on Senator Sumner's suplementary civil rights bill appears a little nervous, a little afraid of the equal ity proposed by that bill, and ad- I vises something, in its opinion, even better and of more importance to ' the colored people of the country. We say tothe Chronicle that the colored people want all proposed in 1 Senator Sumner's bill and more, and that they will continue to t agitate until there is no distinction made in this country based on aste. The (hronide looks Upon the 1 desire of colored gentlemen and t ladies to have seems to the best co-i commodations on railroads, steam- i boats, and in hotels thast they are able to pay for, and the intelligence s and refinement to enjoy, as "thrust ing themselves upon white people.', How foolish? Railroads, steam boats, and hotels are for public ac commodation, providing the public comply with their reasonable regula tions, and a decent respectable white persop who pays his way in car, steamboat, or hotel, does not "thrust" himself upon a colored person who likewise pays his way, nor vce Ucrsa. Why the gentleman of color above alluded to did not or should not go to the same hotel "with these white people," the Chronicle does not tell us. Were "these white people" of a higher or lower class than usually frequented that hotel; and if of a higher class, what length of time will it take to eradicate the evil influence of the contaminating association with a lower class of people? It must be that the color of the skin makes all white people equal, and that the lowest and the highest, the pure and the base, may associate together in hotels, etc., without shock or offense to either. Does the Chron icle mean this? If it does not, will it inform us what reason can there be why "that colored man, upright, pure-minded, reputable, honored, hnd honorable," should not go to '"the same hotel with these white people" if they were like him, up right, pure-minded, hqnored, etc. We hope for the immediate pas sage of Senator Sumner's bill, as it will not only be an act of justice to the colored people, but it will pre vent the constant exhibition of the downright silliness of white people in their exhibition of caste prejudice based on color. [VNew Nataana! Era. English Synonyns. A little girl was looking at the picture of a number of ships, when she exclaimed, "See, what a flock of ships !" We corrected her by say ing that a flock of ships is called a flock. And here we may add, for the benefit of the foreigner who is mas tering the intricacies of our language in respect to nouns of multitude, that a flock of girls is called a bevy, that a bevy of wolves is called a pack, sad a pack of thieveris called a gang, and a gang of angels is called a host, and a host of porpoise is called a shoal, and a shoal of buffaloes is called a herd, and a herd of children is called a troop, and a troop of partridges is called a covey, and a covey of beauties is called a galaxy, and a galaxy of ruf fians is called a horde, and a horde of rubbish is called a heap, and a heap of oxen is called a drove, and a drove of blackguards is called a mob, and a mob of whales is called a school, and a school of worshipers is called a congregation, and a con gregation of engineers is called a corps, and a corps of robbers is called a bandandnd a band of locusts is called a swarm, and a swarm of people is called a crowd, and a crowd of gentlefolks is called'the elite, and the elite of the city's thieves and rascals are called the roughs, and the miscellaneoibs crowd ol the city folksrs eiled tbr community or the plublic, accading < as they are spoken of by the reli gious community or the secular public. [American Educational Monthly. , C'aauo 1li Tre. t Amongthe plants of Guinea one of the most curious is the cannon ball tree. It grows torethe height of sixty feet, and its lowers are remarkable u br beauty and fragrance, and g contradictory qualities. Its bloe- I some are of a delicate crimson, j apmig in large bunches, and ex i pg a riceh erfume. The fruit t resembles enormous cannon balls, hence the same. However, some I say it ha eenm so called became of the noise which the ball makes inc bursting, foae the ll domestic s utensils ae made, and the contents a contain several kinds of acids, a besides sgr and gum, sad furnish t the materal for ma an excellent I i uar spr, this pup, wrh in asa p y ril rste, ,tire Alty, 4 and the odo from a is uoediagly t unpleraant. e - An Editor's Troubles. THE DEEP GRIM SILENCE OF THE FOURTH STORY. (From the Detroit Free Press.) 1 No one ever comes up into the rooms of the top story of a four- I t story building set apart for the staff of a daily paper. This is why I every article reads so evenly and I smoothly. All yqu've got to do if I you belong to the staff is to climb up there, sit all day long in the deep, grim silence, and when mid- 1 night comes you can lower yourself I down stairs with a consciousness I that every article will read like 1 clcck-work. c Yesterday morning I commenced an article entitled "The Unseen In fluences of the Spirit World," and t had got so far as to say that "Al- i though we hear no voices, there is some subtle influence pervading the i i" when a man came up with a demand for acorrection of an article I charging him with bigamy. You t have to keep right on with an id .i when you got hold of it, and so I run him in. t "Pervading the air about you all C the time Peter Smith has called at t this office to say that the unheard a voices coming from the dead often c swerve from he isn't the man men- 1 tioned as having two wives the path c marked out by obstinate- C (Here another man came in and a wanted a notice of his new build- t ing.") L -spirits which refuse to yield to t that new block on Michigan avenue, 1 although Smith is directly charged v by the police with a marble front t and 120 feet deep. At night, after f a day's toil, who does not love to sit down and let his mind run to the mysterious shadowy basement L under it and stone caps above the t windows we take great pleasure in '1 setting Smith right before his fel- s low-citizens, and-" -"Certainly, sir, look at all the the ' State maps you want to, and call back the spirit of some dear friend 1 gone before us will ascertain the , name of the policeman who wrong- f fully accused Mr. Smith of having t a frontage on Michigan avenue p which helps the look of that street 0 very much, and you will find the a County of Hillsdale further to the t left of that land from which no one has ever returned to tell us whether our friends are sad or joyful- " (Here a boy came up and wanted to sell some I onka beans to keep moths off. "Thank ye bub, don't want any tonka beans if you ever want to look a at any more of our maps come right e up with a Mansard roof to crown b all, and Smith is now set right be- 1 fore the public and his friends generally, who have thus improved the town and commune with them 1 as to whether a moment of sadness a does not occasionally steal over 5 them as they think of the fond friends left behind come up again and I'll talk with you. about the tonka beans and every patriotic citi zen ought to keep a State map inA his new block on Michigan awnue. Smith states that one of his wives tI deserted him in Illinois and the other-" (Here a subeariber came in and wanted to know why no paper was C issued the day after Thanksgiving.) h "Because it was a day set apart for one hundred and forty-four g widows in the entire block with 1 tonka beans enameled on State tl maps to mourn their early de- a parture through the valley and the b shadow of death. I don't want you to bother me any more Mr. Smith about your wives and comse hub b get right down stairs now with your w beans to that spirit land where all a joy and peace the compositors wanted a holida4 and it's against the principles of Christianity to-'" a (Here a boy came up with a bas- a et of apples.) 1 "Forever more can't eat apples i owing to my teeth and Smithis now made good for any beans which any State map eonected with this office has nothingbut j and peace d to mark the ne er-ei time I'll break yeor nek if you y ps a tote again and yeat ms 'tb he new block spoaku of has no gasmy 4opro vethe emaoi_ o,'t ap,1a the toaka beauns sold in hdle county. L Td IUISSISSIFPI FIIIGC UP. The bed of the Mississippi river seems to be filling up at a rate which threatens in the eourse of time, to e seriously affect navigation during the dry season. This year at St. e Louis; while the surface of the wa P ter has been feur feet and one inch j below the lowest stage of water at i tained by the river in 1863, there S,was at the same thime only about five inches higher than in 1863. So in 1856 the bed (f the river, was found Sto be two feet and three inches high er than it was ten years previous. It is thought that tough clay parti cles are brought down by tributary streams from the cultivated fields of the northwest and depssited in the channel, and that there, form . ing with the sand a concrete mass, adhere to the bottom instead of be ing scoured out by the annual fresh et as is the case with unmixed sand. It is reasonable to suppose, too, that the volume of water flowing into the river will gradually decrease [ as the country is opened to cultiva tion, as such has been the case with I our rivers flowing through cultiva ted districts. The Danube, though a large river, is unfit for purposes of commercial intercourse. If we look nearer home, we find that the destruction of the forest and the cultivation of the adjacent country, are having the effect of drying up -the Connecticut; very gradually, to be sure, but still none the less effec tually. Many of its tributaries, which .formerly contributed large volumes of water, the tw elve months through, are now dry for three fourths of the year.-EFrhan ,'. i Some of the most curious reve lations made by the census relate to the Chinese in the United States. Their numbers in the three last cen suses appear as fellows: In 1850, 750; in 1860, 35,565; in 1870, 63,254. It will be seen that while the Chinese population multiplied itself forty-seven times within the second, that is, from 1860 to 1870. The absolute increase was also less in the second than in the first period, the figures being reepec tively 27,689 and 34,807. For pur poses of comparison, the population of the United States may be made to appear under the following classifica- I tion: 1870. White ..................33,586.989 I Colored ................. 4,880,000 4 Indian .................... 25,731 1 Chinese ................. 63,254 Total .................38,55.9774 The relative strength of the Chinese and Indians will be likely to surprise everybody, for it would hardly have been suspected that the Mongolians I outnumbered the original natives near ly two to one. Yet such is the case, and the corresponding changesin each class are still more surprising. In 1860 the Chinese had no preponder ance, the figutes being, Chinese, 35, 566, Indians, 44,020. It seems, there fore, that the Indians have decreased I within the past decade about as fast as the Chinese have increased. The re turns from the Indian Territory and Alaska, however, are yet wanting, and < will make a little better showing for the red men. COLORED PASSENGERs ON NORTHERN CTrras RALROAD TRAINS. - We have frequent complaints from gentlemen residing on the line of the Northern Central railroad that their colored servants coming to and from the city are compelled to take seat~ in the smoking cars. We a suggested that they probably took a them from habit or timidity, but a were asured that such was not the a case, but that they were ordered a apon approaching the train by the a conductors to the smoking ear. The a smoking car is a very pleasant place for thoser who smoke, but not one 1 i which any one should be com pelled to sit who does not uaPoke. The law, however, is aow ] delned and unnad -s u ywhere, I allows oft no distinti bing m and itf any is sttsiptdweau~pe these agrieqed that i ie mn eln esary to insist ipan *six right. I tebtsin thm. -Bkliamouw A sria. EN wINMW IT -GM. Very much' hs been written on this subject, and written unwisely; the facts are that whosoever sleeps uncomfortably cool wifl get sick. To hoist a window sky-high when the mercury is at zero is an absur dity. The colder a sleeping apartmet I is, the more unhealthy does it be come, because cold condenses the carbonic acid formed by thebreath ing of the deeper. It settles near ' the oor and is rebresthed, and if in a very condensed fhrm, he will die before the morning. Hence we I must be governed by circumstances; ] the first thing is, you must be com fortably warm during sleep-other-' wise you are not refreshed, and in fiamation of the lungs may be en gendered and life destroyed within a few days. An open door and an open fire place are smceient for ordinary pur poses in very cold weather. When outer windows are opened, it is well to have them down at the top two 1 or three inches, and up at the bbt tom for the same space. In miasmatic localities-and these are along water-courses, beside till. ponds, marshes, bayous, river bot toms, flat iade, and the like-it most important, from the first of August until several severe frosts have been noticed, to sleep with all external doors and windows closed because the cool air of sunset causes the condensation of the pois6nou= emanations which were caused by the heat of the noonday sun to rise far above the earth; this conSensa tion makes the air "heavy" at sun down, made heavy by the great solidification of the emanations by cold; and resting on the surface of the earth in their more concentrated and Wlignant form they are breathed into the stomach, currupt ing and poisoning the blood with great rapidity. By daylight, these considerations are made so compact by the protrac ted coolness of the night, that they are too near the surface of the earth to be breathed into the system; but, as the sun begins to ascend, these heavy condensations, miasms begin to rise again to the height of several feet above the ground, and are free ly taken into the system by every breath and swallow; hence the hours of sunrise and sunset are the most unhealthful of all the hours of the twenty-four in the localities named; and noontide, when the Run is hot test, is the most healthful portion of the day, because the miasm is so much rarefied'that it ascends rapid ly to the upper regions. The general lessons are: 1st. Avoid eaposure to the out door air in miasmatic localities for the hours ine!uding sunrise and sunset. 2d. Have a blazing fire on the hearth of the family room at those hours, to rarefy and send the mi asm upwards. 3d. Take breakfast befere going out of doors in the morning, and take teM before sundown; then be ing out after night is not injurious. -Hails Journal. A Wuderful Bridge. The bridge now in proesse of ereclhso aross the Missiesppi, at St Louis, is one of the wonders of theage, Itistobea tabular,e,st steel, soir bnidge, supported by the abutment sad two piers;, the lattr are Ave hundred and 6fteen let apart, and four hundred eand ainety seven feet each mm it nearest abutment, making thow ae.. cf about flvh.ndral fret each. Ite restmt spea is the mie am th et I the Ksllsmbnr bridp over the 21eck, mes of the flaae. Tel. Sud's be diomi the Maser Atnib heera spnw Ie huand bemt eru i, t e qs. eobrdge ata spans! hundred af~1o elest, sendt swo hundredt rn4 aotre fast abve. the wats The seas River bridge wmllppa one theuind 4 anal inzhun.&..d& ..u RATES OF ADVERTISING S o ros 3I u o! S s Ismp One .' p2 iss Four 15 25 35 50 70 Five' 20 36 46 60 86 8ix 1 42 50 70 100 1 Colamm. 45 80 120 175 L60 Ta advet advetisemt, SI $ pe squaer Ilat insertion; each subsequent Insertion, 75 cents. All business notices of advertisements to abe ged tweenty ents per ase em ineertki a. ar PnSratn ' executed with neatce Wedding Oards exeuted is acordeases with prevaling fashions. Fmeral Notices printed en hastest ao tioe and with quickest dispatch. SOfcalesrs, Progmeau GOemal Busaudsiess C Pad 4es-q 41 a . anteed to give general saetislon to al who wish to ie oar PRO k L. JOHN B.HB LAW OFFICE, 26 St. Chirles Stre*t 3d New Orleans. Prompt attention given to civiF business h theaveaI cts d.ti State. A. P. FI.ELDS & IOBET MTII, ATTOýNE S AND OUNSELlORS AT, LAW, No. 9 Comnmerci. 12 a 2nd Floor, New Orleans. -o SStrict Attention to all vil anad Criminal business in the State and Uetsd States Court. INSURANCE COMPANILb-BAN.S. LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY AND RIVER RISKS N.D PATS ossWsr. New Orleans, New York, Liverpool London, Havre, Paris, or Bremen, at the option of the insured. CHARLES BRIGGS, President A. CARIIERE, Vice-President J. P. Roci. Secretary. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YOIl NO. 139 BROADWAL, . Orwscms GeO W. &nit. Vice Ptut. 0. HIm, &ribne. Pres, L H. W ers. Adury. Sidney W. Oqfut. Sect, rem t (a p. Supt. Ageac.. KT Marry. MYed msr., Agents N.. Orleans n 7u TIB FIEBDIAU'S B1A11TS. TRUSTT COMPANT, Chartered by the United State. Government, Mah, I866 ?3INAsLe ostIce, wasmiwnoro, D. c. D. L. BATO .A...Actu eary. BRANCR AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. 114 Carondelet Street. C, D. STURTZFAMW, QA-bi Bank Hoars.........9 A.k t. 39p.. Satrday Night......... o*'e**l*ee ..- U.. ·---. of the Pbloof CIGAZ MANdpUPASOe, at Na 138 Paotynia S.ea, -er Di3 dad where ordem will b. thamk~e reeined aias p at hr New .n, Dee 18, 1871. 17..C. 5TBEr. ....,17 ABaclasl Impeees. and ciIawOet·hrdm ~