Newspaper Page Text
tad apjudiced friend of Sliberty, on every man who hor to value the priceless of civil and religiouS liberty ands, to organize, and to .. titins to Congrees praying ,re~srvation of our rights ,tution. I have still faith, .re. They are not all who for a vote and the Sldlar will bargain away aascience, their country, and 1-.blssed diadem of liberty . tll plenty of men in the " enate who will fearlessly ,;c ,n sectarian infringe ,. , e .nstitution, provided, - ~ tin their laudable ::i.rebacked and support- ( S;:: and thinking masses .4 ie. Let them have our ,:tions, and this bigoted S. Constitution will soon i. I h:,llwork for that' dud shall give you further, fray doings. :rv. Let us refuse our vote Ij ,::didate for any office in f th: people who will net e .:,self to be an advocate of .. religious liberty. This is t at by which we can reach -,. heart of every politi- 1 . office seeker. As soon as .. rceive that we are in Lre ,t in maintaining our Sti nghts they will side with .: ln ward off any assault ..r i , w citizens' rights and :.i t1 rib: ' us liberally sup Su; press, which so :..ov 1 thi. best treasures of u.: l stands up unre .r frmericanu liberty. The :-,hv i more powerful than It i, n,)t fettered down 1 :1 theories, which have to : 1 by the clergy at any' ' ice. Where one hun-i] r listen to a sermon, one ..1 ra- the newspaper. While ! .r speaks er althedra, no : lrlnitte 1 to answer and ih't I1o1, the press is open z *,, , and cheerfully allows; of the question to be "?iort, therefore, the lib- t piriss; write for it; as rn ealt: :al the people, _i.t(.t" ,l. will undoubtedly r v.rlit in f:avor of right, ',,1 ;ierty ag.~nlt sectarian . f:natiM ru,, and bigotry. I .. ('.. I)ecember 22.- ': itt, with a view of pre 1.. postponemlent of the ' :.i' :whllllnt. sent a mesage 1I. ',lature this morning t -' proc:lamation convening t .', raordinarv session ti '.rrw lThe Governor's t| - tiln pressed the vote on Strike out the resolving t' i. ipealjc(.h!ient resolu- () 1n was finally carried at : . :a., (;3; nays, 32. o bt- the impleachment of tl o'::. After the vote, !ruati(on came from : :revoking the pocls- ti : ifew hours previous, .h_ . tu', at three o'clock S : concurrent re S i" t nicwek, adjourned 'ICAL NOTICES. a "' I IirD Distrirt Irish ii,. . r, :nmeting of the ... ':o, , f the Third S"''urpoe of holdl ri , " t,, serve for , , \V sdia even- to . . I 1. at their hall, m: : ' i; -l allie.ers the SI -, 'ti r" nir, adoptedi ' 'in , f the Hon. ''' I efeat of the " iii ailn a comn Itil,, ,, the integrity of st i1,1..- ina this State: lai th . H. ' Wa:rmothl sh S'*, I;,,, itatesmanlike ru luty a, chief execu- til ' t. . tI j 'n success 's ring to a great ex- 69 S, ic, lich, at his ""texil toward the - tl admiistratio, but SPulibin party intact Lo of ts lirst organi- Orn hi.r it• in the ee- r.Lo, .vernor of the tMii 11(CI,(.DllneV the Govern. it d_ ithful exercise of' t r. d.feetted in a great am ><of adroit speca- I'l r ,t'l q rartions, and air S procnred 114 of the enacmenit o measures prO so t> the State's Am ~ a conditiss and a the betterdevelopaeat of her resources ty and guarded jealously the treasurer to from the avaricious and unprincipled O officials who hale crept into the party; Sand th Whereas, With his Excellency Gov ernor H. C. Warmoth, and Hon. P. B. dl S. Pinchback, Lieutenant Governor, ie conducting, together, in their respec 'y tive oflicial positions the general inter id eats of the State, the people can de py pond upon a steady improvement in se all the departments of said State; there 11fore, be it Resolved, That we fully indorse the action of the State Senators in their election of Lieutenant Governor, and le we do hereby pledge ourselves to the t- earnest support of his exoellenoy, the Gs Gv:.rnr, and to the Lieutenant Gov tr ernor elect, and to the Senators who i are co-operating with them in their i efforts to maintain the unity and in- 1 t tegrity of the Republican party Resolved,'That we denounce the dis- I seml,ling Customhouse combination's I an unprincipled compound of ambi 4 tiou.s malcontents, sore-heads and ad n venturers, and as being most treason ,t able to the Republican party in Shis~ >f State in their efforts to betray us isto is the grasp of our political opponeaq. h Resolved, That the foregoing be h published in the New Orleans Repub lican and LOUISIAuNIA. I " WILLIAM J. MOORE, n President. L' J. REARDON, Secretary. h -_____ ___ it Resolutions of the Fifth District Repub d , lican Club. The following resolutions were unani o mously adopted by this club at a meet f (ing held in Algiers, on Thursday, De Sceumber 21, Benjamin Buchanan, pre sident, and Dr. C. P. Ames, secretary:' e WHEREAS, His Excellency, H. C. n Warmoth, Governor of the State of u Louisiana, convened the State Senate I o in extraordinary session to fill the va y cancy of President of the Senate andI . Lieutenant Governor of this State, made vacant Iby the death of our es le i teemed Lieutenant Governor, Oscar J. Dunn, and Whereas, The Republicans in the d Senate, did the Hon Senator P. B. S. an Pinuehback President of the Senate and rs Lieutenat Governor of the State of >e Louisiana, we, knowing him to be a true Replhlican. an able citizen, a zea lous wo'rker, and true to his race, con- t tinually w rking for their alvanceeu.,nt; ' ' therefore, be it 1 :' ,,Alve,1 , That the R.adical Reph lican Mother Club of the Fifteenth 2 n War 1 do heartily endlorse the acts of t his Excellency H. C. Warmoth, and t1hu electi,,n by the Republlicans of the Seuate of the Hon. P. B. S. Pinch ,hk;: as President of the Senate and , Li,.utenant Governor of the State of Louisiana, anld we plege theml our e hearty support. e R~ l lved, That we hleartily indorse " thie course, pursued in the Senate hby the H in. Edward Butler, representing a this district, in the election of a Presi ; dent of the S,'nate and Lieutenant I Governor of this State, and his standl taken against 1 olters and disorganizers of the Republican party of this State. Resolved That these resolttions be published in the New Orleans Republi can, and that the people of the parish of Plaquemines be asked to indorse I f them. 1' AT A MvEETrNrc OF THE TImRD DIS . trict Irish Radica rIel) Club, held at their hall on Spain street, oni Weldni..,lay evening, Dece'nier 20. 'A S1.71. the following officers wenre ',.ctd j, to .erve for the ensuing year: William J.1oe.Moore, sirlnit. I. Fogertv and B. Leonard. Vice, 'r,.i- It dhnts. John Rardon, Secre't:tryv. A. Sperier, Assistlanlt Sertaryv. B. MeKemrnan, Treaiurr. Judge Edmund Meunier. Ma:rshal. al C. Deving, Sergeant-at-Arms. o1 B v olrder of the club. ti JOHN REARDON, Secretary. Delegates of the above named club Ito the Irish Central Executive Comn n mittee are Hon. W. C. Kinsella, J. A. Sps.llicy and WiJ i m.. Mopre. C'onmmerielal. SATnuxY x, Dec. 23-11:30 A. 31. e CorTTON - The market opened a strong with a good inquiry, but with large receipts and a falling off in thle demand, holders have since W slhown less confidence and prices yes rule more in favor of buyers. Sales cal thus far 1500 bales. Yesterday's business embraced 6900 bales, and the market closed as follows: Average Exchange ._ Lists. Figures. Low Ordinary........-- 9 ear Ordinary .. ...... 16@17 l - tee Good Ordinary ......18) .186 18 the Low Middling .........189 19 mde . ... . 1 -9 1w9) 1" •Ood Middling ...... 20 --"I am ertaiq *iadan that I ' am right and that fli -are Wrog ;1- I'11 bet my eaa i" "~JIdc dj sir, you shouldn't carry betting to such extreme lengths." ive HARPEnd PEBIODICALS. es1 "lUquestQlfably the best smstaied work edr of the kind in the We :hd." ty ; HARPERS'8 MAAZIINE B. Ko'ices of tRe Press. er- No more delighttl travels are printed t le- in the Englh ilsh ge than appear per in petually is Sass's Ma aansm. They re- are read with equal interest and satiafac- P ston by boys of evety' lade from eighteen I he to eighty. Its seC a papet, while suf- I eir ficiently profound to demand the attention d of the learned, are admirably adapted r he to the popular aud tamndng, and design he ed as much to dt" correct information r e concerning current scientilc discovery as b c- it could be if it was the organ of the "-So ( ho ciety foj the Diffusion of Useful Knowl sir edge." The great design of HARaEn's is c in- to give correct information and rational amusement to the meat passes of the peo is- ple. There are few intelligent American I families in which ltiPEB's MAGAZINE i- would not be an appreciated and highly welcome guest. Tnere is no monthly "- Magazine an intelligent reading family can e less afford to be without. Many Mp.. Szines are'ailaeuia e ta fI sPrs's is edit tl ed. There is not a agazine that is print. ed thich shows more intelligent pains ex 6n its attiole and mechanical execution. a There is not a cheaper Magazine publish- - ed. Thereis not, confessedly, a more pop ular Magazine in the world. --'ew J'hd'Homestead. It is one of the wonders of journalism- the editorial management of HAaprP'sr S - The i, 'i,. f i. SUBSCRIPTIONS..-1871, ti T8ermem: P le se- HARPER' MAGAZINE, one year $S 00 e An Etra Copy of either the MAGAZINE, C. WEEKLY, or BAZAAR tcill be supplied gratis P of for ever C'lb of FIVE SUBSORIBERS (tt $4 00 h ,te each, in one remittance; or Sir o;pies for $20, a-00, citlhout extra copy. id Sbserlptimn to HARPER8S MAGAZINE, k, WEEKL, ,axd BAZAAR, to OnP address for s- one year, $10,00; or two of Harper's Peri J. olids, to one address for one year, $7,00. Be ,,.k ',,nbers can be supplied at any time. ra d A Complete Set of H.arPE's MIuAzrINE, of now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth a binding, will be sent by express, freight - at expense of purchaser, for $2 25 per vol n- umne. ,"'i,,e llumes., by mail, postlpid, "3 00. Cloth cases for binding, will be S5 cents, by mail, otlnpaid. The Postage on HARPEa's MAAZINE is T t 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. il Ahlres. HARIPER & BROTHIERS, Ie New York. h- _ _ - __ ,i ", Complete Pictorial History of the Times," fr " The t,., and most S'c ceav.I ' Family Pal,,r in th, "l -HA I IPElR'S IVEE KL - o rn' Ia (. 8PLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. an The Model Ne'wspaper of our country. co eComplete in al the departments of an to American Family Paper, HEIsua's WEEK i LY has earned for itself a right to its title, - '"A Jovun~t. or CIvZzATIroN."--,New Yerkl , Ecenin, Post, n The best publication of its class in ), America, and so far ahead of all other 1 jurals as not to permit of any compari sn, between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections m Sof reading matter that are printed. 1 Its illustrations are numerous and beauti ful. I, being furnished by the chief artists of S the countrv.--Boston Traveler. Harper's Weekly is the best and most SA interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its reading matter is of a high or order of literary merit-varied, instrue tive, entertaining, and unexceptionable. S Subscriptions-1871. Harper's Weekly, ae year ......... $4 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis - for every club of Fine Subscribers at $4 00 ger each, in one remittance; or, six copies for $20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one Wi year, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodi at - cals, to one address for one year, $7 00, , Back numbers can be supplied t or any time."t1 The Annual Volames of HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by expreeas, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Four teen Yoluma,'sent on receipt of caah st the rate of $5 15 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volumea XIV ready The postage on Harper's W)S.*ljI dM cents a year, which~p be t at tL~ . I Addees . HARPER k BROTHESB, New Yeork. k CAIRO. -0 ST. Loris AD NEw ORLEaNS PwArr COMLPANY. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Illinois Central Railroad Packeta FOR MEMHPIS, CAIRO and the Bends-The in passenger steamers of l this line will leave as follows: Giving through bills of lading to all points on the Memphis and Charleston en Railroad, Nashville and Northwestern of- Railroad, and Memphis and Ohio Rail n road-also to St. Louis. Through Tickets furnished at lowest n rates to all points East, West and North, c as by all the various routes via Memphis, o Cairo and St. Louis. Staterooms se cured at General Office, 104 Common R1 treet. -1 A. A. WOODS, General Agent, an; 104 Common Street. E C. G. WAYNE, Freight Agent, ly 37 Natchez Street, an JOHN N. BOFINGER. President, Bills of lading for all freights over it the Illinois Central Railroad; signed t. at the office of JAMES T. TUCKER, F a. apl. 6-tf 26 Carondelet Street. 1. MERCHTrs' SOCTHEIN PACKST ComPANsT. Pi Fon ST. Louts, CARO, - MEP'rls and the Bends The steamers of this line will leave as follows. at 5 P, M. Giving through bills of lading over the Illinois Cental Railroad to al points on Arkansas, White and Cumb erland rivers. Through bills of lading D and passenger tickets issued to all is points on the Upper Mississippi. as 00 high as St. Paul. :0, Plans of cabin may be see and state rooms secured on application to ' STEVENSON k VERLANDER. or IAgents, i- 135 Gravier street. JOHN F. BAKER, President. v Bills of lading overthe Illinois Cent ral Railroad signed only at the office of r, jJAS. T. TUCKER. th 26 Carondelet street. hti 1 NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO AND THE WEST. Fl THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD at AND Blue Line, Via Cairo, ,iEPWILL TAKE FREIGHT From New Orlea~s on first jlMclass steamers, LEAVING DAILYT, AT 5 I'. M., FOr CAIRO, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, WEST AND EAST, AT THE LOWEST RATES. All rates and all through bills of I laling from New Orleans by above P route given, signed and recognized lee only at the General Office of the Com pany, No. 26 Carondelet Street. Shippers by this route save all dray- " age and transfer charges at Cairo, he and their goods are always under . cover, and no charges are made for ern Sforwarding. JAMES T. TUCKER, P SGeneral Agent. ST. LOUIS. 1su For St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis. The Steamer KATIE, J. MWarITE, Master; will leave New Orleans for above ports on SATURDAY, SATURDAY, June 10; June 24; SATURDAY, SATURDAY, July 8; July 22. For freight or pasaage apply on board, or to J. JANNEY, No. 130 Common Street. TI A. A. GREEN, No. 196 Common Stree Where a plan of the cabin can be seen BATON ROUGE. XA.I , , S'ew Orlean5, Coast, Baton SRougeand Grolwe Tete Rail inr oad semi-weekly passen ger packet ,T "'. R. GEaTrousE, Master; Jauxa McELIor, Clerk, Will leave New Orleans every1sTrlnea, 103 at 5 P. M., andWEDrrsDAT, at 5 P. M. For freight or pasage apply on board, or to E O. .Maauoos, I1.Contistreet. - MILLINERY ESTABLII8HMENT. FALL AND WINTER 'roce or MILLINERY GOODS df every description, just received at ,...CHAETflESt 't...29 betweesm Camml ad astomhoee Nay Omzzanz MRS. A.M. PARRISH urr FIRST PREMIUM of 0N.211 CANAL STIEET, an New Orleans, La. al-Particular attention paid to the A manufacture of Gents' Under h, clothing ; alsoBase Ball Club and Si iB, Firemen's UniformMade to order. Pe o BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK Emporiumn of Fashion FOR LADIES. 5 Represtnted by Mrs. A. Coodale and er r. L E. Liala. ad FUMRNISHIMS 6000 'S S CF ALL KINDS, FROM HEAD DRESS V, -I TO HOSIERY, L SUITS IN GRFAT VARIETY, er Wrappers Single or Double, Undercloth ing of every description, Night Dresses, Trail and Walking Skirts, Chemise, g Drawers, Sacks, Over Skirts, Aprons, Ac. 98 di Orders taken for wedding Outits, Chil- o0 drens and Infante' Wardrobes, S'uits and th e- e Dresses in the Latest Styles, and supplied at short notice. 5, di 't. The TRADE supplied at New York gl prices. o0 of an Sample Room, No. t21 SCanal st., al al AT MRS. A. M. PARRISH'S FIRST PREMIll SlIRT AI.NLFACTORI. C D 'Orders reslpectfully solicited. Mrs. A. GOODALE, Mrs. K. E. LINCOLN. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AL. l21)nonC m, COSMOPOLITAN NEWS DEPOT, STATIONERIY, BOOKS, ETC., AfX. 91, E.rehange Alley, behlBeeni Ie Bent'i/,ia,d Co,ti S'recst, Nero Or d leanw.. IT All the large Northern and Western dai- e lies. r More than one hundred and sixty diff r erent publication. received and sold. Sabscriptions received to all periodical publications. Subscribers will be accountable for the subscription as long as they do not send back the paper, or notify otherwise. CARBPENTERS, FURNITURE, de JULIUS. p. BROWN. HOUSE CARPENTER CANAL ST. Bet l\ Xuas & RosBrsoN STis. Jcbbi,,:. Atetdld to PIadually. SThe Mitchell & Ramnellsberg FURNITURE CO., A NtUFAert REnS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MATTRASSES, LCOKING GLASSE(, &c., 103 and 10. Camp street, corner Poydras, ORESQUE BUILWDIWO, NeW OnLrLas. ST. PrIUP STORE, 230 ROYAL ST.. CORNER. G*u ST. PHILIP Newr MuI. I. A, CUIAFILLA. U Staple, ai tlaut "lSt , TatUMINS Am1, ifAf, AT AUCTIOR PrICES ADAY GOODS C LOTHING. PARTIES I WHO BUY FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS -FOB CASs Will And their money spent more to their 8 satisfaction at BBASELMAN" & ADAM'S CASH HOUSE THAN ELSEWHERE. e A Glance through their immense stock r---°'- 8 id Silks, Satins, Real Poplins, Plaids, Serges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Emp. Cloths, r. Formosas, Arabs, Jackets, Shawls Sackirgs, Cleaking+s Cloths, FanneF , Laces, " Embroide ries, Gloves, Corsets, Vel vets, Ribbons, Parasols, Fans, Etc., Etc., Etc. WILL CONVINCE. 586 ..............and .........5.. .88 Magazine street, cor. St. Andrew, MISCELLANEOUS. THE PEOPLES COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ! ep~rrtmeat o, Straight Unsiversily. Located over the Freedmens Savings Bannk, 114 Carondelet St. OPEN DAY AND EVNINGO, NO VACATION. ' The old and young can enter at this , Institution any day, no' distinction I. made in regard to race or color. The design of the Institution, is to furnish 1- opportunities to those wishing a rapid, ,d thorough and practical business edu cation, fifty to one hundred per cent. saved by students, by taking the rapid 5 commercial course. Parties having or- 31 dinary ability, who have entirely ne- 44 ,k glected their education now have the opportunity to qualify themselves for almost any position in the State, in an incredible short time. Frdm two to thre3 months is all that requires to complete the commer al course. Terms duced to suitthe times. For further information call at the College, or address Prof. A. T, Selover, Principal. REMOVAL TO 167 ..CANAL STREET.....167 FROM No. 9 CAMP STREET. GjOt"Ir TNN to "i7XTI Manufacturers and Dealer, IN f BOOTS AND SHOES, Trunks, Valises and Bags, to im We repectfully give notice that they have I1 removed to the large and centrally loested th tr No 167 Canal Street, in Near Dauphine. e SWINFIELD & OSOLPER. PAINTING, GLAZING, CALSOMININIG, GRANTILING, FRESCOtNO, GRANING, SIGN PAINT ING, WALL PAPERING. 'P - OlMece No. 84 Dryades Street, p Near Union Street TIE PEOPLE'S BOOK AND THE BOOK OF THE DAY. JUST OUT. The Louisiana Magistrate. A GUIDE OF DAILY USE TO THE JUDGE, THE PARISH OFFI. i CEB, THE LAWYEB, THE BUSINESS MAN, AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. Containing the most necessary inform,. ion on questions of every day use, AoD COMPLETE SET OF FORMS FOB ALL CONTRACTS OF RVII DAY 0X0URRENCE Forsale by BABRETT, SEYIOUR & CO., General Siatiougnas anrd· Lw Ibiibs, u230.tL , No. 60 Ceapp Let. S P. ,. ag ,,g , Ft nMnStAMueSE, FLO88 1... .POYDf ...TO. ..Ul 3. TAILoR.....o . B UsE I JLOTTWi RI . "ltuAIA nSTAT VtriT milllw tY Incorpormed Auast i cem. CHARLES T. HOIARD .. PasIDes SINGLE NUMEll LOTTERY, ir Sprm asmc t Os.d 30,000 Nouames. C.u:A . P1mn -60,000. CLASS B, TO BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS 02 S Satlday, Dember lI, 1871, IOWARD, aStIMONDS AGO.: OanW, SCHEME : 20,000 unERs--TIc -rS OILT $20. 1 prize of $50,000 is... ........500 1 prize of 30,000 is......... 30,000 1 prize of 10,000 is....... 90,000 1 prize of 14000 is........ 1 prize of 9,000 is.......... 9, 1 prize of 8,000 1.......... 7,000 1 prize of 67,000 i........ 7,000 1prize of 6,000 is...... 8,000 1 prie of 4,000 .......... 4,0 1 prize of 3,000 i.......... 3,000 prise of s0O m.......... , 00 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prse of 1,600 1 prize of 1.100 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prie of 1,000 1 prise of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 are $5,00 1 prize of 1,000 1 prise of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 S 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,00 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prise of 1,000 50 prizes of 500 are 95,010 317 prizes of 500 ant 63,450 - 440 prizes amounting to $180,450 e Whole tickets 5$9; mbasli in o n. r Prizes payable in fIl witlhoeistion rOrders to be addresed to. OCHS. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692 Postofee, New Orleans. Send Postofice Money order er Register e your Letter. e fagg & ,,'.iI PATENT ATTNIRf AND SEALER IN ALL TIE -and most Usethl Pateats of the age. We beg to call public attention to the fact that we am now preared'to f1 or ders for the latest novelties in the line of patented goods, and are coasandly adding to onr large stook, such articles of merit as the investiie spirit of the a e produces, and the progressiv temper of the times demnadm' The Southern Coun try especially, netds 'thae B rsving inventions; to our frisjde thea country extend an invitation to ell ud amiane - our stock of oouzoW Ax A an, rN Inventors can obtala information through our Agency, of he oaMe to be pursued in obtaiang ptt, the ions olrmra,0 or u raT oanr s cn Govern ment fees, eAc., Ae. Applications made, and Osveata Sed, Sspeedily ecvely through our oeie, D At g Laus aeor TO E n TENTOs, than peso alppliation at WashuLaton.e For rcular addresa STAGiG & O'NEILL. 180 Canal 8treet New Orlean& Mrs. G. E. Clraig, Fashionable Milliner, 983 Poydra stet. sbemnes, srehp., mL an Bosettea. Soaity work dene order. 5oo. O. 65 5o. Jwoou wWahRs,, Sold wjEain #ide Two .w inadri ml ot ae mpr Iut Sp k 'for itseltf. la bpersh t.idy at the tepet,N/ £'7 albtet. New cOa'rlas iiaauaii Va oaRlraij IA s D 1 .'t aE .